Published Weekly. THE TRADESMAN COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. $1 Per Year. V O L. 9. GRAND RAPIDS, FEBRUARY 10, 1892. NO. 438 THE GREAT SEAL CIGAR! 2 0 CENTS STRAIGHT ! EE Like Its Little Old Daddy THE GREEN SEAL FOR 1892, Before you sort up on seeds this spring be sure and write for our PRELIMINARY Is the Best of Its Kind Made. WHOLESALE PRICE LIST OF GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK. We have all the Send Tour Wholesaler an Order. novelties besides a full line of Standard Sorts. Our Vegetable Seeds'are the high­ est grade and perfectly reliable. We sell what we catalogue and name prices as low as any good seed house in the country. We carry the largest stock and most MOSELEY BROS., complete assortment of Garden Seeds in the State, west of Detroit. - WHOLESALE - GRASS AND CLOVER SEED. A special feature in our business is field seeds, of which we are always in good supply. Lowest cash market values day of shipment. Prices sent on application FRUITS, SEEDS, BEANS AND PRODUCE, and samples forwarded free. 26, 28, 30 & 32 OTTAWA ST, ONION SETS AND SEED POTATOES. GS-rand Ra/oicLs, IsAioTi. Prices on onion sets andnd seed potatoes will be mailed upon ;application. We are headquarters for theses articles. W. H. MOREHOUSE & CO. GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Grain. Clover and Timothy, Hungarian, White Wc carry a large line of seed drills, hand cultivators, etc., and will make close SEEDS Clover, Ked Top, Millet, Alfalfa or Lucerne, figures on anything in this line. ---- AND---- Bine Grass, Orchard Grass, Lawn Grass, Popcorn, Etc. Seed Catalogues free with an order of $25 and upwards. We solicit your corres­ Choice Glover # Timothy Seeds a Specialty pondence and quote prices with pleasure. Orders for purchase or sale of Seeds for future delivery GRAIN promptly attended to. Correspondence solicited. Warehouses—325-327 E rie St. MENTION THIS PAPER. Office—46 Produce Exchange, TOLEDO, O. ALFRED BROWN, G-e t t e c e B e s t I SEEDSMAN , Jennings’ 24-26 No. Division St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Flavoring Extracts SEE QUOTATIONS. C. A. LAMB. F. J. LAMB. C . A . BÆMB & CO , Something New! Yon can always find something new and especially WHOLESALE AND COMMISSION fine by ordering your Candy of A. E. BROOKS & CO , Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Produce, Wholesale Confectioners, 84 and 86 South Division St. 46 Ottawa St., Grand Rapids, Midi TELFER SPICE COMPANY, Bolts Wanted i I want 500 to 1,000 cords of Poplar Excel­ MANUFACTURERS OF sior Bolts, 18, 36 and 54 inches long. Spices and Baking Powder, and Jobbers of I also want Basswood Bolts, same lengths as above. For particulars address Teas, Coffees and Grocers' Sundries. 1 and 3 Pearl Street, BRAND RAPIDS J. W. FOX, Grand Rapids, Mich. MUSKEGON BRANCH UNITED STATES BAKING CO., Successors to No Bogus ! M uskegon C racker C o., GENUINE Peninsular Button Fasteners in lot< of 10 gt. gr. at 45c per gt. gr. HARRY FOX, Manager. “ Heaton “ “ »* .7 Fast Shank Buttons, best ou the market at 40c “ Crackers, B iscuits^Sw eet Goods. HIRTH & KRAUSE, 12-14 Lyon St., G’d Rapids. MUSKEGON, MICH. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Headquarters for Shoe Store Supplies. BALL BARNHART P- î ü e B Wholesale Grocers. PUTMAN CO. If you desire to serve your trade with the best Oysters I -r o the market affords specify the JP, B . B r a n d when v x U O I T l p 8 . r i y , ordering. For general excellence and uniform good quality Manufacturers of they have no equal. Place your orders with any of the Grand Rapids jobbers Sbov Cases or send direct to the packers. Of Every Description. WRITE FOR PRICES. Ï First-Glass Work Only. 63 and 68 Canal St., GRAND RAPIDS. IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Grocers GRAND RAPIDS F. J. DETTENTHALER Diamond Crystal JOBBER OF------- 'Table and Dairy Salt, OYSTERS 9 9 .7 P U R E . SALT FISH Put up in pockets and wooden boxes and sold at only’a slight advance over the price of inferior brands. Order a sample barrel or case of your jobber and be con­ POULTRY i GAME vinced of the superiority of Mali Orders Receive Prompt Attention. See Quotations in Another Column. CONSIGNMENTS OF ALL KINDS OF POULTRY AND GAME SOLICITED. Diamond Crystal YOL. 9 GRAND RAPIDS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1892 NO. 438 jB. J. Mason & Co., MONEY AND MATRIMONY. I offer, the “consideration” of which, in PROPRIETORS OF The Braflstreet Mercantile Agency. It was like a clap of thunder from a j legal parlance, had failed, struck him as The B radstreet Company, Props. cloudless sky—the phenomenon isn’t the first thing to be done under the cir­ hackneyed, if the expression is—the cumstances; and for that purpose Seth Olil Homestead Factory Executive Offices, 279, 281,283 Broadway, N.Y. failure of Goshawk & Guldridge. presented himself without delay before CHARLES F. CLARK, Pres. Goshawk & Guldridge were a firm of Uncle Walter, whom he found at his of­ GUfc^JSTT, M IC H . bankers in Hobblegate, where their name fice looking as serene as if nothing had Offices in the principal cities of the United MANUFACTURERS OF States, Canada, the European continent, was a f tower of credit. “Governments” happened, the imperturbable old stoic! Australia, and in London, England. might decline and greenbacks fluctuate, “I suppose you’ve heard the news,” he Frait Jellies and Apple Boiler but Goshawk & Guldridge were always began. Grand Rapids Office, Room 4, Widdicomb Bldg. at par. They might have gone bail for Uncle Walter had heard it. a brace of millions, without ever being Seth felt a hesitancy in proceeding. Our goods are guaranteed to be made HENRI IDEMA, Snpt. asked to “justify.” Justification by It was rather awkward confessing that from wholesome fruit and are free from any adulteration or sophistication what­ Wayne County Savings Bank, Detroit, Mich. faith would have held good in their case. money had anything to do with a propos­ ever. See quotations in grocery price There was something in the very curve al in which he had always professed his current. $500,000 TO INVEST IN BONDS of Goshawk’s nose and in the broad folds heart alone to be concerned. He had no Issued by cities, counties, towns and school districts Our goods are now all put up in patent of Michigan. Officers of these municipalities about of Guldridge’s buff vest that savored of objection to the truth’s being “elegantly to issue bonds will find it to their advantage to apply kits, weighing 5, 10, 20 and 30 pounds to this bank. Blank bonds and blat k s for proceedings solvency. understood,” but blurting it right out net. supplied without charge. All communications and enquiries will have prompt attention. This bank pays “Have you heard the news?” was a little embarrassing. 4 per cent, on deposits, compounded semi-annually. “What news?” But Seth never shirked a duty—to him­ ESTABLISHED 1841. 8. D. EL WOOD, Treasury. “Goshawk & Guldridge—” self. With much circumlocution, and by THE MERCANTILE AGENCY “For Heaven’s sake, speak!” ways that were indirect, he managed, at O Y S T E R S ! “Totally smashed!—debts a million— last, to make himself understood by Un­ R. G. Dun & Co. assets nothing; partners absconded!” cle Walter. We quote: B alk. Reference Books Issued quarterly. Collections Standards, per gal........................................$1 05 It was a thunder-clap, and no mistake, The old gentlemen didn’t seem much attended to throughout United States and Canada Solid Brand in Cans. and every second or third man was struck taken aback. There was a touch of con­ Selects.................. 25 E. F...................... 20 Standards............ 18 by it. tempt in his tone as he thanked his vis­ Daisy Brand in Cans. Seth Dodge caught it in two directions. itor for the very unnecessary pains he Selects,................ 22 Standards................ 16 RETAIL DEALERS’ Favorites.............. 14 The loss of his own money was bad had taken, and when he bowed Seth out Mrs. Withey’s Home-made Mince-Meat. Large bbls...............6 Halfbbls..................6W enough, but it was too provoking to see the latter felt considerably “cheaper” 401b. pails ............ 6% 201b. pails ................6« Kate Orville’s, on which he had long cast than before he entered. 101b. palls.............. 7 21b. cans, (usual weight)..............$1.50 per doz. tender glances, go the same luckless Uncle Walter got home early that ev­ 5 lb. “ “ “ ..............$3.50 per doz. Comercial Agency road. He fairly cursed old Orville’s ening. If he was angry at finding Archie Choice Dairy Butter.................................. 22 Eggs........ ................................................... 21 stupidity in trusting his niece’s entire Furnishes semi-monthly lists and special reports Pure Sweet Cider, in bbls., ... 15__54bbl... 16 Warham there, he didn’t show it. Kate which enable subscribers to save both time and fortune in the very hands in which he money. Especially adapted to merchants, phy­ Pure Cider Vinegar............................................io looked as happy as though she hadn’t sicians, real estate dealers and all others dealing Sweet Florida Oranges.......................$2 50@3 CO had himself trusted and lost the bulk of with the public. Lemons............................................... 3 75@4 25 lost a penny, but found instead, a treas­ Reporta made with the greatest possible dis­ Will pay 40 cents each for Molasses half bbls. his own. ure worth all the world. patch. Collections carefully attended to and Above prices are made low to bid for trade. Seth had fallen in love with Kate at promptly reported. Let your orders come. “Don’t mind it, Uncle,” she cried.
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