Matthew Leporati English Department 9 Graywood Road 541 W Dealy Hall Port Washington, NY 11050 Fordham University Phone: 917-836-0899 Bronx, NY 10458 Email:
[email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D., English Literature, Fordham University, NY, 2014. Dissertation: “Romantic-era Epic Poetry and the Mission of Empire.” Committee: Sarah Zimmerman (chair), John Bugg, Frank Boyle. Influenced by the long shadow of Wordsworth’s Prelude, we are used to reading Romantic-era epic poems as explorations of the sublime mysteries of the human mind. My project, however, argues that they both reflect and interrogate the rise of British missionary and imperial activity across the late-eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. I reveal that authors as diverse as Robert Southey, Ann Yearsley, and Thomas Beck turned to the epic genre both to support and to critique missionary work, imperial expansion, and the vexed possibility of harmony between these endeavors. Examining this understudied history of the British epic, I demonstrate how canonical poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Blake, and Lord Byron also draw on the resources of this genre in order to raise their voices more critically against aspects of empire while still remaining influenced by some of the assumptions of British imperialism and its evangelical turn. M.A., English Literature, Fordham University, NY, 2007. B.A. (Summa Cum Laude) St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY, 2005. TEACHING EXPERIENCE “Romantic Literature and Dissent” Fordham University, Spring 2015 This English core course of my own design studies how authors of the Romantic period drew on the climate of religious and political dissent in order to challenge dominant ideologies.