Orchard Mead Academy

First destinations of 2020 leavers. Updated destinations of 2019 leavers

Copyright © Connexions City The information contained in this leaflet is the result of the annual activity survey undertaken by Connexions Leicester City. Extracts from this publication may be reproduced, provided Connexions Leicester City is acknowledged as the source. Care has been taken in compiling the information in this report; however readers are advised that the figures and the text are intended to be a guide. Connexions Leicester City can accept no responsibility for any interpretation or action based on the information.

1 Connexions Leicester City February 2021 Participation categories DfE require Local Authorities to count and report destinations data in a format to reflect the Raising of the Participation Age (RPA) statutory guidance which now includes young people up to age 18.This report categorises destinations to include those outcomes that ‘Meet the Duty to Participate’.

Participation is defined as those young people who are in: ·Full time study in a school, college or with a training provider ·Full time work or volunteering (20 hours or more) combined with part time education or training ·An apprenticeship or traineeship Participation also inlcudes those age 16 or 17 serving a custodial sentence.

Not Participating includes employment without study, NEET (not in education, employment or training) and those whose current destination is unknown because they cannot be contacted or have refused to disclose what they are doing.

Temporary Break From Learning includes illness, pregnancy and teenage parents.

Working Towards includes those who are in re-engagement provision, or have a start date agreed for Participation.

Participating 7.1% 2019 Not participating Participation


0.4% Participating 7.1% 0.4% 2020 Not Participating Participation Temporary Break From Learning Working Towards


From a total 2020 cohort of 240, 17 student (7.4%) were not participating by November 1st. Connexions continue to work with young people and with those from previous years who are NEET, offering support to help them move forward positively.

2 Connexions Leicester City February 2021 What your 2020 Year 11 leavers went on to do:

Apprenticeship 2.5%

Education - further education 49.6%

Education - school sixth form 2.9%

Education - sixth form college 33.8%

Employment - with study 0.4%

Employment - without training 2.1%

NEET 4.6%

Other 1.3%

Training - foundation learning 2.5%

Training - traineeships 0.4%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%


Apprenticeships: Employment funded through government supported training.

Education: Includes school sixth form, sixth form college, further education college, part-time education, home study and juvenile offenders age 16/17 in a custodial institution.

Employment with study: Employment that provides training or is combined with part time study that leads to a regulated qualification that can be found on Ofqual's Register of Regulated Qualifications.

Employment without training: Employment that does not provide any training leading to a regulated qualification, employment with other training but not leading to a regulated qualification, temporary employment and part-time employment.

NEET: Includes those undertaking voluntary work, being available to the labour market, young carers, teenage parents, illness, pregnancy, unlikely to be economically active.

Other: Includes asylum seekers without citizenship, moved out of contact, no response, refused to disclose activity.

Training - foundation learning: Skills Funding Agency (SFA)/Education Funding Agency (EFA) funded training.

Training - re-engagement activities: Provision that has been put in place specifically to help young people who face significant barriers to participating post-16.

3 Connexions Leicester City February 2021 Full-time education by provider:

Leicester College 45.9% Gateway Sixth Form College 21.3% Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College 14.0% 5.8% Beauchamp City Sixth Form 3.9% Trans4m 1.9% NWSLC 1.4% 1.4% Footballers Further Education & 1.0% The City of 1.0% The 1.0% Ellesmere College 0.5% Trust 0.5% Leicester High School for Girls 0.5%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Full-time education by level:

50.0% 44.7% 45.0%


35.0% 31.1% 30.0%


20.0% 15.0% 15.0% 9.2% 10.0%


0.0% Pre-L1 L1 L2 L3

4 Connexions Leicester City February 2021 What your 2019 Year 11 leavers were doing in February 2021:

Apprenticeship 2.5%

Education - further education 32.9%

Education - school sixth form 4.6%

Education - sixth form college 35.8%

Employment - with study 5.0%

Employment - without training 1.7%

NEET 7.1%

No Longer in cohort 4.6%

Other 3.8%

Training - foundation learning 1.7%

Training - traineeships 0.4%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

What your 2019 Year 11 leavers were doing on November 1st 2019:

Apprenticeship 1.7%

Education - further education 41.3%

Education - school sixth form 5.4%

Education - sixth form college 40.8%

Employment - with study 2.9%

NEET 5.0%

Other 2.1%

Training - foundation learning 0.8%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

5 Connexions Leicester City February 2021