About the Contributors

Barney Afako Barney Afako is a and practitioner on transition and peace build- ing issues. Among others, he has supported mediation and peace proc- ess in Uganda, Sudan and South Sudan. He is an adviser to the African Union High Level Implementation Panel on Sudan and South Sudan. He is a regular commentator on international justice developments in Af- rica. He sits as a Tribunal Judge in the .

Mohamed Alawad His Mr Mohamed Elhassan Ibrahim Alawad is Permanent Representative of Sudan to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

Bernard Bot Dr. Bernard Bot studied in , where he obtained a doctoral de- gree cum laude on . He was awarded an LL.M. degree at Harvard Law School. He takes pride in a long career in the ; he represented The in the , NATO, in Buenos Aires, East Berlin and Ankara. He was Secretary-General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and from 2003 to 2007 served as of Foreign Affairs. Dr. Bot’s present positions include the chairmanship of the Board of Governors of the Netherlands Institute of “Clingendael”, Chairman of the Carnegie Foundation, and President of the Executive Board of Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy.

Laurens Jan Brinkhorst Professor Laurens Jan Brinkhorts is Professor in International and Eu- ropean Law and Governance at the University of Leiden. He has had a long political, European and academic career. He was recently Minister of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture in The Netherlands. He was also a member of the Netherlands and European Parliaments. Ear- lier in his life, he served as Deputy Minister of European Affairs. With the European Union he served as EU Ambassador to and was sub- sequently DG for Environmental and Nuclear Safety. He has held chairs at , Leiden and Universities. 214 about the contributors

Hans Corell Hans Corell served as Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and the Legal Counsel of the United Nations from March 1994 to March 2004. In this capacity, he was head of the Office of Legal Affairs in the United Nations Secretariat. Before joining the United Nations, he was Ambas- sador and Under-Secretary for Legal and Consular Affairs in his native Sweden’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1984 to 1994.

Joan E. Donoghue Her Excellency Judge Joan Donoghue has served as a judge on the Inter- national Court of Justice (ICJ) since 2010. Prior to her election to the ICJ, Judge Donoghue had a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Govern- ment, serving from 2007 to 2010 as the Principal Deputy Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State (the senior career attorney). In addition to her government service, Judge Donoghue has taught courses at the University of California, Berkeley, Georgetown University and George Washington University. She also has lectured on investment law in the United Nations regional training course in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Judge Donoghue is a member of the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law and is Counselor for the American Law Institute’s Fourth Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States..

Steven van Hoogstraten Steven van Hoogstraten was General Director of the Carnegie Founda- tion (Peace Palace) and Treasurer of Academy of Interna- tional Law from April 2002 till July 2015. Van Hoogstraten has always been a practitioner with a high interest in the political and international environment of his work. He worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a position in at the Netherlands Permanent Representation to the EU, was head of the European legal desk at the Ministry of Agri- culture, was a director of Food Policy and Product Safety at the Ministry of Health, and a Deputy DG at the Ministry of Justice involved in inter- national cooperation. In that last capacity Steven van Hoogstraten was charged inter alia with the justice aspects of Netherlands’ policy on nar- cotic drugs. Van Hoogstraten is currently a member of the Supervisory Board of The Hague Institute for Global Justice.

Jaap de Hoop Schefffer graduated with an LL.M. degree at Leiden Uni- versity in 1974. He worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1976