Holiday Options Students Debate: Praise for Fordham for Residents a.m. Class or Sleep? Playwright Features, Page 14 News, Page 2 Arts, Page 16 www.fclcobscrvcv.coni The rver The Student Voic Lincoln Center November 18, 2004 Volume XXIII, Issue 6 Fire and water cause McMahon Hall damage Marymount By Monique Diman, FCLC '06 ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR a phone call. "My friend called me and student said, 'Your apartment is filling with FCLC—A match thrown into a waste- water,'" Rutecki said. raped in basket started the fire that caused the alarm The sprinklers released 20 gallons of and sprinkler system to go off in McMahon water per minute and drained by way of the her dorm Hall at approximately 10:50 p.m., on Nov. M apartments from floors one through 8. eight. room Shortly after smoke set off the alarm, Students throughout the building were sprinklers in apartment 8M1, which doused told to remain in their apartments and those By Laura Di Orio, FCLC '05 the fire, caused flooding in the M apart- entering building were kept downstairs. NEWS EDITOR ments of McMahon from the eighth floor Megan Board, FCLC '07, resident of apart- down. ment 7M, received a call from her room- MARYMOUNT—A 19- According to John Carroll, director of mates informing her that her computer was year-old student at Fordham security services at Fordham, a resident of resting in more than one inch of water. At University's Marymount cam- 8M, threw the match away after lighting a the time, Board was not permitted to go to pus was raped in her dorm room candle, which ignited and spread to the her room. on Nov. 6 by a man who was mattress. . Three out of six of the 7M suitemates invited into the building by the "[Fordham] has so much expensive were already in bed when the alarm sound- victim and her friends, accord- equipment and an immediate personnel ed. With 8:30 a.m. classes and dance ing to John Carroll, director of response. ... Thank God that no one was rehearsals to get up for on Tuesday morn- security at Fordham. Catharine McNelly/ The Observer seriously hurt," said Carroll. ing, the students were initially going to The incident occurred at Sprinklers set off after a McMahonfire alarm on John RirteckV FCLC '07, 8M resident, ignore the alarm. When water started to about 2:30 a.m. in Ursula Hall "after three students, including Nov. 15 left water damage to areas of the building. wasn't in the room at the time but received Continued on page 5 the victim, signed in three males who were not Fordham4 Fordham alum battles liberal 'bias' on campus students. Carroll said that all ITHE CARDINAL NEWMAN SOCIETY old by an older lesbian. The proper security and residential O'Hare calls tactics advertisement encouraged con- life procedures were followed. Part one of two 'witch-hunting' cerned parties to contact the The perpetrator, a 22-year- allowing it to continue. which on its Web site (cardinal- presidents of the 30 Catholic old Bronx man named Manuel By Corinne Iozzio, FCLC '05 Rodgers said that he took these describes institutions that had scheduled Gomez, was immediately EDITOR IN CHIEF letters as a clue that he should itself as a "national organization performances, and included arrested following the incident FORDHAM—For three re-evaluate whether or not the dedicated to the renewal of their e-mail addresses. and could face up to 25 years in years, Eve Ensler's "The Vagina "Monologues" were appropri- Catholic higher education in the Although Rodgers also prison for first degree rape. Monologues" was performed at ate at Lincoln Center. United States." opposed the inclusion of the One of the Marymount vic- FCLC without incident. But on This influx of letters came The mission of the Newman "Coochie Snorcher" mono- tim's friends met a friend of V-Day 2004, the "Monologues" shortly after the Cardinal Newman Society is to "promote discus- logue, he said that the Society's Gomez's over the Internet were never performed. What Society placed an advertisement sion and understanding of the objection was not a determining recently, according to an article changed? in USA Today, The Washington message of the factor. However, Anahid from The Journal News. The Dean of Students at FCLC Times and the National Catholic concerning the nature and value Kassabian, associate professor article went on to cite that the Christopher Rodgers told The Register protesting the of higher education." of communication and media victim's friend requested that Observer in October that the "Monologues" as a "vulgar and In the case of "The Vagina studies and women's studies Gomez's friend bring along two university's Office of Public sexually explicit play." Monologues," the Society made who is familiar with the Society, other males on the evening of Affairs received upwards of The Cardinal Newman particular objection to the believes that the connection Nov. 6. 1,000 letters protesting the Society, whose founder and monologue "The Little Coochie between the influx of letters and After the group met in the scheduled production and ask- president is Patrick J. Reilly, Snorcher that Could," citing it the fact that the "Monologues" dorm's lobby, the residents ing the university to re-consider; FCRH '91, is an organization as a statutory rape of a 16-year- Continued on page 5 Continued on page 3 Student attendance sparse at USG Town Hall Forum By Laura Di Orio, FCLC '05 See EDITORIAL, page 7 appointed with the attendance," NEWS EDITOR said Wood. "That's not to say was due to insufficient promotion our efforts weren't there, FCLC—Few Fordham of the event or to poor student though, because we did try. College at Lincoln Center body participation, or a combina- "USG made significant (FCLC) students showed up for tion of the two, remains unclear, strides to promote the event," FCLC's United Student but USG President Catherine Wood said. USG prompted the Government (USG) 2004 Town Wood, FCLC '06, seems to think Forum during their Jamba Juice Hall Forum on Nov. 10. This that this reflects a university- event, which was held on the event was meant to be a discus- wide concern. "It's not just with Plaza level of the Lowenstein sion between members of USG USG," she told The Observer. "I building two days prior to Tqwn and the student body population think there's a general sense on Hall. In addition, they posted about how USG is doing and to campus that students don't know some signs advertising the bring forth any concerns that what's going on." event throughout the building. students have, but little student At a USG meeting the day Some students believe that feedback was given due to the following the Town Hall Forum, the flyers, however, may not I-aura Di urio/ me observer poor attendance. members of USG admitted that Few students showed up for USG's 2004 Town Hall Forum on Continued on page 2 Whether the low turnout rate attendance was poor. "I'm dis- Nov. 10. The Observer November i8, 2004 Sleep deprivation can affect class registration By Monique Diinan, FCLC '06 sleep. "I think [sleep depriva- ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Election 2004 .....6 tion] is an underlying factor, Opinion 7 FCLC—There is enthusiasm not the major factor in [the stu- Features 11 among some students when dents that visit the Health Arts & Culture 16 they no longer have to take Center]," he said. Literary. 21 8:30 a.m. classes to fulfill their Ferrara also pointed out, Sports 24 requirements. While register- medically speaking, "It is hard MISSION STATEMENT ing for classes, the epidemic of to quantify 'I feel tired."' The Observer is an independent- sleep deprivation and its conse- Allyson Schettino? FCLC minded student newspaper serv- quences among college stu- '06, took a more self-blaming ing the Fordham College at dents is alarming. view. "I feel I deprive myself of Lincoln Center (FCLC) communi- Ten Fordham College at ty. The Observer's mission is to sleep in college," she said. seek and present the unbiased Lincoln Center (FCLC) stu- Between classes and choir, truth while simultaneously fos- dents reported getting an aver- Schettino keeps busy. "I'm try- tering journalism experience age of six hours of sleep per ing to get back to a real sleep among students enrolled at FCLC night, which mirrors the schedule, but I try to get eight and promoting and supporting national trend of decreased hours," she said. the ethical principles defined in the First Amendment of the sleep among college students Jobs, internships, clubs, and United States Constitution per- today. And those students are classes, of course not in order taining to the freedom of speech probably not the only ones at of importance, are all tugging and of the press. FCLC getting by on less and at the sleeping hours of stu- less sleep. dents. CONTACTING US Sean Cruickshank/ The Observer The Observer office is located on When scheduling classes, "I slept maybe three or four the FCLC campus in room SL-19 sleep is top priority for some Students juggle schoolworkjobs, and internships and find little hours a night," said Vic Reyes, of the Leon Lowenstein building students. Communication and time to sleep. FCLC '05, a film major and at 113 West 60th Street, New media studies major and the- self-entitled "pseudo-insomni- York, NY. Address all mail to The ater minor Michael Berberich, Observer, Fordham College at average sleep per night for ado- appear to be at greater risk [for ac." "Sometimes I wouldn't Lincoln Center, 113 West 60th FCLC '05, said, "I've had one lescents is 8.5 to 9.25 hours, these symptoms]," according to sleep for two to three days, but Street, Room 408, New York, NY 8:30 a.m. class in my four compared to the recommended the study. now that I'm a senior, it's odd, 10023. Call us at 212-636-6015 years and that was only a sup- sleep for adults, which is seven Vincent Atchity, assistant I've been getting eight hours or send e-mail to editor@fdcob- plement to a theater class I was to nine hours. dean for sophomores, juniors, five nights of the week," he Send all faxes to 212- taking so I was forced to. said. 636-7047. To reach a specific edi- College students seem to and transfer students, does not tor, please see the individual con- "I'm not a morning person," have a different circadian see a lack of sleep among col- The National Center on tact information posted in our he added. rhythm than adults. Also, mela- lege students as anything new. Sleep Disorders Research has masthead on the Opinion page. And according .to the tonin secretion levels seem to "[Most working adults] been involved in spreading the The Observer holds open staff National Sleep Foundation, peak between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. remember our own sleep depri- word about the consequences meetings every Tuesday at 1 p.m. in room 406 of the Leon Berberich is not an atypical in adolescents, -which explains vation of [the college] years,, of sleep deprivation, and as a Lowenstein building. college student. In their 2000 the desire to sleep and wake at and remember, too, that it can result of its and similar efforts, "Adolescent Sleep Needs and later times. In addition, stress, as equally be ascribed to the some colleges have bumped up HOW TO PLACE AN AD Patterns: Research Report and depression and anxiety can legitimate desire for good scheduled class times to allow To reserve advertising space, or Resource Guide," the average also play a role in insomnia. times as it can to the legitimate students a few more winks. for rates and information, con- sleep time of people at age 1$ If there is a lack of sleep, need to get work done or to the Duke University has tact the business manager at somewhat less " legitimate ' businessmanager@fclcobserver- decreased by 38 minutes per students can expect to see a changed their "early" classes .com or call us at 212-636-6016. night when compared to age decrease in grades and acade- inability to properly manage from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. as of 13. Do the math and that adds mics, a more or less grumpy one's time," he said. fall 2004, according to the HOW TO PLACE A CLASSI- up to almost four and a half attitude, and an increase in the Atchity also points out that Associated Press. That is the FIED AD hours per week andQabout 31 use of stimulants. "Teens who much of the working world good news; the bad news for All classified ads must be paid in hours per month less sleep advance prior to publication. To are heavily involved in school begins the day at 6:00 a.m. and students is they are also putting place a classified ad, call us at between high school and col- and community activities, their students could catch up on more classes into this timeslot 212-636-6016, fax us at 212-636- lege. The recommended jobs, and other responsibilities some shut-eye if they, "spend instead of offering the greatest 7047, or email the business man- the ten or twenty minutes a day selection later in the day. ager at businessmanager@- it takes to complain about sleep As Fordham students Attendance sparse at deprivation napping in the perused the course offerings LETTERS TO THE EDITOR library instead." and registered for classes dur- Letters to the Editor should be USG Town Hall Associate Director of ing the first two weeks of typed and sent to The Observer, Student Health Services November, some questioned if Fordham College at Lincoln Continued from front page Stephen Ferrara, said that the there would be enough "early Center, 113 West 60th Street, allowed for more interaction Room 408, New York, NY 10023, have been sufficient enough and question-asking between complaints from students that birds" among the student body or e-mailed to the editor in chief to draw students to the event. the students and their repre- visit the health center might be to rise to the occasion. Time at [email protected]. "I think a large part of the sentatives." improved if they had more will tell. • Length should not exceed 500 problem was that the 'T'- Some issues that were words. The Observer reserves the shaped flyers advertising the right to edit all letters and sub- brought up and discussed missions for content, clarity, and event did not give the time of among USG members and Student tries to access length. For more information, see the meeting," said Patrick their constituents include a the Opinion section. Smith,. FCLC '05, a student possible Commuter Lounge, closed computer lab who attended the Forum after the Diploma Ceremony, the Oct. 30 NEWS ITEMS CRIME BLOTTER hearing about it from a sign Community Posting Board •^Security found a stu- To offer a news tip, call 212-636- by the library. Campus security file 6015 or e-mail the editor in chief at and the Vagina Monologues dent who was trying to use a [email protected]. Heather Hoerner, FCLC controversy. USG hoped to computer lab in the '05, was not aware of USG's receive student feedback on Lowenstein building at finally left the university PUBLIC NOTICE Town Hall Forum, and said she these topics, but were not around 1 a.m., according to property. No part of The Observer may be would not have come even if able to due to the lack of stu- John Carroll, director of reproduced without the dent body presence. expressed written consent of The she had seen a flyer. "I would security at Fordham Nov. 8 Observer editorial board. All have felt very out-of-place," As far as future USG Town University. The student was -A student reported his materials printed in The she said. "They've done noth- Hall Forums, are concerned, asked to leave because the laptop missing from under- Observer are the exclusive prop- ing for me that's made me want Smith said, "I hope that USG building had been closed for neath his desk chair in a erly,of The Observer. The views to support them." continues to hold these Town about an hour and a half. Lowenstein classroom, expressed in The Observer do not necessarily reflect the views of Some FCLC students who Hall meetings and is not dis- according to security. He had FCLC or as a did attend this USG event couraged by the turnout from Oct. 31 briefly left the classroom whole. The Opinions expressed in were happy with how it was this one. I would like to see -At about 5 p.m., security between 8:45 p.m. and 8:50 the Literary and Opinion sections run. Smith, who also attended these kinds of events held had to respond with the New p.m., and when he returned do not necessarily reflect the last year's Town Hall, which more often as I imagine word York Police Department to the laptop was gone. Security views of the editorial board, FCLC, or Fordham University. he said was more of a "USG of mouth would be an even Quinn Library for an alum said thai live student c-mailcd Opinions set forth in editorials briefing ... on what they had better advertisement than any who had refused to leave and the professor and students in exclusively represent the views of been up to," said, "I liked that flyer." • had been banned from the his class, but the laptop has The Observer editorial board, this Town Hall format university, Carroll said. She still not been returned. •

wuHv.rclcohscrvcr.vom November 18, 2004 The Observer English core discrepancy may hurt Rose Hill students, profs say By Anthony HazeD, PCLC '06 placement is most important for would be better off taking interested to see in .such a pro- strong foundation that they MANAGING EDITOR us," Fernald said.' Fernald also courses in that sequence." posal," O'Donnell said, "would might otherwise have had, which pointed out that Rose Hill stu- Levin said, though, that the be evidence that such a course leads to further problems in FORDHAM—Lincoln dents are often placed in Close scheduling of courses in that works." O'Donnell also said other courses." Center students are familiar Reading & Critical Writing sequence for all Rose Hill stu- that some of the faculty who The Freshman Dean at Rose with the sequence of core before taking the introductory dents "is a much larger logisti- spoke with The Observer may Hill, Carol J. Rizzuti, disputed English classes that are taken in Composition & Rhetoric cal problem because of the larg- be incorrect in their thoughts of Cassuto's statements. "We're freshman year. The first semes- course. "I like the sequence er student body." the placement process in doing our best to place people ter, for most freshmen, includes model at Lincoln Center," According to Levin, the English classes. where it's more appropriate," she Composition & Rhetoric fol- Fernald said. "For me, it makes English department is develop- "The system at Rose Hill is said. Rizzuti added that since lowed by Close Reading & sense to have progression." ing a proposal for the Dean's not as arbitrary as it may appear Basic Writing is "not part of our Critical Writing in the second She continued, "I know that office and hopes to have Basic to your sources," he said. "We curriculum" and "not part of the semester. Some incoming stu- there are people at Rose Hill Writing offered by the begin- do make efforts to make sure Fordham core," students should dents, however, are placed in who are in favor of introducing ning of the next academic year. that students whose record sug- instead focus on taking the core. ENLU-1010, Basic Writing, Basic Writing as a course. I Figuring out how Basic Writing gest a need for more immediate "They find out that it's an elec- for their first semester English would support that." Fernald and the sequence of core attention get placed in ENRU- tive and don't want to take it." course at Fordham. Rose Hill added that she doesn't know English classes would co-exist • 1100 [Composition & Rhetoric] Commenting on the forth- students, though, may not even what difference the SAT scores with one another is still some- in their first semester." coming proposal for Basic be familiar with the Basic would make in the placement thing that may need some more Lenny Cassuto, professor of Writing at Rose Hill, Rizzuti Writing course because it does process if courses were not work. English, told The Observer that said, "I need to see the proposal not exist for them. Although sequenced. In addition, one "Clearly anybody who gets sometimes there are Rose Hill and the effects [Basic Writing the core curriculum and English professor who spoke placed in Basic Writing would students who need Basic and the English sequence] has requirements are supposed to be with The Observer, said place- start in Basic Writing," Levin Writing and do take it at had at Lincoln Center." the same at the Fordham's two ment in the English classes said. "Whether or not they Lincoln Center but those refer- Although it seems that the signature undergraduate col- seems arbitrary and students would go to Composition & rals, he said, "sometimes strain administration at Rose Hill leges at Rose Hill and Lincoln who really do need a course Rhetoric or Close Reading & the size of our classes." holds opposition against Basic Center, they are, in fact, not such as Basic Writing are Critical Writing afterwards ... However, according to Writing, there is still strong necessarily the same for all stu- instead being placed in the sec- that's been a challenge for us. Cassuto, when Bronx-based stu- support for it, especially among dents. ond-level Close Reading & We work with the deans to put dents are referred to Basic the English faculty. According to Anne Fernald, Critical Writing core class. together the course list each Writing in Manhattan, they are "Effective writing skills are assistant professor of English Among the Rose Hill faculty term and we simply don't have discouraged from taking the absolutely essential to success and director of the Writing who are in favor of -adding the capacity right, now [to have course. "The Freshman Dean at in the core and in college," Program at Lincoln Center, Basic Writing to the course ros- each student take that Rose Hill, one of those who has Cassuto said. "Because stu- placement in the lower-level ter is Jonathon Levin, chair of sequence]." opposed Basic Writing at Rose dents enter the university with English course, Basic Writing, the English department. Levin Brennan O'Donnell, dean of Hill, tries her hardest to'talk [stu- unequal levels of preparation, is based on the SAT Verbal told The Observer, "The Fordham College at Rose Hill, dents] out of doing so," Cassuto some have more ground to score. Students whp enter with [English] department does feel said that since he has not yet said o"When she succeeds, the make up than others. Basic a score below 550 are asked to that Basic Writing does have an seen the proposal for Basic students take Composition even Writing allows less prepared take Basic Writing. The prob- important place at Rose Ifjll." Writing, he could not comment though they're not ready for it. students to focus on the funda- lem for many people in the uni- Levin said that he believes "it's on it. He did, however, .offer They usually struggle at it, and mentals, so that they can suc- versity's English department, an accident of history" that thoughts on what he expects sometimes fail. Even if they ceed in the rest of the core cur- though, is the fact that Rose Rose. Hill does pot presently from the proposal. . .' pass— and this is an important riculum and beyond." ^ Hill students, even if they do offer the course. "One thing I'd certainly be point— they emerge without the show that they are not ready for Asked about his thoughts on the Composition & Rhetoric the sequence of English classes class, are being placed in it any- at Lincoln Center and if it USG Senior Senator called to way. would benefit students at Rose "Rose Hill does not have Hill, Levin said, impeachment hearing Basic Writing and that's where "Unquestionably, students By Laura Di Orio, FCLC '05 beautiful printer we got for the ... The fact that she also failed NEWS EDITOR USG office." to involve herself in USG in According to the USG con- other ways only further dis- Marymount student FCLC—Monica Ciantia, a stitution, "All officers must misses her role as a representa- senior senator of FCLC's United attend all General USG meet- tive, which is her primary role Student Government (USG), ings unless a specific excuse is as senator." raped in her dorm room was called to an impeachment given in writing to the President Ciantia is upset that her Continued from front page Rapes on hearing on Nov. 11 after mem- prior to that meeting. No more senior classmates will not have signed in the guests. After a few bers of USG took into consider- than three meetings can be a say in her impeachment. "I hours, Gomez followed one Below are statistics on ation her lack of attendance and missed in any semester, regard- am very upset about this deci- female into her dorm room, forcible sex offenses that participation in USG-related less of the excuse." sion, and I want my impeach- where he proceeded to sexually have occurred on Fordham's events. On Nov. 11, USG President ment to be an occasion to wake campuses in the various res- Catherine Wood, FCLC '06, up the students," she said. "I assault her, according to idence halls. The informa- USG Vice President Guy Carroll. Tardanico, FCLC '05, and USG chose not to waive the atten- am the senator of my class and tion is gathered from a Web they have the right to know The victim immediately site called Security on Secretary Sean Jaques, FCLC dance requirement for Ciantia, reported the incident to her Campus, which defines '05, initiated the impeachment which placed the senior senator about this and have a say in friend, who then alerted campus forcible sex offenses as "any action, although the impeach- in direct violation of her senato- this." security and the police, Carroll sexual act directed against ment was also supported by a rial duties and resulted in the According to Jaques, said. another person, forcibly number of senators, according impeachment action. Ciantia's hearing was set for Carroll also said that the ' and/or against that person's to Jaques. In addition to her failure to Nov. 18, where USG members sign-out process helped catch will; or not forcibly or Since the beginning of the meet attendance requirement, will vote on whether or not they Gomez because the men had to against the person's will fall 2004 semester, Ciantia has Jaques cited other grounds for want to elect Ciantia out of stop in the lobby to retrieve where the victim is inca- missed five of 10 USG meet- Ciantia's impeachment, includ- office. pable of giving consent." their IDs. ings, which goes against the ing lack of participation in USG If the required two-thirds of Once the police arrived, they requirements of a USG senator events, failure to attend USG the USG senators vote for conducted an investigation and FCLC: as stated in their constitution. Training Day and Leadership impeachment and Ciantia is Gomez was arrested, security 2001: 1 incident Ciantia, a natural science Weekend, and failure to execute removed from office, "USG said. 2002:1 major, believes that USG's office hours. will look to find a senior who is Carroll credited the universi- 2003: 0 decision is unfair and said that "As far as I'm concerned, the capable of fulfilling the require- ty security measures and sign-in FCRH: she missed meetings because of violation of the attendance ments of the position," Jaques procedures as the reason why 2001:2 mandatory seminars for her requirement alone is grounds said. the attacker was immediately 2002:1 major. for impeachment," Jaques said. If elected out of office, tracked down. . 2003:1 "I feel that my schoolwork is "She directly violated one of Ciantia said, "I will be very The student victim was taken Marymount; much more important than the essential responsibilities of upset, but I am calm because I care of, security said, and any 2001:0 attending a USG meeting, a senator, which would be being feel that USG is not really there medical and counseling atten- 2002: 2 which sometimes is really a present during our meetings so for the students or else they tion was provided to the stu- 2003: 0 waste of time," Ciantia said. that she may represent the would have asked the students dents involved. • "What you talk about is the views and opinions of her class. what they thought." • The Observer November18, Study asks: are high school graduates ready for college? How Fordham freshmen "The classes are similar to what I've above average academic preparation." computer science that they didn't done before. I was always in honors, and This is in line with another finding in require in high school. If I didn't take compare to a national • then senior year I took Advanced ACTs college readiness survey.. the upper level math courses, I wouldn't Placement (AP)." According to the survey, high school stu- know what they're talking about." ACT study Anthony Gardea, FCLC '08, was also dents who take a minimum core curricu- While Fordham's freshmen may gen- prepared for college coursework. "That's lum are more likely to be ready for col- erally be prepared academically for col- By Giselle Isaer, FCLC '05 pretty shocking to me," he said of the lege-level coursework than students who lege, many admit that college does take STAFF WRITER survey's findings. "I guess with all the do not, and students who take courses getting used to, and there are those who How prepared are high school gradu- AP and honors classes I took in high beyond the recommended minimum core have a difficult time adjusting not only to ates for college? According to a newly school, the classes I take now are all curriculum are even likelier to be ready college academics but to college life as a released survey by The American along the same lines. I haven't been sur- for college level coursework. The survey whole. College Testing Program, Inc. (ACT) prised so far." claims that students who are the likeliest "In my opinion, the academic prob- regarding 2004 high school graduates, Read and Gardea's college readiness of all to succeed in college are students lems are often due as much to students only 26 percent of 1.2 million ACT test reflects that of the majority of Fordham's who take what ACT calls "Courses for becoming involved in too many extra- takers were ready for college level class of '08, as well as previous Fordham Success," namely biology, chemistry, curricular activities or having a difficult coursework. Even fewer students, 22 per- freshmen. physics and upper-level math courses time adjusting to being on their own as cent of. test takers, were ready for the col- "Generally speaking, Fordham's beyond Algebra II. Currently, only they are to inadequate preparation," said lege core subjects like English, math and admission standards are fairly stringent," approximately one-half of all high school Graham. science. said FCLC Assistant Dean for Freshmen students in America take a core curricu- Lena Randolph, FCLC '08, agrees These findings are not isolated to Arleen Pancza-Graham, "so those appli- lum, according to the survey. that adjusting to college life is the most 2004 high school graduates. According cants who are accepted are usually pre- Graham agrees that "inadequate acad- difficult. "I was prepared for being to the survey, for the past 10 years, pared for the academic work." emic preparation shows up most glaring- focused," she said. "Reading—I was American high school students have not Fordham freshmen are prepared for ly in the areas of math and science." used to that. As far as time manage- been prepared for college coursework, their college coursework largely due to a However, she says that students who take ment—I'm not used to that. It's harder and little if any progress has been made. rigorous high school curriculum. Like a strong high school program in these to adjust to not so much the level of As a result, one in four freshmen at four- Gardea and Read, students are increas- areas tend to do well. coursework, but to being able to manage year institutions, and one in two freshmen ingly entering Fordham with a solid high "I think I am prepared for college," time and being responsible enough to at two-year institutions drop out after school college preparatory program, said Wailan Lee, FCLC '08, a computer deal with it." their freshman year, according to the sur- including many AP classes. science major. "The reason I say that is Graham also finds that students may vey. The future does not look any brighter "Over the past two years, at both because I took college courses in high have difficulty adjusting to new courses, for students currently nearing the end of Lincoln Center and Rose Hill, I have school, like AP chemistry. If I didn't as well as molding their thinking abili- high school. In fact, ACT predicts that noticed a definite increase in the number take those classes I would be totally ties to those of a college student. "There even the high school graduating class of of incoming freshmen who not only have lost." are also disciplines like philosophy, for 2008 will face the same difficulties that been awarded credit from AP courses but Lee cannot imagine how a student example, that are completely new to the class of 2004 faces. also have multiple AP courses," said who did not take the "Courses for most students, and so learning the So how do Fordham University fresh- Graham. "Previously, one or two courses Success" would be able to handle col- "basics in combination with the critical men stack up? were probably the average; now three to lege coursework. "I don't think you'd be thinking required becomes a real chal- "Definitely I was ready for college the five are not uncommon. So it seems to prepared," she said. "It's a challenge to lenge," she said. "The issue of grade beginning of senior year [of high me that this would argue for more of our adjust. Those courses will really help. inflation in high school along' with the school]," said Carolina Read, FCLC '08. students coming in with adequate to They expect us to know some math for various permutations of a college prep curriculum also have to be taken into consideration when one discusses inad- equate preparation for college. It's always a shock to a student who had no trouble making the Honor Roll in high school to find that the playing field has been leveled in college and it's now a struggle to get above a C+." One difference some students find between high school and college classes has to do with the thinking process. "In high school they cover the surface; in college they want us to derive the mean- FCLC SENIORS ing of things, look deeper, think more intellectually," said Gardea. So how can high school students pre- pare themselves for college? ACT sug- gests that everyone—"educators, policy- makers, business and community lead- Have you had your Graduation Review to ensure ers, and parents"—has to make an effort to help students prepare for college suc- you have completed your degree requirements? cess. Sometimes, however, it simply is up to the student. "Our high school basically laid out a map for us: two years of science, three Did you file your Candidate for Degree card? math, three histories and four English," Gardea said. "The rest is your choice. You could totally get by with regular biology and chemistry. My friends and I went further than most kids because we wanted to be prepared for college." If not, call (212) 636-6350 or stop by the Office As far as those students who feel the need to drop out after freshman year, Lee of the Assistant Deans, room 804, for an appoint- feels that sometimes they simply need someone or something to encourage ment. them to keep going. As Graham pointed out, Fordham pro- vides services to aid students. "Fordham's Freshmen Advising Program, the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) and vari- ous tutoring services provided by indi- vidual departments offer academic sup- port for students and help to mitigate Assistant Dean for Seniors some academic problems," she said. •

iiHtui\fclc<>hscrvvi'A'om November 18, 2004 The Observer Fordham alum battles liberal 'bias' on Catholic campuses Continued from front page Catholic institutions by student U was not performed this year is enrollment, six of them Jesuit, If the people in the Vatican had the chance to vote, • real. "Can it be simple coinci- donated $196,025 to Senator dence," she speculated, "that the John Kerry's campaign com- they would have voted for Kerry. first year Student Activities pared to $21,200 donated to - The Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare. S.J., Former Presidnet, Fordham University decided to require the removal President George W. Bush's. of the 'Coochie Snorcher' The report used Federal monologue is the year that the Exchange Commission data to sion, "Religion and the Future directly impact whether they Cardinal Newman Society list the names of the employees of Liberal Politics," does not should be hired at a Catholic released its first report on the at each college who donated believe that employee donations institution?" Reilly questioned. problem of the 'Monologues' at and the amount of each dona- can be interpreted as support of "I think it's a factor." ( He con- Catholic colleges and universi- tion. At Fordham, employees abortion rights but as support tinued to say that his report was ties? That seems unlikely." donated $19,460 to the for the Democratic Party's larg- not necessarily saying that fac- According to Elizabeth Democrats and $4,000 to the er mission. "Seems to me that ulty who donate to Democrats Schmalz, assistant vice presi- Republicans. the economic policies of the are not fit to teach at a Catholic dent for public affairs at "The point of releasing that," Democratic Party—greater institution. Fordham, "The actions or Reilly explained, "was it was interest in government pro- FCLC faculty members, advice of another example of the extent to grams for the poor, increasing though, feel that any demand do not influence the operations which there is such a clear bias the minimum wage, a more pro- from the Newman Society that Courtesy of of Fordham University in this or in Catholic colleges that doesn't gressive tax policy etc.—are in they follow Catholic teaching to Reilly appears on The line with the encyclical tradition other matters." Schmalz added O'Reilly Factor' in 2003. seem in many ways to be con- the letter is unacceptable. "We that the Newman Society "has sistent with Catholic teaching." of Roman Catholicism.. .and cer- are not all Catholic," said no standing at all within the setting up campus-based Among' those listed was tainly have a place at a Catholic Kassabian, "and nothing about world of American Catholic Planned Parenthood clinics. In Thomas S. DeLuca, Jr., associ- University. the hiring process suggests that higher education." response, Reilly's ad-hoc group ate professor of political sci- "I thought Patrick Reilly's we have to live our lives accord- "The Vagina Monologues" sent letters to the parents of the ence, who donated to the inspection of political deductions ing to the dictates of the major- campaign is not the only initia- graduating class encouraging Democrats. "This is a transpar- rather unseemly," Kelly continued. ity of Catholic Americans, tive launched by the Newman them to contact the university if ent effort by the Newman "How does he know a donor's much less to the Church, or to Society, and as Reilly said, they they also found Edelman's pres- Society to chill our political motivations for Kerry dona- the university's interpretation of will continue to call such issues ence on campus troublesome. speech and association, and also tions? Perhaps, like John Paul church teachings. to universities' attention in the Reilly added that the university our by mak- II, he or she thought this was a "It is a fundamental principle future. In addition to naming president's office received an ing us afraid," DeLuca said. way of ending the killing in of education that faculty have a the Catholic colleges that had influx of phone calls in the fol- "That effort has failed with me. Iraq." certain kind of academic free- scheduled performances of the lowing weeks. ' Tactics such as this one O'Hare also cites the war in dom that makes our work possi- "Monologues," the organization Reilly credits the issues he employed by the Newman Iraq as a valid reason to have ble, and the Newman Society's has also singled out and protest- first encountered while at Society will have no effect on supported Kerry. "If the peo- homepage is suggesting a lit- ed invitations by Catholic col- Fordham with his current how I participate in politics and ple in the Vatican had a chance mus test for that that has never leges to *guest speakers who involvemeqt in issues of what I write, teach or think to vote," he speculates, "they been heard of before." have pro-choice records, the Catholic identity on college about. Not now. Not ever." would have voted for Kerry, O'Hare also believes that a presence of links from universi- pampuses and'with the eventual Susan Beck, associate pro- because . they share

www.Jclcobscrvcr.vow Election 2004 The Observer November 18, 2004 Fordham community looks ahead to life during Bush's second term By Jennifer Forsyth, FCLC'05 also think that Bush put us into consideration, activist Michael a kinder verdict on him and thus tinuation of the American STAFF WRITER this mess with the best intentions Moore claimed in a recent written he will not push for too aggres- Empire. With Bush opening his What the world witnessed this ... with time, if Iraq improves, the statement that the next four years sive a right-wing agenda; or b) second term with the resignation past Election Day was the nar- world will see that we did good, might take the country down one He will become so cocky and of Attorney General John rowest win for a sitting president and we will redeem our credibili- of two roads. "Now that he does- arrogant - and thus, reckless ~ Ashcroft and a probable cabinet since Woodrow Wilson in 1916. ty." n't ever need to pander to the that he will commit a blunder of restructuring, there just might be Being labeled by various news In contrast, Marme believes Christian' conservatives again to such major proportions that even some suitable changes made that media the "too close to call" elec- "Iraq is a mess which will have to get elected, someone may whis- his own party will have to remove will allocate the next four years tion, over 55 million Americans be dealt with whether it will be a per in his ear that he should spend him from office. as a pleasant surprise for the mil- voted for "the number 1 Liberal Western-style democracy, an these last four years building 'a All in all, the next four years lions who voted for Kerry. in the senate," causing the out- Islamic republic, or a more pli- legacy' so that history will render are going to be crucial to the con- Stranger things have happened.* come of the election to result in able dictatorship remains unclear. more people opposed to Having broken it, we cannot how- President George W. Bush than ever leave it as a failed state and a any other president in history. hot-bed of terrorism. Given lack Post-election panel discusses With this in mind, we look for- of men, money, credibility, and ward to the second term of Bush, international support, a second future of religion and politics and to the millions of people elective is not likely in the imme- By Gabby Harris, FCLC '08 wondering what lies in the future diate future." STAFF WRITER and how dark the road Bush takes Considering the war in Iraq us down might be. and rising oil prices, John Entelis, . FCLC—On Nov. 11, a high- According to a statement political science professor, profile four-member panel, released by the White House, believes that over the next four including former U.S. Senator Bush believes that "Over the next years Americans can "expect and President of New School four years, we've got work to do more of the same." University Bob Kerrey, led an to make sure our families are More heated opinions came approximate 300-person audi- secure and prosperous, and our from students like Ana ence in the Pope Auditorium in children are educated. And we've Gustchina, FCLC '07. "As an analysis of "Religion and the also got work to do to defend the American people, we just re- Furare of Liberal Politics" and values that are important for our elected this idiot," she said. how President George W. Bush country. I see a great day coming "How could we re-elect someone and Senator John Kerry handled . for America. I see a hopeful day. who has caused so much negativ- issues of religion and ethics in O And I see the fact that the hard ity, not only within our own the 2004 Presidential campaign. Laurel McGovern/ The Observer work we've done is paying off. I country, but also in the whole The panel also included pro- Members ofFCLC's post-election panel discussed the issues of see peace coming, as well, peace world?" fessor at the Kennedy School of religion and ethics in the 2004 Presidential campaign. for our children and our grand- Natasha Efelbubba, FCLC '07, Government at Harvard children." agrees.: "Most Americans are University Mary Jo Bane, it is likely that the present dis- while the White Evangelical Many issues will remain dom- smart enough to realize that Bush Ph.D.; Dean of Villanova Law cordant views will only grow Protestants voted for Bush. inant in die eyes of Americans is not the solution to this prob- School Mark Sargent, J.D.; pro- further apart The sanctity of Jews voted primarily for Kerry, over the next four years. It is with lem," she said. "Hate causes hate. fessor of sociology at Fordham religious congregations has also while Mormons voted for Bush. Bush's implausible prediction of It's all just a cycle, and if he University, James Kelly, Ph.D.; not traversed in the past decades According to Sargent, the the future that we turn to the thinks its going to get better, it and was moderated by colum- beyond segregation by race, eco- strong religious voice in politics Fordham community to share wont. It's only going to, get nist and author E.J. Dionne. nomic class, and views. is almost always dominated by their apprehensions over what the worse." The dilemmas encountered "We live in religiously plu- Republicans, and at times it following four years of Bush will Another issue with Americans when both politicians and citi- ralist country, not a secular appears as though there is no accomplish. lies in the future of the Supreme zens try to use ethical conclu- country," said Bane. "Religion other religious voice. Sargent First is the subject of terror- Court. Craig Konnoth, FCLC sions to determine cultural for most people isn't just a set commented that this belief is ism. During his campaign, Bush '05, shared his viewpoint. standards has erupted both pos- of beliefs; it's a set of social only heightened by the stated that he is prepared to con- '•Ultimately, there will be at least itive and negative results even networks. It is an important Democratic Party standing for tinue the fight .against terrorism one nomination to the Supreme before the onset of the 2004 fact and an important part of Pro-Choice. "The Democrats and said, "I have learned to Court this term, and I believe that election. One issue at the heart the explanation as to how the need tp engage with the section expect the unexpected because it will be one of the issues that of the panel's analysis was the divisions get created ... it is of America with whom religion history can deliver sudden horror divides the country hugely over questionable place and role of these social networks that were is important," said Sargent. from a soft autumn sky." the next four years," he said. ethics in politics, although the probably more important in Bane said, "We need to cre- Conflicting with Bush's out- "Although Bush has promised two are often converged. shaping the way the Catholics ate dialogue in this country look is history professor Michael to unite the. country, that is not Throughout the campaign, and other religious people across the lines of our religious Marme, who said, "Sadly, I sus- going to happen. He's going to both Bush and Kerry made thought about the election and pluralism and we need to cre- pect there will be (at least) one divide it massively and the appeals to religiously active vot- thought about what they were ate that kind of dialogue if we major terrorist attack on US soil, Supreme Court issues will be key ers. These attempts were rein- going to do." are to be true to our liberal pro- and that once again it will be one component in the decisive agenda forced by many of the contro- The results of the 2004 elec- gressive political identity [and] that our military, however well of promises over the next four versial issues that arose out of tion brought startling news, as more importantly, if we are to funded, will be unable to pre- years." the election, such as stem-cell Kerry, a Catholic, failed to carry be true to our religious convic- vent." More debatable topics include research, gay marriages, and the majority of the Catholic tions that we are to be true to Richie Bailey, FCLC '05, said, forthcoming taxes and the stag- abortion, all of which require votes, unlike his Catholic prede- our destiny as true Americans." "I think that the election was nant economy. the intersection of religious cessor John F. Kennedy. , Kerrey doubts that any politi- irrelevant to homeland security. Being optimistic, Ornitz said, beliefs and political action. While had Kerry won the cal compromises are possible America was attacked once, and "By giving tax cuts to the wealthy While Kerrey thinks that it is majority of Catholic voters in and believes that Kerry primari- now the horses have taken their we will be better off, they will essential to combine a sense of Ohio, his chances of winning the ly failed to carry the majority of own reigns." spend their money, and revive the morals with government action, he election would have been greatly religious-active voters because Other hot topics that will pre- economy the republican way." strongly feels that "the church improved, Bane finds more he had a problem articulating vail over Bush's second term are On the other hand, more pes- should not tell the government what importance in trying to under- his faith and what he stood for, international affairs and world simistic students like Gustchina it can't do and can do nor should the stand the wide range of opinions "If you don't leave the percep- relations. As controversial as believe the reality of the situation government tell the church what it in our nation and the extent to tion that you don't share the these interactions might be, is that "Bush is really helping the should or should not do." which they divide our country, views of the great red mass out Americans, as well as students rich, but the poor keep on getting The U.S., which has a strong rather than finding "marginal there, then you're not going to here at Fordham, carry strong poorer." history of maintaining a liberal- motives" for a group to blame get elected," said Kerrey. opinions on involvement, espe- Somewhere in the middle of progressive political culture, still for (he results of the election. "I think [the Democratic cially the war in Iraq. this animated debate lies Marme. struggles to maintain a cohesive Regardless of the reason for Party] can be acceptable of "In terms of the war in Iraq," "Bush administration propos- balance between the place of the shift in the Catholic vote, both the difficulties and the said Darren Ornitz, FCLC '07, "I als—making the tax cuts perma- religion and law, said Fordham the rest of the religiously active possibilities of finding some think that regardless of whether nent, privatizing a portion of professor James Kelly. As nation also remains divided. As common ground on some of Bush or Kerry had been in office, social security—will simply expressive liberality expands Bane noted, the Black the most difficult issues of the the only way to resolve it is to make a bad problem worse," he and as more people seek free- Evangelical Protestants voted day," added Bane. • send more troops there and I said. dom from dependence on others, overwhelmingly for Kerry, think Unit's going to happen. I do Taking Bush's re-election into It's time for USG to stop talking and start performing The Observer November 18, 2004 Of rats and pied pipers: the re-election of Dubya looms By Craig Kbnnoth, PCLC '05 security. Instead of evaluating evidence CONTRIBUTING WRITER before making claims, instead of invit- After the deafening sound of the wail- ing cooperation from the rest of the ing and gnashing of teeth in New York world—the logical solution to an inter- City died down on Nov. 3, and after national threat, instead of waiting for enduring my own Hamlet-esque medita- two months to let UN Inspectors sub- tion upon the Almighty's policy vis-a- stantiate claims, the administration vis self-slaughter, I began seriously eval- chose to flex its muscles with disastrous uating why Bush had won—not just the consequences. Never mind that Texas Electoral college, but the popular vote. cowboy tactics aren't clever or safe—as Why was it that some of my best friends long as they're popular, they will be voted for this man? used. And finally, instead of leaving Let me be clear. I do not dislike moral issues to the States—instead of Republicans per se. I reiterate—some of realizing that Vermont is indeed differ- them number among my best friends. ent from Mississippi—the administra- However, most republicans and I dis- tion backtracked on Republican promis- agree on moral and economic ques- es of federalism, choosing rather to tions—abortion rights, gay marriage and make them wedge issues in a national economic strategy. I understand that cer- debate on gay marriage. tain principles that they and I take as Why then have people voted for this axiomatic just happen to be different. administration of dunces and demons? That cannot be changed. However, even Because its strategies work. First a strat- KenCedeno/KRT The man's back and many of us are wondering: how in the world could this be? if one arbitrarily fiats that marriage has egy of deception. Bush has consistently evolved to the ultimate form and cannot manipulated and deceived the American today be changed, even if one believes people. With little evidence to support Kerry's reputation as a flip-flopper: his economic policy is not the best, or in Reaganomics and the vegetable-like them, the administration implied that Kerry gave Bush his trust on the Iraq his policy on national security is disas- quality of tomato ketchup, even if one Saddam Hussein was linked to 9/11 and issue; Bush broke that trust, and Kerry trous because he's the only born again believes that the best policy to making strongly linked with Al Qaeda. Today, withdrew it. Apparently, this made Christian they're ever going to be able to the world safe is by scaring the rest of with a preponderance of evidence Kerry, and not Bush (the person who get as President. The President may be the world shitless, my question still against them, the administration refuses had failed to keep faith with the Senate), an idiot, but it does not matter to these remains: why elect Dubya? to refute its claim, to admit it was die flip-flopper. Similarly, links close to organizations. Republicanism is an ideology, a moral wrong. First the administration support- the Bush administration were involved Thus, most Americans have been code. George W. Bush and his cronies ed a claim with little support because it in spreading lies about Kerry's war deceived. Those mat haven't have differ- are no Republicans—they have no moral fits in with the administration's purpos- record. By manipulating facts and flat- ent priorities from you and me or are code. Ideology for them consists of es. It then ignored a claim with solid out lying, the administration attempted willing to accept a President with no cheap* opportunism, insults and outright support, because it fails to fit in with its to, and succeeded in, duping much of integrity in return for his promise of a lies. George Bush adheres to nojdeolo- purposes. After the 9/11 Commission the American public—many of whom faith-driven, divisive agenda. The fool gy, but replaces self-interest for morali- results, Cheney claimed that he had believed his outright lies on the eve of has been made king by dupes and dog- ty, manipulation for public policy and never connected Saddam with 9/11—a the election. matists, and all «will suffer. The image division for leadership. flagrant contradiction of statements The. second strategy the administra- that appears in my head is that of the Consider the economy. Republican made in public on Meet the Press in tion uses is to pander to those who see ' I Pied Piper, merrily piping along, leading ideology eschews taxing and spending. 2002. At the end of.October, a Gallup the administration for what it is, and yet us rats to a briny death. Democrats go in the opposite direction. poll showed that 41 percent of the peo- also know mat this administration is the The last time around, Al Gore lost to Bush however has adopted the rather ple still believe there is a link between only one that will accede to them on the George Bush because of deficiencies in novel strategy of not taxing—and spend- Saddam and 9/11. Sixty-two percent issues they want. The TVC for example, the American electoral process. The last ing. After all, the deficit, while a prob- believed that he had strong links with which bitterly criticized "Shrek 2" for time, I was disappointed in the American lem for them, will have to be primarily Al-Qaeda. Thirty-eight percent believed references to transvestitism (Pinnochio system. Today, Bush has won a true handled by our generation. As long as diat WMDs were found in Iraq. implied he wore women's underwear, majority of the vote—witiiout electoral it's not their problem, eh—who cares? Similarly, the Bush campaign warped while Cinderella's sister had stubble), is problems. But today, I am disappointed Similarly there's the issue of national facts to demonize opponents. Consider willing to accept President Bush, even if in the American people. . • I love applying to grad school. Oh yeah, I'm being sarcastic By Mike Iarrobino, PCLC '05 ITHE F.U. COLUMNIST No problem, everyone and their mom has an opinion Grad Apps on it. One professor told me to apply to every single Autumn is that magical time of year when a young school in the top twenty. man's fancy turns to what the hell he is going to do for up in the morning, you say to yourself, "How can I "Shotgun method is the best," he said, no joke. the rest of his life. screw over Mike Iarrobino's attempt to get into grad Considering that the lowest application fee I have . There is a point, after all, when you have to give school?" seen so far is $30, we're talking a minimum of $600, up the marijuana, the beer pong, the casual sex with This is the only conclusion that I can come to, real- which I, personally, would rather blow on alcohol. random, really hot girls (I live in 16B2, by the way, ly. Want a professor's recommendation? Good luck. ladies...), and the marathon video game sessions. For those of you who don't care about what I have You need three of them. Who really knows three pro- And I suppose that along with this renunciation of to say, who say, "Ewwww, grad school," and who often fessors that well anyway? everything good in life, there must be an equal pick your nose and fall asleep in class I say: First they Isn't it enough that we pay $30,000 a year to'go to assumption of responsibility in the form of a job. came for the cohabitators, and I didn't speak up this school? No one said anything about being friends I've considered every possible option as far as jobs because I wasn't a cohabitator... then they came for the with the professors. Come to think of it, isn't there a go: gigolo, rapper, President of the United States, smokers, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a sign on the ninth floor mat says "Don't feed the pro- dictator of Res. Life. smoker... then they came for Mike Iarrobino, and I did- fessors"? They all pale in comparison with what I've decid- n't speak up because I wasn't Mike Iarrobino ... then But perhaps the worst thing about applying to ed, which is to delay the decision for five years and they came for me, and there was no one left to speak grad school is the GRE. Like most of mankind's go to graduate school. up. scourges, the GRE is an acronym that nobody quite "You're going to grad school..." my parents say. Riiight. knows the meaning of. Suffice it to say that it's a test "That's great!" What they really mean is, "Son, please Applying to grad school is like having dental you pay money to take, and when you enter the test- just buy a gun and shoot us instead." If you're reading surgery performed on your anus. As you might expect, ing facility the first thing the man behind the desk this, Mom and Dad, I know that you'll appreciate it in this doesn't feel good. Everyone has a different opinion says to you is—I am not kidding—"Here's the key to a few years when Social Security kicks in and you're about what you should do, there's no set plan for doing locker 27, put everything in it except for your iden- saddled with debt. what each of these people wants you to do, and if you tification." What I've discovered, however, is that my par- do something—even pick your nose—then it automat- I know you're worried that you'll catch GRE some ents don't really need to worry about me going to ically costs $50. night at a bar, but fear not, I have the ultimate revenge grad school. The plain fact of the matter is that Need your college transcript? No problem. Just on this entire grad school process. I'm going to make it Fordham University doesn't want me to go to grad file your request three months in advance. Also, fill into grad school, goddammit. And after I graduate and school, and when Fordham University doesn't want out one form for each transcript you want. And plan become a professor, I'll come back to Fordham to something (as anyone who has a vagina and wants for Enrollment Services to lose at least one out of teach. And when some arrogant kid wants to go to grad to give a monologue knows) then it just doesn't three request forms due to Einstein's theory of black school, I'll tell him that he can cither apply to the top happen. holes. fifty schools or we can just go to a nearby bar and get Yes, Dean Grimes, I'm talking to you. When you get Want some up-front advice about where to apply? drunk out of our minds. • The Observer Opinion 9 Thanksgiving is the best time of year to take joy in life ByCarineGufflot,FCLC'o6 Thanksgiving Day (as it does STAFF WRITER this year), it's relatively close to tlu's day. Having a birthday Thanksgiving is more than near this holiday works out just having turkey, a day off very well for me. When my and a great sale day at Macy's. family members and I each Thanksgiving is a holiday that name something we are thank- signifies love, family and ful for, I never have to hesitate friends, warmth, and being in saying what I'm grateful for. thankful for all that we have I've been blessed with another been blessed with: A lot of birthday and an additional year times people forget to take to try to live life to its fullest. time to appreciate all they have I don't only love this holi- because they are deeply day because I share it with my immersed in their work and birthday. I love how close my school lives. This holiday family gets when we celebrate reminds us to stop and reflect it together. Everyone seems to on how fortunate a lot of us be in the best mood. I love the are. ambiance that goes along with People, especially people having my family members all our age, fail to realize that together at my house or my tomorrow is not guaranteed, so grandmother's house. The they don't thank God for each laughter, sounds of various new day they get to see. That is football games, cartoons, or the why the reminder that we get parade, and the aroma of the from having the Thanksgiving delicious food that fills the NY Daly News/KRT holiday season is necessary. house are some of the most While you enjoy spending time feasting with your family, don't forget to tune in to, or visit, one of In addition, it's one of the few delightful experiences. the holiday's highlights—the Maqj's Day Parade. times during the year when To me, Thanksgiving is one many of us can create wonder- of the holidays that helps pro- pomme de terrer au gratinee thing that helps a family grow Thanksgiving can consist of ful memories, due to time well mote cultural awareness. (sort of like a potato casse- fonder of each other can't be you and one parent, taking spent with loved ones. People of any ethnicity can role), sometimes fried turkey as bad as some people make it time to enjoy each other's Thanksgiving has always personalize Thanksgiving by (as weird as that might sound), seem. company and being grateful been one of my favorite holi- adding traditional dishes from and morQs For my cousins and I, this that you have each other. days. I've always viewed it as a their country of origin to what As much as I enjoy each is when we get to hear about Thanksgiving can simply be preview of how great Christmas we Americans see as a normal dish, I enjoy my family most of how our parents were when you and a group of friends or is going to be. A lot of us allow Thanksgiving meal. all. At times we remain seated they were around our age. I your suitemates enjoying a these big corporations to suck Coming from a Haitian fam- at the table for hours after the hear funny stories about my holiday that hasn't been fully us into the trap of spending ily, it is important to us to meal is over, talking and hav- parents' childhood, about corrupted by money hungry insane amounts of money. We include common Haitian dish- ing an amazing time. I am so, how annoying my aunt was in corporations. forget that this holiday season is es to the meal. We usually thankful that I have been her immature days, and about • To sum it up, this holiday about family and togetherness, have the traditional oven roast- blessed with a great family that the silly things all the parents, can still be a joyous occasion not shopping and gifts. ed Turkey with all the fixings, loves me unconditionally. aunts and uncles used to do in if you're from a broken home, Almost every holiday has but we add a Caribbean twist Thanksgiving is more than just their youth. We also hear sto- celebrating at a friend's home some evil or pagan origin, but to the meal. We usually have a meal we share. It's a chance ries about family members with his or her family, spend- fortunately, over the years most of my favorite cuisine de to sit around the table and who passed away before we ing it with your significant nearly every culture that is a Haiti, which are not prepared spend some real quality time had a chance to meet them. other, etc. The most important part of this-melting pot called often or only for special occa- together without the pressure There are people who dis- thing about it is being with America has transformed holi- sions. Rice with some sort of of having to exchange gifts. like this holiday because of those who are near and dear to days such as Thanksgiving into peas or beans is essential to It's a time to see relatives that I their unfortunate family situa- you. It's about being thankful something genuine and mean- every Haitian dinner. Other haven't seen all year. tions. They assume that a per- that God has blessed you in ingful. dishes include macaroni au Most importantly, it's a time son must come from a big, lov- many ways and is allowing One reason I love this holi- gratinee (some sort of baked to share our recent experiences ing happy .family in order for you to be alive and well day so much is because if my macaroni), friend plantains, and reminisce about the past. this holiday to be meaningful. enough to celebrate this beau- birthday doesn't land on rum cake, griot (fried pork), From my point of view any- That's a huge misconception. tiful holiday. • Leave Thanksgiving to the Puritans, I'll just take the turkey By Paloma Rahner, FCLC '08 older. Qlder cousins and family mem- ers it can be a grand ol' time. Yet, is persecuted in America because of STAFF WRITER bers get married or have serious rela- another reason I have made the con- fears of terrorism. Besides the succulent turkey, warm tionships and go to their significant scious decision not to enjoy The cycle is never-ending. stuffing, and tantalizing sweet potatoes, other's house for the holidays. No one Thanksgiving is because I absolutely Puritanical thought has invaded the I absolutely despise Thanksgiving. I euven goes around the table and says despise its creators. If it hadn't been for minds of our people. The dislike of understand why it is a holiday, and I do what they are thankful for anymore; those Puritans running to America after women with power began with the have some nice memories from child- everyone in my family now thinks that they left England to avoid persecution, Salem witches, the racism towards hood, but let us recall what it is exactly tradition is silly and outdated. For me, maybe our country wouldn't be con- minorities began with the persecution that we are celebrating: the Puritans, that was the only thing that actually trolled by fear. I honestly believe the of Native Americans, and fear of any- scared of being persecuted in England, made sense on Thanksgiving; I thought Puritan mentality is still running ram- thing perverse or different began with got together some money and tried to it was important to remember to give pant throughout our country. The Salem their extremely suppressive and conser- go some place where they could form thanks. Witch attacks have tarnished our nation vative nature. their own little world, chock-full of But now Thanksgiving has come to and the way we handle any opposition When I was little, it was nice to have Puritan values. Unfortunately, nobody be my mom, my sister, and me eating a or variation from the norm. a reminder that it was important to give knew how to farm; their skills lay in great meal, having a casual conversa- Though it is the conservative parties thanks for the blessings in my life. It preaching and praying. Thankfully, tion, and then taking a nap. It's excru- that can be more easily cast as the New also seemed important as a child to some kind Native Americans helped ciatingly boring. It isn't a religious hol- Puritans, it's actually the majority of learn about our nation's history, and them learn how to harvest, they all had iday, so there aren't even any theologi- people in this country that buy into although I .do respect the settlers' a big delicious feast, and then these for- cal thoughts to ponder or pray upon. scare tactics and less severe forms of courage in coming to an uncivilized eign invaders waged war on the Native Thanksgiving is now only a reminder mass hysteria. Our persecution of the land, I doubt my persecuted Irish and Americans for the next four hundred of how nonexistent and dysfunctional Germans and Japanese in WWII, so- German ancestors could relate. So, I'll years. Maybe the succulent turkey, my family has become since I was a lit- called communists in the McCarthy era, give thanks for the good things in my warm stuffing, and tantalizing sweet tle kid. and African Americans during the Civil life, but I refuse to thank the Puritans potatoes aren't as delicious as I Okay, my family Thanksgiving din- Rights movement all have paralleled for settling here. They have forever thought. ner isn't much of a party, that's a per- what the Puritans did to alleged witencs branded our country as one constantly in need of something or someone to On a personal note, Thanksgiving sonal vendetta I have against when they settled here in America. fear. • just isn't cool anymore when you get Thanksgiving, and I understand for oth- Now, the Arab and Muslim population Opinion 10 77ICJ Observer November 18, 2004 Fordhain phone tech support needs a wake-up call ByHVrffiSltld*I_J6nlltlfif Heather Iiebling., FCLFCJTJCG 'O£ tereI. di a_*t. differenJir,r t* . computers*. . One*"\ , i•s callin11 • g i*n foi? r helpi ii_ . nnThei y directeJ: A.dJ superior; , yetA utterly soulless monsters, COPY EDITOR 1 that's right—count' it with me now— me to a telephone with a flashing red are connected to the administrative ONE man was on a tech support call. light. The red light, I was told, meant server, which gives them unfettered Fordham students: Who among you .Two men were sitting, scribbling notes that someone, at that very moment, Internet access. "Why?" I asked. have had to, like me, wait on the at their desks, the other man on his was trying to get through. But these "Why are you allowed to browse the phone with Fordham's tech support lunch break (how many of those do two geniuses, scribbling away on their Internet freely, and yet I am bogged (CIMS, extension #1-3.999) for over you take a day, fellas?), and the notepads, couldn't be bothered to give down by crazy computer glitches and an hour for service, most of which woman, who I learned didn't even do a courtesy pickup, even if to say that nonsensical jargon?" The answer, never even fixes your problem? Well, tech support, was eating what they are busy at the moment, but that folks, is that as employees, they are let me paint a picture for you as to appeared to be some sort of congealed help is imminent (oddly enough, the "trusted" as "responsible" individuals how that call is being received on the fruit out of Tupperware and staring pre-recorded message says that all that would not visit risky, virus-prone other end. blankly at a computer screen (a com- operators are busy with other clients— Web sites. I recently unearthed the scandal lurk- puter which-—ready for this revela- lies!) Why, oh why, mister computer Malarkey, I say!' These clowns are ing behind that frosted glass door better sitting on their duffs eating greasy lunch known in Lowenstein as SL16-A. How treats and probably chit-chatting about many of you knew that this is where the the weather while I, in good faith, wait techies were hiding? Not me, that's for But these two geniuses, scribbling away on their notepads, idly on the phone for upwards of an sure. No wonder they work behind that hour? These people are not responsible. smoky exterior: oh, the travesty I saw couldn't be bothered to give a courtesy pickup, even if to say that These people are not to be trusted. inside. they are busy at the moment, but that help is imminent (oddly These people are the enemy! They Did you ever have a vision, while enough, the pre-recorded message says that all operators are busy could not care less about you or your you were waiting on that phone for a with other clients—lies!). Why, oh why, mister computer guys? computer woes. And they must be mind-numbing hour of pre-recorded stopped. messages, of a long assembly line of From now on, if you have a computer operators working at a feverish pace to problem, don't be a sap like me and dial keep up with the influx of phone calls don?—could have been occupied by guys? them up. I beg of you, go directly to coming their way? Well, ladies,, and an actual operator!). What will shock you further is that SL16-A, on the right-hand side just before gentlemen, 1 hate to break it to you, but I tried to keep my cool as I absorbed these guys don't even have Perfigo and the library, and give these guys a piece of that dream is dead. The truth is, you've this horrific vision before me. I told Smart Enforcer on their computers. your mind. Knock on the door and been waiting on that damn phone for them that I had waited, on this partic- They answer any Perfigo related demand the respect that you so deserve. nothing. ular occasion, 45 minutes before queries simply based on their knowl- After all, they are the ones that gave us this When I stepped inside the fortress someone answered my earlier call. edge of the system and never by crappy Perfigo garbage to begin widi. Get of solitude that is SL16-A, there were They did not believe me. Then I asked pulling it up on a screen of their own. in their faces and make them wallow in the four men and one woman, each scat- them if they could see when someone They, you see, these technologically mess they created. • The Study Abroad office makes going abroad professor more difficult (Isn't it ironic?) e-mail By Chris Moeser, FCLC '06 when you can live it and see it any school, payment, and a check? STAFF WRITER in person? ^specific school that they I was scared. I had no clue Continued from page 7 Let's get something out of Each brochure is filled with/ believed Was the "perfect" what was going to happen, Furthermore, what's up the way. I am not looking for beautiful pictures of place/ choice for me. Oh yeah and but this miracle worker had with professors requiring us a vacation or a cheap way to enticing you to want to go there, payment was discussed. For already fixed everything. She to hand in the same assign- run away. I have nothing but but the applications and reading an office that displays a sign explained to me that she had ment not once, but twice? Is educational desires for my material at times appear to be that reads "This is not a travel found a school that was really it really necessary to turn in study in England, but why is it written in another language. agency," they sure like to see if perfect for what I was looking both a hard copy of an like pulling teeth for me to Sign this, turn this in, fill this I can pay for it. for, was in the same location, assignment as well as e-mail- study abroad? out, copy this, and send five A school picked, paperwork and was interested in me. She ing it to them? Not once dur- If it is not countless and pictures here. My mind cries filled out in triplicate, copies also gave me contact infor- ing freshman year did I have repetitive paperwork I have to out for help—but my cries fall made, letters of recommenda- mation that I can get into to do this, but lately this fill out in triplicate, it is the on non-existenet ears. I have so tion mailed,. and my check direct contact with her if I seems to be more and more fact that there is no one to help many questions but no one to made out. They really wanted would have any more ques- popular among class policies. me or, at the very least, explain answer them because the ISAP that check, so much so I have tions or would need some Okay, so we have to print the process. I would kill for office does not have anyone in never seen a check clear that help. What is this, no red things out as well as e-mail just a check over my paper- the office except for Wednesday fast. They cashed it with the tape? This has to be a joke. them, but professors don't work. I want a little help and and, in my case during the sum- speed of a cheetah stalking its A phone call from Indiana have to do both. Does this guidance. My adviser surely mer, not at all. It was just a mas- prey. I was set, or so you helped me out more than an seem fair to you? Plus, we cannot help me with this one; I sive amount of free brochures would think. entire office located—when it have to pay to print things already hit her up for enough. and myself. The day before the dead- is open—at my school. How out, and professors don't. So where is the person my I did the first thing that line, I received a phone call is that possible? This person For $38,000 a year you tuition pays to guide me came naturally, I grabbed from Butler University. I was not even in the same state would think professors could through this process? Is any- everything that was not tied then realized Butler Univ- as me. at least make photocopies of one there? down. Numerous places, pro- ersity really runs my study That night, I wrote faster a lousy reading for us and not On my first visit to the grams, and ideas jumping abroad program and not than I have ever written make us print out our own! office of International and around in my head, I could not Fordham. Fordham just gives before. I reworked all my And what about the days Study Abroad Programs think—not to mention I had the okay for study abroad. paperwork and essays for before e-mail existed? What (ISAP) this summer, it was 30 pounds of brochures and The woman on the other end Fordham and got it in before did professors do then? like Christmas.* The sea applications in my backpack. was confused about my appli- the deadline. Everything Before e-mail got so popu- of brochures and applications So many choices and options, cation and had a question for worked out for me, but I got lar, as far as I know, they entice you to step in. When but no one to help me find me. She wanted to know lucky. I made it into the managed to be responsible you can make out the city something for me and my edu- why I applied for a school that school and thanks to the help enough to keep track of hard names on them, they tug you cational desires. is for English majors. I am and guidance at Butler copies of our work. By in. I did all my research on my not an English major. University, I have completely making us e-mail assign- With my wide happy eyes, own and finally came to the Fordham knew that, I really given up-on the ISAP office. ments as well, might our the brochures spill out from decision that London was the knew that, and the ISAP Countless numbers of Lincoln professors be the ones slack- folders and shelves. They place for me. I took to the office knew that, because Center students at this very ing here, planning their seem to jump right into your phone and called the ISAP when I had my 15-minute moment are perusing a study cover-ups ahead just in case hands. Paris, Venice, Prague, office and made an appoint- crash course, I had a copy of abroad option. Those people they misplace our work? Sydney, and many more cities ment, but had to subway out to my transcript, resume, and might as well be ready for Fordhain students, house programs that can fur- Rose Hill to get some help. biography on hand, not to desertion in the desert of beware of, these e-mail- ther your education more than There, we jammed how study- mention they pulled up my paperwork without the com- addicted professors! And any textbook could. It is like ing abroad works into a tight records on the computer. pass of the ISAP office. The professors, if you're reading a dream. Imagine reading a little package of IS minutes. How could they lead me down only thing I have received from this, maybe take a hint and book next to the Sydney opera Subjects that were discussed this wrong path? Were they Fordham so far is my lay off clicking 'send' next house or studying art in the were: payment, how I would really listening to me or just "Congratulations" letter and, of time. • Louvre. Why read about it, have no trouble getting into waiting for me to write my course, another bill. • www.fclcobscvvei'.vow The Observer Features Care packages bring a touch of sentiment and amusement ByKasey Baker, PCLC '05 its owner to come claim it. STAFF WRITER "Some people leave their pack- ages here as if this is a storage When living in a college place," Burgos complained. dorm, many students often feel On the other hand, many stu- lonely or homesick at some dents eagerly anticipate the point. This can occur whether arrival of their packages. Katie "home" is an hour away or Sheek, FCLC '08 does so.'Tm Halfway across the country. from Connecticut, and my One thing that is usually sure to mom sends me care packages help out, however, is a care once a week," she said. "For package sent from friends or Halloween I got a DVD and I family. also get gift cards to Starbucks. Care packages can bring a [Care packages] make me feel smile to even the most home- like I'm not in the middle of sick student's face as they New York City." remind them of their loved ones Care packages seem com- and home comforts. While let- mon among freshman. This is ters, pictures, snacks and gifts likely because they have just are common, other items can be left home for the first time. By pretty unique. the time they are upperclass- Sean Cruikshank/The Observer "One girl had an ice coffee men, however, many complain sent to her from California," that their parents no longer Many dormers look forward to regular care packages as a reminder of home. recalled Ezequiel Burgos, send them as many packages. f i i FCLC package room clerk. "It "It totally has declined since ne girl had an ice coffee sent to her from California. It must have been must have been all watered I've been a freshman," said watered down by the time she got it but I guess she wanted it really badly. down by the time she got it, but Devon Melillo, FCLC '05. - Ezequiel Burgos, I guess she wanted it really "Now that I'm a commuter, FCLC package clerk badly." Perishable foods such nobody has my address and as steaks are also common, said nobody sends me mail or pack- mom has, without fail, sent [the not to send the package and if, Burgos. ages unless it's a bill and it's whole suite] a care package and they're going to do anything, although the prices are usually One of the most creative just so depressing." it's really sweet. It's nice to just send me a check rather than much more than the actual gifts Burgos has ever seen in Other students, for one rea- have something like that to a bunch of candy that I don't worth,of the contents. McMahon Hall's mailroom is a son or another, rely on their come home to." really want." Regardless of the price spent green inflatable beach ball with friends' parents to send them Some students are less senti- Young is referring to a spe- on putting together a care pack- a message from one friend to fun care packages. Jackie mental and would prefer money cial "finals" care package that age, many students agree that another scrawled across it in a . Punsal, FCLC '05, said, "I'm to gifts. "The only tiling my parents can order through the simply receiving one makes spiral pattern. The address was from New Jersey so. I don't parents send me are those stu- university to be delivered to them feel special and loved. also written directly on the ball, usually get care packages pid packages that you can order their son or daughter at the end And although any kind of mail although the gift has been sit- because it's not that far away. through school," said Robert of each semester. Similar ready- or package is usually appreciat- ting in the mailroom for over However, every holiday since Young, FCLC '05. "I calf them made packages can be found on ed, the best ones are those that three months now, waiting for freshman year my suitemate's up every semester and tell them various Web sites such as come from the heart. • Places to surf on the Web for all your shopping needs With the holidays around the POP-TECH poster? has a poster for just about Online, On Sale every movie ever made. It carries multiple versions of a corner, get a start on bargain- single movie's poster and has all shapes and sizes. Like If you have something in mind for that special some- a certain actor or actress? Search their name and secall hunting with some of these dis- one, lets you find some big name brands the movie posters for all the movies they were in. at 40 percent to 80 percent off retail price. You might Originals and reprints are available, so find that favorite "count shopping sites have to do some searching, but that special find is in movie that you both know all the words to and give the By Chris Moeser, FCLC'06 there some place. is a great place to gift of cinema. Posters start at $8. STAFF WRITER find watches, price-breaking electronics, or cheap bed- ding. Also, there is fast delivery. 'Tis the season to skip right over Thanksgiving and It is hard to find that gift for a person you just met or gear up for Christmas. Since decorated trees are pop- have a crush on. You can put the fear of fake smiles and ping up all over the cities' department stores, you need Powered by eBay, this is a great place to compare "Gee, thanks" behind you this Christmas with an iTunes to spring into high gear if you want to find the perfect prices on new and used books, DVDs, and video games Music Store Card. This is a perfect gift for music lovers gift for that special somebody. Why leave the comfort with fast and secure shopping. After an item search, with an iPod. For a price of 99 cents a song, your spe- of your desk? Use the Internet to fulfill your holiday will break down their findings to "Brand New cial someone can find a song that reminds them of you shopping needs. Items," followed by the degrees of use. Pick the price and download it right to their computer. iTunes Music and seller that fits you. Cards are offered for $15 to $25, but can also be for any The powerhouses of Internet shopping: amount you desire. For the gainer in your life: Welcome to the jungle of one-click shopping. Can't remember that video game your younger sib- What is Blik? Well they are a really interesting way This powerhouse shopping Web site is all ready for ling keeps nagging you for? Surf over to to express yourself. They are wall decals that you can your Christmas shopping wants and needs. It has such to find a huge selection of new and used video games stick up, pull down, and re-stick. They come in all sorts a wide selection that you might not know where to for all consoles and PCs. Extra controllers, light guns, of designs and shapes and are great for all ages and start. Take it slow and gather some ideas. and action figures can be found under the umbrella of types. Recreate space invaders or slap some modern art brings electronics, shoes, books, DVDs, and CDs into, If the game isn't in yet, pre-order it and in a design that you created on your wall. They are dec- a one stop shopping mega block. Looking for that hot it will arrive as soon as it is available. While there, oration and expression all in one. Blik graphics start at toy for your little sibling? Amazon brings you Toys 'R' don't forget to check out the daily deal, which might $20. Us to their already large selection, and it just added give you a price break or provide you with some heads stores with specialization in musical instruments, up info on the next hottest game. is a Web site of the moment: health, gourmet foods, and sports/outdoors. Amazon perfect place to find everything a gamer could ever also puts some of the hottest sellers in Target, want or need. After all that shopping you will need a break and a Nordstrom, and Urban Outfitters, to name a few, right good laugh. is updated daily with at your fingertips. Furthermore, they offer holiday Fast gift ideas for the best friend down to the— -pictures',-short stories, and videos with the college stu* wrapping for your gifts. girl you can't help but smile at. dents' sense of humor in mind. Can't find embarrassing pictures of Tara Reid? Still longing to see Ashlee Great places to find ideas and price breaks for Sometimes you just can't decide what to get your Simpson's SNL jig? Just want a funny story to read? Christmas shopping. best friend. You know so much about them but cannot is the place to fulfill all your twist- put your finger on anything. How about a movie ed humor needs. * iinijw.fclcobsevvvr.coin The Observer November 18, 2004 Studying in Spain offers fun and insight into other cultures R^r A«1rfl*«fM» flianAA ElfTf /"I )*^£. I" ' ' ' " " " '"•- ' '• ' '••-•• ' t1"! By Audrey Grace, FCLC '06 I LETTERS FROM ABROAD CONTRIBUTING WRITER Bilbao, Spain Let's talk about my living situation here in Spain. I live in Colegio Mayor, end up doing this almost every night to which is a residence for a number of a new novato. I have learned to leave the area. The students my phone off the hook when I go to that live here, however, are all in their bed. first and second year of university. Secondly, there is the Fiesta de The first-years are called novatos, and Novatos at the beginning of every it seems as though the only thing that year.°This is sort of an initiation for all entertains the second-years is pulling the new students in La Residencia. For bromas (jokes or pranks) on the this party, all the novatos, including novatos. I'll be at a party here in me, had to go out on to the terrace in someone's room, and they're all our pajamas with our underwear out- speaking Spanish so wicked fast that I side our clothes. We were separated only have a little idea what's going on. into groups and given face paint tat- Then, someone will tell us all to be toos to distinguish ourselves from the quiet while one of the Spanish kids rest. They lined us up and started

'Audrey Grace/The Observer White in Spain, students can visit the Basilica of St. Ignatius Loyola (above) or enjoy the Northern Spanish countryside (left).

wicked hilarious. the situation around the world and how The cool part came later when all of little we know about each others' cul- the residents walked through the street ture. I enjoyed talking to them and singing and drinking wine mixed with learning about each others' misconcep- soda water. We would go into every tions. bar we passed to ask for water, and We finished the night in true then we had a massive water fight in Residencia fashion by going to Cafe the street, dumping buckets and cups Antzokia to dance until 7 a.m. , full of water on each other. The neigh- Antzokia is this place where everyone bors even joined in and often water Audrey Grace/The Observer ends up every night of the week. would fall from the windows of a There are men there dressed as nearby apartment building. But the women, women dressed as if they are So here we all were, in the cold, wet in our pajamas and under- night didn't end there. We then came in 1886, people in dreads, people in wear, singing a song about where we live. I know, these people back to La Residencia where the cafe- suits, and everyone is dancing to the are crazy, but it was wicked hilarious. teria staff had set out Spanish pinchos same music. They play typical Basque (we call them tapas in the United folk music, Don Omar (my new States), sangria, and tons of cerveza, favorite Spanish artist), Michael and we all got to know each other a Jackson and Missy Elliot. Antzokia is picks up the phone to prank call a nova- teaching us this silly song about La little better. one of a kind. to. My favorite was when this one kid Residencia. We were dancing, shuf- Later that night, we did the usual— I'm learning tons talking to other tried to speak Spanish with an fling back and forth, singing a song which means going to Casco Viejo, the people. I can hold a conversation in American accent (speaking the best and then out of nowhere they dumped old part of town, and sitting on the Spanish with anyone who is patient Spanish I have heard any American crazy amounts of water on us from the steps until 3 in the morning. I like this enough to listen to me, which is almost speak), saying he was here in La roof and various apartment windows. because I get the chance to really talk everyone who lives here in La Residencia and lonely and all he want- So here we all were, in the cold, wet, to other people. I had a three-hour con- Rcsidcficia. My next task is to travel ed was someone to cuddle with, Then in our pajamas and underwear, singing versation with some novatos about until Pig tired and I can't afford to live the caller will hang up suddenly and a song about where we live. I know, their impressions of American politics. in Newjlfork City anymore. Wish me everyone will burst out laughing. We these people are crazy, but it was It's amazing how much we know about luck! Iffbcso. • www.1clconscvvcv.eoni November 18, 12004 The Observer Features 13 An Alaskan student looks at a nation divided .ByCoDeenCox,PCLC'07 is pure and the sense of free- CoNTRiBtrrrKft WRITER dom is intoxicating.' Our taxes After only a few weeks into are lower and we are paid a div- my freshman year I lost count idend just to live there. All in of how many times I was asked, all, it makes for a pretty happy "Do you have igloos up there?" group. in response to my revelation Even more wonderful Jhan that i am from Alaska. For my Alaskans' yearly dividend and part, it took me months to seasonal opportunities to feed understand the geography of tourists to the wildlife...err, the five boroughs (I still don't show tourists the wildlife, is the know why the other four think unity that exists within our they're actually part of New diversity. Many Alaskans left York City), and for a while I their families in other states or thought there would be an actu- countries and had to create a al town square at Times Square. new family from the people in I would like to see this not as a their new homeland. In the sign of idiocy on both our parts, Lower 48 there is a stark differ- but instead as evidence of the ence between coasts and interi- huge expanse that separates or, Republican and Democrat, portions of this country, not Christian and atheist, and only geographically, but ideo- among the racial groups. A logically. microcosm of this can be seen This year's presidential in Manhattan: West Side ver- election has caused the country sus East Side, Chinatown ver- to appear diametrically divided, sus Harlem, Democrat ver- putting all the states into their sus...are Republicans even neat categories of red or blue. allowed in this city? Up north, Alaska burned bright amongst most Alaskans have decided to the reds, but just as it is a delu- set aside these differences for sion to believe polar ice caps one basic, carnal instinct: sur- cover my state, it is incorrect to vival. As with any community, project the idea of political Alaskans are dependent upon polarization upon us. one another for their quality of Regardless of political identifi- life and services. But because cation, there is a sense of unity of the immediacy of our rela- among Alaskans that is founded tionship with nature, we are in our desire to be free from the often forced to depend upon often overwhelming control of one another to defend our lives the federal government. Our from the wild. two senatorial candidates It takes a certain type of per- understood that. Both son to make it yr? there. One Republican and Democrat are must be strong to make it considered moderate in the through the long winters, national sense; both want to see resourceful to deal with the vast the Arctic National Wildlife distances, and environmentally Refuge opened. In the end, the aware, for Alaskans are always state went to the Republicans subject to the elements. All for the same reason Bush won these factors that must be con- much of the country: moral fronted and overcome create values. individuals who are accus- Alaskans as a whole, howev- tomed to righting. Alaskans are er, emphasize different moral driven to survive and succeed. values than the rest of the These are the ties that bind us nation. Our values are based and they are stronger than our on creating a community political affiliations. I some- between the pilgrims who trav- times find it easier to convince el thousands of miles to make New Yorkers that I ride a dog their home there and the groups sled to school than that I, as a that have existed there for cen- conservative Republican, care turies, and have a love for deeply about the environment. nature that does not preclude a The room to breathe leaves respectful enjoyment and use of room to be an environmental it. Republican or even - gasp - a Our community is fostered, Democrat in favor of oil rather than hindered, by our drilling. great size. The fact that there is They named Alaska The Last only one person for every Frontier because of its remote square mile, compared to geography, and though that gap almost 80 nationally, means is closing with technology, I you don't bump elbows or see it as one of the last places ignite tempers quite as much. where you are free to be a mix- Even Anchorage, which pro- ture of whatever you choose. vides residence for half the We may be forgotten up there, people in the state, only has a but you know what? That's just population density of about 153 fine by us. We may imitate the people per square mile, where- Lower 48 by watching mo as New York County's is nearly ."American Idol" and reading 67,000. There is a slight differ- People, but when it comes to The unique living conditions of Alaska make for a different outlook on the country's politics and ence there in the amount of politics and values, we are ideals. breathing space. Plus, when comfortable with who we arc, our own special blend of oil and Sierra Clubbers, and most polarized, individualize^! you live in a place that is 15 and do not feel compelled to companies and granola crunch- people arc mjorc than one of the materialized hothcadedncs minutes from the middle of follow in the Ugg-sheathcd crs, hunters and Wildlife con- above. If tdji many people try -,\ their fury might start to m«] nowhere, that breathing space •footsteps of the cast. We have scrvationisls, climblrs, boaters to change |Maska with their #J[ our igloos. •3

www.fclcobst ' i) Features 14 The Observer November 18, 2004 Students can celebrate Thanksgiving without returning home By Jennifer Cobb.PCLCobb, PCLC '0'o5s ...... _. . : Last year, they all met up in New LITERARY EDITOR York*They went to the parade, cooked Deciding to go to a college in New dinner, and watched New York-themed York when you are from the opposite holiday moyies. This year, they plan to side of the country is a huge step. Not meet at Georgetown and do much of only are you forced to transplant your- the same. Like Gutierrez, Petrich says self, and a selection of your belongings that spending time with friends, when to this foreign coast, but you give up you are stuck far from home is incredi- the opportunity to make quick trips bly helpful. "Hanging out with high home. While your roommate might be school friends is a great way. to forget able to pack- up a few things and take about college and the impending finals the first bus to Jersey, you give up this that so often ruin Thanksgiving," he luxury. said. And with Thanksgiving approaching, Another option is to have dinner with Fordham residents who live more than a relatives who live close by. Aislinn subway ride from home have to find Hernandez, FCLC, '08, plans on visiting alternative ways to spend the holiday. her New York relatives for Thanksgiving Phil Gutierrez, FCLC '06, is one such this year. "I'm from Hawaii so it's pretty • student. A native of Sacramento, Calif., ridiculous for me to spend all that money he does not have the money to fly home and all that travel time to be home for for Thanksgiving for just a few days. about five days," she said. Instead, "[It's] been a difficult holiday for me the Hernandez is going to the Bronx to past few years because I'm very close to spend the holiday with her aunt and Ralph Lauer/KRT my family," he said. "Even though we're grandmother. Although Hernandez is all in our 20s and 30s, I'm still the eter- close to her relatives, she said it will still Residents who are staying in New York don't need to miss out on a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. nally-dorky younger brother in my fami- be difficult being away from her imme- ly's eyes. Somehow, there is comfort in diate family. Thanksgiving Day Parade and the turkey But another thought has also entered that." "This will be my first Thanksgiving is in the oven." This year, she will be Gutierrez's mind. "Something I have During his freshman year, he invited away from home, so it's guaranteed to be thousands of miles away and she will be yet to do—and would actually love to some friends from high school to New difficult," Hernandez said. She explained one of the relatives on the mainland that do—is watch the parade balloons York. Like him, they all went to school that the holiday will be a whole new her mother and sister call to ask if there's inflate just a few blocks away the night far from home and couldn't justify experience, since she won't take part in any snow. before and spend Thanksgiving work- spending so much time*and money flying the same Thanksgiving traditions she has While Hernandez knows where she'll ing at a meal program in the city," said across the country for just a few days been involved in for years. "Every be for Thanksgiving dinner this year, Gutierrez. when Christmas was right around the Thanksgiving my mom makes chocolate Gutierrez is not quite sure. He is consid- In fact, spending the holiday helping comer. chip pancakes for breakfast," Hernandez ering spending the day with bis New to feed the less fortunate may even serve "I can't help but laugh really hard said. "I wake up to that smell because it Jersey relatives. "They're weird," he as a reminder that, even if you are far when I think of that Thanksgiving," fills the whole house. In the living room said, "but I guess that's how I know I'm from home, you have a lot to be thankful Gutierrez said. "It was just so strange and the TV is already,turned on to the Macy's related to them." for. • fun," FOf dinner, he and his friends went to a Pan-Asian restaurant in S0H0. Later they went to Pop Rocks. "Gay clubbing Politics and relationships may not mix ; J on Thanksgiving—what were we think- Byv Brian CentroneCentmne,. FCLC'oFCLC '05* . II HD URBAD AMN rnrifTAICOCKTAILI CS I U ' ' ' ',', ing?!" he asked. STAFF WRITER While he admits that his first Love and Politics Thanksgiving in New York was a little I am about to reveal to you some- I'm a gay, Catholic Republican "odd," Gutierrez feels that it really thing 'so shocking you will be utterly was. On a whole, I have come to Yes, it's true.Now breathe. helped him at £ time when he missed his dismayed. At, first confusion will set respect other people's religious and family so much. "I guess I learned that a in, and though this may take some political beliefs and I have even little creativity goes a long way, especial- time for you to ponder, hopefully you come to accept the bashing ly when you're not with the ones you will understand when I tell you that Republicans and Catholics receive love most." I'm a gay, Catholic Republican. Yes, concerning their social and eco- Village, I tended to be more sub- If Pan-Asian cuisine isn't your idea of it's true. Now breathe. The type of nomical views. I understand the dued, preferring to show my emo- the perfect Thanksgiving dinner away reaction I receive after telling people reasons behind the bashing and do tions for him in private. Normally from home, there are other options avail- shouldn't surprise me; it's under- not get upset by it. his actions wouldn't have bothered able all over New York. While many standable that adhering to the ideals However; the time came where I . me so much, but Ricky, being the restaurants are closed for the holiday, of Catholicism and Conservativeness- could no longer avoid talk of my constant politician he was, simply some stay open and serve traditional hol- while being gay can be mind bog- religious or my political beliefs. On had to make sure that he got noticed iday meals. gling to some. I am going to let you in the religion end of the spectrum all the time—something I wasn't Last year Marissa Dacay, FCLC '07, on the problem it causes when trying Ricky and I matched, not 100 per- always up for. Thus it was time to had Thanksgiving dinner at Guastavino's to find and keep a boyfriend in a city cent, but good enough to not let it pack my elephant trunk and hit the (409 E. 59th St.). Dacay, who is from full of liberals. interfere with our budding relation-, road. Union City, Calif., called the restaurant Over the summer I met this really ship. The political end of the spec- I have to say I was saddened at first "beautiful" and said that the four-course great guy. He was very funny, quite trum was another story altogether. by this ruined romance. I thought meal cost about $65 per person. charming and extremely educated. We clashed like brown shoes on a Ricky and I could really have had a If your wallet can't handle places Ricky was a politically driven student black suit. What was even' worse great thing. But I soon realized that if like Guastavino's or The Four Seasons at Hunter. He was planning a major was that Ricky just couldn't let it I was with a person who-'couldn't (99 E. 52nd St.), which is offering coup d'etat of his college's gay, les- go. I was very willing to accept his accept and put aside my opposing meals for $95 per person, there are bian, bisexual, transgender and every- crazy liberal ideals and extend him political views, then I was better off other much more affordable options thing-else-undcr-thc-sun club. Ricky an invitation to the cabin; unfortu- with someone who could. I may have available. According to Greer Jason, had missed a semester in school due nately logs just weren't his thing. I missed out on my chance to play Evita director of Residential Life at FCLC, to a lack of finances, and his position tried to convince him that I was an and be fabulous in vintage Dior, but I Whole Foods will be catering a as president of the club was taken educated Republican and that I ended up gaining something even bet- Thanksgiving dinner for students who over by a "super queer," as he called voted for Gore, but even if we ter: a Canadian! And if there's one will be in the building. it. Ricky was ready to go into political shared that much, it wasn't enough. thing any good American should Some students, though, do not find battle with his opponent, and I was Funny, one would think that a col- know, it's just how damn good those lective hatred for Bush would have going to a restaurant traditional enough prepared to stand by him and be his Canadians are in bed. • brought about unity, but no. Don't and instead opt to cook their Evita. forget, there were still social and Thanksgiving meal themselves. Perry The time we spent together was economic issues that Ricky and I Petrich, FCLC '06, and his friends from wonderful. We'd walk around the couldn't see eye to eye on. I suppose high school have made this a custom. city, cat out at interesting restau- the differences could be seen in our "All of my high school buddies—like rants, and talk about our interests. •Although the events reported are personalities as well. While Ricky me, from Washington state—stranded on Inevitably the subjects of religion true, the names of individuals involved was extremely flagrant in everything this strange coast, meet up at one of our and politics were bound to come have been changed. he did, especially when we were out collective apartments and cook and cele- up, especially considering how at a club, or walking through the brate together," he said. politically minded a person Ricky

www.fclcobsevver.eom November 18, 2004 The Observer Features 15 Subway musicians add life to an otherwise dull commute ByAliMusa,FCLC'o8 "years. Why not abandon street perform- CONTRIBUTING WRITER ing for more promising pursuits?0 Street musicians are part of the natur- The answer is simple: it is in his . al background in Manhattan. The aver- blood. Carl's mother performed vocals age commuter pays them no mind, much for famous xylophonist Lionel Hampton. less a donation. They are the entertaining Although he has some tunes of his own, and the annoying, the color and the Carl primarily likes to play songs from cacophony. his favorite artists. During wanner weather, street per- • "I play jazz, reggae, Latin, but pri- formers can be found everywhere from marily L. enjoy thythm and blues," he subway platforms to street corners. says. "I mostly play Deon Warrick, the However, as the weather gets cold, the Temptations, the Drifters, and Stevie show becomes a strictly underground Wonder....And Sam Cooke, yeah put movement. Sam Cooke in there. In fact, let's play M.J. Zheng, a Cellist from China, per- some of him right now." forms on the uptown 1 and 9 platform at Carl proceeds to play his conga drum. the Columbus Circle station. You don't Conversations with street musicians tend have to be a connoisseur of classical to be short and sporadic so as not to take music to tell that he plays a good "Aria." away from business. The rule is observed li Musa/The Observer His performance prompted an enthusi- by fans and fellow musicians alike, of astic applause from septuagenarian which Carl has plenty. Half-way through MJ. Zheng entertains commuters on the busy Columbus Circle station platform. Augustin A. Herrera Jr. "I like him; he's his set an elderly woman with a guitar really good. He is a real musician," said over her shoulder comes to see him. The When it comes to which spot to per- street musicians on cassette and has as Herrera, who happens to be a former vio- woman, who Carl refers to only as form at, Carl simply states, "You go many as forty recordings at home. She linist for the Panama Symphony "moms" asks him what spots are free and where the feeling is." Among his favorite may very well be an indication of a Orchestra. when is he leaving his spot. spots are 42nd Street, Columbus Circle, growing underground fan culture. Herrera and his fellow commuters Carl is visited by multiple fellow 72nd Street and Union Square. Logically, "What I don't like is when they suck," were very much disappointed when two musicians throughout the course of the it is typically at these busier intersections says Ira Aghai, FCLC '08, a well-versed police officers ordered Zheng to move day, including a bald cello player in a suit that you would get a higher influx of peo- guitarist. because the stop was "very busy." and long-haired blonde guitarist in a ple. Carl also admits to preferring the Attitudes towards street performers Two stops away at Times Square, a cowboy hat, who is not to be mistaken platforms to anything else since here he among Fordham students range from rhythmic percussion reverberates with the infamous "Naked Cowboy" in can "play for the people when they got a opinions on quality to the conditions of throughout the platform. One can hear the musicians. over the drum line the lyrics, "Know "I don't like seeing street musicians that's the sound of the men working on The police will come around once in a blue [moon], but you just who look too rich to be there," says ' the chain ga-a-ang." Smack in the center pack up and go to another place. , Joseph Nolfo, FCLC '08. "Like some of the platform sits Carl, middle-aged -Carl, Julliard kid who's there playing for cof- African-American adorning blue jeans, a Subway Musician fee money. Move over and let someone blue hoody, sneakers and a cap. His face 99 [in] who needs to play." and wooly grey facial hair bares him a Times Square. moment to listen." Carl recalls one instance, in particular, striking resemblance to Gil Scott-Heron. "We all know each other," Carl says, More man anything, there is one where, as a street musician, he refused to •,-- He has a conga drum squeezed in referring to other street musicians. major premise Carl believes in: "When be part of the natural background. between his knees and a bucket for tips a However, as much as they are friends, you come out here, you got to have fun." "There was this one time where I was foot in front of him.' Bypassers and they are also friendly competition. This maxim manifests itself in the playing and this lady stopped to listen. standers alike take refuge from their According to Carl, the biggest prob- form of the commuters who show Jjheir . She told me she was planning on com- daily commutes in Carl's music. lem facing street musicians today is that appreciation for Carl's music and not mitting suicide," Carl said. "I sat down "I love [to play]. I feel when God "you've got more musicians from all just by throwing tips in his bucket. with hqr, talked and prayed. I gave her gives you talent, you need to share it with over the world here now. Plus there's not Young kids passing by clap and point some information on where to get help the world," Carl says. *as much money out there 'cause of the and even sing along to the occasional and she did. That touched me." But how much of Carl's performing is decline in-the economy." "Oh yeah!" Carl gives an almost-reggae rendition for love and how much is it for necessi- Another problem, Carl admits, is "the Stella, a 22 year-old woman from of the Temptations' "My Girl." As he ty? He is currently living in a shelter with police will come around once in a blue Brooklyn passes up her train to enjoy beats to "I've got sunshine on a cloudy his second wife and their five kids and [moon]." Zheng comes to mind. "But Carl's playing for a while. "I wish I had day," it becomes clear that his playing is performing is his only source of income. you just pack up and go to another my recorder with me," she says. not a question of love or necessity. It is a This has been his nine-to-five job for 25 place." Apparently, as a hobby, Stella records necessity of love. • Dealing with aging relatives can be difficult for students By Joe DeLessio, FCLC '06, and everything she needs without waiting one. Ratner believes it is especially Natalie Rodriguez, FCLC '06 TRANSITIONS Coping with the Aging for her to ask. important for college students, therefore, FEATURES EDITORS Rella has also noticed changes with to try to continue with their lives even As the holidays near, many students with the person and continue to phone, her grandfather who lives a few blocks when coping with a sick or dying loved are getting ready to spend some extra e-mail, [or visit] as much as they can," away. "I've seen a decline in his health one. time with their families. This is usually a said Jason Greif, the supervising psy- in the past two years," she said. "He'll "The main difference with college happy period filled with special home- chologist at the counseling center at call me twice in one day within an hour students," said Ratner, "is that this can cooked food, extra time to rest, and a Fordham's Rose Hill campus. He added to ask me the same question as if he be a time of great change and personal chance to catch up on everything. It can that "it is important to remember the per- never asked the first time." growth....It is easy to mix up moving also be a bittersweet time, though, as son as they were, but also...accept the According to Psychologist Daniel forward with leaving a loved one many who don't get to see their grand- person's physical and/or mental limita- Ratner, the postdoctoral fellow at the behind, and this is particularly compli- parents on a regular basis must come to tions." counseling centers of Fordham's cated when the loved on is ill or dying. terms with how the aging process is Those who see their grandparents on a Lincoln Center and Rose Hill campuses, One can move forward and grow with- affecting their loved ones. But by stay- regular basis are often forced to come to it is important for students not to be too out it meaning that the love one has for ing in touch with family and getting sup- terms with these changes even quicker. hard on themselves when coping with an another is any less." port, one can better adjust to these Elyse Rella, FCLC '06, lives in the same aging relative and remember that life Greif believes that it is important changes. house as her grandmother and acknowl- still goes on. for students to talk to others when try- "When you hear them on the phone edged that it can be difficult for every- "People often make the process hard- ing to cope with an aging relative. you hear that they're happy," said one involved at times. er on themselves than it necessarily "Family members can be especially Carolina Arellano, FCLC '06, of her "She's 89...but I think in her mind would be out of a feeling of guilt or helpful in providing support," said grandparents who live in Ecuador. she thinks that she's 30 years younger," enjoying life," said Ratner. "Enjoying Greif, "as they haye likely known the "Their spirits are still all uplifted, but saia Rella. "She really can't see, she life does not mean that one no longer is relative the longest." He added that then you see them you see how age is really can't hear, she has osteoporosis, sad about things changing or about friends, clergy and therapists can also coming upon them. It's a little bit she has bad balance...and she still potentially losing the person." be helpful.

sad* -•• • • - • •••••• • ••• wants to take out the garbage, trim the College students are put in an espe- Greif said that a support group is Staying in touch via phone as hedges, and stand on step stools." cially difficult situation when an elderly planned at the Rose Hill campus for stu- Arellano does is a good way to deal with Rella's family has become very careful relative is ill, because they must juggle dents who have a relative with a chronic the changes going on. "It's important for about keeping an eye out for her grand- the constant changes in their own lives physical illness, although the group has students to maintain their relationship mother and making sure that she has with the changes in the lives of a loved not yet begun meeting. • wwiL\ Arts & Culture The Oh November ]8, 2004 Arts She's a 'Delight!' Playwright debuts new show Calendar Tessa Mancini's 'Earth-Leigh Delights' On-Campus: receives rave reviews Thnrs., Nov. 18 By Enrique ODero, FCLC '06 Come see your fellow students per- form at this month's DeCafe, spon- LITERARY EDITOR sored by SPARC, held at 8 p.m. in me Tessa Mancini, FCLC '06, brushes Student Lounge. The winning per- a few strands of blonde hair out of former receives a gift certificate to her face and crosses her legs upon Teriyaki Boy. white sheets. She sits in a brightly lit room adorned with flowers and Fri.,Nov.l9 the color orange. Wearing a white" Poets Out Loud presents Robert dress shirt with the nickname T-Bird Wrigley ("Lives of the Animals") and embroidered on it, she beams a Lee Robinson ("Hearsay") at 7:30 p.m. vibrant smile and lightly giggles. in the South Lounge. Her effervescent and bubbly person- ality is evident from the moment you Sun., Nov. 21 - Hies., Nov. 23 meet her, but beyond the cheery vis- Fordham theater presents a double- age of this 20-year-old Long billed production: "The Respectful. Islander lies a proclivity for comedic Prostitute,"' directed by Alonda expression. Salinas, and "Red Cross," directed by If you've been to a Fordham Jonathan Talley, in the Black Box stu- University studio show recently and dio at 8 p.m. laughed really hard, you've probably seen "Earth-Leigh Delights," Mon., Nov. 22 Mancini's second produced play in The second annual Multicultural the theater department's playwriting Festival, sponsored by SPARC, cele- program. "It was very experimen- brates cultural diversity with music, tal," Mancini says. "There was no food, dancing and more from countries fourth wall, like in other plays. It around the world. To be held at 6 p.m. in was very raucous and chaotic, but its the Student Lounge. unpredictability made it funny." The play had the principle actors as mem- Tues., Nov. 30 bers of an audience at a show that SPARC sponsors its first book discus- was having technical difficulties. sion of the year with Barbara The performance engage^ the audi- ence by putting everyone in the situ- Courtesy of Tessa Mancini Kingsolver's "The Poisonwood Bible" Fordham playwright Tessa Mancini's newest show, 'Earth-Leigh Delights,'deliv- at 6 p.m. in the Student Lounge. ation, as opposed to outside specta- tors. • ' t." ered loads of laughs when it debuted in October: In theaters: ^ "It was actually inspired by a get very affected by tragedy," she constantly reminding herself that the hockey game," Mancini admits says. "I'm the type of person that world of playwriting isn't easy. FrL,N©v.l9 almost shamefully, blushing and will watch a dramatic play and cry "It's a tough business," she says. "I turning her head aside to hide a about it for three days." Although would love to keep doing what I'm "Bad Education" \: smile. "I was in the second row at a she enjoys and appreciates the per- doing, writing shows for stage for "National Treasure" ,v „ 1 Rangers/Islanders game when a sonal engagement of drama, Mancini the rest of my life, but it's a hard "The SpongeBob SquarePants . : Movie" bloody fight broke out in the row in prefers the release of laughter. industry." Her fervor for theater life front of me. There were some chil- "Comedy is an escape," she says', has kept her well-rounded. Working Wed., Nov. 24 dren in the middle of it, and I was wide eyed and beaming. "When as the supervisor for makeup and ^'Alexander" trying to pull them away as blood people are laughing they're not hair for the FCLC theatre depart- "Christmas with the Kranks" was flying everywhere." It was this thinking about all the stress in their ment, Mancini intends to get her "The Work and the Glory" display of chaos and violence in the U audience of a sporting event that When you get that response froma n audience, when they Fri.,Nov.26 moved Mancini to write a chaotic just laugh out loud, it gives me the chills. It's such a great "Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty comedy in which it seems like any- Hearst" thing can happen. "I wanted to cre- feeling. "Purple Butterfly" ate an environment where people - Tessa Mancini "A Very Long Engagement" could eat, drink, and scream stuff out Fordham playwright if they wanted to." On the airwaves: "Delights" isn't Mancini's first world. They're just laughing and cosmetology license after graduat- foray into the world of comedic having a good time. Being able to be ing, saying, "Even if I can't make writing. "I've been writing comedy a part of that, give it to people; to do money on my plays right away, I can ov. 23 since high school," Mancini admits. that is so important to me." still be involved in theater in that Oflren Stefani—"Love, Angel, Music, Although she has one production Fidgeting in her seat, uncrossing respect." already under her belt, "Making the and crossing her legs, she confesses: Outside of theater, Mancini works ilo^n Lennon—'Mind Games" Team," which premiered last semes- "writing comedy is hard." She as an assistant to TV/film producer MeUchlan—'Afterglow Live" ter, it all began for her in her junior admits to the weight of writing for Carla Singer. "I read scripts and to Dismantle an Atomic year of high school. "Writing didn't an audience. "People don't all have write treatments for the ones I like," seem that important to me until my the same idea of what's funny. That Mancini says. "It's kind of scary, English teacher, Nancy Anderson, kind of pressure can make writing though, to see it all from this per- f ov. 30 encouraged me, saying she really frustrating." Making people laugh, spective. I'm going to be sending •tlfc—"Urban Legend" enjoyed reading my short stories." though, is what Mancini desires. my scripts out to producers and it's Mancini has also always had a love Drawing from classic comedy like "I scary to think that they may not . 7 for theater, however she had never Love Lucy," as well as the personal even read it if their intern doesn't % jPac~~'Loyal to the Game" aspired to be the star. "No, I've foundation of humor in her life, like it." Lwdacris—"The Red Light District" never aspired to be a famous actor! I Mancini strives to write shows that With a penchant for comedic writ- Lindsay Lohan—"Speak" could never do that!" she insists. keep the laughter flowing. "When ing and aspirations for Broadway, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas— But her desire to be involved in the- you get that response from an audi- Mancini is ready to make a name for "Original Soundtrack" ater is what has driven her to take ence, when they just laugh out loud, herself. If you find yourself laugh- her writing talents to the playwriting it gives me chills," she says. "It's ing out loud in a studio show, you The Arts Calendar is courtesy of the program here at FCLC. such a great feeling." may just be in one of hers. theater department, the Office of Although she has dabbled in dra- While her plays have been well "At the risk of sounding clich6, Student Activities,, and matic writing, comedy is where received here in the FCLC commu- laughter is what the world needs," Mancini feels most comfortable. "I nity, she keeps herself grounded, she says. "I just want to give it." • November 18, 2004 The Observer Arts & Culture 17 Poets Out Loud draws selective about our ideas because we The Occasion want to maintain the song's integrity. writers to Lincoln Center ON IMAGE CONCERN... By Elisa Falch, FCLC '06 We try to stay focused on song writing. STAFF WRITER I guess we're not going for a particular image. Fashion never comes up at rehearsal. It's cool if your music can appeal to a variety of people for a vari- ety of reasons. This makes it so some- one can relate to a song on a more per- sonal level.

ON PLAYING LIVE... I think that an ideal show is whenever Courtesy of Plus One Music there is a good crowd of people that New York-based, slightly psychedelic are into the music. It doesn't matter and trippy rock group The Occasion is where it is, any venue can host a good riding off the success of their debut show. self-titled EP. Opening for bands like Earlimart, Inouk and On!Air!Library!, ON BAND FEUDS... The Occasion has only begun to make a At times our methods are painfully name for themselves. Bass player democratic and can lead to some ani- Marlon Sporer explains what exactly mosity between band members. I makes the band tick. think that this is the nature of a col- lective process and usually the end ON MAKING MUSIC... result is worth'it. This may be what We draw inspiration from each other keeps us together. while we're composing a song. Somebody will come in with a song Look for The Occasion's new CD in Courtesy of Scott Hightower idea and it's up to the rest of us to tM spring. In the meantime, visit Professor Scott Hightower is the director of Poets Out Loud. POL is responsible for interpret it however we choose. I for show dates and bringing poets to Lincoln Center for various readings. might play a bass line that inspires a MP3s. drum beat and so on. We are somewhat YvetteBass, FCLC '05 Poets Out Loud has come a long way Poets Catherine Bowman and Randall from being a simple reading series, Mann visited FCLC and worked with becoming the leading poetry outlet at this semester's poetry workshop. Marisa Tomei ON LAW'S CAD OF A Lincoln Center. On Nov. 19, POL will throwtheir CHARACTER, ALFEE... POL has greatly developed since its annual Gala/Book Party, which is open I don't think this kind of leopard establishment in 1992 by a group of fac- to all who wish to attend. This event will changes his spots anyway and if he did, ulty, students, and Fordham alumni who spotlight the book "Hearsay," by Lee I don't think it would be in the span of sought to bring poetry to Lincoln Robinson, winner of the Annual Poet's even a few months! Center. It began as a reading series, Out Loud Prize for 2003-2004. housed at FCLC, and aimed at bringing , According to Hig"htower, Robinson's col- ON GETTING THE OSCAR FOR poets to Lincoln Center. POL has lection of poems are "based on observa- "MY COUSIN VINNY"... expanded greatly through the years: tions from a point of view of someone The irony is after "In The Bedroom" and originally POL sponsored two poetry who sees a lot of anxious twisting and being recognized for that, it's like peo- readings a year, but now includes a finds solace in the more private moments ple forget I do comedy. It's a great thing series of events that take place during of happiness and clarity." The Gala will because I can do both, I like to do both. the academic year. also feature a reading by Robert Wrigley, ON THE SIDE... POL and Fordham University Press whose works included "The Lives of Courtesy of Paramount Pictures have also published five books of poetry. Animals," "Reign of Saints," and "In the Now I'm doing a couple of workshops Each year POL awards a poetry book Bank of Beautiful Sins." Since her breakthrough in 1992's "My of these plays that are developing. I'm Cousin Vinny," actress Marisa Tomei, with publication by the Fordham It appears as though POL has doing a workshop with Jane Fonda. 39, has taken both dramatic and University Press. The winning poet is achieved its goal of fostering an appreci- We're working on an adaptation of comedic turns. These days, she can be then invited to read at a POL meeting. In ation for poetry and has enriched every- "The Scarlet Letter." [I'm] just doing seen in Charles Shyer's remake addition, Fordham's English Department one who has been involved with the these things that are creative at a dif- of "Alfie." Here's what she had to say has started a graduate writing program. organization. Gale Swiontkowski, asso- ferent pace that I like. It's slower and about Jude, upcoming projects This year the online journal "Guernica" ciate professor and program director of more mellow which allows me to and life-post Oscar. was formed by groups of graduate stu- the Institute of Irish Studies, has been blossom in a different way." dents and professors. involved with POL in the past. She ON WORKING WITH LAW AND ON HER NEXT MOVIE, "CHARM SHYER... SCHOOL," WITH MICHAEL Poets Out Loud has attracted some big names in the Charles really was so excited to get CARLISLE AND JOHN GOOD- to work on it. I met and talked to MAN... past, and it gets a very good audience. I think it has Jude and it seemed like we were all It's a romantic comedy, like a lonely been a great addition to not only LC, but to Fordham on the same, page about it. He hearts kind of thing. It takes place in a University as a whole. thought my character is someone that dancing school and I've got a prosthet- -Gale Swiontkowski Alfie really loves or could love. You ic leg. I think that says it all. Associate Professor /Program Director of Irish Studies know, that was appealing to me. J.R Mangalindan, FCLC 'OS

Professor Scott Hightower, director of noted that POL has been a great addition POL, notes that POL has given him a to Lincoln Center. Visit us online! greater appreciation for poetry and writ- "POL has attracted some big names in ing. "I have learned more about opening the past, and it gets a very good audi- fclcobserver. com up space for literature within our cul- ence," said Swiontkowski. "I think it has ture," said Hightower. "I have learned a been a great addition to not only LC but lot about the process and the product of to Fordham University as a whole." • writing." Hightower noted that in addition to Poets Out Loud bringing poets to Lincoln Center, POL- also brings poetry to Lincoln Center in a wide variety of ways. "POL is a service Robert Wrigley ("Lives of the organization that foments poetry interest Animals") and Lee Robinson and related activities across the board at ("Hearsay") on Fri., Nov. 19 at Fordham University" said Hightower. 7:30 p.m. in the South Lounge. Tli is semester POL hosted poets James Richardson and Patricia Carlin who par- ticipated at poetry readings at FCLC. Arts & Culture 18 The Observer November 18, 2004 Actor Stuart Towhsend talks life, movies and Ch&rlize By J.P. Mangalindan, FCLC '05 the future as so many veteran and ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR up-and-coming actors seem so apt to Stuart Townsend is more than just do these days. In fact, he already has a pretty face, more than the tired a script. labels like "Charlize Theron's "I have spent the last three years boyfriend" or, worse, "Mr. Charlize being pretty frustrated and so two- Theron," as the media so glibly and-a-half years ago, I started writ- refers to him. ing a script and I finished it. I got a Speak with the man for a moment producer a couple of months ago and you'll find his Irish brogue and and we started shooting in March, unswerving confidence gently so fingers crossed!" reminds you of another actor making "Battle in Seattle," chronicles the headlines with his sensational 1999 World Trade Organization shenanigans, however it's obvious protest in Seattle. What erupted was —at least from this brief a violent clash of civilian protesters encounter—that Townsend is a dif- and police authority. ferent creature from that rebel alto- "It's how the media was repre- gether. sented, from the viewpoint of the For Townsend, very few topics are cops. It's an incredible event and it's off-limits: he discusses upcoming been somewhat forgotten." projects, the difficulties and rigors Townsend's eyes light up when dis- faced as a struggling actor, and he'll cussing the project. His expressions even touch upon Charlize Theron become more animated. It's obvious- (lovingly and unabashedly). He's as ly a project near to his heart. blase as actors come in an industry "It's been interesting because I where actors surround themselves think if I had hawked the script with throngs of press reps and body- around three years ago, they [studio guards, maintaining that digestible execs] would have said, 'No.' But persona for the general public to lap now, it's generated real interest. It's up. mad because you're writing it and It's refreshing: an actor seem- asking yourself, 'Am I half-mad? ingly unfiltered and unscathed, or This is going to be a pile of shit!'" perhaps indifferent. Perhaps After wrapping "Battle," Townsend simply doesn't care Townsend films his next project, a about, what he refers to as, the British comedy costarring Seth "mad business." Green and directed by Stefan In the here and now, what Schwartz called "The Best Man." Townsend apparently does care Slowly, Townsend appears to be about is my soggy appearance. working toward bigger and better As we sit, rain mercilessly pelts scripts. Still, if Townsend had his New York City and the subway tun- way, it seems he'd simply be happy nels, the one constant in the city that Actor Stuart Townsend's latest flick, 'Head in the Clouds,'also stars his real-life doing independent film. To him,' it never sleeps, have flooded. I found gir\friend Charlize Theron. Together, Theron and Townsendare the understated seems less about the paycheck at the celebrity couple, skirting the gossip media chains rather successfully. myself running 20 blocks to make it end of the day and more about the to the interview. quality of the work, the final product. "How was your morning?" he asks you know." dining, grocery shopping, you name When asked about this, Townsend sympathetically, bushy eyebrows Towsend's latest, "Head In the it—continually plaster tabloids. remains easygoing, as if consigned to creasing, arm extended for a hand- Clouds," is another small indepen- Recently, shots of the lovebirds the freewheeling idea that life—and shake. dent film. As the mild-mannered appeared with Theron wearing a his career in the process—has a way If he's asking out of politeness, Cambridge student Guy, the actor neck brace, an injury that happened of working itself out. it's unnecessary. If he's acting con- falls for the self-indulgent, insa- while filming the upcoming "Aeon "I used to think, 'This is my cerned—well hey, it works. tiable socialite Gilda (Charlize Flux." career. I'm going to do a lot of What's interesting: Townsend Theron) and befriends the stripper "She'd been practicing for three independent film and work with never was and never will be an Mia (Penelope Cruz). Fate rears its months, doing back-flips and somer- great people." But, life doesn't overnight sensation. He's not built ugly head Mia World War II, saults on trampolines going one, turn out the way you think it's like the Orlando Blooms (a close destroying their self-made oasis, two, three on the wires. She slipped going t. There's no control over it. friend of his) of the world. His flir- altering the course of their lives. in the middle of a round. Her disc I don't think I'm primed for any- tations with success have met with If "The English Patient" copulated went very, very near to her spinal thing. It's just whatever fate sends bittersweet results: if "Wonderland" with "The Dreamers," "Head in the cord and the doctors said, "one me next." • [more] millimeter" and it would a — have been another life. So, no more I think people get very tired of seeing the same two people very stunts for her. I forbid it!" iS^mograpfay quick|y. Back in the old days, that was the nonn almost—you had Townsend laughs heartily thinking Best Man, The (2006) - Oily a couple who did movie after movie together. But I personally about it, shaking his head. Pickering wouldn't like to see the two of us onscreen all the time and I "I know her. In six weeks she'll Head in the 0ouds (2004) - Guy don't think anyone else would. say something like, 'I'm fine again! League of Extraordinary I'm ready to go!' All of us will have - Stuart Townsend, Gentlemen, The (2003) - Dorian to say, 'No, you have to cool down. on making movies with girlfriend Charlize Theron Gray Let the stunt people do this. That's Shade(2003)- Vernon their job, that's what they get paid Trapped (2002) - William Jennings in 1999 and "About Adam" in 2000 Clouds" would be their secret for. They're the professionals.'" Queen of the Damned (2002) - were two small steps forward, lovechild. When asked whether he would Lestat de Lioncourt panned studio flicks like Anne "Some movies I think you do consider working with Theron again, About Adam (2000) -Adam Rice's "Queen of the Damned" and because you like the character or he pauses, cocks his head to the side Mauvaise passe (1999) - Tom "League of Extraordinary love the director or the actors or for a moment as he thinks. Venice Project, The (1999) - Gentlemen" were one-and-a-half whatever," Townsend explains. "I don't, because I think people Lark/Gippo the Fool steps back. "This was definitely about the get very tired of seeing the same two Wonderland (1999) - Tim Simon Magus (1999) - DovidBendel To put it bluntly, Colin Farrell he story: it was a great love story— people very quickly. Back in the old Resurrection Man (1998) - Victor is not. complex—and thought it would be days, that was the norm almost: you Kelly It's a truth Townsend realizes and a great thing for us to do." had a couple who did movie after ! Under the Skin (1997) - Tom readily acknowledges. "It s^ mad, By "us," Townsend refers to movie together but I personally Shooting Fish (1997) - Jez you know. Most of the time, I'm Theron and himself. Together, wouldn't like to see the two of us Trojan Eddie (1996) - Dermot pretty frustrated as an actor. A lot of they're the understated celebrity onscreen all the time and I don't Summertime (1995) - Andrew the films I want to do, I don't get, couple. They ostensibly skirt the think anyone else would." Godsuit (1993) and a lot of the films that arc out gossip media chains rather success- Townsend does not discount pos- there arc sequels, teen com cdics, fully, yet photos of them—wining, sibly writing or directing films in Courtesy November 18, 2004 The Observer Ails & Culture 19 'Come on, get happy!9 Reality TV gets a blast from the past By Heather Iiebling, FCLC '05 U COPY EDITOR Reality TV has finally crossed the It's difficult to keep reviving line. No, 1 don't mean making women old ideas. Reality [TV] is going fight to marry a "small person." No, I don't refer to the chomping of bull gen- to have to start coming up italia. No, I most certainly don't mean with some new ideas to sur- forcing women to reconstruct their vive. faces on the basis that they will be - Ron Simon, "happier." Oh, no. It's much worse curator of the Museum of TV and Radio than that. Reality programs have start- ed to recreate kitschy TV sitcoms! How many times have you looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, something like 'The Brady Bunch' "Man, I'm a dead ringer for Susan movie." Dey!"? Well you had a chance to If you're like me, you're thinking, exploit that talent on VHl's Partridge "Why is television doing this to me?" farce "In Search of the Partridge These shows didn't entertain me much Family." The competition show, which the first time around and I certainly premiered Sept. 5 on VH1, auditioned don't want to watch them being recre- real people to fulfill the roles of Keith, ated by nobodies! But there must be Laurie, Danny and Shirley Partridge. something mildly entertaining about Judges were cast originals Shirley watching real people going through Jones, Danny Bonaduce, and David situations that only happen in TV Cassidy. Land. At first this seemed like a novel That's where the public ego comes idea. How many people out there actu- in. Everyone knows that people try out ally look like '70s icons, with acting for reality television in order to be and singing just as bad? A lot, it turns famous. But this phenomenon takes it out. Now it looks like other channels to the next level. Not only are they are hopping on the recreation band- making a name for themselves, but they Danny Bonaduce, one of the original members of The Partridge Family,' coaches a wagon. get to show off their quasi-acting abili- group of young auditioners on VHl's 'In Search of the Partridge Family,'just one Starting Nov. 30, you'll be able to ty ,by playing a part that's already been of the new breed of reality TV. see TBS' "The Real Gilligan's Island." clearly mapped out for them. Another show that is following in the Ultimately, what's happening with This show takes seven real people that Perhaps the deluded individuals that "copycat" vein is "Laguna Beach: The these reality rip-offs is that the illusion fit the prototypes of the "Gilligan's" are cast on these shows think that casting Real O.C." This MTV docudrama is is being disturbed. Fictional television crew (the millionaire, the professor, directors will see their undoubtedly flaw- not supposed to, directly mimic Fox's is supposed to remain just that; fiction- etc.) and places them on an island for less imitations and say, "Hey, that David show, "The O.C." What it is doing, al. When you try to take ordinary peo- our amusement. What's even more Cassidy wannabe is my next star!" however, is leaching off of the popular ple and place them in a pre-set fictional kooky is that they will even be given ' Although this new form of reality new soap's success by showing the dra- world with a steady fan-base, nobody's some situations from the original show drivel seems to be the perfect way for matic lives of real teens from this going to come watching. What these in order to recreate its past glory! one to live out childhood fantasies of California county. stations will find i^s that viewers don't According to Rqn Simon, curator for being, for example, Ginger "the movie WhaMhis attempts to show the loyal want the reality—*tHey want the fantasy. the Museum of TV and Radio, the idea star," it seems that this exciting adven- fans of fox's show is that the scripted So is this a trend we can expect to of recreating old TV shows isn't some- ture is extremely exclusive. For those version is juicy, but real life in Orange see continue well into the future? "I thing new, but something that's only of us not cast on the show ourselves, County is even juicier! What actually don't think so," says Simon. "This is now coming to fruition. "There's how will we know the fun and joy of happens is that the scripted version how TV keeps alive—recombining always been this impulse to go back getting to be one of the "Gilligan's shows life the way we'd like to imagine with other genres ... but it's difficult to and try to relive old TV," he says. Island" castaways? I suppose, then, it to be, and the "real" version, assuming keep reviving old ideas. Reality is "There were scripts that tried to recre- that we are expected to live vicariously it is accurate, turns out to be appalling, going to have to start coming up with ate 'The Honeymooners,' for example. through our "real" compatriots on the although it mirrors much of the same some new ideas to survive." And we've seen it in film already, with other side of our TV screen. shallow behavior on the fictional show. Let's cross our fingers. •


"* I,


li.i fifJI ONLV iN THEATRES NOVEMBER IQ Arts & Culture 20 The Observer November 18, 2004 Now in theaters: On the airwaves: EMINEM is Chingy's lyrical content - 26's, ballin', Encore (Aftermath.) and bling. You've gotta give Chingy props On the follow up to for mentioning the Pink Slip in the Lou, 2002's "The though. Seems this young rapper knows Eminem Show," how to hit up the East side well. B Eminem continues Catharine McNelly to rap about fame, his past, people in MIRACLE OF 86 his life and so on. Last Gasp (Immigrant Sun) His prominent, clever rhymes continue to On Miracle of 86 's vary Jrom being serious to humorous latest EP, frontman while being backed by effective beats. and Fordham alum Standout tracks such as "Evil Deeds" and Kevin Devine, "Mockingbird" are two perfect examples FCLC '01, com- that show the range that is found here. bines elements of Courtesy of Disney/Pixar Nothing much has changed on this The Incredibles raked in over $70 million in its first week. his solo acoustic , but it doesn't matter. The formu- svork with the melodic sound of previ- BRIDGET JONES: The Edge VERA DRAKE la still works well and fans of Eminem ous Miracle material. The EP, which of Reason Rated R, 125 mins. (Fine Line) should have no trouble welcoming this features both new material and new ver- "Encore." A Rated R, 10» mins. (Universal) If British director Mike Leigh were a sions of previously recorded tracks, Rafael De Leon She's baack! Spinster-ao-more, a painter and this 1950s period melodra- gains strength as it goes along, begin- plump and perky Bridget (Renee ma his painting, then Imelda Staunton ning a few tracks in with the catchy gui- Zellweger) is blissfully in love with delivers it to the third dimension. With tar melody of "When It's On My Mind" the perfect man, Mark Darcy (Colin cherubic grace> "Vera Drake" sacri- Youth (El Music Group) (which originally appeared on 2002's Firth). But can all be well in Bridget- fices her every waking moment to her Collective Soul's lat- "Kevin Kolankowski") and the more land? Oh no, of course not. Departing work and family, for a liberal ideal she est album provides a distorted guitar of "We Keep You from the guideposts set by "Pride and understands as "helping those with very youthful, Honest." The disc ends with an acoustic Prejudice," "The Edge of Reason" nowhere else to go." This beautiful vibrant sound that version of the title track of Miracle's returns to the love/hate relationships character, set amid such thoughtful makes you forget last album, "Every Famous Last Word," between Bridget and Mark and, oh clarity, is nothing short of Oscar-wor- how long the band which closes out the CD on a mellow yes, an old favorite returns on a fateful thy. With a poignant script juxtaposing has been around. but appropriate note. B+ trip to Thailand—Bridget and Daniel characters, socio-economic classes With pulsing progressions and buzzing Joe DeLessio Cleaver (Hugh Grant). Recycling old and beliefs, every shot pertinent and licks the band keeps itself fresh in the jokes and hilarious gags from block- calculated, and this year's best lead contemporary rock scene without losing HANDSOME BOY actress performance, "Vera Drake" is a its distinct style. Lyrically the album is busters past—the infamous granny MODELING SCHOOL panties make a triumphant return—the must-see. A strong, but does have some songs, like White People (Elektra) sequel, like the second book, re-writes David Graver "Counting the Days" and' "Under Fresh. Groovy. Old the bitter and sarcastic humor of the Heaven's Skies," that fall flat. Overall school. Handsome original, but its aim is slightly amiss. the album delivers to Collective Soul THE INCREDIBLES Boy Modeling Even so, enjoy the fat jokes, another fans but may have a problem working its Rated PG, 115 mins. (Disney/Pixar) School's "White Darcy/Cleaver duel to the death, and way into new audiences. B- Found: Movie of the year. "The People" takes it back moments of true female solidarity in— Enrique Ollero a b , Incredibles" combines stunning visu- " to the roots of hip- where else—a Thai prison. B als with humorous writing that places hop with straight, Corinne Iozzio special focus on the Incredible fami- CHINGY simple beats. The album covers all'genres ly's search for purpose and accep- Powerballin' (Capitol) with its guest appearances - Jack Johnson, AFTER THE SUNSET tance as superheroes. The animation Though me commer- Cedric and Omar from Mars Volta, Jazzy Rated PG-13, 100 mins. (New Line) breaks new boundaries in back- cial rap album has Jay, Chino Moreno, Pharrell, Mike and Brett Ratner's latest action comedy, a ground effects and thrilling experi- been done time and Chester from Linkin Park, RZA, Alex breezy, tropical take on the typical ments with Elastigirl's rubbery time again, Chingy from Franz Ferdinand, and Cat Power's caper flick, fizzles rather than sizzles. physique. Look for creative use of does it well with his Chan Marshall, whose vocals on "I've The premise, revolving around two her body in the sky and at sea. The latest release, Been Thinkin'" complete the album. retired thieves (Pierce Brosnan and scene-stealing character is undoubt- "Powerballin'," Hilarious skits, like "The Dating Game," Salma Hayek) and an embittered FBI edly Edna Mode, the designer for the adding his own Midwest twist to his in two parts, aren't at all annoying like so agent (Woody Harrelson) on their tail, Incredible family. Anyone that con- sophomore album. The young St. Louisian many other hip-hop ; you can't is as nonsensical as it is disposable. siders "hobo suit" an appropriate has grown a ton since his debut just over a bring yourself to fast-forward through it. Having Brosnan and Hayek frolic on adjective to describe aging superhero year ago. This time around, his first single Definitely take a moment to stop by the the islands scantily clad, French kiss- attire is to be loved. Bottom line, "Balla Baby" somehow lives up to his Handsome Boy Institute. You'll be much ing like horny teenagers at the local "The Incredibles" is a movie that name. In fact, cliche or not, the whole better off. A drive-in certainly sells tickets, but is lives up to its title. A album "chings." The only disappointment Catharine McNelly not enough to make up for a disap- Meg Delcher pointing climax, which, neither clever, nor thrilling, is completely NEW ON DVD: unsatisfying, leaving viewers feeling like a peeved adolescent with blue SHREK 2 balls. C- Rated PG, 105 mins. (DreamWorks) J.P. Mangalindan DreamWorks Pictures serves up a real treat with the anticipated release of BLADE: Trinity "Shrek 2." The movie, starring Mike Rated R (New Line) Meyers, Cameron Diaz, Eddie Did the "Blade" films really need to Murphy, and Antonio Banderas, is a be made into a trilogy? After watch- hysterical look at what happens after ing David S. Goyer's rote flick, the the fairytale ending. The DVD boasts answer is a resounding "no." From a great selection of special features flaccid battles to monotonous dia- including featurettes on the produc- logue, the film fails in almost every tion, the cast, the music, a behind the respect. Wesley Snipes seems to be scenes feature all about "Puss In going through the motions with a Boots," and a feature where you can supporting cast (plucked from vari- watch all the musical numbers. ous B-movie projects) who seem to While some of the features are short be taking their roles a bit too seri- and not engaging, the majority are ously. In fact, the entire film has a very entertaining. Either way,' this decidedly bad, B-movie feel to it. In DVD is a must-own, and a perfect gift this case, "third time's a charm" with Christmas right around the cor- ner. B+ need not apply. C- Kevin Devine (far right), FCLC '01, and his band, Miracle of 86, recently released a J.P. Mangalindan Enrique Ollero full-length album entitled 'Last Gasp.' The Observer Literary

hoping for. Day daddy died The moment we stepped into the hallway, we Untitled-Noveinber 3, 2004 By Jennifer Cobb, F€LC '06 knew we were too late. The respirator was silent. By Andrew Edward Lyons Nolan, PCLC '06 LITERARY EDITOR We had always been able to hear it the second we CONTRIBUTING WRITER . ••*, rounded the corner. This is not my country The phone rang really early that morning. We I don't know if we said anything. I don't even I piss on your flag stared at each other for a second, frozen in know if we started crying right away. We just ran. Everything you stand for is fiction silence. We 'knew what it meant. It was the call we We ran all the way down the hall and passed the a lie in the eye of dreamers had feared for months. Mommy jumped sudden- nuns until we got to his room. He was lying in his and tyrants of the new world ly, forcing us both out of our trance. She picked bed, very still. He looked like he was sleeping and terrorizing the rest with high ideals: up the phone. "You'd better hurry," the woman that's what I chose to believe. His eyes were "Democracy!" told her. "He's not going to make it through the closed and his hands were clasped over his stom- "Freedom!" day." ach. I had seen him like that so many times Fuck freedom! For some reason I thought that the outfit I before. The doctors didn't know what they were Where's my share? chose to wear was important, as if the shut I put talking about. I am a citizen without rights on would somehow change the outcome of Then I touched him. His body was cold and Democracy is dead things. As if the color I wore would be the secret stiff. He didn't feel like Daddy. At some point we religion has mistaken it's place remedy. As if the shoes I chose would stop our • started to cry. And at some point we hugged and and I no longer care for the taste of this republic world from crumbling. I must have changed my kissed his body. He didn't move. He didn't smile, I am ashamed of you outfit six times in the five minutes before we he didn't hug us back, and he didn't wake-up. He what could have been.. .has faded to memory left. just laid there, cold and stiff. It was hard to Here lies America, home of the free • The car ride to the hospital was a silent one. • believe that my daddy wasn't there when I was Instead of singing with the radio like we always staring right at him. did, we stared into space, locked into our own The nuns told us he had passed away much worlds. No words could have conveyed what more quickly than they had thought. The nurs- we thought or felt accurately. Right then, es' station was right outside of his room and silence was the only way we could communi- they said he must have heard them telling my cate. mom to hurry. They said he didn't want us to I don't remember praying. I had given up be there, he didn't want us to go through that. on that when I realized that he suffered more He didn't want us to have to remember him and more. I could pray all day long and he taking his last gasps of air as we sat there, still got worse. I didn't see the point in his helpless. suffering. We walked outside after awhile and stood in They tried telling me that there are reasons for the blinding sunlight. It was Daddy's favorite everything that happens. That there is some kind of day. The sky was bluer than "his e,yes. "master plan" is all bullshit; I didn't buy it. He There were no clouds anywhere. Birds were had never done a thing to hurt anyone. If he had chirping merrily from the flowered branches of to be stolen from us, why make him suffer in the the trees. A squirrel was running across the process? So instead of praying, I hoped; only I green, green grass. A butterfly even fluttered didn't know who I was hoping to or what I was above some flowers. And Daddy was gone. • The Story I Wish I Could Write By Enrique Ollero, PCLC '06 LITERARY EDITOR

the words that you sing dictate the verses that I write upon this page where I scribble this story to try to recall die way life used to be with the girl you used to be

the infidelities of each poetic verse chiseled in each beaded tear I watch roll down your cheek and take their place among Dallas Morning News/KRT the stars scattered on this floor

how much ink have I seen bleed from the pages Do you have America Rising into my nails where every solemn verse any creative By Andrew Edward Lyons Nolan, PCLC '06 I tried to convey becomes CONTRIBUTING WRITER lost within these feeble fingers writing that which force these strings to cry you've been Yeah, I'm alive and so is liberty in me I still recall every Sunday waking up hiding? hidin' out and sharing every breath of each behind the ghost of a five and dime sunny, cloudy, rainy day. Have you lost with the walking wounded/the working poor every whisper from those Sunday mornings Send any Stained with the ash and tears in the bed that we made literary of our world gone wrong Dismembered spirits all the words that you sing dictate the verses submissions Yet we proclaim hope that I write upon this page (prose, poet- for oyr future lost where I scribble this story to try to recall There is a dark place the way life used to be ry, lyrics, in it is kept the whole of the world with the girl you used to be etc.) to and scattered to the comers something like America in us I'm tearing down brick by brick literary® Remnants The castle that I spent my soul bulldingu]r -fclcobserver Something stilll young and vibrant inmesffljperofeteiflitjr™---' The broken shards of glass huddled hiding/waiting Imbedded in my hands and feet tell .com frightened children bracing against the storm The stories I wish I could write without anyone in the world but still,.. ...we are rising Litc*rar\- 22 The Observci- November 18, 2004

find a happier place." Doctor wrote feverishly now; this is precisely what he needed to UNTITLED, 416a support his prognosis. His license depended on it. By Phil Gutierrez, FCLC said, who offered only praises of starting life anew CONTRIBUTING WRITER I hardly know the months of her cataclysmic crimson without, stained eyes remembering The two hold each other close. They intended Come 2 a.m., our pair is the last standing. Still Numbered as they are. hazel only to gather for tea that evening, but upon leav- dancing, the two do not lust for each other, but Life with a note of its own Brown was once your rather their forehead-to-forehead stance indicates is mine. color ing the Grey Dog in the.Village, a Croatian dance-, though I wrote you off to hall beckoned from the sidewalk. Neither Croats a meeting of minds simply content in each other's And as I teach myself the gray nor dancers, they weren't a couple, either. But presence. Romance is not the theme of their steps earthier stuff were these intelligent, compassionate beings care little evening; revelation is most fitting. Tea. I know it's me who's lead you about what choice or circumstance has mandated. International politics. The experience of water. ing. than soulless evening dew What captures their attention at this moment in Laughing at tapioca's absurdity. Smiling at one Without a worry I catch Yet I'll find some comfort should I think of you that time is their movements that seem to echo con- another in silence. Offering a nervous hand to myself to stand again; way • stellation maps light years away. hold, to grip, to cling onto for dear life when life I don't need you anymore. Slow-dancing atop the old, weathered hard- itself is beyond grasp. I don't feel you anymore. wood to syncopated eastern European synth-pop They stand in the center of the ballroom, still You're not the dream I made sense to few other patrons that night. A now. The space is dark, save the disco ball under sleep to find. woman in a faux-fur halter-top clumsily crashed which these gentlemen, friends, dance partners Countless days have I "Stuart" into our Platonic partners of the night, apologizing stand. Bathed in piercing white lights, two indi- lived without you, in Slavic tongue and with booze-laden breath. But viduals defy all that is told them about relation- The once brightest star I By Enrique OBero, FCLC '06 who, pray tell, could break what was formed beau- ships, love, and companionship, emerging as never could reach, LITERARY EDITOR tifully in earnest? Mutual interests gave rise to explorers into the uncharted cosmos. After a Grey Stronger now I let you go. intelligent conversation over dessert, eventually Dog and once among the Croatians, in this light Within my world I do not Sweater vest, sneakers leading to this dance club where both stars, fin- and in this silence, they do not kiss; they do not see your sky, the purest form of genius gers, and steps are in alignment. Rousing, rare, grab. With u light of my own poofy haired Sherman • redeeming. The two hold each other close. • I don't need you anymore. • November 18, 2004 The Observer In the pool with Steve NHL season put on ice By Vin Gurrieri, FCLC '05 Potsklan SPORTS EDITOR ' In a move that most hock- ey fans saw coming—those who wanted to look any- way—the NHL season is on the brink of getting cancelled. A labor strife between owners and players has caused the sport to shut down indefinite- ly. The owners have locked the players out, effectively saying that until a collective bargaining agreement is reached, the lights are out on the rink and there is no more hockey. Now, of course, many Jeny Lodriguss/KRT long-time hockey fans jnay Sorry hockey fans, it looks like the season ended a little be upset.. Hardcore fans in early this year. places like hockey-crazed nas, and trying to sell hockey to see hockey for many years Detroit or hockey-obsessed in non-traditional hockey mar- to come. Canada, are practically in kets, teams have* been operat- The only question is when Courtesy Fordham Athletic Dept. mourning over the loss of Director ofAcquatics Steve Potsklan, who led the men's and ing in the red for years. If a will the players and owners do their season, but is a lockout women's swim teams to identical 6th place finishes at the 2004 team breaks even or finds a this? The season, which usual- really bad for the sport? Let's A-10 Championships. way to turn a profit, (only a ly begins in October, is look at the facts. handful have managed to do it already delayed. The All-Star Men's and freshmen [are] not intimidated or More than half the teams in over the past few years) it's Game has already been called scared to get out there and com- the NHL are bankrupt. As all considered a miracle. No sport off and the Stanley Cup women's swim pete. you economics majors would can operate successfully when Playoffs are destined to be Observer: Who is your say, this is bad. Teams all over all its member teams are los- called off as well. What are coach leads suc- toughest competitor? the league and particularly the ing very large sums of the players and owners doing Our non-conference compe- few remaining Canadian fran- money—we're talking eight to fix this? Not too much. The cessful program tition is tougher than our con- chises are so far in the red figures here—every year. If two sides have yet to even sit By Jennie Nan, PCLC '08 ference opponents. These they might as well paint the not for this lockout, many of at the bargaining table togeth- STAFF WRITER include UConn, BC, and ice that color. When teams these teams would have to er in months. Players don't Columbia. No softies here. like Ottawa and Pittsburgh fold. want their salaries cut, but ROSRiflLL—Entering his Observer: What are your began having problems just That's why the lockout, as owners know that have to be 10th season at Fordham, Steve 'expectations for the men's and paying their players checks Martha Stewart would say, is cut because they can't afford Potsklan has more responsibili- women's teams at this year's that- don't bounce, it became a good thing. So we don't get to pay. ty than just about any other Atldntic-fO Championships? obvious that the NHL. was to see the fights, the goals, or That is the stalemate both having some majox-jmoney head coach at the school. .Q»ir.;g^l.JsltQibSiratour best .alLithose.. loyable .guys .with sides find themselves, in. The Unlike all the others, Potsklan and to pealc at A-10s. Our dual issues. "*'*• - air their front teeth missing problem isn't if this issue will is in charge of, not one, but two meets are rehearsals for the big But why? NHL teams make for a year. Big deal. At least, be solved but just a matter of teams: he coaches both the show (A-10s). moneys-don't they? Well, no once the NHL and the when. If you're a hockey fan - women's and men's swim Observer: Who would you actually. Between players' Player's Union get their that time can't come soon teams. During his tenure, over consider the leaders of the men's salaries, debt from new are- finances in order, we will get enough. • 30 school records have been and women's teams? Why? set, along with numerous indi- Our captains.have done a ter- vidual titles for Fordham swim- rific job of leading our team Realignment shakes up NBA mers. He has led Fordham to with a new attitude that focuses By Joel Perez, FCLC '06 saw a combined 116-212 tact from last season are the the best finishes in school histo- on the team and enthusiasm. ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR overall record for its teams Atlantic, Central, . and ry in the Atlantic 10 The captains are Jackie with Orlando having the Pacific. The only significant Championships and was also Campagna, Erika Newell, Jon The NBA tipped off its worst record at 21 -61. change in the old divisions is named the 2001 Fordham Rowe and John F. Kennedy. 57th season this week with On the other end of the the Toronto Raptors moving University Coach of the Year. Observer: What is your several big changes that were spectrum is the Southwest from the Central into the Last week, Potsklan spoke with opinion of Erika Newell being implemented during the off- division, which saw all five Atlantic, placing them a suit- the Observer. named the Atlantic 10 Women's season. The biggest was the of its teams make the play- able location geographically. The Observer: Before the Swimming and Diving Co- league's decision, with the offs a year ago. The Dallas The others in this^ division season began, what were your Performer of the Week for the expansion Charlotte Bobcats Mavericks, Houston include the Boston Celtics, goals for the men's and fifth time and her new school joining the party, to realign Rockets, Memphis Grizzlies, New Jersey Nets, New York women's teams? record in the 100 meter back- the 30 franchises into six and the San Antonio Spurs Knicks, and the Philadelphia Potsklan: My goal is to have stroke? divisions. The realignment make up by far the most 76ers. The Knicks have a everyone reach their peak and She is a phenomenal athlete balances the out both confer- competitive division in the legitimate shot at winning perform their best at A-10s. who still keeps improving her ences by having 15 teams on NBA, The New Orleans the Atlantic now that Miami Observer: What are your strengths while also exploring both sides, five teams per Hornets moved into the West has been taken out of the thoughts on the men's and her versatility. She can go out division. Here's what the to make room for Charlotte mix. women's swimming teams and win several events that I new NBA looks like and how in the East. The move jeopar- The realignment will have opening their seasons with 2-2 line up for her. it will affect which teams dizes the Hornets' 12 consec- division opponents play one records? Observer: Are there any make the playoffs. utive seasons of finishing at another four times each, and I am really, really pleased home meets that you would espe- Three new divisions in the .500 or better, and their five play other inner conference with our opening results. cially like the fans to check out? NBA are Southeast, consecutive playoff appear- teams three to four times. Everyone stepped up their per- The RI/Duquesne tri meet on Southwest, and Northwest. ances. New Orleans will Each team will also play 30 formances. The upper- Nov 20, 12:30 p.m., La Salle The Southeast Division is have the daunting task of games against teams outside class[men] are faster than [they] lpm Jan 22, and UMass on Jan. considered by many hoop competing in a division the conference. The changes were last year at this time. The 29, 1 p.m. • analysts the worst division in against which they have a also adds two more division the league, with the Bobcats win percentage of .437 (7- winners, going from four to coming in and joining the 16) dating back to 2001. The six and seeding them in the Write for the always dreadful Atlanta Northwest Division has the top three playoff spots. Sports Section. Hawks, Washington Wizards, Denver Nuggets, Minnesota This marks the first time and Orlando Magic. The Timbcrwolves, Portland since 1977 that significant Miami Heat, with the newly TrailblazerK, Seattle changes were made to the E-mail: acquired Shaquillc O'Neal Supcrsonics, and Utah Jazz league when the Denver, sports@ manning the middle, are vying for Western Indiana, New Jersey, and San expected to easily run away Conference .supremacy. Antonio franchises came with the division, one which The three divisions still in over from the ABA. •

ivww.fclcobservev.eom The Observer November 18, 2004

Women's basketball shoots for challenging season By Jfen Mammalia, PCLC'06 10 conference, the Lady Rams for themselves and will try to ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR are looking forward to playing push through the second and against some of the East's third place teams, the ROSE HELL—On Nov. 4, toughest teams outside their University of Richmond and Fordham Basketball's Lady conference. St. John's, Boston George ' Washington Rams won their first exhibi- College and North Carolina University, to do so. In all, tion game against the New State are all teams that will Fordham's tough schedule will York Gazelles with a close 63- provide Lewis with that chal- include eight teams that partic- 60 victory at Rose Hill, a win lenge. The team is even going ipated in post-season play a that they hope will be a pre- as far as Puerto Rico, where year ago. cursor for success as they they will participate in the San "[Post-season play is] our begin the regular season on Juan Shootout in December. ultimate goal," says Lewis of Nov. IS. The tight win begins This tournament, which making it into the playoff tour- what Head Coach Jim Lewis includes the top 30 women's nament. The team, led by senior guard Monica Mack, « — • We're looking at this season as a three-segment who averaged over 13 points challenge. It starts with the 13 non-conference per game a season ago, hopes games against the strongest program of teams to improve on its 4-12 confer- ever. ence record from a season ago -Jim Lewis and make it to the most excit- Head Coach ing part of the year. So how do the lady Rams anticipates to be the most chal- basketball teams in the nation, plan on meeting this chal- lenging season Fordham has will be Fordham's first in lenge? "I will...we wilL" is had during his five-year attendance. the team's motto for the season tenure. "The second part of our according to Lewis. The team "The win was a confidence challenge is the regular season confidently believes in playing builder," said Lewis of the of the Atlantic 10," says their best as individuals and as opening game. "We're looking Lewis. According to Lewis, a powerful and united team. at mis season as a three-seg- the Rams fight for victory with Lewis, who has been head Courtesy of Fordham Athletic Dept ment challenge. It starts with each game they play, but the coach at Fordham feels that Senior guard and last season's leading scorer Monica the 13 non-conference games team's eyes are set on beating the team has proudly been rep- Mack hopes to help the Lady Rams improve on last year's against die strongest program last year's conference champi- resenting the university. "This disappointing 11-17 record and 5th place Atlantic 10 (East) of teams ever." on, Temple University.: The year we're sending out the finish. Flaying out of the Atlantic Rams want to claim that prize challenge." • We got next: NBA set to tip off 2004-05 season Weeks of By Matt Chapraks, PCLC '05 IRIDIN' THE PINE COLUMNIST „ Nov. 1,

What happens when a these teams can hope for is that Nov. 7 league with almost no parity ESPN Classic is available in realigns? The good teams get all their hotels on the road. SCOREBOARD better and the bad teams get Whereas the winner of the Ram Ramblings worse. That's what we're in Atlantic division might only store for this NBA season. need 40 wins to secure the Now boasting three regional third playoff seed (this is Football: divisions in each league, the what's wrong with the East), Bucknell 21 - Fordham 20 entertainment value of the the Central division will defi- Lehigh 21 - Fordham 14 NBA will undoubtedly be at a nitely have more to offer in Team Record: 5-5 peak this season. Here's why: terms of, urn, quality basket- Eastern Conference: With ball. The Pistons are obvious- Women's soccer: three championship-caliber ly the favorites, but Indiana ECAC Championships teams (Detroit, Indiana, returns a more mature and LIU 2-Fordham 1 Miami) in the East, mere will poised team that was only two Detroit Free Press/KRT in Beacon Jon Final Team Record: 8-7-1 finally be some stability in a wins from the finals last year. Shaq thinks title'in Miami. LeBron: The nextMJ? conference that had quickly Add LeBron James and the Ram Ramblings: become the laughingstock of Cavs and you might finally Looking now to the rest of is what Kobe has wanted for Needing a pair of wins professional sports over the have a recipe for competitive the West, there's only one the last couple of years, and : along with some help, the last couple of years. This year ball night in and night out in word to characterize the now he has it: his own team. Fordham volleyball team the Pistons are the reigning the East. But let's not get NBA's better half: nasty. As He just better stay healthy, can missed clinching a berth champs. Shaquille O'Neal is ahead of ourselves. the Hornets are going to unfor- because if he goes down, in the Atlantic 10 tourna- in Miami and has guaranteed Western Conference: For tunately discover, the West is even the Hornets will have ment with a 3-0 loss against results. And Antoine Walker is the last three years I have been full of big, bad bruisers in tank their own punching bag. temple. now a Hawk, hoping to re- attempting to make the state- tops. Top to bottom this con- So, we once again find our- Freshman Donnie Callara claim his lost status as a peren- ment that any team in the West ference is stacked. The elite selves on the cusp of another was named Atlantic 10 nial "beast of the east." would be a playoff team in the teams have remained elite, NBA season. There are many Men's Swimming and So with the new age "Bad East. Thanks to the absolutely while the "mediocre" teams questions yet to be answered: Diving Co-Rookie of the Boys,", a reborn Shaq, and the ingenious decision (I'm being have bulked up. will the Lakers make the Week for the second time imminent (and surely exces- bitterly sarcastic herp) by the Playoff mainstays like the playoffs? Will Carmelo this season. sive) return of the, "'Toine- NBA to move New Orleans to Spurs, Mavs and Wolves Anthony and Lebron James hi Lincoln Center sports wiggle", who's to say the East the West, my point will not should be on the top half of the live up to their super sopho- news, the LC Soccer Club won't be fun to watch this only be valid, but come April, playoff bracket. As for the more expectations? How advanced to the quarterfinal year? Anyone in the it will be proven. The other teams, watch out, anyone many times will Damon round of the MetroSoccer Northeast, that's who. Yes, Hornets, formerly the fourth- could be playing postseason Stoudamire add/or his father League Playoffs this past sadly, basketball's former best team in the East, will fin- basketball. The Rockets added be cited for marijuana use? week with a 6-1 victory over Mecca has reluctantly emerged ish with the Western Tracy McGrady, the Suns Yes, the NBA is entering a FC Hudson. Adam Dyer, as the NBA's third-world Conference's worst record. picked up Steve Nash, and the period of uncertainty, but one FCLC '05 led the way With province. With storied basket- And they have the exact same Jazz now represent a compila- thing is for sure: this season two goals and one assist, Bail cities such as Boston, New team that last year finished tion of all the countries that will be full of entertainment. while John Markcsnis, York, and Philadelphia all with 41 wins and hosted a smoked Team USA in Athens. And while I may not "live for FCLC '08, and Kacleigh this," I'll sure as hell watch it. seeking refuge in the new first-round playoff match-up. And then there arc the Lakers Helmc also contributed two You should too. • Atlantic division, the best that It's just not fair, is it? (aka Kobe and the kids). This goals apiece in the win. •