Holiday Options Students Debate: Praise for Fordham for Residents a.m. Class or Sleep? Playwright Features, Page 14 News, Page 2 Arts, Page 16 www.fclcobscrvcv.coni The rver The Student Voic Lincoln Center November 18, 2004 Volume XXIII, Issue 6 Fire and water cause McMahon Hall damage Marymount By Monique Diman, FCLC '06 ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR a phone call. "My friend called me and student said, 'Your apartment is filling with FCLC—A match thrown into a waste- water,'" Rutecki said. raped in basket started the fire that caused the alarm The sprinklers released 20 gallons of and sprinkler system to go off in McMahon water per minute and drained by way of the her dorm Hall at approximately 10:50 p.m., on Nov. M apartments from floors one through 8. eight. room Shortly after smoke set off the alarm, Students throughout the building were sprinklers in apartment 8M1, which doused told to remain in their apartments and those By Laura Di Orio, FCLC '05 the fire, caused flooding in the M apart- entering building were kept downstairs. NEWS EDITOR ments of McMahon from the eighth floor Megan Board, FCLC '07, resident of apart- down. ment 7M, received a call from her room- MARYMOUNT—A 19- According to John Carroll, director of mates informing her that her computer was year-old student at Fordham security services at Fordham, a resident of resting in more than one inch of water. At University's Marymount cam- 8M, threw the match away after lighting a the time, Board was not permitted to go to pus was raped in her dorm room candle, which ignited and spread to the her room. on Nov. 6 by a man who was mattress. Three out of six of the 7M suitemates invited into the building by the "[Fordham] has so much expensive were already in bed when the alarm sound- victim and her friends, accord- equipment and an immediate personnel ed. With 8:30 a.m. classes and dance ing to John Carroll, director of response. ... Thank God that no one was rehearsals to get up for on Tuesday morn- security at Fordham. Catharine McNelly/ The Observer seriously hurt," said Carroll. ing, the students were initially going to The incident occurred at Sprinklers set off after a McMahonfire alarm on John RirteckV FCLC '07, 8M resident, ignore the alarm. When water started to about 2:30 a.m. in Ursula Hall "after three students, including Nov. 15 left water damage to areas of the building. wasn't in the room at the time but received Continued on page 5 the victim, signed in three males who were not Fordham4 Fordham alum battles liberal 'bias' on campus students. Carroll said that all ITHE CARDINAL NEWMAN SOCIETY old by an older lesbian. The proper security and residential O'Hare calls tactics advertisement encouraged con- life procedures were followed. Part one of two 'witch-hunting' cerned parties to contact the The perpetrator, a 22-year- allowing it to continue. which on its Web site (cardinal- presidents of the 30 Catholic old Bronx man named Manuel By Corinne Iozzio, FCLC '05 Rodgers said that he took these newmansociety.org) describes institutions that had scheduled Gomez, was immediately EDITOR IN CHIEF letters as a clue that he should itself as a "national organization performances, and included arrested following the incident FORDHAM—For three re-evaluate whether or not the dedicated to the renewal of their e-mail addresses. and could face up to 25 years in years, Eve Ensler's "The Vagina "Monologues" were appropri- Catholic higher education in the Although Rodgers also prison for first degree rape. Monologues" was performed at ate at Lincoln Center. United States." opposed the inclusion of the One of the Marymount vic- FCLC without incident. But on This influx of letters came The mission of the Newman "Coochie Snorcher" mono- tim's friends met a friend of V-Day 2004, the "Monologues" shortly after the Cardinal Newman Society is to "promote discus- logue, he said that the Society's Gomez's over the Internet were never performed. What Society placed an advertisement sion and understanding of the objection was not a determining recently, according to an article changed? in USA Today, The Washington message of the Catholic Church factor. However, Anahid from The Journal News. The Dean of Students at FCLC Times and the National Catholic concerning the nature and value Kassabian, associate professor article went on to cite that the Christopher Rodgers told The Register protesting the of higher education." of communication and media victim's friend requested that Observer in October that the "Monologues" as a "vulgar and In the case of "The Vagina studies and women's studies Gomez's friend bring along two university's Office of Public sexually explicit play." Monologues," the Society made who is familiar with the Society, other males on the evening of Affairs received upwards of The Cardinal Newman particular objection to the believes that the connection Nov. 6. 1,000 letters protesting the Society, whose founder and monologue "The Little Coochie between the influx of letters and After the group met in the scheduled production and ask- president is Patrick J. Reilly, Snorcher that Could," citing it the fact that the "Monologues" dorm's lobby, the residents ing the university to re-consider; FCRH '91, is an organization as a statutory rape of a 16-year- Continued on page 5 Continued on page 3 Student attendance sparse at USG Town Hall Forum By Laura Di Orio, FCLC '05 See EDITORIAL, page 7 appointed with the attendance," NEWS EDITOR said Wood. "That's not to say was due to insufficient promotion our efforts weren't there, FCLC—Few Fordham of the event or to poor student though, because we did try. College at Lincoln Center body participation, or a combina- "USG made significant (FCLC) students showed up for tion of the two, remains unclear, strides to promote the event," FCLC's United Student but USG President Catherine Wood said. USG prompted the Government (USG) 2004 Town Wood, FCLC '06, seems to think Forum during their Jamba Juice Hall Forum on Nov. 10. This that this reflects a university- event, which was held on the event was meant to be a discus- wide concern. "It's not just with Plaza level of the Lowenstein sion between members of USG USG," she told The Observer. "I building two days prior to Tqwn and the student body population think there's a general sense on Hall. In addition, they posted about how USG is doing and to campus that students don't know some signs advertising the bring forth any concerns that what's going on." event throughout the building. students have, but little student At a USG meeting the day Some students believe that feedback was given due to the following the Town Hall Forum, the flyers, however, may not I-aura Di urio/ me observer poor attendance. members of USG admitted that Few students showed up for USG's 2004 Town Hall Forum on Continued on page 2 Whether the low turnout rate attendance was poor. "I'm dis- Nov. 10. The Observer November i8, 2004 Sleep deprivation can affect class registration By Monique Diinan, FCLC '06 sleep. "I think [sleep depriva- ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Election 2004 .....6 tion] is an underlying factor, Opinion 7 FCLC—There is enthusiasm not the major factor in [the stu- Features 11 among some students when dents that visit the Health Arts & Culture 16 they no longer have to take Center]," he said. Literary. 21 8:30 a.m. classes to fulfill their Ferrara also pointed out, Sports 24 requirements. While register- medically speaking, "It is hard MISSION STATEMENT ing for classes, the epidemic of to quantify 'I feel tired."' The Observer is an independent- sleep deprivation and its conse- Allyson Schettino? FCLC minded student newspaper serv- quences among college stu- '06, took a more self-blaming ing the Fordham College at dents is alarming. view. "I feel I deprive myself of Lincoln Center (FCLC) communi- Ten Fordham College at ty. The Observer's mission is to sleep in college," she said. seek and present the unbiased Lincoln Center (FCLC) stu- Between classes and choir, truth while simultaneously fos- dents reported getting an aver- Schettino keeps busy. "I'm try- tering journalism experience age of six hours of sleep per ing to get back to a real sleep among students enrolled at FCLC night, which mirrors the schedule, but I try to get eight and promoting and supporting national trend of decreased hours," she said. the ethical principles defined in the First Amendment of the sleep among college students Jobs, internships, clubs, and United States Constitution per- today. And those students are classes, of course not in order taining to the freedom of speech probably not the only ones at of importance, are all tugging and of the press. FCLC getting by on less and at the sleeping hours of stu- less sleep. dents. CONTACTING US Sean Cruickshank/ The Observer The Observer office is located on When scheduling classes, "I slept maybe three or four the FCLC campus in room SL-19 sleep is top priority for some Students juggle schoolworkjobs, and internships and find little hours a night," said Vic Reyes, of the Leon Lowenstein building students. Communication and time to sleep. FCLC '05, a film major and at 113 West 60th Street, New media studies major and the- self-entitled "pseudo-insomni- York, NY. Address all mail to The ater minor Michael Berberich, Observer, Fordham College at average sleep per night for ado- appear to be at greater risk [for ac." "Sometimes I wouldn't Lincoln Center, 113 West 60th FCLC '05, said, "I've had one lescents is 8.5 to 9.25 hours, these symptoms]," according to sleep for two to three days, but Street, Room 408, New York, NY 8:30 a.m.
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