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Rhode Island's Only I. Greatest Newspaper Independent Weekly The JewisbHeriIII in Rhode Island' VOL. XXXVII, No. 24 FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1952 PROVIDENCE, R. I. TWELVE PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY List Pay Scale For Communal Workers NEW YORK-About 40,000 per­ ~ange to $10,000 a year. Those D. P. Commission Due to End sons are making a living in the employed in the fi eld for five years United States by serving the reli­ or more average about $6,000 a gious, cultural and communal year. needs of American Jewry. Several In the field of Jewish education August 31; Truman l,ssues Orders thousand persons are engaged in salaries range from $3,200 to $8,000 the rabbinate alone. Their annual a year for teachers and from $6,- salaries range from $4,000 to $6,- 000 to $12,000 or more for educa­ McCarran Act 00 and after about ten years of tional directors in executive posi­ Settle Dispute In service they average $8,000. In tions. addition, depending on· the size of About 3,500 men and women are Held To Blame their congregations, they enjoy engaged as professionals in J ewish Waad, Hacashruth fees from weddings, unveilings and communal vocations. A substan­ • WASHINGTON-President Tru­ bar-mitzvahs which range from tial number of executive jobs in Final settlement of the lengthy ma'l this week signed an Executive $25 to $50 in smaller communities this field bring 'salaries ranging dispute between separate elements Order turning over to the State to double that sum in larger com­ from $6,000 to $15,000 and more a within the Waad Hacashruth of Department the task of liquidat­ munities. Some rabbis, however, year. The greatest bulk of Jews Providence, Inc. was announced ing the · Displaced Persons Com.­ do not accept fees for services In J ewish social work are non­ by Harry Stutman, an official of mission. rendered to members of their con­ executive, starting at about $3 ,000. the organization, following a spe­ The Commission's tenure will gregations. Rabbis of large con­ cial meeting held Monday at 86 Some 1,300 Jewish social workers come to an end on Aug. 31, a little gregations enjoy salaries of $10,- Jefferson Street. more than four years after the 000 to $20,000 and more, although are engaged in Jewish community The end of the long battle was centers, "Y's", Hillel Foundations, first Displaced Persons Law was the latter are few. signified by a Superior Court order passed in June, 1948. Orthodox cantors receive salaries Zionist and fraternal organiza­ dismissing a Jan. 15 injunction averaging between $2,500 and tions. Salaries \n this field range that prevented action from being The President made no com­ $5,000 a year. Cantors in Con­ from _about $(000 to, $15,000 a taken on a proposed amendment ment, but it can be assumed that servative synagogues enjoy salaries year. About aOO professional work­ to the constitution adding two lo­ he signed the order grudgingly, from $5,000 to $10,000 a year. Like ers are employed by Jewish or­ cal rabbis to the rabbinical board. since the passing of the Commis­ the rabbis, the cantors also have ganizations combatting anti-Semi­ The rabbis are charged with the sion will deprive the Government additional sources of income from tism. Their salaries range from enforcement of kashruth in all of an agency to handle a problem weddings, funerals, etc. about $4,000 to $15,000 a year, with public kosher establishments in still considered critical by the Synagogue administrators start a few running higher. this city. White House. with a salary of about $3,500 and More than 200 professional According to Stutman, the in­ ARTHUR WEINFELD, 23, of .- The Commission first under the workers are employed by Jew­ junction was thrown out because Detroit, assumes a pose farriiliar chairmanship of lJgo Carusi, and ish organizations as fund-raisers. Judge Andrews of Superior Court to thousands of draftees through- now headed by John W. Gibson, . ./-- Salaries for fund-raisers start at declared it is not unconstitutional out the nation as he is examined waS responsible for bringing a bout Israel lnd_emnity $5 ,000 a year, but salaries of $10,- to amend a constitution. by Dr. Alfred Goldfaden, at the 315 ,000 displaced and homeless 000 and more are not unusual for As a result of the recent court Detroit Induction Center. Making persons from Europe to this coun­ (Con_tinued on· Page 2) (Continued on Pare Z) the picture significant is the fact try. All were primarily victims _Draft Approved that Weinfeld is the l ;000,000th of the last war and its aftermath. inductee since the outbreak of the The Displaced Persons Act faci!i- THE HAGUE, Netherlands - Korean War. tated their migration. Agreement was announced last Educator Blames Parents for Bad The law, passed initially for two week on the first draft of a treaty years and then extended for one -under which West Germany will Advice·on Children's Marria<;1e Army Officials more, closed the doors on most pay Israel comper.sation be!i2ved displaced persons last Dec. 31, and j to total $715,000,000 for Jewish WILDACRES, N. C.-A leading good marriage; or that there must Attend Ceremony for the remainder in a separate victims of Nazism. category, on June 30 . Jewish teacher of ethics blamed be several karats to the ring, To unassuming Arthur Wein­ Gershon Avner, spokesman of About 300,000 Resettled the Israeli delegation to the com­ Jewish parents for giving their otherwise Rosie will sneer at you; feld, a ·23 -year-old Detroiter who pensation conference here, said children the wrong advice when it 6r that there must be a two-tone holds a bachelor's degree in poli­ Mr. Gibson reported last Jan . 2 the treaty would be kept secret comes to weighing a marriage pro­ car?" tical science from Wayne Univer­ that all of the 336 ,000 visas au­ "until we have explained it to the posal. He urged the girls to marry "I think all that is abominable!" sity, fell the distinction of becom­ thorized by Congress had been as­ , Jewish people." for "the beautiful thing called was Rabbi Jung's blast. "What ing the nation's millionth draftee signed to eligible immigrants, and No agreement has been an­ love" rather than for the material we do is force our girls, whom we since the Korean War started in that about 300,000 of the recipients . nounced as yet on the treaty be­ things of life. teach the sweetness of purity .and June, 1950. had actually resettled in the tween the West Germans and the Addressing one of the closing all the rest of it, to wait for a His answer to the hubbub which United States. world Jewry delegation to the con­ sessions of the B'nai B'rith Insti­ bachelor who has waited long surrounded his being named Mr. The 336,000 eligible for entry ference. It is expected that the tute of J udaism here, Rabbi Leo enough to have made his pile and 1,000 ,000 was a simple, "Well, I into the United States comprised de I e g a ti on representing J ews Jung, N. Y. spiritual leader and have a very good income. And we guess I have to go anyway, don't about 30 per cent of all European around the world will accept the mem.ber of the faculty or1 Yeshiva don't ask what are the conse- I ?" displaced persons resettled, and German· offer of $107,000,000. University, laid the blame on the quences." The Army, as well as state and was the largest number taken by There· was no official indication parents for the stress put by young He recommended that Jewish national figures who converged on any nation. Total cost of the re­ of the sum agreed on for Israel, people today on material aspects parents would do better to instruct Detroit to participate in the cere­ settlement program has been esti­ but it is believed that Israel has pf marri~ge. . their daughters: "The only thing monies, left Weinfeld a tired young mated at $100,601,000. accepted the German offer of "Where is it written on Mount that matters is to find a fine, de- man when it was all over, and also About 46 per cent of the dis­ $715,000,000 in goods. Sinai or in the Constitution of the cent. clean upright boy . . Get gave rise to a bit of joking from placed persons admitted to the Avner estimated that the final U. S. that you must get married married and live in one room. Get his fellow draftees. But Weinfeld United States by last January were and agreed English text of the with a five -room apartment in a marriecl and live without mink took it all in stride. · Roman Catholic, 35 per cent were treaty with Israel would be ready good section of the city?" the coats, Get married without an At Wayne, he was a member ·or Protestant and Orthodox church, in about 12 days. Orthodox spiritual leader wanted expensive wedding, Get married Sigma Alpha Mu, national social 19 per cent were Jews, and about It was learned that the combined to know, "or that your husband without a showy honeymoon . .Oet . fraternity, of which group he was 1 per cent were "other and un­ sum covering both the Israel and must earn so and so much mone}"; married for the beautiful thing president. He was still attending known." world Jewry claims would be paid or that a mink coat is part .of a called love." the university, working on a mas­ A final report, covering four to Israel in the form of goods. ------ter',s degree, when he got the call years of operation. is being pre­ Israel then wlll retain the goods pared by the Displaced P ersons •t• f • d Old J • h p from Uncle Sam. It wa~ not Commissiol' and will probably be and pay the world Jewry delega­ Expe dI IOU m s ew IS ape rs unexpected though, since Wein­ tion its share in cash. feld had decided to end the un­ ready for release before its expira­ tion date. CINCINNATI - DOC Um e n t S man, rabbi of Temple Israel, St. certain wait and had volunteered throwing additional light on the ror induction. All chance for a new displaced Louis, Mo.; and Rabbi and Mrs. persons program this year ended Hungary, Rumonio lives of the first Jews in the Ameri­ Theodore S. Levy , of Huntington, When he arrived at Fort Custer can colonies have been discovered he telephoned his fiancee, Rita with the enactment of the Mc­ W . Va . Carran-Walter Immigration Law. Remove Childr~n by a West Indies expedition spon­ The aim of the expedition was Bettner, informing her of hls sored by the American Jewish to discover documents and other reception at the base. "The Army." Archives of the Hebrew Union he said, "wants to make sure their In Jewish Homes data bearing on the history of Rebuilding of Beth College-Jewish Institute or Cin­ those Jews in the West Indies, who 1,000 ,000 th man is snappy. They cinnati. had me t1·y on five uniforms until ZURICH- Reports of the sepa- became the first members of their I got a perfect flt." The documents Include a power faith to settle In what is now the Israel Is Begun ration of Jewish children from Much of the original excitement their parents in Hungary and nf attorney for Mordecai Gomes, United States.· work has been started on the Issued by his brother, Jacob had died down. but to Rita, her Rumanla have been received here They were driven from Brnzll'ln flance was stlll one in a mllllon. rebuilding and renovation of from Vienna. It ls said that Jew­ Gomes, In 1718. The legal paper. 1654 and some of them went to Temple Beth Israel, Benjamin ish parents in these two countries round In the court house at Bar­ Barbadoes, Jamaica, Curacao as Elman. building committee chair­ are tattooing names and symbols badoes, deals with the a ff airs of we ll as to New Amsterdam, now European Jews man, announced this week. on the bodies of their children to the Gomes family, which was New York City. The entire Temple will be re­ facilitate their recognition later prominent in business In New The documents and other ma­ Join Fete Here decorated, with remodeling of the York City in the 1700-1720 period. in life in the event of such separa­ terial discovered will be of Interest NEW YORK-Jewish communl 0 auditorium scheduled for com­ tion. Many of the Jews who came to In connection with the celebration, ties from European countries will pletion in time for the high holi­ According to these reports the " 1e American colonies from Brazil In 1954 , of the 300th anniversary be invited to participate In the days. The auditorium wlll seat Communlst - controlled Jew is h "v way of the West Indies returned of the arrival of these Jews in 300th anniversary celebration of 300 . New modern classrooms wlll press in Hungary and Rumanla is to the West Indies after passing America. 1954 of Jewish settlement In the be built for the Sunday Hebrew conducting an incessant propa­ seve·ral years in what Is now the ' Dr. Marcus said that the mem­ United States, it was announced School classes. New facilities wlll ganda campaign against all ele­ United States. bers of the expedl tion found In here by t he American Jewish Ter­ include a modern kitchen and a ments of the Jewish population Dr. Jacob R. Marcus, who Is di­ Barbadoes the tombstone of the centenary Committee. Ralph E. stage, who are not engaged in manual rector of the archives and ts also first rabbi who officiated in the Samuel, chairman of the Commit­ The building committee includes labor. In Jewish schools, it is said, the Adolph S. Ochs professor of United States. He was Halm tee, left for Europe to consult Leo Grossman, Ira Galkin, Joseph teachers seek to discredit such -Jewish history at the institute, led Isaac Carlgal, believed to have Jewish communal and religious Fowler, Irving Brodsky, Charles' parents in the eyes of their child­ the expedition. He was accom­ come to Newport, R. I ., in 1773 as leaders In England, the Nether­ G. Greenstein and Marshall B. ren . panled by Dr. Ferdinand I . Isser- a wandering scholar. lands and France. MT!.rcus. -~

THE PROVIDENCE J EWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1952 Israel Determined List Communal ClASSIFIE"D Pay Scales OPPORTUNITIES To Move Ministry (Continued from Pai:-e 1) Cluslfted Advertialn1 aatH: 7c per word: ,1.u minimum. Call GA.spee those who are long in the field. TEL A VIV- Israel still is de­ 1...U12. DHdline Tuesday ni1ht at AU these facts are culled from s ~- M. HObLYWOOD-Danny Kaye: man is in bad shape." termined to move its Foreign the very interesting book "OpJ>Or­ "Television will never take the Isaac Stern: "Common sense is Ministry from Tel Aviv to Jeru­ place of the newspaper because you the most uncommon ·thing in the salem despite disappro,,al by sever­ tunities in Jewish Religious Voca­ OLD ORCHARD BEACH- W at erf r ont­ can't swat flies with it." world." al countries including the United tions" -by Walter Duckat. just M oder n four room apartment. A ccom­ published by Vocational Guidance modate six. $80 wee kly. Mrs. Fenton, Oscar Levant: " My idea Qf a Max Shulman: "There is so S tates. a Foreign Ministry spokes­ Portland 4-.8936. successful man is one who can much humor in the world because man said last week. Manuals. earn more than his wife can there are so many people who take WOMAN: 60-65 years of age, to share The spokesman reaffirmed that The book. an occupational ana- conviently louted home with a not her spend." themselves seriously." the move depended solels on the 1..ysis of Jewish ,ocations. is de­ woman. Call DE 1-8394. Groucho Mark: "Your knowledge Bess -Myerson : "To seem to be completion of suitable quart.ers signed to be both a guidance 94 TAYLOR STREET-first floor, Three of love depends on the way you what we are not is easier than no ow being built. The government instrument for use in schools and rooms. T ile bath and shower, heat, grasp your subject." to be what we seem." hot wate r, refrigi?rator, range. proclaimed J erusalem as the capit­ a recruitment manual for those Judy Holliday: "The stage is full Gary Grant: "Security is one of al t wo years ago and most of its young people who aspire to Jewish LIGHT HOUSE-KEEPI NG duties f or el, of people who became actors be­ the most insecure things in the government departments are head­ religious and communal ,ocations.. derly couple. Fu ll or part-t ime. Excel­ cause they liked to sleep late." world." lent salary. DE_ 1-1244. 8-22-29 quartered there now. George Jessel: "Most after-din­ Artie Shaw: "When everybody Questioned at a press conference. ,' ner speeches are usually a diar­ attends to his own business. news the spokesman said that in addi­ Settle Dispute In rhea of words .and a constipation is scarce.n tion to an American note sub­ HARRY WINOKER of thought." , Jascha Heifetz: " Man is always mitted last June disapproving of Molly P icon: " Nature is wonder­ trying to make something for him­ Woad Hacashruth PAINTING.CONTRACTOR. tile proposed m ove, representatives ful: a million years ago she didn't self rather than · something of from Britain France, Iials. Aus­ (Continued from Pa~e 1) Announces know we were going to wear spec­ himself." tralia and Turkey had informed that he is ready to serve his public tacles, yet look at the way she Larry Adler: "A snob is one w!io Isra.el of their governments· views order. the Waad Hacashruth at alter a long ;/Jness placed our ears." lives in public. as the rich do. and on the move. H e did not say what Monday·s meeting adopted the • REASONABLE PRI CES Hedy Lamarr: " A woman has in private as the poor do." the views were. but they are known amendment a n d una.nimousJ..y • GOOD SERVICE to love something. even if it is Adolph Zukor: "The follow who to have contained disappro,•al.- elected Rabbi Abraham Chill of e TOP QUALITY nothing but a man." invented money was a genius. but Congregation , Sons of Abraham Harry Richman: "There are two and Rabbi George B. Schwanz of - Estimates Given Free - the one who thought up interest things that kill _a popular song: was no slouch." Lexington Honors Congregation Beth-David as mem­ CALL AFTER 5:30 P. M. playing it and singing it." Jerry Lewis: " If you want to bers. to ser,e along with the pre­ PL 1-7691 and PL 1-4152 Eddie Cantor: "A girl in good flatter somebody, just look serious vious incumbents. Rabbis Da,'id shape is often the reason why a and ask him what he thinks of the Immigrant Tailor and Joshua Werner and Morton general situation." Berkowitz.. Maurice Samuel: ··silence is the On 78th Birthday Actually, the amendment calls for an increase in the number of - LAST THREE DAYS - on!y successful substitute for BOSTON-The entire town of rabbinical members of the Waad The World Famous brains." .£:. • historic Lexington. crad1e of t.he Haca.sh.ruth of Prm~dence. Inc. Harvey S tone: .,It is better to American revolution, turned out from four to siL Monda_v·s elec­ have loved a short girl than never this week to honor a Jewish im­ tion brings that number to 11,e. DIZZIE GILLESPIE to have loved a tall:· ,rugrant tailor on his 78th birih- with the post former!.;· held by the Benny Fields: "Some men marry day. o_nd His Famous AII-Stor Sextet late Rabbi Morris G. Silk of Con­ poor girls to settle down. and The celebration. orig i n a 11 y ;:regation Aha"ath Sholom 'o/­ Next Week-THE ORIOLES others marry rich ones to settle planned by the Le>.."ington :Minute­ ing vacant. up." . men. an organization to preserve Week of August 25-The Noted STAN GETZ Gertrude Berg: "Many m arned Colonial landmarks. to mark couples _manage _to patch up their IJulius Seltzer's birthday. QUJ.·ckly Congress Urges and His Orchestra old quar re.ls unttl they are as good burgeoned out into a town affair. as new ones:· The Lexington Historical Society I Yehudi Menuhin: "The disad- was given permission to join as No Withdrawal vantage of being rich is t.hat you were other communal groups. in- NEW YORK-The vdlhdrawal have to live with rich people:· eluding the chamber of com- of four-Power occupation troOps Joe E. Lewis: .. Alrs riot with m erce. in Austria and the restoration of the world:· Seltzer who emigrated to the full Austrian sovereignty will con­ Dore Schary: .,Some people do Onited States from his native stitute a very gra,-e risk of neo­ more scheming to get by "1th0ut Austria in 1905. is believed to be Na.zi revival in Lhat oou.nu-y u.n­ working than working to get by lhe first Jewish .resident of Lex-­ less guarant.ees are e...·u~Cuted em­ without schem ing:; ington and the first Jewish busi- bod_ving Austrian commianen1s to Jack Benny: "T ry to save some- oessman there. Be was one of insure the discba.rge of all demo­ thing while your salary is small: the founders of the Minutemen cratic obligations. Dr. Israel Gold ­ it·s impossible to save after you organization and is now its com­ stein. president of the American THE COUNTRY HOUSE beg-in earning more." . ma.oder emeritus. He is vice- Jewish Congress. declared SUndas Mel Blanc: "It isn·t so hard to president of the historical society. in a message 10 Secretary of S


Waldorf Tuxedo Monday, 5-4 in -JEWISH a game that went only five inn­ ..... =- ...... 1 ings. Wildness on the part of Bill f Delvecchio, who walked home three runs in the fifth - and last Softball League inning, was the main factor in : MATERNITY t By Howie Cohen the win. Bill walked nine men in all and gave up seven hits, but FALL STYLES MONDAY'S RESULTS .f i was tight in the clutch outside of Cranston 5, Waldorf 4 (5 inn.> the one bad inning. Cranston left t 81ZES M&F Insurance 12, Broadway Auto 8 11 men on base. • 9-15 10-20 38-44 SUNDAY'S RESULTS Mickler and Stepak had two hits : All Games Postponed, Rain. each for the winners. Davidson, tDRESSES ..••••.. 6.99 STANDING OF THE TEAMS the winning pitcher, was equally fSU ITS ...•••• .- •.. 8.99 Team W L wild, giving up seven walks and Waldorf Twcedci 12 3 six hits, but he struck out six. :JUMPERS •.• , •••. 5.99 Cranston JCC 11 4 Leonard, Stan Lobel, Aiello and ' M&F Insurance - 10 5 Weintraub were best for the losers. : Technoprint • 8 8 Waldorf tied the game in the fSUMMER -·CLEARANCE Broadway Auto , 4 11 sixth but the umpires called th_e - Natcor 1 · 15 game before Cranston batted in its tDRESSES • . • . • . . $3~$4 SCHEDULE half of the inning. FOR SUNDAY, AUG. 17 Technoprint vs M&F Insurance This was one of the worst um­ at Hopkins Park piring jobs of the many years of the league. Both on the bases and rK~~RA~:;$3 Natcor vs Waldorf Tuxedo at Roger Williams Park behind the plate, the umpires Broadway Auto vs Cranston JCC didn't seem to know what was 201 WOOL WORTH BLDG. going on or what kind of a call l - at Richa}'.dson Park Open Monday SCHEDULE to make on the plays. All this led FOR MON. AND WED. to a rhubarb on every play every inning. Technoprint VS Waldorf Tuxedo Cranston vs M&F Insurance '······················~ RONA ELLEN WEXLER, 27 months, and her sister, JANICE Jlroadway Auto vs Nateor MARIAN, 15 months, are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. B. Wexler

Make Reservations Naw Far LABOR DAY and The Half of U. S. Jews In Israel HIGH HOLi DAYS af Decide to Retain U.S. Citizens~ip Delnick' s Hotel TEL AVIV-Thousands of resi­ countries' and of these 20,000 VILLAGE ST. MILLIS MASS. dents of Israel declared that they chose to "opt out," reported Dana did not want to be citizens of Is­ Adams Schmidt, New York Times Room '406, Woolworth Bldg. ROOMS rael· and preferred instead to re­ correspondent here...... - WITH PRIVATE BATH tain their foreign citizenship and The largest group among those We Also Have Accommodations for passports. were United States citizens. It· is Parties and Banquets 1,000,000 Jews in this country estimated that there have been 5,000 to 6.000 United States im­ Tel. Millis 266 still possessed papers entitling them to citizenship of o t h e r migrants to this country, and that more than half took the steps necessary to retain their citizen­ ship, reported Schmidt. Delicatessen, Yanks Anxious ~ Harry's For two months the U n i t e d Featuring A Quality Line of , Restaurant & Bar States consulates here and in Jeru­ salem and {IaifJl have been be­ • Cut-Up Chickens • Fancy Meats 90 CLEMENCE STREET sieged by Jewish residents seek­ ing assurance that their papers • Butter and Eggs WILL BE CLOSED for Renovations as United States citizens were in order, the Times reported. They Starting MONDAY, AUGUST 18, needed the papers to present to Carry Only PRIME and CHOICE Meats AND WILL RE "!-OPEN Israeli immigration authorities to And ONLY NATIVE Poultry show they were retaining Ameri­ Mare Attractive and . Modern Than Ever can citizenship. In scores of cases, consular offi­ - For Free Delivery Coll GA 1-0212 - ONSATURDA~AUGUST23 cials discovered that residents had Comfortably Air Conditioned SEE Our Ne~ Outside Flood Lights That W ill Make lost their citizenship by voting in Israeli elections and for other rea­ 587 NO. MAIN STREET HARRY'S BRIGHTER THAN BROADWAY' sons, according to the N. Y. Times. _ The second largest group re­ 2 Doors from Korb Baking Co. taining foreign nationality were SID LOZOW, Manager French North Africans. In Tu­ You Always Get the BEST at FREDDIE'S nisia and Morocco most Jews have -French nationality, which gave • BEST of Service . . . - the Jews a sense of superiority • BEST of Meats and Poultries over the Arab natives, who did • BEST Prices in Town! r...... :e::::: :f· t:: ·n::: ...... ~i not. Now they find it difficult to abandon French passports. SHOP TUESDAY Most others retaining foreign " nationality were Western Euro­ i for additional facilities for the i AND SAVE AT FREDDIE'S! peans and immigrants from South ; : High Holidays, Stop in next Tuesday and take advantage of the Africa. At least one citizen of Ku­ i weit. and hundreds of citizens of Specials that Freddie's makes available Iraq retained their old, passports on Tuesda_ys only! because they hoped it would help them som~ day recover property HIGH EST QUALITY MEATS they abandoned when emigrating. Moral Struggle Temple Beth Israel AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES! In almost every case those who retained foreign nationality went a r:mo unces that it wi 11 hold You Don't Have to Stand In Line at FREDDIE'S through a moral struggle before Just Phone GA 1-8555 and MA 1-6055 making the decision. said Schmidt. Some who ru·e completely devoted And Your Order Will be Ready for You . to this country nevertheless re­ Auxiliary tained foreign passports because it would facilitate obtaining exit per­ mits from Israel. BROILER TURKEYS In many cases, in the opinion HIGH HOLY DAYS Net Weight 7-9 lbs. lb 49c of the United States officials here, nume1ous individuals would have -- TUESDAY ONLY -- retained their United States citi­ SERVICES zenship had it not been for the in­ 2 Broilers Killed for the Price of 1 tense social pressure of the collec­ tive settlement or other group In in the newly which they are living. remodeled Modern Auditorium TO STUDY SCHOOLS Chickens lb 3 Jc NEW YORK-A three-year sur­ Membership Applications Now Being Accepted vey of J ewish-sponsored schools Net Welrht-No Half Pound Added nnd educational Institutions in New York City nnd the surround­ FOR INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONS CALL Ing area has been Initiated, under Lhe guidance of an advisory board Marshall Marcus headed by Judge Maximilian Moss, former president of the New York UN 1-4648 City Board of Education. The sur­ Mrs. Lawrence W. Solomon I vey. the first of such proportion WI 1-8029 In 15 years, will cover some 600 schools in the city and In West­ Mrs. Irwin J. Kenner chester. Nassau and Suffolk coun­ ST 1-5437 ties...... , ---~~~....--,.------,,·_..---·---~------c:------:--- ] ,c,.,.wtt- ,


_,The Herald-- 's deadline--·· for news Chairmen of Initial Gifts for Women's Division . 43 Dart Street, New London, Conn. · ~ Items Is Tuesday noon. We cannot announce the birth of their third guarantee to insert stories received daughter, Wendy Beth, on July 30. after that ttme. Mrs. Jacobs is the former Eileen Rosen of New London. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. "For QUALITY and Louis Jacobs pf Concord Avenue, SERVICE" Cranston. E. S. CRANDALL No Arab Betrayal DAIRY In Friendship Properly Pasteurized HAMILT-ON, New York - The United States, Britain and other Milk and Cream countri.es who have taken a A Friend to the friendly attitude toward the State J ewish People ; of Israel have not · thereby be­ 12 Lowell Ave. EL 1-0700 trayed the cause of Arab freedom, Israel's Ambassador- Abba Eban declared h.ere this week in an ad­ dress before .the Conference on Foreign Policy arranged by Col­ Frankfurters For gate University. "Friendship for Israel and friendship for the .A.ab Weenie Roasts peoples ar~ not only compatible, Sandwiches Made Up they are inseparable concepts," he For Picnics said. "The Arab states know in their hearts that a nation is not entitled to make its own friend­ Members of the Initial Gifts Committee of the Women's Divi­ ship conditional on the renuncia­ SIEF'S sion, General Jewish Committee, met recently at the home of Mrs. tion or derval of other valid par,t­ Warned Egypt Alvin A. Sopkin to complete plans for the Initial Gifts luncheon to be nerships." Kosher Delicatessen held October 7. This is the first large event which formally opens the S8S No. Main Street To Protect Jews women's fund-raising campaign for the United Jewish Appeal and DE 1-8S11 many local ch arities. (Above) Mrs. Benjamin Brier, chairman of the Former Nazis TEL AVIV-Leaders of Egyptian Initial Gifts Committee of the Women's Division, GJC, is shown with Jewry who now reside in Israel her co-chairmen. Seated, left to right, Mesdames Harry Fowler, Na­ Hold Convention have stated here that the chief ,..than Samors, Abraham Blackman, Benjamin Brier. Standing, Mes­ fomenters of the military revolu­ dames Max Siegal, Joseph Ress, William Meyers. Not present a t time HANOVER, Germany-+A secret tion in their former homeland are were Mesdames Ephraim Feingold, Henry Hassenfeld, Arthur Kaplan, meeting -0f some 40 former Nazis JAMES outspokenly anti - Semitic and Samuel Mich aelson , Samuel Rapaporte, Jr. and Walter I . Sundlun. who are still active in the under­ enemies of the state of Israel but Photo by Joe Marcello ground took place near here last that the American Ambassador to week, it was reported. The Minis- COLDSMITH EgY.pt, Mr. Caffrey, has warned try of the Interior of Lower the new rulers of Egypt that they Saxony asserted that it had no Insurance of I information of the meeting. Ac­ must prevent a recurrence of anti~ -­ Jewish riots in that country. !I cording to reports here, one of the Every Type About 40,000 Jews still live in speakers at the underground ses- 805 INDUSTRIAL TRUST BLDG. Egypt. The deposed King Farouk, sion urged the audience to re­ of a son, David Allen, on July 30. Phone it is noted here, had many Jewish Ha mburg-,Verner member its "special mission" and Residence friends, a mong them the Chief The marriage of Miss Sylvia Mrs. Levine is the former Peggy its pledge to Hitler, despite the JA 1-3900 DE 1-4275 Rabbi of Egypt, though he was Werner, daughter of Rabbi and Brudner , da ughter of Mr. L. Brudo­ even ts of .the postwar period. The hostile to the state of Israel. Mrs. David Werner of Congrega­ ner of 91 Seventh Street. Paternal meeting condemned all those who tion Sons of Zion, to Mordechai grandparen ts are Mr. and Mrs. opposed the Hitler regime and Hamburg, was announced this A. B. Levine of Ayer, Mass. closed with the singing of the in­ week by her parents. The wedding Price 10th AnniverSary famous Horst Wessel song. took place Tuesday, August 12 at A surprise 10th wedding anni­ the Hotel Goldsmith in J erusalem, versary party was given in honor Israel. and was performed by lead­ of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Price on memorial in. tke n.ew ing rabbis, headed by the Chief August 6 at the home of Mr. and ATTENTION Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi H. P . Mrs. James Lipet, 248 Blackstone MALES miriam fiojpilal Frank. Boulevard. A party in celebration of the Guests present included Mr. and We hove many ·females on our files event was held in Providence the Mrs. Charles J . Steingold, Mr. and who are interested in dating fine, wi/f jerve a.1 a fajtin.g rememtran.ce same evening at Sons of Zion Mrs. Joseph Lozow, Mr. and Mrs. respectable young men. Synagogue. Wallace Genser· and Mr. and Mrs. Kindly communicate with us by Daughter to Snells Eugene Silverman. writing to : o/ cherijkeJ n.amej1 hon.orin.


in the play-offs Max was yanked CHAPLAINS FILL QUOTA from the game early in the contest ' FORT SLOCUM, N. Y. - Al­ and h'e expressed resentment. He though the quotas for military THE MAPLES apparently thought that on the chaplains for other religions are Narragansett Pier basis of his performance he should still to be filled, the Jewish quota By LEON GUTTERMAN have been left•in. is up to par, it was announced 11 Perkins Avenue here at the 21st national conven­ Rooms with modern kitchen facilities Patronize the merchants who ad­ tion of the Military Chaplain's As-· -New Electric Refrigerators-Nicely vertise on these pages. They are sociation. The Jewish chaplain furnished-Transportation to and #rom HOLLYWOOD I Ellin (Mrs. Ir­ he said. "I didn't want to do Ham­ your friends aud neighbors. quota is 3.5 per cent of ,the total. ving) Berlin and their second let, so I did the next best thing beach. . .. Omelette! I laid eggs! I'd The Ideal Spot daughter, Linda, have joined the do anything. Act, dance, ' - SPEND YOUR WEEKENDS AT - For Your Summer Vacation song writer in Hollywood where Charlie Bachner he'll be stationed for three months magicians, anything to make a working on two film musicals buck. And that's all I'd make NOVICK'S HOTEL HO 1-0561 NARR 3-7825 Lena Horn writes us from Paris a buck. When I started going places in the ring, I had to for­ "A vacation resort far the entire family" that she'll be tnere for two more Village Street Millis, Mass. weeks and she's off for a tour of get my theatrical career. One day, while I was champ, I was train­ e DELICIOUS KOSHER MEALS e PLANNED ENTERTAINMENT israel Dr. Kinsey coming to e COUNSELLOR SUPERVISION FOR CHILDREN Hollywood for lectures. Line forms ing in California, and a producer Available for Parties, Outings, Receptions and Bar Mitzvahs to the, right Danny Thomas came to watch me. He put me in awarded a citation by the Los An­ a picture. Warner Brothers saw - FULL COURSE DINNERS $2.50 - geles Jewish War Veterans. Danny the film and the next day I Make reservations now far Labor Day We~kend or .is not Jewish Benny Goodman was signed ·up. I was a comedian. far the High Holidays by mail or phone: Millis 133 . ONSET BAY I It says so in my contract!" Newly Renovated Single and Double will be soloist with the University Rooms, Swimming ... boating ... delicious meals ... cool sea breezes of Miami symphony orchestra next Harry Hershfield advocated a ... expan·stve ocean view ex­ week . ~- Andre Kostelanetz· flew "laugh period" as part of every cellent service.· to England to conduct the Royal college curriculum the other day '-- TELEVISION - Philharmonic on a tour of the SHELL HOUSE, when he was awarded a "Doctor 111 South Boulevard, Onset, Mass. British Isles of Humor" degree by the College Coll MRS. WEINER o, MRS. LEVINE of ,the City of Ne w York. In mak­ WAR. 7SS Comedian-writer-producer Abe ing the presentation. the college Burrows who for years toiled in president said: "Doctor of Humor comparative obscurity and is now is a most appropriate title for a big hit ·on CBS-TV (and has a Harry. Doctor in its colloquial couple of smash liits on Broad­ sense has always referred to a Private Golr Cour se . Te nnis way at the moment) believes that healer. Through the many years Courts - Sand Beach . Crystal many a sin of racial bigotry is per­ 5 mile lake - Beach Club and Harry has been a ranking come­ Sun Deck . Solarium Out­ petrated under the guise of humor, dian of importance, ha1s always door Luncheons on Marine and such stuff is strictly out for managed to have a ready laugh, a Dining Terrace. him, no matter how big a laugh lDietary Lawsl jovial joke. to cheer and inspire Terrace Room For Dancing • must be sacrificed. Esteemed as a the weary and disheartened." Star Studded Entertainment "wit's wit" and a "humorist's • First Run Movies Every topranking comedian in • Outdoor Theatre humorist," Abe's masterful sense America knows that m e di ca 1 Special Rates For of satire has made him the fav­ science has not yet been able to YOUNG SINGLE PEOPLE orite of Danny Kaye and Groucho eq ual Harry's brilliant ability to Marx. REDUCED RA TES-F,ee Golf take a joke over 100 years old, Sept. I st to 8th ... refurbish it, polish it, and pre­ Write ror In response to our question, sent it to the world· as a new ­ Kodachrome Pictures Maxie Rosenbloom tells us how born infant, and listen to the ABE H. JACOBSON & Sons, he became a comedian. "I've al­ squalls of hilarious laughter to Mgmt. ways wanted to be on the stage." herald the birth of something new being ,!dded. Drive Out To Weinstein's For The Day ENJOY EXCELLENT MEALS AT REASONABLE RATES Free swimming facilities for those having meals Spotlight ENJOY YOUR VACATION AT - -On Spoz:ts w EI N s T EI N ' s LAt~-~~!RL . By BILL WOLF Raut_e 1 A, Wrentham, Mass. Brandeis. Recruiting? RESERVE Excelle"nt food-strictly kosher, every room focis the lake, good ·fishing, Brandeis University is reported FOR LABOR DAY boating, swim ming, golf, etc.-Reasonable Rates. to be using traditional "big time" NOW! far reservations phone Wrentham 325 college recruiting methods in get­ SPEOAL A TT ENT/ON WEDDINGS, BANQUETS AND PARTIES ting athletes to enroll. The Uni­ versity has denied that such techniques are being used. But despite these denials. people who know what is going on in the world of sports contend that Brandeis is out scouting for top football and basketball talent. Although it denied granting athletic subsidies, the University acknowledged recently that schol­ arships were being given to ''stu­ dents who combine high academic standing with athletic a bility." The University insists that thei'e iS no lowering of academic stand­ ards involved. Nevertheless, it is known that peo ple connected with Brandeis are continuously on the lookout throughout the country for pro­ mising athletes. Jewish and non­ Jewish, who can be induced,...to go to Brandeis. This is the common practice that has led many of our well known universities to recruit­ ing athletes on a wholesale basis with newspaper publicity and fat with ERNIE ANDERSON ~a te receipts coming before .scho­ WHIM'S papulo, M . C. lastic considerations. Rodia Zaslofsky May Retire Bicycle War Bond One of the nation's great bas­ ketball players. Max Zaslofsky, Broadway Stars - 2 Orchestras may be retiring from professional Complete Social and Sports ball. Zaslofsky, who stars for the Stott . Excellent cuisine. New York Knickerbockers. has {dietary laws) been considering taking a job with NEW FOR YOU a business concern. This Is a de­ ANNIVERSARY cision that many athletes take at SHORE DINNERS THE LAST WORD IN one time or another . However. COMFORT Daily-Noon - 7 p. m. Fully air-conditioned ... lux­ what makes this case particularly uriously rurnlshed In Miami Special outstanding ls that the decision decor ... each room with Chowder may be more of a negative one private balcony, tlled baths, showers, wall-to-wall carpet• Clam Cakes than a positive one. Zaslofsky may 1 be more Interested In getting out "f.'e~hi~he!1e· GOif Couru of basketball than in getting Into RATES something else. LOWER-THAN-YOU-THINK! This column reported earlier in The Greatest Fun · packed program in our history! More the season that Zaslofsky appeared vacallon value than ever! to be discriminated against on the you, host, DAVE LEVINSON Knlcks. Then the situation seemed New State HI-way 52 to change for the better, and direct to Tamarack Zaslofsky was used regularly near Re~rvations Available the end or the season. He piled For Reservations: SEE YOUR up an admirable record, especially N•AlllST TllAVEL AGENT in the play~offs. But at one p0lnt Color Brochure an Request ..


Small Home Plan Available · set of the same number. Just send your check or money order to by Penny Hazell Penny's Small Humes, Box 1055, Berkley. Michigan. Please allow at least two weeks for delivery. ,...,~,,,.,,,.,,,,~,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ICinema Sayings I ~,,,;.1,",,,,,~,,-,;,;.',;1~,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,, .. {Continued from Page 2) Arthur Rubenstein: "The man who rests on his laurels usually rusts on them." BED RM. Shelley Winters: "A girl can al­ MR, AND MRS. G~RALD SHAW, who were married August 3 :e·~.-x,r-o• ways live on love, if he is rich ." at Wayland Manor. Mrs. Shaw Is the former Miss June Arlene Fields. Paulette Goddard: "Girls who Photo by Michel Loshakoff offer no resistarfce lead a very nice ;;,f;~~,~/4"';~..,,...-#'-""'~ "',~, ..., ...,t~ existence." Mary Livingstone: "What some women want for their birthday is Editorial Views On The News ;~ ... not to be reminded of it." BED RM. BY FRANK SIMONS \ Clifton Fadiman: "When SOllle ~~ 1...... , ..... 0· people pay you a compliment, they {~~ American Je~ish Press Feature) :~ loo~ as though t hey expected a ~~;-',...... ;"',',";~~ ...~.,,~~,~,,,,,.,, ... : , receipt for it." . Norman Corwin: "Some people Jewish feder.ations and welfare funds are more than mere c'ash don't lie; they merely present the registers. - truth in such a way that nobody That Is the view of the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, which com­ The house plan I am presenting terrace. This, too, will provide a recognizes it." mends Herbert R. Abeles, chairman of the Council of Jewish Fed­ today brings out the proud parent marvelous view for ittsie bittsies Joey Adams: "It's strange the erations and Welfare Funds Committee on National-Local Relations, while they munch their peanut President doesn't do better. what for the following statement: in ri:ie. Yes, it was designed by my sons. It is a house that is at­ butter sandwiches. with all· the advice from the news- "It seems to me-and to many, others-that our federations and pa pers." welfare funds have the same responsibility for assuring the best use of tractive. practical, liveable, and what's more-

.governmental agenc~ and the Group To Aid State of Israel, Jewish organiza­ !Engage? Refugee Migration tions will. handle pre-embarkation GENEVA-The Provisional In­ arrangements and the intergov­ Civil Rights Planks Weak ter-Governmental Committee on ernmental body, the actual trans­ Migrati'on will assist in the re­ portation. The cost of this program But the Cause Is Advanced settlement in Israel of 2,000 to the committee-the first project European Jews who have left their jnvolving emigration to Israel­ By ROBERT E. SEGAL .home countries since August 1st, was estimated at $108,000: Jews Hugh Gibson, director of the seeking refuge from behind the The cold words of platform progress to sickly splinters-the agency, announced this week. Un­ ron Curtain are expected to be planks show a loss for civil rights price liberals in both parties have der agreements between the ioter- the chief beneficiaries. this year. But the importance of been charged for the promise of the issue arid the sweat spilled in keeping the respective- political writing around it add up· to new coalitions intact. gains. If you look at the- matter But the fight is only beginning. as pure bookkeeping-which party It will continue with ever-increas­ entered what on the record-you ing vigor. Eventually, we shall see red ink. have FEPC laws in many, mo1e That's only part of the story, than the nine states that now have however. We have advanced be­ them; and eventually, we shall H -making cause the practical politicians who have civil rights progress in the have the machinery of govern­ Federal government. For most of ment in theit hands know for sure the people desire as much; and our now that millions of Americans recent political conventions have eventually will force the enact­ reassured us that ours is a govern­ ment of effective civil rights laws. ment of most of the people. The bottleneck holding up fed'­ MISS EUNICE ORODENKE& eral civil rights legislation is the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Oro­ filibuster. Fully aware of this fact Imogene Coca at denker of 272 Warrington Street of political life, the Leadership announce the engagement of their Co{lference on Civil Rights-the Theatre-By-The~Sea daughter, Miss Eunice Orodenker, unpopular but courageous repre­ The biggest theatrical event of to Sheldon S. Shatz, son of Mr. sen tatives of those groups dedi­ the year will take place at the and Mrs. Louis Shatz of Newburgh, cated to work for equality of op­ U. S. D.ef ens·e Bond"s! Theatre-By-The-Sea, Matunuck on N. Y. ·• portunity-Jed off with an anti­ Monday night when Imogene Coca filibuster demand. Miss Orodenker, who has at­ opens in "Happy Birthday". Miss tended the University of Rhode This group, working for the Coca has .become America's best Island, will enter Barnard College New law gives· y~ur Series E Bonds elimination of the late Senator loved commedienne through the in the fall. Her fiance, a graduate Wherry's filibuste1 monument-­ newest of the entertainment me­ of Newburgh Free Academy, at- , S-Ruie 22-;:.asked both the Repub­ diums, television. Co-starred with tel! more interes.t-bearing years!- tended Drew University and Bran­ lican and Democratic parties to Sic;I Caesar on the Saturday night deis University·. He will enter the "pledge to take . action on the comedy highlight, "Your Show of School of Optometry at Columbia opening day of the 83rd Congress Shows", the'·tiny funstress is mak­ University in the fall. CONGRESS l;IAS PASSED A NEW LAW that now makes it possi• in January, 1953 . to obtain adop­ ing one appearance this summer tion of rules in the Senate that and that is at the Theatre-By­ ble for all United States Series E Bonds to continue earn- will permit a majority of Senators The,Sea.l . ing interest ten years longer. There is nothing for you to present a nd voting to limit and Imogene Coca's rise to sensation­ do. Simply hold your bonds and they'll go on earning. close debate so that the Senate al heights of popularity was me­ may proceed to a vote on any teoric and she is unquestionably You may still cash your bonds at any time after the first pending matter after there has the first lady of TV. In the space sixty days you have held them. But holding your bonds been reasonable opportunity for of a few short years her comic is the smart thing to do! For your government bonds are full debate." caricatures of an inexhaustible The'-ftepublica ns dodged this variety from the carefree little as safe as America itself. To Hl!lp C,le'•r•t'- challenge, saying that: "All Ameri­ hobo to the heroine of a French " R. I. Sal•te fo FraaN'! 1\'Hk" can citizens are entitled to full, movie have become familiar to The A.uo• Clae,aa Proa,ll• Pre•tl!•I• Money you put into U. S. Bonds regularly and leave impartial enforcement of Federal millions of people throughout the ,j.t \ ;;0 , 1111T l"ttOV, IMOWING I there is steadily growing into a larger and larger sum. laws relating to their civil rights." Nation. And.noll', too, remember, your Series E Bonds earn 3% The Democrats did a little bet­ The play, "Happy Birthday", was written by Anita Loos as a interest compounded semiannually when you hold them ter by devoting a section of their platform to the improvement of vehicle for Helen Hayes. Produced to maturity! Congressiona l procedur.es, stating: by Richard Rodgers and Oscar "In order that the will of the Hammerstein II it opened in Oc­ So if you nave bonds-which are coming due this month, American people may be expressed tober of 1946 and ran for. 563 per­ upon all legislative proposals, we formances. The story revolves remember the ·new money-making chance your govern­ around a shy -librarian troubled ment is giving you. Just hold onto your bonds and they'll urge that action be taken at the beginning of the 83rd Congress to by a drunken father and with a go on earning for you. In the .meantime keep up your improve Congressional procedures passion for a blond bank teller. more so that majority rule prevails and Wandering. into a bar. she takes regular saving with' U. S. Defense Bonds--through the first drink of her life and en­ the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. It's the easy, decisions can be made after rea­ sonable d~bate without being couraged by its warm glow. fol­ systemati<:, _savin ~ plan that Jets you save before you blocked by a minority in either lows it with several more. This house." leads to a riotous and inebriated draw your pay. evening, in which she is born in­ As to job discrimination legisla­ to a fantastic world of romance. tion, the · Leadership Conference excitement and gaiety. asked the platform writers to Opening Monday night, Imo­ "pledge the enactment of Federal gene Coca and "Happy Birthday" legislation --prohibiting discrim­ 3 new money-making opportunities for you! will be shown nightly through Sat­ ination in employment because of urday with' matinees on Wednes­ New Series H, J, and K race, color, religion or national day and Saturday. origin" and to "establish a Federal Defense Bonds pay 2.76% to 3%! agency empowered to enforce that prohibition." To Spend $_640,000 If you want to get the interest on your bonds in the form To which plea the Republicans of current income, or if you want to invest more than the replied: "We believe that it is the For New Center annual limit for E Bonds, ask at your bank about these primary l'esponsibility of each YOUNGSTOWN - Ground was new bonds: ,,. ' 1 state to order and control its own broken here this week for the new domestic institutions ... However, Jewish Community Center Build­ SERIES H. A new curreni-income bond, avai!,able in denominations we believe that the Federal govern­ ing to serve the Youngstown com­ of $500 to $10,000. Sold at par. Matures in 9 years 8 month, and m ent should take supplemental munity. The edifice will cost pays approximately 3% intere!'lt per annum if held to maturity. Jurisdiction to oppose discrimina­ $640,000 and will be erected on a Ask for a FREE Hou se Plan Book tion against race, religion or na­ Interest paid semiannually by Treasury check. Annual limit, 13-acre site in Youngstown's North 353 Washington Street tional origin ... We will prove our $20,000 maturity value. ls•ued only by Federal Reserve Banks and Side. The building will contain JA 1-2100 good faith by-enacting federal offices. library a nd meeting rooms. Branches and at the Treaaury. legislation to further Just and - f/(EE DfL/VERY - class rooms. a gymnasium a nd FIIEE PARKING-On our new lot SERIES J. A new 12-year appreciation ix:nd, available in denomina· equitable treatment in the area of other facilities. Provision for sub­ discriminatory employment prac­ directly .. next to our ma in office tions of $25 to SIOO,ooo: Sold at 72% of par value. Pays 2.76% com­ sequent addition of an auditorium and showrooms. tices. Federal action should not is made in the center plans. pounded semiannually if held lo maturity. Annual limit, $200,000 duplicate state efforts to end such issue price jointly with Series K Bonds. practice and should not set up another huge bureaucracy." SIRIIS K. A new 12-year current-income bond in denominations of $500 to $100,000. Pays interest semiannually by Trea,ury check at A "Phony" Protest the rate of 2.76% per annum. Sold at par. Annual limit, $200,000 In this instance also, despite Senator Russell's phony cry of issue price jointly with Series J Bonds. THE:A !~"'.(ii\iif&t\~-fu "Jail-sentence" FEPC legislation , the Democrats did Now_even betted a little better than the Republi­ IMOGENE COCA cans, stating in their platform: "We favor federa l legislation effec­ in "Happy Birthday" Invest more in Defense Bonds! tively to secure these rights to everyone: the right to equal op­ TA• U. S. f,o,,r,un~t doe, not paw for t'-l• ad11ertiai11g, The Trecuuv Department thank,, portunity for employment ... We NOW PLAYING • /or U.rir potriotie dOMtion, The Adwerriain11 Ccno1cil cutd also favor legislation to pei·fect existing Federal civil r i g ht s statutes and to strengthen the VERONICA LAKE administrative machinery for the The Herald Press protection of civil rights." in_"Gramercy Ghost" So it is that the conservatives in Moil Orders Phone Orders Printers and Lithographers the Republican party and their POl)tical cousins in the Democratic EVES : MON. · SAT. MATS : WED. ond SAT. GAspee 1-4312 party have again succeeded in $3.60, $3.00, $2.40, $1.80, $1.20 $3.00, $HO, $1.80, $1.20 121 Dyer Street Providence, R. I. whittling promises of civil rights THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1952

ident of the Hebrew Immigrant charged to RIAS by U. S. immi­ Jessel to Visit Israel for UJA~, Investors In Israel Aid Society. The report, review­ gration officials. ing six months' activities of the To Get Guarantee organization, said that 2,190 of JERUSALEM ,- The united the Jewish immigrants were dis- B. Simon · States has agreed to guarantee PIANO TUNER private American investors in Since 1910 Israel's industrial and agricul­ Reliable Window Pianos and Player Pianos tural development that they will Tuned, Regu]aied, Repaired get their money back in dollars, Cleaning Company 9 Meni Court HO 1-2889 Reasonable - Reliable the Foreign Office announced this Money Back Guarantee "" week. Estoblishe

Randy Merriman the clever than six months ago he was a little emcee of Colgate's "The Big Pay- known announcer on an even off" dining at Nat Simon's fabu- littler known station in Minnea­ YOU'LL GET lous Penguin on Long Island and polis ... Altho earnings are up keeping the bistro owner fasci- over last year in some of our major nated with his tale of how less department stores; the net income has taken a heavy drop due to constantly rising costs and over­ ALL SOCIAL FUNCTIONS head .. . Doris Duke being profiled CHURCHILL by a national magazine which will pull no punches .. , . Nothing finer HOUSE than viewing teevee's c I e v e r 1 SS Angell Street "Wh at's My Line" each Sunday IDEAS Weddings - Dances eve with the ever charming John Bar Mitzvahs - Musicals Daly as the over-all moderator. Meetings The after-dark set has picked· a AT Reservations new favorite in vocal star Frank MA ·1 -2649 - GA 1-2345 Stevens. The handsome six-footer is being screen-tested by Para­ mount . . . Estes Kefauver still getting as high as fifteen hundred bux for his lectures. Eleanor RESORT Roosevelt can be signed for five. Mentalist Joe Dunninger will come and read minds for as little as FAIN'S seven hundred and fifty. Senator Reservations Joe McCarthy still demanding and getting as high as 2G's for a speaking engagement. If you a re looking for new ideas in floorcover­ Arranged Jimmy Durante telegraphed this column that the rumors about his ings - visit our showroom. Here you' ll see retirement are utterly false. The everything that's new in _material, in color, and Schnozz will jest rest a short whlle FREE! . . . Pearl Bailey sporting a fortune in design• In diamonds. A gift from her newest suitor, a Las Vegas sports­ Because our stocks ':!'e so complet~, you'll find man ... Lou Walter's Latin Quar­ FOR ter grossed over 2 million bux last it's easy to select exactly the right floorcovering year which Just goes to prove that • Holidays the people still appreciate their for any room, money's worth. • Vacations Albert Dekker Inked a teevee Come here for floorcovering ideas. Come here pact but the show was suddenly for the most for your money in broodlooms, in • Week-Ends cancelled ... The Supreme Court will at last test whether the press rugs, asphalt or rubber tile, linoleum or cork tile. I can openly criticize the high court Authorized without being subject to contempt Remember, "You have the floor - Fain's has the ... Mary Boland busy J>ennlng her floorcoveringl" Resort autobiography_ with the aid o! writer-actor Alan Gruener. It'll Representative be titled "Faith, Hope And Hila- rity" . . . City College stunned that after more than thirty years o! ASPHALT TILE • RUBBER TILE JUST CALL continuous service basketball men­ tor Nat Holman has requested a BROADLOOM LINOLEUM leave o! absence . . . Billy Rose a DE 1-7388 new target !or crank phone calls. SPORTS TALK . . . Giants searching !or another power hitter to replace Willie Mays now In ser­ HERALD vice . . , Brooklyn has a price tag o! hal!-mllllon on Jackie Robln­ lnson . . . Watch !or the emphasis OPEN BUDGET TRAVEL placed on Soccer this !all by a BUREAU number of leading universities. MONDAYS FAIN'S PLAN GETS GOETHE AWARD Ann Cohen, Mgr. FRANKFURT - Bernard Gutt­ 126 NORTH MAIN STREIT • PROVIDENCE • DEXTER 1-5260 man, 38-year-old publisher and YOUR VACATION author, was presented with the YOU HAVE THE FLOOR •.. FAIN'S HAS THE FLOORCOVERING HEADQUARTERS famous Goethe Award at a recep­ tion at Goethe House here. •· THE PROVIDENCE JEWI_SH HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1952 9

name practically being born again, just as his mother laughed when he was born.) The Jewish Harald On Biblical Names For Children Not Without Fault By ALFRED SEGAL I, myself, am- not without fault The Jewish Ho!De Newspaper of Rhode Island. Published Every among the many who avoid Bibli­ Week In the Year by the Jewish Press Publishing Company' I like the way "Ike" has become or Montgomery. cal names for their children. What 121 Dyer Street,, Tel. GAspee 1-4312. did I do for names for my own Subscription Rates: Ten Cents the Copy; By Mail, $3.50 Per a great name in the world and I Abraham was converted to Abe­ Annum. am not speaking as a partisan. lard, a man of the 11th Century three sons? Only one of them is out of the Bible. He is Joe. The Bulk subscription rates on request. This is a piece only about the who a(ter an unhappy romance Walter Rutman, Managing Editor; Syd Cohen, News Editor. name-"Ike" ! It has brought a became a monk. Jacob became Jay. others are Bernard and Willard, man tow)'rd the Presidency of the' Dwight Became Ike who are not to be found anywhere Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Olllce, Providence, in our Testament. (And I, myself, R. I., Under the A~ of March 3, 1879. , U. S., by' a fetching slogan . . "I Yet, among non-Jews there was like Ike." no such a voi'dance of Biblical by inheritance am really Abra­ The Jewish Herald invites correspondence on subjects of interest ham.) to the Jewish people but disclaims responsibility tor an in­ I recall the rhythmic shouting names. Non-Jewish girls feel dorsement of the views expressed by the writers. ... "Ike" . .. "Ike" ... "Ike" ... adorned by the' name of Rebecca, By way of contrition I am writ­ by the multitude when the Ike Rachael or Deborah , and long agQ ing this to rally all prospective train arrived .at the Chicago rail­ in Abilene, Kan., a small boy parents toward Biblical names for. The Germans Want A Ceremony way station ... until "Ike" became christened D.wight didn't mind at their chiidren-names like Isaac, From Munich it was reported that the representatives of like something hypnotic-a steady all being called Ike instead. He Abraham and J acob, names like the W est German Government, who are soon to sign an -agree­ drumbeat on the senses. grew up on it and became a dis­ J o s h u a and maybe Zebulon, ment with Jewish representatives for the payment of repara­ May Start New Vogue tinguished character. Zarchariah or Jeremiah. tions to Jews for the wholesale loo t of the property by the Until the time of this Ike the The other week, "Ike" was. big Promises a Rattle Nazis, would like to have the agreement signed with cere­ name "Ike" practically had fallen in all the headlines. Proud Ameri­ I promise a rattle to any and all the fortunate infants who are monial pomp at which Chancell or Ko nrad Adenauer shoula out of currency among the des­ cans carried it on their coats on cendants of the original Ike. I badges three inches wide; · they named that way. All the parents preside. The dispatch furthersta ted that the representa tives mean the Isaac who was the son had it painted on top of their need do is to notify this paper of Israel and of the Conference on J ewish Material Clailll$ of Abraham by .Sarah, born to straw hats, flaunted ,it on banners. that they have just acquired an Against Germany are balking a t this, would like to see the them when Abraham was 100 years When finally Ike was nominated Isaac in their family, and have so agreements signed a t The H ague ,vithout a n y ceremon y. old. The few among- us- who still the public relations people said named him. This newspaper will The feeling of the Jewish representatives in this matter carry the grand old name are of the simple reiteration of "Ike" on get in touch with me and I shall will be shared by J ews ·the world over. What the Germans the older generation, which is every tongue had a lot to do with promptly ship the rattle to Isaac. did to the Jews during the last war-the slaughter of the going on to join their patriarchal it. Thus, I hope to inaugurate a six millions - is s0111ething so terrifying tha t it cannot and namesake. From here on ,to November it's movem ent )lack to Biblical names. Genesis reports "the happy mat­ going to be "Ike" in the headlines Maybe in time I will have among will not be forgotten for as long as we can look forward ter of his birth, saying: "And every day, "Ike" on radio and my own grand<;hildren an Am­ into the futl/re: Germany's crime against the J ews was of such Sarah said, God hath made me "Ike" on television. "Ike" on all minadab, a Zurishadda, an Elis­ staggering proportions that when the matter o~ negotiating la ugh, so that all that hear will tongues. And maybe after Nov­ hama, an Eliaseph. (You can find with the Germans for material repara tions came up last year _laugh with me." She was laugh­ ember it wpl be Ike in the White these names in the Book of Num­ there was bitter opposition in many .Jewish quarters against Ing so joyously because she had House. bers.> Anyway, recent political negotiating with · Germans in the first place. It was with a borne a son to Abraham even (The original Isaac on high may experience suggests that an Ike heavy h eart tha t J ewish representatives fin ally enered into when he was 100 years old be himself la ughing to · see hiS can go places, and far. these negotiations, feeling tha t while the six million d ead "And she said, Who would have cannot be brought back to life again the plight of the living said unto Abraham that Sarah should have given- his children victims of German savagery can at least be eased som ewha t suck, fo1' I have borne him a son Jewish Athletes From 13 through m aterial compensation from the s:ountry which in his old age." brought on their terrible suffering. "And Abraham ca,!led the name Countries Competed In Olympics The Government o f West Germany may be sincere in its of his son Isaac. " ( Isaac which in desire to re-esta blish friendship with the J ewish people. But Hebrew is Yizchok and mearis HELSINKI-Jewish competitors of the women's foils title in the as long as .Jews know tha t there a re still many both in \Vest laughter.) wearing the colors of 13 countries 1936 and 1948 Olympiads, fi nished a nd in East-the Communist-controlled-Germany who helped Through several millenia Isaac made a disappointing showing in second in that event, with Karen inflict these unimaginable su ffer ings upon their brethren, som e was a revered ancestor of J ewish the 15t1, International Olympic Lachman, a Danish J ewess, taking of whom are even now occupying governmental posts, they people and his name was carried Games. Representatives of the third while Ellen Muller-Preis of cannot accept the German o·ut-s trelched hand. For Jews the on from fathers to their sons . . . National J ewish Welfare Board's Austria was eliminated in the Isaac Ben Abba Mari ' . Isaac sig ning of the rei,aratio ns agreement a t The Hag ue ,\'ill have Committee on Health and Phy­ semi-finals. Donald Sheff of Yale Ben Abraham Latif . . Isaac Ben sical Education, serving as Olym­ · and a member oI the Jewish Com­ t~ be a quiet affair, witho ut cere1nonia l pomp, a sad· reminder Eliezer Halevi . Isaac Albalag pic officials here, kept a sport-by­ munity - House of Bensonhurst, ol the events that made such reparations necess:iry. Only time . Isaac of Norwich . I count sport tally of the Jewish athletes )3 rooklyn, swam on the U. S. 800- can heal the spiritual " ·otmd inf-li ctecl by Germany upo n world 32 of such distinguished Isaacs in -recording their performances in meter relay team which won its .J ew1'y through the physical destruction o f one-third o f our the Universal J ewish Encyclope­ the various events of the Olym­ qualifying round but together people. dia. Jewish boys were happy to piad. with the other three men who put be Isaac and their families re­ In the track-and-field competi­ the U. S. into the final round, Background of a Narile joiced in _th e inheritance. tion, the central feature of the Sheff was replaced by the coach Then Came HJrving" classic international sports festi­ in the final which was won by the Then there came a time when val. not a single Jewish athlete, U.S. Ad1ai, Father of Shaphat, J ewish families to which the name from any country. earned a medal. The three events of the fencing Isaac had come from Isaacs who The closest approach was made by competition - sabre, epee, and were their grandfathers. hesitated. Raymond Weinberg, - crack Aus­ foils- saw the largest contingent Who Lived 1n Ddvid's Time A new child had arri.ved in the tralian hurdler, who finished fifth of J.e::.vish competitors, fourteen By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ family and his father, mother , in the finals of the 110-meter high swordsmen being American J ews. a unts and uncles consulted: "What hurdles (and thus became an Among them was Norman Armi­ There is nothing mysterious about the first name of the Demo­ shall we name this boy? Of course, cratic candidate for President. Ad'lai-in Hebrew it is spelled ayin, unofficial point scorer). , Another tage, five-time Olympian, to whom maybe we should call him Isaac on near-medalist was David Tabak, fell the signal honor of leading daled, lamed, yud-with the kametz in the second syllable pronounced account of his grandpa, selig. but sephardically ay and ashkenazically oy. Since Mr. Stevenson spells rSrael's ace sprinter. who moved the United States delegation in the would that be fair to the child. To into the third rounds of both the opening parade. his name with an ai, the sepha rctic pronunciation is the correct one. call him Isaac would mark· him, The name Ad'lai appears in the 29th verse of the 27th chapter of 100-meter and 200-meter dashes, you might say. ppint him out. the wi nning his first qualifying heats the First Book of Chronicles. Here is the Hebrew text and the Eng- way prejudice points at anything lish translation: / in· both events only to succumb in Theft of Sc-,.olls that's Jewish . And if we did the quarter-finals. name him for his grandpa. selig, The best performance by a Arouses Orthodoxy " -½~ : w~- i~W::t ri,~..i,~ ..,,r1 i?!:t i,~ soon they'll be calling him Ike, and that would be terrible." J ewish athlete was that turned in NEW YORK-Oi·thodox Jews in c~~ ~j?;i;:,-L,~ ').1~ ?to~ ~~~~-o:r.:, , 1~:-:r So, after thinking on the matter'. by Olympic veteran Henry Witten- Brooklyn and Manhattan have ., this way and that. they called the berg of New York, a member of been aroused by the latest in a ~~~~::i ',•~'12( c-,~~tr',~ · :·~v~ to~;; _boy Isidore, a name that derives JWB's Health and Physical Edu- long series of thefts of Scrolls of cation Committee and of the 92~d the Law, Sefer Torahs. that have "And over the herds that fed in Sharon was Shirtai the Shar­ from the Greek meaning "gift of s,~1eet _Y MHA. Defendmg his 48 been occurring for many months cnite; a nd over the herds that were in the valleys was Shaphat the Isis" and Isis was a god of the son of Adlai." ancient Egyptians. Or the little f ymp1c light-heavyweight wrest- past in these two boroughs. The This reference to Adlai was in the year 2720 on the Hebrew boy was named Irving or Irwill. mg t1Ue, Wittenber g, captam of .latest theft, which occurred early calendar (1040 B.CJ-2992 years ago. His parents said. "Well, Irving t_he United States Olympic Wrest- last Sunday morning. ,vas three isn't exactly Isaac but. then it be­ 1mg Team, had to_ be content with scrolls which were taken from the The meaning of "Adlai" as given in the Biblical Concordance second place m his specialty. Congregation Shevath Ahlm Anshe is lax, or weary. Nowhere else, however, could we locate a nything gins with an 'I' like Isaac, and that either to substantiate or to judge, Adlai's son , Shaphat, having been should please Grandpa." In addition to Weinberg and Sfard, 276 Buffalo Avenue. Brook­ one of King David's governors of a province. Not alone did .! the name Isaac Tabak, J ewish athletes who gave lyn. It is rumored t hat these Stevenson was given his first name by his paternal grandfather, fall into disrespect among the a good account of themselves in scrolls are being re-sold in what hei rs of the Old Testament. A track-and-field events although appear to be legal transactions. who was Vice-President In Grover Cleveland's second administration they failed to break into the select and who acquired his name from a forefather on his mother's side, girl, who by inheritance could Adlai Osborne. have been Rebecca, became Betty; of medalists were: On Sept. 3, 1892. Harper's Weekl y, New York, published this a boy , who could as well have been ISRAEL BARAN of Finland, Anti-S~m itism advertisement, referring to the 1952 Presidential candidate's grand­ Moses, turned out to be Morton fourth in a ' first-round 100-meter father: dash heat. Up In Germany' ALBERT DIJAN of France, fifth In a first-round heat of the 800- LONDON-Anti-Semitism 1s 111- PERSONAL meter run and MORRIS CUROT­ creasing in 'Germany but the anti­ TA of Australia, who ran in the Semites are still a minority. Erich The given name ADLAI, which ma ny people who do not 400 -meter race. Lueth. originator of the "Peace read the Blble became familiar with for the first time when M. GILL of Israel, sixth In with Israel" movement in West Mr. STEVENSON was nominated at Chicago. and whlc11 ls In another first-round heat of the Germany. told newsmen here. very Infrequent use ln this country, has been a favorite appella­ Anti-Semitism is a political and 5713 800-meter run. tion In the STEVENSON family, and Is now borne by several MARTIN ENGEL of N.Y.U. and social problem which must be members besides the Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate. ltosh lfashanah Sept. 20-21 a member of the Jewish Com­ foug·ht by every Christian per­ They spell It ADLEY, however. which represents the modern munity House of Bensonhurst sonall y, not by the churches alone. pronunciation of the word better than the regular orthography. Fast of Gcdallah ...... Sept, 22 (Brooklyn\, who qualified for the the International Conference of and Is entitled to consideration If Professor FRANCIS J. CHILD'S Ohrlstlans and Jews was told. Yom Klppur ...... Sept. 29 final round of the hammer throw, dictum Is true-th t "any way of spelling Is better than the but went unplaced. ordinary way." Suocoth- l st Day ...... Oct. 4 The Israeli basketball team. "The J ew Is that sacred being -Mr. JULIAN RALPH, whose articles on the develop­ which was the object of a good who has brought down from Heav­ ment ~he !!.:eat West are now running in Harper's Magazine, Hosha'nah ltabbah .... Oct. 10 deal of Interest and attention, and en the everlasting fire, and has ...... __ ----,,... ~ · Shemlnl Azeret ...... Oct. 11 which was prepared for the Olym­ Illumined with it the entire world. pic competition by Coach Morris He Is the religious spring and foun­ - Courtesy New York Public Library Slmohath Torah ...... Oct. 12 "Tubby" Raskin of Brooklyn Col­ tain out of which all the rest of Thus, an overseer of herds In the lowlands of David's Kingdom lege, suffered two defeats and was the peoples have drawn their be­ has handed down his name to a man who may be the next President Chanukah Dec. P -Deo. 20 eliminated. liefs and thelr religions." of the United States. Ilona Elek of Hungary, winner -Tolstoy


suming an obligation toward one's shake combines two h a nds " m ak­ the P almach, here t his week. Fisherman's Paradise Facts You fellow m a n . ing ten fingers' clasped in agree- Palmach is t he Israeli striking Sometim e later after watching Many marriages were promised m ent which symbolize the ten force which defeated the Egyptians independent fishermen lJ-ke the by a handshake called- "T ekiat Commandments t hat signify the in t hree Negev campfiigns. - bottom of the ocean for' quahogs, Should Know K af" in t he Eur0pean 'countries of- agreement between man and God. "Throughout the campaign no

Editor's n o1 of articles on wh liberty, appearing Herald reader will in the fishing wot

DIE-HARD FISHERMEN-Mthough like fish Is staging a hunger strike, Quonset anglers are ~ikely to catch flounders or scup a t any of the fishing piers in Galilee in the Point Judith area. Left to , right: C. Mann, AKI ; Wave Ruby Whittle, and Peggy Simms.

TRAPPED - Wave Ruby cautiously holds a 3 lb live -lobster, typical of the good size shellfish caught A Fishing Line To.Anglers CAUGHT OFF NO off Point Judith. to CAPT Eddy Silva, , by JOHN P, LAMBERT, JOC Swordfish is considere Let's face it!-after a two-day fishing jaunt in Narragansett Bay, we returned to Quonset with no fish . Furt hermore, we borrowed m ost of the fish for this picture exhibition. And to ease the suspense, we h ave no fantastic stories to tell. Didn't even see a . fisher­ man-with pole bent to the handie and fig·hting the end of a line. like a sack f.ull alley cats, However , we're convinced that there · is more vertebrate animals be­ tween Quonset and Point Judith, than any a rea of comprable distance. Working· on the -t heory that "seeing is believ­ ing," a mixed party of Station personnel, accompanied this writer last week to get "on the spot tips" from burly' seamen whose paycheck depends on just that -fish. At t he invitation of Captain Arnold, of the State Fish and Gam e Division, we boarded his patrol boat at Quonset and headed down Narragansett Bay. Several miles off the Quonset- WickforJ:1 sh oreline we spotted a • scattered fleet of stout little- daggers engaged in com­ m ercial fishing. After knifing our way close to t he "salty" looking fleet we soon learned tha t -the stout little draggers were towing nets to gather flounder. fluke, whiting, butterfish, hake and cod, or whatever else h appened to be running. 70 Tons of Porgies Trapped SURF CASTING IN.NARRAGANSETT-The Quonset fishing party found black bass ple.:.­ SaitWater fishing didn't make much of a n im­ tiful off the rocky shores of the bay. pression until the skipper of our lfoat, CAPT Broz alerted our attention to a "hit''. Not one, but about 70 tons of porgies trapped in an enormous net. The ten-man crew of this fishing vessels h ad been waiting for som ething like this for three days. For a full h our we wa tched the rugged sherman tug and pull at t he h eavy net, closing the fish near the boat into a deep pool of agita ted fish. A large scoop with a two-ton capacity was lowered into the bubbling net a nd started to ·bring the catch aboard the vessel until loaded to the gun'ls with the fi sh. At a processing plant this fish used to make cat a nd dog food and oil products, !Continued on Page 8)

MINK FISH Is unloaded a t GaJUee, This species Is delivered to mink farms throughout 80,0,0 LBS. OF PORGIES-This Is typical of R. I. fishing. A scoop with about the U. S. (Fishy stor ies of mink coats not re­ half-ton of porgies Is loaded aboard the Lucy-M. Cat and dog food Is made fronl H EAVILY LADEN NET operating \ lated to the fish .) this ftsh. OU ls the main product. The big catch was m ade off Patience Island. gether after the big school of porgies I, THE PROV:IDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1952 11

Point Judith Fishermen's Co-op­ Quonset, while hugging the rocky Ing Derby is now on and will con- .Just Drop A Line _ offshore charter boat; whether you erative Association. From the Co­ Narragansett Bay. shore Ii n e. tinue until Nov. 1: This tourna- During our educational fishing bring your own boat and outboard; op fish is weighed, packed, iced, Among the most important bits of ment is broken down into three tour we learned from an old wea­ whether you prefer to surf fish and trucked to New York, Phila­ information, we learned that the specific divisions, with prizes valu- ther beaten fisherman that, "the from the many rocky shores; take delphia and Washington markets. entire Narragansett Bay area is ed at more than $3,000 in bonds greatest number of bass are caught any '.'.whether" you want, Rhode For the !)sherman who enjoys oc­ big bass country, and that fiound- and merchandise Servicemen can casting from tfie rocks or the Island has 'em and in numbers to casional fishing from one of the er is the next best at this partic- enter the derby providing . they beaches. Drop your hook and make it worth while. piCturesque village piers, a line ular time of the year. have registered and has his winner your in business," the fisherman No license is required for salt may be dropped with a good Fishing For the Fun of U weighed at an official weighing logically remarked, As in all. fields water fishing and there is no chance of success. Bass and flound­ On the second day of our ex- station. Fishermen may hit the the expert usually h as the advan­ closed season. er is the main attraction in that ploration · of good fishing areas, jackpot-with such varieties as, of tage over the novice yet time and area for the rod and reel fisher~ we decided to find out what's in course, the bass. tuna, tautog, again a newcomer turns the trick GLANTZ FAMILY PICNIC man.. It is .well to note that the stock for the salt water angler. bluefish, flounders, rock bass, cod with a whopper. best catches of giant tuna, and Coastline flshJng from the shores and pollock. All fish must be taken To summarize a long flshi.;-,g The fourth annual outing of ·swordfish, were made· b e t w e e n of Narragansett and from piers, on rod and reel 01· hand lines. Fish story, let us remember one thing- the Glantz Family Circle will be Point Judith and Block Island. is most popular with fishermen from all of R. I. are eligible. Addi- The salt water angler will find held Sunday at noon at Goddard I Winding .Jlur sea-going fishing looking for the wily stripped bass tional information will be given most of the hot spots are within Park, Field 11 . B. Glantz is chair­ I jaunt, our captain s"killfully turned that bounds off shore. Striped bass, at the NAS Public !µformation easy reach of Quonset Point. man of arrangements. Family I us around and headed back to the royalty of North Atlantic sport · Office, for those interested. V\'hether you have the price of an and friends are inyi!,ed to attend. fish, move into R. I. -late in April ii and r~main there through the +••••-•••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••-+ I ~: In this, the fourth in a series summer months. It climbs to a · · · + ~re servicemen may spend their peak of excellence during Aug~. + + weekly in the Quonset Scout, the ~~~ : -~~~ get a new slant on wlfat goes on . The Derby + .+ d in Rhode Island. The famous Narragansett Fish- _ T1 ·M E' s n..---- Aw As TI N ' i I,.1 . • ~~~~'r-:,1!)1~ • • • i ROSH HASHANAH SEPT. 20,_21 i . - .: YOM KIPPUR SEPTEMBER 29 .: • • .• ' ·5 713 * 1952-53 .• .• .•• • • • • iSay HAPPY NEW YEAR! MAN'S-LAND-This 60-lb. swordfish is no extraordinary fish according • • hO harpooned the sea creature while on a commercial fishing trip-. : To Relatives and Friends Through The : the ' rich man's dish."' •• • •i JEWISH HERALD •f . HE High Holy ,Day issues of The Jewish : II) Herald offer an appropriate, convenient + l' and inexpensive mepns of extending i. your NEW YEAR Greetings tc ALL your i friends without neglecti~g or off1:_nding anyone. : i CHOOSE ONE OF T.HE ATTRACTIVE STYl,.ES SHOWN HERE!.

: Style A MR. and MRS. : $l.OO HARRY BLANK 'i- t Style B •+ :t .------~ 122 Boulevard ,Rd. : t Mr. and Mrs. HARRY· BLANK wish all their relatives ·: t 122 Boulevard Rd. $3.5.0 · and' friends wish ·au . their relatives a Happy and Prosperous + i and friends _ a Happy and Prosperous New Year +• i · New Year : • • i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blank -Style C i : 122 BOULEVARD ROAD : ,&ADISE-One of many scenic fishing docks at Galllee and Jerusalem ,ay area. Here fishermen repair their fishnets. • WISH ALL THEffi RELATIVES AND FRIENDS •• A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS $5.00 + NEW YEAR t • SEND COPY FOR YOUR GREETINGS NOW. USE CONVENIENT ORDER FORM • Print "!Imes and addresses clearly to ovoid error • As the amount is too small o matter on which to keep books, we request that vour •+ greeting be accompanied by cash or ·money order. ' -.: ORDER TO INSERT NEW YEAR GREETINGS • THE JEWISH HERALD, 121 Dyer Street, Providence 3, R. I. • Enclosed find $ in payment for my New Year Greeting. • FULL • Please Check Which NAME • . ' ." " ." ' .. ' ...... ' ... ' .. ' . • Be sure to state If Mr. and Mrs., Mr., Miss, .+ STYLE A D and Family, and Children, etc. Street + : :~~: ~ 0 and No . .· ...... _ ...... I i. ff the Lucy-M, seuoned Oshermen heave and pull their larre net to­ : . O City or Town .. , , ...... , ...... captured. ··-···················-························· IZ THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1952 'nuff, he has pinpoint control. I For expert, up-to-date informa.­ Australia Concerned fast ball, which he uses as often tion. call the Herald Tra,,el Bu­ as his other pitches. Trouble is, reau. DE 1-7388. By Transfer the hitters don't set themselves for All the same, Sat.ch a good SYD COHEN: MELBOURNE-The· Australian has Government is concerned over the the fast ball. They expect the junk, ARROW LINES time themselves for a slow pitch- PRovrg:rL;,e sERtt~~lFORD More About All -Stars Israel Government's decision to move its Foreign Ministry from and wind up being dead ducks Also Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Australian when the fast one is used. - CHARTER WORK - Minister for External Affairs H. That ma.n may be-according to FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL 21 Cliff Street GA 1--0872 The first item to hit the eye was to succeed Hornsby, and the Casey said in Canberra this week. his own admission- lazy. bu.t he after a return from two weeks of first J ewish player of significance. He revealed that this concern had sure makes a good living at it. ======:'.:'.'.:' Army duty was a letter from the Twenty years later Jackie Robin­ been conveyed to the Israel Gov­ genial Warren Walden, sports son was to get the same sort of ernment by the Australian Minis­ JEWISH POPULATION UP commentator of WJAR-TV. War­ publicity as another significant ter to Israel. No country has thus MONTREAL-The Jewish pop­ ren took time out on his birthday first. Coincidentally, both were far recognized Israel's claim to ulation of Canada has increased just a week ago to rem-ind this second basemen. Jerusalem as its capital and the by approximately 20 percent in column of an oversight in last How the name of Andy Cohen recent announcement by Israel is the last decade, according to cen­ week's story on' Jewish Hall of was left out of last week's column a move designed to compel the sus figures released here. Fame ball players. is beyond me. It was on the list I diplomatic corps to move to Jeru­ Regarding that column, Walden had jotted down for my own J ew­ salem and thus recognize that city as the capital of the Jewish State, writes: ish Hall of Fame. Guess that foot the Minister charged. "There's one name I'd like to locker which was the seat of my BRAKES add, and I think you might have operations for two weeks wasn't overlooked him due to his name­ canducive to accuracy_ then a whole century ~f progress RELINED SPECIAL The column extends sincere is dissipated. Thi~ is where we it's Cohen. · FORD-PLYMOUTH $10 95 "Andy, Cohen was one of the thanks to Warren Walden, whom came in. CHEVROLET '36 to '48 • """"...... c... I proudly am able to count amon .r-.. De..-ke,s Av.Ilnle greatest little competitors to m ove FRONT ENDS REBUILT into the big show, and f a.ced one my regular readers. There's a different- entirely st ~ ,-- c.st: of the toughest assignments when different-kind of all-star team and ALIGNED he was called on to fill the shoes Checking up on the happenings that is making its presence felt in of the sensational Rogers Hornsby of the past two weeks, I discovered a negative way during this season. at second base for the Giants. that the column of August 1 didn't And what a whopping team that Wheel Balancing ~/'.!!1'- The eyes of the baseball world were make sell.se; and while you may is! on Andy as well as the scrutiny be inclined to say that such a con­ Yo,u could build a. pretty good TRUCK ond AUTO BArrERIES and World Series club around the men SPRINGS REPAIRED of Giants fans, as· the modest dition is not unusual with this ACCESSORIES Colien stepped into the vacancy writer, there is a solid explanation who have been taken into the WE'LL STOP SH IMMY, left by the dominant Hornsby. for the column in question. armed services or sidelined by in­ HARD STEERING AND TIRE WEAR ll'fri9•.-.fM for Cohen made good and I doubt if Just a little matter of a whole juries. Matt.er of fact, such a club Inquire About Our L.H,-r Ufe any ball player had to break into paragraph b.:ing left out - said might easily be the outstanding Comenient Budget Pion team in the country. By Mahr• ef World• the major leagues under such pres­ paragraph being the one that car­ Dove Jogolinzer sure-up until that time, anyway." ried the meat of th"e story. Take a look. For pitchers there ...... Z.olt~ l.odr ... There isn't much to be added So let's .refresh our memories are Don Newcombe of the Dodgers, 1'111, •"" Teln lll •• Sris. after that letter. Warren is right, and set the record straight 'by ex­ Chet Nichols of the Braves Tom Extended Oreclit Anilable of course. The n ame of Andy Cohen plaining how that story should Morgan of the Yanks. Thes~ men BROAD ST. definitely is one of the musts for have read. are in the service. Among the Tilden-Thurber injured are the Giants' Sal Maglie, any discussion of all-time Jewish Closed Mondays ball players. Not only did Andy The story in question related to the Red Sox' Ellis Kinder and the BRAKE SERVICE face the stl/pendous-and impos­ the so-called blindness of umpires. Yankees' Ed Lopat. I believ·e the S37 Brood St. EL 1-0689 sible-task of filling Hornsby's and the oft-heard suggestion that recently demoted Clem Labine is shoes. He also ha.ppened to be· the they should wear glasses. qualified for this team. -These are first ball player in the history of This suggestion

Rhode lsJand's Only Anglo-Jewish ·Greatest Newspaper Independent Weekly The Jelllish Herald in Rhode Island

VOL. XXXVII, No. 20 FRIDAY. JULY 18. 1952 PROVIDENCE. R. I. TWELVE PAGES 10 CEN'I'S THE COPY Israel To Control Emigration Caused Fund Raising Pauker' s Downfall JERUSALEM- Ir. an- effort to LONDON- The Sunday Express reduce the number of unautho­ today reported that Anna Pauker 's rized fund-raising drives for vari­ downfall as Foreign Minister of ous Israel institutions carried on Rumania was the result of be­ in Israel and abroad, the Israel trayal by another leading Ruma­ Cabinet decided this week . to ap~ nian woman communist who told point a special Ministerial Com­ of a lleged bribes pa id her for the mittee to work under the Minister emigration of Rumanian Jews to of F inance, which would pass on Israel. a ll such activities. Henceforth, According to the Sunday Express special Government permits will story. Liuba Chisinevski ta 1 ·ct have to be secured before such CommuniSt Pa r ty commisars in drives will be authorized. This Rumania that Mrs. Pauker had will reduce considerably the num ­ i-eceived from $100 to $1,000 for ber of · Israel institutions sending each Rumanian J ew who left for em issaries a broad to raise funds Israel. The .r eport says that Miss for individual institut ions. funds Chisinevski accused the former that have not always found their Foreign Minister of depositing the way to Israel. nor ha ve been used money in a secret bank account for the ostensible purpose for she had opened in Israel. which they were raised. c An Associated Press dispa tch from Vienna reported today that Anna Pa uker got into trouble with To Trace Early Moscow two years ago when she reportedly arranged to have -her aged father sent to Israel. The Jewish Pioneers AP also quotes Western diplomats CINCINNAT I - In prepa ration as saying that the fact that she for the forthcoming observance of was a Jewess was a major consi­ This i& the layout of the Holy City of J er usalem for whose up­ deration in her dism issal.I • ·the tercentena ry al the first ·Jew­ building as Israel's capitol plans were announced at the United II ,, ______ish settlement in America, an ex­ !':ations in New York a few days ago. : pedition of scholars from the Paper Carries Fair American J ewish Archives of the N: J. To Investigate Hebrew Union College this sum­ To Attempt Emigration of Jews Em ployment E'o l icy mer is retracing the steps of the Hate Newspaper t>arliest J ewish pioneers. seeking Statement Over Ads historical clues to their back­ From Russia, Declares Sharett NEWARK, N . J .-The State ground. •MINNEAPOLIS-A statement of authorities have la unched an in­ Headed by Dr. Jacob R. Marcus. NEW YORK-The . problem of to induce Moscow to allow Soviet the · fair employm en t policy, be- vestigation into the distribution in Adolph S. Ochs professor of Jew­ ~ecuring emigration of Jews from J ews to leave for Israel may re- lieved to ·be the first of its kind. this state of the anti-Sem itic ish history at Heb1·ew Union che Soviet Union to Israel is a quire time. Mr. Sharett asserted now is being run by the Minnea- sh eet, "Headlines," published by College and director of Am erican cardinal point in the policy of the that the Israel Government _feels polis Star and Tribune a t the Joseph P. Kamp, vice-president of Jewish Archives. the expedition Israel Governm ent, Foreign Minis­ it '" has a claim"· in view of the fact h ead of its em ployment columns. the Constitutiona l Educat ional will follow the route of the first ter Moshe Sharett decla red here that the J ews a re the only na tiona l The notice was instituted in co- League and ·a notorious anti-Se­ Jewish wanderers who came in addressing the convention of the minority in the Soviet Union operation with the Fair Employ- p,ite. R ecent issues of this sheet 1654 from Brazil Lo what was then American Zionist Labor Orga ni­ whose problem·s have not been ment Practice Commission of Min- have Used anti-Semitism to attack New Amsterdam . zation. The convention elected solved territoriall) within the neapolis. the candidacy of Gen. Dwight D. Rabbi James Hell er of Cincinnati. frame of the Soviet regime as was i The notice states that jobs of- ~i_s_en_h_ow_ e_r.______na tiona l presiderit of the orga niza­ the case with other minorities. [ fered through the paper 's columns tion. Estimating that Israel will be Iare "accepted on ttie premise that To be l:lonored AJC Speaker Declaring that the efforts on able to absorb 4.000,000 J ews qualified a pplicant<, will be hired the pa rt of the Israel Government ,continued on Page 3 ) , on their m erits and without dis- Hits Censorship crim ination because of race. color. religion or nationa lity ... DETROIT - Minority groups Brothe rs, Sisters Reunion--Ages Total 375 who pressure educational a uthori­ ties to ban certain text books a re Court Rules Out establishing '"precedent for pro­ fessional book burners," delegates Closing o~ Holidays to the National Education Asso­ ciation convention were warned MONTREAL-A city ordinance here last week by Dr. Edward N. compelling retail storekeepers to Saveth of the American Jewish close their shops on four im portant Commiltee. Catholic holidays has been ruled inva lid by the Montreal Superior "To ba n a book is a pretty seri­ Court. ous matter in a democratic society Violation of the la w was punish.­ such as ours," Dr. Sa veth declared. "particularly when the ban is in­ able by a fine of $40. Non-Catholic voked in defense ot the m inorities a nd J ewish storekeepers were in our popula tion. Such groups~ incensed over the ordina nce. wi th have fa r more to lose tha n to ga in the issue reaching a crisis some by a ny action which is in itself weeks ago when severa l, hundred undemocratic and might servP as policem en swooped down on the precedent for professional book THEIR AVERI_\Gf: AGE- 75 violators a nd handed out scores of burners In our m idst . This is summonses. The action to in­ particularly Lrue al present when When• Mrs. ETHEL ZELLMAN. Having li ved in Israel during· validate the law was commenced DR. ILIE BERGER textbooks a re under a t.tack from n isecond from lcft1. arrived in De­ the entire period of the wa r. she by a number of shop-owners. who variety of sourcec;, some of which troit recently. aftrr re~iding in was in JerusalPrn d uring· the battle were joined by several Sabbath ­ To Atte nd Dental are hostile to public education ... Israel fur 20 y~nrs. there was n for independrnce when the Holy observing J ews. l'eunio11 of brothers and · sistr rs Ci ty was without food a nd water, Convention In Israel \-.·hosr nc t.'s totnl :ns y~n rs- mak- wi th continuing night a nd day S d' A b' 111 1-: an average for the nbovr group shooting. BuL fniLh sus ta ined OU I ra 10 Dr . a nd Mrs. Ilie Berger, who JWV Chief Scores leave for Israel at the end of this of 75 years. From the left: HARRY her a nd lier fellow-citizens. and Raises Boycott G LICK, of HunLinµton , W. Va .. together with thr entire commu- month, will be feted a t a fa rewell "The Desert Fox" who is 75 : Mr,. Zellman , 83 : nit,v she hl'lprd In her way towards I ROME ....:._ The Saudi Arabia n luncheon July 25 o t the Narragan­ SAMUEL H . GLICK. a lso of winning tlw bnttlt. for fl'ccdo";· govc_rnmcnt. which has be~n pross­ setL HoLel by the General Jewish NEW YORK- The decision bv HuntingLon . 81 : Mrs. WILLIAM Shr s pC'aks with pride of Isrnel s ing nn anti-Je,\'lsh boycott by Committee and the Providence T wentieth -CenLu ry Fox to show ~ ALTMAN . of DetrolL. the youngesL nchlcvrments nnC is Confi dent prohibiting Sa udi Arabians from Zionist District . In charge a re Oerma n- lnnguage version of ''Thr in t.lw fnm iJy__.66 : and MAX thnt thl' progrrss will continue doing· busilwss with Jewish fi rms. Alvi n A. Sopkin. GJC president. Desert Fox" in Wrst Germa ny wns G LICK of HunLington. 70. with µr!"nL strides wi ll not apply the boycott to Ita- a nd William D. Strong, Zior.ist scored here in n s latemr nt by Pnul Snmur l Gl1rk, 111 the furniLUl'l' Ht•r son . David M. Zcllmnn. re- lian na t.iona ls of the Jewish faith. District president Ginsberg, nntionnl commander of busirwss in Ht111li11µlon f0 r 40 port."- an intc•rcst.lng incident. nt. Action of thP (t.alian F'oreig·n Dr. Ber ger. who is ma king the the J ewish Wa r Vetrrnn~ of thr yrn rs. is n II u rclt•111 Zio11ls l u nd n Icllt•wilcl Airport. whilr waiting for Ministry, which notified t.he Saudi trip to Israel with a group of Am­ United S t.n tes. l(•acl<-r in h is Jrwish community. h is mother's a rrivul. A man walked Arnbiam; that Ittdinn cha mbers erican physicians. will give a series Gmsbcn:. who vis1tt•cl Gt•rmnn.v Mrs. Zt•1lmn 11 plans to s lny with over to him und snid. " ArC' n·t you of commercr would be unablt• to or lectures a t the Na tional Denta l enrller thi!- yrar. precl iclr d lhnl her ch1ld n•11 in Dt>lroit for u .Vl':1r Dnvid Zrllmn11 ? Do you remember 1!-!sue a ny certificates implying Convention in Tel Aviv the early the showlni< of the- film biogrnphy 1111d 1s dr t.C' rm inrd to rr turn to m e'! l nm BlumenLlrnl the Book- rnclal discrimination. led Lo the part of August. of Nazi Field Mnr!-. hol Erwin lsrnrl. Shr hus two sons nncl two binder , your mother 's landlord in ne~, Saudi Arabian position . The He will lecture on a special Rommel .. w}ll prove fnr morr usr - clnughtr rs. Anotllrl' son. I h r J rrusnlcm." Whereupon Mr. Zell- lri.rntion here a nnounced that in phase of dental technique upon ful lo the communisLc; nnd nnzls youngrst. now drcr nsPd. fou!.! hl ma n nsKed him Lo wait n while tlw future It will be satisfi ed with which he is now working. \ lhnn to lhO~f' in Orrmnny nnd in with Allr nby nnd Jnbolinsky in th1· nnd to meet his lenant--ln Ne~v la "crrliflcnte of origin" stnting Reserva tions fur the luncheon the frer We~t who nre work inc. J e Y. ish Le1-.do 11 during World War York. Mr. Blumrnthnl was sen- thnL the µoods under shipment lo may be made by calling General townrds the development of a I for the llbernUon of Pnlrstlnr ously wound<'d in the fight for Saudi ArRbin were produced in Jewish Committee headquarters. penceful a nd deme>crn tic stn IR." from the Turks. J prusnlem. , Itnly. ~ GA 1- 4111. .. z THE PROVIDENCE .JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 195! Emi_gration (Continued from Page I) within the next 10 to 15 years. Mr. Sharett said that of the 10,- semi-annual summer 000.000 Jews now living in various countries of the world. about 6,000.000 reside in the Western Hemisphere. The question is whether the wesrern Jewish com­ munities will not have to be tapped for increasing the number of Jews tn Israel which now number about jJ1r 1,500,000, he said-. Expects No Oppression Here The Israel Foreign Minister, who • • during his present stay in the United States visited many large and small Jewish communities, 1s now 1n progress ~ -- emphasized that the misery which has driven Jews from other coun: most reductions from · tries to emigrate to Israel before and after the war does not exist among Jews in the United States. Nor is there any basis to predict that American Jews will be driven 25o/o -to 40o/o to emigrate to the new state by oppression as was the case with Jews in other countries, the israeli ( statesman declared.

ISRAEL TIME ADVANCED MR. AND MRS. ABRAHA.."\f B. LOBEL were married on- June JERUSALEM-At its first meet­ 2.9 at the Mohican Bo~. New London, ·conn. ing_ the new Israel Cabinet this week ordered the setting of Is­ ~~ Dora Stanzler. rael clocks tv,o hours ahead. thus 184- 194 NORTH M AIN STREET Pick Miss 'Gansett A feature of the dance will be instituting double summer time. 8stabl1..thccl J9o6 At Pioneer Dance voting for Miss Narragansett Pier. The move, which will consider­ Our Onf) S10,~ Applications are now being taken ably reduce the consumption of Mr.;. Barry Ballon is chairman from girls over 16 by Mrs. Ballon. electricity and save much-needed of the Barn Dance sponsored by 9 Mansion Avenue, Narragansett. fuel. pushes Israel time eight hours Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Pioneer Women to be held at the The last day for applications is ahead of New York time. The new 'til 9 P. M. Narragansett Pier Casino Sunday Sunday. July 20. summer time will be in effect from evening'. July 27. Her committee July 6 to August 16. -- CLOSED MONDAYS includes Mesdames Louis Port. There will also be novelty dances ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; honorary chairman; Harry Ber- and prizes. linsky_ co-chairman; Albert Soko------low, ticket chairman; Nathan Cohen, treasurer: Celia Blazer, Westerly Red Cross secretary, and Harry Sk.lut and Sam Goldman, publicity. Elects Dr. Cohen ---- DAVID RUBIN !embers of the general com- mittee are Mesdames Max Curran Dr. David E . Cohen of Westerly Funeral services for David Rubtn, Len a Selinder, Joseph Biller: was elected chairman of the Wes­ operator of cigar stands in Provi­ Harry Richmond. Alfred Aden. I terly Red Cross _Chapter at the dence for over 40 years, who died - ... when it comes to highest quality Harry Beck. Harry Blanck. -.Sam- 35th annual meeting held Monday last week at his home. 76 Eighth uel Salkoff, .Joseph Gladstone and evening. Street, were helci at the Max meats and poultry at rock-bottom prices. Sugarman Funeral Home. Burial Dr. Cohen, who has served as was in Lincoln Park Cemetery. chairman of the membership fund for the past two years, is active Born in Odessa, Russia, a son FREDDIE Is The Delegates' Choice - THE MAPLES in Westerly communal activities. of the iate Morris and Goldie At Monday's meeting, he was pre­ Rubin, he came to Providence Fo~ Service and Dependability sented a certificate of apprecia­ when he was a young boy. Narr~gansett Pier Besides his wife, Mrs. Fannie 11 Perkins Avenue tion for his service as campaign chairman.

COUPLE EXPECTING baby d esperately need s 4.5 rooms unfurni shed. N i ce lo­ cation. Maximum $45. ST 1-0328 or ST BEGINNING MONDAY Hurry down and enjoy yourself at 1-0940. I the Beachwood--· ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD-Off Hope Street. Double bedroom. Comfortable, DOROTHY GISH WHERE OUR RATES ARE YOUR RATES! home privileges. All facilities. Write Box 4031 , the Hera ld . in the suspense melodrama "THE MAN" SPECIAL! SPECIAL' - SPECIAL' · Mail Orders Phone Orders SPECIAL LOW RA TE EVES : MON. SAT. MATS : WED. and SAT. FOR BALANCE OF SEASON! · $3 .60, $3.00, S2 .40, $1.80, $1.20 $3.00, $2.40, $1.80,- S1.20 So hurry down Only a few vacancies left ot this special· rate II NArr 3-7932 - Ask for Charlie UNBAKED You don't have to be rich to stay ot the Beachwood PINEAPPLE-CHEESE CAKE VACATION TIME Crust : But you' ll be ric h in health oll wi_nte; as o result: 2 cups fi ne crumbs of grah a m is cr ackers !-1 cup sugar. option a l !·:.? cup melted butter or TYPEWRITER TUNE-UP TIME substitute Combine well with a fork a nd from o minor adjustment to o complete overhaul press J; he mixture against t he bot ­ tom and sides of a 10-inch spring call Charles Samdperil at JA 1-6887 form cake pa n -\ MON. oran ge rin d ED DREW 3 tablespoons lemon or ora n ge j uice ond 1 cup wh ippin g cream , His Orch . whipped stiff 1 cup drained crushed canned _pineapple 2 tablespoo ns pineapple syrup Soften th e gelatin in cold water . H eat the milk In top of a double boiler over hot water while beating t he egg yolks an d sugar till lackstone Valley and the East Side of Provi­ cream y. Add t he sa it a n d beaten B yolks to t he warm milk a nd stir dence motorists will find Philip Dwares Cam­ In. Cook over hot water- till t he pany the most convenient Sales, Service a nd m ixt u re begins to t h icken . stirrin g Parts Station in " Downtown Pawtucket" . Plan once or twice. Reinove from heat a nd stir In the dissolved gelatin. now to bring your car in for a " Motor Tune­ Let cool while prepa ring th e other Up". Assure yourself of trouble-fret: summer ln1t1·cd ien ts. Beat the egg wh ites motoring. We service all -makes. sti~ Combine the sieved cheese, grated rind a nd fruit Juices a n d add a bou t v. cup of s ugar If lemon One Stop Here-Means Non-Stop There! Ju ice has been used . or to taste. Add t he pineapple and Juice. Fold In the beaten egg whites a nd whipped cream wi th a n over a nd over motion, a nd t urn t he cooked m ixtu re. that has been cooled , In to the combination. foldin g in very carefully a nd as lig h tly as possi­ ble. T urn this m ixture into t h e / . THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1952

• PLAN ISRAEL CANAL from the Red Sea through the LONDON-The London Daily Negev to the Mediterranean, as a n Engaged Graphic- reported last week that alternative to the Suez Canal. American engineers are re-exam­ Such a waterway would facilitate ining,the Israel Government's plan shipment of minerals discovered for a canal tha.t would stretch recently in the Negev. Recuperating at Home Has Birthday Party Mrs. Harry A. Koiner of 61 Da­ Rhonda Francine Young, da ugh­ boll Street is recuperating at her ter of Mr. and Mrs. Manny Young home from a recent major opera­ of 228 Ivy Street, celebrated her tion. third birthday. at a party June 29. Son for Barbozas H er grandparents are Mr. and Mr. and· Mrs. William Barboza Mrs . Frank F. Swartz of 96 Wood­ Narragansett Hout of 169 Vermont Avenue announce bine Street. Sixty guests were the birth of their first child, a son. present ·from Boston and Provi­ Carl J ack, on June 14. Grand­ dence. parents are Mr. and Mrs. A. Nor­ Galkin-Blacher Engagement OPERATES THE ONLY SEPARATE, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Bar- Announcem ent of the engage­ PERMANENT ment of Miss Winifred Phyllis Yankus Have Daughter Blacher to Robert Theodore Gal­ Mr. and Mrs. Victor Yanku of kin. son of Mr. and Mrs. -1\rthur KOSHER KITCHEN 97 Miner Street announce the Galkin of Melrose Street, has been birth o! a --daughter. Francine made by her father, Mr. Benjamin in Rhode lslond Myrna. on June 28. Gra ndparents Blacher of Wayland Avenue. are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ziman Miss Blacher was graduated re­ In Full Accordance With The and Mrs.' Anna Ya nku. cently from Pembroke College. MISS SYLVIA RIFKIN P.ri'ests Have Son Her fiance is an ah.tmnus of Brown JEWISH DIET ARY LAWS Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rifkin Mc. and Mrs. Joseph Priest of University, where h e was a mem­ of 242 Freeman Pa rkway announce Combining All the Conveniences of a Modern 119 Radcliffe Avenue announce ber of the Tower Club. the e ngagement of their daughter, the birth of their secon d child, a Horvitz' New Home Hotel With Those of Downtown Location. The ' Miss Sylvia Rifkin, to Herbert E. Narragansett is the Only Hotel in Rhode Island I son. Henry Robert, on June 29. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Horvitz and Grall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benja­ which offers t his service. A Mash giach is on the · Greenberg-Dimond family recently moved into their min Grau of 167 Lorimer Avenue. rn an afternoon ceremony July new home a t 4 Leicester Way, premises at all times to supervise the preparation Miss Rifkin is a graduate of and servicing of all K OSHER FOODS. Pawtucket. Hope High School. Her fiance, a lso 4 in the chapel of the Elsmere Plaza. New York City, Miss Phy­ (Continued on Page 7) I a Hope High gr adua te. was gradu - Bookings For Spring ond Summer lene Sybil Dim_ond, daughter of 1 ated from the University of Rhode Now Being Accepted i Island·. where he was a member of Mr. and Mrs. H arry A. Dimond of Reliable .Window Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity. Evergreen Street, became the PLANNIN:G A BAR MITZVAH? CALL US NOW bride of A 3/ c Alfred Stanley Cleaning Company FOR YOUR RESERV~.TION The wedding is planned for Sep ­ tem ber 14. Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. 9 Meni Court HO 1-2889 Ha rvey Greenberg of New York. Established 1921 KOSHER Rabbi S . w . Helfgott oflicia ted· at Guests May Check With The Herald's deadline for news AWNINGS AND STORM WINDOWS th~ Management to Learn CATERING the double-ring ceremony. INSTALLED ond REMOVED Which Kitche n is Us ed items is Tuesday noon. We cannot in her for Their Dinner. AT ITS BEST Given ma rriage by father. guarantee to inse1,;t stories received the bride was dressed in an a nkle­ after that t \m e. length gown of hyacinth blue silk organza with matching duster. Her veil fell from a pink lace j uliet SILVER cap and she wore pink accessories. Electric Company She held a Bible marked with NOW ·AT DAVID KORN & SONS roses and stephanotis. Electrical Contractors Mrs. H erbert H. Bander of 628 BROAD STREET Pa ra mus. N. J .. matron of honor Industrial - Commercial for her sister, wore an irridescent and Residential ballerina-length gown of . blue GA 1-6864 The only Vacuum Cleaner in the world with fuscia accessories and carried a colonial · bouquet. Leslie Iryse Dimond was flower girl for her B. Simon sister. She wore a pink and green organdie dress a nd ca rried a PIANO TUNER that brings you"REACH·EASV" m atching colonial bouquet. Sinct:- 1910 Gerald Greenber g_ brother of Pianos a n d Player Pianos the groom. was best m an . Ushers Tuned, Regulated, Repaired were Howa rd anC::. Robert. Green ­ Reasonable . R eliable ,berg. twin brothers of the groom. Money Back Guarantee Following a reception in the 226 WEBSTER A VENUE Crystal Room of the Plaza. the EL 1-227S couple left for a honeymoon in GLEANING! New York state. Tolchinsky First Child Mr. a nd Mrs. Sta nley T olchinsky , Wedding Stationery of 160 Aqueduct Road. Cranston. Printed . Embos,;ed . Engraved announce the bh·th of their first 4-H our Printing Service child. a daughter, Marjo1;ie Lynn. Choice SelKtion - Qu11llty work on July 10. Grandparents a re Mr. NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC CLEANER and Mrs . Ben Snyder of 75 P em ­ MONOGRAMMING - broke A venue and M r. and Mrs . with the amazing new swivel-top that e STATIONERY • NAPKINS Harry Tolchinsky of 11 Concord • COASTERS • MATCHES lets you clean whole average-size liv­ Avenue, Cra nston. Maternal gTeat­ • SPECIALTIES • JNFORMALS gra ndfa ther is Jos'cph Snyder of PROMPT 12 HOUR SERVICE in5' room without once moving cleaner! Ca lifornia a nd paternal great­ gra ndmothers are Mrs. Morris · TECHNOPRINT You · just set this new G-E Cleaner in the Tolchinsky a nd Mrs . Sadie Cardon \ I EMPUt.e ST., opp. Met. Theatre middle of the floor, and reach every nook of Dorchester. and cranny without moving the cleaner. Many other great features. Summer Store Hours 9 :15 to S:45 Tuesdoy thru Soturdoy • New 1wfwel-top for "reach... 1y'' dNnl"9 • L•'ler dltpesaltle Na th•n any other cleaner • Meln,.lna 41rf-tlettl11t1 •ltlllty •• clNner lllb

• lxtn 11ulet I No radio or IV lnterhNnce RHODE ISLAND'S LARGEST STORE . . GA.spec l -?000 • Cemple,. Mt ef •tta•h-nb la pomltl• ca44r

SENSATIONAL ' NfW EASY VACUUM BUDGET PLAN • ARRANGED. ,vith pillowy CLEANER foam cushioned Model AVC-815 platform soles



95-197 Willard Ave. Autltorlzod Dealer DExter 1-7730 - 7731 Sketched: Cuffed Sabot Sling W edge Pump in GENERAL fl ELECTRIC wheat with toast or white. Lorge selection of other styles to choose from. VACUUM CLEANERS The OUTLET- WOMEN'S CASUAL BAR, Alr-Condllloncd Street Floor THE PRO:VIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1952 5

tie. X marks t he spot-<,x-man­ ALL SOCIAL FUNCTIONS - agers! CHURCHILL HOUSE COHEN· 1 SS Angell Street Weddings - Dances Miscellaneous Matters Bar Mitzvahs - Musicals Meetings Reservations MA ·1-2649 - GA 1-234S These hot days, there'• nothing over the still- Lalked-about Pier­ like fanning the breeu about base­ sall case ena bled the nervous ball. So let's don the bifocals and Bou,freau to get off the hook re­ peruse the news. garding his charge that pitchers JAMES Maury McDermott and Mel Par­ Casey Stengel recently was toss­ nell were dogging it when they ed out of a game for the first had to be sent home to Boston to GOLDSMITH time since he has managed the have their arms examined. Yankees. Asked what he said that It turned out that Mickey had Insurance of prompted Jim Honochick to invite a strained tendon in his money him to leave the premises, Casey arm, while Parnell was s uffering Ev:ny Type -trying· to keep the notorious from bursitis. Whal they now think gleam out of his eye-said it wasn"t of their manager is their secret: 805 IN DUSTRIAL TRUST BLDG. '$fl'!f!'- much. It seems both sides had ac­ however. the writers were detour­ Phone Resi.dence cused the umpire all day of miss­ ed from more comment on the JA 1-3900 DE 1-4275 ing more than a few calls on balls Bo.udreau blast by the Piersall BATIERIES and and strikes, and Yogi Berra had episode. ACCESSORIES just been tossed out of the game S IIELIION LIS KER. son of lllr. for voicing his opinion too strongly In addition. Lou has backtrack' a nd Mr.s. ~athan Lisker of 95 Shaw lefrlgeratea for and too often. ed on his word of this spring and A \'enue. Cranston . who was Bar Loagor Llf• 1 fitz,·ah · at Temple Beth Israel Anyway, Casey walked up to the has closed his office to the press Ir Makers of World• for 15 minutes-after games. The June 14. A reception followed a t harried Honochick and said he bis paren!s' home. Poaou :Z.alt• "ladlos, knew the ump was entiUed to miss press boys think Boudreau is down on them because he says they are Photo by Max Riter fM, aad Telnlsl.. S.h. a few, but did he have to be ridicu­ Extended Credit Available lous about it. Which, it turned out, not fair to him. But he won't say --specifically. not hustling. There's was not the accepted way to make what he means by that. He'll spill that poor word again. Leo shouJd friends and influence umpires. it at the end of the season, says he. Tilden~ Thurber It didn't make Lou feel any bet­ read llp about what happens• to Closed Mondays ter. either. when a Mid-West radio managers who refuse to accept The suggestion has been made Your Building and commentator. hearing of the Pier­ facts as they are and choose to that someone donate to Lou Bou­ Improvement Problems sall-Stephens spanking incident hlame their athletes' lack of bus- dreau a crate of phenobarbital. It , h-Onoring fulh lhe / 45 Orms Street, Providence the arbiter's needs, applied first Hos New 'Attractive aid. helped him to a cab, took him to his hotel. and made sure he was donor and iho!.e in who!.e name CEMETERY LOTS comfortably in bed. At Moderate Prices The player was able to take off all this time during the playing the g/t!J are ma.de. Special rotes to Organizations, Synagogues and Temp\l!s of a game for a very good reason. BENJAMIN ZEIDEL, Chairman H e was under a te n day suspension for information re.p.nijng memorials DExter 1-1649 after having been tossed out of a game by one of the injured um­ ia the new Miriam Hospio:al, call pire's mates. LOUIS FA IN Chairman Memorial Committee The new batboy of the Dodger~ tried to land the job for ten years. Narragansett Pier He made it this spring. but isn"t Miriam Hospital. Providence, R. I, Elmhurst 1-1000 expected to keep it longer than the end of the season. Reason? He EUGENE TERRACE is 21. manied and the father of a month-old .,daughter. Look i n g ~ Brown and Coswell Streets ahead a few years. he 1-:esents the idea that the kids m ight tease his FEW APARTMENTS LEFT daughter about her old man being • a batboy. Sadly-the end of a GET YOURS NOW! promising career. All electric kitchens, wjth showers and large screened porches - 1 block from main bathhouse Buried deep in the Spartinµ News obitua ry of Fred Tenney. - SPECIAL RATES FOR BALANCE Of SEASON - -·- so-year-old former big 1eague star I who d ied recently. was this seldom I Burton A. for other information coll Days GA 1-9S91 told incident. , or our agent, R. W. Coswell, Kingston Rood Tenney played with the Boston I! Tel. Norr. 928 Braves and New York G iants and , was one of the greaL first basemen NA THAN EUGENE Owners CATHERINE EUGENE of his day. It was one of Tenney·s Finberg - On Premises Doily - great regrets that he never played in the World Series. Yet. only a fluke kept him from n1aking it.. In 1908. with the GianLs. Ten­ -•- ney played in 156 games. He missed only one. But that contest turned-out to be ,the one in which young Fred M0r' It. sub,;titutinx at first base for Tenney. neglected Announces t.o touch iec d base on a smg1e that presu . a bly won the pen­ THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE nant for t." · McGrawmen . You kn · the rest. The run was as nullified. he game replayed a nd the pennant won by the Gubs. Agent and Broker The Red Sox-seem LO ha vc a future/ great. in bonus rook1r of Frank Baumann. si~ned a month ago. The kid. Just out of high sch I. v.·on three out or his llr.,I fo starts with Lou1sv11lc 111 the Insurance and tr )) 1 e - A American Assocrnt1oi1. Bonds T; ·o were shulouL, nnd hr mis.~ (All Types of Coverage) third by nn eyelnsh. H,• ptldlf

I SAVE: with FIRST NATIONAL_TE:A! ~ · _ A Fine Ceylon Blend at a Saving Pr ice ,_ GOLDEN ROSE TEA '';~ ~~~s 39c A Bl,ond of India and C~ylon Teas 48 BAGS HOMELAND TEA ;. CTN 43c

We Import, Blend and

MR. AND MRS. ELI WARSHAWSKY after their marriage Package All Our Own July I at Sons of Abraham Synagogue. The bride is the former Miss Shirley Pearl. Photo by Fred Kelman Teas - Sold With Our Guarantee of Com­ Meet David Barnard Steinman plete Satisfaction. The Jewish Dreamer Who Built . ~ Cut from 1-leavy Western Steer Beef - lonele11 Lb 79c

The Most Bridges In The World 1 1 CHUCK ROAST ~~ LB 65c by BERNARD SIMON Fr,eston• - Luscious, J"'iicy BELTSVILLE BROILER • Plump, Meaty - 6 - 8 Lb. Ave. tAn American Jewish Press Feature, PEACHES 3 LBs 39c Turkeys :~~~ti'oR {e 59c • ~~::v LB 69c David Barnard Steinman is California, and in Canada, Austra­ T,u blu, luscious, sw••l patiently waiting for some sem- lia. England. Germany. Spain. Plump Roasting T end•r Me~ty - 5 Lb. Ave. blance of peace to come to this South America and even remote BLUEBERRIES nN/ 29c Chickens :~~~sLE~R LB 49c • L 8 65c troubled globe. When it does. he Siam. He was consultant for the ~~::v hopes to build· the biggest bridge George Washington -and Tribo­ Sw••t tasting, luscious Heavy Stur Buf - One Price Only in the world. rough spans and creator of the LB Rib Roast - 7-inch Cut For almost 30 years he has lived popula r Sky Ride which thrilled WATERMELONS 7c LB 75C with the dream and the blue- 4,500.000 visitors at 9hicago's s.. dlu, tastv Tender, M;lk Fed • 4 • 6 Lb. ave. prints of mighty suspension Century of Progress Exposition. 8 REGULAR - L8 LI OVEN LB that will arch majestically across The record of David Steinman .GRAPES 23c Fowl DRESSED 45c· . READY 63c the narrows of New York Harbor. and the honors and awards heaped joining Brooklyn and s ta ten upon him fill 132 lines in "Who's Firm LU1ci ou1 Rip• Young Routing- Pork Island as the ·final and most vital Who." second longest listing in CELLO Fresh Shoulders LI 49c link in New York's circumferential that compendium of the famous. TOMATOES PKG 23c Freshly G rou.nd highway system. - Beneath this galaxy of achieve- l-lon•yd•w, Large Size . . . teinman -men ts lies the story of a plucky LB. Th 1 e e yeais ago_ S Jewish youngster who found. amid· MELONS EA 49C Hamburg 59c moved a step nearer ~1s goal. The the squalor of slums a lifelong Tribor~ugh Bridge . an~ Tu~nel romance in bridges. , Born in a T •nder, Swe•t, Flavorful Steak-Like Meaty Slices • No Wast• Authority of New Yo1k_C1ty ag1eed tenement within sight of Brooklyn LB on the need of the bndge to ease ~ridge he played in the shadows CARROTS- 2 BcHs 23c Fresh Swordfish 59c the crush of traffic - through of its· massive stone towers and traffic en route to New England. web of wires. His boyhood heroes, BROOKSIDE the South afld the West-which for - whom he still expresses a 0-UUtandiruJ now clogs a~ld jams the overbur- reverence that smacks of a sand­ ::ip;wudt dened_ artenes of Manhattan . lotter·s devotion for Babe Ruth, Permission already has been were the Roeblings, father and WHITE TUNA obtained from the Army Dep·art- son, who built Brooklyn Bridge I . ~A~.~~~:~ 2CRPPK1NG~sA4M9~ -Tim berlake Fan~cy 7 oz ment to start construction-mili- and sacrificed their lives in its ular Flavors. Solid Pack CAN 3-3c tary ~ppro·val beitib necessary- for construction. structures erected over navigable As a 13-year-old student gifted waters--but the hot war in Korea wittl mechanical aptitude, Stein­ Millbrook Club · Price tont•nh - All Pop1allr Fhvo,1 MARSHMALLOW FLUFF and the cold war in Europe have man won a special pass which al­ Ginger Ale 3 ,_ PrE1M'· •• 29c D• I icious Topping 7J1/:A2R0S1 3· temporarily shelved the plan. lowed him to climb the steelwork Y(Jr G11do • t-.elvu or sliced in huvy 1y,up 2 9C So Da vid Steinman, now 65 and and run the catwalks with the ens Peaches ' L~A'~ •• 39c acclaimed one of history's greatest gineers who were erecting WU­ Fancy, l1r9•, wh ole PINEAPPLE bridge builders, still waits. O-n his liamsburg Bridge over the East Dill Pickles ?IR 29C desk are the basic -plans for Nar- River. He watched how they Finast Sliced LB 4 o, rows Bridge-or as he likes to call strung _ her cables and anchored FinHt PH, Red KidHy, Yellow Et• CAN 27c it. Liberty Bridge-which- he first her towers and jointed her beams. Baked Beans 2 1L~.,: is·· 47c blueprinted almost three decades They were exciting moments for ago. a youngster who was hemmed in FinHt Pur• T o,oto CORNED BEEF For years he has heard a con- by the bonds of poverty. His mind Ketchup Libby, Armour, Swift ~;~ 45C stant cry that his dream bridge was constantly alive with visions Mi11b•I Pu•• Concord could never be built-that. en- of big bridges. beautiful bridge,;, Grape Jelly gineeringwise. it couldn't stand which he dreamed he would some­ FRIEND'S BEANS Fh1ut .. Alway, Fruh luting uµ·. that economica lly it would be day build. Pea, Y•llow Eye, a white elepham. But after a While a student at Columbia, he 16oz 31c Mayonnaise ~·rt 29c Red Kidney · 2 CAN~ quarter of a century of talk and designed Henry Hudson Bridge. Finut C1u1h1td back talk. Steinman has won out- Twenty years late1 he was called ------1 a lmost. on to build this famous structure, Pineapple 2 ms" 45c Fl NAST BEANS FinHt • Pure Conco,d When completed, N arrows hailed for~the magnificence of its 16 ox Bridge will be a wonder of the beauty and as thl longest fixed Pea, Yellow Eye, Grape Juice e9:i\ 36c Red Kidney . 2 CANS 29c modern world. From tower to arch in the world. tower, the clear span will stretch Steinman underwent his practi- 4,620 feet. 420 feet longer than cal baptism as a bridge builder San Francisco's Golden Gate on the famous ·Hell Gate Arch­ ~,uuJ,, Bake!uf Vaiuu Brldge-,now the world's lo_ngest,-. inch for Inch the heaviest bridge and more than a flfth of a mile ever put up. After completing his SWEET RYE BREAD ionger than New York's George schooling by winning a hatful of Slightly IWHt Washington Bridge. The twin scholarships and working nights, Delici ous to11ted 01 15C towers of glistening steel will rise he Joined the faculty of the Unl- tirF 800 feet toward the sky. higher verslty of Idaho as the youngest than the Woolworth Building. The prnfessor in the country. His doc­ DATE and NUT LOAF roadway wi ll have six wide lanes. torate thesis sold out two editions Delicious with enou~h to handle 600 cars an hour. as a published text and attracted c, .. med ChHH EACH 29C STRAW­ and will be 237 feet above high the attention of Gustav Linden­ water so tbat the masts of even thal, then dear. of American BERRIES the "Queens .. a mong ocean liners b1·ldge engineers. who Invited him WHITE BREAD No11hwu1 BIG can clear easily. It will be a to assist at Hell Gate. Stm• Low Price Ma11h•II 16 oz 39( S80 .000,000 project. The strong, shifting tides of the Som o High QuolHy V,ri,ly CONT. To build his dream bridge Is the Hell Gate preseuted engineering assignment David Steinman would problems without precedent. To like as a climax to his adventurous the 28-year-old engineer. this All PrlcOI In This Advertisement Eflec:tive ,1 First N,tionol Solf-Servle Super Marleh In This v-.c:lnitv­ career of 35 years during which made the Job all the more in­ We Reserve the Riqht to limit Ouantitie, time he has played a part In the teresting. In his enthusiasm , he building of 141 bridges strung was climbing the steelwork every across flve continents. day. Instruments strapped to his FIRST r-- NATIONAL STORES Steinman has built bridges In back, he. measured stresses and a score of states from Maine to !Continued on Page 91 I - THE PROVIDENQE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY-'18, 1952 '' his brother. Ushers included Isaac Pinehurst Avenue, became the praY,er book marked with an Blonder of New York, Ben Blonder bride of. Nathan Snyder, son of the orchid .and lillies of the valley. and David Blonder. of Water­ late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snyder,· Guests were present from New ford, brothers of the bride; Ray­ July 4 at the home of the bride's York, New Jersey, Boston. Milton, mond Krantz, also of Waterford, parents. Rabbi Aaron Goldin of Mass.. Indiana and Providence. the bride's brother-in-law; Stanley Pawtucket officiated. A reception The couple will reside at 52 Lobel, the groom's· brother, and and dinner followed. Pinehurst Avenue Harold Levin of Providence. Given in marriage by her Summers Have Son Jeffrey Allen Blonder, the bride's parents, the bride wore a cham- Mr. and Mrs. Merwin L. Sumner nephew, was ring bearer, and Sha­ pagne · dress of imported silk of 143 Congress Avenue announce ron Anne Blonder, her niece, was shantung embossed with rosettes the birth of a second c)1ild, a son , flower girl. in the same tone. She carried a Philip David, on July 1. -· The mother of the bride select­ ed an aqua crepe gown with lace elbow-length sleeves. The bride­ groom's mother chose a blue Chan­ PROTECTION FOR tilly lace gown. Both wore orchid corsages. The couple left on a wedding YOUR FAMILY trip to Canada, the bride travel­ ing in a grey suit with white ac­ cessories and a corsage of white Security for your fomily orchids. They are residing at 60 Eleventh Street, Providence. and an annuity policy for , Rosens Move ~ Mr. and Mrs. Saul Rosen "have yourself. The popular and moved into their new home at 84 modern kind of insurance Detroit Avenue. Hollanders Move protection. MR. AND MRS. BERNARD~HERSHKOWITZ, who were mar­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollander ried June 29 at Congregation Ahavath Sholom. The bride Is the former recently moved to 347 Morris For full ,details, consult Miss Ethel Halperin. Avenue. Convalescing Mrs. Marian Goodman is con­ valescing at her home. 96 Parkman FRANK LAZARUS !II Street, Cranston. following a re­ Life Insurance - Annuities Need of Higher Ii cent operation. Snyder-Zeidel 635 Industrial Trust Building Miss Rhoda Zeidel, .daughter of (Continued from Page 4) Office-GA 1-3812 Res.-PL 1-0716 Phone Rates Clted Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zeidel of Prompt approval of new-and Lobel-Blonder bigher-telephorfe rates as sub- In a candeligbt ceremony, Miss mitted to the Public Utilities Ad- Esther Blonder, daughter of Mr. ministrator last November was and Mrs. Samuel Blonder of Os­ urged Monday by F. A. Barrett, wegatchie, Waterford, Gonn., be­ general manager of the New Eng- came the bride of Abraham B. land Tel. & Tel. Co., which is now Lobel, son of Mrs. Anna Lobel of in the process of returning to tele- 24 Wheaton ·Street and the late phone subscribers the amount of Morris Lobel, on Sunday, June 29 increase in rates which ;vas at the Mohican Hotel ill New Lon- granted last August but recently don, Conn. · voided by the State Supreme court. . Rabbi Jerome Kerzner perform- , ed the double ring ceremony, as- Barrett reveal,;d that he has sisted by Cantors Abraham and asked the PUA to let us submit Louis Gartenhaus, uncles of the evidence showmg the effect on the bridegroom. Mischa Mandel of Company of the cut m telephone New London was . soloist. Palms rates and the refund . resultmg were featured in the decorations h:om the recent dec1s1on of the surrounding the altar Rhode Island Supreme Court." · • ..,._.,._ -~- Guests attended {roJn New Yqr_k,. In a prepared statement, Barrett New Jersey, Providence and New said: London. Following the ceremony, "I am fully convinced. that any a reception and dinner were held delay in taking favorable action on on the roof garden of the hotel. our present tariff filing would be - Given in marriage by her father, wholly unrealistic In the light of the bride was attired in a Chan­ conditions as they exist today. tilly lace gown with ·full bishop sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. "Such delay can only impair the Her veil of French illusion fell Company's credit and seriously from a see,d pearl headpiece, and interfere with our plans for im­ she carried a Bible with whit mediate and long-term service im­ orchids and streamers of stephan­ provements in this State. This otis. would be contrary to the best in­ terests of telepho1se users in Rhode Mrs. Raymond Krantz of Water­ Island. the many telephone em­ ford, the bride's sister, as matron ployees in the State, the owners of of honor, wore a pink nylon net the business who have put their gown with a handkerchief hem­ line, and carried a pink and blue savings into this enterprise, and corsage. · the continued economic develop­ ·Mi ss Nettie Simon of Providence ment of Rhode Island. was maid of honor. Her gown was "The situation of the Telephone of aqua lace and nylon,• a·nd she Company in Rhode Island is a carried a bouquet of pink roses. critical one. Even with the 25 Jerry Lobel was best man for cents a month Increase on resi­ dence telephones which we were allowed last August, and now It costs to produce it. taken away, we were still provid­ "The money involved in the re- - ing telephone service at less than fund has been used to pay -State and Federal tax increases imposed In 1950 and 195~ and to pay wages to our employees. The Company Timeless Kinde l designs "For QUALITY and didn't start collecting it until SERVICE" August 1951. Now the State has in mellow cl'ierry will odd so much said 'give It back to· the custo­ informal "luxury, convenience ond beouty E°. S. CRANDALL mers.' No business could operate like that. to your bedroom. DAIRY "We are about in the position of Scoled for today's rooms- Kindel Properly Pasteurized a workman who got a cost-of-liv­ ing increase last August, used it ,cherry furniture is priced within the meons of to pay taxes and support his every homemaker who desires truly Milk and Cream family, and then was told to give A Friend to the it back to the boss because of a fine furniture. Kindel's qualiti es Jewish People technicality. Fair play would seem 12 Lowell Ave. EL 1-0700 to require the boss to correct that of croftsmonshi p ossure you o lifetime technicality." of oppreciotive. use- Avoiloble

Listen to "THE ETERNAL LIGHT" Whether you're thinking of furniture for your home now--or " some doy"--come in ond let us show you our charming new disploys--both A PROGRAM SERIES DRAWN FROM THE RICH STOREHOUSE modern ond traditional. Be sure to ask or write for your complimen­ OF JEWISH LITERATURE, HISTORY, AND' MUSIC. tary copy of Modem's new booklet, illustrating the entire Kindel col­ EVERY SUNDAY ... 12:30 to 1 P. M . lection. Modern is o~n Mondays all day," friday evenings until 9 P. M. and .Wednesdays until_noon . "THE WORDS WE LIVE BY" Sunday, July 20 8 THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, J ULY 18, 1952

For expert, up-to-date informa­ tion. call the Herald Travef Bu­ reau. DE 1-7388.

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Resort for Adults

Pottersville New York Private Gulr Coursl.' . Tennis Courts - Sand Ucach - Crystal 6 mil l.! lake - Beach Club and Sun . Deck Solarium Out­ Long Festival door Luncheon:,, on '.\tal'inl.' of Music cind Dance Dining Tc1-i-acc. RESIDENT STAt·t,· . Arthur Sherman, Director (Dit'tary l.aw:-.1 JulH & Anit, Adolphe - Adriene Angel P•t Brooks - How,rd Fried - M1 :w:weU Grant T errace Room For Dancing Allegro Kine . LEE EVANS 1nd h is Bind S tar Studded Entertainment • First Run Movies ADIRONDACK MUSIC FESTIVAL • O utdoor Th&.1tre W eek of August 17th - Feoturing • Cocktail Parties JEAli LEON DESTINE & His Group Special Hale.!> For· Pri. Be,c:h, c,n oeing, Co1y B,r, Excellent Food, S Ch1mpionship Tennis Courts YOUNG SINGLE PEOPLE c,mp ,PH: ChHtertown (NY ) 21~9411 Supe,.,ised children's activities - LEAH OKUN, Director \\'rite ror Kodachrome Pictu1·c s· ,.. ABE H . JACOBSON & So n s, Mgmt .

50th JUBILEE SEASON For A Better Time, This Time ~ S/ul11 o)ninl .. . Go Tamorack! · Broadway Stars - 2 Orchestras dU)J,iM Complete Social ond Sports ONSET BAY Newly Renovated Single and Double Staff - Excell ent cuisine. Rooms. Swimming ... boating .. . (d ietary laws) delicious meals ... cool sea breezes ... expansive ocean view ex­ NEW FOR YOU cellent service. ANNIVERSARY - TELEVISION - THE LAST WORD IN invited. SHELL POINT HOUSE, COMFORT Sackin-Shocket 111 South Boulevard, Onset, Mass. Fully ah·-conditioncd ... lux· The Auxiliary closed the season Call MRS. WEINER o, MRS. LEVINE uriously furnis hed in 1\Hami recently with a dinner at the decor . . . each room with Picnic Sunday WAR . 755 ~ . private balcony , tiled baths. Narragansett Hotel. showers. wall·lo-wall carpet· The Sackin-Shocket Post and ing. phones . . . Auxiliary. Jewish War Veterans. N ew 9-hole Golf Course will hold their annual picnic at RAT ES Goddard Park, Fireplace 11. Sun­ EDWIN S_OFORENKO and HOWARD ·s. GREENE of LOWER-THAN-YOU -THINK! C::iay. Relatives and friends are The Greatest f'un - packed program in our history! More vacation value than ever! INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS, INC. you, host, DAVE LEVINSON ARROW LINES PROVIDENCE HARTFORD N ew State H i-way S2 DAILY SERVICE d i rect to ,::amarack COMMERCIAL and Also Reservations ,4voiloble - CHARTER WORK - For Reservations: SEE YOUR PERSONAL ANALYSIS NEAREST TRA VEL AGENT Color Brochuref on Request 131 WASHINGTON STR EET UNion 1-1923 New York Office-26 Platt Street, N. Y. Whitehall 3-5770

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