VOL. V NO. !< York College of the City University of New York, Bayside-Jamaico, New York Thursday, Doc. 3, 1970

Architect's sketch showing New York Boulevard, one of the and administration building at right are connected by the bridge main thoroughfares which would provide north-south access to fine-arts group at left. Master plan for 50-acre campus In throigh the York College cpmpus and link business areas to south Jamaica, Queens, N.Y., is by Snibbe/Tafel/Lindhol m the lorth with residential fea to the south. In sketch, library architects-planners.

The master u'.an for York Col- munity as a cultural, educational, the IND line through York's cam- ber of residents, problems of vertical separation of space ac- lege's $ mi: lion York College and recreational resource. In pus, with a station on the campus relocation, land use, etc. cording to circulation and use campus to i 50acre area this regard, many of the campus' will be readily accessible. Planners recommend a simul- characteristics. An underground iri Jamaica .vas approved and facilities such as the library, the Priorities for tho acquisition taneous development of the entire level provides service, kitchen, released on November 24 by the 1,750 seat auditorium, the 500- of parcels within the site have campus, with phasing used only and mechanical equipment areas; Board of Higher Education. The seat theater, the art gallery, been established by the Housing to accommodate contracting and ground level facilities are de- campus is one of the country's gymnasium, swimming pool, and and Development Administration. constiiiction. iirst to be plannec as an inner- athletic field are located to Priorities are, based on the num- The master plan features a (Continued on page 3) city senior college campus encourage broad public use. planned from inception to serve The ca.mpus is also viewed as tis a resource for its local com- a "link between communities Pandora's Advisor Leaves York munity. The last entirely new hitherto divided-a predominantly campus in the GUN if was Brook- white middle class area, includ- lyn College, Dpered in Jamaica's central business Based on Enrollment projec- district, to the north, and a tions of son:«: 6,000 full-time 'largely black, blighted area to the Joel Barkan Goes With O.E.0. indergraduate and graduate stu- south.' " To accomplish this the Joel W. Barkan has resigned dent? by 1975, the master plan planners recommend that the col- from York College to take the calls for consli-uction of nine two lege have a main traffic flow position of Director of Public to seven story bull iings between through the campus north to Affairs and Congressional Re- 1972 and t>ie and of 1976 on the south. The buildings would be lations for the Office of Economic south Jamaica site bounded by a sited on either side of Liberty Opportunity, the federal anti- main line of the Long Island Avenue, which would bisect the poverty agency. Railroad, 159iii Street, South site east to west. A pedestrian bridge over Liberty Ave. would In his new post, Mr. Barkan Koad, and ].65U. Street. will be responsible for planning '[fie master plan'vas developed link the north and south parts of the campus. and executing information and ty planners, York College and legislative progran s for the CUNY in cooperation with the To the north of the avenue would general public as well as Con- Jamaica community leaders, the be a cluster of buildings around gressman, Senators, Governors City Planning Con mission, and a central open quadrangle; the and other elected officials. He the New York City Housing and fine arts and theater building; will also be involved in the D e v e 1 o p m e n t Ac ministration. the administration building; and overall planning for the OEO The plan is adopted by the Board a garage and parking field. A region. of Higher Education and must science building, planned to be In various roles on the campus also be approved by the Board of constructed immediately is also' as public relations man, faculty Regents and the Governor. to be located in the north sector advisor to Pandora:; Box, etc., The projectoi cost of the con- of the site. Joel Barkan has maintained £ struction will bsfin meed through The Physical Education com- unique rapport with faculty the CUNY Construe ion Fund and plex, auditorium, athletic fields, and students alike. In many •Jit' Dormitorv Aulhority of the and a second garage will be ways, to a great deal of stu- i State of New Y ;rk. located on the south .side of dents, he was sort of a Idealizing tlio "new role" of Liberty Ave. Thirteen acres of counselor-at-large. •Jis-titutions of higher education the site are devoted to outdoor "Collectively, the students MI society a no in tlie local com- atliletic usage. at York are :;i magnificent group," munity, and York's -specialcon- Parking for 2,000 cars will be Mr. Barkan commented. "The cern with the ci iditi cms and prob- provided for by two parking gar- motivation and idealism of the lems of urban . ife, ' the campus ages and lots. The area is served students gives hope! that there Joel W. Barkan, Assistant Director of Public Re- was designed -:o be completely by the IND and BMT subways, ca„«.n. b^ e .,.meaningfuc^SiUli sociao>^l an„„d. lations, resigns to take Regional Directorship- open to the surrounding com- 30 bus routes, and the Long munity, and would sorve the com- Island Rail Road. An extension of political change in our society. position with O.E.0. Page 2 Pandora's Box Thursday, December 3, 1970 By the year 2,000 the population of the earth will be 7 billion. This article is the second in a series which will deal with contraceptives, abortions and venereal disease. Pandora's Box feels that in- 180,000 people are born every 24 hours. formation about these social concerns and a com- prehensive survey of the different free and low cost services and clinics available to the student body has value. The sole purpose of these articles is to inform our readers. It is your own decision 10% of all U.S. births are illegitimate. whether or not you wish to obtain contraceptives, or terminate your pregnancy. We are only pre- senting several agencies that can help you. 9,500 babies were born to 15 year old girls last year. On July 1, 1970, New York State put into directly to City hospitals and doctors. The" effect its new liberal abortion law, that en- fee at City Hospitals is generally between ables any woman to obtain an abortion with $100 and 200.00 There is, however, a waiting the consent of her physician, provided she is list sometimes as long as two or three weeks. not: more than 24 weeks into her pregnancy. The Abortion Information Agency also pro- After a pregnancy has been confirmed by vides information and referrals. Their num- a pregnancy test, there are absolutely no ber is 873-6650. The service operates seven pills or drugs, or any of the thousands of days a week between eight A.M. and ten P.M. home remedies that have been tried at one The Women's Medical Group operates a time or another that will cause her to abort clinic at 133 East 73 Street in Manhattan. safely. There are however various methods The phone number for appointments is 472- now employed by doctors which are rea- 9164. They do abortions up to twelve weeks sonably safe, and .the specific method a doctor and provide a free pregnancy test. They chooses to employ is generally determined handle approximately ninety women a day, by the length of the pregnancy and by the fa- and can accommodate you usually within a cilities available. few days. The abortion is performed in the The most common method used up to 12 morning and the patient is released that weeks of pregnancy is called the D&C. This night. If any problems arise she can call procedure includes the artificial stretching the center for help. The cost is $200.00 of the uterus by means of graduated dilators. inclusive. These are a series of rods, each slightly They refer women to private hospitals larger than the previous one. The cervix up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. This agency which is rather small must be stretched to guarantees placement within 24 hours. They the size of a man's thumb. After dilation make all the arrangements including the doc- the uterine contents are removed, with a cup tor, hospital, and all laboratory tests. The shaped instrument known as a curette. cost is all inclusive. The D&C is done up The other method that is used up to 12 to twelve weeks, and the cost is $275.00, weeks is the vacuum pump method. The and the patient is released the same day she uterus is dilated, and then a tube is inserted is admitted. into the uterus and the contents are sucked After fourteen weeks the saline solution out. This newer method is safer and usually method is used, and the cost is about $650.00. painless. The womb is emptied in two or The women are required to be at least seven- three minutes. There is also less chance teen years of age for either procedure. The of perforating the uterus and less blood loss. agency caters basically to out of state people. The D&C is done under a general anesthetic, Many municipal hospitals have abortion whereas the vacuum method only requires clinics attached to them. Among them is a local anesthetic. Elmhurst General. The number is 830- After the fourteenth week, a different method 1234. They are basically an out-patient clinic, is used. One of these is the saline solution and all women after twelve weeks of preg- method. A salt solution is injected directly nancy are considered in-patients. into the uterus which kills the fetus and There are other referral agencies and starts labor. The labor which the woman they include: The Community Sex Informa- undergoes is shorter and less painful than tion and Education Service (535-3139), as that which precedes delivery. well as the Margaret Sanger Research Bu- Abortions are being performed by various reau (929-6200). types 3f agencies and hospitals as well as Many people have jumped on the band- private doctors in the hospitals with which wagon with the intent of making a fast buck, they are affiliated. at the expense of the women they pretend There are many organizations which do to r.ace for. Before you get involved with abortions as well as those that will refer The Family Planning Information Service any gency or doctor for that matter, be you to various agencies and reliable doctors. (777-4504) refers patients to private and sure LO check their credentials. All too The following is a short survey of the various municipal hospitals. They have a rather often there are added costs of which you types. complete list of all the various agencies are not informed. They can include labora- The Clergy Consultation Center operates in the city. There are many low cost clinics tory fees, and anesthetists fees, as well a referral service five days a week, 9:00 that will accept you up to 12 weeks, however, as any further costs if there are complica- to 5:00 P.M. (254-6314). They refer both due to the demand you may be forced to wait tions. up to 10 days. New York State residents and out of state Information compiled by patients. Patients are referred primarily The Planned Parenthood Center (777-2002) to clinics and Municipal Hospitals. is part of an inter-agency council and refers Frances Anne Impellizzeri and Regina Taylor

Futilities Committee On November 20, 1970 the endorsement when it comes up in USS Plans New Voice For newly-elected members of the front of the next Senate meeting;. York Facilities and Campus Planning Committeeconvenedfor The rest of the meeting was Students in Disciplinary Matters the first time this semester. devoted to hearing a report by The only members not present Mr. Raymond Pavia, Campus The University Student Senate measure of due process at the ex- or faculty. were the three community Facilities Officer, and Dean has mode public its proposal for pense of students while posit- 4. Members of the University representatives and Rosemarie Horchler on the state of the insuring due process for students ing the University on the side judicial pools would be Guillano from the students. renovation of the Montgomery in disciplinary hearings. The of "hard line" law and order eligible to serve on either of Professor Emanuel Manche Ward Building In Jamaica. Mr. USS plan was uador preparation politics. "They did it," Lewis a. The University Judiciary was elected chairman and Pro- Pavla told the Committee that for several months and reflects claimed, "to protect their bud- Committee would hear fessor Hugh Nelms was elected the renovation should be com- the best features of campus due get request in the face of state cases when the college dis- recording secretary. The first plete by April 22, 1971 and ready process procedures in other uni- legislators who are trying to disciplinary committee is order of business after the elec- for York's use for the Fall versities throughout the nation. appease the baser elements of unable to convene or con- tion of officers was the hearing semester of 1971. The Internsil Members of the Executive Com- their constituencies." duct hearings. of a petition brought by the stu- Revenue Service has yet to vacate mittee of the USS consulted with The USS plan contains a num- b. The University Appeals dents. The petition concerned the fourth floor which will te legal experts at the United States ber -of unprecedented policies Committee would hear the new section of the cafeteria used for student activities, tte National Student Association in and procedures: cases on appeal from the being made a quiet section with Registrar, and Student Counsel- Washington. 1. the President of a college college disciplinary com- no broadcasting or playing of ing. The biggest problem Mr. Richard Lewis, act- would no longer be an inte- mittees or the University radios. The petition will re- remaining is finding space for tt.e ing Chairman of USS, declared, gral part of the hearing process; Judiciary Committee, cieve the Committee's unanimous sciences. "We are releasing the documents rather his role would be re- Under the Board's Interim in order that we can obtain stricted to insuring the pro- Statement, the University Student Curriculum Committee recommendations and support for ceedings could take place and Senate and the University Faculty The College Curriculum Com- curriculum proposals lnitated by it from CUNY students. We had that the decision of the hearing Senate are to prepare rosters mittee has tried to meet on Dr. Cooper in the Intensive hoped to discuss tho docament panel is effectuated. from among their members from two separate occasions. The Studies Program. In the past, •with the Chancellor's Office and 2. Student/faculty hearing panels which the Chancellor could name first meeting was scheduled for the addition of courses was the the Board of Higher Education. would be composed of mem- student and faculty members November 19th, but an emergency main concern of curriculum corri- However, their issuance of the bers elected to judicial pools to hearing panels. At this time, meeting concerning tenure was mitteeSa Now the programs are Interim Statement on the Main- by their respective constituen- only the Faculty Senate has pre- called at the same time and the complete, and many think that tenance of Campus Order dic- cies. pared such a list. meeting had to be postponed. an imbalance exists. The Col- tated our course of action." 3. Members of the college judicial The University Student Senate The second meeting was held lege Curriculum Committee will Lewis further elaborated that the pool would be selected at ran- will take steps to encourage the and the student delegation ask that the faculty use restraint Board's Interim Statement was dom for actual hearings and a Board and the Chancellor to re- declined to participate until the in asking for additional courses deliberately and consciously de- student defendant would have a consider the Interim Statement Senate had taken action on the so that there may be a review signed to satisfy political ex- right of challenge for cause to and adopt the USS plan as nominee representing the of the programs already in ex- pediency. He added that the any panel member up to six a bylaw binding on all units in Humanities Division. istence. Board's statement sacrificed any challenges of either students the CUNY system. The Committee will act on Thursday, December 3, 1970 Pandora's Box Page 3

The Sub-Committee for the Master Plan Commit- tee has decided to try to hold workshops for border- Hairstone Named line and or failing students on the 28-30 of December (Christmas Vacation). Help will be offered in Eng- Dean of Continuing Education lish, Math, Science, and Language. If you are interested in the workshops over Dr. Marcus A. Hairstone has rector of dental research at the career, for general enlighten- Christmas please fill out this form. been appointed dean of continu- College of Dentistry of the Uni- ment, or for economic advance- ing education and' urban affairs versity of Nebraska. ment. Since we intend to reach and professor of biology, it was In discussing his new adminis- as many sectors of our com- announced by Acting President trative role, Dean Hairstone had munity as possible, we will make David Newton. this observation: "The philo- every effort to develop our pro- A bio-chemist who is a recog- sophy of continuing education em- grams with acute awareness of Your Name I will attend on the 28 29 30 nized scholar in the area of can- braces the concept of providing the expressed needs of all of these a cer research and electron education in preparation for a sectors." a microscopy, Dean Hairstone has Your Instructor spent the past three years in In- dia, Iran and Egypt as a lec- Session turer and consultant under the auspices of the State Department and the National Science Founda- I would like the session held in the: Morn. Q tion. Afternoon • "The addition of such an es- teemed educator and scientist to the York community is indeed a highpolnt for the college,"said Dr. Newton in appointing Dean Hairstone. "His remarkable Circlo Italiano Hosts Speaker breadth of interest will provide A lecture given by Glose Ri- for some of their works. the kind of creativity York wants manelli, an Italian author, was There are no literary schools in its educational program," the presented by the Italian Club in Italy. There is however some- President added. on November 24 in Queens- thing known as Group 63. Young From March, 1964 to June, borough's lecture hall. people who are interested in lit- 1967, Dr. Hairstone was a re- Among the people present were erature and expression through search associate in cytopathology President David Newton, Dean language constitute this group. at the College of Physicians & Emilia Doyaga, and studentsfrom They are highly opinionated and Surgeons of Columbia University. Queens College, Fordham, and very critical of each other's He spent the two previous years Saint John's University. work. as a research r ociate in Mr. Ri man el li's discussion cytochemistry at The Rockefeller theme dealt, with the meaning of In conclusion, Mr. Rimanelli Institute. He served as an as- reality. He told of the affect of said that the novel is undergoing sistant professor at Long Island realism and neo-realism on I- a process of fragmentation. University from 1959-1962, and talian literature. Mentioning o- This fragmentation, he said, prior to his position at LIU, he Cancer Researcher, Dr. Marcus A. Hairstone, ther Italian writers, he discussed shows the true drama of Italian was a research associate and di- was appointed Dean of Continuing Education and briefly their purpose and reason soul. Urban Affairs. Attendance, B.H.E. Passes on Masterplan Pass-Fail (Continued from page 1) signed for general student, and invitingness — in short, a Housing and Development Ad- building of the college ana in faculty, and public use; the second campus which supports the human, the Jamaica area, and com- floor includes the general in- ministration, the City Planning Revised and humane." Commission, the Mayor's Of- munity responses were incor- It is tiie policy at York Col- structional facilities, such as porated into the changing designs classrooms, and permits cir- fice of Jamaica Planning and lege that an instructor must re- The York College campus plan, Development, and the Jamaica of the college. Among those port the student to the Dean of culation on that level among all reflects the contributions of many groups consulted were churches, academic buildings; upper levels, Community Development Cor- Students' office alter three suc- groups and hundreds of people poration of the Jamaica Chamber parents' and teachers' groups, cessive absences or a total of required vertical circulation over a period of more than three local residents and civic lead- within each building, house the of Commerce. five absences in any 100 level years. In October 1967, Snibbe/ York College launched a pro- ers, and public school adminis- or non-credit course, students more specialized functions Taffel/Lindholm was retained by trations. The Jamaica Commun- grouped by academic disciplines. gram to get to know the Jamaica are expected to meet their re- the CUNY as architects-planners community and its people. ity Corporation, the Urban sponsibilities and to attend class "Over-all, the proposed cam- for York. The Board of Higher League of Jamaica, the pus expresses both the inward Coordination between the plan- since this is of utmost impor- Education designated south ners and the New York City N.A.A.C.P., the Y.M.C.A., tance in understanding the con- unity of the college and its out- Jamaica as a site, and the study, Queens C.O.R.E., hospitals in the ward reach to the public and the Transit Authority, the Depart- tinuity of subject matter. plan, and experimentation which ment of Traffic, and various other area, the St. Alban's Civic As- Attendance records are being surrounding communities.. .This followed as influenced by groups sociation, The Rochdale Village is an unmistakably urban and ef- agencies was implemented. kept so they will be available and agencies interested in Many projections of the York Negro Cultural Society, and the should,a student be on proba- ficient campus, but^one which Jamaica, such as the Regional local press were consulted. maintains grace, individuality, campus were presented to tion or in danger of being re- Plan Association, the City's various groups Interested In the leased from York College. Per- formance in non-credit courses is also evaluated in the retention «Wf m m standards. The guidelines are attached. A poor performance coupled with a poor attendance record will be viewed unfavorably. mmmm In a similar vein, students who have been recommended for tutorial assistance must attend the tutorial sessions assigned to them until released by their instructors. The following grading system will be used in all 100 level courses: Grades to be assigned are A, B, C, D, F, and X. The grade of X will be used when the stu- dent fails a course taken for the first time. When the stu- dent takes the course the next time, the grades of A, B, C, D, or F must be entered. The following grading system will be used in all 0 level (non- credit) courses: Grades to be assigned are P, NP, and X. The grade of X will be used when the student fails to pass the course taken for the first time. When the student takes the course the next time the grades of P and NP must be entered. Standards for Academic Pro- bation and Retention: No. of Credits Cumulative value Taken Probation Dismissal up to 16 -12 -24 32 -15 -24 48 -12 -21 64 - 9 -18 Architect's model of York College campus shows (1) science building planned for immediate 80 - 6 -15 construction, (2) education building, (3) social sciences building, (4) humanities building, (5) library, over 80 - 3 -12 (6) fine-arts building and theatre, (7) parking, (8) future development, (9) auditorium, (10) physical- A student can be dismissed education building, (11) administration building, and (12) natural sciences and mathematics building'. only if h«; was on probation the Master plan for 50-acre campus in South Jamaica, Queens, N.Y., is by architects - planners Snibbe/ previous ,semester. Tafel/Lindholm. Page 4 Pandora's Box Thursday, December 3,1970 Pandora's Box Viewpoint The following letter, dated Sept. 14, 1967, was sent to entering freshmen in the City University in that September. We feel that it is worthy of your attention at this point.

YORK COLLEGE of the City University of New Yor*

158-11 Jewel Avenue, Flushing, New York, N.Y. 11365, Tel: 212-591-1200 As you know, York College it the new senior four-year liberal arts college of The city University of New York that will open in Bayside, Queens, in September 1967. since full information concerning York was not available to you when you were filling out your application, we wish, at this time, to offer you the opportunity to consider enrolling at York College.

There are numerous reasons why you might wish to come to York. While emulating the fine qualities of our sister institutions - City, Hunter, , and Queens - York will have unique features. An excellent faculty, all of whom have their doctor- ates of philosophy, will teach small classes of approximately alan oarry metrick, editor-in-chief; douglas kennedy, managing edi- twenty-five students. This will facilitate the possibility of tor; frances anne impel lizzeri, business manager; larry garber, news; excellent communication between professors and students. As a robin ginsberg, feature; don bleiwas, jack kantrowitz, photography; charter class, the entering student body will have the exciting marie gannon, layout; regina kizis, copy and rare opportunity to participate in the development of a new college.

You may acquire more information about York College by tele- joel barkan, glenn belkin, marv bernfeld, brigite s. botie, lorraine phoning the office of Admissions (591-1200). If you wish to brooks, bonnie brud.ner, kirn cascio, mark cullen, rocco dirico, hy enroll at York, it will be necessary for you and one of your dubowsky, joel flaumenbaum, victor goodstone, joan greenberger, parents to sign the attached authorization and return'it as soon as possible in the enclosed envelope. Upon receipt of alan groveman, bill hennely, Craig horowitz, elaine horimiotis, el- your authorization, we will request the transfer of your re- liot james, waiter kasprzak, linda katz, rich kurtzberg, debbie law- cords to York College. Then, we will notify you of your ad- rence, richard lipsky, ellen macdermaid, michael pike, joe raskin, mission to York College. paul rasmussen, marc ravens, mark roth, mike satran, hank shein- kopf, Steven siegel, jerry smolen, neal sroka, mitchell sziklay, With kind regards, B craig tulepan, judy wattstein, margie weinberg, bernice weissbart, susan yager, marlene yanofsky. Sincerely yours.

Wallace K.- Schoenberg PANDORA'S BOX

Letters to the Editor For Equality Dear Editor of white superiority, the transi- The separation of the races by Racial discrimination and pre- tion or change of attitude on the housing, or the deliberate unwill- judice was, and is a deliberate part of blacks from inferior to ingness on the part of either race Pandora's Box welcomes your editorial comments in the form act of unkindness and uncharity, equal status will be accompanied of letters to the editor. We will try to print as many differing to relate to the other is a sure which has been perpetrated and by a great degree of ambivalence, way to perpetuate prejudice and opinions on different subjects as the requirements of space allow. perpetuated by various ideologies uncertainity, and psychological Letters should be typed, and must be signed. Address your com- discrimination. ' When blacks and vested interests in all parts trauma, which will tend to reflect move in, whites move out," and ments to: Pandora's Box, 158-11 Jewel Avenue, Flushing, N.Y.. of the world, to fit the designs, 11365. itself in many negative ways, "\Vhen blacks move in, property economic, social and political of e.g. the tension between a nega- values drop," are two sure ways a power elite. tive self-image, and the inner of torpedoing racial harmony; Concerning Courtesy No attempt to compromise or urge for self-assertion, the gap and of perpetuating black inferi- explain away this fact or to be between the achieved and the ority. What is needed is for blacks Dear Sir: location off campus, our staff has over-patronizing, either by achieveable, will lead to frustra- and whites to work mo re towards always earnestly endeavored to whites or blacks, or vice versa, tion and, in turn, to resentment, common goals, needs and ob- We have no way of knowing have respect for and give con- will remedy the alienation or and, in turn, to positive hostility. whether your article "How About jectives, sharing their peculiar sideration to our students, as falsification which prejudice and The alienating, mystifying, strengths and resources and al- Some Courtesy" included the well as our faculty. discrimination have brought a- falsifying aim (which is the aim Registrar's Office. However, we ways relating to each other as We shall continue to make bout. of all ideology) of "racial superi- individuals (no generalizations) would like it to be known (as every effort to treat our students It is unnecessary and literally ority" must be clearly nailed and we hope it is by those who have on a one-to-one basis. as members of our family, as dehumanizing for the black man exposed for what it is by both He who says black is inferior dealt with us) that we take the indeed they are. We, too, do to have to prove he is equal to whites and blacks, and the dignity service part of "service or- must be ignored and pitied. not wish to live in the total the white man. Hence, both whites and worth of every human being He who makes blacks act in- iented" very seriously. As in- lack of personalization which ex- and blacks must relate with in- asserted, as equal, a priori; and dicated in Webster's dictionary, ferior, must be socked on the ists today. tegrity and honesty, whites see- not a posteriori; that some are nosei service is a "useful labor that ing blocks as biologically, more equal than others, or that does not produce a tangible com- Sincerely, socially and intellectually equal. blacks can graduate into a state Father Heron Sam modity." The result is that many Sincerely, Because black character has of equality must be vehemently times we are not noticed. Helen Rosenquit Episcopal Chaplain had such an indelible blow opposed by all, with sincere hon- to York College Despite the fact that we are Helen Rosenquit inflicted upon it, by the assertion esty. operating under the handicap of Assistant Registrar Tutoring up to Students You Can't Eat Atmosphere Dear Editor, for help. You should be aware It has come to my attention of this fact already. If you wait Dear Editor: a paper perhaps, and most impor- is politically bad for the ad- that some things still haven't till you get an "X" or "F" in a tant, Smilel This really makes ministrators above him. He doss gotten through to the freshman particular course(s) it's your own him feel wanted and you're sure too much and is respected too students. The freshman, it .fault, no one elses. if you're to end up with a good grade if much by his students, or he is seems, don't have the over all not sure about something see In the recent uprising that you don't interrupt his metaphy- usually made a dean and teaches picture of the college scene. your Critical Issues counselor shook our favored cafeteria, the question of what is a good, ten- sical lectures. less." What I mean by that statement is who knows what to do and will The next type of professor is So, York "nomads," keep that during your orientation it was help you. I just said they were urable teacher was raised. This letter will try to objectively look well liked because he doesn't doodling, keep smiling, and every, not made clear as to what is ex- here-to help you but you're the give you work, allows you to now and then fight for the pro- pected to you and what you can one who has to ask for it! into the tin maze of classrooms that comprise York College. talk about or cars fessor with the "Ultra-bright" expect from the school. You Freshman teachers' office during class hours and is usually smile and the one with the largest might be saying to yourselves hours are now being posted. Don't What's a good prof? A good afraid of the student. He is reparte of jokes. And if some- right now that that statement be the jack ass that doesn't take professor is one that is as stoned good for an "A." Take his one tries to awaken you to know- can't mean you, but it does! You advantage of this. Another point as his class and therefore every- courses every term and you're ledge and if you have to work to have demonstrated this time and I want to make clear is this. one is in a spectacular rap ses- sion that, when complete, has all on your way to graduate school. get a mark then you had better time again by certain tilings. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS Another professor is liked only hope the first five weeks of the College teachers don't want to A FAILURE FOR CUTTING. Any the heads jumping up and down with the professor, writhing in by a few York students. This term are not over because then baby you, that's not their job. one that has told you otherwise, professor knows too much. He you can drop with a WP. For Their not going to be the ones to and this goes for teachers as intellectual pursuit. The sub- ject matter doesn't really count can answer 90% of the questions isn't withdrawn passing the ac- put a fire under your ass and well as students, is wrong. I have you ask him; he develops good tive way we take all our courses? say work. You're going to be been told this by Dr. D'Adamo because everyone is having a blast. This professor is a good dialogue in the class and even has This letter was one of the the driving force behind every- the Head of Open Admissions. the nerve to ask for three papers, better doodles that was dene thing you do from now on. If you However, don't complain about teacher because he's a jovial jock. For this professor his rewards during the last 10 min, of a 50 know you need help with a subject, attendence being taken because are laid in the students' thirst min. rest period, or rather, a you make it your business to even though you can't be failed The next example of a tenurable for knowledge more than his credit bearing course. find someone who is willing to for cutting, the office wants a professor is the one who lectures thirst for the rancid, black coffee spend time with you to show you record of your absence in case a junior or senior level course that he takes to stay awake in what you don't know. Just to help you get on probation or and doesn't hassle the students class. A professor like this is Yours trulv, you along, the Open Enrollment suspended. They can give you a for some "dumb-ass" thing like not always tenurable because he 114-42-4757 Committee set up 70 sections for break if you are trying and have answers or creative questions. tutoring in English, math, come to your classes. This is a valuable professor to Pandora's Box would like to apologize to Dr. Malkavetch for print- science, and language. It's up to REMEMBER THIS: You are have because he can let you catch you to get this help. Dr. up on about 15 hours of sleep ing his name as one of the three teachers who was not tenurod. the ones in the end who are We would also like to apologize to Evelyn Davis and Bill Thomas, who shouldn't be the one to have going to make Open Addmissions for a semester. With a professor to call you on the telephone and like this all you have to do to keep are the ones who are running the Jamaica tutoring program, instead a success or failure!!! of Chris Epafania. remind you that you should go Mitch Sziklay him placated is to take his exams, Thursday, December 3, 1970 Pandora's Box Page 5 i Two H.O.P.E. Prevails at I.S. 142 by Lorraine Brooks

Times have gotten pretty bad The Board of Education seems ice, he agreed to talk to Mr. I Flights Up when parents and teachers must to be turning a deaf ear to the Brewer, but "no earlier than the resort to drastic measures in very definite problems that I.S. middle of next week." This is an | Is This Any order to get for their children 142 is facing. Acting Principal inexcusably poor attitude on the what they rightfully deserve- a Desiree Greenidge, after several part of our school officials. | Way to Run good education. attempts to change some of the more drastic conditions at 142, A telegram was senf to the I a School? For the past week, a sit - in was asked to resign from her Board of Education from As- protest has been going on at post and assume a clerical posi- semblyman Brewer stating a re- Elliott James Intermediate School (I.S.) 142 in ion with the Board of Education, - quest for the Board to super- Jamaica, Queens. A group called minium pending further action. Mrs. cede in District 28 and assume Help Our People Exist (H.O.P.E) Greenidge refused, and was ar-' all of its functions until this have organized to try and remedy rested last Tuesday morning upon situation is resolved. Mr. Brew- Boycott was what the L S. an ineffective local board and some of the deplorable condi- attempting to enter 142. She was er expressed a genuine desire to 142 parent's association decided ridgid superintendent are pres- tions that the students have had to charged with illegal trespassing. see the children "off the streets upon, and boycott with all the ent. Local School Board Super- endure. These conditions include An attempt was made by and back in the school where they trimmings is what prevails. intendent Dr. McDougal in the broken blackboards andwindows, several people, including state belong" as soon as possible. The community has com- past has exhibited an unwilling- poorly - lit stairways, and Assemblyman Guy Brewer, to "Help Our People Exist" is a mitted itself to go all the way ness to be sensitive to com- inadequate plumbing facilities. secure appointments with Board group of concerned Individuals this time and is determined to munity demands. Now he endan- These conditions have resulted of Education officials, among trying to get a worthwhile educa- effectively change the Shimer gers the situation by refusing to and worsened due to the lack of them, Dr. MacDougall, Superin- tion for the Black children in scene. The issues originally meet with all interested parties funds promised to the school. tendent of School Board 28, of South Jamaica. They need, how- centered around some two hun- seeking to open lines of com- The parents have staged a which 142 is a part. They had ever, more support from other dred thousand dollars worth of munication between the com- boycott, keeping their children hoped that a solution to some of students, parents, and concerned Title One money which was vir- munity and the board. Certainly out of school and threatening to the problems could be worked citizens of Jamaica. Mr. Penza, tually witheld, but now it has a position as vital as superinten- do so until the demands are met. out in the meeting. Dr. Mac- vice-president of the I.S. 142 clearly become a community con- dent should be entrusted to a The teachers have cooperated Dougall refused to see Assembly- P.T.A., has expressed his hopes trol battle. Parents are tired of person of greater insight- and also by holding "Freedom man Brewer, and finally after mat the Jamaica community will paying taxes for inadequate edu- sensitivity. In the past, teachers Classes" in several churches in several calls through his "stick together and change the cational facilities and interested with conflicting views have been the I.S. 142 area. faculty are fed up with working transferred, and just recently an secretaries and answering serv- image of 142." conditions. Yes, that's right, administrator during the course bathrooms that don't work, falling of her daily activities was ar- ceilings and marginal equipment rested on the charge of criminal plus a series of unconcerned trespass. This is not the way faculty and administrators who to run a school effectively. now, as in the past, are respon- The solution seems to lie sible for perpetuating a "Shimer" somewhere in the vicinity of a whose infamy has raged now for a sincere school and community ef- decade or more.. fort, which is yet to happen. A school can not exist oblivious to If you can remember back to its community, and by the same the 1968 Ocean-Hill Brownsville token the reverse is equally as dispute, you will also recall that impossible. In order to go on decentralization was to cure about the business of education many of the evils which now still successfully, it is of dire im- confront I.S. 142. Inevitably, portance that the community's every school system will have desires be respected. Open problems inherent to its par- warfare must not continue for ticular situation. These prob- as always it is the student who lems tend to be magnified when bears the burden of missed days. aiiimimiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiii^ Police were summoned as I.S. 142 parents and faculty boycott to protest Dr. McDougall and C.S.B. 28. 7 j Tenurine, Tenurout I I'd write, but I don't care The writer as a reader writing in past semesters) we have heard by Victor Goodstone Hank Sheinkopf a letter to the editor on apathy, a great deal of talk about student i and apathy etc. apathy at York. The predominant joying yourself in the process. "Have a nice weekend," "you feeling about this apathy is that College should be totally fruit- i too," and so with these words it stems from this college's lack ful and invigorating experience. the unpredictable "Yorkie" heads of a permanent base, but I feel There are times when I feel i for his or her goldmines of ad- there is more to it than meets York is being used as a stepp- venture throughout the city. the eye. I am writing here in an Piiininuii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimBinirtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiMiitHiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiDili ing stone in the most vicious Whether his path leads him to attempt to analyze it and to pro- sense of the world. Some take the bars and discos of Bayridge pose methods with which to alter the attitude that "I'm just here The P and B's have met, and Board of Higher Education or the discos of Flushing, he is its course into something where for an education and I'm going their recommendations acted Charter, and P&B members are bound to find the same old crap, everyone can say "York's a to get what I can from it, and upon. Drs. Papachristou and expressly forbidden to discuss or, through luck and maybe groovy place." put back nothing.' Do that my Von Burg, and Mr. Bailey will those matters with students. If destiny, find his or her dream, friend, and be prepared to be not be here after their contracts our input is important, then Judy whatever that might be. There is no crime in getting judged as not having lived by end. They've been denied tenure, Papachristou would have been During this semester (as a college education here and en- those for whom we should be which seems to be a very subtle spared. 3.53 on a 4 point evalu- forming a foundation. However, way of saying your services are ation scale ain't bad. I'm not primarily concerned with no longer required, a pink slip But the question is larger than what will happen years from now. with academic tactfulness and those 3 professors. Conceivably, Tenure Quotas Attacked Today is what counts because it pomp. Yes, however, they can individuals are not really at fault, is now and once gone will- never appeal if they wish to stay at but the institutions Jn the past, return. York, whatever that is worth. P&Bs meet and hand down their The Legislative Conference, ing a recision of his tenure And so, the scene was much decisions, the President acts on representing the City Univer- quotas. Getting back to what I said the same as • usual. Students mem and mat's that. Individuals sity's 6500 full-time instruc- While opposed to automatic before, the "Yorkie" goes many meet en masse in the cafeteria not granted tenure are expected tional staff, has appealed to the tenure, the Conference maintains ways when he leaves his friends after a story in Pandora's Box. to disappear without noise, like Board of Higher Education to that each tenure decision should and the weekend begins. We all Everyone either appears out- shadows. Actually, P&B's do overrule Chancellor Albert H. be made by faculty and should know what happens/next and we raged or asleep. The President not withhold tenure and rid the Bowker's imposition of a quota be based on the merits of the in- know that it's the same old shit showed up to answer questions university of unqualified persons. system in the granting of tenure. dividual case. week after week. I don't make and many young people display Flash Gordon's ray gun does, An October 7 directive from The implementation of these these statements as a shot in the their ignorance. it atomizes them. They become Dr. Bowker instructed all col- quotas, the Conference claims, dark, as I have spoken to many lege presidents to limit the num- would result in the denial of people about this. Don't you ever Others use the captive audience nonpersons. feel like seeing people in another for an acting out of emotions, and We don't know what the tenure ber of tenure recommendations to tenure to members of the fac- others really care. Newton approximately 50% of those elig- ulty who have received the en- iight? guidelines are, it's all secret. Though it's true that there leaves, the "why nots," so rem- How much involved are dirty ible this year. dorsement of their peers in de- iniscent of his predecessor, hold The Board is scheduled to partmental and college Personnel are many worthwhile friendships university politics, and how much at York and a few things (like the air. Someone shuffles a new does the publishing game have act on these recommendations and Budget Committees, which deck of cards, everyone present on November 23. submit recommendations to their Sammy and York House) going to do with tenure? What does on, did you know that they are has been thoroughly bored to student opinion really mean? In In a telegram sent to all mem- college presidents. death, and then return to sleep bers of the Board, Conference Some faculty originally rec- dying or becoming elite cliques? short, nothing. The university I write here not for myself but in the hammocks we've created could do worse than Judy Papa- Chairman Belle Zeller sought ommended by their P&B Com- in our own hackneyed temporary to head off Board action that mittees and also by their pres- for a sentiment I've been homing christou. It has. Look at our in on here at York. Apathy hurts campus. own faculty. We have done worse. would deny tenure to faculty on idents have been withdrawn from the basis of quotas. the recommendation lists at the you and nobody else. You should The simple fact that Newton People have been payed off for care, and if you do, others are showed up to see students is being company men. Prof. Zeller asked them to insistence of the Chancellor that significant because nowhere else "carefully evaluate the equity the presidents adhere to his bound to. Join Sammy, join York does it happen that way. Presi- This whole situation is virtual- and ramifications of the Chan- quotas. house, work to have the caf kept dents do not just appear at the ly disgusting. But the problem cellor's quota system" and "as- Since the implementation of open on Friday nights for jam whim of students anywhere. But lies in the charter. It has to be sure that the individual merits the Chancellor's quota system, sessions and get - togethers. the things that were said make changed. The problem lies with- of each case prevail over ar- the Conference has filed more Talk to that person you haven't that action seem feeble. There in lies, and they must be made bitrary considerations." than 40 individual grievances re- communicated with in a while. was much talk about student in- into truths. This is our uni- The Conference has also lated to tenure appointments. For your own sake, open your put, and "We are always inter- versity. The students must have served notice on Dr. Bowker Others are now being proc- mouth and get involved. You owe that it will file a group grievance essed through the machinery pro- it to yourself to get things to- ested in student input in P & B a 50-50 say, without questions. gether, but don't put down York affairs," says Dr. Newton, and Dr. Newton, '*why not" does through the American Arbitra- vided in the Conference's tion Association on behalf of contract with the Board of Higher because it's putting down your- that too Is questionable-students not work anymore. I would not self. are forbidden any input by the want to be in your shoes now. all npntenured faculty, request- Education. Page 6 Pandora's Box Thursday; December 3, 1970

: The following is a breakdown of the rr 1 ciplines. Also included is the faculty t i There includes as well the projected cou found in the registration booklets. Perhaps sideration of curriculum requireraents ai


No. of ' Faculty HM No. j,| Faculty H70 Prof. Assoc. Ins Courses FuTr Part Full Part Time. Time Time Time to no M Anthropology o 3 Biology I i a. 3 o -M O \ 1 Chemistry o 5 1 2 Counseling Id o o I JL 3: Economics o o I Education IO ai 7 "T" l .i English n 3 1 i 10 to 1 J T I i 1 Greek o I 5> a Hebrew 1 jl o i c i History o c1 Italian o 3 A o L o —i Latin O i Mathematics 1 C•> I "T~ 1 <7 I' JL Music 1 j A A i Philosophy 3 u 1 a. » j Physical Education O O JL. X 8 O q I

Political Science l- l -| « l-l- 1 2, • J O 1 *

1 I- H 1 -l- l I- H 11 1 1 T \ 7 7 0 2. .3 Psychology 1 8 5* ~ Reading^ X r « 3 J_ J Russian i » 0 i Scoial Science o o Sociology o t o 1 5" o ~r Spanish to T — ~ Speech 3 4 3 t T i» I 5 i Swahili T" a 1 0 i b 11111 1 iT h

Some faculty within the division of counseling teach: . within these disciplines part tin

4-The majors of those planning to teach at the secondary level are included in their ciplines. Those in early childhood and elementary education are primarily psycholog majors (they were not Included In the particular disciplines).


( •• Thursday. Decenhber 8, 1970 Page7

ajors in each of the academic dis- reakdown according to discipline. :se offerings as compared to those this data will be an aid in the con- d th£ distribution of faculty lines.

No. of Courses No. of Courses in Bulletin Given PULL 1O

respective dls- • and sociology Page 8 Pandora's Box Thursday, December 3, 1970 CUNY ROUNDUP St. John's Queens Students from St. John's Uni- campus in America so that they Joseph S. Murphy, a dis- will go out the window." versity are making a nationwide may personally take and present tinguished political theorist and Dr. Murphy, who has served appeal to college students them to the North Vietnamese New Jersey's vice chancellorfor on the faculty at Brandeis Uni- throughout America to join in government. higher education, was named versity and the College of the the signature petitioning of the "Our appeal has no political Kubanbanya, the Black stu- president of the City University Virgin Islands, sees much of the North Vietnamese government affiliation," Bernard Lawson dent organization at Herbert H. of New York's Queens College. cause for current student unrest for information about the welfare said, "and it is being made Lehman College of The City Uni- Dr. Murphy's appointment was in overemphasis upon curriculum of American prisoners of war. strictly in the name of humanity. versity of New York, will sponsor announced over closed circuit geared to "making a living rather At a press conference held at We are very aware of the North five days of special events. television to Queens College stu- than how to live." the Overseas Press Club on No- Vietnamese government's in- All of the activities are open dents and faculty by Frederick Dr. Murphy hopes to see closer vember 25, a St. John's student terest in the sentiments of.A- to the public and will be held Burkhardt, chairman of the Board ties between Queens College and spokesman, Bernard Lawson, an- merica's students, and for this at 1 p.m. in the West Lounge of Higher Education. the city's primary and secondary nounced that St. John's had sent a reason we believe that we will of Student Hall. Wednesday's The 37-year-old native of New- schools. student delegation to the A- succeed where others have failed. activities will be held in Room ark will become the fifth presi- Interviewed and recommended merican Student Government We are prepared to meet with B-36 of Carman Hall. dent of Queens College, succeed- Conference in Las Vegas on No- representatives of the North to the Board of Higher Education Main scheduled events are: ing Dr. Joseph P. McMurray who. by a Queens College '"search" vember 23 asking student Vietnamese government to bring announced his resignation last leaders from every state to adopt back any message from the people MONDAY, DECEMBER 7 - - committee composed of faculty, Lecture: Louis Farrakhan, min- June to accept the presidency students and alumni. Dr. Murphy the appeal and to rally their own of North Vietnam to the students of the College of New Rochelle. student bodies to its support. of America." ister from Islam - (Free). Dance: sees the CUNY presidential Kubanbanya African Dancers - Queens, founded in 1937, is the selection process as "part of the With a target date of Christ- On November 30, the students (Free). Presentation: Black Ex- second largest of CUNY's col- opening up of participation inde- mas, the St. John's students are at St. John's held a rally at the perience in Acting and Poetry leges with an enrollment of 29,- cision-making to all groups im- hoping to obtain the signatures Jamaica Campus to formally 500 students and a faculty and mediately concerned with college begin the appeal. - (Free). of college students from every TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 — staff of 3,000. and university decisions. I like Lecture: Imamu Amiri Baraka A soft-spoken man and an in- the direction in which City Uni- (LeRoi Jones) - $1.00; Dramatic tense listener, Dr. Murphy cites versity is moving and I'm proud CUNY's open admissions policy to be part of it." Presentation: Spirit House Mov- as ''definitely the most compell- ers - $1.00. in factor" in his decision to He also looks toward greater WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 accept the Queens College presi- flexibility in the curricular and Chancellor Albert H. Bowker Other U.S. representatives at - Presentation: Actor Anony- dency. "It is a tremendously chronological design of under- of the City University of New the Kenya conference will be mous Workshop - Free; Pres- exciting opportunity and certainly graduate education, "not just York will be one of nine U.S. President James E. Cheek of entation: Poetry Reading - Free- the most important educational reaching out into the upper years educators meeting with East Howard University, President Lecture: Hannibal Ahmed - Free. experiment underway in the of high school, but encouraging African university leaders next Vivian W. Henderson of Clark THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 United States. If it works - and it students to take a year or twe month at a conference in Kenya College, President Kenneth Hol- -- Dramatic Presentation: Weui- must - every pretext and excuse off before they get to college, or sponsored by the Institute of land of the Institute of Inter- si Kuma - Free; Lecture: Carol used by institutions of higher in their early years of college... International Education. national Education, Vice Presi- Grevious, Expanded Education education for failure to meet the to give them a break from study, The week-long conference will dent Pearl G. Purcell of the Opportunity - Free; Presenta- needs of the broadest possible travel, get a job, go to sea, or explore prospects for co- I.I.E., Professor George D. tion: Fashion Show - Free. spectrum of the urban population just think." operation between African and Stoddard of New York University, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 — U.S. universities as well as Vice President James F. Tierney Show and Dance: Laroque Bey common internal administrative of the I.I.E. and Chancellor Dancers, Jimmy Heath Quartet, problems currently faced by Charles E. Young of the Uni- and "ebirth Genghis Noir Sextet institutions of higher education. versity of California. - $1.50. Announcements Apply Immediately for Christmas jobs with the U.S. Post Office for department stores in Douglaston, Elmhurst, Rego Park. See Muriel Davis in room 106 in the Faculty Office Building. "Summer Jobs Abroad" will be the topic of a discussion to be held on Dec. 8th. All interested should contact Mrs. Muriel Davis, in the F.O.B. FOLK MASS The York College Drama Society will perform their rendition of Leroy Jones' play "The Slave" on Dec. 21 and 22, 1970 in the Q.C.C. lecture hall, room 111 or 112 at 8 P.M.

Queensborough Community College has initiated i memorial. loan fund, for matriculated nursing students only, In the name: Tuesday 8, 1970 12:45 of Eberlin - Linihan. Any and all contributions to this fund may be sent to the busi- ness office at Q.C.C. Applications for this loan will be made through the financial-aid office of Q.C.C. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, Shirley Haile: Pres, Martha Cureton: Sec

Queensborough Newman Center POETRY READING DEC. 11, 1970 8:30 PM 50-47 Cloverdale Blvd. QCC Room S 111

featuring: David Ignatow and York Poets (Next to Jewish Center)

COME TOGETHER ENTERPRISES INC. PRE SENTS • LAW MIXER At Forest Hills Country Club Father McKeon 88-20 70th Road, Queens

$3.00 DEC. 4th 197.0 9:00PM ALL WELCOME Lawyers and law students admitted-free Bring this add and receive $.50 discount Free Need-a data service directions BO 1-7500 Thursday, December 3, 1970 Pandora's Box .Page 9, Pollution Control at York by Glenn Belkin The Scarecrow Wanders A group from the York College contention that the University amount of imagination to re- Community are in the process should function as an idea pool alize that New York City is of putting into action what many for problems that concern the faced with many problems. The people feel the function of the surrounding community at large. old ideas that have been used, university should be. It is their It does not take a tremendous either to solve or rationalize these problems in the past, are The scarecrow wanders by a sideroad path not working. For this reason, The birds looking up from their morning path it is necessary for new ideas The cats and monkeys stare at the sight to be formulated so these prob- lems can be solved. Of the scarecrow making his yearly plight. Air pollution is a growing con- cern of people. Some people have Excitement fills the air organized groups to collect pe- titions, others bury cars, some And the trees look at winter bare have marches, and last but not The animals now fill the path least there are people who put As if it were a stream green flags on their cars. York College has a group of And their eyes are fixed in a hopeful gleam. researchers who are gathering information on several ideas that They are bound together by hope may reduce the hazard to people in the near future. This group But the big men stand around and gloat has received the sponsorship of Pattering sounds are soon to be heard City Council President Sanford Garalick. It will be investigat- And the first to fall is the great white bird. ing two partial solutions to the problem. Fragments of their bodies blind any sight The subway system of New Of where or what has stopped their march to York has a large amount of the population in it during the flight day. If you think to the last Their dream of conquest is no more time you were in the subway, you will remember a most poig- And the rain suddenly begins to pour. nant odor. It is the feeling of the group that this is harm- by Jack Miller ful. It has been hypothesized that the particles within the subway are contributing significantly to the ill health of New Yorkers. The subways seem to be full of carbon dioxide. This can aggravate a heart condition and lead to early death due to cor- Revelations I by Morgan onary failure. It is believed that the lungs may be damaged by metal particles that are float- ing in the air. Lastly there Recently, President Nixon and monkey lover - and a noted the Word Wizard explained, is reliant Sloveni eagle, and others. should be a high ozone content. Vice President Agnew were sub- authority -on these furry trouble- a zoo that keeps land animals This relatively minor gathering Con Edison has proposed a jected to waspish criticism about makers. No one knows where in simulated natural environ- was quickly forgotten when 1 saw new generator plant in Astoria. their personalities. Mr. Nixon this odd devotion originated, or ments), but the president's close the most astounding beast of all: They plan on using fossil fuels in was unfairly represented as a for that matter, where the odd friend and adviser, Dr. Elias an Annemese dragon-leech, the generator. This will cause callous, introverted trickster, Mr. Agnew originated. He and Barnett, was permitted to view squatting in a tub of caviar. Un- additional sulphur dioxide in the someone who has no genuine his habits just materialized in the exhibit. This reknown pro- like other leeches, who merely air. The sulphur dioxide con- commitments to anything, and 1968, with no why or wherefore. fessor, who has discovered the suck blood, this critter feasted on tent in the air is already too who merely follows public- He never neglects his unique truth behind many animal fables,* any delicacy its master could high and this is the reason for opinion polls. Likewise, Mr. predilection for a moment. In- described the subterranean en- afford. The president lavishes significant opposition from the Agnew was termed acrossbreed, deed, he displays his love for closure in glowing words: everything on this odious mon- community. There is an alter- something between a demagogue ster, yet nothing suffices. Some- native however. The generator and a ding-a-ling, a crude, foul- day, however, Mr. Nixon may could be fueled by natural gas. mouthed distorter of reality and tire of his greedy pet and Natural gas is not being used reason. gradually evict it from the prem- however because there is a short- However, if these critics had ises. age of it, and subsequently the any kindness, they would have "Before I left, I peeked into a price is very high. Another realized that public officials are heavily-veiled cage. What I saw source of pollution is the auto- not cardboard figures devoid of confirmed my suspicions - tnat mobile. The automobile could passions and loves. When these our beloved vice president wasn't supply this natural gas. Natural pundits stop overlooking the uttering his own gibberish, but gas components are put into your warm, private lives of these someonet else's. Well, the gasoline. The oil companies great dignitaries, they will dis- "someone else" was not human. say they do not know what to do cover, for instance, Nixon's and It was Agnew's own hybrid mon- with all of this gas. There is Agnew's adoration of animals. key, appropriately named ag- a larger profit in adding it to Mr. Nixon's love for dogs is new's Howler. This crazed little gasoline, than in converting it old and well-documented. Just demon scampered around the to natural gas. It is the con- before the 1952 presidential elec- cage, yelling a lot of garbled tention of the research team tions, Senator Nixon received nonsense. I got such a head- that this natural gas lost from a black-and-white cocker spaniel ache that I slipped a bag of prunes the gasoline can account for as for his precious daughter, Tricia. between the bars. If that blab- much as fifty percent of the hy- He lavished so much love on the bering monkey was going to have drocarbons on some days in the dog that other owners expressed diarrhea, let it come out of its air. Perhaps we could use this their feelings to him. Thousands ass, not its mouth." wasted material to cut down on telegraphed the senator, con- With that cherished remark, the deed for Con Ed to use gratulating him for treating the good professor ended his con- fossil fuels. man's best friend so wonderful- versation. Or rather, it was ly. Others sent dazzling gifts. ended for him. Just then, another The research team working One such present from a group hybrid animal, Nixon's Scape on these problems consists of of financiers was a $18,000 Goat, butted Dr. Barnett against a faculty-student task force. the wall and knocked him cold. Dr . Scheiner and Dr. McGee platinum-plated lltterbox. This are helping to direct the re- stimulated enormous specula- When he woke up, he painfully search and are acting; as tech- tion: what had Senator Nixon done muttered that he would file a nical consultants. Students will with his dog to warrant this lawsuit against Nixon and his be accumulating facts so that extravagent donation? creature. But the president con- the whole group can present a Responding to this public out- fidently remarked, helping his report with their findings and cry, he went on television to plead stunned guest to his feet, that recommendations to the City his case. The program cul- his Scape Goat was completely Council President. minated in an electrifying defense innocent. K the blame was go- If this report is used it will of his precious cocker, Checkers. ing to be placed on anyone, it mark a beginning or an exciting No, he steadfastly maintained, he should be on Dr. Barnett for trend in the value of the univer- did not buy grade - A sirloin snooping around. Realizing that sity. Its effect will be to open steaks for the dog; it ate or- his simian friends by aping their "Only men with the political he was framed, the scholar the door to student participation, dinary Republican scraps. No, absurd antics. He grimaces, pull of Nixon and Agnew could stormed out of the zoo and swore involving them in the formulation it was not improper or immoral rants incoherantly, mimics have acquired this unbelievable revenge on the whole Nixon herd- of the lives of the people who live to accept that fabulous litterbox; famous orators, and swings from variety of rare and fantastic cabinet members, advisors and in the communities around us. with his meagre salary, he could one illogical statement to animals. It can only be com- all. The university will be a legit- only afford a plastic one, and how another. He is truly an unequalled pared to the Frick Collection of But the president, in a rare imate source of innovative ideas would that look - the GOP vice- impersonator of a vice presi- paintings; it is a small, private, moment of humor, quipped, "Just and will make it more than a presidential candidate allowing dent. but extremely valuable collec- try to do that and you'll find out series of ivory towers. Lastly his puppy to crap on cheap plas- ' Recently, our national leaders tion of prize creatures. that anyone who monkeys around it will show that the students tic? And yes, he was sorry for all collaborated, pooled some of "My guided tour lasted only with my administration ends up can affect their life style. They the commotion this was causing, their fortunes, and constructed a fifteen minutes, a poor opportun- in the political doghouse. And will have a real input into the but it was started by Godless, sub - White House zoo. This ity for a detailed inspection. Yet that goes doubly for egg-head government that they now feels dog - hating subversives whose menagerie houses several spec- among the dozens of animals, I owls like you, professor!" oppresses them. goal was to shit all over the good ies of monkies and breeds of detected a lone Caudillo vulture- •See Barnett, E. "The Origins If you are interested in doing name of Richard Milhouse Nixon. dogs, plus dozens of bizarre a dottering old bird, barely able of Mythical Animals as Political something serious about the con- Mr. Agnew, on the other hand, creatures. Sp far, no journalist to see straight - a clique of Phenomena," Journal of Amer- ditions in which you live please fancies more exotic animals. In has seen the Nixon-Agnew Ter- Piraeus hunting dogs, some dia- ican Political Science, XLm, leave a note for Dr. Schiener. fact, he is a monophlle - a rarium (a "terfarium," Spiro mond-backed Cape pigs, a self- (October, 1970), 257-288. Page 10 Pandora's Box Thursday, December 3, 1970 How About o $24,000 Wristwatch by Donna Ludain I overheard two people talking on top of it to read it in the dark. about the new clock up on Queens - Well, I thought, this clock must boro's campus, so I went to look have meaning and value to justify at it. Unfortunately, I got there at its cost (it certainly isn't a very ten minutes after twelve, so my precise time piece). Maybe it is first impression was that Iwould supposed to show man that the need a Bachelor's Degree in Art hour of the day is a cold mathe- to be able to decifer the time. matical measurement and we "Ah!", said I, "This clock is shouldn't think of it as time. No - well worth the $25,000 spent in I get the same cold feeling about its construction. It will serve as time when I look at a "Spiro" an incentive to all students (that watch, and that costs $12.95, not includes us, folks) to go on and $25,000. Maybe it's supposed to further their scope of knowl- be a giant phallic symbol. edge." I figured that somewhere The money spent on the linear How To Beat by Robin Ginsberg column could have been used to The reasonable man adapts sure placed upon the 1 lth precinct obtained a verdict of not guilty. All himself to the world; the un- to do what the group wanted. the trouble see'med worth it be- reasonable one persists in try- He cross-examined the patrol cause in the end he had done ing to adapt the world to himself. officer and found that he knew something. He had aided in the Therefore, all progress depends that it was a high traffic area, protection of his rights. on the unreasonable man." and that some type of precaution- Richard is a pre-Law student George Bernard Shaw, Man and ary measure has to be taken be- and wishes to inform other stu- Superman. fore proceeding across the street dents at York, that If they have and sidewalk. The officer was not received a traffic (or other kinds Paying the fine and shutting prepared for cross-examination of) summons that they feel is un- up is the typical way of handling because he had not written down just, he will, without fee, little annoyances in our complex the make of the car nor the li- them in gathering information and society. The individual, for ex- cense and could not personally preparing a self-defense. ample, loses his identity and identify the car, nor the source These types of things can be hence his rights, when he sub- of the horn. He could only identify done. It seems a little ridiculous mits to the above practice in Richard. to stand by and be stepped on when handling matters. Apathy is a After presenting the case in a there are outlets that might al- trite bi-word of our "computer- factual and reasonable manner he leviate some of the boot-prints. ized society" because it seems more that people don't want to be bothered and therefore, give up some of their inviable rights. Going to the Movies These people place themselves on the outside of every movement by Bonnie Brudner for progress within the society. On October 8, 1970, Richard Going to the movies on Saturdays with friends, Indyke, a York student, received Eating the sandwiches that mother sends a summons for (believe it or not) "horn other than danger" but a Sitting and laughing and starting a fight conscientious cop who (is being Seeing the mean old matron's light pressured by the Bayside Oaks Trying to sit in the young adult row, Community Group to "crack down" on the student traffic in Only to get thrown out, you know ttis area) was doing what he Watching the "big kids" hold hands, and kiss, thought to be a part of his job. Calling the candy lady, "miss" Richy followed the summons Seeing Frankenstein and Dracula, a great double through to court and wound up feature, at Lefrak Plaza-the traffic bu- reau. He did a very strange Comparing the matron to my fourth grade teacher tiiing-he pleaded not guilty. A Saving my allowance for this weekend treat summation of his self defence Hanging my legs all over the seat follows: Richard was on 56 Ave. signaling to make a left turn in Getting in trouble for making noise, order to enter the York College And lacking all sense of manners and poise parking area. He honked his Seeing the movie for the thirteenth time, horn "once or twice" to alert pedestrians, two of which at the Telling the manager I lost a dime time, were York's private of- Giggling at the gushy love scenes I see ficer and the policeman who were Hoping it'll never happen to me between knowledge of mathemat- correct almost every one of standing in the middle of the ics and knowing the forms and Queensboro's wall clocks. Even driveway. Filling up water guns and shooting the screen, ideas, I would come to understand better, 2,500 watches at $10 Waking up at night from a really bad dream the message of this clock. wholesale could have been pur- He came to courtwithapicture Getting punished for being so bad, Then, a guy standing next to me chased and distributed to every of the area (esp. 56th Ave.) traf- explained to his friend that the Queensboro student. fic flow, pedestrian flow, and And making that nice, sweet matron mad hours twelve A.M. and P.M. were Well, Queensboro Community physical layout of the area. He Waiting on line, and shoving ahead, read in the sixth box down. Well, College is the first college with a added to his defense with articles Ignoring the curse that the kid just said there was no more mystery to the 25,000 mistake. However, five from the Long Island Press dis- Being in love with the usher in grey, time column, but the thing still dollars must be added to that sum. cussing the blatent and unreason- > read ten after twelve, when it was A college newspaper (I'm with- able reactions of the Bayside Dreaming about him night and day already fourteen after. holding the name, I don't believe Oaks Community Group toward Wondering why they were so un-kind, By the way, don't try to read in slander) actually gave away the student situation in the area. Preserving the memories now left behind. this clock at night. You can see five bucks to anyone who would He had further proof of the pres- the colored lights at a distance, tell them how to read the "Linear but you have to be almost right Time Column." Alice's Restaurant ENJOY A WONDERFUL "WINTER FESTIVAL" OF FUN AT Can we play beach blanket unfortunately thinks he's an In- desperate, care of 428-7770. bingo when we go away on our dian. Alan Groveman is a coarse I A I IE? FT I O HOTEL & COUNTRY CLUB weekend? The staff of the Newspaper vulgar boy. God bless him, L-/-V Ul\L L.O Monticello, N.Y. I think I'm great. I think welcomes everyone to come and by cracky. I'm grand. I go to the movies look at how far back we pushed Father Joe: Um...... CHRISTMAS Dec. 25-31 INTERSESSION Jan. 15-31 just to hold my hand. I put the bookcases. Love it. Hey Lou; Shrimp for break- my arm around my waist. When SKIING 0 SKATING • TOBOGGANING • INDOOR Arf, Arf, he goes, a merry sight, fast? I get fresh I slap my face. Our little hairy friend, Alan is a fool, he never went POOL » CLUBS (I also swing both ways). Arf, Arf, upon the lampost bright to school. Who really cares My mother says that you are Arfins round the bend. Alan? SPECIAL LOW STUDENT RATES a doody and she knows what Nice dog! Good boy, Happy Birthday Hy. From COLLEGE WINTERFESTIVAL © (212)781-9660 she means. I mean, do you Waggle tail and beg, your fan club in the trailer. Box 211 Fort George Station, NeW York, N.Y. 10040 know what she is talking about. Clever Nigel, jump for joy Cal: We anxiously await the brochures available at: Queensborough College Bookstore I mean between you and her BECAUSE WE'RE PUTTING YOU return of the blue monster. I am definitely becoming a very TO SLEEP AT THREE OF We love you sometimes Cookie, insecure person. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THE CLOCK, NIGEL. Cookie. Sometimes I wonder who's J. Lennon You can get anything you want Highly acclaimed T.V. film kissing her now. Often I can't The solid man saved by his at Alice's Restaurant. One dol- help it if I wonder, wonder what sillied woman. Crackajolking lar for the first twenty words, she's doin', wonder what she's away like a hearse on fire. Start the year off right and help "STILL A BROTHER, : doing tonight, tonight, oh I wish FW94. poor Alice eat. I knew. Will you be my budgie. To Ilene and Barry: Happy Anyone with a group that wants Mike and Al: A promise is Birthday to my loving brother INSIDE THE NEGRO MIDDLE CLASS" to play on November 7th, please a promise. The Snow god. and thlthter. in person commentary by contact Joe in trailer #1. Yes Virginia there is a town KATHY AND Heathecliff: We qweqasfyuiopl ; lkjhgfdasdfgh- of Gotham New York. Miss You, Come Home, William Branch, producer jkpoiuyteertyio' 4578 zxcvbm,.- Hy is a dope, he ate a bar Love is a four letter word, asdgj./qwryu; of soap, bubbles here, bubbles but so is shit. Thursday, Dec. 3 12:30 PM. Joe Burch: an obstreperous there, bubbles in his underwear. Happy Birthday Wanda June- mammal of the first order, sel- For sale: 1963 Oldsmobile. As play by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. QCC Science Building Room $.-111 dom heard eating chop suey. Power steering, Power brakes, is opening on October 7th. It Steve is a gentle person, who doesn't run so good. Signed should be great, catch it. Thursday, December 3, 1970 Pandora's Box Page 11 Whatever happened to the Sheboygan In January, the most peculiar the bill. In the early fifties the The MUwaukee Bucks did it far BUI Russell organization In the history of Knicks were the major power in quicker and more simply. One professional sports, the National the east-until they reached the draft pick-a contender. Two Basketball Association, will playoffs. There, because of the trades-a possible champion. celebrate its' 25th anniversary lack of a big man, they were con- This is a second, quarter of Lew Alcindor* at the All-Star game in San Diego. stantly defeated. The Knick cen- the NBA's first century. This teams That the league is still around is ters, Harry Gallatin and Sweet- is the era of the Alcindors and Celtics 1956-69 enough to celebrate, because only water Clifton were too small, the Fraziers. The Chicago Lakers 4948-54 three of the original teams and and were constantly being over- Zephyrs and the Oshkosh Indians Knicks 1968-present one of the original owners are powered by centers like George are no more. Now teams like the 76ers 1965-68 left. So far, 15 teams have folded, Mikan, who was the most Cleveland Cavaliers and the Royals 1948-54 all within a space of 7 years. dominating player in basketball Portland Trailblazers are here *This is based upon what he will Franchises have shifted 9 times at that time. In 1954 the Knicks so become to avoid folding. On the other finally obtained two big men, Ray After 25 years, the NBA'S 5 best: trades hand, within the last ten years, Felix and Walter Dukes, but by guards 1 BUI Russell draft pick- Ed Mac- the NBA has jumped from eight that time, age and the 24 second 1 auley & Cliff Hagan to seventeen teams. However, clock had decimated the Knicks, 2 2 Dave DeBusschere-Walt Bell- only four of these teams are fill- and the decline started that did not 3 amy & Howard Komives ing up their stadia regularly. end until Eddie Donovan took over 4 Slater Martin 3 WUt Chamberlain-Connie Dier- Throughout the NBA's 25 and built the team that became 5 king, Paul Neumann, & Lee Shaf- years, it has gone through more champions last year. forwards fer unusual occurances than the The 24 second clock, it should Elgin Baylor 4 WUt Chamberlain - Archie inimitable AFL. The NBA helped be noted, destroyed the three top Clark, Darrall Imhoff, & Jerry to create a dynasty just by pulling teams of the period, the Lakers Dolph Schayes Chambers names out of a hat. The Chicago (then in Minneapolis) the Royals Tom Heinsohn 5 Dick Barnett- Bob Boozer Stags had folded, and the league (then in Rochester), and the Jack Twyman had divided up the team until Knicks. The clock greatly sped up centers by Joe Raskin three players, Bob Cousy, Andy a very dull version of college Dec* 4 York vs. Southampton J.V. Home 5:30 p.m. Phillip, and Max Zaslofsky, were basketball, and turned it into the. left to be divided between the game we know today. The Knicks, Dec. 5 York vs. Dowling College Away 8:00 p.m.. Knicks, Warriors, and Celtics. Royals, an^ Lakers, who were the Dec. 11 York vs. Dowling College Home 6:00 p.m. Ned Irish of the Knicks was first of the three real dynastys An intra-mural ping pong tournament will ecstatic when he picked Zaslof- that existed in the league, were sky, a high-scoring local hero. simply too old and too slow to be held at York. The most qualified players Eddie Gottlieb of the Warriors keep up with the pace set by the will go on to i ay in the city • niversity was satisfied with Phillip, a clock. Mikan, despite the skills smooth playmaker. Walter Brown he had, was very slow and had his tournament. Tl.ose interested see Mr. of the Celtics couldn't hide his career ended by the clock. Be- Bailin in the f.o.b. disappointment when he got cause of this, all three teams Dec. 12 Open doubles tournament in badminton. Cousy. Yet this pick began the quickly built losing records. Entree fee is 3.00 per doubles. Contact trend of Celtic triumph and Knick The sixties was a decade of frustration that lasted for close innovation in many ways. This Mr. Chao at QCC gym. ; to two decades. The league itself was the period when centers Intra-mural basketball will start shortly. was saved just by the institution weren't the only ones who changed Eight teams are entered in the tournament of one of the most common things the flow of the game. in the NBA, the 24 second clock. The decade was including the faculty. Anyone interested If you're going to discuss frus- marked by one team gradually in playing contact Mr. Bailin in the f.o.b. tration, of course, The Knicks fit building a champion (The Knicks). in office 29. Pandora9s S orts Like It IS — Case For Flood York Basketball by Rich Lipsk'y For the first time in baseball than his own. Premiers Tomorrow history a ballplayer has decided If he had a chance to play to challenge its reserve clause. every day he could probably make The York Team spirit is high in spite It is unusual that the player is the grade. But with a team loaded Club plays its first game tomor- of the fact that Charlie Mardis, a star, since most players in with talent, he must have a sec- row, December 4th against the co captain with Richard Sabel- this position take an attitude of ond-class status because he is Southampton J.V. squad at 5:30 la, received six stitches this apathy. He currently has a 4.1 ranked behind a more established P.M. in Robert F. Kennedy Hall week. million dollar antitrust suit pend- player. He may not bargain with on the Queensborough Campus. Team spirit, said Mr. Bailin, ing in the courts. By now you other teams for his services. Mr. Bailin, coach of the No- can only continue at its pres- have guessed that the player For example, Merv Rettenmund mads, although not having seen ent high only if the team re- being discussed is none othgr of the Orioles batted .«322 with their opponents in action, feels ceives the support of York's than Curt Flood, one-time all star 18 homers but played in only they are probably a tough team students by student attendance centerfielder for the St. Louis half of the Baltimore games. in view of the fact that South- at the games. Come on out Cardinals", The real problem lies Other Orioles such as Motton, ampton gives basketball scholar- to the game tomorrow night and not in the reserve clause itself Richert and Phoebus would have ships. support your team. but in the utUization of it by the starting berths on other clubs. owners and their attitude to- Last year, with the talent-lad- wards it. den Orioles they sat, and wUl Sports Quiz Curt Flood is a player with continue to do so if the reserve a conviction. The unfortunate cir- clause is not altered. l-In 1962, the Dallas Texans defeated the Houston cumstance for Mr. Flood is that Some ask why should Curt Oilers in the longest game ever played, six he is a major league ballplayer. Flood complain? He's making periods. Name the kicker who won the game for As a rule, ballplayers are treated 90,000 dollars a year. That's more like chattel than profes- chattel? Certainly not. Which is the Texans. sional athletes. Unlike other more of a reason to respect 2-Who holds the record for most penalties in a sports where the owner op- him, for he has decided that his season in the N.H.L. ? erates the franchise from a dis- interests are not the only ones tance, major league baseball at stake. The Schofields, Clines 3-Name the all-time leading rebounder in the owners have made it a practice and Brunets are on trial with N.B.A. to become Involved with their him. 4-Who did Willie Mays hit his first home run off players. Becoming involved in Baseball doesn't have a their organization is not neces- reserve clause like football or of? sarUy a bad situation provided basketball. In both of these 5-Name the sport these men participate in: that the owner knows where to sports, when you wish to play A-Walker Gillete draw the line. When an owner out your option you may do so can send a player down to the by fulfilling your contract under B-Randy Vataha minor leagues without his con- the present salary. When the C-Robert Woodhouse sent, then the owner has passed contract expires, you become a the line of authority. Such is the free agent, and have the right to 6-He holds the record for most receptions in a case in major league baseball bargain as an individual with single season in the A.F.L. Name him. today. any club. 7-Name the commissioner of the AFC. There are many ballplayers The problem lies with the 8-Who hit the first World Series homer in Yankee that rely on baseball as their owners and their commissioner, sole source of revenue. When Bowie Kuhn. The owners are Stadium? this type of player goes to talk shrewd when business practices 9-Who was the first pick in professional football "contract" he is presented with a are involved, but naive when the in 1967? "take it or leave it" situation. fans' interests are involved. They An unfortunate circumstance feel that their sport was the na- 10-Who led the major leagues in stolen bases last since the owner is aware of the tional pastime thirty years ago season? position that the player is in. so why should conditions This is the case of the marginal change ? 'S'A am JO uojd player who cannot afford to be Unfortunately from the fans rpo JnejBiuv - O uoimiO - 01 sent down. He is forced to leave point of view, baseball is no 3u|M JUSJH - H sjsag 'SJJJOIM Xuuuop - 6 the game. Then there is the case longer the national pastime and sjnoq •}& - V - fr uosirpqoH of the rookie who has no untU Bowie Kuhn and company aor - 8 appBf 'uBjSjssg jpnuo - 8 bargaining power whatsoever. He begin to realize that their hopes that he can make the team problem lies with more excite- noq - x 66 OJ UBJ38AVS - L and establish his name. He may ment and less traditionalism, i sjjods uojnoiBH *ma - 9 not bargain with teams othei baseball will have past its time. )SBI 0} SJ9MSUV aazooa qog - s Page 12 Pandora's Box Thursday, December 3, 1970 "HE DREW A CIRCLE THAT SHUT ME OUT HERETIC, REBEL A THING TO FLOUT BUT LOVE AND I HAD THE WIT TO WIN WE DREW A CIRCLE THAT TOOK HIM

Edwin Markham

A Human Relations Workshop is scheduled for Intersession - the week-end of January 22-24, 1971 (Friday evening-Sunday).

The focus of the program is on en- hancing awareness of one's experience in relationship with other people. Participants will share various group experiences throughout the week-end.

The Workshop is open to all students- those without prior group involvement as well as those who have had group experience on and off campus.

The subsidized cost per student is $25.00.

Participation in the program is limited. Applications — which are available at the Student Development Center - 50-51 Cloverdale Blvd. (2nd house down from the Bayside Oaks Jewish Center) — must be returned by December 16th, 1970.

Human Relations Weekend Division of Counseling & Student Development York College of the City University Of New York