PANDORA'S VOL. V NO. !< York College of the City University of New York, Bayside-Jamaico, New York Thursday, Doc. 3, 1970 Architect's sketch showing New York Boulevard, one of the and administration building at right are connected by the bridge main thoroughfares which would provide north-south access to fine-arts group at left. Master plan for 50-acre campus In throigh the York College cpmpus and link business areas to south Jamaica, Queens, N.Y., is by Snibbe/Tafel/Lindhol m the lorth with residential fea to the south. In sketch, library architects-planners. The master u'.an for York Col- munity as a cultural, educational, the IND line through York's cam- ber of residents, problems of vertical separation of space ac- lege's $62.fi mi: lion York College and recreational resource. In pus, with a station on the campus relocation, land use, etc. cording to circulation and use campus to repk.ee i 50acre area this regard, many of the campus' will be readily accessible. Planners recommend a simul- characteristics. An underground iri Jamaica .vas approved and facilities such as the library, the Priorities for tho acquisition taneous development of the entire level provides service, kitchen, released on November 24 by the 1,750 seat auditorium, the 500- of parcels within the site have campus, with phasing used only and mechanical equipment areas; Board of Higher Education. The seat theater, the art gallery, been established by the Housing to accommodate contracting and ground level facilities are de- campus is one of the country's gymnasium, swimming pool, and and Development Administration. constiiiction. iirst to be plannec as an inner- athletic field are located to Priorities are, based on the num- The master plan features a (Continued on page 3) city senior college campus encourage broad public use. planned from inception to serve The ca.mpus is also viewed as tis a resource for its local com- a "link between communities Pandora's Advisor Leaves York munity. The last entirely new hitherto divided-a predominantly campus in the GUN if was Brook- white middle class area, includ- lyn College, Dpered in 1937.ing Jamaica's central business Based on Enrollment projec- district, to the north, and a tions of son:«: 6,000 full-time 'largely black, blighted area to the Joel Barkan Goes With O.E.0. indergraduate and graduate stu- south.' " To accomplish this the Joel W. Barkan has resigned dent? by 1975, the master plan planners recommend that the col- from York College to take the calls for consli-uction of nine two lege have a main traffic flow position of Director of Public to seven story bull iings between through the campus north to Affairs and Congressional Re- 1972 and t>ie and of 1976 on the south. The buildings would be lations for the Office of Economic south Jamaica site bounded by a sited on either side of Liberty Opportunity, the federal anti- main line of the Long Island Avenue, which would bisect the poverty agency. Railroad, 159iii Street, South site east to west. A pedestrian bridge over Liberty Ave. would In his new post, Mr. Barkan Koad, and ].65U. Street. will be responsible for planning '[fie master plan'vas developed link the north and south parts of the campus. and executing information and ty planners, York College and legislative progran s for the CUNY in cooperation with the To the north of the avenue would general public as well as Con- Jamaica community leaders, the be a cluster of buildings around gressman, Senators, Governors City Planning Con mission, and a central open quadrangle; the and other elected officials. He the New York City Housing and fine arts and theater building; will also be involved in the D e v e 1 o p m e n t Ac ministration. the administration building; and overall planning for the OEO The plan is adopted by the Board a garage and parking field. A region. of Higher Education and must science building, planned to be In various roles on the campus also be approved by the Board of constructed immediately is also' as public relations man, faculty Regents and the Governor. to be located in the north sector advisor to Pandora:; Box, etc., The projectoi cost of the con- of the site. Joel Barkan has maintained £ struction will bsfin meed through The Physical Education com- unique rapport with faculty the CUNY Construe ion Fund and plex, auditorium, athletic fields, and students alike. In many •Jit' Dormitorv Aulhority of the and a second garage will be ways, to a great deal of stu- i State of New Y ;rk. located on the south .side of dents, he was sort of a Idealizing tlio "new role" of Liberty Ave. Thirteen acres of counselor-at-large. •Jis-titutions of higher education the site are devoted to outdoor "Collectively, the students MI society a no in tlie local com- atliletic usage. at York are :;i magnificent group," munity, and York's -specialcon- Parking for 2,000 cars will be Mr. Barkan commented. "The cern with the ci iditi cms and prob- provided for by two parking gar- motivation and idealism of the lems of urban . ife, ' the campus ages and lots. The area is served students gives hope! that there Joel W. Barkan, Assistant Director of Public Re- was designed -:o be completely by the IND and BMT subways, ca„«.n. b^ e meaningfu.,.c^SiUli sociao>^l an„„d. lations, resigns to take Regional Directorship- open to the surrounding com- 30 bus routes, and the Long munity, and would sorve the com- Island Rail Road. An extension of political change in our society. position with O.E.0. Page 2 Pandora's Box Thursday, December 3, 1970 By the year 2,000 the population of the earth will be 7 billion. This article is the second in a series which will deal with contraceptives, abortions and venereal disease. Pandora's Box feels that in- 180,000 people are born every 24 hours. formation about these social concerns and a com- prehensive survey of the different free and low cost services and clinics available to the student body has value. The sole purpose of these articles is to inform our readers. It is your own decision 10% of all U.S. births are illegitimate. whether or not you wish to obtain contraceptives, or terminate your pregnancy. We are only pre- senting several agencies that can help you. 9,500 babies were born to 15 year old girls last year. On July 1, 1970, New York State put into directly to City hospitals and doctors. The" effect its new liberal abortion law, that en- fee at City Hospitals is generally between ables any woman to obtain an abortion with $100 and 200.00 There is, however, a waiting the consent of her physician, provided she is list sometimes as long as two or three weeks. not: more than 24 weeks into her pregnancy. The Abortion Information Agency also pro- After a pregnancy has been confirmed by vides information and referrals. Their num- a pregnancy test, there are absolutely no ber is 873-6650. The service operates seven pills or drugs, or any of the thousands of days a week between eight A.M. and ten P.M. home remedies that have been tried at one The Women's Medical Group operates a time or another that will cause her to abort clinic at 133 East 73 Street in Manhattan. safely. There are however various methods The phone number for appointments is 472- now employed by doctors which are rea- 9164. They do abortions up to twelve weeks sonably safe, and .the specific method a doctor and provide a free pregnancy test. They chooses to employ is generally determined handle approximately ninety women a day, by the length of the pregnancy and by the fa- and can accommodate you usually within a cilities available. few days. The abortion is performed in the The most common method used up to 12 morning and the patient is released that weeks of pregnancy is called the D&C. This night. If any problems arise she can call procedure includes the artificial stretching the center for help. The cost is $200.00 of the uterus by means of graduated dilators. inclusive. These are a series of rods, each slightly They refer women to private hospitals larger than the previous one. The cervix up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. This agency which is rather small must be stretched to guarantees placement within 24 hours. They the size of a man's thumb. After dilation make all the arrangements including the doc- the uterine contents are removed, with a cup tor, hospital, and all laboratory tests. The shaped instrument known as a curette. cost is all inclusive. The D&C is done up The other method that is used up to 12 to twelve weeks, and the cost is $275.00, weeks is the vacuum pump method. The and the patient is released the same day she uterus is dilated, and then a tube is inserted is admitted. into the uterus and the contents are sucked After fourteen weeks the saline solution out. This newer method is safer and usually method is used, and the cost is about $650.00. painless. The womb is emptied in two or The women are required to be at least seven- three minutes. There is also less chance teen years of age for either procedure. The of perforating the uterus and less blood loss. agency caters basically to out of state people.
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