Nixon Remains Silent on Dumping Agnew
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Newsman Arrested in Riots Is Found Guilty SEE STORY BELOW Sunny and Mild Sunny and mild today and to- THEDAILY FINAL morrow. Clear, cool tonight., Red Bulk, Freehold Cloudy, cool Saturday. Long Branch EDITION (En Details, Pn» 3) I 7 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 88 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1970 38 PAGES TEN CENTS ••••IlllllilllllllllH Nixon Remains Silent On Dumping Agnew CHICAGO (AP) - Presi- along in the campaign," The story, published in the Harry Dent, one of Nixon's linois, one In Omaha, Neb., dent Nixon, carrying his Nixon replied. Dallas Times Herald, was chief political lieutenants, one in Rochester, Minn., then cross-country .Republi- While his response seemed distributed by the Washing- said of the Bush-for-vice-presi- in San Jose, Calif., and then can campaign to the Pacific noncommittal, and he never ton Post-Los Angeles Times dent story, "There's nothing in San Clemente, Calif.," he Coast today, is keeping open has publicly committed him- news service and was written to it." ' said. his option on whether to back self to backing Agnew for by David Broder. Ronald L. Zlcglor, Nixon's Ttie President's immediate Vice President Spiro T. Ag- renomihation, the chief ex- Jim Allison, deputy chair- press secretary, said today, mission in Illinois was to new as his 1972 running mate. ecutive added a few words man of the Republican Na- ""There has been absolutely boost Ealph Tyler Smith for certain to encourage his vice Before flying to Illinois last no discussion by the Presi- an elected term in the Senate. president: "I must say that tional Committee, said, "I night, Nixon was asked in dent and his principal aides Republican Smith, according he is one of the great cam- wish they'd run that story Texas about a published re- about the 1972 vice presiden- to Illinois polls, is the distinct paigners of all ... I think next week . It doesn't port that Agnew might be tial nomination — or even underdog in his contest with he is doing a wonderful job." help." dumped from the GOP ticket whether he will himself be Democrat Adlai E. Stevenson It was understood that Ag- Allison apparently theorized in 1972 in favor of Rep. a candidate for reelection." III. new placed a concerned tele- that Texans might interpret George Bush, provided Bush Smith was appointed to the phone call to the White the published account as an Nixon scheduled for today wins a hotly contested Senate Senate vacancy left by the House after reading the re- administration "plant" to win what he jokingly termed "a race in the Lone Star State. death of Everett M. Dirksen, port that lie might be side- their votes and react against rather light day." to serve until the general "I'll cover that as I get tracked. it. "I have two meetings in Il- election. Newsman in Riots Fined By AL HORAY rioters. All newsmen and that he saw the newsman throught the policeman was talking into the microphone ASBURY PARK - Myron other civilians, the lieutenant again in the police line "push- shooting at the man but that during the episode. Dell Wade, an ABC-TV and said, remained behind the po- ing troopers aside" to see he did not hit him. The newsman testified lie radio newsman, was found lice line except Mr. Wade. what was going on. He then Both Lt. Hogalski and Mr. was reporting the action for guilty in Municipal Court Lt. Rogalski testified that testified that Mr. Wade ig- Wade testified that he was (Sec TV, Pg. 2) yesterday of two counts of in- he was the commander of a nored a second order to terfering with police officers, group of about 60 to 80 troop- leave the police line and that and was exonerated of a ers and area police. He said he ordered nearby officers to charge of assaulting a police the force was being pelted by "place that man under ar- officer during the July 7 riot firebombs, rocks, bottles and rest." here. other debris during their Officer Barrett told the Acting City Court Judge march eastward on Spring- judge that he and a trooper Andrew Wilson fined the wood Ave. took Mr. Wade into custody newsman $100 on each of the He said he followed the line and were returning him to two counts. He ruled, how- of police, which stretched the rear area, when he ever, that the state failed to across the street, to direct struggled with them and sev- prove that Mr. Wade inten- their activities. eral more policemen arrived tionally assaulted Special Of- The lieutenant told Judge to aid in subduing the news- ficer Patrick Barrett. Wilson that he then saw Mr. man. State Police Lt. Joseph Ro- Wade walking beside him and Officer Barrett later galski charged the man with talking into a microphone, charged Mr. Wade with in- interfering with police offi- which was attached to a por- terfering with police officers cers after being ejected, table tape recorder. and with.kicking him while NIXON SPEAKS TO PACKED HOUSE — President Richard M. Nixon campaign- •from a "dangerous area" on "What the hell are you do- he was making the arrest. one occasion and refusing to ing here?" the state police of- ing in St. Petersburg, Fla., appeals to a packed house at the Bayfront Auditorium incident Described leave the area after return- ficer quoted himself. "Get Mr. Wade later testified for voters to give him a -Republican congress in next week's election. ing moments later. out of here." that he was told once to re- (AP Wirephoto) Lt. Rogalski t61d the judge Orders Ignored turn to a safe area and that that Mr. Wade was following He said Mr. Wade made.nd ,he- retreated "about 10 to 15 state and local police during move to follow orders and feet." He said he then ad- a tactical move on Spring- •that he ordered nearby police vanced again to watch a wood Ave. westward from the officers to take him back to trooper "apparently" shoot- Gross Raps Williams railroad tracks against a riot- the railroad tracks. ing at an upper window or a ous mob facing police near Patrolman Barrett later roof of a nearby building. Lincoln Ave. said he was the officer who He said that another troop- He said he told newsmen "forced" Mr. Wade back er "emptied his gun" at a to stay back as troopers and about 150 feet and told him man standing 15 or 20 feet Over Strike Law Issue local police "moved out" to stay there. away near a building. He from the tracks toward the Lt; Rogalski told the Judge added, however, that he fly JAMES RUBIN eliminating strike pay for The leaflet said the workers NEWARK (AP) — Republi- workers. could have started receiving can Senate candidate Nelson Gross conceded that he wa^ the benefits on Oct. 26 if the G. Gross says his opponent,is not able to authenticate that law were still in effect. • making a "cynical" Williams was behind the bro- Repealed In '68 place blame on the GOP can- chures. But he charged that Williams Is Confident The Democratic-controlled didate for- repeal of. a state the strike pay issue was the legislature enacted the law in law granting benefits to strik- ' latest effort in his opponent's 1967 but it was repealed in ing workers. "cynical" campaign to win 1968 when Republicans gained In a television Interview re-election. He'll Win Reelection control. yesterday, Gross charged The flier urged United Auto NEWARK (AP) - Republi- Washington showed Gross The law granted benefits been released by GOP Nation- that a flier was being dis- Workers at General Motors can polls notwithstanding, leading Williams by 45 per- beginning in the seventh week al Chairman Rogers C.B. tributed urging support of plants in New. Jersey to op- , Democratic Sen. Harrison A. centage points to 41 points, of a strike. Morton. "Democratic Sen. Harrison A. pose Gross because he had Williams Jr. says he is going with the rest going to minor Williams told labor rallies Williams Jr. because it said deprived them of $72 a week Gross also charged that to win reelection next Tues- candidates or being unde- in Newark and Harrison that Gross was responsible for in strike pay. Williams has "worked hand- day — "and win big." cided. "we are going to win and win in-hand with Democratic ma- At least three times yester- Dispute Poll big." chines over the years and is a day he predicted victory over A Williams aide, however And he called for "a smash- machine politician." his Republican challenger, claimed that the senator's ing victory that would be a Court Rules Unions Gross appeared on Channel Nelson G. Gross. staff had learned there was clear signal to the Nixon ad- 13's New Jersey Speaks. Wil- The predictions came after no poll at all. He would not ministration that it will have liams was interviewed on the a Republican poll released In elaborate. The figures had to change its economic pol- SUPPORT FOR KENNEDY — Henry Finkof. 7-foot same show earlier but the two icies." Bqiron Celtics center, gots handshake from Edward Must Avoid Bias men did not confront each Sees Victory M. Kennedy aftor the II. S. senator hostod a cof- other. • Earlier in the day at a tap- NEWARK (AP) — A federal judge has directed that a Gross Seen Leading ing in New York of WOR-TV's fee and doughnut broakfast for a group of New Jersey building trades union not discriminate against Slate Economy Is New Jersey report, Williams prominent athletes from tho Boston Patriots, Celtics, minority groups for membership.