,..........--------------------~-------------,-------::-;,---,--~----~----...- / Rhode Island's Only I. Greatest Newspaper Independent Weekly The JewisbHeriIII in Rhode Island' VOL. XXXVII, No. 24 FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1952 PROVIDENCE, R. I. TWELVE PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY List Pay Scale For Communal Workers NEW YORK-About 40,000 per­ ~ange to $10,000 a year. Those D. P. Commission Due to End sons are making a living in the employed in the fi eld for five years United States by serving the reli­ or more average about $6,000 a gious, cultural and communal year. needs of American Jewry. Several In the field of Jewish education August 31; Truman l,ssues Orders thousand persons are engaged in salaries range from $3,200 to $8,000 the rabbinate alone. Their annual a year for teachers and from $6,- salaries range from $4,000 to $6,- 000 to $12,000 or more for educa­ McCarran Act 00 and after about ten years of tional directors in executive posi­ Settle Dispute In service they average $8,000. In tions. addition, depending on· the size of About 3,500 men and women are Held To Blame their congregations, they enjoy engaged as professionals in J ewish Waad, Hacashruth fees from weddings, unveilings and communal vocations. A substan­ • WASHINGTON-President Tru­ bar-mitzvahs which range from tial number of executive jobs in Final settlement of the lengthy ma'l this week signed an Executive $25 to $50 in smaller communities this field bring 'salaries ranging dispute between separate elements Order turning over to the State to double that sum in larger com­ from $6,000 to $15,000 and more a within the Waad Hacashruth of Department the task of liquidat­ munities. Some rabbis, however, year. The greatest bulk of Jews Providence, Inc. was announced ing the · Displaced Persons Com.­ do not accept fees for services In J ewish social work are non­ by Harry Stutman, an official of mission. rendered to members of their con­ executive, starting at about $3 ,000. the organization, following a spe­ The Commission's tenure will gregations. Rabbis of large con­ cial meeting held Monday at 86 Some 1,300 Jewish social workers come to an end on Aug. 31, a little gregations enjoy salaries of $10,- Jefferson Street. more than four years after the 000 to $20,000 and more, although are engaged in Jewish community The end of the long battle was centers, "Y's", Hillel Foundations, first Displaced Persons Law was the latter are few. signified by a Superior Court order passed in June, 1948. Orthodox cantors receive salaries Zionist and fraternal organiza­ dismissing a Jan. 15 injunction averaging between $2,500 and tions. Salaries \n this field range that prevented action from being The President made no com­ $5,000 a year. Cantors in Con­ from _about $(000 to, $15,000 a taken on a proposed amendment ment, but it can be assumed that servative synagogues enjoy salaries year. About aOO professional work­ to the constitution adding two lo­ he signed the order grudgingly, from $5,000 to $10,000 a year. Like ers are employed by Jewish or­ cal rabbis to the rabbinical board. since the passing of the Commis­ the rabbis, the cantors also have ganizations combatting anti-Semi­ The rabbis are charged with the sion will deprive the Government additional sources of income from tism. Their salaries range from enforcement of kashruth in all of an agency to handle a problem weddings, funerals, etc. about $4,000 to $15,000 a year, with public kosher establishments in still considered critical by the Synagogue administrators start a few running higher. this city. White House. with a salary of about $3,500 and More than 200 professional According to Stutman, the in­ ARTHUR WEINFELD, 23, of .- The Commission first under the workers are employed by Jew­ junction was thrown out because Detroit, assumes a pose farriiliar chairmanship of lJgo Carusi, and ish organizations as fund-raisers. Judge Andrews of Superior Court to thousands of draftees through- now headed by John W. Gibson, . ./-- Salaries for fund-raisers start at declared it is not unconstitutional out the nation as he is examined waS responsible for bringing a bout Israel lnd_emnity $5 ,000 a year, but salaries of $10,- to amend a constitution. by Dr. Alfred Goldfaden, at the 315 ,000 displaced and homeless 000 and more are not unusual for As a result of the recent court Detroit Induction Center. Making persons from Europe to this coun­ (Con_tinued on· Page 2) (Continued on Pare Z) the picture significant is the fact try. All were primarily victims _Draft Approved that Weinfeld is the l ;000,000th of the last war and its aftermath. inductee since the outbreak of the The Displaced Persons Act faci!i- THE HAGUE, Netherlands - Korean War. tated their migration. Agreement was announced last Educator Blames Parents for Bad The law, passed initially for two week on the first draft of a treaty years and then extended for one -under which West Germany will Advice·on Children's Marria<;1e Army Officials more, closed the doors on most pay Israel comper.sation be!i2ved displaced persons last Dec. 31, and j to total $715,000,000 for Jewish WILDACRES, N. C.-A leading good marriage; or that there must Attend Ceremony for the remainder in a separate victims of Nazism. category, on June 30 . Jewish teacher of ethics blamed be several karats to the ring, To unassuming Arthur Wein­ Gershon Avner, spokesman of About 300,000 Resettled the Israeli delegation to the com­ Jewish parents for giving their otherwise Rosie will sneer at you; feld, a ·23 -year-old Detroiter who pensation conference here, said children the wrong advice when it 6r that there must be a two-tone holds a bachelor's degree in poli­ Mr. Gibson reported last Jan . 2 the treaty would be kept secret comes to weighing a marriage pro­ car?" tical science from Wayne Univer­ that all of the 336 ,000 visas au­ "until we have explained it to the posal. He urged the girls to marry "I think all that is abominable!" sity, fell the distinction of becom­ thorized by Congress had been as­ , Jewish people." for "the beautiful thing called was Rabbi Jung's blast. "What ing the nation's millionth draftee signed to eligible immigrants, and No agreement has been an­ love" rather than for the material we do is force our girls, whom we since the Korean War started in that about 300,000 of the recipients . nounced as yet on the treaty be­ things of life. teach the sweetness of purity .and June, 1950. had actually resettled in the tween the West Germans and the Addressing one of the closing all the rest of it, to wait for a His answer to the hubbub which United States. world Jewry delegation to the con­ sessions of the B'nai B'rith Insti­ bachelor who has waited long surrounded his being named Mr. The 336,000 eligible for entry ference. It is expected that the tute of J udaism here, Rabbi Leo enough to have made his pile and 1,000 ,000 was a simple, "Well, I into the United States comprised de I e g a ti on representing J ews Jung, N. Y. spiritual leader and have a very good income. And we guess I have to go anyway, don't about 30 per cent of all European around the world will accept the mem.ber of the faculty or1 Yeshiva don't ask what are the conse- I ?" displaced persons resettled, and German· offer of $107,000,000. University, laid the blame on the quences." The Army, as well as state and was the largest number taken by There· was no official indication parents for the stress put by young He recommended that Jewish national figures who converged on any nation. Total cost of the re­ of the sum agreed on for Israel, people today on material aspects parents would do better to instruct Detroit to participate in the cere­ settlement program has been esti­ but it is believed that Israel has pf marri~ge. their daughters: "The only thing monies, left Weinfeld a tired young mated at $100,601,000. accepted the German offer of "Where is it written on Mount that matters is to find a fine, de- man when it was all over, and also About 46 per cent of the dis­ $715,000,000 in goods. Sinai or in the Constitution of the cent. clean upright boy . Get gave rise to a bit of joking from placed persons admitted to the Avner estimated that the final U. S. that you must get married married and live in one room. Get his fellow draftees. But Weinfeld United States by last January were and agreed English text of the with a five -room apartment in a marriecl and live without mink took it all in stride. · Roman Catholic, 35 per cent were treaty with Israel would be ready good section of the city?" the coats, Get married without an At Wayne, he was a member ·or Protestant and Orthodox church, in about 12 days. Orthodox spiritual leader wanted expensive wedding, Get married Sigma Alpha Mu, national social 19 per cent were Jews, and about It was learned that the combined to know, "or that your husband without a showy honeymoon . .Oet . fraternity, of which group he was 1 per cent were "other and un­ sum covering both the Israel and must earn so and so much mone}"; married for the beautiful thing president. He was still attending known." world Jewry claims would be paid or that a mink coat is part .of a called love." the university, working on a mas­ A final report, covering four to Israel in the form of goods.
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