Bra and Jenale De Cammw an@ Xt= Anabl ment of the north end Boundary on the TIM Wei~mor 8OL Luas of Wellsburg, W. V. Dyrenforth tract of land. H. ZIRKIN, A iesolnvam was altered requesting that Mrs. Lydia A. Crutchield and Mrs. Umm. the Commsmmoners recommend to Congress Importer and Mfr. of High-Grade Furs EIBROP 5*A!N3nE C. Reed f LouisvIlle. Ky.: Mrs. Rosa P: that all of lot A. in the subdivision of lJni- & Bro. Fourteenth St. O1gIOZA5P1E Cooke of Worthington, Ind.; Mrs. M. A. versity Park. and all of lot 14, In block 18; Lansburgh 825 Hanenman of New Alnny, Ind.. and Mrs. and lot 14 In block 18. in Meridian Hill. be AT THE EPIPEANT TODAY. A. F. Triggs of Wilmington. Del., are visit- condemned, and that lot 20 and lot 11. block Ing their brother. N. R. Young at TV7 8th 12, Meridian Mill' be also condemned and street northeasm dedicated an a public reservation. Silk Values of Beautiful of Mr. A. Fry offered a resolution to the ef- Importance. Wedding im. Ingraham Robert Farnham Swayse, formerly of this fect that a bill be prepared to open 17eth and Kr. J'ewett-Other EJtri- city, but for the past eleven years In New street from Fiorida avenue to the Wal- A announcement. Satisfaction is the York. was married Wednesday, October 9, bridge subdivision or Park street. It was highly important key- In His bride was Miss Adelaide can be said about these moanal Events-Notee, Brookly. adepted. note to every yard offered. The best that Noyes-of Brooklyn. N. Y. Two new members were elected. Pauw E. silks is none too but the we wish to dwell on with Sleman and James M. Fisher. good, point 'Establishment Mr. and Mrs. George H. Shannon have re- A resolution I the menu- bhepherd is the littleness of the fur turned from a idorsing particular emphasis prices. 'lshop Satterlee performed the marriage short visit In Maryland. ment fund was unanimously Passed by the T is with much that I announce the open- 1 a "Wenefrma leading pleasure ceremon'y at haLf-past twelie today for association. Donald McPherson offered Importer 25os- _ Mr. and Mrs. Willie Drummond of St. resolution the odlcers and mem- si olre;"ir"L,:-",ur;"a:"ab2i Gros de Chamois. ing of my new and up-to-date Fur establishment Miss Anne Ingraham and Mr. Hugh J. Jqw- Paul. Minn.. spent last week in the city thanking which has the popular favor; in the following . bers of the G. A. R. citizens' committee I A material strictly this seasonu' produetIet a full ett of at the Church of the after an absence of shades: enk, light bl'e - 11101 iat the above address, where will find 'paltiviore twenty years, visiting for the success of the encampment. seda. cardinal. cream, white and vr soft and brilliant: will clean Sice. his mother and friends. Dot 24 wide; to and stock of Furs always j Epiphany. The ceremony was originaBy Mr. L. P. Shoemaker offered a resolution *black. 85ce. value. Speciald. followingil crush:shadings:full Navy,incheslight blue, pik,-the complete High-Grade for Church and for late of the increased taxation on planned St. John's Mrs. W. V. Sullivan. wife of the ex-sena- protest against cardinal, castor and maize; hand. this afternoon, but to the go- of realty, which was adopted. Nile,black, white and cream. fur owing repairs tor, has just returned home after joining Pancy StripedMoirey . An experience of nine years in the wholesale ing on there, other arrangements had to be her mother. Mrs. Newman, at Atlantic City elcal, yard...... for the month of Velour de Chine. business in , also representing leading made several weeks ago. The chancel was September. F'NNEL IN THIS CITT.- Crepe furriers and for the with the beautifully adorned with palms and foliage Mr. and Mrs. E. have re- For or is We carry the most complete lue of shad- abroad, past eight years George Corbett your evening dinner gown. There plants. The ushers who seated the large to to re- Alleged Professional Hotel Thief Held no newer or handsomer material; very soft. ings In the city. We cal Ope- well-known firm of Mess'rs. -B. H. Stinemetz & Son of turned the- city and will be pleased rich andi lustrous _In the Ial attention to our 24-inch gathering were Messrs. Robert Garrett, ceive their friends at 820 6th street south- for the Grana following combina- 79c. this entitles me to consideration of Jury. tions: Reseda and uhite, white and black. Crepe de ClIns. Special. city, the favorable Wilitaip Keyser, Jr.; Hanson Thomas. J. W. west. Roball E. Fennel. the alleged geofessional light blue and white, navy and white, pink In the following Shadings: Light blue, hs savr pink, cator, gray, old rose. light green. car-I persons interested. Lord, Benjamin Griswold, Markham Mar- Mr. Frank M. Smith and Miss Alice A. hotel thief who was recently arrested in ,yhandsomeh nd mterial.T l s 1U'L inal and a h t I Speclal,a v r many others. Among my former patrons are ladies of the Exec- shall. Richard Bayard, all of Baltimore; W. Hunter were quietly married this morning Baltimore and given a hearing before Syardont...... mwma~e. .0k - at 10 o'clock at the Fancy Striped Silks. utive the senators P. Reeves. Robinson Molinard and William residence of Mr. James Unitei States Commissioner Rogers, as pub- Mansion, cabinet, diplomatic corps, S. Scott of L. Ewin. In the presence of a few relatives New York. Mr. D. A. Buell of and friends, Rev. L. B. Wilson lished in yesterday's Star. was brought here 51 Black Peau de Sole. manufacturer 5rda ofathes ilkstin and congressmen. New York was best man. performing or re- The bride came the ceremony. The couple left for New today by Marshfal Langhammer and turned o yard Fur Garments to order and altering in church with her York after the On these values we invite comparison: lentho to be h on Mabing brother, Mr. N. Gibbs Ingraham, and was ceremony. over to the marshal. Before he was coin- 6-inch Black Pean de Sole. worth less than $1.00. $1.15 or Furs in the most style will be impor- net at the chancel the and mitted to jail to await the action of the $1.50.....$1.19 pairing approved grill by groom friends and relatives witnessed a 36-inch Black Peau de Sole, 52.0N) .... $1.411 $1.50.1IncthesYour choice for...... his man. Many he was fowingvr sadngs ightblu... tant features of this business. Her bridal dress was of event grand jury taken to police head- 24-inch Black Pean de Sole. $1.39.....$1.0 white satin, very with in- very happy which took place at the quarters. where he was measured and 23-inch Black Peau de Sole. $1.0)..... 79c. Black Moire Velour. I to of a call from and richly trimmed parsonage of the Douglas Memorial M. E. pho- 19-inch Black Peno de Sole, 8c...... 63c. hope have the pleasure. you, sertions of old lace. Her tulle veil, worn tographed for the gallery. During the time The fabric for back from the was Church today noon. when Mr. H. Claude he was at your coat: extend a courteous invitation to my stock, face, held by orange Turner were mar- headquarters he talked freely to 2 inspect blossoms. Her was roses and Miss Virgie Wagoner the officers about 1.000) of "Paco this fabric Inches wide; very soft; .. . bouquet of bride ried by the Rev. S. M. Hartsock. The everything but his case. yards Silk;" in 2627 Inches $1.49 whether intend or not. and lilies of the par- -Me-gave his as and every ipolta. street and evening shade; you wide; very Soft; $1.00. .10 you purchasing valley. sonage was very beautifully decorated wIth age twenty-one years can rely upon the strength and 27 inches wide: very soft; $1.75. 1.10 The wedding breakfast followed at the flowers. Mr. Turner and his bride will said he was born at Jacksonville. Fla. The wear of this 2 Information cloth; 19 Inches wide, e wide: very soft: $1.2 98c residence, 14263 K street, which Mr. Ingra- leave this for an extended tour received by the police yester- and very brilliant. 59c. value. 20 nches wide: very soft: ham has taken for this month. evening day was that his mother lives pecial ...... d aInc ie S. $1.00. A very through New York state and will also visit in New Or- St. elaborate floral ornamentation brightened friends in New Jersey. At their return leans. As he was committed for the ac- Ho the rooms tIon of the 14th and the room, here case Zrkin,825 drawing dining they will open their new home at No. 1917 grand jury Vennel's where the guests were seated around small 9th street. will not be taken to the Police Court. Importer and Mfr. of High-Grade Furs. Late of B. H. Stinemetz tables during the serving of the meal. Late this Sale of BcrureauScarfs & Son. afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jewett left for Judge Advocate General Davis has gone X A RRID. 27msichedw ude; Serys$,u ....11 their honeymoon trip and upon Its conclu- to Mobile, Ala., to visit his married daugh- At Our Linen Dept. sion will return to Baltimore to reside. ter and to bring home Mrs. Davis, who has BELr-PARKER. At Naval Home. Philadelphia. The bride is a of the late D. P. Pa.. October 14. 1902. Dr. WM. HEMPHILL Size 134 Pure Linen German ~ 4ize 1854 Fine Quality 7 daughter been there for several weeks. BELL. U. S. N., and ELEANOR YORIKE m a cmask BurpsyrSc2fsScarfdSpnchelofithePrde;,ematitchedSvery.... 5oft;$'0s.... I. Ingraham of New York and niece of Judge PARKER. of Medical Director J. B. . daughter edfringe.21. Special price innOura George L. Ingraham of that city. The re- ...-lesir.44 S. N. Size 24b54Linen tScarf.cial pricewith...... open work. Sp;e * cent death of the bride's father made the QUESTION OF MOSAIC LAW. Pure HemT- Size foxr0 Shams towatch: $1 occasion of today much quieter than it had SMITH-HUNTER. At the residence of Mr. Jam's wermdan veasakBureoft;$1.75.....25. L. EwIn. 1817 15th street northwest. on October Sntithed 2t been at first planned. Last night Mr. In- A to Be Set- Scarfs. Special price...... e itchesideBreurfs graham a dinner Wedding Complication 1&. 1902. at 10 a.m., by Rev. L. B. Wilson. Mr. 1 gave family party to the FRANK M. SMITH and Miss ALICE A. HUN- with open work ...... $2... bride and groom to meet the relatives al- tled by Jewish Rabbis. both of * l8x542Pure Lin2n Hem- Size Shamsvery to match $1.75. TER, Washington. -stitched ready assembled. In this company, all of According to Information received from Sizee PlaIn Linen Bureau I~jCsie 30x30 Hematitched Squares,- whom were present at the church today, Scarfs.~~~~~~~~~~oSeilrie------sutable for table covers or shamse.YC P St.. Cor. Uth.* were Baltimore the bride of Sam Oren, who left SSpecial price...... 3 Mrs. Reginald Ward, sister 'of the bride, Miss-Virginia Ingraham, Mr. and her husband the day after their marriage, DIED. Size 24x24 Plain IAnen 3836 Fine Quality Mrs. George M. Jewett of as stated In yesterday's Star, has not yet stitched Squares, with Open work.Hem- Scallop d Tea Special :actor. 14th Storage Warenouse. 22d and U. Maryland, pa- BARNEI. Suddenly. at her residence. 224 D street Special price...... I price...... Size Cloths. . Furniture of. rents of the groom; Mrs. Victor Newcomb ibeen located. Joe Goldberg. who Is alleged southwest. Monday evening, October 13, 1902, of New York and several of the ushers. to have married Mis Mar!e acc rd- at 11 o'clock, AMIJA A. BARNES. the be- Mattres and Concir Factory. 1210-12 D at Roypen, loved daughter of Henrietta Gilbert and foster Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hibbs have removed ing to the laws of the Orthodox Hebrew daughter of J. D. Baltimore. Art and frorn their summer home at North Chevy faith by placing a ring on a finger and put- Funeral from Metplitan Wesley Zion Church. D Important of Upholsteries. Chase to 1501 Park street between and 3d southwest, Thurs-iay street, Columbia ting a coin in her hand, is also missing. at 1 o'clock. With them are Mrs. Exclusiveness Heights. Hibbs' mother Relatives of the parties are satisfied that Lace Curtains. Tapestry Portieres. and sister, Mrs. and Miss Harrington. CLARK. On Tuesday. October 14. 1902. at 6 p.m., r-tec tional Largain - .ale Oriental Stripe Tapestry Por- In This she is with Goldberg. whom she had known SAMURL T. CLARK, husband of the late Jose- SOne ot Scotch Lace Curtains; utieres. fringe top and hottom and loved for several phine Clark. father of Annie Brown and Sarah values. Yesterday at Buffalo, N. Y., a beautiful probably years. Oren, $2.25 f,-r...... $.85 Special...... Showing of wedding took place in the of the the wants to J. Ryan. Curtins; chapel disappointed groom, charge Funeral from his daughter's residence, Sarah J. stced ues. th k.6cHalf Merceried Tapestry Portieres; self Blessed Sacrament, the groom -being Mr. the fair one with bigamy or some other Ryan. 904 K street southeast, on Thursday. S$3.00 vlefr...... $ 69 colors: beautiful patterns; $4.50 Philip V. Mohun of this city. paymaster, offense. hoping to place her In a position to October 16. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends One lot Irish Lace Cur- values. * U. to * . .nt $. for...... S. N., and the bride Miss Mabel Estelle make her repent and perhaps return to him. invited attend. Meredith, daughter of Mrs. Sullivan The three orthodox rabbis of the Baltimore tainm:p5.50values, forn...... extra heavy Draperies, Upholsteries Amory DAYTON. At his residence in Camden. N. J., One lot Real Lace Curtains; $798 Tanestr Portieres: 4.50 Meredith of Mt. Verion, N.Y. Right Rev. synagogues will meet and set tle the ques- October 1902. AARON OGDEN DAYTON. $ values, for ...... O..m..n..a...e $50 v u f 14, Bishop Conaty of the Catholic University tion whether Goldberg or Oren is the wo- son of the late Aaron Ogden Dayton of Wash- - Mercerized Tapestry Portieres, officiated, assisted by a number of priests. man's husband in the eyes of the Mosaic D. C. * colors aetan and Curtains. ington, self new Lace desigot Two small Granite Art values, for...... pages, Master Julian Meredith law. What the young woman will do when Squares. $7.00 1 and Master William Breed of Lancaster, their decision Is reached is a matter of con- GUDE. On Wednesday. October 15, 1902, at 11:20 Handsome. durable and inexpensive. --It's only natural, perhaps, that we Pa., lead the bridal procession, followed jecture. a.m., Mrs. FREDERICA A. GUDE. Sr.. at the The 3x2% yards for ...... $4. residence of her son, Wm. F. Gude, 3000 New The 3x5 yards on the by the ushers, Mr. Stuart A. Lansing and Hampshire avenue. The 3x4 for...... $.50for Jute myrnaRugs. should be looked tosupply inspira Mr. Gerrett B. of Buffalo and * yards ...... $4.50 JueSwyrna Rugs; size S0xOG - Lansing Notice of funeral hereafter. The 3x5 Yards for ones, for... 98C, GEORGETOWN NEWS...... $5.75 $1.35 .... tion one wants when the task is home, Lieuts. Carter, Fenner, Douglas, Koester and Faust. The maid of honor was Miss HAYES. On October 14. 1902, ROBERT P. Al Ins.: HAYES. of brain fever. $1.96Smyrnaones, size Art Grace sister of the bride. The Suicide of John R. a Best0olAtlIns.:BestAll-wool Rugs,for..... $1I.69~ beautifying. We told you yesterday how' Meredith, Walker, Resident Interment Williamsport, Pa. Squares from $5.50 to Table bridesmaids were Miss Betty Warden of of Walker Covers. the department of decorating could help New York, Miss Katherine Gill of Mead- Chapel. KENNEDY. On Tuesday. October 14, 1902, at ville, Pa., and Miss Mary Gorton of Buf- John R. Walker, fifty-three years old, one 12 p.m.. at his residence 31 Massachusetts $17.25. 4-4 Tapestry Table Covers; fringe and asked to call on it. The falo. Behind them walked the matron of avenue northwest, EDWAI, beloved husband you you of the best known residents of Walker of Margaret Kennedy. all around; 50c. values, for... & - honor, Mrs. Archibald Bradshaw of New Alexandria was Notice of funeral hereafter. Table all yes- 6-4 county, Va., Fur Rugs. Tapestry Covers; col- kindred of Draperies, York. Last came the Chapel, departments Up. bride, walking with terday morning found dangling at the end Full size with long hair. ors: 8c. ones. for...... 75c. holsteries and Lace Curtains make a her brother, Mr. Julian F. Meredith of New MIDDLETON. Suddenly, on Tuesday. October 14, The white anti gray P-$2.-5 York. Her gown was of white s-atin crepe. of a rope In the loft of the barn of Mr. 1902 at his residence, 356 E street sauthwest, The best man was Mr. Sullivan Charles of the named. The SAMfUEL H.. beloved brother of Henry M. 2nd The combination clors...... $4.75 colors: .1.69 ones, for...... similar call today. Amory Shipman place William E. Middleton. Meredith. brother of the bride. All the suicide's body was found by Mr. Shipman. Funeral will take place Friday, October 17. at 10 --The Art Fabrics we've assembled officers were In full naval dress uniform. who went to the loft for grain for his cat- a.m. Relatives and friends of the family are A wedding breakfast to the bridal party invited to attend. here have the merit of exclusiveness first and relatives followed at the Lenox. Mr. tIe. Mr. Shipman immediately notified the I and Mrs. Mohun left for Bos- dead man's friends, who agree that the MIDDLETON. Members of Felix Lodge, No. a, Wniens Mediumn-weight Ribbed Vests and Boys' Balbriggen Jersey-fitti Shirts immediately A. A. are to Pants; high neck, with or value. andS -and then there's variety that where Mr Mohun will be stationed on rash act was melancholja, r'. M., hereby notified meet at Vvts long Short Drawers-medium weight; Sc. Tiowore antici- ton, prompted by Masonic Hall, 5th street and Virginia avenue sheeT; Pants, ankle or knee length- ew- "scheme." the IT. S. S. Newark before leaving. about from which Walker had been suffering for southeast, at 0 o'clock Friday morning. to pates every possible the 1st of November, for the West Indies, attend the funeral of Bro. SAMUEL H. MID- or or 3 more than a year. DLETON. order of the W. M. 35c., 3 for $1.00. 35c., for $1.00. These know no. where they will be present at the naval The dead man had been missing from his By Children's Medium-weight Vests and Pants departments really maneuvers. After 1 will be W. H. SEVERSON, Secretary. February they home since Monday. Funeral services over * Womn's ?.iedium-weight Jersey Ribbed -Jersey Ribbed Vests, high neck wi limits in their of What at home in Washington. Members of sister lodges invited. Vests and Pants - two-thids or sleeves-Pants ankle thlg plan providing. his remains will be held tomorrow after- k w4ts1lin whbite sbort or orxray. V-st, are high nit, with long or knee length. sc. value . To- merit-we order in. It is never a noon at 2 o'clock, at Walker Chapel. MOELLER. On Tuesday, October 14. 1902, short rl.-ev.,. Pants, anklu r morrow- ...... 25 e has The marriage of a very popular Wash- Walker was unmarried and was a member FLORUS, beloved hisband of Anna C. Moeller, kne.- it-ugibs. $14ov.tnau ' Better aged forty-one years. morrn. ToO ed.. grades of Merino Ude specially9 .Ingtonian. Mr. Frank Sawyer Hight, took of the family after whom the town was 1..n ,f...... pric Iwear question'of limiting the stock to any set at the residence of the Funeral from his late residence, No. 921 27th place yesterday named. street northwest, on Thursday, October 16. at amount. bride. Miss Ela Derby Cann, daughter Justice of the Peace Randall Webb, pre- 7:30 a.m. Requiem mass at It. Mary's Church of George W. Cann, a well-known resident siding in the Georgetown district, yester- at 8 o'clock. Interment at St. Mary's cen- --The showing takes the form of Brooklyn, N. Y. Rev. Dr. Thomas M. day afternoon rendered a decision in favor etery. present Cann of the bride's of the defendant in connect'on with the Stationery Specialls for Scranton, Pa., grand- MYERS. On October 14. 1902. at 6 Thursday. of an exhibit. We're glad to have father, performed the ceremony. Two pret- proceedings Instituted by Westcott, Wilcox Tuesday. War0100pondO RyatonderweaStrCusedBond Writing 417Woe5.00 425Fine Writingcthildr.In smooth you o'clock a.m.. GEORGE W. MYERS. beloved e Paper, Wo e i m w ih boles ib d et n real estate brokers, o & against s of the bride, the Misses Heiston, In This an abi ge es ty little nieces husband Psp,-r. ' ipitk otily. is exceollent or rough finish, ruled or plain.yfti Eachg S itbox con-n in and look the lines of Art of Margaret Myers, aged fifty-seven a-ity of pTer, tnd has been selling at nne drop through Eleanor and Margaret Greenwood of Gard- Henry Copperthite for commissions years. ac. a porn. on a5eunt''''' fa les , f or ..o. ner, Mass., dressed in white, with leghorn amounting to $150 for services alleged to A Drecious one from us has gone, . and Laces-for we -Ink... ost ili4n.wesmdimwihtT1s i is considered a..15c. om Fabrics appreciate trimmed with flowers, were her at- have been rendered in connection with the A voice we loved is stilled; ...... '...'.'k"-'lose t e'". hats e- l8t Special for A place is vacant in our home tomorrow...... s and bound tendants, while a two-year-old nephew, negotiation of a $15,000 loan. The real es- Envelopes to mateh. 44-. paetkage. approval, approval is to be tate brokers were represented by Attorney Which never can be filled. Scholitrs wood Pon School Master Richard Greenwood, attended the BY HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. 4npttnit.. Tabets large size. Good result. The handsome young bride wore Henry Matthews, while Attorney Jesse H. anti Pencil Itox, mith lock and key. ,-~' qaality paper for either pen or pen-j the groom. Wilson looked after the interests of the de- Funeral from his late residence, 1349 Kenyon To close...... cl. Worth Sc. andfoc...... white crepe de chine and a veil, a family street. Thursday. October 16, at 10 o'clock heirloom. She carried a shower bouquet of fendant. a.m. Interment at Congressional cemetery. * lilies of the valley. The house was beauti- The annual grand visitation of the Grand Lodge of Masons of the District to Potomac NEUMEYER. On Tuesday, October 14. 1902, at 8 fully adorned with American beauty roses MARGARET the wife of After a Lodge, No. 5. of Georgetown will be made p.m., A., beloved W. B. Moses& Sons, F St., Cor. 11I th. and foliage plants. honeymoon on the 20th instant. John J. Neumeyer. trip of several weeks, Mr. Hight will bring Rest in & his bride to this city. They will live at the peace. LanisbuwghfrT Funeral -.omr, her late residence. 1805 5th street Biro0g of which Mr. is the cueSytatoerepcil urdy New Willard. Hight COLORED HIGH SCHOOL CADETS. northwest, Friday. October 17. at 9 a.m.. thence marager. to Immaculate Conception Church. 8th and N. Milton C. Bush Chosen and where requiem mass will be said for the re- Miss Elizabeth Mathilda Shuster, the Major pose of her soul at 9:30 a.m. "* daughter of Mrs. Mary Ward Shuster. and Aubrey Morton Adjutant. SHANAHAN. On Monday, October 13, 1902. at WIEDDIINGS , oCRI Mr. Michael Sinms of Columbus. Ohio, As a result of the recent competitive ex- Garfield Hosepital, at 11:20 o'clock p.m.. ANNIE were married last night. The ceremony imination between the cadets of the Colored R. SHANAHAN, the beloved wife of Daniel an Weni oxth remdi failry. qult:ae oeteerpn took place in the new Marlborough apart- Shanahan. SOur IAAH ment house, the present residence of the Hilgh and the Armstrong Manual Training Funeral on Thursday, October 16. at 8 p.m., from SpeCiality. 5 C. Bush of the latter school Second Baptist Church, 4th street and Virginia SoWNEY BRIDAL" cARRIAGE bride's mother, and was performed by the schools Milton avenue southeast. Rev. Rodd White. a cousin of the bride, was awarded the position of major, com- &Gro.d assieted by Dr. Harding of St. Paul's Epis- WALKER. On Monday, October 13, 1902, at his manding the cadets of both schools. The Lansurg Church. In every way the wedding residence, near Walker's Chapel, Va., JOHN' copal to the cadets was made as .pretty as possible, the apart- result was not unexpected R. WALKER aged fifty-three years. ment decorated with and teachers of both schools, as Major Funeral from Rfalker's Chapel on Thursday. Oe- o preven-n. . - 4 being tastefully palms tober 18, at 2 o'clock. elatives and friends anntstasIat me ReasonAble . C-0 y arNi10. ol at and chrysanthemum. and hung with green Bush when captain of Company C dis- respectfully invited to attend.* boughs. The bride came in with her uncle, played great military talent. Aubrey Mor- "MalariAFn com2162Lrtablew carhia e rinl Ca56.mstisanl.Ann Mr. Berkeley Ward of Columbus. and was who stood second in In Xelnorann. ton of the School, in white Manila gause High beautifully gowned the examination, was made adjutant, with DALY. My fond frieiai, LUCY NORMAN DALY, with trimming of old point lace and dia- died fourteen years ago today. * are______g______ekmnloyanw tenayPal monds, made over white chifflon and satin, the rank of first lieutenant. with bridal veil and orange blossoms. She The Armstrong School will be represented carried a large bunch of bride- roses. The this year by two full companies, officered UNDERTA ERS. -worisoldndcorses an50'rene ZA mother of the bride wore gray Canton by Capts. James Powell and Norris Dodson Grand) Thisicna"eahlsa." or to ct."$sowth crepe, with duchess lace, and diamond or- and Lieuts. Gardner, Goghill, Grant and new tail ord n C ladie na~ments, and gave her daughter away in Wilson. Joseph F. Birch's Sons, oatse," the ceremony. The bride's only attendant The M Street High School has not as yet was Miss Grace Hamilton Perkins of Rich- announced the officers of its company. 3034 M St. N.W. WT'J mond, also a cousin of the bride, and Mr. e15-8m,4 LtrAndiEre canLE be00 pemnnl and actsasAanpeve"-Rpint. Gooddmen.e8Bestp Frederick Morrison of Columbus acted as THE MONEY WAS 1MISSING. J. T. CLEMENTS, al"its haulitknourmeopsesteraathrouryoveXhng.ti ~-caea prtwo Mr. Sims' best man. After the ceremony UNDERTAKER AND EEALMEB. and congratulations the company went to Charles Nichols' Not Con- 45 years' experience. 1141 82d n~w. Tel. West T1. care se and ante justfive r. the large cafe of the Marlborough, where a Explanation se16-78t-4 - wedding supper was served, and at mid- -sidered Satisfactory. Pricesodanfountain,also$35- night Mr. and Mrs. Sims left Washington J. H. BRADLEY, for New York, where they will remain until Charles Nichols, colored, will be de- nemoia~adies'of Mackintoshe,-,2 St. S. W. .Nard's UricAcid Solvent. tive TilE M. *P Sat-urday. sailing then for Florida and Cuba ained at the District jail for the next thir- 443 7th ja; swelling and has Pie LjND A for a month's bridal tour. Only the rela- ty days for failure to pay a fine of $10, im- oe14-8mn,4 Repove aacidonrtheceseyall tives of the bride and groom and a few of posed on him in the Police Court this morn- Cures Indigestion and ConstipatIon. thoseWNTO=AL NpEciate".y~~'~'RUBBEBR. onCO.,ue, Miss. Shuster's most intimate friends wit- who decided W. R. Speare, A positive cure for ;;;A, nessed the wedding, including Mrs. Emma ng by Judge Kimball, that he HRAY was guilty of a charge of larceny. . Noewnohes T V N' Thompson, Mrs. Edward Donn and the Undertaker & Embalmer, RU EUMATISM. etr-xrnL at meW Tho Minn in- cSwf~n2 T &P.AE Misses Miss and General Nichols was arrested afternoon Follw directIons In diet ad I will Donn, Fitshugh yesterday WJI guarantee Payne of Virginia, the Misses Paulding, Mr. >y Detectives Flather and Parham as a re- W!SRT NOETEWm. Analysis Free. Edward R. King of New York, Miss Poult- mult of a complaint made to the police by Everythiag stic lst-easer asd sa the inst lrtes ney, Mr. and Mrs. Gorter of Balti- trm, e Prepared onl (and frm hs on sen of3m mt ed. Jamgs Philip Alexander, colored, that Nichols had ees...mbi feeh al SO. in13-tf-1 foula) by -Astcktatrellegar Recent more, Mr. Berkiey Ward and Mr. Clay Dr. L. S. NIcshCoHOooon as pN.nt aldeerp-*A Shipment qf Ward, uncles of the bride; Miss Larkam, ippropriated $3.50 belonging to him. Alex- WM. H-. SCOTT' & Co., fours-9 to 1. 3 to 7. 604S 12th at. n.w. Miss Payne and several other Washington to ConsultationFree. se-m.w&f-26t-28 em,$5cs n s e inder explained Judge Kimball this IUNEmr.L DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. ot tion. and out-of-town people. Mr. Sims is the that he was sick and un- Main 135. S While you are here look at Excelleet uxampleaaositherbes assistant cashier of the Merchant. and norning Saturday 401 6th at. s.a. 'Pbsse the nevi ible to go to his place of employment, and "Steinway" Grands for and th ' Manufacturers' National Bank of Colum- ie11-3m4 $750 HarGod* irbgrdei sticlyatn HalftmkeandnployPrberGice.rBatadeads. tfl n bus, Ohio, and upon their return from the ~hat he sent Nichole with a note to get JOHN M. MITCH new uprights at $50 Buy the bes south the couple will take up their reel- 18.50 which was due him as wages, but ELL, Gas dence in that city. Liter waiting some time for Nichols to re- 720 11th at. a... 'Phoes L, 128-V. you can. ~Becke 's~i- the Sgardedapprovedinaall.aspectsstyles as-aeroodin Silks,invest turn, and when the latter did not put in sel1-5m-4 Logsif Gasmont.tsincs.t..s..P8--tlalierOperas, Sofr-Hats.speakin The marriage of Miss Nina Beatrice Blaine, ippearance, the police wore notified. Debsand daughter of the late Robert 0. Blaine, to Nichols admitted to the court that he JOSEPH GAWLER,. in Full ente. and a$4a. ~r~ Mr. Charles F. Byrne will take place at U rot .thie money, hut declared that he had I18-14I PA. ATE. N.W. Variety. DROOP'S Musi o'clock today at St. Peter's Church, Capi- oat it. Judge Kimball did not think the main lat. tol Hill. The-ushers will be Mr. Robert exosse a good one and ordered the clerk to ,al10.8, Teleuphone ThoehoAppclte STINEMETZ&R91. sote a conviction against the defendant, 925 Newes HATES ND G Blaine, Jr., the brother of -the bride; Mr. FREY New Stock Penna. Aveu FURIEM. ns g Aubrey Clark, Mr. George Sensener, Mr. BR~OS. W. A. Graham and Dr. C. H. Sterns, all of this city, and Mr. Warreni Weliford of Roa- MOUNT PrEAANaT CITIZENS. 14TH JustArried.Steinway and Other Pianos. noke. Va. Miss Matid Virginia Blaine will ,be maid of honor and Mr. JTames- T. Ra- Katters of IntereSt Con=iMered at the J. H. Tabler & Bro., sie o ho.Clpe, ea. WASTING FL. buly 't .Petersbfrg; Va., will be best msn. Neeting Last Ev3n. 714 11th n.w. *"bs All the Sizes. -A Photo of oflt of PROF. cotnain ea*ahm Mr. John W. Foster gave a dinner last The Mount Plasant Citisens' Association sm-Um.4 night in honor of the distinguished philan- held Its first meeting of the fall last night Your WEREMAW3R atreaiingHART'-Setsti anaw e RF thropist and scholar, Mr. Tata of Bombay, it the Stratford Hotel, with E. B. Town- R.PF. HARVEY'S SOS Baby-. a . India, and in the company .to meet hims iend, the president, In the chair. L.. 0. BROWN RW RA h there were presenat the J paese FONERAL DnaO B AND EMALaUo C. A. Muddiman &Co. ~la"euati the Chinese minister, the Seretaryminister,of War. EGpscomb aeted as secretary. The matter ~/OLFFR CO., BROWEAD. Mr the admiral of the navy, the first assistant f changing the name of old 16th street to secretary 'of state, Professor -Gfln~usn of ifot Pleaant avenue was referred to the 9MPa. cie. anw. Jekh5sL__. 616 12th st., 1204 0 st. ''" Baltimore, Mr. W. W. RockhiRl, Col. T. A. of a FR"sEE- 131n~*mn Mr. aneeeuof and Oomnet==lan- eg(Mative eommttee~em receipt letteg "KBR'OOe18tt-14 akt es the ComIss-mess atn th0at con- Now 1325 14th St. N.W~ -aiGodatalPre.Krafft'sBakery,*- newtoil action- n esgr -fee seek a Henry W. Waines and wife of Perry, shaiWg. It was detwI eeemunend the~ S Mieh., and Wilia* simsn and wife et -Schwab Ta==hrgMich., left *w hoe lst night. Eugene"SRUC Hair Dy, ure Wines. 'h" a .enA. Produced for over a0 years by on IInperial r.5- Ewlnf&S. To Make tea planter. Ulsed for over-2o year Whielatew th w4enletseer beWeakStrongandtheSickWell. by thousands of tea Its grMiailto InsporgA, * geese. $1 sti.;n. ae. Pee ern'*- flavo ena.~ lovrs in Port and Sherry risn dl sut ss.a.see.eaa. gagp F ST. , ss. G. A. Pul. ebuasSf-a '