Appendix B

Call for Sites Consultation

Press Release Consultee list Deposit locations for documents and submission forms Consultation letter Consultation letter for SHLAA contacts Consultation email Letter sent to libraries Submission form (expiry date – 22nd November 2013) Submission form (expiry date – 13th January 2014) Briefing Note Acknowledgement letter Summary of Consultation Responses

News Release

To News Editors for Immediate Use Wednesday 30 October 2013

Have your say on green spaces and development opportunities

People living and working in are being urged to get involved in an initiative which will both safeguard our green spaces, and find those that are perfect for development.

The Council’s Planning Policy team is preparing a Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD), which will form part two of the Local Plan for Allerdale, and will allocate sites for specific land uses. As part of the first stage of the consultation the Council has published three consultation documents and issued a ‘Call for Sites’.

The consultation documents set out the issues the Site Allocations DPD will address, the types of land use that could be considered, how sites will be assessed and the sustainability objectives.

Through the ‘Call for Sites’ the Council is urging members of the public, parish councils, landowners and their agents, developers and other interested parties to submit sites for development or protection. Anyone can submit a site for consideration, and, importantly, they do not need to be the owner of it.

Sites can be put forward for development such as housing, employment, retail, leisure and education. Equally sites can be identified for protection such as open space, recreational areas, local wildlife sites and allotments.

Allerdale House, Workington, CA14 3YJ Page 1 of 2 News Release

The preparation of the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) will be subject to community involvement and consultation. Those site suggestions which are submitted will be mapped and included in a second stage consultation process that will take place in early 2014.

Councillor Mark Fryer, Executive Member with responsibility for Economic Growth, said: “We are asking organisations and individuals to let us know of any sites in Allerdale which they think are suitable for development or in need of protection in our future plans.

“We know that planning developments are one of the things which can divide or unite a community, and we also know how important our green open spaces are in our towns and villages. That is why I would encourage as many people as possible to take part in this process – give us your views on which areas really need our protection, as well as those which you think could be developed.”

The consultation documents and ‘Call for Sites’ submission form can be viewed and downloaded from the Council’s website at Hard copies of all the documents and forms can be requested from the Planning Policy team at Allerdale House, or by calling 01900 702610.


Notes 1. For more information contact 01900 702526, [email protected]

Allerdale House, Workington, CA14 3YJ Page 2 of 2 Call for Sites

• The Call for Sites took place between 27th September and 22nd November 2013, later extended to 13 January 2014 • It included consultation on a Site Allocations Discussion Paper, the Sustainability Appraisal Draft Scoping Report and the Site Allocations Site Assessment methodology • Documents were available to view at: o Allerdale House (Workington) o Library o Cockermouth Customer Service Centre o Cockermouth Library o Maryport Customer Service Centre o Maryport Library o Silloth Library o Wigton Library o Wigton Local Link o Workington Library • Consultation letters were sent to:

Action with Communities in Age UK Aggregate Industries Aikton Parish Council Airport Operators Association J. Alexander A. Allaker H. Allaker Allerdale Disability Association Allhallows Parish Council A. and S. Allison Allonby Parish Council Alpha Design AMEC Ancient Monuments Society M. Armstrong Aspatria Town Council S. Atkinson AWAZ Cumbria Barratt Homes (Manchester) Barton Willmore (Cambridge) Barton Willmore (Leeds) C. Bate J. Bate J. and E. Bell Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth Parish Council P. Bibby Big Tree Planning Ltd. Blindbothel Parish Council Blindcrake Parish Council Mr. and Mrs A. and S. Boardman Boltons Parish Council Borrowdale Parish Council Bothel and Threapland Parish Council P. Bowes Bowness Parish Council C. Brews P. Brews Brigham Parish Council Britain’s Energy Coast British Cycling Federation British Geological Survey British Telecom British Toilet Association Broadway Malyan Bromfield Parish Council Broughton Moor Parish Council A. Brown Burgh by Sands Parish Council Business, Innovation and Skills Department Buttermere Parish Council Caldbeck Parish Council CAMRA Capita Symonds City Council Castle Sowerby Parish Council CBI North West K. Chambers R. Chapman Chemical Business Association – Planning and Policy Liaison Chesterton Humberts Church of Churches Together in England Churches Trust for Cumbria Civil Aviation Authority Councillor N. Cockburn Cockermouth Civic Trust Cockermouth Town Council J. Cockton N. Cockton D. Colborn Colliers International Copeland Borough Council – Planning Policy Council for British Archaeology Country Guardian Country Land and Business Association D. and G. Crone Crosscanonby Parish Council F. Crowley J. Crowther Cumbria Association of Local Councils Cumbria Chamber of Commerce Cumbria Constabulary Cumbria County Council – Adult Social Care Cumbria County Council – Area Support Team Cumbria County Council – Children’s Services Cumbria County Council – Ecology Cumbria County Council – Economic Development Cumbria County Council – Fire and Rescue Service Cumbria County Council – Highways and Transport Cumbria County Council – Historic Environment Cumbria County Council – Policy and Performance Cumbria County Council – Spatial Planning Team Cumbria Disability Network Cumbria Housing Group Cumbria Local Access Forum Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership Cumbria Neighbourhood Watch Association Cumbria RIGS Cumbria Rural Enterprise Agency Cumbria Rural Forum Cumbria Strategic Partnership Cumbria Tourism Cumbria Young Farmers Cumbria Youth Alliance Cumbria Wildlife Trust Cunnane Town Planning J. and A. Day Dalston Parish Council David L. Walker Surveyors S. Davies K. Davis K. Dawson Day Cummins Ltd. De Pol Associates Dean Parish Council Dearham Parish Council Department for Culture, Media and Sport Department of Communities and Local Government Department of Energy and Climate Change Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Design Council D. Dickins Distington Parish Council G. Dodd H. Dodd DPP DPP (Manchester) Drivers Jonas Deloitte DTZ Dumfries and Galloway Council – Development Planning Dundraw Parish Council Eden District Council Eden Homes and Communities Electricity North West Employers Forum on Disability English Heritage Environment Agency Equality and Human Rights Commission Eric Telford Planning Associates Councillor D. Fairbairn Fairhurst (Manchester) Fairhurst (Newcastle) J. Farebrother Fields in Trust Councillor B. Finlay M. Fitzgerald D. Fletcher Forestry Commission Freight Transport Association Friends, Families and Travellers Friends of Deer Park Maryport Friends of Rural Cumbria’s Environment Friends of the Earth (West Cumbria) Friends of the Fusion Online Ltd. G L Hearn Gerald Eve LLP Gilcrux Parish Council S. Gimber Gingerbread North West Gladedale Estates A. Graham S. Graham Great Clifton Parish Council Great Clifton Residents Group B. Greaves Dr. M. Greaves Green Design Group L. Green Greysouthen Parish Council R. Guthrie M. Guy GVA Gypsy Roma Traveller Achievement Services Leeds E. J. Hall J. M. Hall T. E. Hall Hall Aitken Harvest Housing J. Havelock Hayton and Mealo Parish Council Councillor M. Heaslip S. Hemsley-Rose Highways Agency Himor Group M. Hodgson D. Holliday M. Holliday Holme Abbey Parish Council Holme East Waver Parish Council Holme St. Cuthbert Parish Council M. Holt Home Builders Federation Homes and Communities Agency J. and K. Howis A. Hunter Inspira Institute of Directors Invest in Cumbria Ireby Parish Council J. and M. Jepson JMP Consultants Ltd. A. Jones Jones Lang Laselle A. Kelly Keswick Town Council Kirkbampton Parish Council J. Kirkbride Kirkbride Parish Council C. Kirkpatrick M. Kirkpatrick S. and D. Kitching Lake District National Park Authority Lakeland Building Design Lakes College West Cumbria Lamplugh Parish Council J. Lancaster Lancaster Environment Centre C. J. R. Lasper V. Lewis D. Lewthwaite Little Clifton Parish Council Lorton Parish Council Lowca Parish Council Loweswater Parish Council B. Lucas R. Lucas Lucent Group N. Luckett A. and B. McHugh and Smithies G. and G. McFarlane and Conyers R. McNamara A. Macey C. Marshall Maryport Town Council Miller Homes Ltd. Mind in West Cumbria Ministry of Defence Ministry of Justice Mobile Operators Association H. and P. Moore and Albion S. Murphy S. Murray N. J. Hodgson and Co. NATS National Childminding Association (North West) National Farmers Union National Grid National Offender Management Service (c/o Lambert Smith Hampton) Natural England Network Rail (Planning) D. Newman NHS Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group NHS North West R. Nicols J. North North Cumbria University Hospitals Northern Gas Networks Northern Housing Consortium Limited Nuclear Decommissioning Authority NuGeneration Orton Parish Council Oughterside and Allerby Parish Council Outreach Cumbria (GLB Health Project) R. Oxlade Papcastle Parish Council Parochial Church Council W. Patterson Paul Butler Associates C. J. Payne Peacock and Smith S. Pearson Persimmon Homes Planning Branch Planning Inspectorate Plumbland Parish Council Port of Workington J. Poucher N. Prosser R. Prosser Ramblers Ramblers Association Ramblers Association (Lake District) Mr. Rea REG Windpower Renewable UK Rights of Women Road Haulage Association M. Robinson S. Ross Royal Society for the Protection of Birds A. Rule I. Russell J. Rylands St. Johns Castlerigg Parish Council C. Sanderson Sanderson Wetherall (Newcastle) Savills (Leeds) Savills (Manchester) Savills (Wimborne) Seaton Parish Council Sebergham Parish Council Signet Planning (Newcastle) A. Singleton Skills Funding Agency J. Smith Smiths Gore M. Snape Solway Coast AONB Solway Firth Partnership South Lakeland District Council Sport England Stagecoach North West D. Standen G. Stanton V. Stanton S. Steel P. Stephenson Stewart Ross Associates Story Homes Sustainable Cockermouth (SusCo) Sustrans B. Taylor C. Taylor Taylor and Hardy Taylor Wimpey North West Tesco PLC – Planning and Development Liaison The Cabinet Office (UK Resilience) The Coal Authority The Co-Operative Group – Property Division – Planning The Crown Estate The Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee The Garden History Society The Gender Trust The Georgian Group The Gypsy Council The Home Office The Marine Management Organisation The National Trust The Office for Disability Issues The Runnymede Trust The Senhouse Museum Trust The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings The Theatres Trust The Traveller Law Reform Project The Twentieth Century Society The Victorian Society The Woodland Trust J. Thomas S. Thompson M. Travell Turley Associates Allyson Turner M. and T. Tyas P. Tyson United Utilities University of Cumbria R. van den Bossche WM Morrison Supermarkets PLC Mr. and Mrs Walsh Walton and Co. Ward Hadaway E. Wasilewski S. Wasilewski R. Watson A. Waugh Waverton Parish Council West Cumbria Community Safety Partnership West Cumbria Council for Voluntary Service West Cumbria Development Agency Westfield Housing Association Westnewton Action Group Westnewton Parish Council Westward Parish Council D. Williams R. Wilson C. Woodhouse K. Woods Woodside Parish Council Workington Civic Trust Workington Town Council Young Cumbria Youthtastic

Call for Sites: Deposit Locations for Consultation Documents

Aspatria Aspatria Library & Local The Brandraw Link Aspatria CA7 3EZ (016973 20515) Cockermouth Cockermouth Customer Fairfield Car Park Services Centre (Allerdale Cockermouth Borough Council) CA13 9RT (01900 702870) Cockermouth Cockermouth Library Main Street Cockermouth CA13 9LU (01900 325990) Maryport Maryport Customer Town Hall Services Centre (Allerdale Senhouse Street Borough Council) Maryport CA15 6BH (01900 702702) Maryport Maryport Library Maryport Lawson Street Maryport CA15 6ND (01900 812384) Silloth Silloth Library Solway community school Liddell Street Silloth CA7 4DD (016973 32195) Wigton Wigton Library High Street Wigton CA7 9PE (016973 66150) Wigton Wigton Local Link Market Hall Community Office Wigton CA7 9AA (01900 702890) Workington Workington Library Vulcans Lane Workington CA14 2ND (01900 706170) Workington Allerdale Borough Council Allerdale House Offices Workington CA14 3YJ

Our Ref: SA/CFS/2013

This Matter is being dealt with by: Steve Robinson

Direct Line: 01900 702610 Fax: 01900 702848

Email: [email protected]

20 September 2013

Dear Sir/Madam


The Council is preparing a Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) that will form Part 2 of the Allerdale Local Plan. It will identify sites in the Borough needed to accommodate the range of land uses necessary to implement the vision and growth requirements to 2029 as set out in the Strategic and Development Management Policies DPD (Allerdale Local Plan Part 1).

This letter is to inform you that we are now commencing the official ‘ Call for Sites ’ exercise for the Site Allocations DPD, as well as inviting comments on: • Site Allocations: Discussion Paper • Site Allocations: Methodology • Site Allocations Sustainability Appraisal: Draft Scoping Report.

Call for Sites This ‘Call for Sites’ gives members of the public, parish councils, landowners and their agents, developers and other interested parties the opportunity to put forward sites for development that could be allocated through the Site Allocations DPD. Sites can be put forward for uses such as housing, employment and business, open space, community facilities and wildlife protection.

More information on the range of sites that could be allocated in the Site Allocations DPD can be found in the Site Allocations: Discussion Paper . The Council has produced this draft document to accompany this Call for Sites. The document can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

If you have a site to submit, please complete the ‘Call for Sites Submission Form. Sites need not necessarily be in your ownership. You can either: • Download the submission form from our website at and email the completed form to [email protected] • Request a hard copy of the submission form from: Planning Policy Allerdale Borough Council Allerdale House Workington Cumbria CA14 3YJ Or by telephoning 01900 702610

Submission forms should be returned by post to the above address or handed in at the Council’s offices at Allerdale House, Workington. Office opening are 8:45am - 5:00pm Monday to Thursday and 8:45am - 4:30 pm on Fridays.

All ‘Call for Sites’ submission forms must be accompanied by a site location plan at a scale of either 1:1250 or 1:2500 with the boundary of the site edged in red.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 22 nd November 2013 . Response forms, and the information supplied with them, will be made available to the public. By submitting a site you are accepting that your response and the information in it will be made public. Anonymous submissions cannot be accepted.

All sites will be subject to a Sustainability Appraisal and Site Assessment to determine whether they: • Meet the Council’s sustainability objectives. • Are in accordance with the overall strategy and policy framework of the Strategic and Development Management Policies DPD. • Are subject to any technical and/or environmental constraints that cannot be overcome by mitigation and/or remediation. • Have any serious viability and developability issues

Site Allocations: Sustainability Appraisal: Draft Scoping Report As a requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) the Council has prepared a draft Scoping Report for the Sustainability Appraisal of the Site Allocations DPD. The Council is inviting comments on this document which can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

Site Allocations: Site Assessment Methodology The Council has prepared a draft Site Assessment Methodology report to accompany this Call for Sites. The Council is inviting comments on this document which can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

Should you have any further queries, or if you would like to have your database contact details updated or removed, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team on 01900 702610 or email [email protected]

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Kerrigan Head of Development Services

Our Ref: SA-SHLAA/CFS/2013

This Matter is being dealt with by: Steve Robinson

Direct Line: 01900 702610 Fax: 01900 702848

Email: [email protected]

22 November 2013



The Council is preparing a Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) that will form Part 2 of the Allerdale Local Plan. It will identify sites in the Borough needed to accommodate the range of land uses necessary to implement the vision and growth requirements to 2029 as set out in the Strategic and Development Management Policies DPD (Allerdale Local Plan Part 1).

This letter is to inform you that we are now commencing the official ‘Call for Sites’ exercise for the Site Allocations DPD, as well as inviting comments on: • Site Allocations: Discussion Paper • Site Allocations: Site Assessment Methodology • Site Allocations: Sustainability Appraisal: Draft Scoping Report.

Call for Sites This ‘Call for Sites’ gives members of the public, parish councils, landowners and their agents, developers and other interested parties the opportunity to put forward sites for development that could be allocated through the Site Allocations DPD. Sites can be put forward for uses such as housing, employment and business, open space, community facilities and wildlife protection.

More information on the range of sites that could be allocated in the Site Allocations DPD can be found in the ‘Site Allocations: Discussion Paper’. The Council has produced this draft document to accompany this Call for Sites. The document can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

If you have a site to submit, please complete the ‘Call for Sites Submission Form. Sites need not necessarily be in your ownership. You can either: • Download the submission form from our website at and email the completed form to [email protected] • Request a hard copy of the submission form from: Planning Policy Allerdale Borough Council Allerdale House Workington Cumbria CA14 3YJ Or by telephoning 01900 702610

Submission forms should be returned by post to the above address or handed in at the Council’s offices at Allerdale House, Workington. Office opening are 8:45am - 5:00pm Monday to Thursday and 8:45am - 4:30 pm on Fridays.

The Council acknowledges that you may have already submitted sites for consideration in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). However as the Site Allocations is a Development Plan Document it is subject to certain requirements and regulations in relation to evidence base gathering and consultation. To ensure a consistent and robust assessment process, the Council considers it is necessary for all SHLAA sites to be resubmitted on the ‘Call for Sites’ submission form and accompanied by a site location plan at a scale of either 1:1250 or 1:2500 with the boundary of the site edged in red.

For those whose sites are included in the SHLAA, you may have new or more up-to-date information that you would wish the Council to be aware of. For those whose sites were discarded from the SHLAA, these can be resubmitted again for consideration. If the Council do not receive ‘Call for Sites’ submission form for your SHLAA site then we will assume that you no longer wish it to be considered for development. The site will not be carrier forward and will not be included for consideration in the Site Allocations DPD.

The closing date for submissions is 13th January 2014. Response forms, and the information supplied with them, will be made available to the public. By submitting a site you are accepting that your response and the information in it will be made public. Anonymous submissions cannot be accepted.

All sites will be subject to a Sustainability Appraisal and Site Assessment to determine whether they: • Meet the Council’s sustainability objectives. • Are in accordance with the overall strategy and policy framework of the Strategic and Development Management Policies DPD. • Are subject to any technical and/or environmental constraints that cannot be overcome by mitigation and/or remediation. • Have any serious viability and developability issues

Site Allocations: Sustainability Appraisal: Draft Scoping Report As a requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) the Council has prepared a draft Scoping Report for the Sustainability Appraisal of the Site Allocations DPD. The Council is inviting comments on this document which can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

Site Allocations: Site Assessment Methodology The Council has prepared a draft Site Assessment Methodology report to accompany this Call for Sites. The Council is inviting comments on this document which can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

Should you have any further queries, or if you would like to have your database contact details updated or removed, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team on 01900 702610 or email [email protected]

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Kerrigan Head of Development Services Alexander, Julie

From: SiteAllocations Sent: 27 September 2013 11:06 To: Cc: Subject: ALLERDALE LOCAL PLAN (Part 2) - SITE ALLOCATIONS

Dear Sir/Madam


The Council is preparing a Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) that will form Part 2 of the Allerdale Local Plan. It will identify sites in the Borough needed to accommodate the range of land uses necessary to implement the vision and growth requirements to 2029 as set out in the Strategic and Development Management Policies DPD (Allerdale Local Plan Part 1).

This letter is to information you that we are now commencing the official ‘Call for Sites’ exercise for the Site Allocations DPD, as well as inviting comments on: • Site Allocations: Discussion Paper • Site Allocations: Methodology • Site Allocations Sustainability Appraisal: Draft Scoping Report.

Call for Sites This ‘Call for Sites’ gives members of the public, parish councils, landowners and their agents, developers and other interested parties the opportunity to put forward sites for development that could be allocated through the Site Allocations DPD. Sites can be put forward for uses such as housing, employment and business, open space, community facilities and wildlife protection.

More information on the range of sites that could be allocated in the Site Allocations DPD can be found in the Site Allocations: Discussion Paper. The Council has produced this draft document to accompany this Call for Sites. The document can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

1 If you have a site to submit, please complete the ‘Call for Sites Submission Form. Sites need not necessarily be in your ownership. You can either:

• Download the submission form from our website at and email the completed form to [email protected]

• Request a hard copy of the submission form from: Planning Policy Allerdale Borough Council Allerdale House Workington Cumbria CA14 3YJ Or by telephoning 01900 702610

Submission forms should be returned by post to the above address or handed in at the Council’s offices at Allerdale House, Workington. Office opening are 8:45am - 5:00pm Monday to Thursday and 8:45am - 4:30 pm on Fridays.

All ‘Call for Sites’ submission forms must be accompanied by a site location plan at a scale of either 1:1250 or 1:2500 with the boundary of the site edged in red.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 22nd November 2013. Response forms, and the information supplied with them, will be made available to the public. By submitting a site you are accepting that your response and the information in it will be made public. Anonymous submissions cannot be accepted.

All sites will be subject to a Sustainability Appraisal and Site Assessment to determine whether they:

• Meet the Council’s sustainability objectives.

• Are in accordance with the overall strategy and policy framework of the Strategic and Development Management Policies DPD.

• Are subject to any technical and/or environmental constraints that cannot be overcome by mitigation and/or remediation.

• Have any serious viability and developability issues

Site Allocations: Sustainability Appraisal: Draft Scoping Report As a requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) the Council has prepared a draft Scoping Report for the Sustainability Appraisal of the Site Allocations DPD. The Council is inviting comments on this document which can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

Site Allocations: Site Assessment Methodology The Council has prepared a draft Site Assessment Methodology report to accompany this Call for Sites. The Council is inviting comments on this document which can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

2 Should you have any further queries, or if you would like to have your database contact details updated or removed, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team on 01900 702610 or email [email protected]

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Kerrigan Head of Development Services


Our Ref: SA/CFS/2013

This Matter is being dealt with by: Steve Robinson

Direct Line: 01900 702610 Fax: 01900 702848

Email: [email protected]

27 September 2013

To All Libraries in Allerdale

Dear Sir/Madam


The Council is preparing a Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) that will form Part 2 of the Allerdale Local Plan. It will identify sites in the Borough needed to accommodate the range of land uses necessary to implement the vision and growth requirements to 2029 as set out in the Strategic and Development Management Policies DPD (Allerdale Local Plan Part 1).

This letter is to information you that we are now commencing the official ‘Call for Sites’ exercise for the Site Allocations DPD, as well as inviting comments on: • Site Allocations: Discussion Paper • Site Allocations: Methodology • Site Allocations Sustainability Appraisal: Draft Scoping Report.

Call for Sites This ‘Call for Sites’ gives members of the public, parish councils, landowners and their agents, developers and other interested parties the opportunity to put forward sites for development that could be allocated through the Site Allocations DPD. Sites can be put forward for uses such as housing, employment and business, open space, community facilities and wildlife protection.

More information on the range of sites that could be allocated in the Site Allocations DPD can be found in the Site Allocations: Discussion Paper. The Council has produced this draft document to accompany this Call for Sites. The document can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

If you have a site to submit, please complete the ‘Call for Sites Submission Form. Sites need not necessarily be in your ownership. You can either: • Download the submission form from our website at and email the completed form to [email protected] • Request a hard copy of the submission form from: Planning Policy Allerdale Borough Council Allerdale House Workington Cumbria CA14 3YJ Or by telephoning 01900 702610

Submission forms should be returned by post to the above address or handed in at the Council’s offices at Allerdale House, Workington. Office opening are 8:45am - 5:00pm Monday to Thursday and 8:45am - 4:30 pm on Fridays.

All ‘Call for Sites’ submission forms must be accompanied by a site location plan at a scale of either 1:1250 or 1:2500 with the boundary of the site edged in red.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 22nd November 2013. Response forms, and the information supplied with them, will be made available to the public. By submitting a site you are accepting that your response and the information in it will be made public. Anonymous submissions cannot be accepted.

All sites will be subject to a Sustainability Appraisal and Site Assessment to determine whether they: • Meet the Council’s sustainability objectives. • Are in accordance with the overall strategy and policy framework of the Strategic and Development Management Policies DPD. • Are subject to any technical and/or environmental constraints that cannot be overcome by mitigation and/or remediation. • Have any serious viability and developability issues

Site Allocations: Sustainability Appraisal: Draft Scoping Report As a requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) the Council has prepared a draft Scoping Report for the Sustainability Appraisal of the Site Allocations DPD. The Council is inviting comments on this document which can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

Site Allocations: Site Assessment Methodology The Council has prepared a draft Site Assessment Methodology report to accompany this Call for Sites. The Council is inviting comments on this document which can be obtained at or by contacting the planning policy team at the address below.

Should you have any further queries, or if you would like to have your database contact details updated or removed, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team on 01900 702610 or email [email protected]

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Kerrigan Head of Development Services

Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2 ) Site Allocations Development Plan Document

Submission form for Call for Sites

Please complete a separate form for each site and submit to the Council -

By post: Planning Policy, Development Services, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3YJ.

By email: [email protected]

Please return to Allerdale Borough Council no later than 4 pm on Friday 22 nd November 2013

For assistance on how to complete this form please refer to the guidance notes overleaf

The submissions received as part of the Call for Sites will be published for public scrutiny. By submitting this form you are consenting to your personal information and representations being stored and used for this purpose.

Further advice and guidance can be obtained by contacting the planning policy team directly or by visiting the Allerdale Borough Council Website:

Tel : 01900 702610 Website :

“Allerdale – a great place to live, work and visit”

Guidance Notes

1. Please complete as many of the sections (1) - (11) of the Site Submission Form as you can. The Council will accept partially completed forms as long as the key sections in relation to ownership (1) – (5) have been filled in. Most of the fields on the form should be self- explanatory but guidance on each section is provided below. 2. A separate pro-forma must be used for each individual site. 3. All site submissions must be accompanied by a location plan at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500. This must show the precise boundaries of the site edged in red. 4. Do not submit sites that already have planning permission. 5. Submitting details of a particular site is not a guarantee that the Council will support or allocate the site for development or protection.

Section (1) – Contact details Sites submitted to the Council cannot be treated as confidential and your contact details and the location of the site will be published with your representation.

Section (2) – Your details You do not need to be the owner of a site to promote it for development. The Council does not tend to hold information on who owns land (apart from its own). If you require details of who owns a particular site, we suggest you contact the HM Land Registry.

Section (3) – Ownership details We need to ascertain whether the site is in single or multiple ownership as this can affect whether a site can be developed. An indication as to whether the owner(s) have expressed an interested in developing the site would be useful at this stage.

Section (4) – Site location A map of suitable quality on an Ordnance Survey (OS) base at a scale of either 1:1250 or 1:2500 clearly showing the detailed site boundaries must be supplied. This will enable the location of the site to be accurately identified. Unfortunately, due to OS licensing and operational restrictions, the Council is unable to supply blank maps for this exercise.

Section (5) – Proposed development/land use A preferred and, if applicable, alternative use for the site must be indicated. ‘Specialist residential’ uses include extra villages, care homes etc.

Section (6) – Site details The current use of the site should be specified and whether there any existing uses that will need to be relocated before the site can be developed. Any structures on the site that would need to be cleared in order for the development to occur should also be identified. The use of the surrounding land must be indicated as this may influence the type of development the site is suitable for.

Section (7) – Site constraints An indication of the extent of any potential or identified constraints that may affect how easily or quickly the site could be developed should be provided.

Section (8) – Utilities An indication of which utilities are available to the site should be provided.

2 Section (9) – Identified constraints Where available, evidence from any studies and/or assessments in relation to any identified constraints should be provided and submitted. It is important to note that the Council will make their own assessment of these matters for each site in consultation with statutory consultees and may come to a different conclusion.

Section (10) – Site achievability An indication of the level of developer interest, if any, should be provided. An estimation of when the site would be ready for development should be indicated, taking into account any issues identified in sections (7), (8) and (9).

Section (11) – Site constraints This final section is an opportunity to provide any additional information and/or outline the merits of the site to support the submission.

Further advice and guidance can be obtained by contacting the planning policy department directly or by visiting the Allerdale Borough Council Website:

Tel : 01900 702610 Website :

Address : Planning Policy, Development Services, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3YJ.


1. Contact details


Organisation (if applicable)


Telephone Fax


2. Your Details A Private Landowner A Planning Consultant A Public Land-owning Body A Land Agent I am A Registered Social Landlord A Developer Other (please specify)

I own the site Yes No

If you do not own the site please supply the name(s) and addresses(es) of the owners

3. Ownership Details

Is the owner of the site the sole Yes No owner?

If the site is in multiple ownership, please provide the name(s), address(es) and contact details of all owners.

(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary, and provide a plan showing extent of individual land holdings)

Has the landowner (or each owner) indicated support for development of the land?


4. Site Location

Site address (Please enclose a map at the appropriate scale clearly showing the detailed site boundaries.

Site OS grid reference Northing Easting

5. Proposed Development / Land Use Preferred Alternative Development / Land Use Use Use Housing Employment Retail Tourism Leisure Health Education

In the 1st column, please tick Community Facilities your preferred land use(s) Transport

In the 2nd column, please tick Open space any alternative land use(s) that you would also consider. Allotments

Burial Grounds Local Wildlife Site Local Geological Site Wildlife Corridor Gypsy and Traveller Site Travelling Showpeople Site Heritage Site/Asset Utilities Infrastructure Other (please specify)


6. Site Details

Net developable Site area (hectares) Whole site area

Current or previous land use(s)

Existing structures on the site (e.g. buildings, pylons, substations, overhead wires) Would development require relocation of the current use or demolition of existing structures? Adjacent land uses (e.g. employment, residential, agricultural) Details of any previous planning applications on the site (if applicable)

7. Site Constraints: Are there any limitations that may prevent or constrain development on this site? (please give details)

Access Issues (e.g. limitations or problems relating to site access, public rights of way or cycleway crossing the site)

Topography or ground conditions (e.g. site slopes, varying site levels etc)

Stability and contamination issues (e.g. unsuitable ground conditions, potentially contaminated land)


Flood risk issue (e.g. liability of site to flooding and if so, nature/source of flooding and frequency)

Legal issues (e.g. multiple ownership, covenants, tenancies, ‘ransom strips’)

Environmental Issues (e.g. located adjacent to a watercourse, mature woodland or would result loss/access to open space)

Other considerations (any other issues that may affect the development of the site)

8. Utilities (Please tell us which of the following utilities are available to the site)

Yes No Unsure

Mains water supply

Mains sewerage

Electrical supply

Gas supply

Public highway

Landline telephone

Public Transport

Other (please specify):

7 9. If there are any identified constraints, have any studies or assessments been undertaken to determine whether they can be overcome and at what cost? (If applicable, please give details and include a copy of the study/assessment commissioned)

10. Site Achievability (please give details)

Is the site currently being marketed? Yes No

Has there been developer interest? Yes No

Is the site owned by a developer? Yes No

Is the site under option to a developer? Yes No

Short term (within 5 years)

Please tick the likely timescale for the site being developed Medium term (6-10 years)

Long term (11-15 years)

8 11. Please provide any additional information you think may be helpful to the Council in its consideration of this site for development.

Signature: Date:


Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2) Site Allocations Development Plan Document

Submission form for Call for Sites

Please complete a separate form for each site and submit to the Council -

By post: Planning Policy, Development Services, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3YJ.

By email: [email protected]

Please return to Allerdale Borough Council no later than 4 pm on Monday 13th January 2014

For assistance on how to complete this form please refer to the guidance notes overleaf

The submissions received as part of the Call for Sites will be published for public scrutiny. By submitting this form you are consenting to your personal information and representations being stored and used for this purpose.

Further advice and guidance can be obtained by contacting the planning policy team directly or by visiting the Allerdale Borough Council Website:

Tel: 01900 702610 Website:

“Allerdale – a great place to live, work and visit”

Guidance Notes

1. Please complete as many of the sections (1) - (11) of the Site Submission Form as you can. The Council will accept partially completed forms as long as the key sections in relation to ownership (1) – (5) have been filled in. Most of the fields on the form should be self- explanatory but guidance on each section is provided below. 2. A separate pro-forma must be used for each individual site. 3. All site submissions must be accompanied by a location plan at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500. This must show the precise boundaries of the site edged in red. 4. Do not submit sites that already have planning permission. 5. Submitting details of a particular site is not a guarantee that the Council will support or allocate the site for development or protection.

Section (1) – Contact details Sites submitted to the Council cannot be treated as confidential and your contact details and the location of the site will be published with your representation.

Section (2) – Your details You do not need to be the owner of a site to promote it for development. The Council does not tend to hold information on who owns land (apart from its own). If you require details of who owns a particular site, we suggest you contact the HM Land Registry.

Section (3) – Ownership details We need to ascertain whether the site is in single or multiple ownership as this can affect whether a site can be developed. An indication as to whether the owner(s) have expressed an interested in developing the site would be useful at this stage.

Section (4) – Site location A map of suitable quality on an Ordnance Survey (OS) base at a scale of either 1:1250 or 1:2500 clearly showing the detailed site boundaries must be supplied. This will enable the location of the site to be accurately identified. Unfortunately, due to OS licensing and operational restrictions, the Council is unable to supply blank maps for this exercise.

Section (5) – Proposed development/land use A preferred and, if applicable, alternative use for the site must be indicated. ‘Specialist residential’ uses include extra villages, care homes etc.

Section (6) – Site details The current use of the site should be specified and whether there any existing uses that will need to be relocated before the site can be developed. Any structures on the site that would need to be cleared in order for the development to occur should also be identified. The use of the surrounding land must be indicated as this may influence the type of development the site is suitable for.

Section (7) – Site constraints An indication of the extent of any potential or identified constraints that may affect how easily or quickly the site could be developed should be provided.

Section (8) – Utilities An indication of which utilities are available to the site should be provided.

2 Section (9) – Identified constraints Where available, evidence from any studies and/or assessments in relation to any identified constraints should be provided and submitted. It is important to note that the Council will make their own assessment of these matters for each site in consultation with statutory consultees and may come to a different conclusion.

Section (10) – Site achievability An indication of the level of developer interest, if any, should be provided. An estimation of when the site would be ready for development should be indicated, taking into account any issues identified in sections (7), (8) and (9).

Section (11) – Site constraints This final section is an opportunity to provide any additional information and/or outline the merits of the site to support the submission.

Further advice and guidance can be obtained by contacting the planning policy department directly or by visiting the Allerdale Borough Council Website:

Tel: 01900 702610 Website:

Address: Planning Policy, Development Services, Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 3YJ.


1. Contact details


Organisation (if applicable)


Telephone Fax


2. Your Details A Private Landowner A Planning Consultant A Public Land-owning Body A Land Agent I am A Registered Social Landlord A Developer Other (please specify)

I own the site Yes No

If you do not own the site please supply the name(s) and addresses(es) of the owners

3. Ownership Details Is the owner of the site the sole Yes No owner?

If the site is in multiple ownership, please provide the name(s), address(es) and contact details of all owners.

(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary, and provide a plan showing extent of individual land holdings)

Has the landowner (or each owner) indicated support for development of the land?


4. Site Location

Site address (Please enclose a map at the appropriate scale clearly showing the detailed site boundaries.

Site OS grid reference Northing Easting

5. Proposed Development / Land Use Preferred Alternative Development / Land Use Use Use Housing Employment Retail Tourism Leisure Health Education

In the 1st column, please tick Community Facilities your preferred land use(s) Transport

In the 2nd column, please tick Open space any alternative land use(s) that you would also consider. Allotments

Burial Grounds Local Wildlife Site Local Geological Site Wildlife Corridor Gypsy and Traveller Site Travelling Showpeople Site Heritage Site/Asset Utilities Infrastructure Other (please specify)


6. Site Details

Net developable Site area (hectares) Whole site area

Current or previous land use(s)

Existing structures on the site (e.g. buildings, pylons, substations, overhead wires) Would development require relocation of the current use or demolition of existing structures? Adjacent land uses (e.g. employment, residential, agricultural) Details of any previous planning applications on the site (if applicable)

7. Site Constraints: Are there any limitations that may prevent or constrain development on this site? (please give details)

Access Issues (e.g. limitations or problems relating to site access, public rights of way or cycleway crossing the site)

Topography or ground conditions (e.g. site slopes, varying site levels etc)

Stability and contamination issues (e.g. unsuitable ground conditions, potentially contaminated land)


Flood risk issue (e.g. liability of site to flooding and if so, nature/source of flooding and frequency)

Legal issues (e.g. multiple ownership, covenants, tenancies, ‘ransom strips’)

Environmental Issues (e.g. located adjacent to a watercourse, mature woodland or would result loss/access to open space)

Other considerations (any other issues that may affect the development of the site)

8. Utilities (Please tell us which of the following utilities are available to the site) Yes No Unsure

Mains water supply

Mains sewerage

Electrical supply

Gas supply

Public highway

Landline telephone

Public Transport

Other (please specify):

7 9. If there are any identified constraints, have any studies or assessments been undertaken to determine whether they can be overcome and at what cost? (If applicable, please give details and include a copy of the study/assessment commissioned)

10. Site Achievability (please give details)

Is the site currently being marketed? Yes No

Has there been developer interest? Yes No

Is the site owned by a developer? Yes No

Is the site under option to a developer? Yes No

Short term (within 5 years)

Please tick the likely timescale for the site being developed Medium term (6-10 years)

Long term (11-15 years)

8 11. Please provide any additional information you think may be helpful to the Council in its consideration of this site for development.

Signature: Date:

9 Call for sites briefing note We are asking organisations and individuals to let us know of any sites in Allerdale considered suitable for allocation for development or in need of protection in our future plans. The following will provide general information in relation to this exercise.

What is the call for sites? The call for sites process is an important opportunity for all organisations and individuals to suggest land in Allerdale for development or protection. This will feed into the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) which will allocate sites for specific land uses.

What is the Site allocations DPD? The Site Allocations DPD is part of the new Allerdale Local Plan and will allocate sites for development and protect areas such as open spaces. It will be subject to a substantial amount of community involvement, consultation and an independent examination.

How do I respond to the call for sites? We would like to hear from you if you wish us to consider a site, or sites, within the Borough to be allocated for development or protection. Sites need not necessarily be in your ownership and could be allocated for a wide range of uses. For each site being put forward a ’Call for Sites Submission Form’ should be completed and accompanied by a map showing a clear site boundary.

What happens when I have submitted my response? Submitted sites will be mapped and included in the ‘Issue and Options’ consultation that will take place in early 2014. The responses received will feed into the assessment process.

Who can I contact for further information? If you require any further information please contact the planning policy team on 01900 702610 or [email protected]

Please make sure your representation, including a ’Call for Sites Submission Form’ and a map showing correct site boundary, is completed and returned by Friday 22nd November 2013 to the following address:

By post: Planning Policy By email: [email protected] Allerdale Borough Council Allerdale House Workington Cumbria CA14 3YJ

“Allerdale – a great place to live, work and visit”

Our Ref: SA/CFS/ACK/2014

This Matter is being dealt with by: Steve Robinson

Direct Line: 01900 702610 Fax: 01900 702848

Email: [email protected]

24 January 2014



This letter is an acknowledgement that the site ‘Land off Abbey Road’, located in Abbeytown, which was submitted as part of the recent ‘Call for Sites’ has been received by Allerdale Borough Council.

The Council is now in the process of cataloguing the sites that have been submitted and therefore no further action on your part is required for the moment.

An Issues and Options Paper will be prepared later in the year that will contain maps identifying all the sites that have been submitted and give members of the public, parish councils, landowners and their agents, developers and other interested parties the opportunity to make comments.

Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Planning Policy team on 01900 702610 or [email protected]

Yours sincerely,

Kevin Kerrigan Head of Development Services Call for Sites Consultation Summary

January 2014


1.0 Introduction and the Consultation Process

2.0 Representation Summary

3.0 Next Steps 1.0 Introduction and the Consultation Process

1.1 The Local Plan (Part 1) was adopted in July 2014 and identified a need within Allerdale for 5,471 houses and 54 hectares of employment land between until 2029.

1.2 In order to identify enough land to deliver this need, a ‘Call for Sites’ was issued to allow members of the public, parish councils, landowners, agents, developers and other interested parties the opportunity to put forward sites that could be identified as suitable for development through the Site Allocations process.

1.3 In addition to a Call for Sites, the Council also released three documents for comment. A discussion paper was drafted which included a number of questions that the Council considered as important issues which need to be addressed as part of the initial preparation stages of the Local Plan (Part 2). A draft Site Assessment Methodology was also published which set out the approach to assessing sites, reviewing settlement boundaries and de- allocating employment land. The third consultation document was a draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report which set out the sustainability objectives and assessment framework for the Sustainability Appraisal.

1.4 The Call for Sites and consultation on these three documents ran from 27th September to 22nd November 2013. This report summarises the responses received to the three documents and details the sites that were put forward for consideration for the allocation process.

1.5 Notifications of the consultation were sent out by email and letter to statutory and general consultees and Parish and Town Councils, as well as landowners, developers, agents and members of the public who had been asked to be placed on the consultation database.

1.6 Documents were available to view at: o Allerdale House (Workington) o Aspatria Library o Cockermouth Customer Service Centre o Cockermouth Library o Maryport Customer Service Centre o Maryport Library o Silloth Library o Wigton Library o Wigton Local Link o Workington Library

2.0 Representations Summary

2.1 In total, an initial 351 sites were put forward for the Council to consider as part of the Call for Sites. The was made up of 79 sites in the Principal Service Centre, 93 sites in the Key Service Centres, 91 sites in Local Service Centres, 65 sites in Limited Growth Villages and 23 sites in Infill and Rounding Off Villages.

2.2 For the discussion paper, 51 comments were received from 16 consultees; the comments provided in response to specific questions within the discussion paper and the Council’s response can be found below in Table 1. Of the 16 responses, three came from statutory consultees, three were from Parish/Town Councils, eight were from general stakeholders and two were from members of the public.

Discussion Topic HO1 – Should the housing requirement for the principal and key service centres be met by allocating a range of different sized sites or should the Council concentrate on identifying a fewer number of larger sites? Comment Council Response Consideration must be given to accessibility by Noted. The general approach public transport when considering the allocation of is to direct development to residential and employment sites. the most sustainable locations. Stage 2 assessment includes a proximity to bus stop indicator. Considers that the housing requirement should be Noted. met by allocating a range of different sized sites to allow better integration and enable pockets of brownfield land to be used. The Council should adopt a flexible approach to Noted. allocating sites that could comprise of a different mixture of scales, depending on local circumstances Discussion Topic HO2 – Do you agree with the approach to allocate small housing sites in the local service centres? Comment Council Response Further development in LSC may act to support Noted. and sustain existing bus services Agrees with the approach to allocate housing sites Noted. in villages providing they are proportionate in size and do not overwhelm. Agrees with the approach to allocating housing Noted. sites in villages, providing they are proportionate in size and do not overwhelm Support small developments within the parish that Noted. are in-keeping with the village of Thursby. Infrastructure capacity problems within Broughton Policy S3 of Part 1 sets out Cross and Brigham should limit the level of growth the framework for future in these two villages allocations. Infrastructure requirements and constraints will be taken into account when considering the allocation of growth to individual settlements and sites Discussion Topic EM1 – Are there any underused employment sites within the Plan Area that are suitable and appropriate for another form of use? Comment Council Response No comments were received for this discussion topic Discussion Topic EM2 – Are there any sites in the Key Service Centres that would be suited to employment uses? Comment Council Response Suggests that sites should be within 300m of Noted. Will consider whether connections to passenger transport services this distance should be used as a Stage 2 indicator Workington Bus Station nominated as a suitable Respondent asked to formally employment site submit the site as a nomination for retail use. A number of County Council owned sites were Taken forward for nominated for retail use. consideration. Discussion Topic EM3 – Are there any sites in the Local Service Centres or Rural Villages that would be suited to employment uses? Comment Council Response The joiners shop and hairdressers in Thursby Noted. nominated as suitable for employment uses Discussion Topic RT1 – Are there any developed or undeveloped sites within the centres of the Principal and Key Service Centres that are suitable for either small, medium and large retail use? Comment Council Response Workington Bus Station nominated as a potential Taken forward for suitable retail site consideration. Derwent Howe and Derwent Retails Parks Taken forward for nominated as sites to meet future retail needs. consideration. A number of County Council owned sites were Taken forward for nominated for retail use. consideration. Discussion Topic RT2 – Are there any developed or undeveloped edge-of-centre sites within the Principal and Key Service Centres that are suitable for either small, medium and large retail use? Comment Council Response The potential for out of centre retail development Noted. should be assessed given the constraints affecting the existing centres. Discussion Topic RT3 – Are there any sites within the local service centres that are suitable for small scale retail use? Comment Council Response The joiners shop, barn beside pub and Noted. hairdressers in Thursby are nominated as suitable for retail uses. Discussion Topic TLC1 – Are there any town centre or edge-of-centre buildings and/or sites within the principal and key service centres that are suitable for tourism, leisure and cultural development? Comment Council Response No comments were received for this discussion topic Discussion Topic TLC2 – Are there major tourism, leisure and cultural attractions that should be identified and safeguarded? Comment Council Response Crofton Lake could be a tourism/leisure and Noted. cultural attraction. Discussion Topic HEC1 – Are there any sites/buildings that you would wish to be considered for social care, health care, education, training and skills purposes? Comment Council Response Thursby parish hall could be a potential site for Noted. social/healthcare facilities. A site in Workington was nominated that could be Noted. This will be taken used to accommodate an Extra Care facility in forward for consideration. Workington. Discussion Topic HEC2 – Are there any sites/buildings currently used for social care, health care, education, training and skills purposes that are likely to become surplus to requirements? Comment Council Response No comments were received for this discussion topic Discussion Topic HEC3 – Are there any sites, buildings (or existing buildings that could be expanded/extended) that should be considered for the provision of community facilities? Comment Council Response The parish hall, sports pavilion and swimming pool Noted. in Thursby are potential sites for community facilities. Discussion Topic HEC4 – Are there any sites currently used for community facilities purposes that are likely to become surplus to requirements? Comment Council Response No comments were received for this discussion topic Discussion Topic TR1 – Are there any other strategic transport infrastructure projects that have not been identified in the Core Strategy that need to be considered? Comment Council Response Identifies the rail link between Penrith and Noted. Cockermouth/Workington as a strategic infrastructure project. Protect walking and cycling routes (particularly to Noted. school) across the parish of Thursby. The following strategic transport projects were Noted. highlighted: Workington Rail Station Hub; Port of Workington Access Improvements; and A66 Ramsey Brow improvements. Discussion Topic TR2 – Are there any cycling and walking routes that should be delineated and safeguarded within the Site Allocations DPD? Comment Council Response All long distance footpaths and long distance and Noted. local cycleway should be safeguarded and protected (e.g. Allerdale Ramble, Cumbria Way, Cumbria Coastal Way, Coast to Coast, Hadrian’s Cycle Way and C2C). Discussion Topic OS1 – Are there any areas of open space that should be identified and protected for recreational and amenity purposes? Comment Council Response Would like to protect open spaces within Noted. Crosscanonby Parish Crosscanonby Parish Council asked to identify specific areas of open space they would like to protect. Queries whether registered Village Green at Registered Village Greens Limetree Crescent, Cockermouth will be included will be identified and included and identified within the Local Plan. on the Proposals Map. The village green, Paddocks play area and Jubilee Noted. Field in Thursby are nominated as potential sites for open space protection. Discussion Topic OS2 – Are there any underused open spaces that could be put to better and more effective use? Comment Council Response Derwent Forest identified as an underused open Noted. space that could be put to better and more effective use; the site should be considered as a candidate County Wildlife Site. Discussion Topic OS3 – Are there any allotment sites that should be identified and protected in order to safeguard them from future loss? Comment Council Response Supports the creation and retention of allotments. Noted. Discussion Topic OS4 – Are there any underused allotment sites that could be reused for more beneficial purposes? Comment Council Response No comments were received for this discussion topic Discussion Topic OS5 – Are there any sites that would be suitable for use as burial grounds? Comment Council Response SHLAA site AARU95 could be a potential burial Noted. ground. Discussion Topic LWGS1 – Do you agree that the Local Wildlife Sites should be reviewed, identified and designated as part of the Site Allocations DPD? If so, are there any sites that you would wish to be considered for designation? Comment Council Response Supports the review of existing Local Wildlife Sites Noted. and well as the identification of new sites. Suggests that upland heath land and blanket Noted. bog/wetland priority habitat within the Borough should be designated as Local Wildlife Sites. Suggests that Derwent Forest and Ancient Semi- Noted. Natural Woodland within the Borough should be designated as County Wildlife Sites. Discussion Topic LWGS2 – Do you agree that the Local Geological Sites should be reviewed, identified and designated as part of the Site Allocations DPD? If so, are there any sites that you would wish to be considered for designation? Comment Council Response 2 respondents supported the review of existing Noted. RIGGS/important geodiversity sites and well as the identification of new sites Discussion Topic LWGS3 – Do you agree that the Local Wildlife Corridors should be identified and designated as part of the Site Allocations DPD? If so, are there any areas of land that you would wish to be considered for designation? Comment Council Response Supports the identification and designation of Local Noted. Wildlife Corridors and green infrastructure. Discussion Topic GT1 – Can you suggest any land that you consider suitable for use gypsy, traveller or travelling show people sites? Comment Council Response No comments were received for this discussion topic Discussion Topic HER1 – Do you think that the Council should identify local heritage assets and produce a Local Heritage List? If so, are there any assets that you would wish to be considered for consideration? Comment Council Response 2 responders strongly support the development of Noted. a Local Heritage List in Allerdale. Various sites, buildings and vistas within Noted. This information will Cockermouth nominated for inclusion on any future be passed to the Council’s Local Heritage List. Conservation Officer. Crofton Ice House nominated as a candidate for a Noted. This information will Local Heritage List be passed to the Council’s Conservation Officer. Discussion Topic UT1 – Are there any sites that should be considered for allocation/safeguarding in order to facilitate the delivery of new (and expansion of existing) utilities and infrastructure provision? Comment Council Response No comments were received for this discussion topic Discussion Topic OT1 – Are there any other types of use that have not been covered in this discussion paper that you feel should be included in the preparation of the Land Allocations DPD? If so, what are these uses? Comment Council Response Green Infrastructure should be included as a Noted. discrete development type (e.g. land suitable for flood storage and alleviation etc.) A site at Speet Gill, Wigton should be used for Noted. flood storage purposes. Other Comments Comment Council Response The evidence base (Retail Study 2009) is The Retail Assessment considered to be out of date and not compliant with Addendum report carried out NPPF requirements in 2012 did not identify any critical shortcomings in the 2009 study. The 2009 and 2012 studies use to support Local Plan (Part 1) in Examination In Public and no issues were raised. A meeting with United Utilities should be held to Noted. This will be arranged. discuss future infrastructure/site specific requirements The Council need to consider how surface water is Noted. This will be to be managed at an early stage, with discharge considered as part of the into main sewer as a last resort. Stage 3 assessment process. The development of facilities for the University of Noted. Cumbria should be supported. The settlement boundary for Papcastle should be Noted. retained to avoid the village joining with Belle Vue or extending towards Cockermouth Would not wish to see any further development Noted. within the settlement boundary for Crosby in addition to that which is already approved. The Department of Health referred the Council to Noted. The consultation the Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group for database has been updated. comment. Table 1: Summary of responses to the Discussion Paper

2.3 8 consultees provided 29 comments on the draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report; these comments and the Council’s response to them are summarised in Table 2. Three comments were provided by statutory consultees, one comment was from a stakeholder group, three comments were from members of the public and one comment was received from a Parish/Town Council.

Comment Council Response A list of international, national and local The omitted national and local plans and plans and policies that have been omitted policies to be added to Appendix A1 as from the review were provided. suggested. International plans already included. Sections 6F/6I – considers that Green To review text within Sections 6 and 7 Infrastructure should be included as a and make reference to the importance cross-cutting theme and should be and benefits of Green Infrastructure. referred to within the Report Section 6J – recommends that reference Will add reference to NCA to section 6J. to National Character Areas (Cumbria Add NCA to PPP section in appendix A1. High Fells) is included. Take account of NCA guidance in the assessment of sites and settlement boundary reviews. Identifies that Recreational Pressure was Add recreational pressure to the list of identified in the HRA for Part 1 and must sustainability issues identified in Section be considered within the SA framework 7 of the SA Scoping Report. for Part 2. Highlights that water supply and waste Add water supply and waste water water resources issues were identified in resources to the list of sustainability the HRA for Part 1 and must be issues identified in Section 7 of the SA considered within the SA framework for Scoping Report. SA objective not Part 2. The relevant SA objective should amended as they are taken from the be amended. agreed Cumbria-wide SA framework Identifies that air quality within the Lake Add air quality within the Lake District District High Fells SAC was identified in High Fells SAC to the list of sustainability the HRA for Part 1 and must be issues identified in Section 7 of the SA considered within the SA framework for Scoping Report. SA objective not Part 2. The relevant SA objective should amended as they are taken from the be amended. agreed Cumbria-wide SA framework. Wish to see the impact on soils included Stage 2 assessment includes indicator as part of the SA process including for BMVAL. Environmental evidence relating to the BMV agricultural constraints/capacity – including BMVAL - land. will be considered in Stage 3 taking into account requirement of Policy S36 in Local Plan (Part 1). Suggests that the Natural England The accessibility standard recommended Guidance (Accessible Natural Green by NE of 2ha natural green space within space) is used to assess proximity to 300m is considered to be unachievable. open space. Objectives SP5 and SP6. Allerdale's open space study recommends a distance of 800m and this is considered to be an appropriate standard. It is inappropriate to use standard The Stage 2 assessment seeks to distances to determine impacts on screen out the most poorly performing designated sites, although they may be and unsustainable sites. Those sites used to 'screen'. Assessment of impacts reaching Stage 3 will be subject to robust needs to include evidence from the HRA. environmental assessment that will incorporate evidence from the HRA. It is inappropriate to use standard Stage 2 assessment seeks to screen out distances to determine impacts on the most poorly performing and protected landscapes. The SA should unsustainable sites. Those sites consider the special qualities of protected reaching Stage 3 will be subject to robust landscapes and their vulnerabilities to landscape assessment that will change taking into account NCA and incorporate evidence from various LDNP/AONB Management Plans. evidence bases – LCG, NCA and management plans. Considers that the list of environmental Chapter 7 to be revised to incorporate issues identified in Chapter 7 is generic the issues identified in the HRA for the and should reflect the issues identified in Local Plan Part 1. the HRA for Part 1 – see 11.04, 11.05, 11.06 Chapter 7 should identify how the issues The format for Chapter 7 has been link together and the interrelationships changed to a matrix style layout that between them. allows the issues that have social, economic and environmental sustainability issues to be highlighted Objectives NR1 and NR2 should be SA objectives will not be amended as amended to reflect issues flagged up in they are taken from the agreed Cumbria- HRA for Local Plan (Part 1). wide SA framework Provides reference to EH guidance for Noted. SA/SEA and expected components of such assessments. Highlights the need to incorporate the Noted. Cumbria Biodiversity Evidence Base into the evidence base for the Site Allocations DPD. Highlights the need to incorporate the Noted. Five-Stage Biodiversity Site Assessment into the site assessment process Considers that Green Infrastructure To review the text within Sections 6 and should be included within the 7 and make reference to importance and sustainability appraisal framework benefits of Green Infrastructure. Protection of landscape character is not Add additional criterion in relation to the mentioned within the natural environment protection of landscape character and section on page 17. intrinsic beauty of the countryside. Concerns in relation to the text wording The text will be deleted. on page 46 and the emphasis on commercial wind as a contributor renewal energy targets. Concerns in relation to the use of the The Cumbria Renewable Energy figures for renewable energy contained Capacity and Deployment study forms within the Cumbria Renewable Energy part of the Local Plan evidence base and Capacity and Deployment Strategy. should be used. Revise target There are infrastructure issues in the Infrastructure capacity of settlements will villages of Brigham and Broughton and be considered at the Stage 3 there are concerns about the implication assessment for site allocations and also of new housing development on this. for the settlement boundary review. The Council must consider safety Highway safety will be considered in aspects of new development (e.g. street Stage 3. Lighting and crime prevention lighting, crime prevention, speed limits). would be considered at the planning application stage not site allocations. The Council must consider the impacts of Flood risk is considered in all site flooding (locally Matty Beck). assessment stages and the review of settlement boundaries. The Council must consider the views of The local community will have a chance the local community. to make comments at the Issues and Options and Preferred Options consultation stages. Table 2: Summary of responses to the Draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

2.4 A total of 41 comments were received on the Site Assessment Methodology from 8 consultees; these comments are summarised in Table 3. The responses came from one stakeholder, five statutory consultees, one Parish/Town Council and one member of the public.

Comment Council Response Supports the three stage approach for Noted. the assessment of sites. Suggests that term 'Sites of The text will be amended as suggested. Archaeological Interest' is replaced with terms ‘Heritage Assets’ that are demonstrably of equivalent significance to Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Stage 1, 2 and 3 and also the site assessment proformas. Considers the historic environment Noted. criteria in the Stage 2 assessment are appropriate. Agrees with the Stage 3 methodology. Noted. Agrees with the historic environment Noted. criteria outlined to review settlement boundaries. Considers that the site assessment Noted. proforma is sufficiently detailed in relation to the historic environment. Agree with the 3 stage approach to site Allocations and settlement boundary allocations but not in the order suggested amendments will be considered in by the Council. The settlement tandem and inform each other. boundaries should be reviewed before the three stage process starts in order to avoid sprawl. Development outside of the settlement The purpose of the Site Allocations DPD boundary should be included as a is to identify new allocations for housing criterion in the Stage 1 assessment. and to review existing settlement boundaries. Therefore existing settlement boundaries cannot be used as assessment criterion. The criteria included in Stage 2 are very The Stage 2 criteria correspond to the subjective and open to challenge. The Cumbria SA Framework objectives and number of criteria should be reduced to are established indicators for assessing include only the most important ones. sustainability at a broad level. Deleting individual criterion would have effect of sites not being appraised across the full range of sustainable considerations. Growth levels for settlements should be Local Plan Part 1 sets out growth levels defined at the outset. The assessment for the LSC and Rural Villages tiers. Role criteria that will be used to determine the of Part 2 site allocations is to determine level of growth that Great Clifton will the level of growth of individual receive should also be set out. settlements within those tiers. Growth levels in individual settlements will be dependent on the number and capacity of sites submitted. Therefore growth levels for the individual settlements cannot be defined at the outset. The assessment criteria for determining levels of growth are set out in Policy S3 of Part 1. The Local Planning Authority has a duty Those sites reaching Stage 3 will be to preserve listed buildings and subject to robust assessment in relation conservation areas and their settings. to the impact on heritage assets. The potential to retain non-designated Evidence from various evidence bases assets should be explored. Proposed including the HER will be used. A local allocations must be evaluated in terms of listings exercise is to be undertaken and impact of on heritage assets. selected candidates will be considered as part of the allocations process. Include a criterion in relation to 'Coal This criterion will be added to the Stage 2 Mining Development Risk Area' in Stage assessment list. 2 assessment. Include a criterion in relation to 'Coal This criterion will be added to the Stage 2 Surface Resource Area' in n Stage 2 assessment list. assessment Replace reference to 'British Coal Area' The text will be amended as suggested. with 'Coal Authority Area' in Appendices A1/2. Supports the three stage approach for Noted. the assessment of sites. Supports the elimination of sites in Stage 1 prior to Issue and Options consultation. Highlights the need to incorporate the Noted. Cumbria Biodiversity Evidence Base into the evidence base for the Site Allocations DPD. GIS layers are available for the Stage 1 and 2 assessments. Highlights the Five-Stage Biodiversity Noted. Site Assessment guidance available at CBEB that can be used to support the assessment of sites during Stage 3. Supports the criteria set out for Noted. discounting sites as part of the stage 1 assessment. Supports the elimination of sites at stage 1 prior to Issues and Options consultation. Suggests that Ancient Woodland is Ancient Woodland will be included in included within criteria 3 of the Stage 1 criteria 3 of the Stage 1 assessment. assessment. Suggests that proximity to open space The accessibility standard recommended criteria is amended to reflect Natural as 2ha natural green space within 300m England Guidance (Accessible Natural is considered to be unachievable. Given Green space) i.e. 300m rather than 2km. the characteristics of the District, an accessibility standard of 2ha within 1km of the urban population is proposed. Remove Open Space as relevant Indicator will be amended as development type in Stage 2 loss of open recommended. space indicator. Considers the buffer distances for effect The criterion will be amended to >1km. on setting of LDNP, AONB and Hadrian’s The NP indicator will be amended so that Wall are too small. Considers red flag it is consistent with other indictors. should be >1km not 400m. Amend NP indicator so that it is consistent with AONB and WHS indicator. Does not consider that the use of the The Council adopts the All Landscapes landscape character types set out in the Matter Model (Policy S33) and will use Cumbria Wind Energy SPD is the LCG during the detailed Stage 3 appropriate to assess landscape assessment. The landscape sensitivity sensitivity. The Cumbria Landscape definitions were taken from the Wind Guidance and Toolkit uses the All Energy SPD. Constitute one of a number Landscapes Matter Model. of indicators to screen out wholly unsuitable sites at Stage 2. Queries the Stage 2 criteria in relation to Amend criterion to remove reference to impact on internationally and nationally 'contains'. protected sites. Remove reference to 'Contains ……' in the red indicator as these should have been screened out at Stage 1. Concerned that the distance criteria in Stage 2 assessment seeks to screen out relation to internationally and nationally the most poorly performing and protected sites may be too simplistic and unsustainable sites. Those sites reaching not identify potential adverse/indirect Stage 3 will be subject to robust impacts. assessment in relation to environmental and biodiversity impacts. Wish to see an indicator in relation to This would be picked up in the Stage 3 potential adverse effects of light pollution assessment, which will incorporate included within the assessment criteria. findings of HRA, including potential impacts as a result of light pollution. The potential to mitigate the impact of potential light pollution must be considered. Queries whether there should be a The Council considers that the percentage threshold for discarding sites application of a percentage threshold at Stage 2 as discarding those sites would be overly rigid and inflexible which do not meet 'the majority' of approach. The reasoning for any sites indicators is not clear enough. being discarded at Stage 2 will be clarified in full in the publication of the results of the assessment. Queries whether some indicators should Weightings would be difficult to justify be weighted – and if a site performs and may lead to disagreement and lack poorly on the weighted indicators should of consensus between statutory be a candidate for being discarded at consultees, stakeholders and local Stage 2. communities. Could increase the likelihood of challenge. Queries whether a site that would score The reasoning for any sites being amber in the majority would still be taken discarded at Stage 2 will be clarified in forward from Stage 2 to Stage 3. full in the publication of the results of the assessment. Wish to see more detail in relation as to The Council intend to produce further how the landscape evaluations will be guidance on landscape character and carried out for each site at the preferred assessment at a district level to inform options stage. decision making in site allocations and development management processes. Suggests that an additional assessment Amend Proformas to allow in-situ criteria be added to the Site Assessment features to be identified. Proformas to allow on-site features such as hedgerows, fields banks, stone walls and other boundary features to be identified that should be incorporated into development. There is less evaluation criteria for the The Council considers that the review of review of settlement boundaries. Queries allocations and settlement boundaries whether traffic light approach used for are different undertaking that require Stage 2 assessment of site allocations distinct approaches. The proposed will be used. Not clear how visual assessment criteria proposed are well amenity and landscape will be assessed. established and considered to be robust. Queries whether sites currently allocated There is potential provided that the sites for employment could have their fulfil the environmental, amenity and allocation type switched to housing if locational criteria for new residential they met the criteria in assessment development. stages 2 and 3. Need to include surface water flooding Will include additional criteria within within the site assessment methodology Stage 2 assessment to cover surface process. Provides Stage 2 assessment water flooding as suggested. criteria. Suggests an additional criterion for Stage This additional criterion will be added as 3 assessment for site allocations 'can be suggested. accommodated within existing infrastructure capacity or where the additional required capacity can be delivered by the developer or through committed investment'. Suggests an amendment to criterion A of Text will be amended as suggested. Stage 3 assessment for site allocations: add 'and important services' after word settlement. Suggests an amendment to 2nd Text will be amended as suggested. paragraph of page 19: add 'or transport ' between words environmental and constraints. Satisfied with the daft site assessment Noted. methodology. Must consider flood risk and drainage Flood risk is considered in all site (Thursby drainage system unable to assessment stages and the review of cope with further development). settlement boundaries. Would support sustainable growth on Noted. brownfield sites. No development needed for the sustainability of the community. In Thursby, there is a need to sustain the Noted. Post Office. There is a need for a dentist surgery for residents who are unable to drive. Table 3: Summary of responses to the Draft Site Assessment Methodology 3.0 Next Steps

3.1 The responses to these consultation documents will be taken into account when progressing the Local Plan (Part 2); any commitment to make amendments to the Sustainability Appraisal report and the Site Assessment Methodology.

3.2 The sites that were put forward for consideration for allocation will all be put through the Stage 1 assessment outlined in the Site Assessment Methodology. Sites that are not discounted at Stage 1 will be included in an Issues and Options consultation document; comments from statutory consultees, stakeholders, members of the public and Parish/Town Councils will then be invited on these sites.

3.3 The next round of consultation will be published on our website and those who are registered on our consultation database will be notified of the start of the consultation. If you would like to be added to our consultation database, please email [email protected] or call 01900 702610.