Volume XXXV No. 3 March 1980 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE jissocujm OF xwisH Rffuem BI OIEAT BRITJW

Margot Pottlit-er A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN THE TRANSFORMATION OF The character of AJR activities has changed over the years with changing GERMAN JEWRY needs. While, as before, we safeguard the general interests of our community, much Ye-jr Book XXIV of the Leo Baeck Institute of the emphasis is now on work con­ nected with Old Age Homes and a In his introduction to the very first Year Book and consequently a new kind of readership for variety of social welfare work for the of the Leo Baeck Institute in 1956, Dr. S. Moses, the Year Book. The earlier volumes were mainly less fortunate ones among us. The con­ Ihe Institute's first chairman, outlined the motives destined for and read by men and women who tinued success of our endeavour calls for •or the publication and the aims it had set itself. sought enlightenment on a sequence of events in the broadening of our membership base 'The era of German Jewry, so irretrievably past. which they had themselves been involved. Their by enrolling those of our community who Could only be retraced and preserved for cur­ number, too, is dwindling, and the contents of have so far failed to join. sives, our children and the Jewish world at large, recent volumes have been written for and eagerly To this end there are enclosed with this 'f we, the generation that had set out from Ger- perused by scholars of various disciplines, by uni­ issue of AJR Information a letter and a "lany, would take this cultural task upon our- versities and libraries all over the world. It is brochure aimed at those who are not yet *lves. ... In our midst, forces are still available greatly to Dr. Paucker's credit that he has been members. We enlist your support that *ho can present and analyse from their own able to assemble for each Year Book teams of these reach a friend or acquaintance of affinity the manifold manifestations of German scholars, not all of them Jewish, with a deep yours in the hope that your personal Jewry." These guidelines determined for many awareness of the problems involved and of modem effort will lead to the enrolment of one years the contents of the Year Book. As a result, methods to deal with them. or more new members. a wealth of information was provided which would For this reason alone, it is fitting that the The effectiveness of our work in the otherwise have been irretrievably lost and which present volume should start with a study of the years to come is based upon the strength Will always remain valuable source material for problems of historiography, and in this context of our membership which is still main­ future historians. Werner E. Mosse's essay on "Judaism, Jews and tained at over 3,800. Respectable though As time went on, alas, many of these first-hand Capitalism", based on a study of Max Weber. this total may seem at present, we face Witnesses of the last and most poignant epoch of Wemer Sombarf, and their commentators and a natural reduction in membership unless German Jewish history have died, and a new critics, is particularly relevant. He states that past we succeed with the recruiting drive on feneration of historians has had fo take over and explanations in terms of religion, race, class or which, with your help, we now embark. deal with the subject as one of pure historical ideology have lost much of their usefulness, and Those of us who have studied our ^holarship. Now, nearly a quarter of a century that a new methodology is needed. If. for instance, records are surprised at the number of ater, the 1979 Year Book, fhe 24fh to be pub­ the German-Jewish economic elite is the study of friends and acquaintances whose names lished,* is almost entirely the work of that younger an investigation, its proportional strength and its are not yet in our membership lists. Their generation. It opens with tributes to four men distribution through difTerent branches of the absence from our ranks weakens the con­ Who were instrumental in forming the Leo Baeck economy should be established. He quotes data tinued effectiveness of our work in the institute and who have died recently: Professor supplied in 1912 by Rudolf Martin, even if he decade before us when we know that our Hans Liebeschutz, Dr. Max Kreutzberger, Dr. does not consider them entirely reliable: In 1908, services and our care will remain in great Hans Tramer, and Dr. Jochanan Ginaf. Robert there were 162 Jews among 747 i>eople in Prussia demand. ^eltsch remains the founder editor, and Arnold whose fortunes exceeded five million marks. We are confident that with your active Paucker continues to call himself co-editor, though Among the hundred wealthiest people, there were assistance we shall not fail. Additional lor quite a few years, he has done the actual 12 Jews. He recommends to study the Jewish role copies of the letter are available on re­ editing, in accordance with the high standards set in capitalist society by relinquishing the pre-war quest and will be sent. debate, and embark on a method which is begin­ °y Robert Weltsch who. in his retirement in C. T. MARX. 'srael, has no longer been able to write the intro­ ning to be applied by modern scholars to study the duction which used so splendidly to point out the structure, functions and motivations of Jewish ''Pecial relevance of each volume. In his own short economic elites. Laurence Schofer in another and educational projects. Kwiet's article makes Preface, Arnold Paucker announces that in future essay is in search of a method for the study of fascinating reading, though one may not agree ^olumes different writers will be asked to continue the History of European Jewry in the framework with some of his conclusions. He claims that there *"e tradition. of the general history of European countries which were in fact some 2,000 Jews who. under the . ^c present volume is devoted to a far-reaching he says, has hitherto been largely neglected by umbrella of left-wing organisations, provided 'nvestigation of "the Transformation of German concentrating on intellectual history only. active resistance. He sees a particular Jewish Jewry". It is a scholarly cornucopia, and to do it Further sections in the book deal with Cultural phenomenon in the Herbert Baum group. justice Would, alas, require far more space and Rapprochement. Emancipation and Assimilation. As a contribution to the Mendelssohn year, P^cialist historians as reviewers There have been Autobiography and Genealogy, and Eva Engel deals, in the "Cultural Rapproche­ sreat many changes since that first volume was Palestine, and Jewish Nationalism, and contain a ment" section, with Mendelssohn's widespread in­ Published. Most of the presenf contributors were wealth of information both for the general reader fluence on German literature. He not only greatly "orn after the end of the First World War and and the specialist. Of special interest to our friends influenced Lessing's style, thinking, and method, ere trained as professional historians in modern is Konrad Kwiet's study of the problems of Jewish but he also wrote two important essays and 21 Jnethods of historiography. They also had access Resistance History. There was a time, not so long reviews for his friend Nicolai's periodicals and ° many sources in many countries, but particu- ago, when, especially in Israel, young people failed met most of fhe important young writers and ""ly in Germany, which have only recently to understand why there had been no active resis­ poets, Wieland and Kleist among them. become accessible. Equally, there has been a tance to the Nazis by Jews in Germany. Kwiet, a In the section "Emancipation and Assimil­ ..^"'endous upsurge in academic interest all over young German historian born in 1941, reminds ation", there is a well-written essay by Julius e World in the various phenomena of German us that men like Emst Simon and Herbert Frceden Carlebach, "The Forgotten Connection—^Women *^^h history and in Jewish history in general. and many others with personal experience of the and Jews in the Conflict between Enlightenment period, denied the existence of any active resis­ and Romanticism." He again stresses that histori­ Jen* ??"'' XXtV, 1979. The Transformation of German tance and coined the term "spiritual resistance", cal events should never be treated as uniquely re- \VarK "^blished for the Leo Baeck Institute by ..Seeke' r & •"^ourg, Ijjndon 1979. 472pp. Price £9. i.e. a desire for self-assertion expressed in cultural Contimied at column 1, page 2 Page2 AJR INFORMATION March 1980 Contd. from page I NAZI CRIMINALS IN COURT

Transformation of Gennan Jewry THE PARIS NAZIS In the witness stand. Professor Scheffler said it The hearing of evidence in the court was wrong to see in antisemitism an invention of lating to Jews and to remember how often Jewish case against the former SS members , Adolf Hitler's. It was equally untrue that the history had a catalytic effect on its environment. and , accused of general population had served the Nazi systern having been accessories to the murder of more for reasons of intimidation. With a few notable He sees it as no accident that the origins of Jewish exceptions, there had been no Christian solidarity emancipations and the beginnings of the move­ than 70,000 Jews from France during their term of oifice in Paris, has been terminated. It has been with the Jews. Historians had not the right idea ment for thc emancipation of women manifested about the so-called "final solution". They tended themselves at about the same time in the wake of a turbulent trial. All three accused maintained that they had not known that the Jews they had to to forget the important part played by ordinary the enlightenment, and that both movements were collect for depwrtafion were sent to extermination police units who had assisted the SS in clearing resisted not only from outside but equally from camps. They had assumed that the transports were the ghettos by killing Jews or sending them to the inside their own groups. The parallelism involved either meant to reunite families, or to provide gas chambers. In Polish towns and villages, these leads Carlebach to a number of interesting con­ workers for special projects. Ernst Heinrichsohn, units had done much of the shooting. In the War­ clusions on the background of the society, not only a former SS sergeant is still the Mayor of the saw ghetto, for instance, old and sick people arid Bavarian town of Biirgstadt. and both the Biirg- children had been shot in the ghetto itself or in in Germany, against which both movements fought fhe nearby wood. It was impossible for the know­ and eventually succeeded. stadt town council and the CSU party, to which he belongs, refused to sack him. ledge of these happenings to have been restricted It has not been possible to draw attention to to a small circle of people. The trial is expected to One witness for the defence was 68-year-old continue for several more months. , more than a few of the interesting essays con­ Anton Sollner who had been a guard in the French tained in the 1979 Year Book, but one section, not deportation camp Drancy. He said that he had In Munich, the police confiscated all copies and very aptly named "Autobiography and Genealogy" never noticed children among thc depor'ees. A! the newsprint of a book "Maidanek in aU should again appeal to most of our readers. It this point , who with his German- Eternity", written by a former member of the continues the tradition of earlier Year Books by born wife Beate had campaigned for the trial of Jewish community who had been expelled some publishing three very different, but equally the three accused for many years and who is a time ago and published under a pseudonym. The co-plaintiff in the case, disclosed that in 1954 book contains expressions of violent hatred against delightful collections of reminiscences. Peter Zionists and tries to rehabilitate camp guards. The Frankel discusses and publishes excerpts from the Sollner had been sentenced to death in absentia in France for his share in the crimes. publisher was a woman who had been deemed memoirs of B. L. Monasch of Krotoschin (1801- unfit to plead some time ago. 1876), a printer and publisher who inter alia The prosecution produced deportation lists brought out the first edition of the Jerusalem dating from 1942 to 1944 which all bore Heinrich- LIFE SENTENCE FOR SS MURDERER Talmud since 1609, and the Monatsschrift fiir die sohn's signature. They reveal that up to 1,500 A jury pronounced a life sentence on Jews were crammed into cattle trains at each 69-year-old former SS commanding officer and Wissenschaft und Geschichte des Judentums, transport, and amongst them were families with edited by his son-in-law Heinrich Graetz. His police inspector Victor Arajs, for taking part m up to nine children. The youngest child was just the murder of at least 13,000 Jews in Riga. When diaries provide insight into the life and living stan­ one month old. On the March 1944 list appears the ghetto was evacuated in 1941, he had ordered dards of Jews in 19th century Prussian Poland. the name of Simone Jacob, the maiden-name of his commando troups to form a wall against which Helmut Gemsheim, the eminent authority on Madame , now president of fhe the Jews were driven into a number of mass European Parliament. Heinrichsohn was unable to photography and its history, has supplied some graves which had been dug earlier. The coiirt produce an explanation for his signature on these stressed the lack of feeling and pity with which he hitherto unknown material on the Gemsheims of lists which he said he never read. Worms. Of Spanish Jewish origin, the first Gerns­ and other officers had watched the naked Jews Herbert Hagen, 65. former SS Colonel, refused descending into the graves to be shot. During t"^ heim settled in Worms in the 16th century, and fo comment on the charges against him, but said 199 days of his trials, he had simulated illness ano the last, a doctor, committed .suicide in 1938 to that he had been sure the deportees were to be sat in a wheelchair which he left immediately he escape Nazi persecution. The Gernsheims estab­ sent to Palestine. Together with Adolf Eichmann was out of the court-room. lished Worms as the centre of the leather trade. he had paid a secret visit to that country in the The founder of the oldest leather firm in Ger­ late Thirties to investigate the possibilities. His HITLER'S IMAGE . many, Michael Gernsheim (1715-92), was also the boss, SS Brigadier Oberg, who had been like a A .salesman, who resembled Hitler and solo last "Judenbischof", i.e. the elected head of the father to him, had certainly not known anything pictures of himself in SS uniform, was fined £261' Jewish community and responsible for its autono­ about fhe extermination camps. and given a six-months susi)ended sentence f'"' mous administration and jurisdiction. He held that Two prosecution witnesses, the former head of disseminating emblems of illegal organisations. office for 34 years. the German security police in Holland and the head of the Jewish department in the Hague, who CEMETERY DESECRATIONS Finally there is the second part of Dolf have already served long sentences for their Vandals smeared tombstones in the Freiburg Michaelis's "The Ephraim family and their crimes, said even Eichmann had tried to deceive Jewish cemetery with swastikas and overturned descendants". The first vice-chairman of the AJR them about the camps, but from the information them. When this was reported in the press, many in its formative years has done a vast amount of available to them they had gradually come to the citizens wrote to the Jewish community to express research into the history of the Ephraims after conclusion that there was no doubt about the fate their shame and disgust. the beginning of the emancipation of the Jews in of the deported Jews. Lischka was sentenced to 10 In Bad Hersfeld, a neo-Nazi "NSDAP Storm- Prussia, and as required, put it into the context years, Hagen to 12 years and Heinrichsohn to six troop" claimed responsibility for desecrating the years imprisonment. the Jewish cemetery and announced in an advert­ of the general history of the time. He says: "Some isement, decorated with swastikas, in a local pap^,{ of them left the Jewish fold and intermarried, THE MAIDANEK TRIAL that its aims were to bring the "Red Government others have remained faithful to the religion of down, to throw out Jews and foreigners and t" their fathers to fhis day". Amongst those who The DUsseldorf trial against the former male create a Fourth Reich. married into the Gentile nobility, were two sisters and female officers and guards in the Maidanek Sara and Marianne Mayer who became leading concentration camp, which was started as the last UNFORGOTTEN HITLER major trial against SS murderers, has now sat for The Bad Nauheim municipal council refused to figures in the intellectual salons of and nearly 4(X) days, and the end is not yet in sight. Vienna. Both of them met Goethe and became his accept a resolution proposed by the Social Demo­ 65-year-old woman architect Helene Kurcyusz cratic members to remove the names of Hitler ano friends for many years. Their extensive corre­ from Warsaw, who had survived cruel ill-treat­ of the Nazi Gauleiter of Hesse, Ferdinand Werner spondence with him lasted from 1795 when fhey ment, had a severe nervous breakdown after from its roll of honour. In a recent booklet to met in Karlsbad, to 1824. recounting part of her experience. In the camp, celebrate Nauheim's 125 years as a city, botn she had to use her professional training for were listed as Freemen of Nauheim. The Loro Bertha Cohn's bibliography "Post-war Publica­ planning roads and the camp sewage system. tions on German Jewry" (72pp. with a 22pp. Mayor Herbert Schafer, himself a Social Demo­ Hermine Ryan, one of the defendants, had been crat, said this was in order, because this was a special index) is once more a masterwork of intelli­ known in the camp as the mare, because she had gent arrangement and painstaking study. During historical description, and both men had existeo kicked her victims ruthlessly whenever possible. in history. the many years that she has done this work. Another defendant. Hildegart LSchert, had been Bertha Cohn has made the bibliography into an called "Bloody Brigida". because she liked to beat indispensable tool for researchers and has earned inmates until they were bleeding profusely. After BECHSTEIN STEINWAY BLUTHNER the grafitude of scholars in many lands. It is sad to Mrs. Kurcyusz had been released for the day, Lachert simulated a heart-attack and was taken to Finest selection reconditioned PIANOS record that this year's bibliography will be fhe hospital. The court then dismissed the Polish last compiled by her, as reluctantly she has had to witness and the Berlin historian Professor Always interested In purchasing agree to enjoy some well-deserved leisure and leave Scheffler. A day later, Lachert was sent back from well-preserved instruments the arduous work to a younger person. Any suc­ hospital. Subsequently, her counsel tried to pre­ cessor will find it difficult to live by her high vent Professor Scheffler from appearing as an JACQUES SAMUEL PIANOS LTD, standards. Her contribufion fo the success of the expert witness and der'anded to see his statement 142 Edgware Road, W.2 Tel.: 723 8818/9 Year Books will not be forgotten. in advance. The court refused to give way. AJR INFORMATION March 1980 Page 3 HOME NEWS ANGLO'JVDAICA THATCHER MESSAGE TO ISRAEL ISRAELI TRADE IMPROVING New Plans for B'nai B'rith Twenty-one Conservative Friends of Israel have Four years ago, the Israeli-United Kingdom Our member Werner Lash, a retired accountant, just returned from an eight-day tour during which Joint Trade Committee was formed, but it took has been elected national president of B'nai B'rith they visited the Golan Heights, the Lebanese until this year for the Department of Trade to of Great Britain for two years. He has held many border, a number of kibbutzim and Arab settle­ join in its deliberations which were also attended other offices: for nine years, he has been warden ments. At Ben-Gurion airport, they were greeted by senior officials from all other Ministries in this of the Kingsbury Synagogue, chairman of a non- by Israel's president, Mr. Navon, the Prime Mini­ country and in Israel concerned with trade, in- Jewish housing association for the blind, and ster, Mr. Begin, and the Mayor of Jerusalem, dustiy, agriculture and foreign affairs. They will president of the Beds and Herts Lodge, the Edg­ Mr. Teddy Kollek. They brought with them a now meet once a year in Jerusalem and London ware Lodge, and the Leo Baeck Lodge. On good-will message from Mrs. Thatcher to the altemately. After the abolition of exchange con­ assuming office, he expressed his belief that the leaders of Israel. The group included its national trols, British investment in Israel and British Lodge should be "a catalyst of new ideas and a vice-president. Baroness Hornsby-Smith, the MPs exports to Israel have risen considerably in recent unifying force for the community." At present, Mr. Maurice Macmillan and Mr. Michael Latham, months, and Israel now ranks third after oil-rich there are 62 Lodges all over the country, and Mr. and Sir Horace Cutler, Leader of the Greater Dubai and Saudi Arabia as a market for British Lash plans an expansion of the movement, par­ London Council. The jiarty was led by Mr. goods among Britain's 24 trading partners in the ticularly in small towns. Michael Fidler, the national director of the CFI. Middle East. When the party visited the Balfour Forest in "O" Level in Jewish History Galilee, Mrs. Maurice Macmillan, Lord Balfour's At a press conference at the Israeli Embassy, great-niece, unveiled a memorial plaque, and each Mr. Gideon Patt, the Israeli Minister for Industry. The Oxford and Cambridge Examination Board member of the group planted a tree. Commerce, and Tourism disclosed that he would have accepted an "O" level syllabus in Modern soon go to Cairo to open negotiations for a trade Jewish History. Some 40 Jewish and non-Jewish THE IRISH AND THE PLO agreement. There were great opportunities for students are already studying fhe course at Har­ A parliamentary delegation from the Irish Re- triangular trade projects between Britain, Israel row, Eton, and three major London schools and Public to Lebanon who were guests of the PLO, and Egypt. will sit their examination in June. The Hebrew University will hold summer workshops during the stated that they had received a categorical assur­ THE WHITEHALL HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL ance from Yasir Arafat that there were no links next two years to train teachers for the course between the PLO and the IRA. There has been When the Minister of the Environment, Michael which covers the main events in Jewish history some spjeculation that the new Irish government Heseltine was the principal guest at a Board of during the last 100 years. The scheme was started Will soon give some form of recognition to the Deputies lunch, he said the planned memorial to i by Mr. Robin Spiro, Lector in Hebrew at Oxford. PLO. Charles Haughey, the new Prime Minister, the 11 million victims of the Nazi holocaust would i Before his marriage to an Israeli girl, he took a has long been regarded as pro-Arab in his views. probably be set up near Richmond Terrace in i law degree in Oxford and served in the Queen's In the past, he has visited several Arab countries Whitehall, and discussions with architects had I Roya! Irish Hussars. In 1969, aged 38, he changed and, as Minister of Health imder Jack Lynch, he begun. He stressed, however, that there would be 1 course and returned to Oxford to take postgradu­ was respxjnsible for arranging places in Irish medi- no govemment contribution to the upkeep of the ate degrees. At the moment, he is writing a thesis 'Sl schools for Iraqi students. When Eurabia, the memorial, because if such a memorial did not on the imprnct of on modern Hebrew Co-ordinating committee of Irish-Arab friendship attract enough private suppwrt, it would not be poetry. For the last year, he has been teaching ^cieties recently opened an office in Dublin, the worth erecting. It is hoj)ed to raise enough money modern Jewish history at his old school, Harrow, Foreign Minister. Brian Lenihan, said the Irish for the monument as well as for books and at University College School, and at the City of Government had been pro-Arab since 1977, and educational schemes connected with the holocaust. London School. Mr. Spiro and his wife established jbey probably had a deej)er commitment to the the Institute for the Study of Jewish History and Palestinian cause than any other Common Market JEWISH CHOIR'S S. AFRICAN TRIP Culture, which has donated sets of the Encyclo­ paedia Judaica to a number of the schools. country. The United Hebrew Congregation of Johannes­ burg has invited the London Jewish Male Choir In a letter to Lord Carrington, the Foreign Jewish Forces Meeting «cretary, Mr. Greville Janner. QC, MP, president to sing in its synagogue and has offered an all- °f the Board of Deputies, asked for an investi­ expenses-paid 2i weeks' trip to its members. The Jews serving in the Forces and stationed in gation of the claim by an IRA defector in Anti-Af>artheid Movement has protested against Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Israel, the US and America, that the IRA had links with the Palestine the trip which it regards as a cultural contact with Britain attended the aimual Jewish reunion and Liberation Organisation. South Africa. Its secretary, Mr. Mike Terry said moral leadership course for Commonwealth, it was all the more surprising that a Jewish choir American and Israeli military personnel and their NATIONAL FRONT IN HACKNEY should want to go because "it was the leaders of families at the Royal Air Force's chaplain's At a public enquiry at Hackney Town Hall the racist ruling National Party who were im­ school in Hampshire, organised by the Rev. jjany people objected fiercely to the National prisoned during the last war for supporting the Weisman, senior Jewish chaplain to HM Forces. •Tont using a building in Shoreditch as its head- Nazis". He added that it was impossible to keep 'juarters. Mr. Derrick Day for the NF said that politics out of such a tour. Representatives of the Future of Ajex pf- Stephen Sedley, counsel for Hackney Council choir stated their performances would be public At a meeting to commemorate the 1946 found­ 'Or Racial Equality, was a traitor to the English and open to whites and non-whites, but very few ing of the Wembley Ajex branch, the organis­ people on which he was trying to force a multi­ blacks were expected to be interested in their ation's national chairman, Mr. Henry Morris, said racial society. He should go back to Israel. Mr. repertoire which consists of Jewish ethnic, litur­ that the 1980s might mark the end of Ajex in its J-hristopher Whittaker, for the protesters, said gical and Yiddish music. present form, because the future trend would be the NF had for a long time been drawing lines away from ex-Servicemen towards the general found the Jews, the blacks, and the Pakistanis JEWISH NEWS AGENCY CLOSES DOWN field of service to all sections of the community. and saying "that they should be somewhere else The London bulletin of the Jewish Telegraphic and ultimately that they should be nowhere". Agency closed down after nearly 60 years of Jewish Book Exhibition at British Museuin J'l'inigrants in the area were afraid of the NF. uninterrupted publication, because it is no longer The British Library at the British Museum held Mr. Arthur Super, a former Jewish mayor of financially viable. The total yearly budget of a small exhibition, depicting the use of illustration Hackney, said he had had pjersonal experience of £45,000 showed a deficit of about £30,000. The in Hebrew printing from 1474 to 1700. The library 'he violence, hatred and anfi-semitism preached Israeli and the New York branches of the Agency has one of the finest collections of Hebrew books and practised by the NF. During his year of office, will continue to function. The closure will be and manuscripts in the world, and the exhibition H offensive slogans daubed on his front door greatly regretted by Jewish editors, journalists and displayed 52 of them, eight printed before 1500. and had to seek p)olice protection against the other readers in this country. On several occasions, They come from a number of Europjean places, 'nreats made to him by the Front. the bulletin carried complimentary references to the two most impwrtant being Venice and Amster­ "AJR Information". LORD FISHER HONOURED dam. A Lord Fisher Memorial Scholarship Fund was inaugurated bv Lord Fisher's former colleagues on Your House for:— ^e board of E. S. Schwab & Co., the banking FLOOR COVERINGS With acknowledgement to the news pT^Pany of which Lord Mancroft is chairman. CURTAINS, CARPETS, service of the Jewish Chronicle. f^ 19?^ of the fund, opened with a donation of *;^,500, are the Chief Rabbi and Mr. James SPECIALITY ^llaghan. ENGLISH & CONTINENTAL DOWN QUILTS, DUVETS. CAMPS BELSIZE SQUARE SYNAGOGUE DUVET COVERS & SHEETS 51 Betsize Square, London, N.W.3 INTERN MENT-P.O.W.- ALSO RE-MAKES AND RE-COVERS FORCED LABOUR-KZ ESTIMATES FREE 'wish to buy carcis, envelopes and folded post- Our new communal hall is available (or "larVed letters from all camps of both world wars. OAWSON-LANE LIMITED cultural and social functions. For details Please send, registered mail, stating price, to: (astablished 1946) 17 BRIDGE ROAD, WEMBLEY PARK apply to: Secretary, Synagogue Office. 14 Roselyn Hill, London, N.W.S Telephone: 904 6671 TeL: 01-7M n4t PETER C. RICKENBACK personal attantion ol Mi. W. Shadonaii Page 4 AJR INFORMATION March 1980

IRAN Jews amongst Hostages NEWS FROM ABROAD There are three Jews among the Americans being held hostage in the Teheran American Em­ UNITED STATES Jewish Studies in Demand bassy. One of them, Mr. Barry Rosen, the press Growing Andsemitism The New York-based "Academy for Jewish attache, who was due to finish his tour of duty in There were more antisemitic incidents in the US Studies Without Walls" has attracted more than Iran on December 1, has been threatened that he in 1979 than at any other time since 1960. Accord­ 1,200 students from the US, Canada, Israel and will be put on trial. ing to the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League, other countries, both Jewish and non-Jewish. It there were 159 such incidents including 51 attacks was set up five years ago by the American Jewish Jewish Property Confiscated on Jewish homes. There had been 810 incidents in Conunittee and offers correspwndence courses to Among 64 families whose propjerty was seized 1960 and 170 in 1961, but since then the yearly adults who may enrol at any time during the year. by the Iran Revolutionary Council are ten Jewish average was 45. The League repwrt also says that ones. The pwoperty is estimated to be worth many antisemitism is an integral p>art of the American JEWISH PRIZE IN MEXICO millions of pounds. The victims are alleged to have Labor Party which maintains contacts with Iraq Mexico's central Jewish Committee and its been supporters of the Shah's regime. Mr. Aryeh, and the Soviet Union. periodical "Tribima Israelita" have established a the young owner of the largest tile factory in Iran, According to ABC TV, there are more than 200 human rights award to mark their 35th anni­ was also accused of having maintained links with European immigrants in the US who are alleged versary. It is an annual prize, named after the Zionism. His father represented the Jewish com­ to have taken pjart in Nazi crimes. Seven of them great French-Jewish jurist and Nobel Prize winner munity in the Iranian Parliament for many years. Rene Cassin, to be awarded annually to a Mexican THE JEWS OF INDIA are alleged to have been subsequently employed writer on human rights issues. Professor Cassin, by the CIA. vvho died in 1976, played a leading part in The newly formed Council of Indian Jewry has Jewisb Child adopted by Non-Jews formulating the UN Declaration of Human Rights. stated that there are now no more than 6,000 Jews Judge Leonard Yoswein, of Brooklyn Supreme in India who are finding it very difficult to secure Court in New York, has ruled that there is no ARGENTINIAN COMMUNFTY HONOURED the services of ministers and mohelim. It has been reason to delay the adoption of an 18-month-old Ninety years ago, 824 Orthodox Jews from decided to send young men to Israel and other Jewish handicapi)ed child by a Protestant minister Russia arrived in Buenos Aires on board SS countries to be trained for service in India. and his wife. A Jewish couple, Mr. and Mrs. "Weser" and proceeded to the Santa Fe Province ITALY Reuben Resch, members of the Lubavitch move­ where they founded the first Jewish settlement Jewish and Italian Scholars meet ment, oppjosed the adoption, because they had also "Moisesville", suppjorted by Baron von Hirsch's For the first time, a mixed Italian-Israeli com­ applied for custody of the child, though later than ICA (Jewish Colonisation Association). They were mittee of scholars met in Rome to draft plans for the Protestants. The child, a boy, is blind and soon followed by other settlers. Thc 90th anni­ a history of Jews in Italy. This was done as i»rt severely handicapp)ed. Mr. Dechter of the Jewish versary of the event was widely celebrated in of an Israeli-Italian cultural agreement. Civil Liberties tJnion said there were dozens of Argentina, not only by its 500,000 Jews, but also cases p>ending in New York adoption agencies in by members of the military govemment. No Collusion with PLO which Jewish children would be given to Christian During a trial of three Italian left-wing activists parents, imless Jewish parents came forward in ISRAELI PILOTS KILLED IN MALAWI and a Jordanian accused of illegally impjorting and time. More than 100 such children had been placed Two Israeli test pilots, aged 41 and 44 years, transprarfing war weapons for the PLO, the Italian in Christian homes last year. crashed in the Arava aircraft which they were Goverrmient issued a strong denial of PLO claims demonstrating before a large crowd. More than that it had been informed of fhe op)eration by the Death of Rabbi Admiral 60 of the Israeli-built planes have been sold to a Italian Ambassador in Beirut after his meeting Rabbi Bertram W. Korn, the first rabbi to serve number of countries, and Malawi was prepared to with PLO leaders. The weapons were ground-air as an admiral in the US Navy Chaplaincy Corps, buy four. missiles, brought to Ortona on a Lebanese has died in Philadelphia and was buried with full freighter. naval honours in the National Cemetery in Arling­ "PEACE NOW MOVEMENT" VISITS EUROPE A delegation of the Israel "Peace Now Move­ Jews kidnapped ton. During the last war, he was a naval chaplain, Two members of wealthy Jewish families in but in 1975 the Christian members of the Chap)- ment", compKJsed of Mrs. Tamir from the Hebrew University, and Mr, Vilan, a kibbutz youth leader, Rome, 26-year-old Barbara Piatelli, daughter of a laincy Corps voted for his promotion to rear- prominent designer and clothes manufacturer, and admiral. visited the Jewish communities in Brussels and Amsterdam and proceeded to Geneva, where they 30-year-old Carlo Teichner, also in the clothing The "Israeli Mafia" held a press conference. Mrs. Tamir said the Jews business, were the first people kidnapped in 1980. In Los Angeles, 27-year-old Israeli Joseph of the Diaspora were entitled to pjarticipate in FRENCH SYNAGOGUES DESECRATED Zakaria was arrested for murder. He and two decisions on the future of Israel and continued: In recent months, a number of synagogues and accomplices, dubbed "the Israeli Mafia" by the "We want to prove to non-Jewish public opinion Jewish cemeteries in France have been desecrated. US pwess, murdered an Israeli couple, Eli and fhat many people in Israel oppmse the annexation During a recent week-end, the small Sephardi Esther Ruven, and scattered their dismembered of Arab territories." synagogue at Creit near Paris was broken into. remains in dustbins. Victims and murderers were Furniture, some Torah scrolls and the Ark were coimected with a crime ring operating in the damaged. Thc French Jewish community is dis­ American West, whose activities included pro­ cussing plans to rebuild the Drancy synagogue, tection rackets, fire bombings, insurance frauds, destroyed by fire in September 1978. Drancy was drug-trafficking and killings. All those involved one of the main centres for the depwrtation of had come to the States as tourists from Israel, Jews by the Nazis between 1942 and 1944. because Israelis ap>plying for pjermanent residence Dorlon have to produce a clearance certificate from the police. Chocolates

make very special gifts Fights Rust Newly developed. Zinc compounds are some of the finest rust inhibitors.The Caxton Chocolate Co. synthetic resin base forms a tough skin, which seals the surface from moisture. From all good hardware and accessory stores. Ltd. Free literature from David's ISOPON, FREEPOST Northway House, London N20 9BR. London N22 6UN AJR INFORMATION March 1980 Pages

Leo Kahn personal histories fit easily into what we loosely call the logic of events; for with one partial exception the Federal Chancellors pxjrtrayed in the book, unlike as they are in mentality, ability, FROM ADENAUER TO SCHMIDT and style of leadership, have this in common: Pen Portraits by Terence Prittie they are realists inasmuch as they govern in accordance with the maxim that politics is the art It is not easy to cover 30 years of a nation's national character, it seems, so far at least, to be of the possible; the exception being Erhard, who history adequately in a narrative of no more than quite safe and functioning satisfactorily. The acid was indeed a free-enterprise doctrinaire. But 250 pages. The author must not confuse the test is perhaps whether at a critical p>eriod the two though his rigidity in this respect, at a time when general reader, at whom this book is aimed, with strongest rival parties can shelve the struggle for developments called for a more flexible attitude, a mere ragbag of seemingly unrelated facts and power and co-op)erate, without either party being caused his own downfall and injured his party, it events, nor should he try to fob him off with ruined in the process. This was accomplished had no lasting effect on the progress of thc Ger­ facile generalisations. Terence Priftie* skilfully under Kiesinger's government; when the "big man economy. avoids both these pitfalls. His tale has substance coalition" had clearly outlived its usefulness, the It would not be surprising if the majority of as well as a clearly discernible structure. To proper pattern—a government strong enough to readers found the chapters on the Adenauer achieve this, he had first to reduce the over-large govem, faced by an opposition strong enough to regime the most compelling. The 15 years or so .subject-matter to manageable propwrtions without, oppose—was duly restored. from the founding of the Federal Republic were however, being arbitrary in his choice of omis­ A story of success, though certainly not un­ the crucial period. When the aged Adenauer, sions. qualified success. The desired degree of Europsean reluctantly and belatedly, surrendered the reins of As the title of the book indicates, national integration has not been achieved; West Ger­ government to his successor, the foundations of history is here presented in the form of short many's relations with the Eastern Bloc, including, the new Germany were well and fmly laid. And biographies of the five successive chancellors, in particular, the German Democratic Republic, Konrad Adenauer himself was a fascinating per­ Adenauer, Erhard, Kiesinger. Brandt and Schmidt. remain an imsolved problem; the imp>erfections of son: a born autocrat, but a firm believer in the The author can thus concentrate on the political (he Western Alliance leave the country's defences virtue of democratic government; a sincere areas which were—in Schmidt's case are—the highly vulnerable. The over-eager pursuit of pros­ Catholic, with more than a touch of uncharitable chief official concem of these heads of government, perity has created its own dangers, and in its cynicism towards his fellow-men. In all political namely foreign and economic affairs, and the concluding chapter the book deals briefly with affairs he displayed vision as well as shrewdness. stabilisation of parliamentary democracy. Other the moral and psychological asp)ects, familiar to Prittie calls him "the greatest, probably fhe only matters of domestic pwlicy are only touched upon, all readers of this joumal. which cause concern. great German statesman since Bismarck". and as a rule, only so far as they are closely The biographical approach to the writing of This must not be taken as an adverse criticism linked to the princijjal areas mentioned. By plac­ history does not necessarily imply a belief in the of later chapters. But as the story gradually pro­ ing his emphasis as he does, Mr. Prittie is able to so-called romantic theory, according to which thc gresses from fhe area of "contemporary history" 'ell a story of remarkable success. After four years will and ability of leaders are pre-eminent among to that of "current affairs", it inevitably loses of utter degradation and desolation in the wake the forces which determine the course of history something of the confidence and balance of judg­ of defeat, it has not taken the new Germany long itself, Mr. Prittie does not go to that extreme in ment which only hindsight can provide. Still, there to become an equal and resp)ected partner in the his appraisal of the role which the individual are also obvious advantages in continuing the society of free nations, a leading member of the plays in great national and world affairs, as the story as far into the present as possible. Europjean communities; and it has achieved a dur­ following quotation, to which others could be Any account of happenings in Germany will able reconciliation with France, the "hereditary added, seems to indicate: cause emotional responses, and the question foe". Its economy has gone from strength to 'What are the secrets of the "Economic whether the work is ohjective is bound to bc strength, holding up comparatively well even af Miracle"? . . . The real secrets of German suc­ raised. Well, the writing of general history, as the present time of world-wide recession. As to cess were different: they were an immense will opposed to monographs on restricted topics, is parliamentary democracy, a system once widely to work, a remarkable degree of industrial never objective. The historian has fo choose the believed to be incompatible with the Gennan peace, and Erhard's decision to give the pwople of the Federal Republic their head, along with perspective under which he wants to view his sub­ every p>ossible incentive.' ject. From an infinite number of facts he must T"erence Prittie, Ttie Velvet-Chancellors—a History of Post In this particular case, at any rate, the bio­ War Germany, Frederick Muller Limited, London. 286pp.. select the small fraction which he is able to include f8.95. graphical method is appropriate, because the in his story. And he cannot help pronouncing, or at least implying, many value judgments, which are subjective by definition. What really matters is that Mr. Prittie develops his theme in a fair and intelligent manner. He makes his basic p>osition quite plain: he is a liberal, a good European, and Germanophil. The RENAULT book is dedicated to "those who have worked for a better understanding between the German and British peoples". His feelings toward the five chancellors range from sympathy and respect to See the Renault range admiration. He has, with some reservations, con­ fidence in the new generation of Germans. Nobody need share all or any of his sentiments; but the otOldOakc'T^ facts which he does adduce are correct, his argu­

(WIR SPRECHEN OEUTSCH/MLUVIME CESKY) ments are never less than reasonable and often persuasive, and on any major p>oint he is careful to indicate also those lines of thought which Where we believe that changing your car is a very would lead to conclusions different from his own. important business antd you deserve to be treated as an Historiography being an art, literary craftman­ individual, not just a sales figure. ship is of the very essence, and Mr. Prittie is a Where you can see the whole Renault range of value for very good writer indeed. His lucid and elegant style money cars and light vans. We try to keep most models carries the reader pleasurably along. He knows in stock all the time. If we haven't got it, we'll get iL how to make effective use of the apt quotation And where we try and make things easy by offering and the telling anecdote, and he has the knack of sensible part exchange prices, helping with finance and explaining a complex situation in easily intelligible insurance where necessary and generally looking after terms. His description, for instance, of Adenauer's involved dealings with de Gaulle is a little master­ you. We're a family firm, and to us our customers always piece. come first. The word "velvet" in the title of the book is not Come and see for yourself. Old Oak-Service for cars-and people only misleaduig, but just does not make any sense y at all, despite the author's explanatory note. A MOTOR carping comment, perhaps, but it would be a pity COMPANY if a rather silly title were to deter some people UMITED from reading a book, which is both informative OLD OAK and worthy of serious discussion. 79 WINDMILL HILL. ENFIELD 01-363 2261 Page 6 AJR INFORMATION March 198a

KAMPUCHEAN CHILDREN SAVED Dr. Yaakov Adler, the emergency services THE ISRAEU SCENE director at the Shaare Zedek Medical Centre in Jerusalem, has returned home after leading Israel s MORE LINKS WTTH EGYPT TURBULENT AGUDA CONVENTION first medical team to help Kampuchean refugees For the first time since 1948, Israeli newspapers Five hundred and thirty delegates and 2,000 in Thailand. He was accompanied by six doctors sold briskly in Egyprt last month, whilst Egyptian observers from all over the Jewish world attended from the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem and two newspapjers were sent to Israel, the West Bank, and the sixth Aguda Israel world assembly (the fifth Tel Aviv hospitals as well as six other medical the Gaza strip. was held in 1964) in Jerusalem's large convention volunteers. A second team has been sent out, and centre, led by the Aguda's Council of Torah A Hovercraft connexion between Ashdod and a third has already been formed. Dr. Adler and his Sages. Some 6,000 people crammed into the hall, helpers worked in a 120-bed ward in the camp Port Said is to be ojjened shortly. There are to be and mounted police had to keep out many more two scheduled weekly El Al flights between Tel hospital of the Sakeo camp and treated more than Agudists who had not received invitations. The 2,000 patients, most of them children who had Aviv and Cairo for the next few weeks. The flight president of Israel, Mr, Navon, was not invited, takes one hour 20 minutes. hardly eaten for weeks. Dr. Adler said he had because the organisers said they did not want the been prompted by memories of his youth when President Sadat gave an interview to the Mapam eminent rabbis among the delegates to stand when many of his friends died in concentration camps Hebrew language pap)er "Al Hamishmar" in which Mr. Navon entered the hall. Women were not because the world stood idly by. he said: "Although Prime Minister Begin is what admitted either and complained vociferously. Sub­ you Israelis call an Ashkenazi, he is an Oriental sequently, President Navon refused to receive a He has been asked by Mrs, Esther Haberfeld at heart." He added that Mr. Begin was right in delegation from the conference. Mr. Begin, who who also works at the Shaare Zedek hospital and referring to Jews and Arabs as "cousins." Mr. had been invited, declined to attend. Rabbi has four children of her own, to help her find an Begin was an outstanding statesman who pursues Abramowitz, a Deputy Knesset Spjeaker and head orphan from Kampuchea to adopt. She herself an honest pwlicy and keeps all his commitments. of the world Aguda committee, said the meeting, spent much of her childhood in Bergen-Belsen. A Peace exhibition was held on the Nile island "the Parliament of the Torah", had as its main because the non-Jews to whom her parents had Gezira showing 84 murals, 107 paintings and 100 task the devising of ways to combat assimilation sent her to protect her, had been too afraid to drawings by the American couple Jerry and and intermarriage. US Rabbi Lubinsky stated that keep her with them, and she wants to save at least Bogumila Koss and their two gifted children, aged the Aguda wanted to stop infiltration of the Con­ one other child from a similar exp>erience. 15 and 16. Since Sadat's historic visit to Jerusalem, servative and Reform Movements into Israel. An his i>eace efforts and his friendship with Begin Israeli, Rabbi Abramowitz, and an American, A GIRL WHO DOES NOT EXIST have been their sole inspiration. President Sadat Rabbi Morris Sherer, fhe first clean-shaven rabbi In 1976, an Israeli couple. Ami and Ada Gaber, opened the show which fills three pavilions and is to hold office, were elected co-chairmen of the adopted a nameless, emaciated orphan girl who the largest art exhibition ever seen in Africa and world movement. The assembly took a rigid line arrived in Israel from Thailand in a boatload o' the Middle East. against autopwies and abortion and called on Vietnamese refugees. She grew up with the Gaber s Orthodox Jews to renounce lavishness which pro­ two children, in Raanana, near Tel Aviv, and is BEGIN CALLED "TRAITOR" voked rivalry and competition at a time of eco­ now a healthy four-year-old whose only language nomic retrenchment. It urged every religious is Hebrew. However, the Israeli rabbinical auth­ When the Prime Minister, Mr. Begin, made his orities have refused to ratify the adoption, because first visit to the West Bank in order to attend the family to "adopt" a non-religious family and influence its members towards a stricter observ­ no child of another faith may be officially adopted dedication of a yeshiva in Kiryat Arba near in Israel. Onlv when she is 12, can Daniella, as the Hebron, he was shouted down with cries of ation of Jewish laws. The Council of Sages refused to come to a decision on whether it would Gabers called her, apply for conversion to Juda­ "Traitor" by members of Kach, the militant ism. Her adoptive parents do not receive a child nationalist movement, founded by Rabbi Meir be permissible under rabbinic law to give up parts of the West Bank for the sake of peace. allowance for her and will have to pay for her Kahane. When he could not make himself heard, kindergarten education. A leading Labour member he and his advisers were led out by a backdoor, of the Knesset, Mrs. Haika Grossmann, hJTs taken with soldiers holding back the demonstrators. JERUSALEM CITIZENS HONOURED up the case and moved an amendment to the Earlier he had listened to a call by Rabbi Goren, The list of personalities, who were recently adoption law, but there is no hop)e of early action- the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi to ensure that Hebron awarded the Freedom of the City of Jerusalem, There are a few more Vietnamese and Kampu' "once again became a Jewish city", and had includes Mrs. Amalie ("Mally") Winter. Before chcan children in the same predicament. replied: "The Land of Israel was always ours and Mrs. Winter, the widow of the late Rabbi Dr. will remain ours. I will work for this until the end David Winter, went to Israel, she sold her board­ of my days." This, too, was greeted by shouting MORE FEES FOR NURSERY SCHOOLS ing house in Netherhall Gardens, which was then After a wave of protests, the Ministry of Edu­ and heckling. Sir Isaac Wolfson was presented converted info Otto Schiff House. The award was with a plaque for his contribution to the yeshiva cation has promised to reconsider its decision t" bestowed on Mrs. Winter in recognition of her allow increases in private nursery and kindergar­ which will house several hundred students whilst extraordinary merits in the creation of baby they are doing their national service. ten fees. The old fee of about £16.50 per month homes and kindergartens under the auspices of the was already too much for many working parents, Mizrachi. The Freedom of the City was also and the proposed increase to about £24 led to * ARAB HUMILIATED awarded to Dr. Werner Jacob Nissel, an active storm of protest. Families where both parenis An Israeli security forces interrogator has been Zionist since 1918, who takes a leading part in the work usually send their children to nursery reduced to rank and transferred to another p>ost, work of the Magen David Adom, schools at the age of two-and-a-half. At five, the because during an interrogation he humiliated a children are admitted free at the compulsory pre' West Bank Arab by calling him a "poodle" and KHOMEINI FOLLOWERS IN ISRAEL? school kindergarten. forcing him to crawl on all fours. He also made During municipal elections in two large villages the man, a non-smoker, smoke five cigarettes at in Galilee, the extremist Moslem religious party GERTRUD LUCKNER HOME IN NAHARYA once. The inquiry was opiened when a lawyer did not take part in the Kafr Kanna poll, but A home for Christian victims of the Nuernberg complained to the Prime Minister's adviser on nevertheless received ten [>er cent of the votes. In laws was consecrated in Naharya. It is named ^f'^J minority affairs. Two other interrogators have Gaza, a large Moslem crowd attacked "Left wing'' Dr, Gertrud Luckner (Freiburg), who had assisted recently been rebuked for infringing the rules. and "immoral institutions" and damaged a cinema, persecutees under the Nazis and was imprisoned a casino, restaurants serving alcoholic drinks, and in Ravensbrueck. After the war, she was one of the office of the Red Crescent, the camouflaged the first German visitors to Israel. Dr. Luckner CLUB 1943 base of Left-wing elements. They shouted slogans took a leading part in raising the necessary funds Vortraege jeden Montag um 8 p.ni. similar to those of the Iran suppwrters of Ayatol­ for the erection of the Home, which will be main­ im Hannah Kanninski House, lah Khomeini. tained by a spiecial foundation, two thirds of which 9 Adamson Road, N.VV.3. will be contributed by the Bonn Govemment and 3 Maerz. Elisabeth Bergner. SONG FESTIVAL WITHOUT ISRAEL one third by Roman Catholic institutions. 10 Maerz. Fred Uhlman, RBA, AGA, Israel Radio and TV have decided not to send competitors to the Holland Eurovision Song FRSA: "The Making of an Englishman". THEODOR HERZL SOCIETY 17 Maerz. Prof. Dr. H. Kalmus: "Biologie Festival, the date of which clashes with Israel's in Entwicklungslaendem". Day of Mouming for those killed in battle. It is in conjunction with 24 Maerz. Gerald Holm: "The Life and to be held in Holland, because Israel, the winner THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Music of Karl Michael Bellman. A of fhe last contest, had given up fhe right to host Extra-Mural Department Genius of Swedish Rococo" (with the 1980 one for financial reasons. at Hannah Karminski House musica illustrations). 9, Adamson Road (Side entrance) 31 Maerz. Kein Vortrag. Come to the TURNING POINTS IN 7 April, Kein Vortrag. JEWISH HISTORY 14 April. Hans Seelig: "Switzerland and ifs SPRING FAIR Tuesday, March 18—Dr. J. Magonet: Writers . Cari Spitfeler and his Fol- "Exodus—Sinai—Moses" lowers' on Sunday, 9th March from 3-5.30 p.m. Thursday, April 10—Dr. MichaelWeitzmann: 21 April. Dr. Kurt Pflueger: "Das East to be held in aid of the "Destruction of the First Temple" End von London". Tuesday, April 29—Mr. Hyam Maccoby: 28 April. Dr. E. Kessel-Ruhemann und F. OTTO SCHIFF HOUSE AMENITY FUND "Destruction of the Second Temple" Ruhemann lesen aus den Werken von Felix Langer. 14 Netherhall Gardens, London NWS There will be three further lectures on May 13, 5 Mai. Kein Vortrag. June 5 and June 24. Gifts welcome before the event The lectures commence at 8.15 p.m. AJR INFORMATION March 1980 Page?

Arru> Reinfrank COMMENT ON "THE KAISER'S JEWS" HERR MOSES IN EAST BERLIN As stocks are running low, you will be extremely In "Judisches Leben in Deutschland—Selbst- contained an article by a young Zionist intellectual lucky to get hold of a copy of the book under Kugnisse zur Sozialgescnichte im Kaiserreich". who wrote: "Wc German Zionists have grown up review which appeared in Verlag Der Morgen, Monika Richarz presents an important compila­ with Goethe and Schiller, with Lessing and publishing house of the Liberal Democratic Party tion of memoirs covering all social levels and Herder, with Kant and Fichte. We enjoy German of the German Democratic Republic* The Written by Jews who lived in the reign of Kaiser culture, wander through German lands, serve in author, Heinz Knobloch, is a journalist who has Wilhelm II. The collection, together with Miss the German army. Therefore we have the right been on the staff of East Berlin's weekly Wochen- Richarz' thoughtful introduction, provides valu­ and the duty, with the necessary tact, to contribute post ior many years. More than a mere biography able material for future historians. It gives an to the German future". We cannot be surprised of Moses Mendelssohn, the book offers new in­ insight into thc lives of German Jews, their long- that these young men patriotically rushed to the sights into history as well as present realities. 'ng for integration into thc world about them and colours in 1914. The aim of Monika Richarz is Each of thc 475 pjages is headed by a caption and 'heir reactions to thc rejection which confronted to help us understand the Jews of Imp)erial Ger­ all thc facts are painstakingly well researched in them, ranging from indifference to an attempt to many. the best of joumalistic tradition. Vivid, bright and overlook their cold reception or to escape from it. Mr. Larsen is shocked by a photograph of the critical, the book is probing into patterns of op­ Egon Larsen's review in the issue of October Zionist student association Maccabaea and pression that have been with us for more than '979 includes value judgements based on events expresses his horror at "the depth to which many 250 years. By intersp)ersing the odd anecdote, even after the Kaiser's abdication and on the trau- Jewish students sank in their urge to emulate the a joke, and by breaking the flow of narrative with •natic experience of Nazi rule. The Central Verein nationalistic, chauvinistic German youth of the commentaries, either the author's or those of Was not founded merely because of "the necessity Kaiser's establishment". It would be going too far historical personalities, the reader's attention is lo elaborate in detail on the history of Jewish of resistance against the growing danger of anti- captivated. Knobloch's main trick is to present student life in German universities. A turning Semitism". Rather, it represented an importani himself as a naive but curious fact hunter. departure from prevailing attitudes. While the point in the annals of German Jewry came at the Berlin Jewish community wished to petition the end of last century when Jewish students, against A long line of factual details and far from Kaiser for his protection against anti-Semitism, the advice of their elders, openly stood up for the naive observations is presented to us, astonishing Pr. Raphael Loewenfeld, who inspired the found­ honour of the Jewish name, ready to meet the parallels between past and present are drawn, and ing of the CV, rebelled against the concept of German students, the most violent anti-Semites, pointed as well as rhetorical questions are formu­ Schutzjude", issuing his pamphlet "Schutzjude on their own ground. The members of the KC , lated that do not stop even in front of the Oder Staatsbiirger". His demand was for self- (Kartell-Convent deutscher Studenten juedischen accepted authorities. Had Marx really read defeiKe in the full light of publicity, denoting a Glaubens) combined German patriotism with the Mendelssohn's works, when he called him new Jewish consciousness, a new Jewish pride. fight for Jewish honour, adhering strictly to the derogatorily a "Seichbeutel"? Could it be true As to Emst Herzfeld's memoirs, he was not at student rituals of duelling, dress and drinking. that Frederic II, the King of Prussia, was in fact all "amazed" at "the Herrenvolk attitude of the As a Zionist, I may now smile at Maccabaea more liberal toward the German intellectuals than German Jews towards the "inferior' local Polish and the KC, yet I see each of them as educational today's state officials? Could the director of East Population" of his native Posen. The Jews of that in the development of a new Jewish pride, in the Berlin's "Bemfsschulc" really afford to brush area, as Ernst Herzfeld makes abundantly clear, deepening of Jewish consciousness, while Egon aside any interest in the history of his building, Considered themselves an integral part of the Ger- I^rsen is evidently more involved in German which happens to be the former "Jiidische "Wn community, sharing their prejudices and, in history after World War I. In the light of this Knabenschule", Grosse Hamburger Strasse? general, their nationalistic tendencies, under knowledge, as though with a contemporary eye, These samples may give an indication of thc which even forcible Germanisation of Posen's he applies his evaluations to the time of thc uniqueness of this biographical compendium. Polish papulation was considered justifiable. When Kaiser, to events and p>ersons. organisations, Ger­ Lengthy reports on the reception of Mendels­ Mally Dienemann writes "We children were man universities and Jewish reactions to student sohn's works are included, and so much back­ firmly convinced that Gemian culture was head life. This explains his conclusions that "the whole ground information is brought in that fhe story and shoulders above Polish culture", she is not idea of establishing Jewish duelling students' forms a panoramic view of the plight of the Jews "escribing a sp>ecifically German Jewish view, but associations, copying that 'Teutonic' sp>eciality, and everybody else in Germany and Europe. *fi atmosphere in which children shared the strikes one now, in retrosp>ect. as a regrettable Lessing already spoke of Prussia as "das skla- fieneral prejudices, attitudes and political opinions aberration". However, in my opinion, this should vischste Land Europas", and the patterns estab­ °f the mling German minority—whether in Posen be judged against the background of the Gennan lished then still provide a hostile environment to °r in West Prussia. It is not surprising that both Jewish academic phenomenon. social democracy, civil liberties and freedom of "•eminiscences, dealing with events of 40 or 50 HANS CAPELL (Ramat Chen) information in Knobloch's socialist i>art of years ago. display a certain detachment, but this Germany, °oes not mean that the Jews in thc Eastern Those who may walk across a Berlin lawn he Provinces can reasonably be seen outside the con­ PRIZE FOR BERLIN CELLISTS thus warns: "Misstraut den Griinanlagen", for text of the country of which they believed them- The Israeli State Prize for Music for the best much lies buried beneath the grass. Those who ^Ives to be an integral part. It was not the Jews interpretation of a contemporary Israeli compo­ propagate one-sided information are satirized in *ho developed a "Herrenvolk attitude" towards sition was awarded to the twelve cello players of an enlightening manner as in the story about his 'he Poles: it was the Germans; but the Jews the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra for their play­ search for a copy of fhe Bible. Official East "ghtly or wrongly felt part of German society, ing of twelve solo pieces for violin and cello by Berlin bookshops were only able to offer him— ^list Herzfeld wrote "Wir fuhlten uns wohl, the Israeli composer Noam Sheriff during the 1978 Israeli Music Festival in Jerusalem. the Koran, fresh from the press. Finally a Church- ^nne uns dessen bewusst zu sein, so sehr als ein run store could provide him with a choice of °estandteil der an Bildung und Kultur iiber- Bibles, but alas, no Talmud copy was to be found l^genen deutschen Gemeinschaft, dass es uns nicht DR. ARTHUR SIMON to help him in his study. "•J den Sinn kam, uns mit unseren polnischen Mitbiirgern eingehender zu befassen". It is learned with regret that Dr. Arthur Simon, The seriousness of the author's observations is the well-known Berlin Gynaecologist, died in New now and again transformed into sadly amusing When discussing the illustrations, Egon Larsen York at the age of nearly 103. Dr. Simon con­ reflections of Mendelssohnian irony. We are ^ys that Gemian Zionists at the outbreak of ducted a very successful practice, both private and minutely instructed on how to read Mendelssohn's World War I were "surprisingly eager patriots" as a "Kassenarzt" in the Grolmanstrasse, Berlin- praise of the Prussian King, yet we are left , and was also a Consultant to two he assumes that a Zionist must by definition be without a hint as to the interpretation of present the hospitals. His competence as a physician and his very opposite of a German patriot. This is. skill as a surgeon allied to the qualities of friend­ vows of allegiance to the State. however, not in accordance with German Zionist liness, sympathetic understanding, a pleasant bed­ By packing his pages with a multitude of history. For example, in 1913, when the CV passed side manner and sense of dry humour made him historical facts and data on old Berlin's Jewish * Well-known anti-Zionist resolution, an official a very pwpular figure in his profession. In 1936, he community, Knobloch certainly fills a gap, espjeci- ody of the Zionistische Vereinigung fiir Deutsch- and his wife emigrated to the United States where, ally for the young East German Gentile reader, *nd stated categorically "The national Jewish at the age of 59, he studied and qualified as a and above all he tries to stimulate people to S^nviction . . . cannot prevent the German Doctor at New York University. He then estab­ lished himself again in practice until, in his think for themselves and act accordingly. The lonists from taking an active part in German middle-eighties, he was compelled to retire. message of the book reiterates that of Mendels­ Political and cultural life. This participation, sohn: the need of "Menschenfreundschaft" and hich exceeds the formal compliance with the He continued until nearly his death to take an active interest in life and politics, travelling and the continuing re-affirmation of the dignity of Uties of a German citizen, is based on our his- reading. On the occasion of his 100th birthday, he Man. •"ically founded position in Germany and our not only received the customary telegram from ^ncep>tion of the moral significance of the State". *Hcinz Knobloch: Herr Moses in Berlin—Auf den Spuren President Carter but was also greatly honoured eines Menschenfreundes. Berlin: Buchverlag Der Morgen, "^gain, the Judische Rundschau of 21 May 1914 by the German Embassy. F.E.F. 1979. 475 pages. DDR 14,60 M. Pages AJR INFORMATION March 1980

LORD WEIDENFELD AT JEWISH BOOK WEEK MISCELLANEOUS This year's Jewish Book Week from March 10" 13 at Adolph Tuck Hall, Wobura House, Upper THE FUTURE OF SOVIET JEWRY A REFUGEE SPY FOR RUSSIA EXPOSED Woburn Place, W.C.l, will be opened by a lecture Professor Michael Zand of the Hebrew Uni­ According to an article in the "Sunday Times", by Lord Weidenfeld on Monday, March 10. *J versity in Jerusalem said that, according to the Moscow's most important sp>y in Brilain was a 8.30. Dr. G. J. Webber will be in the Chair, ano latest official figures, there were some 130,0(X) refugee woman, Ruth Kuczynski, daughter of an the AJR is one of the sponsoring organisations- Georgian, Bokharan and similar Jews in Russia. eminent economist from Berlin, Professor Rene The further programme includes a Hebre They had retained their religious identification. Kuczynski, who arrived in Britain as a refugee in Evening on Tuesday at 8.30. On Wednesday « They represented only 6 pjer cent of the Soviet 1935. She had joined the German Yoimg Com­ 8 p.m. Jon Kimche will speak on British Policy Jews, but 37 p>er cent of the emigrants between munist League at the age of 19 and worked as a towards the Jews 1940-1948 under the heading 1971 and 1979. 97 p)er cent of them had gone to spy in China, where she was recruited for Soviet •Was Britain so guilty?" and on Thursday ai Israel. There were another 270,000 Jews in the intelligence, in Poland, and in Switzerland, before 8 p.m. William Fishman will give an address on Baltic republics, the Western Ukraine, Byelo­ coming to Britain and marrying a young English­ "Zangwill's East End and its Relevance Today. russia, Bessarabia, and Bukovina, representing man, Len Brewer, who .served in the RAF and the Coldstream Guards. When her husband was on As in previous years, there will also be a another 13 pjer cent who p>rovided 46 per cent of Exhibition and Sale of Judaica and Hebraica in emigrants, with 90 pwr cent going to Israel. There service abroad, she lived in a cottage in Oxford with her small children and transmitted valuable the Meeting Hall. A leaflet carrying further oetan* had been 1,663,000 Ashkenazi Jews within the pre- of the Jewish Book Week programme may f 1939 Soviet borders, repM-esenting 81 pjer cent of material to Russia. Her father was a friend of Sir Stafford Crippjs, her brother Juergen. also an eco­ obtained from the AJR, 8 Fairfax Mansions, all Soviet Jews. They pwovided 17 par cent of the London NW3 6JY. emigrants with 50 p)er cent going to Israel. nomist who later worked for the US Strategic Bombing Command, wrote reports for her on war­ At the laying of the foundation-stone for the time economy and military planning strategy. MRS. CHARLOTTE DRESEL synagogue of the association of Soviet Georgian Russia broke contact with her when, in 1946, emigrants, their chairman, Mr. Bar-Lavie, ap­ Alexander Foote whom she had known since her It is leamed with deep regret that Mrs. Charlotte pealed to Israelis to stop the denigration of his days in Switzerland, defected to the West. She was Dresel, the wife of our President Mr. Alfred S. Drese • group and recognise their services to Israel. They investigated by MI5, but convinced them that she died on February 15 at the age of 85. She always too* had produced rabbis, authors, engineers and others no longer worked for Moscow. In 1948, she a deep interest in her husband's work and, as '^i^.-i who had greatly contributed to the State. Georgian obtained p>ermission from the Russians to move her health permitted, accompanied him on all "'",1^^ Jews have a pjoor image in Israel, because some to East Berlin where she now lives, aged 72. functionsof the AJR. Weextendoursincerest syinpatnj^ have been iirvolved in criminal activities. to our friend, Mr Dresel, in the loss sustained by n" WALLENBERG REMEMBERED IN SWEDEN after a happy marriage of over 60 years, and to n "TURNING POINTS IN JEWISH HISTORY " More than 900 Swedish Jews crowded into children and grandchildren. We should like to draw our readers' attention to the Stockholm's Great Synagogue to pay homage to Lecture Course of the Theodor Herzl Society, details Raoul Wallenberg who saved fhe lives of thou­ about which are announced on page 6 of this issue. sands of Hungarian Jews at the end of the last LEGACIES In view of the interesting subject presented by expiert war and was abducted by the Russians thirty-five Sir Otto Kahn-Freund left £115,989 net. He left speakers it is hoped that many AJR members and years ago. Nobody knows what happened to him, £2,000 each to Amnesty Intemational and tn their friends will attend the lectures. and during the ceremony, which was attended by Defence Aid Fund and £1,000 each to Oxiam. the Bishop of Stockholm, Mrs. Langergreen, Wal­ SALARY CUTS FOR EL AL STAFF Fabian Society, Association of Jewish Refugee • lenberg's half-sister, said she was leading an inter­ Friends of the Hebrew University, British ^^^^li Pilots, navigators, and flight engineers of Israel's national campaign to force the Russians to shed of Political and Economic Science, and national airline El Al have agreed to pay taxes on new light on the affair. Members of the diplomatic Bodleian Law Library, Oxford. f i eo their salaries which were hitherto paid by the corps, including representatives of France. Mrs, Rosa Wheeler, who was a resident of t-e company. "This amounts to cuts of up to 40 pjcr Argentina and Israel, were also present. A Raoul Baeck House, left a legacy of £1,141—to the AJ^ cent in their income, but they can make up for Wallenberg scholarship at the Weizmann Institute Charitable Trust. .„ much of this by working longer hours. in Israel was launched. MisSiNora Goddard left £3,500 to the AJ^- France S Germany's LEON JESSEL LIMITED Finest Wines miPPEO BY with the compliments of Manufacturers of HOUSE OF Fancy Leather Goods, Gift Goods HALLGARTEN I am able to offer you a superb which are advertised throughouf the selection of French (Incl. Kosher world as Alsace) and German wines, shipped by the famous importers, Pafra "EMBLEMS OF GOOD CRAFTSMANSHIP BY House of Hallgarten, and to advise THE JESSEL ORGANISATION" you personally and help you with synthetic adhesives your wine purchases. The selection We also manufacture Industrial adhesive applicators ranges from your everyday wines Equipment in Leather and Canvas to the finest for your speoial Simcha. P.O. Box 12. Corporation Street Delivery to all U.K. addresses. Pafra Limited Walsall, WSl 4HP Please write or phone: JUSTIN GOLDMEIER Bentalls * Basildon West Midlands Wine Merchant Essex • SS14 3BU TetophoMi 0922-24649 or 0922-2209< 22 Pennine Drive, London, N.W.2 T«lax< Chacom G Waliall 338212 LEJCS Tal: 01-455 M72 AJR INFORMATION March 1980 Page 9

Lionel Kochan "like Amo Breker who was so intimately con­ nected with the artistic messages of the Nazi period is not suitable to create a representative A FLAWED LEGACY monument for Heinrich Heine". Nevertheless a few Breker enthusiasts in Dusseldorf have formed New Trotsky Biography a "Heinrich Heine Monument Society" with the aim of erecting Breker's Heine statue on private Trotsky's career has everything a biographer portant a literary as an historical figure. The point property! '^uld wish for. Here is an international revolu­ is further underlined by the attention that Wistrich At the same time a serious and dignified effort tionary who first astonished and alarmed the gives to Trotsky's literary theories, his interest in to honour Heine is taking place in Hamburg *orld as Foreign Commissar and War Commissar Freudian psychoanalysis and his sympathy for where the very active Heinrich Heine-Gesellschaft °f the infant Soviet state, and then, within a few what was universal and timeless in art. plans to re-erect the old Heine Monument by short years, was eased from pwwer, forced into Trotsky's understanding of Fascism was limi­ Hugo Lederer destroyed by the Nazis of which a exile, and the once-feared Commissar could find ted by reason of his Marxist outlook so that he replica had survived the Nazi years in England. tto secure refuge, until in 1940 he eventually suc- saw it mainly as the last-ditch effort of a mori­ The project has found the support of Hamburg's ?tnibed to the assassin hired by his deadly rival, bund capitalism. On the other hand, he also senator for Culture, Professor Tamowski, and of Stalin. Not only does Trotsky's piersonal fate understood, as did few others at the time, the leading Hamburg newspapers, like "Die Welt" and Arouse wonder—he also had brilliant gifts as his- threat to the Jews and was able to revise his "Hamburger Abendblatt". It is hopied that a place tt>rian, orator, journalist, pxjlemicist and pamph­ earlier views on the inevitability of assimilation. for the re-erected monument will be found in the leteer so that he accompanied his extraordinary This is what he told a group of Jewish joumalists centre of the city. •^reer with a stream of literature. There are no in 1937: "During my youth I rather leaned F. HELLENDALL Secrets in Trotsky's life and the material is so towards the prognosis that the Jews of different ^bundant and the crises so well documented that countries would be assimilated and that thc 't is all but impossible not to make his biography Jewish question would thus disappear in a quasi- EXHIBITIONS IN GERMANY * gripping tale. automatic fashion. The historical development of The Jewish community of Regensburg which ^r. Wistrich does not essay any new interpre­ the last quarter of a century has nof confirmed was first set up just 1,000 years ago, has celebrated tation of Trotsky's career but his biography is an fhis perspective. Decaying capitalism has every­ the event with an exhibition in the Jewish com­ tjnusually skilful synthesis of existing knowledge.* where swung over to an exacerbated nationalism, munal centre "1,000 years of Jewish Life in one part of which is anti-semitism. The Jewish Regensburg", It was organised with fhe help of Moreover, Wistrich is especially successful in Dr. Andreas Angersdorfer, chairman of the So­ Seeing Trotsky's fate within the revolutionary question has loomed largest in the most highly ciety of Christians and Jews, and contains docu­ Setting; for example, he has a number of percep- developed capitalist country of Europe, in Ger­ ments, ritual objects and books which have f'^e comments into the situation in 1923-24 when many". Two years later Trotsky was even more survived Nazi persecution. In the middle-ages, ^nin's failing health and early death marked the emphatic: "It is possible to imagine without diffi­ Regensburg was the centre of a famous Talmud ^^ginning of Trotsky's fall from piower. Trotsky culty what awaits the Jews at the mere outbreak school and had a number of well-knowm doctors r^d lost his initially intimate, free and easy of the future world war. But even without war the and pharmacists who were highly regarded by the '"entification with the masses. He was unpopular next development of world reaction signifies with Christian population. '°r his advocacy of the militarisation of labour certainty the physical extermination of the Jews". A particularly successful exhibition was shown ?Jtd his reputation as a stern disciplinarian. If in the Dominican Monastery of Wallbergen near But for all Wistrich's appreciation of Trot.sky's Briihl (Rhineland). Its subject was "Jews in the Trotsky's impatience with his intellectual inferiors percipience, Wisfrich is far from a hero-worshipper. Middle Ages" and attracted so many visitors from !'tid his imjserceptible isolation through Stalin's In a final summary, significantly entitled "The the whole of the Federal Republic that it had to 'ntrigues be added—then it is clear that this very Flawed Legacy", he shows that Trotsky's critique bc kept op)en for three months more than origin­ t'rne, when Lenin's growing incapacity seemed fo of the Soviet bureaucracy remained fixed at the ally planned by the sponsors, the Cologne Council "Pen the way for Trotsky's ascent to even greafet super-structural level and ignored the emergence of Christians and Jews and Pater Dr. Eckert, the P°wer, was in reality the moment of his slow of a new type of class-society. Again, fhe indus­ prior of the monastery. The exhibition gives many "feline from pwwer. trial proletariat has nof proved itself the messianic examples, collected all over Europe, of mutual class of world-history. As for the under-developed influences in many fields, but also of the reflection But his subsequent exile gave Trotsky thc cn- of growing anti-Jewish attitudes in Christian orced leisure to display his qualities as historian. world, nafionafism and the state have taken on paintings of the period. dimensions that Trotsky never envisaged. All in A'', his History of the Russian Revolution, Dr. In Bochum, Ruhr, an exhibition has been opened J*istrich devotes some of his most acute insights, all. this is a perceptive, cool and balanced view of of 150 drawings by inmates of Au.schwitz which ^ere is no doubting that this is a historical one of the most outstanding pwlitical leaders of have been made available by the Polish Auschwitz "'asferpiece—but is it not also flawed, Wistrich the 20th century. Memorial Archives. They will later be shown in ?*s. by the predictable pattern that runs through other West German towns. • "The triumphant proletariat under the leader- HEINE MONUMENTS TUCHOLSKY REMEMBERED ^•^'P of Lenin and the Bolshevik Party is presented Is the tragic struggle for a Heine monument in To mark the 90th armiversary of the birth of *s the executor of a pre-determined plan, the con- his native city of Diisseldorf at last drawing to a 5!^ous instmment of the objective laws of history, Kurt Tucholsky, two schools in the Berlin Tier­ "successful conclusion"—as a farce? garten district arranged sp)ecial functions; further­ inere is no room for doubt, hesitancy or self- It is intended to erect a "Heine Monument" in more, a Matinee was held in Academy of Arts ''"esfioning," Diisseldorf according to designs by fhe sculptor (also located in the Tiergarten district), at which On the grounds that it presents "a lived experi- Bert Gerresheim—a "physiognomical puzzle land- Mariaime Hoppe, Gisela May, Carl Raddatz ^2^^", Wistrich prefers Trotsky's earlier work. scap)e" aimed at showing Heine's pxjrtrait in frag­ appeared. The anniversary was also commemo­ ^5. This^ he says, combines both triumph and ments of his face. Thus Gerresheim wants fo prove rated by the "Buergerinitiative" founded for the *feat in a more persuasive form than the History. preservation of Tucholsky's house of birth in the fhe "fragility in Heine's work"; according to the Luebecker Str., Berlin-Moabit; it is intended to ^ that as it may, it is good to find a biographer "Diisseldorfer Nachrichten" he wants to present— Trotsky who understands that he was as im- use the building as a memorial, with library, with the possibilities of expression of our times—a exhibits and reading rooms. "documentation of the impossibility of a monu­ E.G.L. ijjotert Wistrich: Trotsley—Fate of a Revolutionary. Robson ment". A Heine Monument to prove that after °ooks 1979. £7,50. 235pp. all those great men from Hofprediger Stocker and "OTTO BRAUN HALL" Kaiser Bill to JuUus Streicher were right in oppos­ On January 30, a memorable date, the Great ing a Heine Monument? Lecture Hall of fhe State Library "Preussischer ZrGGY'S HAIRDRESSERS It appears that the project is being financed by Kulturbesitz" (Berlin) was given the name "Ofto- a West German Bank, the Kunden-Kreditbank in Braun-Saal". At the opening ceremony, the plaque Special Rates for Munich and that this strange monument will be was unveiled by Professor Dr. Herbert Weichmann. Senior Citizens erected in time for the 125th anniversary of E.G.L. Heine'-i death in Febmary 1981, on EKisseldorf's TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Schwaiienmarkt. and THURSDAY At the same time no one other than Hitler's Annely Juda Fine Art Court sculptor Amo Breker has dug out his old 11 Tottenham Mews, London WIP 9PJ Shampoo and Set £1.85 design for a Heine monument which had been hidden in a cellar since 1931. Breker's design has 01-637 55'7/8 47 Fairfax Road, Swiss Cottage, N.W.6 been offered to the City of Diisseldorf by the local CONTENfPORARY PAINTINGS vernacular association "DUsseldorfer Jonges", but AND SCULPTURE Tel.: 328 2063 in a unanimous declaration all parties of the City Council have rejected this offer stating that a man Mon-Fri: 10 am-6 pm Sat: 10am-1pm Page 10 AJR INFORMATION March 1980

HERMANN KESTEN 80 The author Hermann Kesten celebrated his SOth BIRTHDAYS birthday on January 28. Born in Nuernberg, he was "Lektor" of the Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag MRS. EVA .\IICHAELIS 75 During the war she continued with her work from from 1927 to 1933 and of the Allert de Lange London and managed again to save thousands of publishers in Amsterdam until 1940. He escaped Mrs. Eva Michaelis-Stern, wife of the first vice- children. to the US in 1940 and now lives partly in New chairman of the AJR, celebrated her 75th birthday After her return to Jerusalem at the end of the York, partly in Rome. He is the author of many in Jerusalem. Dr. Israel Katz, Minister of Labour war. she eventually retired from Youth Alyah novels, biographies, essays and poems and has and Social Betterment, announced in the press that work and was busy in many fields of social and edited the works of numerous writers. He i^^*^^ she had been awarded a medal for her central role communal work among which her work for handi­ a member of the Presidium of the German PEIN in rescuing Youth Aliyah children, of whom he capped people and her care for the mentally re­ Centre in 1968 and was elected its Hon. President was one, during World War II, and for her work tarded was most important. She helped to found in 1976. for the mentally handicapped in Israel. The parents a sheltered workshop and continues to look after E.G.L. organisation of the Irene Gaster Hostel of Magen adult retardees whose parents are too old and ill opened a sp>ecial "Eva Michaelis Birthday Fund" to look after them. We join Robert Weltsch in GRETE MOSHEIM 75 for this home for mentally handicapped adults. wishing her many more years of family happiness The actress Grete Mosheim who can look back She was bom in Breslau the daughter of the and of strength to continue her work which brings on a life-time of stage successes in Berlin and, pioneer child psychologist William Stern, who relief to so many. M.P. during her 19 years of emigration, in the U!>. published his research on the development of his recently celebrated her 75th birthday. Since her own children in his standard work "Psychologie return from the US, she has played leading part' der fruhen Kindheit". In 1916 the family moved PROFESSOR CURT WORMANN 80 in Berlin performances of plays by O'Neill, Ten­ to Hamburg. When Eva grew up, Robert Weltsch Professor Curt Wormann. Director of the Jewish nessee Williams, Friedrich Durrenmatt and Samuel remembered in his birthday speech, she soon National and University Library in Jerusalem Beckett. Her latest hit was the American plaV became a pioneer for the Aliyah movement, and from 1947 until 1968, recently celebrated his 80th "Gin-Romme" which has a cast of only two and in 1933, with the aid of a few devoted helpers she birthday. In addition to his pioneer work as kept her on the stage for the whole two-hour built up a big organisation which saved thousands head of the most imp>ortant Library of Israel and performance. of young boys and girls in the years to come. She as founder of the Graduate School of Library and raised money for the movement inside and outside Archive Studies at the Hebrew University Pro­ AWARD TO "ZENTRALRAT" CHAIRMAN Germany and eventually moved to Jerusalem fessor Wormann was also aaive in promoting the Mr. Werner Nachmann, Chairman of the "Zen­ where she got married. At the request of Henri­ cultural absorption of the Jews from Germany tralrat" of the Jews in Germany, was awarded the etta Szold she went to London to build up Youth during the first years after their arrival. He is Grand Cross of Merit with Star, one of the Alyah and visited Poland and Czechoslovakia to also an active member of the Israeli Board of the highest distinctions of the German Federal arrange for the Alyah of young people from there. Leo Baeck Institute. Republic.

FAMILY EVENTS Deaths STREAT:—Martha Street passed away LADY, 55, living N.W. London, wishes GRUENEBERG.—Berthold Gruene­ on February I after a tragic illness. to meet sincere gentleman for friendship- Entries in the column Family Events berg, beloved husband of Herta, dar­ Deeply mourned and sadly missed by Box 799. are free of charge: any voluntary ling father of Gloria, passed away on her beloved husband Max and family. LIVELY JEWISH continental lady, donation would, however, be appreci­ January 27, aged 72. Deeply mourned good appearance, end fifty, own home, ated. Texts should be sent in by ISth and missed forever by his family. 3 wide interests, would like to meet of the month. Pittsficid, Cricklade, nr. Swindon, CLASSIFIED educated, sincere gentleman. Please Wilts. SN6 6AA. 7"/ie charge in these columns is SOp write, giving telephone number. Bo" Birthdays for five words plus 25p for advertise­ 798. HARRIS:—Hugh Harris died suddenly ments under a Box No. INFORMATION REQUIRED The A.J.R. CLUB conveys heartiest on January 30. Deeply mourned by his wife Edith, daughter Barbara, son-in-law Miscellaneous ROSE.—Does anyone know the congratulations to Mrs. Luise Nathanson REVLON MANICURIST. Will visit whereabouts of Ruth (nee Rose)-^ on the 85th birthday and to Mrs. Martha Salvador, grandson Daniel and all the family and friends. your home. Phone 01-445 2915. mother's name Regina—who emi­ Lewis and Mrs. Loli Walter on their 80th grated to Australia in 1957. Believed birthdays and wishes them all good PLAUT:—Mrs. Thea Plaut, aged 80, PAINTINGS. Anyone interested in in­ passed away peacefully on February 5. vesting in gifted young painter, please to have married and now living '" health and happiness in the years to London. Mrs. Henrietta Gould (nee come. Deeply mourned by her family, relatives contact Karen Gershon. Box 802. and many friends in this country and Koch), 83 Wensley Road, Leeds Li>' overseas. HEBREW LESSONS given by com­ 2LS, would like to hear from her. MATHIASON:—Hans M. Mathiason petent Israeli student. For further details SCHWARZWALD.—Mrs. Konrad of 35 Oxhey Road, Oxhey (Herts) will be RAAB.—David Raab (formerly of please phone 459 7814. Schwarzwald (nee Jutta Scharfstem) 75 years old on March 17. Vienna, later of Bury. Lanes, and last known address Golders Green, Reading, Berks.) died on November 9, Situations Vacant London, believed to have been born 1979, three months before his 96th EXPERIENCED TYPIST required SOKOLOWSKI:—Mrs. Lydia Soko- birthday, moumed by his wife and the in Austria; husband believed to be lowski of 15 Eton Hall, Eton College for invoicing and general correspon­ research chemist. Any readers wfi° entire family and by the many friends dence. Mature person, full or part Road, London, N.W.3. will celebrate he made in his long life. Despite ill­ can give information please ring 45- her SOth birthday on April 10. time. Hours and salary by arrange­ 1412. ness and failing eye sight, he was ever ment. City office. Telephone for cheerful and very proud to recite the appointment 626 8430. WARBURG.—Mrs. Lotte Warburg of Hebrew prayers from memory on HOUSEKEEPER required for 258 Kenmure Street, Glasgow, G41, Friday nights at Heinrich Stahl . Ql U. INSTALLATIONS) L I k^' celebrated her 91st birthday on Feb­ House. widower in modem maisonette with excellent amenities in Highgate. Full ruary 5, 1980. She has been a long SAMET:—Dr. med. Bernard (Benno) 199b Belsize Road, N.W.6 standing member of AJR which ex­ board, own bedroom with bathroom. Samet, of 187 Burgess Road, Bassett, Phone 01-486 0413. tends its best wishes to her. Southampton, formerly of Vienna, died 624 2646/328 2646 At present Elmtree Nursing Home, 371 on January 14 in his 83rd year. Sadly COMPANION required for one lady, Members: E.C.A. Albert Drive, Glasgow, G41. missed by his wife Vilma and family. His N.W. London, for shopping and N.I.C.E.I.C. patients included Sigmund Freud, who generally lending a hand. No housework, WOLF.—Mr. J. E. Wolf of 60 Deans- was also treated by him after having good pay. Box 801. croft Ave., London, N.W.9, celebrated found refuge in this country. his 75th birthday on February 25. SCHLESINGER:— Mrs. Wally SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND Schlesinger of 6 Heathway Court, N.W.3. Accommodation Wanted passed away suddenly on January 8 CENTRALLY SITUATED two-room ALL HOUSEHOLD tiOODS BOUGHT Wedding Anniversary whilst on holiday in Bournemouth. furnished flat with kitchen and bathroom Deeply missed by her family and many wanted for 2-4 weeks in May. Box 800. TOP PRICES GIVEN GUTTFIELD:—Marie H. and Frank friends. E.C.S. Company Guttfield, former Antiquaria bookseller Personal in Berlin, now Holmer Green/Bucks will SEIDEL.—William (Bill) of 177 01-440 0213 Holders Hill Road, London, N.W.7, WIDOW, late 50s, living in N.W.7 celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary area, non-card player and non-driver, on March 27. p»assed away on January 21, deeply mourned and sadly missed by his de­ would like to hear from other ladies DENTAL REPAIR CLINIC for home socialising, outings, and In Memoriam voted wife Sara, daughter Sylvia, son- DENTURES REPAIRED in-law Ronald, granddaughter Shane holidays. Any car driver's expenses (WHILE YOU WAIT) SINAI:—In cherished memory of a and his relatives and many friends. gladly shared. Box 796. 1 TRANSEPT ST., LONDON, NWI dearly loved wife Rose who passed away SIEBURG:—Dr. Felix Sieburg, formerly WIDOW, middle 60s, would like to (5 doors from Edgware Road Met Station Nisan 4 (March 17, 1964). Never for­ Berlin, died on February 3 in Osmond meet an independent person—conti­ House in his 96th year. Sadly missed by in Chapel Street) gotten by her still grieving husband, nental background, friendship and 01-723 6558 children and grandchildren. his many friends and his sister-in-law. travel interests. N.W.8 area. Box 797. AJR INFORMATION March 1980 Page 11 THEATRE AND CULTURE Vienna dances—and has done so since the actor and director (who has officially retired) is 65; JOSEF HERMAN IN HAMPSTEAD famous Congress—so the story goes. Within the the Schauspielhaus Zuerich reports the 60th birth­ The Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Road, framework of an exhibition "Dances of Vienna", day of its outstanding member Maria Becker. N.W.3, is to be congratulated for having been able the Viennese Theatre Museum proves with em­ daughter of the late Maria Fein who was among to persuade Josef Herman to hold a retrospective phasis that dancing as an art can successfully rival the elite of Max Reinhardt's ensemble. Fred exhibition of his work from 1938 to the present *ny other form of art, theatre, opera, operetta or Hennings, Austrian author and actor, member of day. The exhibition closes on March 2. The last poster presentation. Ballet teaching in Vienna the "Burg" since 1923, now retired, is 85 years major show of Herman's work in London was as began early this century with the schools of old; his widely acknowledged work "Die Wiener long ago as 1956 at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, Gertrud Bodenwieser and the Laxenburg Institute Ringstrasse" is considered a t)ook of historical although an important retrospective exhibition was Jf Rosalia Chladek. A special room of the ex­ value. held in Glasgow in 1975. hibition has been set aside to remember the school Obituary. The death of Lil Dagover in Munich Herman is one of Britain's leading pointers and of the sisters Wiesenthal, whose founder Grete at the age of 82 means the end of a long acting has an international reputation. In the scries of wiesenthal (1885-1970) contributed considerably career which started in 1919 ("Harakiri"), made a paintings on display it is interesting to see the to Austria's reputation as spxinsor of artistic and sensation in 1922 with "Kabinett des Dr. Cagliari" development of his art, especially his studies of ereative dancing. (both silent films) and then continued for over five workers, not necessarily people at work. As he Tit-Bits. The Institute of Contemporary Arts decades. On stage, under Reinhardt's direction, himself has said he has tried to show "the embodi­ (ICA) in the London Mall presents the original she was "Schoenheit" in Hofmannsthal's "Grosses ment of labour as a human rather than a merely Version of the Fritz Lang film "M" throughout Welttheater" in 1930. Dagover, whose name is industrial force". His more recent pjaintings show this month. derived from her husband's name (Fritz Daghofer), that his habitual dark colours are slowly being Birthdays. Bernhard Minetti, German character was an actress of great beauty and in recent years replaced by bright hues. One wonders where this *ctor, member of the BerUn Schillertheater, is 75 the "grand old lady" of German films. will lead him. ygars old. Ernst Schroeder, the impressive German S.B. ALICE SCHWAB

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"AVENUE LODGE" QROSVENOR NURSING HOME THURLOW LODGE '•'"•"•••d by the London Borough of Licensed by Ihe Borough of Camden COLDWELL RESIDENTIAL Barnet) for the elderty, retired and slightly Luxurious and comfortable home Qolders Green, N.W.II handicapped. Luxurious accom­ HOTEL Retired, post-operative, convales­ modation. Centrally heated, hot '•'^•'TM-WEST LONDONS EXCLUSIVE cent and medical patients cared DIETS AND NURSINQ HOME FOR THE ELDERLY AND and cold water in all rooms, lift RETIRED for. Long or short term stays to all floors, colour television SERVICES AVAILABLE Linder supervision both day and Lwirloug tingle and double roome lounge and comfortable dining Lovely Large Terrace & Gardens ••w telephone. night by a qualified nursing team. room, kosher cuisine. Pleasant Very Quiet Position. Well furnished single or double * Principal rooms with bathrooni en gardens. Resident S.R.N, in atten­ Xilto. rooms. Lift to all floors. A spaci North Finchley, near Woodhouse dance. 24 hours supervision. Grammar School. * "-ounge with colour TV. ous colour TV lounge and dining Single rooms — moderate terms. room, excellent kosher cuisine * Koeher culelne. Ring lor appointment: MRS. COLDWELL * Lo»eiy garden*—easy parking. Please telephone Matron (or (ull 01-794 7305 or 01-452 9768 11 Fenstanton Avenue, p,^*t and night nursing. details. 01-203 2692/01-452 0515 11-12 Thurtov* Road, London, N.12 '—*• telephone Ihe Matron, 01-458 7094 85-67 Fordwych Road, N.W.2. London, N.W.3. Tel.: 01-445 0061 Page 12 AJR INFORMATION March 1980

LAFITTE'S BOOK ON INTERNMENT Sir,—Many students in Austria are interested t" Letters to the Editor research on the fate of refugees in Great Britmn- THE HAAVARA AGREEMENT was the result of the Haavara agreement. For full A very instructive book was written by F. Lafitte details on the negotiations leading to the agree­ on the Internment of Aliens (Penguin Books 1940) Sir—In his article "The Lies of Paul Rassinier" but is unfortunately unavailable. Wc should be (your November 1979 issue) Mr. C. C. Aronsfeld ment and its teclmique I refer to the book pub­ lished by the Leo Baeck Institute "Haavara Trans­ grateful if one of your readers could help us to writes on the Haavara Agreement: ". . . it was a obtain a copy. „ modified clearing arrangement designed to benefit fer nach Palaestina" by Wemer Feilchenfeld, Dolf the Gennan economy and the Palestine Jews . . . ". Michaelis and Ludwig Pinner, 1972. DOKUMENTATIONSARCHIV Dg> This statement is misleading. The purpose of the DOLF MICHAELIS OESTERREICHISCHEN WIDERSTANDES agreement was not to benefit the German economy Shlomo Molcho Str. 6 Altes Rathaus, Wipplinger Str 8, nor the Palestine Jews. The preamble of the agree­ Jerusalem AlOlO Vienna. ment, confirmed on August 25, 1933, clearly defines MATERIAL ON PERSECUTION FRANKFURT'S GLORIOUS PAST fhe main purpose, namely "die Foerderung der Sir,—Yad Vashem, the Martyrs' and Heroes' The third Annual Rabbi Dr. Georg Salzberger Abwanderung deutscher Juden nach Palaes­ Remembrance Authority in Israel, is engaged in Memorial Lecture under the auspices of the Bel­ tina. . . . ". This remained valid throughout the search of material related to the Holocaust and size Square Synagogue was delivered by Dr. Erwi" existence of the Haavara Agreement until it came other measures of Nazi persecution, which may Seligmann on the subject "Mainstreams of R^" to an end in 1939. The technique of this transfer still be held in private hands. These include, among ligious Life in the Frankfurt Jewish Community agreement was clearly foreseen in May 1933 by other things. Art Works, carried out under con­ and their lasting Effect on present day Judaisin • Chaim Arlosoroff, at the time head of the political ditions of the Holocaust or relating lo that subject. It was a most fitting choice both with regard to the department of the Jewish Agency. His findings Photographs and Documents (from 1933 onwards), speaker and to the subject. Dr. Seligmann's father, were published in the Juedische Rundschau, stat­ and Eye Witness Testimonies relating to the liber­ Dr. Caesar Seligmann, as well as Dr. Salzbei^ ing "dass die Probleme des Vermoegenstransfer ation of concentration camps. As most of your were rabbis in Frankfurt for several decades. The nur geloest werden koeimen durch ein Abkommen readers are refugees from Nazi oppression, we are speaker traced back the history of the community mit der deutschen Regierung, das die deutsche sure our appeal will have special relevance to which, for many centuries, had outstanding spiri' Waehrungslage und die Zwangsbewirtschaftung them. tual leaders. Among them were Rabbi Marcus beruecksichtigt—d.h. durch Export deutscher Yad Vashem, POB 3477, Horovitz, the orthodox representative of the mai" Waren nach Palaestina". Jerusalem. community, and Samson Raphael Hirsch, leader The agreement was attacked from two sides— (Mrs.) Y. KESHET, of the "Austrittsgemeinde". He also recalled the on one side by Palestine Jewry protesting against Foreign Relations Section. foundation of the Philanthropin in 1804 and the the breach of the boycott against German goods, STUDY ON NURSES' TRAINING Frcie Juedische Lehrhaus under Franz Rosenzweig and on the other side by parts of the NSDAP after the First World War. The activities of the who protested against export of German goods Sir.—May I appeal to your readers for help to assist me in my researches on the Jewisii aspects of orthodox and the progressive wings of the COIH' without receipt of the equivalent in foreign cur­ munity were equally flourishing. The concise leC' rency so badly needed in Gennany. Yet until the training and working conditions of nurses in Ger­ many from the turn of the century until 1939. I ture, full of essential material, was a masterpiec? end, the agreement was carried out in order to of scholarly work. In his vote of thanks, RabfJ achieve its main aim—the emigration of German would like to trace anything or anybody able to help me with information or suggestions. J. J. Kokotek referred to the specific positiori ot Jews, which was at that time the policy of the the Belsize Square Synagogue, which combine* German govenmient. 51,700 Jews left Germany (Mrs.) MARION FERGUSON. MA, SRN, loyalty to thc past of German Jewry with organie for Palestine from 1933 till 1939, some of them Lecturer, Dept. of Advanced Nursing Studies. integration into the present and responsibility f" with parts of their capital, some without means as Welsh National School of Medicine, the future. workers or youngsters through Youth Aliya. This Heath Park, Cardiff CF4 4XN.

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Publlahed bv the Association of Jewish Refugees In Great Britain, 8 Fairfax Mansions, London, NWS 6JY. "Phone: General Office and Administratio*' Homea: 01-624 9096/7, Employment Agency and Social Services Department 01-624 4449 Printad at The Furnival Preas, 61 Lilford Road. S.E.S.