Strategic Social media tools and increasing engagement

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL In this guide

1. How to make best use ofyour time and money

2. What's in your social media too/kit?

3. How can you increase engagement?

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 1. Investment should you focus your time and money?

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Let’s think about 1. Platforms 3. Photography

2. Planning 4. Promotions

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 1. Platforms

Always better to do fewer platforms, brilliantly

You don't have to be everywhere, all the time!

Think: Where is my audience?

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL ------9!.!Je! · little_aae_kitchen ti II ~• • • • little_acre_kitchen • Follow eny oc •, d • Origi al io

little_acre_kitchen ; PY F D Y! ;

Biscoff brownies o t e counter!

I you vould like to book a house old table or the veeken t en ge i touch!

01480 46405 □ eve s@hallandco en desig


simply_rose711 Are hese available for take away?

3 1 like Rep y

(? 0 Y/ Lik by cambridgejuiceco an 75 others

e Q ddacommen ...

Huntingdonshire- DISTRICT COUNCIL 2. Planning Put time aside to think:

• What type ofcontent you'll post

• What you won't post about!

• Who's going to do it

• What will be sustainable

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 2. Planning SOCIAL MEDIA Maybe CHECKLIST you're new to Use social media this easy - or checklist you want save more to stay to take time and on track a fresh make with your look at more money. goals, your activity. Sound sharpen good? up Go! your content, and Your get processes goals in pla1 What are your objecti ves in using social med ia? T ick all that apply and Community: add your Bu own ild a following

Engagement: Conversions: Stay front Make of m sa les! ind Customer Awareness: service Make a : FAQs noise & more What How quickly else? do you want results?

Tip! If the answer is 'very quickly' You you could know your consider social a paid media social media activity campaign is a success . when 3. Photography A solid investment

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 3. Photography Create a set ofquality assets

• Beautifully shot products • Branding • Founders • Logo

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 4. Promotions Social media advertising:

• Massively increase the reach ofyour activity

• Very flexible: Easily change budget and duration

• Generate leads and sales very quickly

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 4. Promotions Social media advertising is most effective when

• there is a clearly de.fined audience

• there is a clearly de.fined goal

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Huntingdonshire District Council • ••• Sponsored·

Are you an S E in H n ingdonshire? Get to grips with the basics of social media ith o r free workshops. The orkshops ill be run by digi al marketing agency Sookio, in partnership Ni h Huntingdonshire Distric Council. Th ey' ll be f II of helpful tips for you o put in o practice straight away.

EVENTBRITE.CO.UK Tuesday March 16th at 10am Sign Up Soolcio DI ST RI C T CO UN C IL Are you an SME in Huntingdonshire? Get to grips wit. .. Summary: Where to Focus 1. Platforms. Less is more

2. Planning. Make time = save time

3. Photography = solid investment

4. Promotions. Clearly define your audience and goal

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Pause for thought Where could you invest more time or money:




Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 2. What’s in your toolkit? schedule, measure, repeat

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL In your toolkit • Image and video apps

• Scheduling tools

• Measuring tools

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 1. Visual tools

• Save you time

• Create consistent brand look andfeel

• Fun features like animation bring content to life

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Q Search designs, templates, and mo -e

Recommended Social Media Events Marketing Documents Order prints Video School Personal

lnstagram Post lnstagram Story An imated Social Media TikTok Background Facebook Post Heading are Barlow Bold, size 42 CANVA PRO ...... Pre-set your brand's fonts, colors, and logo for a unified look across + all designs.

Try it free for 30 days ► Watch the video

Soolcio DI ST RI C T CO UN C IL Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Our favourites

Desktop: Canva and Pablo . . ·- .... TELUS. J -11.... t - 0

Apps: , Life/apse, InShot Adobe Rush, Apple Clips, YouCut oe • ·+ 0 I ," Download and experiment!

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL . . . I I 0 ·- ·- ·- Our favourites X Desktop: Canva and Pablo oe • D ·+ 0 (I [l ,. di ► )• .. r' r' " r'

marisacarmen • Following Apps: Snapseed, Life/apse, InShot Or'g·nal Audio

mari sacannen Who's hungry for sweets all these retro treats cam e in a gorgeous box from an awesome Adobe Rush, Apple Clips, YouCut sweets shop @sweetparadiseltd via @dickitlocal " "

>=brand magic ;:brandmagicstopmotion ;:stopmotion #lifelapse @lifelapse_app ,;,candy #candyshop i=clickitlocal =grapatwoodentoys Download and experiment! ;:grapat @joguines_grapat ,;,joguines ;:joguines_grapat #marisastopmotion


a Liked by smkeogh and 25 others - 1 DAY AC-0 Huntingdonshire Q Add a comment. D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Tips! Visual tools See what's on your phone already

Experiment. Try cropping, lightening, adding text

Get really familiar with one or two you really like

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 2. Scheduling tools

~ Huntingdonshire C T COUNCIL Soolcio DISTR I Why schedule content?

Do a batch in one go = save time

Get a good mix ofvaried and consistent content

Promote products and services more effectively

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Sookio X s Create post Create post C;JI Live Offer ... Job

This is an example to show you how to schedule a post

Ii Video 1!13 Live Video

Share a photo Multimedia

0 Get _ Feeling/Activity

0 Check In II Get shop visits

~ Tag Sponsor ® Support charity

~ Tag products Advertise your business

Watch Party Tag unpaid promotion

,1 Now

Schedule Backdate

Save Draft

- Boost Post Share Now Huntingdonshire 0 Share Now • Soolcio DI S TRI C T COUNCIL ~ buffer Your smarter way to share

" () .. Buffer .. ➔ C .. (S) /chrome ~ buffer Help

Accounts + Buffer~ Analytics ,h Schedule !Ill

tommoor Thursday 22nd November ~ Buffer 13 Wednesday 14th November Tom Moor This video of Guangzhou, China is really amazingly shot - worth the watch! [Ii Faceboo ► Here is a fantastic list or the top Social Media tools for you to explore. Thomas Mc Hopefully there are a few new ones in 6' Guangzhou'2012/CHINA there for you: http/ bufferupdat 24 Must-Have Social Media Marke ... l.l8'1Tpa(pep1-1m1 C'b0MKa BABMJKeH~n, I time-lapse photography Jn motion director of photography: Pryadko Artem / asslsta,t: Shlshkovsld Dmltry China (Guangzhou, Shanghai, ... bufferapp 14 4 41 1k

buffer 12 eomments 14 ukes Monday 12th November

Connect More Monday 19th November 11:!IJ

I wrote a post on using Facebook Groups to do user testing and get amazing feedback for your Dream more and take more risks: startup. Let me know what you think! 011:07AM

6' An Amazing Way to Get Customer Feedback and Build a Community httpJ/blog.tonrnoot.oorn/pOSl/36022783145/an-amazJ1111- ay-to- -customer-feedbac,-an

June 2020 (BST) Week Month < Today

Sun Mon, Tue Wed Th u Fri Sat

0 2 4

Key =- ro ""ess-L. _ l1fai!::- fhunk ' or.. 1 Make Hida•.. HO\v co enter a c:op UK.-. -teve Jobs - Billion Do... Register now(all time... he Social Ne:work (E.. 9:00 - 09:30 - Register Inside Bil l's Brain (Bill __ _ https://bu' Join us for an ... Learn From The Exper... 15:00 - 15:30 - Register ·enera:ion Startup https://bu'fJy/3c'ly'U obs "" Gaces: The hiP--·

Register now (all time... Register now(all time... Mr Rishi Nathwani, ___ 13:00 - 14:00 Register 13:00 - 14:00 Re;;iscer https://bu'fJy/3clR8y5 https:/lbu'fJy/36ErBii 16:00 - 17:00 Re;;iscer https://bu'fJy/3evsFrj

7 10 11 12 13

A;;oodw... liMi!::- fhunk'or...] Last week for ___

1. Control: Focus on w... 12-Care: Look a'ter yo... 13 . Continuicy: Keep so... !,I. Creativity: Do some•.. 15 . Compassion: Be ki n...

Below is a video dem... Mr Rishi Nathwani, __

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Literacy s.. Ii¥%:- /hunk 'or...] What are ...

1. El>ooks - you·u stim... Ms Kim Tapsooks arid P--·

trhey come in a va riet...._

Here are s:ome cips to --· w...v.a udiobooks.or;;I https:/lstories.audible__ - HuntingdonshirE https:/;;... Soolcio DI S TRI C T CO UN C I 1- Mr Jam ie forbes, En... o Pa1' Donnelly

Sh nk It ncl l I r


,:; rncoleupton


.. _... -- SchedulingIAboutlfAOICont«ll~IT rm JPnvacy tools - Huntingdonshire Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN CI L Tips! Social media scheduling • Schedule for when your audience is around

• Tailor for each platform

• See how it looks on the platform and on mobile

• Keep an eye on the news

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 3. Measuring tools

Why spend all this time on social...

Ifyou don't know ifit's working or not?

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Post Details Pertormanceforyourpost Sookio ... S PubflShed by Anna Mtkolajczyk 5d 0 202 People Reached This week on The Business of Cambridge, Sue Keogh chats with Justin 1 5 I.ices Comments & Shares Crane from The Crane Event and Charlie Evans from Pink lamp - Event Lighting & Production Specialists about the changes in the events industry. 14 3 11 Plus, property expert Gavin Human from Exquisite Home explains how the Like Post On Shares business of buying and selling homes has shifted. Sponsored by Third light. 0 0 0 Tune in: 10am Sunday 21 larch on Cambridge 105 Radio ... See more Commeflts On Post On Shares

1 1 0 Shares On Post On Shares

11 PostCllcks 4 2 5 Photove rs Link cfict;s Other Chcks

NEGATIVE FEEDBACK 0 Hide post 0 Hide all posts 0 Report as spam 0 Unlike Page

Reported slats may be delayed from what appears on posts

Get more likes, comments and shares When you boost this post, you'll show i to more people.

202 26 Peop e reached Engagements

Exquisite Home The Crane Event and Justin Crane 1 share

rfJ Like O Comment ~ Share - Huntingdonshire Soolcio D I S TRI C T CO UN C IL Tweet activity El November 2015 v I .:!:. Export data

Your Tweets earned 64.2K impressions over this 30 day period

rOURT\ EETS Our ng this 30 day period, you earned 4 aK 2.1K impressions per day.

2 OK


Nov 15 Nov2:!

Engagements Tweets Q•■ §@I Tweets and replies Promoted Impressions Engagements Engagement rate Showng JO days with daily frequency

ENGAGEME T RATE Nov 18 5,480 26 0.5% Q&A: 'With 6 billion daily views. Snapchat's hard to 0.9% Nov30 ignore." say @Anomaly ECDs @larsmarsdk & 1.9% engagement rate @martinginsborg ow ty/Ul71M Promote

_ No,, 23 4,549 32 0.7% Why @Waterislife & @Deutschlnc stole street art from the Kibera slum in Kenya ow ty/ULdwq LI KCLICKS pic 349 Promote

Nov 16 4,218 41 1.0% Canon shows us the unusual sport of skijoring in this fi lm by @JWT_Worldwide & @AcademyFilms ow.ty/UuT3V On average, you earned 12 link clicks per day Promote


NovS 3,561 14 0.4% 49 Daunted by Shakespeare? There's an app for that. How @TheRSC is using @units's tech to un lock the Bard's work ow.ty/TXChO - Promote Huntingdonshire O average, you earned 2 Ret weets per DISTRICT COUNCIL _ Nov 17 2,358 21 0.9% day Soolcio FINAL WEEK for applications: The @LuerzersArchive ... -:;:- Li•

< Insights

Content Activity Audience

Discovery CD 52 Accounts reached from Aug 24 - Aug 30

Mon --Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Reach 52 +18 vs. Aug 17 - Aug 23

Impressions 118 +19 vs. Aug 17 - Aug 23

Interactions CD

24 Actions taken on your account from Aug 24 - Aug 30

- Huntingdonshire Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Audience Overview 1 Dec 2015-31 Dec 2015 October 2015 No, ember 2015 De:e.,.~.ZOl 5 Date Range: I stom Y I Email Export .., Add to Dashboard Shortcut MTWT F SSMTWT F SSMTWT F SS - 3 4 !1 Dec 20 15 !-l.-3_1_D_e_c_20_1_5_ :, 6 6 , •J 3- 4 I Compare to: I Y I All sessions •2 ·3 i · , e s a 0 100.00% ,- z:i 1 :-.: :: 3 4 _s ·e 1 s g ... :e : 25 :;, i~ 3 • I Apply ICancel


Sessions .., vs Select a metric Hourly Day Week Month

• Sessions



8Dec 15 Dec 22Dec 29 Dec

■ New Visitor ■ Returning Visitor Sessions Users Page Views 5,028 4,131 11 ,539 __/\.__ __/\.__ ~

Pages/Session Avg. Session Duration Bounce Rate 2.29 00:01 :45 79.61% ~ J"-..---.___ ~

% Ne.v SessionsMeasuring tools 82.14% - ~ Huntingdonshire Soolcio DISTRI C T COUNCIL What should you measure? How many followers?

Which types ofposts do people like?

When are the popular times to post?

Which platforms are most effective for you?

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Tips! measurement tools

Get in the habit ofchecking regularly

Act upon what you see - more ofthis, less ofthat

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL tools to try

Inbuilt External

Facebook & Instagram Insights Twitter, Linkedin Analytics Cyfe, Sprout, Hootsuite

sCcia l ,..t•uM, ., hootsu ite· INTELLIGENCE Social Media Dashboard report PLATFORM sprout social Google Analytics : Soolcio Summary: In your toolkit • Image and video apps

• Scheduling tools

• Measuring tools

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 3. Engaging content principles across different platforms

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL What do we want?

"Wt, want people to

• click • read • share or retweet • comment

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL 8 Ways to make people engage

~ Huntingdonshire C T COUNCIL Soolcio DISTR I Di Rita's Italian Cuisine is in St Ives, Cambridgeshire. 8 February at 10:17 · 0 Order your valentines dessert this weekend. Fresh tiramisu, white chocolate & vanilla cheesecake, handmade chocolates and much more. Add to the pizza package and wine for the perfect weekend . Pizzeria also open an extra evening on Sunday 14th February 01480 465339 (delivering afternoon teas through 1. Topicality the day on Saturday 13th Feb along with other bakery food packages ready for your weekend) fresh artisan pizza delivery in the evening. #valentines #prosecco #pinkprosecco #bakery ... See more

wildfrostcafe • Follow

wildfrostcafe Q Mums D vet day 14th arc Q o her's Day luxury trea box as arrived! Mums cans ay in bed and enjoy a breakfast feast o yummy pastries, ' ruit yoghurt Later in ea· emoon you can tuck into the a· ernoon tea for o whic incl es nger sandwic es, crisps, sausage rolls cream tea elicious cakes galore, This really is an gi that keeps on giving all day • is luxury trea box inclu ing the hand ·ed spring bunc ea be ordered as pictured with a ernoo tea for ·o to share a d brea ast for Mum or a si gle box just or Mum • Prices an II con en s on he websi e OW chocolate slab inclu by fab local cambridgechocola ecompany ;

kll llo,t -•--· · - L • • 0 0 Y/ A Liked by huntsdc a d 167 others

Q A.dd a comment... Di Rita's Italian Cuisine ••• 2. Humour 16 February at 12 :29 • 0

Di Rita's Pizzeria & Deli 15 February at 16:52 · 0 We all need a laugh right now!!! Competition time the Best replication of this Famous dance by Chef Andrew .. . (song is Holiday by Little Mix) WINS a FREE Me ... See more - rfJ Like CJ Comment ~ Share Huntingdonshire Soolcio D I ST R IC T CO UN CI L toppingsely • Follow Topp·ng & Corrpany Boolcser ers o· Ely

toppingsely Just a quick update for all our supporters o say that we are still OPEN on the door for click & collect orders, book chats and using any vouchers you received or Christmas.

3. Helpful We're open rom 9am to 6pm everyday and, i we aren't a the door, you can either ring the doorbell or ring the shop on 01353 645005.

We're still posting out as many books as we can. Standard postage is £2.95 and any order over £60 is free delivery.

You can find our full catalogue on our website so be sure to have a browse! stivesmarkets • Following

stivesmarkets We are here until 2pm Liked by smkeogh and 137 others today. Come and support your local marke O c ~ 0 Q Add a comment .. 3d

stivesmarkets #stivesmarke s 0 #huntslocal #stives i=outdoormarke Fshoplocal i=supportlocal #community i=smallbusinessove #bread #ish · ruitandveg #p etsupplies i=mea s :;;plantsand lowers .t:essentials

3d Reply

dinkylittledot I enj oyed some 0 delicious cake from the

16 likes 3 DAYS AGO Soolcio Q Add a comment... Giggs & Company Independent Estate Agents 17 March at 15:12 • 0 Thinking of moving in 2021 !? Let's talk to our Director Oliver Henson his experience in he housing market in S eots and surrounding areas? Here are the questions we end to answer most right now; 4. questions Q) Will house prices go up or down this year !? Q) When is the best ime to sell my property and why .? Q) Can you view property at the moment !? Q) Wha do buyers need for a deposit for a mo gage !? We hope his helps Click on this link for your Covid-19 safe property valuation #HousingMarke 2021#stneots #propertyforsale #update #-houseprices #sellingproperty #Cambndgesh1re #bedfordshire

Huntingdonshire- DI S TRI C T CO U N C IL questionS

IOSH O @IOSH_tweets · Feb 27 V It's #NationalToastDay. Here at IOSH we want to know, how do you like your toast?

Try not to burn yourself (]

Not toasted 5.1 %

Lightly toasted 35.6%

Golden Brown 59.3%

59 votes · Final results

0 5 t-1, 3 Q 8 ~

Soolcio DI ST RI C T CO UN C IL 5. Visual content F'lll/! Stretch & Relax ON FACUOOK LIVll



. o, 0 f-AC


UPPE SOOY S RE GT D R L A Huntingdonshire DC O 6. Clever copy • @huntsdc Where will you be doing your last minute Christmas shopping? There are still lots of lovely treasures to Can you ask a question? discover along our high streets #Th inklocalHunts iii]from the Ramsey Initiative's Indoor Market Keep it short?

Use a #hashtag

Maybe an emoji? Layer it on a graphic?

8:30 AM • Dec 22, 2020 • Hootsuite Inc. - Huntingdonshire Soolcio DISTRIC T CO U NCIL Bohemia St. Neots 13...,. 8h ,

Monday morning The s art of a new week of graft)' So why not start it with a bang! Coversure Insu rance + Follow • • • cova •• ; 0 ~ 'ollo •·e ' s Come grab & hot dri nk of your choice, paired with one of these beauty's! Chocolate orange cookie pie! 1m •® Fa ncy wi ing a f 00 mazo vouc er? S are your #tradesman or #liability #insurance re e\i al ate wi h s a d we'll en er you in o our free pri ze draw to a £100 mazon vouc ,er! dbVbuKD

Insurance Quotes I Cheap Business, Motor and Property Quotes I Coversure co ers re co u • 1 n ,~ rea a

- Huntingdonshire Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN CI L 7. Strong call to action

Get people to do the thing you want them to do!

Use direct verbs - tell people what to do!

Register now, download our report, launch the toolkit

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL What’s a good CTA?

dotdigital O @dotdigital v Calling all marketers! Does your copywri ing drive conversions? Dow1load Keep it clear what you this guide to become a conversion copywriter oday. want people to do

Be specific

Show the benefit

Free guide: The marke er's guide o copywriting Get bossy! &

o, t-1, C) 3

DISTRI C T COUNCIL II Promo ed 8. Personal


thelittlefenlandecosho • Follow Ram sey, England

thelittlefenlandecoshop Biodegradable & Compostable •

I've just done the dishes and Opinion blown my own mind thinking about how both the washing up gloves & brush are both so natural. I'm so glad to be able to make better choices for our planet, but appreciate that not everyone is in such a fortunate position. •'.

Unfortunately, eco friendly Human side alternatives aren't always as affordable as their plastic counter parts. Please, please know I will always do my best to source the most ethically produced, pocket

.,: .. : ...... ,-,11., ... 1+ ...... r> ... +:, ..... ,. +...... 1... ~+: ...

29 likes 1 HOUR AGO

Add a comment...

Huntingdonshire- DISTRICT COUNCIL summary: Engaging posts 1. Make it topical 5. Use images and video

2. Make it funny! 6. Sharpen your text

3. Make it helpful 7. Use a clear call to action

4. Ask a question 8. Add a human story

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL The Little Fenland Eco Shop is in Ramsey, England. ••• 18 March at 11:11

Surpri se! - LIVE - Planning on having a bi o Easter fun with little ones, bu don't wa the unnecessa ry waste? Plastic 1; rappers, tubs & trays .. I'm looking at you! Why not pick up an indulgen rea ? :. The Rabbi ToyChoc Box contains two individually Quick quiz wrapped, deliciously crea y, organic dairy free chocola es and a delightful cardboard toy o asse ble! The oy is one of a seri es o 6 o colle and also co es wit its own fun fa s card

Great as part o an Easter Egg unt. or to send to a friend or loved one t ha you're missing! Ps .. I have tas e ested (of course!} and i is DE ICIOUS. I've never had such asty dairy ree How many ofthese chocola e before - in fact I couldn't even ell it was free from! approaches can you Hitting the website a 12 noon today. and not limited to Rabbi 's either - be sure to ake a peek! https://1,vwvv.little 100% organic see in this post? Dairy, u . Gluten, Soy & Plastic FRE E 100% orga ic ingred ients: cacao mass, coconut sugar, creamed coconu cacao bu ter, vanill a #plasticfree #dairyfree #glutenfree #vegan -#chocola e #orga ic #easter #eas erbunny #easterideas #eas ergifts #imagination · ·maginativeplay #compostable

Huntingdonshire- DISTRI C T COUNCIL Make a note

Which ofthese approaches could you use in your own social media activity to get more engagement?

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Take action

Look at your last three social media posts

How could you make them more engaging?

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Take Action Put time aside to think

• What type ofcontent you'll post

• What you won't post about!

• Who's going to do it

• What will be sustainable

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL Take action! SOCIAL MEDIA Maybe CHECKLIST you're new to Use social media this easy - or check you want save more list to stay to take time on track a fresh and make with look more your goals, at your money. sharpen activity. Sound up good? Go! your content , and Your get processes goals in place to What are your objecti ves in using social med ia? T ick all that apply and Commun add your ity: Bu own ild a fo ll owing Engagement: Convers ions: Stay front Make of mind sa les! Customer Awareness service: : Make a FAQs & noise more What How quickly else? do you want results?

Tip! If the answer is 'very quickly' You know you could your consider social a paid media social med activity ia campa is a success ign. when Keep learning with Sookio • f oin the mailing list Digital marketing tips plus free social media sessions

• Learn with Sookio School

Twitter • basics for business

Soolcio D I ST RI C T CO UN C IL