Sophisticated Lexical Databases - Simplified Usage: Mobile Applications and Browser Plugins For Wordnets Diptesh Kanojia Raj Dabre Pushpak Bhattacharyya CFILT, CSE Department, School of Informatics, CFILT, CSE Department, IIT Bombay, Kyoto University, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India Kyoto, Japan Mumbai, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract identifiable mother-tongues and 122 major languages1 . Of these, 29 languages have India is a country with 22 officially rec- more than a million native speakers, 60 have ognized languages and 17 of these have more than 100,000 and 122 have more than WordNets, a crucial resource. Web 10,000 native speakers. With this in mind, browser based interfaces are available the construction of the Indian WordNets, the for these WordNets, but are not suited IndoWordNet (Bhattacharyya, 2010) project for mobile devices which deters peo- was initiated which was an effort undertaken ple from effectively using this resource. by over 12 educational and research insti- We present our initial work on devel- tutes headed by IIT Bombay. Indian Word- oping mobile applications and browser Nets were inspired by the pioneering work of extensions to access WordNets for In- Princeton WordNet(Fellbaum, 1998) and cur- dian Languages. rently, there exist WordNets for 17 Indian lan- Our contribution is two fold: (1) We guages with the smallest one having around develop mobile applications for the An- 14,900 synsets and the largest one being Hindi droid, iOS and Windows Phone OS with 39,034 synsets and 100,705 unique words. platforms for Hindi, Marathi and San- Each WordNet is accessible by web interfaces skrit WordNets which allow users to amongst which Hindi WordNet(Dipak et al., search for words and obtain more in- 2002), Marathi WordNet and Sanskrit Word- formation along with their translations Net(Kulkarni et al., 2010) were developed at in English and other Indian languages.