

( www.TriviaChamp.com )

1> There was a fictional comic book within the comic book series Watchmen. What was it about?

2> Which one of the following was the first patient in the Arkham Asylum - Victor Zsasz, Lazlo Valentin or Mad Dog?

3> Which of the following superheroes did NOT belong to the first Justice League - Green Arrow, Wonder Woman or Martian Manhunter?

4> Where is the DMZ?

5> Which comic book series is wildly popular in Europe, but not so much in the US - series Northlanders or Disney Comics?

6> Which Spider-Man comic book series introduced the Green Goblin?

7> What is the real name of Afro Samurai?

8> Who was 's sidekick?

9> What is the name of the demon that Al Simmons made a deal with to become the Hellspawn?

10> In The Walking Dead, who cuts off Rick's right hand?

11> In the first issue of Aliens Versus Predator, what was the name of the predator leader?

12> Dragon Ball Z features Master Roshi (Kame Sen'nin). What is his guilty pleasure?

13> What country is from?

14> What was Daredevil's father's profession?

15> What city does Flash mainly operate in?


1> Pirates - The comic book was titled 'Tales of the Black Freighter'. 2> Mad Dog - Arkham Asylum was found by Amadeus Arkham, and Mad Dog was one of the first patients in the institution. 3> Green Arrow - The first Justice League also featured Batman, Superman and Flash. 4> New York - The comic book series DMZ is set in the near future in which The United States of America fight in a civil war against the Free States of America. 5> Disney Comics - Disney comics featuring Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are, to this day, very popular in Europe. 6> The Amazing Spider-Man - Of all the costumed villains who've fought Spider- Man over the years, the most terrifying is the Green Goblin. 7> Afro - The character and the comic book were created by Takashi Okazaki. 8> Bucky - Bucky is also known as the Winter Soldier, as the story progresses. 9> Malebolgia - Malebolgia is one of the demons of the eighth circle of Hell. 10> The Governor - The Governor's name is Brian Blake, but sometimes it is disputed that his actual name is Philip. 11> Broken Tusk - There have been at least eight other stories in the Alien Versus Predator universe. 12> Women's underwear - The famous Kamehameha attack, taught by Roshi, is a name of a Hawaiian king. 13> Germany - Nightcrawler's parents are and Azazel, both possessing powers. 14> Professional boxer - Daredevil's father is killed by mafia for refusing to throw a fight. 15> Central City - Keystone City is a twin town to Central City after the events of an alternate reality in one storyline.

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