Ridgewell Parish Council Email: [email protected] Website: www.ridgewellpc.org

DRAFT Minutes of Parish Council held on-line via Zoom on Thursday 12th November 2020 at 7.00pm

Present: Cllr N Benwell (Chairman), Cllr R Steward (Vice-Chairman), Cllr H Foster, Cllr L Higgins-Watson, T Wigmore (Clerk). Cllr Finch – ECC. There was 1 member of the public present.

20/208 Welcome. To receive and record apologies for absence Apologies received by Cllr L Beauchamp-Crane and accepted.

20/209 Declaration of Members Interests Cllr Steward declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 20/213 Planning Application 20/01726/HH as applicant.

20/210 Minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2020 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting are agreed as a correct record. Proposed: Cllr Padgett. Seconded: Cllr Steward. All in favour.

20/211 Public Participation Session The Chairman invited questions and observations from members of the public present.

Ridgewell Congregational Church - Update Adrian Burr, Area Representative for The Congregational Church provided an update. A sustainable business plan has been produced to facilitate utilisation of the chapel within the community. The plan has been put forward to the Congregation Federation for consideration with proposals for re-letting the chapel and ideas for using the land as a village/farm shop. A meeting has been scheduled for the 22nd November in Nottingham which will discuss and agree the proposal. Chapel to obtain licence to use the building/land. Donations of £1000 have been received from grave owner’s to help maintain the graveyard. A congregation of 12 attended the last service, more than previously attended for a long time. No services to be held at the moment due to ‘lockdown 2’.

Cllr Benwell reported that the Village Handyman will check periodically and undertake quick trimmings. Discussions to be held with the school, they may be able to utilise the land for sporting activities.

20/212 Invitation to County Councillor David Finch and Councillor Iona Parker to address the meeting on matters of mutual interest.

Cllr Finch, ECC • Local Government Reform – July published paper on Government’s aspiration to move to unitary authorities. Leaders and Chief Executives in Greater Essex, and the Police, Crime & Fire Commissioner, have met to discuss the future of Local Government across the county. Opportunity to discuss the government steer and consider the opportunities for improving the Local Government system and discuss how to progress and next steps. . White Paper will now be considered middle of next year due to Brexit, effects of pandemic and Planning White Paper. Due to its size (1.5m) Essex would not consider as a single unitary but a combination of 4 unitaries.

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Ridgewell Parish Council

• Covid 19, rationale behind moving from tier 1 to 2 – concerns that growth rate in the North very high. Scientific evidence indicated growth rate of infection was doubling every week. At that time reported 125 per 100,000 and other hotspots in , Epping forecast, Uttlefords and Brentwood. After consultation with MPs/business leaders and evaluating scientific evidence it was agreed to move to Tier 2 to intervene early too save lives, jobs and hospital capacity. Essex allocated £4.2m to help with T2 restrictions; 50% allocated to welfare schemes i.e. hungry holidays, food camps, CAB, food banks, mental health and domestic violence and 50% allocated to the hospitality sector; Braintree allocated £5m to support businesses. After ‘lockdown 2’ will be applying to move back down to T1 with easing restrictions; balancing act of reducing infection and protecting the economy. • Local Government Finance. 49,000 business and 193,000 people have been supported during pandemic to date that equates to a 3% drop in Council Tax collection, a £18-20m gap this year. In 2021/22 could be an even bigger gap with the cessation of furlough and funding schemes, forecast £50-60m gap. Government announced that local councils will be given leeway and will be allowed to use capital receipts to fund revenue costs (3 year roll over). • Illegal Rave – Ridgewell Airfield. Estimated that 1,000 people attended, concerns raised that Police action was very slow. Asst Chief Constable has given assurances that the Police will ‘step up’ to prevent further serious instances taking place in the future. Cllr Benwell reported that the response from Police was ludicrous and it would have been fairly easy to stop people entering the site. Police presence at White Horse but did nothing to disperse attendees, they were all over the village on Sunday. Disturbing photos show the substantial waste dumped at elderly person’s property, received an email from BDC asking whether the PC can help with clearing the waste. Cllr Finch agreed that there was minimal effort and not a good response for dealing with the incident. Will speak to B J Harrington, Chief Constable about the lax Police response. • Flooding: Cllr Benwell raised the issue of flooding all around Ridgewell, in particular 5 properties on Chapel Road. Constant stream running down the road. Essex Highways were effective at installing a kerb, but have not addressed the issue of the blocked drains. Residents living in fear of homes being flooded. Same inspector being sent to inspect site initially for the flooding and then again for the blocked drains, but nothing happening. ACTION: Cllr Benwell to forward details to Cllr Finch to investigate. • Road Closures. Cllr steward enquired about local road closures and the lack of notice of roads being closed; very annoying especially if you’re travelling cross country i.e. signs stating that the road is intending to be closed but not actually closed or there is no indication of works being undertaken. Cllr Finch reported statutory organisations like ‘open reach’ are able to close roads to undertake street works which are necessary to provide and maintain utility and transport services. Contact the local area officer at BT Open Reach to register concerns and possible road closures.

20/213 Planning Applications To consider applications received as at 05/11/20. 20/01710/HH | Erection of single-storey side extension to existing garage/annex. Wash Farm Barn Three Chimneys Lane Ridgewell Essex CO9 4PJ. RESOLVED: No objections, in support of application.

Cllr Steward left the meeting for discussion of 20/01726/HH 20/01726/HH | Rear Single Storey Extension. Ivy House Drury Lane Ridgewell Essex CO9 4SW. RESOLVED: No objections, in support of application.

Cllr Steward re-joined the meeting.

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Ridgewell Parish Council 20/214 Decision/s made by BDC on planning applications To note any decisions received since the last meeting. None received as at 05/11/20 20/00272/TOPCON Notice of intent to carry out tree works. Portland Lodge Chapel Road Ridgewell. Pending Consideration. BDC have issued a Temporary TPO06/2020/TPO on the Irish Yew.

For note: Notification of Enforcement Appeal Hearing - The Kings Head scheduled for 24th November 2020. Notice posted to website.

20/215 Braintree District Council - Scheme of Delegation Consultation (rpt circa) A summary of the proposals and a full draft Revised Scheme of Delegation are available at www.braintree.gov.uk/revisedschemeofdelegation General discussion held, general consensus in support of changes. RESOLVED: No comments to be submitted, general support for changes.

20/216 Congregational Church, Chapel Road. AB provided an updated under item 20/122 Developing Business Plan for the ongoing viability of church/land. Discussion on current/future usage to be held with Head Teacher.

20/217 Parish Plan Review (current plan circa) Neighbourhood Plans very labour and resource intensive, possible scope for housing. Cllr Robert reported that the PC had agreed to send out a questionnaire/survey to residents to find out about people’s priorities/ideas and review then/now/future. Due to current pandemic and personal work priorities postpone review until next spring. For note.

20/218 Assignment of Areas of Responsibility To appoint lead Councillors for Areas of Responsibility. Area Responsibility Lead Councillor

Covid 19 Response Support mechanisms for vulnerable groups. Cllr Benwell 4/5 households have shielded since March. No major concerns at present. Village has an elderly population, within the last 24 hours, sadly 2 deaths have been reported.

Community Speed Len Adams (currently co-ordinating). Rota Paul McCarthy watch suspended, resume date Feb/March. Return takes 30 mins to complete to forward onto Essex Co-ordinator. Speed watch sessions taking slightly longer as each group needs to complete Covid Risk Assessment. Monthly rota 1 hour a month Neighbourhood Weekly newsletter – notice board. Contact Cllr McCarthy Watch Liaison with Clive Stewart, Chairman for the Braintree Distinct NWSG

Grounds Liaison with Contractor. Undertake Cllr Higgins-Watson Maintenance monitoring checks and report back issues of concern to PC/contractor.

Tree Warden To review TPO Applications and report Cllr Padgett and Cllr back to PC/Planning Higgins-Watson

Finance To check payments against bank Cllr Steward

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Ridgewell Parish Council statements and on on-line transactions.

Community Monthly Checks Cllr Padgett Defibrillator

20/219 Christmas Tree General discussion for Covid-safe preparations for Village Christmas Tree. Cllr Benwell reported that there would be no carol service this year, an announcement would be made when the tree would be erected. It was suggested that the switch on could be streamed on line via the website/Facebook page. Previous years volunteer IM has purchased the xmas tree on PC’s behalf; lights need to be tested, contact resident electrician. Volunteer LA happy to supervise the installation of the Christmas Tree, Cllr McCarthy volunteered some help from his employees. Cllr Benwell to co-ordinate, Clerk to re-circulate risk assessments. For note.

20/220 Clerks Report (report circa prior to the meeting). Councillors to review actions list, update and report on progress to date • Q Developments resubmission of pre-application Land South of the Causeway [pre- application reference 20/60258/PREAPP. PC has been asked to comment on re- submission. Comments to be forward to Clerk for collating, need to facilitate a good outcome for the village albeit need to be slightly cautious as lessons learnt from Ashen Road development. • On Line Bank Application – application has not been processed due to validation errors. Need to re-submit application. Completed. • Madura Hedge outstanding works completed. • Refuse Truck – good response, took equivalent 8-12 large skips. Clerk to send a letter to BDC stating how helpful staff were, positive attitude and worked hard to help people. • Website Accessibility Statement. Statement completed. Cllr Steward reported that although the website is basic it is constructed using a modern website/template. Review conducted indicates that the website generally complies but there are a few things that need attention i.e. how the website reads through a screen reader. • Internal Audit for year ended 31st March 2020. Completed by Simpson Accountancy. No matters have come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met. • PC Website - link school contact details to website. Completed • Street Lighting Parish Clerk to ask contractor to undertake maintenance check now rather wait until the end of winter/spring. • Handyman – undertaken works at the School, removed tree from church yard and undertook some heavy lifting on behalf of the village hall MC. • Hawthorn Hedge by allotment, majority has regenerated and meshed together since car ploughed into it. Cllr Benwell to look to see gaps need replanting

20/221 Approval of Invoices/Accounts for Payment (report circa prior to the meeting). To approve the invoices and accounts due for payment. Clerk reported that an invoice had been received from the Handyman for £1040.00 to be included in the list of payments. RESOLVED that payments of £ £3,556.02 be approved. Proposed: Cllr Benwell. Seconded: Cllr Steward. All in favour.

20/222 Receipts and Payment Financial Report (report circa prior to the meeting). To approve the statement of receipts and payments as at 31st October 2020. Clerk to invoice Richmond House in January 20201 for grass cutting (pro-rota charge). RESOLVED: That the report be approved. Proposed: Cllr Benwell. Seconded: Cllr Steward. All in favour.

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Ridgewell Parish Council

20/223 Items for Next Agenda / Information Exchange • To approve budget/precept for 2021/22. Clerk to send a copy of last year’s budget to Cllrs, draft proposal to be sent in December for comments. • Resident request for a speed signs to be installed on Ashen Road. Clerk to submit a request to LHP. 16 new housing, increase in pedestrians. • Cllr Padgett enquired whether the Village Hall defibrillator had been re-located during refurbishment, it was reported that the defibrillator was currently in storage. Another one is located on the wall outside the White Horse. Cllr Padgett to find out who the Community First Responder is or find a local volunteer. Cllr Padgett to be responsible for checking the defibrillators. Clerk to forward Key code and documents. Cllr Padgett enquired whether there are plans for the defibrillator to be reinstalled at village hall. Cllr Benwell to send an email to the Project Director as the defibrillator needs a power supply for the cabinet heater. • Hall Improvement Project - reports updates indicate project on track, just under budget, Ground work completed. Need to identify how much is left in the budget to put in new equipment etc. Soft launch to open due to Covid-19 restrictions, this will allow faults to be identified in that period. Cllr McCarthy has generously donated security equipment to Village Hall, security taken care off. Sole Trustee Meeting January 2021.

20/224 Date of Next Parish Council meeting The next meeting of the Parish Council to be held 14th January 2021.

Meeting finished: 21.01

Future Meeting Dates:

11th March 2021 TBC

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