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2 Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire This bulletin is published semi-annually in Georgian and English Editors: Rusudan Tsurtsumia, Tamaz Gabisonia Translator: Nana Mzhavanadze Proof read by: Lucy Hopkins Sara Wondra Madge Bray Design: Nika Sebiskveradze, Giorgi Kokilashvili Computer services: Valerian Jugheli Printed by: Chokhi © International Research Center for Traditional Polyphony of Tbilisi V. Sarajishvili State Conservatoire, 2007. ISSN 1512 - 2883 3 News at the International Research Center for Traditional Polyphony Dr. Rusudan Tsurtsumia, Professor, Director of IRCTP Ongoing reforms of Higher Education in Georgia have touched the Tbilisi State Con- servatoire as well and hence, also caused so- tacts and translation work. The centre speci- me changes at the International Research alists, Tamaz Gabisonia and Maka Center for Traditional Polyphony. Our rea- Khardziani are carrying out ethno musicolo- ders know that the centre was established in gical work. 2002 by the initiative and support of The purpose of our centre is to uphold Georgian specialists and outstanding ethno- polyphony as a category of musical thinking musicologists all over the world who had and to provide studies of polyphony types in participated in the 1st International Sympo- different regions of the world. Given that sium on Traditional Polyphony. From the Georgian ethnomusicologists do not rese- very beginning, UNESCO provided signifi- arch the polyphony of foreign countries, and cant help to the centre: in 2003-2006, they fi- since we can not send our scientists abroad nanced a number of important projects such to study outside of Georgia, we consider this as the development of an electronic data ba- as our long term purpose rather than our cur- se, the purchase of modern equipment, field rent goal. Furthermore, because of a lack of trips, publications. The regular publication specialists we are limited to provide research of the bilingual bulletins is one such project. even into the polyphonic cultures of diffe- Before September 2007, the main base rent nations living in our country, such as, unit of the centre, according to its regulation, for example, Abkhazian and Osettian polyp- was the Folk Music Department of the Tbili- hony. si State Conservatoire. The department was Therefore, when the talk is of scientific equipped with the lab of scientific research work, the centre projects are designed for of church and secular music. As the deputy polyphonic issues. Along with the centre rector of the conservatoire, and later deputy staff, this work is carried out by the Folk rector in the scientific unit, I led the work of Lab staff members. For example, we are the Folk Music Department. Since the last proud of the project “Echoes from the Past” autumn, because of the structural reorgani- about the Phonograph Wax Cylinder Catalo- zation of the conservatoire, I have been con- gue preserved in Georgia and CDs, the first tinuing my career as a director of the centre. stage of which was realized through the co- The Folk Music unit became a Department, operation with a foreign partner – Vienna and the centre has its own staff – Maia audio archive and thus had an International Kachkachishvili, whose responsibilities are resonance. organizational activities, international con- However, we believe that the centre has 4 already acquired international authority. The um is an excellent place, giving the opportu- International Symposium on Traditional nity for the results of a number of studies Polyphony gives us the courage to think so. about different regional styles the world The symposium is somehow unique as well, over, to be shared. In our opinion, the suc- given that unlike international scientific fo- cess of the Tbilisi international forums pla- rums of other countries, our symposium is yed an important role in the increased inte- not limited in terms of regional (for examp- rest and work of modern ethnomusicologists le, European or African) polyphonies. Here in polyphonic issues. We want to show pol- the highly qualified experts from different yphonic traditions of the world in the wider regions and parts of the world meet and sha- context of ethno musicological and cultural re their knowledge and experience. At Tbili- issues. Therefore, any paper related to poly- si symposiums the so called overtone singing phony can be represented at any symposium of South-East Arabia, Bulgaria and Central in Tbilisi. Asia were all represented. Also, the polyp- Everything mentioned above is respon- hony of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Lithuania, ding well to the goal of the International Re- Albania, Ukraine, Austria, Italy, France, search Centre of Traditional Polyphony to Perinea, Baskia, Khorvatia, Russia, Pygmee, promote a dialogue between traditional cul- Tanzania, Indonesia and Guinea. This is a tures for the purpose of preserving the world major point for us as the geographical reach cultural diversity. of the symposium is one of the most impor- One more important piece of news: with tant aspects to nourish in order to achieve the support of the Swiss Development Fo- fruitful and effective mutual relationships in undation, we are starting to update the web- the field of world polyphony. site of the centre: . Once Dr. Ioseph Jordania is one of the initiators it is done, the website will be more flexible of the symposium and a head of the foreign and easy to manage and enable us to provide division of the centre, and well aware of the more interesting, attractive and detailed in- world practice of scientific forums on poly- formation about the world’s polyphony to all phony. In his opinion, the Tbilisi symposi- who are interested. Outstanding Representative of the Erkomaishvili Name Nino Naneishvili On the October 30, the remembrance dedicated their whole lives, talent and energy evening celebrating the 120th birthday of the to the development of Georgian folk singing. highly respected and well-known sacred and Artem Erkomaishvili is a master singer of folk music singer Artem Erkomaishvili was sacred music – a perfect expert in and master held in the great hall of Tbilisi State of three part chanting, which has been pre- Conservatoire. served up to the nearest historical past in The musical traditions of Erkomaishvili practice. family are three centuries old. The family’s In 1966, with the initiative of Grigol ancestors preserved some information about Chkhikvadze, the ethnomusicologist Kakhi the grandfather of Artem Erkomaishvili, Ivane Rosebashvili recorded more than 100 church Erkomaishvili. Artem’s father, Gigo Erkomai- hymns in which all the three parts were per- shvili learned singing from his father. Three of formed by Artem Erkomaishvili. Gigo’s ten sons: Artem, Anania and Vladimer It is important to state that Artem Erko- 5 maishvili composed songs Characteristics of himself. One such song, “Da- Performance Reglament of vkarget Sami Momlkheni”, Gurian Songs – Tamaz Gabi- was performed at the above- sonia; Artistic Peculiarities of mentioned evening by the Gurian Polyphonic Cradle well-known trio of Tristan Songs- Nino Kalandadze; and Guri Sikharulidzes, and Principle of Polyphony in Merab Kalandadze. A DVD Georgian Instrumental Music with recordings of the broth- – Manana Shilakadze; About ers Erkomaishvili (Artem, Teaching Methods of Georgi- Anania and Vadimer) from an Chant – Magda Sukhiash- 1965 year was produced in vili; Regulations of Easter in honour of this remarkable Philimon Koridze’s and Artem day. The DVD comprised Erkomaishvili’s Notebooks – one hymn and four songs: Svimon Jangulashvili; “Homo “Siqvarulma Mogviqvana Upalo”, “Shavi Polyphnicus” in Georgian Environment – Shashvi”, “Grdzeli Ghighini”, “Didi Khnidan Nino Chitadze; The 20-th Century Tradition Gagitsami”, and Madlobeli”). of Keeping Note Records of Georgian Chants The conference was initiated and organ- – Baia Zhuzhunadze; Chanting Tradition of ized by the International Research Centre for the Erkomaishvili Name and Modern Traditional Polyphony. The scientific works Practice – Nino Naneishvili. were represented by the students and scien- The following folk ensembles were partic- tists of Tbilisi Conservatoire. Anzor Erko- ipated in the concert program: “Rustavi”, maishvili opened the meeting and talked “Mtiebi”, “Anchiskhati”, “Didgori”, “Basi- about the life of his famous grandfather. Then ani”, “Shavnabada”, “Batumi”, “Iadoni”, the following papers were represented: The “Elesa”, “Shalva Chemo”, “Vakhtanguri”, life of Artem Erkomaishvili – Nino Razma- men’s choir of the Saint Trinity Cathedral dze; The Book of Musical Notes of the Mas- Church. The repertoire mainly included ter of Chanting Artem Erkomaishvili – Gurian songs. Also the old recordings of Manana Andriadze; Musical-Linguistic Links Erkomaishvili brothers were represented of Chanting Traditions of Different Chanting through the recently published DVDs. Traditions of Shemokmedi School – Davit It is important that the concert was organ- Shughliashvili, Georgian Vision of Tradit- ized by the initiative of young musicians with ional Polyphony –Rusudan Tsurstumia; the help of the Tbilisi State Conservatoire. Festival of Georgian Church Hymns in Sachkhere Nana Valishvili The Georgian Festival titled “Georgian Artists’ Union of Cultural-Educational Church Hymns” was established in 2001. The Organizations of Georgia. Ms. Veshapidze is idea of this festival was born from a desire of an active member of Saint Nino church choir the Eparchy of Sachkhere and Chiatura. Co- in Sachkhere. She briefly explains