Kcompare These Tire
CLASSIFIED ADS, Foges C-5-11 DX Coaches filefttenina SPORTS C Set to Outline WASHINGTON, D. C„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1957 Position Today Statement Expected Kentucky Tourney Giving To Point Up Stand On Eytra-Time Pay a The District public Idgh p| ¦ school coaches were ready to iUPMBI MkMEBm announce their stand today in; Tar Heels First Big Test the long argument with school; officials over extra pay (or ex- ;~ aP wßpwaßja : ip Jxggp tra time worked. Details of the statement, i ST. PETER'S FIFTH VICTIM Classy Gophers drafted by the D. C. High School j JOTJ^ Coaches Association last night! Colonials Seek First Opponent at Roosevelt High, were not re- leased immediately. First, Hustle Is Answer For copies had to be delivered to Champions Dr. Hobart M. Coming, school 2d Win Against By th« AxocUted Prm superintendent; Carl P. Han- To Hoyas' Streak North Carolina’s Tar Heels, sen. assistant superintendent ¦ whoi had all the answers a year in charge of senior highs; Wal- By BILL FUCHS were this good.” he said happily. ago,, put their book of basket- ter T. Tobrtner. president of W<onight There was a look of sur-: Ken Plchette, who. like Clark, | ball knowledge to its first seri- | :,. v%:; 4j|n ftflfll the Board of EducaUon, and prised delight, appropriate at comes from Binghamton. N. Y.,j -1 ( ous test of the new college sea- Mrs. Manson B. Pettit, chair- Qeorge Washington and this time of the year, on the; and played against his fellow-!, son tonight. '>.'¦. Washington vi Hhhmhi man of the board's committee St Lee.
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