10-00 in Path of Hurricane Sweeping Toward Tokyo

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10-00 in Path of Hurricane Sweeping Toward Tokyo . ’ # TOE8DAT. SEPTOIIBER IS, IMT \ f a o c t w e l v * Arongo Daily OreulRtiaa Tka Wduthar iianrlTPBtpr loptitng Ifpralb re* tks Moirtli o< AagwA IMT «« C. 0. Weattw to bs aarvsd by Nordsa Loflfs. No 9,040 and eaal tmUgMi aster worker. Aa a member of Scandia Plans roserrationa for thla banquet wW IT wtth n* li About Town EntrveBcy Dortor E^spler Study the naUonsl staff Mie waa assign^ bs aecspted after Saturday. Sept. Monahar a( the Aadit to the Connecticut flood In 1938 30 and Uekets to the aamd may be Dr. Alfred Sundquiat and and tbe New England hurricane In For Meeting obtained from tha local ascretary, HALE’S . 1 . Tte IteMheaUr branch of th« Dr. Prlgnano are the physicians By Red Cross INa. Eail Aaderson. M anchrtirr^A City o f ViUage Charm v. Maitfiord County t^.W.C^. will of the Manchester Medical Aa- Mrs. Reed. In emphasising Um On Wadneaday, SspL IT tbs offl- con of Scandia Lodgs'wUl most at ImM IU annual memberahlp wort* aoclatlon who will respond to nsed for chapters to bs constantly 14) ^ MANCHESTER. CONIL W EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1947 (SISTEBN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS iM thla •reninf, at th* hom« of, emergency cans tomorrow aft- Institute to Be Held in prepared for possible disaster in To Lay Convention Ar­ the horns of Chairman Oari H. Ps- Wed. Morning Spedak VOL LXVI., NO. 294 lira. A. l*w»nc« Rikar of High-, emoon. the community, cltsd the recent rangements at Gather­ teraon to plan for Um aodal scUv- Itiwi Park. Supper will b« ae^od Fairfield Tomorrow to calU for Red Cross ssstatance in lUea of thla fait These plans when a t alz o’clock and Uio memoert Survey Preparations this srea after the Rutland and ing on Thursday Night completed will be submlttsd to the win hare an opportunity of w^t- New York eUte flesh floods and meeting (m 'Thursdsy for tbs sp- Reg. 25c InfantB* First Storm Waves in Florida The Manchester Rotary club provsl of the lodge. ‘Tho members kur Um now county director, Mloo win hold Its fall ouOng tomorrow Mm dkrly September windstorm Imrasdistsly following the regu­ McCandleoo. who oueceedi Tomorrow ta ralrBeld, there ifc that swept New England. , and officers thoroughly enjoyed tbs afternoon and evening from 2:30 lar monthly meeting on 'Thursday, social meeUng which Um k>d^ con­ Marshall Demands to bs an all day diaaatsr training She said that the latest dvsll- Roaring Hurricane HIM Vera McCracken. on at Matt Morlarty’a cottage at able figures showed thkt the Red SepL 18, all the past chairmen of ducted during the peat term sad (t Mercerized Half Socks Coventry Lake. The event was Institute for Red Cross workers. Oibbona Aaaembly, Catholic Those attending from Manchester Cross had given aaslstanos In 327 Scandia Lodge will sssembls In ta snUcIpsted that the coming scheditled for Wednesday when disasters In the first seven months nMctlnga will be Just as successful Ladlea of Oolumbua, will hare a ■ the stores are closed for half a will be Mrs. WInthrop A. Reed, Um Orange hall. 'The topic for dla- executive secretary, and Hannan of tbs year. These disasters af­ aupper-meeUn* thla evening at; day. Instead of the usual ’Tuesday fected 40 BtaUa end Alaska and cuaaion will bs the coming DIatrIct pairs g;iO o’clock at the K. of C. Heck, chairman of the aub-com- Saving of Greece; meeting day of the club. A turkey Included 117 Area. 37 floods, 39 Lodge oonvenUon acheduled for Hits Into Florida; la chaite of Mra. Joaeph Vola arid dinner,-win be served at seven mlttac on survey of tbe dlaastsr committee. tornadoes and 17 storms. Saturday, Sept. 27. At thla Urns tha '■1: Y, - # . ^ "i* 'i. ' -d bar committee. o’c lo ^ to the enUre club’s mem­ It is expected that about 75 per­ membera will plan procadura and Amesit# Drives bership. Chef Urban© Osano of sona from the aUte will attead tbe glva InatrucUona to tha dalagataa Mr. and Mra. Ronald Wlnther o t this town will caUr. Sports will planning to attand the ccmventlon. Croaked S4« m Gravel White Rubber Waterproof 4fl Hardhome atrcet announce the day and evening seaslon, the pur­ Ltycal Coupled Given include horseshoe pitching, rowing pose of which U to review and Norden Lodge, No. 1 will ba boat CtudcTs Loam Fin Raps Veto ‘Abuse’ blrOi of a daughter, Nano' Jane,, and motor boaUng, swimming and strengthen preparedness plans In thla year for the convenUon wbieh Wrecks 12 Planes at the Hartford hoapltal, Sunday, will ba held at the Maaoalo Temple Sept. 14. Mra. Wlnther »iw the fishing. acenrdanca with new tren u which Parly on Sunday Pants for Baby 2 5 c former Mlaa Miriam Frankland. f have developed as the result of tha on Main atreat. West Hartford. The NO MONEY DOWN The marriage of Mias Dorothy many large disasters which have meeUng will be opened by the dla- rroposcfl Aflsenibly For­ Mr. and Mra Arthur Leduc of 61 As LHtle As |8A8 PerVlsiMh Andrew Fergueon, of Brookfield J Tavlor, daughter of Mr., and Rtnick throtjghout the country ct master, Gunhlld L. Swenson mally Fix Blame on .Mrs. Lyman N. Taylor of 12 thla year. Edmund street were guests of hon­ Hartford at 10 a. m. and the re­ Freo Estimates! Vintex \Fl6odivater8 Close Russians Postpone street, in company with friends or at a hot dog roast end supper from West Hartford, has gone to Byron Road, to Robert Norwood 'The Inatltute will be cond\«cted mainder of the day devoted to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria by Mrs. Helen D. Barnett, of New held on their lawn Sunday after­ btsrinasa. At the close of the nMet- ently Strikes Fort Yoke Pond. Me., for a two weeks of Springfield, Mass., will Uke noon. There were 85 guesUi from THOMAS D. (X)LLA flaking trip. Harold M. Reed, of place tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 Haven, a Red *Croaa general field Ing In the afUrnoOn, a banquet la I And Albania for *Hoa- repreaentattve for the state. She Boeton, Somerville and town. The Favtaff Oowtractsf t-M lt W aterproof Pants 3 5 c Lauderdale Shortly Be­ To Tokyo Suburbs Policy Declaration South Main street. Is planning to at Klmwood fVimmunlty church. Leducs were remembered with Join the party leartng here next West Hartford. will be aaslated by Richard P. fore Noon; 55-Min- tile Acts* Against Na* Rwigart, deputy manager of the many lovely gifts, flowers and Bmaii — Medium and Largs. Friday. North AUantIc area of the Red money. ute Lull Ends Abrupt­ Vno0ickd Estimatet I tion and Border Com­ A daughter. Nancy Ruth, was Mrs. Leduc Is the former Agnes r u k in .k y P r o g r a m bom Paturdsy, September 13, to Cross; Robert M. Plerpont, area LIQUORS BABYsSHOP — Main Floor. Rear. ly With Resumption T aft Thinks Request to Speak To­ mission Be Named t6 director service representative; J s n ia daughter of Mrs. ArcllUs REASONABLE PRICES! Jump to 2,947 Num Mr. and Mra. Robert E. Furay, of and Mlaa Gertrude Landmeaser, Jervis of Perkins street end the late WE DO ALL KINDS Of 100-Mile Winds day Folloudng Policy Halt Further Trouble 306 Ruth street. Bridgeport. Mrs. area disaster nurse consultant. Alexander Jarvla They have two ber of Dead, Misting Again Linked BULLDOZER Fumy w*'' th# fonu#r Ml## K#th- children, Patricia and George Le­ OF AUTOMOBILE Picket Boos leen W'olf of Allentown. Pa. ’The Reports of recent Red Cross re­ ARTHUR'S And Injured in Disaster Salt spcnv’Rlea over a highway at Baker’s Hanlover, north of Mtelid Speech by Marshall New York, Sept. 17.—<i<P)— baby Is a granddaughter of Mr. lief operations and new trends will duc. Mr. Leduc works for Holmes Final Clearance Miami, Fla., Sept. 17.—(A*) Beach, no the reotleee Atlantic Is stirred by fresh winds from a hnr- FOR HIRE be given by the three members of Talcott and company In Hartford. 845 Main Street REPAHl WORK ON In s speech which Russia did and Mrs. Carl N. Fursy of Steep —A roaring hurricane of gi­ Aid Chances Tokyo, Sept. 17.—(/P)-- rtcane at aea. Florida coast nno alerted. (AP wlrephoto.) Bnllctin! With Prices Hollow Lane. the area ataff. Mr. Plerpont was gantic proportions crashed not applaud. Secretary of Escarntinfr — Gradlnir assigned to the Texas City explo- ALL MAKES OF Floodwaters of the rampag­ New York, Sept. 17.—</FV- State Marshall atcmly do* Land dakrinu — Ete. ainn, the Nebrmaks floods, and the and Mines’ into Florida’s east-coast play­ ing Tone river sw’ept to with­ Anderaon-Shea Poet. No. 204«. flash flood at Rutland. Vermont To Give Dancing CARS ground today, smashing a Jeering of Unionists Soviet Depntjr Foreign Mtnia- New Demandfi on Cap­ manded today that the UniN V. F. W., will meet this evening at Mlaa Landmeaser was assigned to PUBUC dozen commercial planes, and in two miles of Tokyo’s east­ Urges Voluntary Food ter Andrei Y. Vishinskjr to­ itol Hill Administra­ ed Nations save Greece froirtl ^rank Damato right o’clock In the Post rooma, Red Cross nuraing service In the Ix^BBons at the Y May Go Far ^ Toward ern suburbs tonight as unof­ day promised to give Rnssla’a ]!ommunist “aggressive aetZf Mancheater Oreen. All membera Texas-Oklahoroa tornado area, the STENOGRAPHER GORMAN temporarily isolating Miami. are requested to attend. Spring Coats Projecting Senator ficial estimates jumped to 2,- answer to Secretary of State tion Weigh Help Plana ‘n the Balkans—and save tha ond Sons land flood.
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