The following are films we still are attempting to locate as part of our research for the Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture project. The films are listed first alphabetically and then by year of release. If anyone knows of sources for any of these titles (including video and film sources, as well the availability of copies in archives), please contact Dr. Richard Ness, Associate Director of the IJPC, at
[email protected]. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. JOURNALISM FILMS LIST (ALPHABETICAL) Above the Clouds (1933) Acquitted (1916) All Over the Town (1948) Always Audacious (1920) Anybody’s Blonde (1931) Are We Civilized? (1934) Aren’t We Wonderful (1959) Arm of the Law (1932) Arson Gang Busters (1938) Atta Boy! (1926) Bachelor Tom Peeping (1962) Beauty on Parade (1950) Behind Jury Doors (1932) Behind the Evidence (1935) Behind the Mike (1937) Beware the Black Widow (1968) Big Noise, The (1928) Big Town Girl (1937) Bing Bang Boom (1922) Black Circle, The (1919) Black Waters (1929) Bondage (1917) Bowery Cinderella, A (1927) Brilliant Marriage (1936) Broken Barriers (1928) Buckshot John (1915) By Whose Hand? (1932) Caillaux Case, The (1918) Calendar Girl, The (1917) Calling All Cars (1935) Candy Baby (1969) Carter Case, The (1942) Case at Law, A (1917) Catch-As-Catch Can (1927) Caught in the Act (1918) Certain Rich Man, A (1921) Chain Gang (1950) Chains of Evidence (1920) Chasing Through Europe (1929) Cheating Blondes (1933) City News (1983) City of Fear (1965) City That Never Sleeps, The (1924) Clarion, The (1916) Clean Heart,