Wexher DUtritution Today 22,375 f fab ui<! becoming ml]* er. See Weather, page 2. ~ DIAL SH 1-0010 rldaj.MBl Cltw Pom** VOL. 85, NO. 191 SBftFSyro«srV28AdOUfcM& l Hallpf OlBew. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE County to Test New Elderly Care Program HIGHLANDS — Monmouth Mr. Daly said, would involve su- The family providing housing cost of between $200 and $223 a templated here hiva been used County soon will become a prov- pervised education, recreational, would supply light meals for month each to taxpayers. The successfully in Europe. It may ing ground for a plan to give new and vocational activities suited to breakfast and supper. When the pilot plan will seek to cut this not be satisfactory in New Jer- zest to the lives of older citizens the interests and abilities of the family had occasion to be away cost at least in half, Mr. Daly sey but can be tested only by and also cut down on welfare participants. Included would be a from home, their elder guests said. trying, he added. costs to support them. / substantial mid-day meal which, would be transferred temporarily Appointed to the freeholder Seeks Ideas Freeholder Marcus Daly toid under normal circumstances, to other quarters. board in January, Mr. Daly is "I would be most grateful," he the Monmouth County Munlfipal would be the principal meal of As institutional patients, such director of county welfare. He told the elected and appointed of- Association at Bahr's Landing the day. upper age citizens represent a said plans similar to the one con- (See ELDERLY, Page 3) the pilot project has been pro- posed by TJrr "Robert-^. Nenno, medical director at Marlboro State Hospital, and will be unique in the United States. While it won't be suitable to all elder people being assisted by Fire Puts Entire High public funds, he told his audience of. about 125 public officials, it will be oT value, he thinks, to a large percentage. •• The idea is to remove eligible persons from institutions, house them as boarding guests: In' pri- School on Split Sessions vate homes, preferably'of young families, and provide a day-time MIDDLETOWN - In the wake Afternoon session, for grade 9 The new plans, Mr. Lefeyei with building experts and con- occupation program for- them of the flre; which early yesterday — from 12:25 to 5:13 p.m. noted, were approved earliei tractors about repairing usable away from the home on the same destroyed most of Leonardo High Instead of the present 48-min yesterday by officials of the stati parts of Leonardo school and basis as a children's nursery School,Annex' building, the Board ute periods, the periods will be Department of Education an< hopes that "eventually" some school. Bus transportation would of Education decided last night 35 minutes each. County Sohool Superintende rooms in the school will be put be furnished. to put its entire high school — More Homework Earl B. Garrison. back into service. Suited Activities 2,600 pupils — on double sessions. Mr. Lef ever said that to make "Classes," he reported, "wil Meantime, the fire and pollcs CRUSHED STEEL— What remains of car which struck utility pole on Naveiink River The school, or camp program, School Superintendent Paul F. up for the shorter time, students remain unchanged as to teacher departments have declared the Rd., Middletown. Driver, James Bibens, 30, of Red Bank, wat charged with reckless Lef ever said the board, and its will be given "increased amounts and classmates," building "off limits"., to all but of homework," There is no present plan to driving.and driving on revoked list. Passenger Edward Croxton, 23, of Red Bank, is in administrators, in emergency ses- authorized personnel. The build- Spring Arrives sion, • concluded that from the He said transportation arrange- tend the school year. ing has been barricaded and critical condition in Rivervlew Hospital. Bibens was uninjured. With < hilly Air standpoint of scheduling and cur-ments will be "largely the same Possible Repairs roped off, Spring arrived, a little chilly, riculum, this solution would "of- except for the differing hours the As to the future, the board re- Fire Chief Jack Fowler toll here this morning. , . ' fer the most advantages.and the buses will have to travel." ported that it has started talks The Register last night that tfia It was 3:20 by the clock and fewest disadvantages." department will ask sohool board JJ degrees by the thermometer School Monday permission to pull down the front Deny Racial Issue Basis when winter officially ended, The 820 ninth graders, who lost wall and a portion of the east according to William D. Martin, their classrooms at Leonard' wall of the building. Long Branch Weather Bureau will not go back to school unt Dangerous forecaster; Monday. He termed these two section! • The temperature this first day Pupils of the adjacent Leor "extremely dangerous," aa the Of School Transfer Plea of spring will reach a high of 40' ardo Grade School went back to structure now stands. and there' will be some clouds class today, however, As to fire alarms, he said per- TRENTON (AP) - Allenhurst!said Donald E. Haight, president Abraham J. Zager, attorney In the sky, Mr. Martin said, but The. ninth graders will report haps the sohool board, as a re- wants to pull its 36 white pupils of the Allenhurst school board for the: Allenhurst school board, tomorrow will be sunnier, and to the high sohool, Tindall Rd sult of this fire, will install spe- out of Asbury Park High School had expressed "great concern ., heatedly denied the Negro ques- Saturday, milder. 12:25 p.m. Monday. cial alarm systems In the public because of the school's rising about the proportion of Negro tion was behind the transfer Spring comes on time, re- This will be the new doubl' schools which will connect di- children" in the school. move. He said Asbury Park High Negro enrollments, Asbury Park! gardless of the weather; It was session schedule (effective Mor rectly to police headquarters and Allenhurst applied to the Edu-is on double shifts, forcing moth, 9 degrees on the first spring superintendent of schools, Harry day): to area fire houses. cation Department to transfer its ers to fix two lunches for their day of 1885, and 81 when spring Morning session, for . grade: He noted that St. Mary's Cathc S. Hill testified yesterday. high school students to the newchildren and depriving some of made its debut in 1921, Mr.10, 11 and 12 - from 7:25 a m He School has an alarm system Dr. Hill, testifying at a state iShore Regional High School in the pupils of extra curricular ao Martin said. to 12:13 p.m. which connects to police head- Education Department hearing, Vest Long Branch. tivittes. • . , quarters. See Reduction He said department officials Dr. Hill said Asbury Park High are discussing the matter, and will lose one-diird of its 1,959 No 'Yes Man' may make a formal recommen- River Oaks Project pupils by 1965 because of the dation to the board on thds point. withdrawal of Ocean Township's New Freeholder Dissents Twice Hour Later children, all of whom are white, During the blaze, firemen noted to the new school in their'home FREEHOLD — For 13 years plan to establish a centralized that a larger portion of the build- Hearing Adjourned town. Another third of the there has been only two nega. purchasing department. He said ing could have been saved if tive votes by members of the all-he believed the department there had been an immediate FAIR HAVEN — The Planning The adjournment followed a school's pupils corns from other outlying communitisi like Allen' Republican Monmouth County should not be limited in its scope (See FIRE, Page 2) Board last night adjourned the 2^-hour session at which resi- Board of Freeholders. of operations and felt that the public bearing on an application dents 6} South Woodland Dr. andhurst, Dr. Hill said. The Allen- award of contracts now tor a pe- hurst application could set» prec- But yesterday tin board's for a major subdivision of a 5.2- Hillside PL vigorously protested newest member, Marcus Daly of riod extending beyond the start •acre portion of the River Oaks the proposal. They said approval edent for these towns, he argued. of it new-department -would be Handcuffed Dr. Hill said Parent-Teacher Lincroft, equalled that output in property owned by Mrs. Louise of the subdivision plans would less than five minutes. Mr. Daly unwise. \ Burke Burt, Ridge Rd., to create drainage problems on their Association representatives and school board members from Dea was appointed to fill a vacancy Freeholder Abrani Voorteei; Youth Flees Wednesday, March 27, at 8:30 land and in a brook behind it, in January. who presided in the absence p.m.: i -rM•; J \- into which several storm sewers and Interlaken already have Director Joseph C. Irwin, now now empty; depreciate the value spoken to him about filing with' His "no" votes came on two $CMOPL'5 OUT — Desks, deb-is, aid an inch of wafer From Guards similar questions: Advertisement on a Caribbean vacation cruise, of their properties and add to drawal applications. • and Freeholder Charles I. Smith •iironijibf rooms at Leonardo High School Annex. Most of FREEHOLD - A lanky 17, the overcrowding of borough In the Asbury Park e|eraen: for bids for a year's supply of Awards Total gasoline and a like supply of pa- said they did not believe any- building was destroyed in early morning fira yesterday.
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