From Bienville to Bourbon Street to bounce. 300 moments that make New Orleans unique.

WHAT HAPPENED Dillard 1718 ~ 2018 University was chartered on 300 June 6, 1930. TRICENTENNIAL

THE HISTORIC NEW ORLEANS COLLECTION PHOTOS COLLECTION ORLEANS NEW HISTORIC THE ADVOCATE ORLEANS NEW THE A group portrait of graduating nurses in front of Flint-Goodrich Hospital of in 1932 Straight University in 1908, on Canal and Tonti streets

Class President Nicole Tinson takes a selfie with then frst lady Michelle Obama during Dillard’s 2014 graduation. Dillard President Walter M.Kimbrough stands behind Obama. THE HISTORIC NEW ORLEANS COLLECTION

New Orleans University in 1908, on St. Charles Avenue, was razed to make way for De La Salle High School. Dillard University, which has its roots in Reconstruction, has outlasted segregation, discrimination and Hurricane Katrina. THE NEW ORLEANS ADVOCATE ORLEANS NEW THE The university was created in 1930 from the opposition of the neighborhood. The first two historically black colleges — Straight president of the university, Will W. Alexander, University and Union Normal School — later was a white man because there were concerns named . that a white faculty wouldn’t want to answer The two schools were both created in 1868 to a black president. When Dillard opened its to educate newly freed African-Americans. new campus in 1935, it featured prominent fac- The schools offered professional training, in- ulty including Horace Mann Bond in psychol- The library of the new cluding in law, medicine and nursing. New ogy and education; Frederick Douglass Hall in Dillard University in 1935 Orleans University opened the Flint-Go- music; Lawrence D. Reddick in history; and St. odridge Hospital on Avenue that Clair Drake in sociology and anthropology. predominantly served the city’s African- The campus, near one of the Hurricane Americans until it closed in 1983. Katrina levee breaks on the London Canal, The two schools were combined into Dil- suffered $400 million in damages but has lard in 1930 because of economic pressures. come back with new state-of-the-art facilities. The new school was named after James Hardy The school is affiliated with the United Dillard, a board member, because of his sup- Church of Christ and the United Methodist

port of African-American education. The Church and serves about 1,250 students. The Damage from Hurricane Katrina at Coss Hall on Dillard school built a new campus in Gentilly over current president is Walter M. Kimbrough. University’s campus in 2006. The hall was demolished.