INSIDE Singles chart, 6-7; Album chart, 17; New Singles, 18; New Albums 9; Airplay guide, 14-15; Independent Labels, 8; Country Music Focus,12-13. April 5, 1982 VOLUME FIVENumber 2 65p 56 staff given Record wholesalers' notice at EMI's video success story World Records IN STARK contrast to their retailing area of business. "It will never take mail order co. counterparts record wholesalers areover the record side and we wouldn't leading the move into video and mostwant it to but it is a valuable line," said WORLD RECORDS, EMI'smail are well placed to take advantage of theBrian Yershon, video marketing man- order arm, will be sold or merged with expected boom. ager. another direct mail company within the While the video -only wholesalers "In 1982 we are primarily a record next few months. eye the horizon with some trepidationwholesaler but we seefiveyears The company, which began 25 years the record/video outfits, particularlygrowth in the video industry. We are ago, was moved out of its Richmond the big four - Wynd-Up, Terry Blood,seeing growth on both sides and I think offices last year and re -settled at the S. Gold & Sons and Warrens - arethat records and videos are natural main EMI factory complex at Uxbridge looking for growth. bedfellows," said Colin Reilly, Wynd- Road, Hayes. The 56 staff were told last All these companies plus LightningUp chief executive. As a main board week that talks were taking place with (whose recent name change to Light-director of NSS he is also sure that other companies interested in either ning Records & Video indicates itsvideo is a promising retail growth area.
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