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This page was intentionally removed due to a research restriction on all Corcoran Gallery of Art Development and Membership records. Please contact the Public Services and Instruction Librarian with any questions. 2 - Semi-annual Board Meeting Agenda 27 June 1955 c. Consideration of the acquisition of T. Birch's View on the Delaware d. Acceptances of gift of Esphyr Slobodkina's painting, Flight, from an anonymous donor through the Federation of Modern Painters and Sculptors, Inc. e. Confirmation of the disposition of the works of art bequeathed the Gallery by Bessie Potter Vonnoh Keyes f. Report receipt of a third unrestricted gift of fur¬ nishings and bric-a-brac from Josephine Boarcfcnan Crane g. Authorization of the Director to dispose of any surplus furnishings and bric-a-brac among the Crane gifts h. Approval of loan of Mount's The Long Story to The Cincinnati Art Museum i. Approval of loan of John Mix Stanley's The Disputed Shot to the Denver Art Museum j. Approval of loan of Mary Cassatt's Woman with Dog to The Pennsylvania State University k. Consideration of request for loan of J, S. Sargent's Daniel Solan by The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston l. Refusal of request for loan of J, S. Sargent's Oyster Gatherers of Cancale to the University of Oregon Museum of Art m. Refusal of request for the loan of St. Memin's Thomas Jefferson and T. Sully's Andrew Jackson to the Denver Art Museum n. Approval of receiving Portrait of a Lady by Thomas Eakins from Alice S. Bates as a loan o. Acceptance of the gift of 35 works by Elihu Vedder offered by The American Academy of Arts and Letters p. Acceptance of the gift of 6 cartoons by Clifford Berryman offered by Miss Florence S. Berryman q. Consideration of a special exhibition of work by Corcoran students r. Consideration of a small exhibition to be selected from private collections in greater Washington 18. Consideration of the sculpture and paintings offered as an unrestricted gift of Lois Holley This page was intentionally removed due to a research restriction on all Corcoran Gallery of Art Development and Membership records. Please contact the Public Services and Instruction Librarian with any questions. -r SI*?. 2? The iim±*mmak .Meeting of The teard of Trustee** of the Corcoran Gallery of rt was held at the Gallery at 10*30 o’clock, the meeting was called to order by -Hr* Hamilton, the other ne^bere present being heeere. Glover, be ileree, r^ng, itim, Jr., and lira lay. The ?®eretaary and ^eeistent Tmmxxme were also oreseat* fpoa notion duly seconded, the following resolution was adopted* RlSODUrt That Inasmuch as copies of the -n lot*tea f the Reg-alar loartorly" acting held on t$ April 1?S5 were sailed to the aesbera of the Board, and with the correction that .nr* Long*® naate he added to the«e present at 'the lest- meeting, they b® approved with¬ out feeing read. The Secretary reported that the preparation of the mmal Report for !?$$» had been delayed by the preeaure of the Gallery* e activities* ’Hie Chair remarked that the Annual Report should be produced closer to the md of the year In order to here eexjtaat ef¬ fect. the Chalrsaa then presented the auditor* e Report of the Gallery*a funds' for the eriod ending 31 recemb-ar X?S!i to w Ich no eaesepilon* w«r noted, fhc report wa® accepted and ordered filed. The freeeerer then presented his 'emi-saauel Report m4 the latter of TraaaalttA Chid* wue accepted end filed with the lank* of the 3o.:;rd, Hie Treasorwr presented the Operation of the Budget which showed that expenditures were well within the budget for the pearled. The Operation of the «rt chool and. the dtore for the school year was aeeserleed by the treaearer* he stated that the report thowe that the chool i® breaking even. The Treasurer presented the final resort an the coat of the Gaord in America ^hibitloa, vh eh is esnplete with the exception oF*a jSstr mairTiSg o/" i5* oarseneoi not yet received. The Treasurer presented re; ■•ort on the cost of the 2?.;jh Biennial xhibltioa which was well within the finds available. The ".ecretary gave a preliminary report on the cost of The i>.its ,ly of Kan Exhibition. The ecretary then offered the following four resolution#, which, upon notion duly sowed wd reeoedtd, were edited* This page was intentionally removed due to a research restriction on all Corcoran Gallery of Art Development and Membership records. Please contact the Public Services and Instruction Librarian with any questions. 552. R£- jkyg&t that the disposition of works of art Oueathed tlwlS»n«ry under the wilt of the late Bessie Potter tfonnoh ?eyes as aathoriced at the April 25* 1955* eetiog of the Board and as modified at the meeting of the Cwaaittee on Works of Art held on 20 Jane 1955* and detailed in its report* bm and the same is hereby approved* jtggOtygfe That the thanks of the Board be sod are hereby extendedia Josephine isoardasa Crane for her 'third gener¬ ous unrestricted gift of additional furnishings and brlo»®Wbrae wh ch are of continuing usefulness to the Gallery# fT. ..'XlbvTKB* that the Director ha and is hereby author¬ ised to dispose el* by section or otherwise* say of tbs fhraisfcinge and bric-a-brac moog the three rifts of Josephine Ssardeen Crane which isay prove sarples to the Gallery1*; needs, provided* however* that the proceeds of s '-Ch sales or oar changes record in perpetuity the naae of the original donor* •r *' sL ■ T&t That the loan of willies 3# iisast* s the ion^ tory to wer"CineInnati Art Mosses be and is: hereby anj>ri§sC' Ryf=0LT-jp> that the loan of John Mix 3ia&Uy*a the Die* -yited -hot"to*^e"‘Segrer Art Helena be and is hereby approved. Rr lGLVgr-? That the loan of Mary Cassatt* s Woasn With Dog to the Pearjsyivaaia tats University be and is hereby' appWS»d» R-l :OGV'T:;.-i That the reoueet for the lean of ‘Gefc J* • ‘argent*a ftortraii of Denial ^lasf be and the sane is hereby granted* RwfOt'igh That the request for the loan of J# d* Select* s The OystegT'Saifeerer® of Cancale to the University of Oregon Kueetm of * "be" anti Ts"^«reSy"Scl RUROLRaDt That the r»c;.,-est for the loan of st* Me in* a Thoeas Jef^grson 'aad f* Sal y*e Andrew Jackson to the Denver Art ftiiwKM h»'mi£'Te hereby declined* ftSSSOlffSP* that the irector be and is hereby authorised to inwetigii®''' if*© possibility of receiving & portrait by XhfiBtas i-ddai s’rm Alim S, Bates as a loan* KEglldfgPt That ‘the thank® of the 3w4 be and are hereby eat tended te" fK*" iSeriean Aosdesgr of Arts and Letter* for it® welcome gift of 35 works by flihu Redder# ttEuoiffgiN that the offer of the gift of 6 csrtoooe by Clifford Pccrjiman sade by hie den#ter* JXsrenet ■--* Berryman, be and are hereby accepted with the grateful apjareei&tion of the Board# -x- to The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston the Nereisry presented excerpt® £rm the Report c£ the Coaalttee on levies of Art which mm ordered accepted tad placed c-a file. 'Use .Beard then considered at fee** length the acquisition of the painting by GharXee Bird Kung. After coasidars&U d&wuesioa, the following reeolation mm adapted? jg2g3J»J3!>* that tom Director he and is authorised 'to con* time negotiations with KneedSUr & Co*, respecting the acquisition of the palatine, oor Artiste Japfeeard, % dterlee Bird King end. to de¬ ter® in® how meheash'Wouia he required in addition w the following Is paintings act needed by A® Gallery? J* &m Theodore Oeric&uli Torso Cesare •. sceuri inrt-xm Teller George Henry Bough ton Idiot of V»il; Im the testy Martin lieo Banks of the .4dl':e KfgQfcffgl? gi?RY!f^ • That upon receipt of the *b -re information, th® Co»?!itt** on works of #.rt or the bBeeutiwe Ccnnitteo be and is hereby granted full power to act* The mcmlsltlm of Birch’s View on the Delaware was next con¬ sidered. After protracted disease•: on, the 'following; resolution was unan¬ imously adopted* %pfoffSlh That the Director he md Is hereby granted authority to ac-uire'Tor ITi© Gallery thorn a* Birch’s View on the Delaware offered by Victor ••"■nark, for the surplus bric-a-brac amT'llhe two"pala"'Iug», Victor Higgles* Apaches and Usury Hosier’s Girl lying iu the Field plus & *wt of money, atr his" discretion, between a ^InfeasS or "adl mutinwa of ??,000. The following resolutions reeaaw—dkhi for adoption by the less- mitie® on Werka of Art were then uaaaiaottaly adopted? RgSOjyiBDt That the Portrait of itantoa fey Je.cs E* Uafedin offered as an unrestricted giftfey Victor %>*i* S*"ana\he suite is hereby accented with tha grateful thmtke of the Board* RSuppifi that the painting, flight, fey fephyr Slobodkina, of¬ fered a® a "gift" o'jf w* X* 0r$ahart throsgl*' the "federation of Ho&am fainter • and fealptor®, la©., be and the same is hereby accepted with the grateful thank# of the Board* Bp That the Director be end ie hereby anther* imd to|| m msMM’lm ef Corcoran tudento* work in 19$6 after the of the aeedaate .year. Thoi the Director be and is ereby eutosrieed to orgenlM « smdeet sshlbittoR of works of art to be selected J*« •mm* the private collections in Washington* Ceee&deratlott was toen given to fee six wok® of art of* farad as «e unrestricted gift by bole Itelley* it was decided not to accept the tee paiating®: hma Babe* WlUlM Bml*.