ABOUT US Overview p. 3 Projects 2007-2011 p. 4 Portfolio p. 6 Ethics p. 8

SERVICES Executive Search/Middle Management Search p. 9 International Search p. 12 Young Graduates Recruitment p. 13 Employer Branding/Advertising p. 14 Company Mapping/Talent Scouting p. 15 Potential and Competence Assessment p. 16 Temporary Management p. 18

INTERSEARCH WORLDWIDE Network p. 19 International Offi ces p. 20 Expertise p. 21



Euren InterSearch was established in Turin in 1985, as a company specialized in Executive Search. Today we are able to offer a wide range of services both in and abroad, such as:

Executive Search/Middle Management Search International Search Young Graduates Recruitment Employer Branding/Recruitment Advertising Company Mapping/Talent Scouting Potential and Competence Assessment Temporary Management

In Italy, we have about 30 senior-level professionals who work in our offices located in Turin, Milan and Rome, each one with different expertise per activity, industry, company function.

Abroad we are able to offer these services through the InterSearch international network, thus guaranteeing all the advantages of a global approach towards international business.

3 ABOUT US - PROJECTS 2007-2011

Some data may better describe the activity developed and the level of trust shown by our Clients. Over the past five years (2007 – 2011):

We have worked on about 1,100 projects (of which, approximately 800 search and selection projects), for about 320 Clients We have short listed around 6,900 candidates to our Clients We have helped hire 730 candidates (of which: 38% managers, 40% professionals, 22% young graduates) We have published 2,200 ads We have managed 200 international searches in 27 different countries

Methodology Turnover Professional Level Appointed Candidates Executive Search 39% Managers 38% Combined Search 32% Professionals 40% Advertising, Consulting, OTP... 29% Young Graduates 22%

4 ABOUT US - PROJECTS 2007-2011

We have worked in different industries/functions (data are shown in percentage on the total number of assignments):

Industry % Function % apparel/accessories/textile 3 purchasing 4 automotive/components 28 fi nance 10 banking/insurance/fi nancing 2 sales and marketing 29 chemical/pharma/biomedical/health 8 general management 5 costruction/engineering/building 2 logistics 4 ecology/environment/energy 2 11 electrical/electronic equipment 3 hr 7 food/convenience goods 8 quality 8 household appliances/durable goods 3 ict 3 it/telecommunications 2 r&d/engineering 13 large-scale retail trade 4 other 6 logistics 2 machinery 5 paper/art/publishing 2 public services/consulting/professional services 9 transportation equipment 14 other 3


Over the past 5 years (2007 – 2011), we have been working for approximately 320 big and small companies, both in Italy and abroad, belonging to different industries. Some references include:

APPAREL – ACCESSORIES – TEXTILE AGV, Miroglio, Valentino, Yoox AUTOMOTIVE & COMPONENTS Citroen, Denso, Ducati, , Group Automobiles, Johnson Controls, , Peugeot, Piaggio, , Sogefi, Valeo BANKING, INSURANCE, FINANCING Assor, Compass, Fondiaria-Sai, Findomestic Banca, Homeserve, Sara Assicurazioni COSTRUCTION – ENGINEERING – BUILDING Armstrong, Arcas, Forbo International, Hilti, Terreal, Tognozzi, Unicalce ECOLOGY – ENVIRONMENT – ENERGY Biomasse, Ecolab, Edison, EGL, Krannich Solar, San Marco Bioenergie ELECTRICAL – ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Bitron, Sepa, Sisvel, Tyco, Zoppas CHEMICAL – PHARMA – BIOMEDICAL – HEALTH Diasorin, Petronas Lubrificants, PPG Industries, Roche, Sorin, Zambon FOOD – CONVENIENCE GOODS Barilla, Bolton Manitoba, Bic, Ferrero, Lactalis, Illva Saronno, , L’Oreal, Parmalat, Tetra Pak


HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES/DURABLE GOODS De’Longhi, , Indesit, Saeco INDUSTRIAL & FARM EQUIPMENT Argotractors, Case New Holland, Still

IT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS Italtel, Risograph, Vodafone LARGE-SCALE RETAIL TRADE Carrefour, Coop, Darty, Decathlon, Ikea, Metro LOGISTICS Artoni, Number1, SDA Express Courier, TNT Global Express, Villanova MACHINERY Bottero, Comau PAPER, ART, PUBLISHING De Agostini, La Stampa, Il Mattino, Il Messaggero, Il Sole 24 Ore, RCS PUBLIC SERVICES, CONSULTING, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Accenture, Arval, Fiat Services, Obiettivo Lavoro, Vedior TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT Alenia, Alstom, Avio, Faivelay Transport, , Renault Trucks OTHER Actionaid, Aurora, Azimut Benetti, NH Hotels


The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, has given us authorization to carry out Personnel Search and Selection (Ministerial Authorisation n. 1317 dated 15 January 2007) and Professional Outplacement (Ministerial Authorisation n. 13/I/0018250 dated 30 September 2008)

We adhere to the “Code of Ethics” promoted by Assores, the Italian Association of Consultancy companies for the Search and Selection of Personnel (

We organise periodic training courses for all employees and consultants for the processing and management of personal data (D. Lgs 196/03, Italian Legislative Decree)

Our consultants work exclusively for us, signing a commitment to loyalty and secrecy


Our recruitment process is divided into 4 steps:

The definition of the activities in detail the choice of tools to be used as well as the type of personnel to be involved in the different stages, depend on the professional level of the open position, on the type of required competence and specialization and on the country where the search is to be carried out.

For this reason we have developed different approaches in order to satisfy the several needs of the search and to identify the best candidates. We believe that an integrated and multi-channel strategic approach reaches much better results rather than the single activities alone.


ANALYSIS Preliminary analysis and reconstruction of the characteristics of the position to be filled and the organizational context of the Client company Definition of the ideal candidate profi le (providing the same level of importance to the requirements of professional knowledge, management capability and personal attitude) and the indicative conditions of employment Sharing with the Client the procedures for updating and presenting results Preparing a detailed cooperation proposal that contains all the information related to company and position, a description of the chosen methodology and an economical proposal

SEARCH Definition of the targets, in terms of industries and type of companies Direct search by carrying out a deep exploration of companies, industries, functions and professional groups that offer the best opportunity to find the specific candidates Research through the database and the network of Euren InterSearch direct contacts Activation of the different e-recruitment tools (web adv, on line db, social networking, search engines, ...) Candidate identification and fi rst contact

SELECTION Preliminary screening of the identified candidates during the research phase Interviews with identified and selected candidates and in-depth analysis of the various personal and professional aspects as well as real motivations Possible use of specific tools for potential and compentence assessment (eg: assessment centre, test, …) upon Client’s request



Prepare a personal report (which format could be shared in advance with the Client), for each suitable candidate so that the Client is able to make a first evaluation Provide the Client with a short-list of candidates considered to be in-line with the searched profile, and forming a proper number of candidates compared to the number of required resources Organize Client’s interviews with the candidates Reference check Possible support from Euren InterSearch in the selection/negotiation phase run by the Client

ROLLING ACTIVITY We commit ourselves to provide a feedback to the candidates who take part in any phase of the search and selection process, whatever the personal outcome may be. The purpose of keeping constant contacts with the candidates is to strengthen the company’s image in terms of visibility on the labour market and fairness in interpersonal relations Every above-mentioned phase is, of course, preparatory to the next phase and our activity will be completed with the preparation of a report for every suitable candidate, as well as with the implementation of a fi le that will enable the tracking of the activity carried out. This fi le will be used as an update for the Client Accomplishment of all duties related to the management of the candidates’ personal data through the proper tools required by the Ministerial Authorisation n. 196/2003


One of the activities that most distinguishes us is the Executive Search/Middle Management Search at international level, thanks to our partnership with the InterSearch international network. In fact, we are able to offer a process and quality service similar to those described for Italy, also in the 45 countries that are part of InterSearch.

In particular, as Project Manager, over the past five years (2007 – 2011):

we have coordinated about 200 international searches in 27 different countries for 46 Italian and foreign Clients

We have worked in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, UK, USA.

Some of our most important international Clients are: Accenture, Avio, Case New Holland, Comau, Denso, Diasorin, Fiat Group Automobiles, Fiat Services, FPT, Guala Pack, Illva Saronno, , Industrie Cometto, Interpamp, Italtel, Iveco, Johnson Controls, Krannich Solar, Lavazza, Linde, Magneti Marelli, Magnetto, Miroglio, Piaggio, PPG, Silgan White Cap, SKF, Teksid, Transitions, Zoppas.


Besides the search and selection at Executive and Middle Management levels, we have achieved strong experience in projects relating to the recruitment of young graduates with high potential, both in Italy and abroad. Our process has a modular structure as follows:

Research (University directories, data base, web, …) Pre-selection (paper and phone screening) Selection (aptitude tests, language tests, in-depth one-to-one job interview and motivational interview) Assessment Center Presentation of the results to the Client Feedback to candidates

The core of the process is the Assessment Center: this is an evaluation method based on the direct observation of participants’ behaviour in group work. It foresees different kinds of tests according to the features that need to be observed, based on a group discussion and in the form of activities such as elaboration, discussion and decision-making. This allows to point out the personal qualities and behaviour of the candidate in a group context, organizational behaviours, relational and management capabilities required by the position (e.g.: communication, cooperation, flexibility, problem solving, organisation, leadership, …).


For years we have been helping our Clients to attract and retain the best resources also through targeted actions and Employer Branding campaigns, using in synergy a combined set of communication tools:

Advertising campaigns on web (recruitment sites, search engines, generic portals, news websites, vortals) Web projects via display advertising (leaderboards, strips, big rectangles, sponsors, pop under, floating), not printed advertising (direct e-mail marketing, newsletters, editorials), text advertising (text link) Integrated advertisement programmes in local and domestic newspapers Career book Career day


The Mapping/Scouting activity uses direct search/head hunting tools to entirely explore the management and resources of a specific target of companies in Italy and/or abroad in order to gather information in a systematic and structured way. Such a service, properly personalized according to the specific needs of the single Client, can be extremely useful for various purposes:

Organizational analysis of competitors Targeted salary surveys Identifi cation of future substitutions on key roles Talent scouting

So, this kind of activity can be preliminary to the hiring of candidates or even just to gather qualitative and quantitative information in a particular market.


ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL This method helps identify the potential of human resources, analysing capabilities and individual characteristics, and guide their development within the company structure to better cover current or future positions. This tool is useful for career development plans and professional growth of every single candidate, and it also helps understand wheher a candidate is suitable to cover new roles. The method can be used for employees at all levels in those companies whose goal is to improve the management of its resources and the organization effi cacy.

The system of assessing the potential is planned according to the requirements necessary for the specifi c positions in a given context; this allows the realisation of fl exible and custom-made actions. The general terms of approach foresee the defi nition of the traits to analyse and evaluate, the choice of tools and methodology, the assessment phase, the feedback of the collected results to the Client and in some cases to those that have been evaluated.

The assessment methods can be individual or collective. Each time, together with the Client we choose the tools, among the set of tests already in use or by planning new ones ad hoc. The tests may recreate recurrent or meaningful working situations so to pinpoint the operating procedures and the behaviour adopted by those involved.

ASSESSMENTS OF COMPETENCES This activity helps to define the system of the distinctive competencies that the Client considers essential for the development of a specific area or a particular activity sector, for reorganization or technological transformation projects as well as the redesigning of career paths.

The competencies are considered as organized sets of knowledge and abilities, procedures and typical ways of thinking, referred to tasks or working situations.

What emerges is a process through which the company tries to identify and check the level of adequacy of the resources, verifying the levels of competencies that a candidate may have. This tool is also an opportunity of improvement for the individuals, which supports and promotes their growth, through the development of a higher level of aware- ness of their abilities and the elaboration of a professional development project.


TOOLS Some of the tools mainly used by Euren InterSearch in the stages of potential and competence evaluation are:

Personal interview/structured interview Aptitude tests Personality tests Technical tests Assessment center Case simulations Stress interview Role playing Development center


This tool has a high professional content and can be used by any company regardless of its industries or size especially to manage contingent situations such as:

Start up, development and management of new initiatives in Italy and abroad Coverage of operational positions that are temporarily vacant Outsourcing of some activities Coaching and training of junior employees

We are able to provide, directly or in cooperation with skilled partners, Temporary Management services for Italy or foreign countries, working both on finding and managing the proper resources for the whole duration of the project.


“Our Mission: Ensuring our Clients have access to high quality executive talent through the provision of a consistent and superior global recruitment partnership for both in-country and cross-border requirements”.

InterSearch is an international network of Executive Search companies. Founded in 1989, it includes 90 offi ces in 45 countries all around the world, 250 partners/ senior consultants and 150 researchers. InterSearch Worldwide is 11th in the world for turnover and 4th for number of offices.

The network is governed by an International Board, currently made of 5 members: Argentina, Belgium, Italy, Malaysia and the US.

Based on a strict selection criteria, the network chooses an exclusive partner in each country. This partner must respect high professional and ethic standards, meet with common processes defined by the Standards & Quality Committee, as well as provide training and updating of its consultants also with the support of the International Training Academy.

Every international assignment involves two roles:

The Project Manager, who has direct contact with the Client, manages all contract aspects and coordinates the Operator activities The Operator, who works directly on the different phases of the local search and selection process

Moreover, some Clients with a wide international presence are provided with a Key Account Manager who becomes their reference point and direct contact at global level so to satisfy any needs the Client may have.


Argentina Hungary Romania Australia India Russia Austria Ireland Saudi Arabia Belgium Italy Singapore Brazil Japan Slovakia Bulgaria Korea Slovenia Canada Luxembourg South-Africa Chile Malaysia Spain China Mexico Sweden Czech Republic Netherlands Switzerland Denmark New Zealand Turkey Finland Norway Ukraine France Peru United Arab Emirates Germany Poland United Kingdom Greece Portugal United States


The main fields where InterSearch boasts a long and well-established experience are:

Consumer Goods Life Sciences & Healthcare Automotive & Manufacturing Financial Services IT & Telecommunications Construction & Environment Consultancy & Professional Services Consumer Durables Energy & Renewable Energy

In any case, over 20% of our business at global level is developed in other market fields, showing that InterSearch is able to satisfy any requirements for different types of Clients.


E-mail [email protected]

Turin Corso G. Marconi, 13 - 10125 Turin Tel: +39 011 6690143 Fax: + 39 011 6693104

Milan Via Carducci, 26 - 20123 Milan Tel: +39 02 5814021 Fax: +39 02 58140250

Rome Via Cavour, 275 - 00184 Rome Tel: +39 06 3700653