Coming of Age Accept help, let others become instruments of mercy, writes columnist Maria Pia-Chin Negro, page 12. Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 January 20, 2017 Vol. LVII, No. 14 75¢ Bishops still have hope Congress ‘God gave me a second chance’ will pass immigration reform WASHINGTON (CNS)—Despite the apprehension over policies that could be enacted by a Republican-led Congress acting in accord with a Republican president in Donald Trump, the U.S. Catholic bishops remain hopeful that Congress will pass an immigration reform bill. “This is a new moment with a new Congress, a new administration. We should up our expectations and move very carefully Cardinal Daniel N. on comprehensive DiNardo immigration reform,” said Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, of Galveston-Houston, who is president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). “I think this might be a very good time, a better time, to pursue our goals,” Cardinal DiNardo said during a Jan. 12 conference call promoting the Church’s National Migration Week, which was celebrated on Jan. 8-14. “I think the [bishops’] conference is Ethan Velazquez is back enjoying the things he loves—including playing the guitar—thanks to the life-saving efforts of three staff members at trying to start a conversation with the Holy Spirit School in Indianapolis: Stacy Inman-Davidson, left, Lucas Stippler and Lauren McLaughlin. (Photo by John Shaughnessy) transition team of the president-elect,” said Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, USCCB vice president. “We School staff’s quick actions help to save continue to help elected officials ... to understand the issue,” he added. “I think we are trying to establish that communication.” the life of a child who had a heart attack “We are very much concerned about By John Shaughnessy members in Indiana are required to learn. with us, Ethan! Stay with us!” the other two keeping families together. It’s important “I was scared when I ran over to him, continued CPR, trying to revive his heart to respect the security of this nation ... but The fear flashes in their eyes again as seeing him lifeless, not breathing, turning and keep oxygen flowing into his lungs and never to lose that human face to this reality,” the educators recall rushing to the child purple,” says Inman-Davidson, a recess brain until an ambulance arrived. added Bishop Joe S. Vasquez of Austin, who was lifeless on the ground. worker at the time. “I was holding him When it did, the paramedics took over Texas, chairman of the bishops’ Committee In one moment, 11-year-old Ethan and talking to him and giving him air. I Ethan’s care, and the emotions suddenly on Migration. Velazquez raced across the playground thought every time I was giving him air, I poured from the three educators. “People are suffering. People want to be at Holy Spirit School in Indianapolis, was giving oxygen to his brain.” “Stacy had lost a child in a drowning,” welcome. People want to be a part of this playing soccer with his friends. In the McLaughlin joined in, doing chest says Rita Parsons, the principal of Holy great American society,” Bishop Vasquez said. next moment, he collapsed—becoming compressions. Spirit School. “When the ambulance “We need to bring about some change,” he immediately unresponsive, showing no “There was the feeling, ‘Oh, my God! came, she just broke down. It’s amazing added. “We hope the president will work with signs of breathing. Are we doing the right thing?’ ” says the strength she had.” us and with Congress as well to pass some Stacy Inman-Davidson reached McLaughlin, a kindergarten teacher. “He As the paramedics lifted Ethan into laws that will be humane and respectful.” Ethan first, followed soon by Lauren didn’t have a pulse. When we had done the ambulance, he was still lifeless. “In the days and weeks ahead, there will McLaughlin and Lucas Stippler. one round of 30 compressions, he started be intense debate over immigration reform The three Holy Spirit staff members to gasp. Then he lost all coloring, he ‘God, I don’t think this is the time …’ and refugee policy. Ultimately, the question worked quickly to give Ethan CPR, the started to foam at the mouth, and there There are certain phone calls that is this: Will our nation treat all migrants and cardio‑pulmonary resuscitation that was no pulse again.” parents never want to get, and the ones refugees, regardless of their national origin all teachers and extended-care staff As Stippler kept telling Ethan, “Stay See LIFE, page 2 See IMMIGRATION, page 2 New embassy a sign of ’s love for Palestine, President Abbas says (CNS)—Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas thanked for his support of the country’s new embassy to the Holy See. “This is a sign that the pope loves the Palestinian people and loves peace,” Abbas told the pope on Jan. 14 before heading to the inauguration of the Palestinian embassy to the Holy See in Rome. The pope welcomed Abbas with open arms, embracing the president and saying, “It is a pleasure to welcome you here.” “I am also happy to be here,” Abbas replied. The Vatican said the two leaders spoke privately of the contribution of Catholics in Palestine, and their “promotion of human dignity and assistance for those most in need, especially in the fields of education, health and aid.” The pope and Abbas also discussed the peace process and expressed hope that “direct negotiations between the parties may be resumed to bring an end to the violence,” and to find “a just and lasting solution.” “To this end, it is hoped that—with the support of the international community—measures can Pope Francis is pictured with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a meeting at the See EMBASSY, page 8 Vatican on Jan. 14. (CNS photo/Giuseppe Lami, Reuters pool) Page 2 The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017

“The doctor told us that Ethan had a “That made me feel LIFE heart attack, and the only thing we can do really happy,” Ethan continued from page 1 is wait,” Enrique recalls. “He said the next says. “I was with my 72 hours are crucial. The doctor said there friends again. They were that Jenny and Enrique Velazquez received might be brain damage because he’s not glad to see me.” about Ethan that afternoon shook them to sure there was enough oxygen to his brain.” He’s back to playing their core. As each day passed, the prayer tree for soccer, swimming, Jenny received her phone call first, Ethan grew. Its roots were in the friends playing his guitar and telling her that Ethan had collapsed on the and even strangers from Holy Spirit reading the Bible—all playground, to come quickly. Parish and the school community. It also the things he used to do. “When I see the ambulance and Ethan extended to family members in Costa The only difference is on the ground and him not responding, Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Spain. that the doctor implanted never in my mind did I think that his heart “We’re close to God,” Enrique says. a pacemaker in him—as had stopped,” Jenny recalls. “My faith is strong and big, but this is a precaution. She rode in the front seat of the pain. I don’t want this to happen to anyone. “Most people ambulance as it rushed her son to Riley “I get down on my knees and start who saw me on the Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. praying. I say, ‘God, I know you are the playground that day During the frantic ride, she turned to watch best. You are really smart. But give me probably didn’t think I the paramedics give Ethan CPR a third time, the opportunity to have Ethan here. Please was going to make it,” followed by an attempt to revive his heart don’t take him yet.’ ” he says. “God gave me a with electric shock paddles. It didn’t work. One of the people who prayed fervently second chance at life.” “I told him, ‘Ethan, Mommy’s here! every day was Inman-Davidson, whose He feels the same way Please stay with me!’ ” 4-year-old son drowned in a swimming about Inman-Davidson, The paramedics used the paddles again. pool at an apartment complex in 2009. McLaughlin and Stippler. This time, his heart started beating. “The whole time Ethan was in the “They care for me,” In the ambulance, Jenny phoned her hospital, I felt I had lost my son all over Ethan says. “They look The prayers of the Velazquez family have been answered as Ethan has recovered completely from the heart attack he suffered on the husband at work, crying as she told again,” says the mother of three daughters, out for everyone in the playground at Holy Spirit School in Indianapolis. The seventh-grade Enrique everything that had happened. Alana, 9, Layla, 5, and Athena, 4. “I was a school. And they would do student is pictured with his mother Jenny, his father Enrique and his “I was scared, but I felt at peace,” he mess.” anything to save a life.” sister Jairy. (Photo by John Shaughnessy) recalls. “I told her, ‘He will be OK. Talk Yet three days after Ethan was rushed His parents are ever with God.’ ” to the hospital—as his mother prayed grateful. Stippler, an after-school recess worker When their call ended, Enrique had his the “Our Father” at her son’s bedside— “God stayed with us,” his mother says. who is studying to be a nurse, shakes his own talk with God. all the prayers were answered as Ethan “God gave me my son again.” head in wonder whenever he sees Ethan. “When I talk to God, I know 100 awakened from the coma. “It happened in the right moment in “People die of this every day,” he says. percent he’s my Father and Ethan’s In the days that followed, medical tests the right place with the right people,” “Everything had to fall into place for him to Father. I said, ‘God, I don’t think this is were done on Ethan. says Ethan’s father, citing how quickly still be here. After everything that happened the time for you to take Ethan with you.’ “The doctor said, ‘Your boy isn’t sick. the Holy Spirit staff members responded and he recovered, he came back to school “Then I called Ethan’s godfather and He’s 100 percent healthy,’ ” Enrique says. to give his son CPR. “I know that’s God. and gave me a card and a bracelet.” my best friends. They’re really close to “He doesn’t have any consequences. The God is love.” The bracelet is inscribed with a God. I tell them that I need them, that doctor was impressed. He couldn’t explain Bible verse from the Book of Joshua: Ethan’s had a heart attack. what happened. I said, ‘Doctor, it’s God.’ ” ‘I wonder what God has planned for you’ “Be strong and courageous. Do not be “When I got into the emergency room, The whole experience has also left its terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Ethan looks really bad. There were 10 ‘God gave me a second chance at life’ mark on the people who initially helped Lord your God will be with you wherever to 15 people in the room—doctors and Eight months have passed since that Ethan. you go” (Jos 1:9). nurses. When I took Ethan’s hand, he’s May afternoon in 2016 when Ethan “I hug him every day, and he hugs me Stippler wears the braided bracelet really cold. A lot of his chest is blue. I collapsed on the playground. back,” Inman-Davidson says. “He looks every day as a reminder of the difference thought he had passed away.” Since then, he has celebrated his 12th for me. He and I are best friends. Even that he hopes to make in people’s lives as birthday. His recovery was also celebrated now, I think about him and worry about a nurse, as a reminder of the difference ‘Doctor, it’s God’ at a school Mass by the community that him, like he’s one of my own kids.” everyone made to Ethan, as a reminder of As a medical team cared for Ethan, his prayed countless rosaries for him during his McLaughlin says, “I’ve told Ethan, ‘I the difference Ethan makes to them. doctors decided to put him in an induced time in the hospital. Everyone in the church wonder what God has planned for you. “I’ll never forget his face that day.” coma. that day gave Ethan a standing ovation. There’s a reason you’re still here, kiddo.’ ” Stippler says. “He’s a miracle walking.” †

during a Mass at the Dolores Mission the local level, but yes, we IMMIGRATION Church in Boyle Heights, Calif., near Los also have to work at the continued from page 1 Angeles. The clip was part of the pope’s national level.” or religion, in a way that respects their interview with a U.S. television journalist. “There are many in inherent dignity as children of God?” Bishop Vasquez dismissed the notion Congress who think that Cardinal DiNardo said. that nationwide immigration reform is immigration reform is a “Pope Francis reminds us we are all virtually impossible. definite possibility,” said equal before God. In equal measure, we “I don’t know whether indeed working Ashley Feasley, policy are in need of and can receive God’s great with the local level is sufficient. I think we director for the USCCB’s mercy. This is what makes us sisters and as a Church have to work with our local Migration and Refugee brothers, regardless of how we chose to communities, with our local diocese and our Services. “We need to divide ourselves.” state Catholic conferences,” he said. “But show the need for the The morning of the conference call, it’s important that we engage the current reform of our broken Archbishop Gomez presented a video administration, to make known what is taking system.” message from Pope Francis on immigration place in our countries. We have to work at Shortly after A U.S. Border Patrol agent frisks a man on Jan. 11 near the U.S.-Mexico Trump’s election, border fence in Jacumba, Calif. Despite the apprehension over policies that could be enacted by a Republican-led Congress acting in accord ‘I think the [bishops’] conference is trying to start Archbishop Gomez with a Republican president in Donald Trump, the U.S. Catholic bishops had preached about a conversation with the transition team of the remain hopeful that an immigration reform bill will pass. (CNS photo/Mike children in his Blake, Reuters) president-elect. We continue to help elected officials archdiocese going to ... to understand the issue. I think we are trying to bed afraid. Bishops, he said during the those situations and accomplish that conference call, “can be present to the in the specific area of immigration establish that communication.’ people and give that sense of peace that reform.” —Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, we are together. There is a democratic He added that in his archdiocese, USCCB vice president process in our country, and this happens people are “more open to see the future every four years. ... We can address with more peace and understanding.” †

The Criterion NEWS FROM YOU! (ISSN 0574-4350) is Do you have something exciting published weekly except The or newsworthy you want to be considered to be printed in the last week of December and the first week of The 1/20/17 Phone Numbers: The Criterion? January. Main office:...... 317-236-1570 E-mail us: Moving? Advertising...... 317-236-1454 [email protected] 1400 N. Meri­dian St. We’ll be there waiting if you give us two weeks’ Toll free:...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1570 Indianapolis, IN 46202-2367 advance notice! Circulation:...... 317-236-1454 Staff: 317-236-1570 Toll free:...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1454 Editor: Mike Krokos 800-382-9836 ext. 1570 Assistant Editor: John Shaughnessy Name______Price: $22.00 per year, 75 cents per copy [email protected] Reporter: Sean Gallagher E-mail______Postmaster: Reporter: Natalie Hoefer Periodical postage paid at New Address______Send address changes to The Criterion, Online Editor/Graphic Designer: Brandon A. Evans Indianapolis, IN. 1400 N. 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My intent of the bill is that Legislation to ban the death penalty no person who is mentally ill would be ‘As with the previous modifications in Indiana’s for those with serious mental illness put to death because they committed application of the death penalty, this change to was introduced in the Indiana General murder,” the senator said. He added the exempt those with serious mental illness from Assembly on fate of his bill is uncertain as “it is very Jan. 4. The early in the process,” but he plans to execution is prudent and just. While Senate Indiana Catholic “work very hard” to get a hearing for the Bill 155 does not eliminate the use of the death Conference (ICC), bill. penalty, it does restrict its use and corrects an the public policy Glenn Tebbe, executive director of arm of the Church in Indiana, supports the the ICC, said that the Church opposes injustice in its application. We support the bill.’ legislation. the use of the death penalty in nearly —Glenn Tebbe, executive director of the Senate Bill 155, authored by all cases, noting that its use is permitted Sen. James Merritt, R-Indianapolis, when it is the only means to protect Indiana Catholic Conference removes capital punishment as a penalty the common good. He added Catholic for those suffering from one or more of teaching also asserts that an individual six types of serious mental illness. must have maturity and consciously unable to do harm. The punishment, in banned the death penalty. Those diagnosed with schizophrenia; choose an action for one to be morally addition to defending the public order Willis said there are 12 people in bipolar disorder; major depressive responsible. and protecting people’s safety, should Indiana with active death sentences—one disorder; delusional Indiana no longer executes the have the effect of correcting the guilty woman and 11 men. disorder; mentally disabled or minors because they party and providing restitution. Senate “There are two men who definitely posttraumatic may not be fully responsible for their Bill 155, in the view of the ICC, provides had SMI at the time of their crime,” stress disorder; or actions, he said. for public safety and does not take away said Willis, “but this number is not traumatic brain “Those who are mentally ill have an an opportunity to correct and help the concrete because it’s possible other injuries qualify for impediment that limits their culpability offender. defense teams may argue their clients fit the exemption. The regarding their actions also,” said Tebbe. Matthew Willis, program director for the exemption as well.” bill defines “serious “As with the previous modifications in the Hoosier Alliance for Serious Mental Willis said to give a perspective on mental illness,” Indiana’s application of the death penalty, Illness Exemption, said, “I think it’s really statistics, Mental Health America, a commonly referred this change to exempt those with serious important that we protect those who we national support and advocacy group for Sen. James Merritt to as SMI, using the mental illness from execution is prudent deem not morally culpable from the death mental health, in one analysis estimates American Psychiatric and just. While Senate Bill 155 does not penalty. We’ve already decided to exempt that between five and 20 percent of people Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical eliminate the use of the death penalty, juveniles and those who are intellectually on death row have a serious mental Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) it does restrict its use and corrects an disabled. illness. criteria. injustice in its application. We support the “Those with serious mental illness Willis firmly believes there is a “real Merritt said he supports the death bill.” share the same inability to understand chance” of the bill passing because he penalty, but draws a “bright line of Tebbe asserts the death penalty the nature of their crimes and know has seen Indiana lawmakers open to distinction” between someone who is ban for those with serious mental the consequences of their crimes,” he expanding treatment and funding for rational and normally functioning who illness does not exempt an individual added. mental health issues in recent years. commits a murder out of revenge or for from being held accountable. Rather, Willis is aware of at least six other Senate Bill 155 is assigned to the other reasons, and a person who lacks removing the death penalty as an option states that are actively seeking legislation Senate Judiciary Committee and now normal mental faculties or control of for punishment allows the state to fulfill to exempt those with serious mental awaits a hearing. Tebbe said he hopes the themselves. its obligation to the public and to the illness including Virginia, Idaho, bill gets a hearing within the next few If passed, Merritt said those on death individual. Tennessee, West Virginia, Ohio and weeks. row in Indiana with serious mental illness In Catholic teaching, Tebbe said, it is South Dakota. Connecticut exempted could appeal their sentence and have it the state’s duty to protect the common those with serious mental illness from the (Brigid Curtis Ayer is a correspondent for commuted to life in prison without parole. good and to render an unjust aggressor death penalty in 2006, but subsequently The Criterion.) † Bishop disappointed with change Your Gifts in U.S. policy to Cuban refugees do WASHINGTON (CNS)—The chairman immigrant groups in U.S. history,” and of the Committee on Migration at the that the protections that had been given to Great Things! U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said them “were a model of humane treatment.” he was disappointed with President Barack Bishop Vasquez said ending the policy Obama’s new policy ending a long-standing will “make it more difficult for vulnerable agreement that allowed Cubans who arrive populations in Cuba, such as asylum Respondingwith Charity in the U.S. without visas to remain in the seekers, children, and trafficking victims, country and gain legal residency. to seek protection.” $573,000| Notre Dame ACE Academies “Effective immediately, Cuban President Bill Clinton created the policy nationals who attempt to enter the for Cuban immigrants in 1995, revising • Provides quality Catholic education in needy communities. United States illegally and do not qualify one that had allowed Cubans caught at • Serves more families every year. for humanitarian relief will be subject to sea on their way to the United States to • Brings our faith into student’s homes. removal, consistent with U.S. law and become legal residents in a year. • Gives tuition assistance to students most in need. enforcement priorities,” Obama said in a Under the terms of the new agreement, • Brings Christ to young people and young people to Christ. Jan. 12 statement. “By taking this step, we Cuba has agreed to take back those turned • Changes the future for countless children! are treating Cuban migrants the same way away from the U.S. if the time between we treat migrants from other countries.” their departure from Cuba and the start of The repeal of the policy, dubbed “wet deportation hearings in the U.S. is four foot, dry foot,” was effective immediately years or less. and followed months of negotiations. It The Associated Press reported that since was praised by the Cuban government as October 2012, more than 118,000 Cubans “an important step in advancing relations” have presented themselves at ports between the two countries. of entry along the U.S. border. The In a Jan. 13 statement, Bishop Joe number included more than 48,000, $541,000| Catholic Charities Programs & Services S. Vasquez of Austin, Texas, migration who arrived between October 2015 and • Supports five regional Catholic Charities agencies. committee chairman, said the U.S. bishops November 2016. have “welcomed normalizing relations Cubans already in the United States under • Provides vital counseling, care and life skills classes. with Cuba,” but he also noted that “the the old policy will be able to continue the • Offers hot meals and transitional housing. violation of basic human rights remains a process toward gaining legal status. • Helps more than 180,000 needy people each year. reality for some Cubans, and the ‘wet foot, Bishop Vasquez said that moving dry foot’ policy helped to afford them a forward, he and his fellow bishops would way to seek refuge in the United States.” continue to work to ensure “humane The bishop also noted the remarkable treatment for vulnerable populations, from contributions of Cuban Americans, saying Cuba and elsewhere, seeking refuge in the Scan the QR they have been “one of the most successful United States.” † code above to make your online gift ‘The violation of basic human rights remains a reality for some Cubans, and the “wet The foot, dry foot” policy helped to afford them a UCA Ministry Minute Scan the QR code to see way to seek refuge in the United States.’ United Catholic Appeal gifts working at Notre Dame ACE —Bishop Joe S. Vasquez of Austin, Texas, Academies. USCCB migration committee chairman Page 4 The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017

Opinion Making Sense of Bioethics/Fr. Tad Pacholczyk Thinking through the

Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Bosler, Founding Editor, 1915 - 1994 temptation of cohabitation Greg A. Otolski, Associate Publisher Mike Krokos, Editor Men and women clearly need each likely to have one foot out the door, John F. Fink, Editor Emeritus other and naturally gravitate toward throughout the relationship. The members arrangements of mutual support and lives of a cohabiting couple practice holding of shared intimacy. back on one another. They rehearse not Because women trusting.” They don’t develop the elements are frequently the crucial to a successful marriage, but Editorial immediate guardians instead keep their options open so they can of the next generation, always beat a hasty retreat to the exit. they have a particular Or as Chuck Colson put it: need to ascertain if “Cohabitation—it’s training for divorce.” there will be steady Many studies confirm that the divorce rate support from a among those who cohabit prior to marriage man prior to giving is nearly double the rate of those who themselves sexually marry without prior cohabitation. to him. Some researchers believe that The bond of marriage is ordered toward individuals who cohabit are more securing this critical element of ongoing unconventional to begin with, being less commitment and support. committed to the institution of marriage Cohabitation, where a man and woman overall and more open to the possibility decide to live together and engage in of divorce. Others suspect something sexual relations without marriage, raises more insidious—that living together a host of issues and concerns. Sex, of slowly erodes people’s ability to make course, has a certain power all its own, and a commitment by setting them up into both sides may be tempted to play with it patterns of behavior that work against Orthodox Metropolitan Gennadios of Italy and Pope Francis leave a prayer service at the in ways that are potentially damaging, all succeeding in a long-term relationship. Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls on Jan. 25, 2016. The service concluded the 2016 the more so when they decide to cohabit. Both may actually be true. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) One concern is that cohabitation can Various risks correlate strongly with often become a rehearsal for various cohabitation. Compared with a married selfish patterns of behavior. It perpetuates woman, a cohabiting woman is roughly an arrangement of convenience, popularly three times as likely to experience Our ecumenical Pope Francis phrased as, “Why buy the cow when you physical abuse, and about nine times can get the milk for free?” more likely to be murdered. Children also We are in the middle of the was historic. In his talk that day, he Even as many women try to tell tend to fare poorly when it comes to these ecumenical celebration of the “Week of said, “As Catholics and Lutherans, we themselves they are “preparing” for live-in arrangements. Rates of serious Prayer for Christian Unity.” It began on have undertaken a common journey of marriage by cohabiting with their partner, child abuse have been found to be lowest Jan. 18 and concludes on Jan. 25. It’s an reconciliation.” He said that the event they may sense the trap of the “never- in intact families; six times higher in step international celebration, co-sponsored presented “the opportunity to mend ending audition” to be his wife, and families; 20 times higher in cohabiting by the Pontifical Council for Promoting a critical moment of our history by become intuitively aware of how they biological-parent families; and 33 times Christian Unity and the World Council moving beyond the controversies and are being used. Cohabitation also invites higher when the mother is cohabiting of Churches. disagreements that have often prevented the woman to focus on lesser concerns with a boyfriend who is not the biological It was called the Church Unity us from understanding one another.” like saving on rent, or garnering transient father. Octave when it was begun 109 years The meeting also marked the 50th emotional attention from her partner Cohabiting homes see significantly ago by Father Paul Wattson. He was an anniversary of the start of the Catholic- by moving in with him and becoming more drug and alcohol abuse, and bring in Episcopalian in 1908, but entered into Lutheran ecumenical dialogue that began sexually available. less income than their married peers. full communion of the Church and his in Lund in 1967. This dialogue, the pope Even as a woman becomes attuned Cohabitation is clearly bad for men, cause for canonization is in process. said, “confirmed our desire to advance to the power of sex from an early age, worse for women, and terrible for children. He’s a Servant of God, the first step in toward full communion.” That, however, she can eventually fall prey to an easy “Marriage,” as Glenn Stanton notes, “is the process. seems to be a long way away. mistake. Aware that sexual intimacy is also actually a very pro-woman institution. The theme this year is Pope Francis has also met frequently about bonding, she may suppose that by “People don’t fully realize what a “Reconciliation—The Love of Christ with Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch surrendering this deeply personal part of raw deal for women cohabitation is. Compels Us” (2 Cor 5:14). Pope Francis Bartholomew of Constantinople. herself through cohabitation, she now has Women tend to bring more goods to the used the quote in 2013 in his apostolic He obviously would love to heal the a “hook” into a man and his heart. relationship—more work, more effort exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel.” separation between the Catholic and While such an arrangement can in tending to the relationship—but they have promoted ecumenism Orthodox Churches that began in 1054. trigger various platitudes, (that he “cares get less satisfaction in terms of relational ever since the This past Nov. 30, the feast of for her,” “loves her,” etc.), experience commitment and security.” promulgated its “Degree on Ecumenism” St. Andrew—who founded what became shows it doesn’t typically help him reach While marriage doesn’t automatically in 1964, and it’s difficult to say that the Church in Constantinople—the pope the commitment reflected in those all- solve every problem, it clearly offers a Pope Francis does it more than, say, sent a special “big embrace” to Patriarch important words, “Will you marry me?” different and vastly better set of dynamics St. John Paul II. But it seems that Pope Bartholomew and “this cousin Church.” Cohabitation, in fact, is a relationship than cohabitation for all the parties Francis uses every possible opportunity In a letter to the patriarch, the pope that is defined by a holding back of involved. to encourage good relationships among praised the way Catholics and Orthodox commitment. The notion that it somehow communities of Christians. have begun “to recognize one another allows both parties to “try out” a marriage (Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D., earned He did that long before his election as brothers and sisters and to value beforehand is conveniently make-believe, his doctorate in neuroscience at Yale as pope. In Argentina, Cardinal Jorge each other’s gifts, and together have a kind of “playing house,” mostly because University and did post-doctoral work at Bergoglio became friends with Marcelo proclaimed the Gospel, served humanity it’s impossible to try out something Harvard University. He is a priest of the Figueroa, who was director of the United and the cause of peace, promoted the permanent and irrevocable through Diocese of Fall River, Mass., and serves Bible Society in Argentina. They worked dignity of the human being and the something temporary and revocable. as director of education at The National together on biblical projects, including inestimable value of the family, and As Jennifer Roback Morse has Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. 31 television programs in which they cared for those most in need, as well as described it, “Cohabiting couples are See † and Jewish Rabbi Abraham Skorka creation, our common home.” discussed social problems in the light of Although the pope and the Patriarch Scripture. of Constantinople have been close, Figueroa left the United Bible there was always a problem with the Society to work for Cardinal Bergoglio Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Letters Policy in Argentina, and then followed him to Church, the largest Orthodox Church. Rome when the cardinal was elected On Feb. 12, 2016, Pope Francis had a Letters from readers are published in based on space limitations, pastoral pope. Today, still a Protestant, he is cordial meeting with Patriarch Kirill The Criterion as part of the newspaper’s sensitivity and content (including director of the Argentine edition of when they were both in Cuba. They commitment to “the responsible spelling and grammar). In order to the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore met for two hours and issued a joint exchange of freely-held and expressed encourage opinions from a variety of Romano. declaration pledging to “walk together.” opinion among the People of God” readers, frequent writers will ordinarily This year, 2017, is the 500th We haven’t heard anything more about (Communio et Progressio, 116). be limited to one letter every three anniversary of the start of the Protestant this relationship since then. Letters from readers are welcome months. Concise letters (usually less Reformation when Martin Luther Pope Francis was with Patriarch and every effort will be made to than 300 words) are more likely to be prepared 95 theses, or theological Bartholomew last August in Assisi to include letters from as many people printed. statements, and posted them on the door commemorate the 30th anniversary of and representing as many viewpoints as Letters must be signed, but, for of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. the First World Day of Prayer for Peace possible. Letters should be informed, serious reasons, names may be Lutherans began the commemoration that St. John Paul II convened in 1986. relevant, well-expressed and temperate in withheld. of that event on Oct. 31, 2016, in Lund, Our pope is widely admired by other tone. They must reflect a basic sense of Send letters to “Letters to the Editor,” Sweden. Pope Francis was there for the religious leaders, who look to him courtesy and respect. The Criterion, 1400 N. Meridian Street, commemoration. (So was Figueroa.) for leadership. Let’s pray for greater The editors reserve the right to select Indianap­olis, IN 46202-2367. Readers It was not a celebration, but certainly religious unity. the letters that will be published and to with access to e-mail may send letters to the pope’s participation in this event —John F. Fink edit letters from readers as necessary [email protected]. † The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017 Page 5 In visit to Kurdistan, bishop hears priorities of Iraqi Christians AMMAN, Jordan (CNS)—After camps into homes with a rent assistance meeting with Church leaders in northern program. Iraq, a U.S. bishop said he will advocate Meanwhile, Archbishop Moshe has differently for Iraqi religious minorities. built a church, an elementary school and Bishop Oscar Cantu of Las Cruces, a new Catholic University of Qaraqosh, N.M., told Catholic News Service (CNS) serving both Christians and Muslims, on by phone that the Iraqi Catholic clergy do land provided by the Kurdish authorities. not want to see a safe corridor set up for All of these facilities were lost when Christians, as some in Washington have Islamic State militants invaded Mosul suggested. and the surrounding villages in June and Although security is paramount, they August 2014. prefer to see reconciliation take place, Still, “there is a reality of the wounds enabling Iraq’s diverse mosaic of religions created by the neighbors who turned on and ethnicities to live side by side. But neighbors,” said Bishop Cantu. He was that means trust would need to be rebuilt, told that after Christians went back to and that could prove tricky given the check on their properties following the regional and local players involved in liberation from Islamic State, in some Iraq’s multilayered sectarian conflict. instances, “neighbors went in, looted and “We don’t want to live in a ghetto. That later burned their homes.” is counterproductive. That makes us a The terrifying escape from Mosul for target for our enemies. We have to live in a number of Dominican Sisters has left a secure but integrated community where a profound “sadness in their eyes and Chaldean Catholics, Syriac Catholics, voices that question what’s the best for Sunni Muslims, etc., have relationships these Christians,” Bishop Cantu said, with each other,” Bishop Cantu told CNS, “whether it is to stay in the midst of recounting the remarks made by Syriac anguish and terror or seek safety and Catholic Archbishop B. Yohanna Moshe security elsewhere in the world.” The of Mosul, Iraq. displaced Dominicans have been helping He said the archbishop told him: “We other displaced Christians with shelter, need an integrated reality, rather than a provisions and most recently, by setting ‘Gaza’ where there’s a wall and someone up and running a school. is guarding people going in and out.” “I was so taken by their commitment Bishop Cantu chairs the U.S. bishops’ to stay as long as there are Christians in Syriac Catholic Archbishop Yohanna B. Moshe of Mosul, Iraq, and Bishop Oscar Cantu of Las Cruces, Committee on International Justice and Iraq,” Bishop Cantu said. N.M., pose for a photo in Iraq. After meeting with Church leaders in northern Iraq, Bishop Cantu said Peace. In that capacity, he led a small Both Bishop Cantu and Stephen he will advocate differently for Iraqi religious minorities. (CNS photo/Stephen Colecchi, USCCB) delegation on Jan. 11-13 to see and hear Colecchi, director of the U.S. bishops’ Christian perspectives in the aftermath of Office of International Justice and Peace, O’Keefe said. “They need to have their advocate for the U.S. government to do the Islamic State assault in 2014 and the made a similar visit to northern Iraq security and their full human rights a “much better job of working with all current U.S.-led coalition’s battle to flush two years ago. This time they were also respected to be able to return.” the political entities in the region to come out the militants. joined by Bill O’Keefe, vice president He said it’s not clear how that will be up with a political solution to create an Catholic clergy “really want to for government relations and advocacy at accomplished. However, O’Keefe said it inclusive Iraq.” establish some normalcy in the midst Catholic Relief Services (CRS). was “the responsibility of the central Iraqi “Rights are based on citizenship, the of displacement,” Bishop Cantu said. O’Keefe told CNS that, after speaking state, the Kurdish government [in the north], rule of law, equal protection, and where He said he was amazed by the speed with internally displaced Christians in and other players involved to come up with towns and villages have good degree which Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Iraq, he realizes the immense challenges a vision where minority rights are respected of self-rule so they can shape their own Bashar Warda of Irbil has started a they face. and adequate security is provided.” destiny and have a real voice in decisions Catholic university to provide education “The physical damage to their O’Keefe felt there was a “bit of and more immediately impact their and direction to the youth. Archbishop traditional Christian villages is severe, a lost hope as the Christians have to community,” Colecchi said. “That’s how Warda also has restored personal dignity and security and trust aren’t present to grapple with the vulnerability they find you create protection.” by moving displaced Christians from make them comfortable in going back,” themselves in.” Both Moshe and Warda Although he said CRS is looking very seek Washington’s help to build local seriously at rebuilding in the next phase, institutions, and train police forces and ‘The physical damage to their traditional the message the delegation got from Iraqi the judiciary, Colecchi said. But the Christian villages is severe, and security and Christians is that “rebuilding needs to primary need is to create the rule of law trust aren’t present to make them comfortable follow security.” and citizen rights. “They weren’t ready yet to talk about Archbishop Warda welcomed last in going back. They need to have their security specific plans for rebuilding. Rather, they year’s resolution by the U.S. Congress and their full human rights respected to be need to know how safety and security will declaring that Islamic State has committed able to return.’ be provided, which would allow them genocide against minorities in Iraq to stay,” O’Keefe said. “That’s the first and Syria, Colecchi said. He said the problem which needs to be solved, and archbishop felt the resolution would focus —Bill O’Keefe, vice president for government it’s inherently a political one.” the world’s attention on the horror as relations and advocacy at Catholic Relief Services To that end, Colecchi said the well as force Iraqis to acknowledge that U.S. bishops’ Office of International genocide has taken place and to make Justice and Peace in Washington will sure it will not happen again. † Pope Francis names Boston cardinal, “Furnace or Heat Pump” Our staff others to Vatican congregations has over 76 years of rd Catholic VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Pope Francis individual abusers. 133 Anniver Education named Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley of While the congregation members offer sary Boston, who is president of the Pontifical their expertise on the many questions Sale Commission for the the office considers pressing, Cardinal C 76 YEARS rd a n Protection of Minors, O’Malley’s experience leading three U.S. 133 Anniversary131th SaleAnniversary Sale t o ho ti to be a member of the dioceses confronting the abuse of lic Educa Congregation for the minors by clergy will be important, FREE Doctrine of the Faith. U.S. Msgr. Robert W. Oliver, secretary LABOR CALL TODAY! The Vatican of the Pontifical Commission for the On the installation of a announced his Protection of Minors, told Catholic News FURNACE, HEAT PUMP and other papal Service on Jan. 17. OR AIR CONDITIONER 639-1111 Cannot be combined with any other offer. Must be presented Still Locally Owned & Operated appointments on Msgr. Oliver, who once worked as the at time of order. EXPIRES: 1/27/17 Jan. 14. chief prosecutor of sex abuse crimes when THIELE 639-1111 WWW.CALLTHIELE.COM The 72-year-old he was promoter of justice at the doctrinal Cardinal Sean P. 133rd Anniversary Sale 133rd Anniversary Sale 133rd Anniversary Sale O’Malley archbishop of Boston congregation, worked on the abuse crisis is one of the eight in his home Archdiocese of Boston with 1/2 OFF FREE FURNACE OR HEAT PUMP 10 YEAR WARRANTY TUNE-UP members of the Council of Cardinals who Cardinal O’Malley. ON PARTS & LABOR has been assisting Pope Francis with the The cardinal will bring “the experience SERVICE CALL 90% Furnace, Heat Pump or High Efficiency reform of the administration of the Roman of local bishops who have been there” in Save $45 with Paid Repair Air Conditioner. $59.95 Cannot be combined with any other offer. Must be Cannot be combined with any other offer. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Curia, and now he joins 26 other cardinal terms of handling abuse accusations, and presented at time of service. Must be presented at time of order. Must be presented at time of service. EXPIRES: 1/27/17 M-F 8-4 EXPIRES: 1/27/17 EXPIRES: 1/27/17 M-F 8-4 and bishop members, and 28 consulting will help the congregation as it deals with THIELE 639-1111 THIELE 639-1111 THIELE 639-1111 theologians, in advising the doctrinal new cases coming in from different parts congregation. of the world, the monsignor said. The congregation deals with doctrinal The pope also named new consultors questions as well as the application of to the Congregation for Divine Worship Catholic moral teaching. But it also is and the Sacraments. The 17 new advisers charged with coordinating efforts to rid include Donna Orsuto, a U.S. professor the church of sexual abuse and with of spirituality at the Pontifical Gregorian monitoring or conducting cases against University in Rome. † IS-5987722 Page 6 The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017

For a list of events for the next four weeks as reported to Events Calendar The Criterion, log on to

January 23 of Southeast Indiana, 62 Information: 317-243-0777. Our Lady of the Greenwood Terre Haute Helpers of God’s St., Indianapolis. Senior SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Doughty Road, Suite 4 and Church, 335 S. Meridian St., Precious Infants, Discount Day, every Tuesday, 1347 N. Meridian St., 5, Lawrenceburg. Open February 1-March 15 Greenwood. First Friday 7:30 a.m. Mass at the Carmelite seniors get 30 percent off Indianapolis. Mass and House, 2-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. celebration of the Most Sacred Monastery, 59 Allendale, clothing, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Prayerful Witness for the Information: 812-537-4357 or St. Patrick Parish, 1807 Poplar Heart of Jesus, Mass, Terre Haute; 8:45 a.m. car ministry supports Indianapolis Legal Protection of Unborn St., Terre Haute. Catholics 5:45 p.m., exposition of the pool from St. Patrick Parish, St. Vincent de Paul Society Children, noon Mass followed Returning Home, 7-week Blessed Sacrament, following 1807 Poplar St., Terre Haute, Food Pantry and Changing by opportunity to participate program to welcome inactive Mass until 9:30 p.m., to Bloomington Planned Lives Forever program. in eucharistic adoration or January 29 Catholics back into the sacrament of Reconciliation Parenthood, 421 S. College Information: 317-687-8260. procession along Meridian St. Matthew the Apostle community led by returning available. Information: Ave., arriving 10:15 a.m.; Street with Benediction to School, 4100 E. 56th St., Catholics, Wednesdays 6:30 317-888-2861 or info@ return to St. Patrick Parish February 11 follow. Parking available at the Indianapolis. Open House for – 8:30 p.m. beginning Feb. 1, around noon. Information: Archbishop Edward Prospective Families, free. Information, registration: Tom McBroom, 812-841-0060, Intercultural Pastoral T. O’Meara Catholic Center, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Information: Donna Wenstrup, 815-232- St. Monica Church, [email protected]. Institute, 4838 Fletcher 1400 N. Meridian St. 317-251-3997 or 8518 or Donna.wenstrup@ 6161 N. Michigan Road, Ave., Indianapolis. Information: 317-236-1569, [email protected]. Indianapolis. Serra Club, White Violet Center for National Black Catholic or Mass for Vocations, 8 a.m., Eco-Justice, 1 Sisters of Congress Day of [email protected]. Father Thomas Scecina with St. Monica students, Providence, Saint Mary-of- Reflection, sponsored by Memorial High School, 5000 February 3 coffee and donuts to follow. the-Woods, St. Mary-of- the Archdiocesan Office of January 25 Nowland Ave., Indianapolis. SS Peter and Paul Cathedral Information: 317-748-1478 or the-Woods. Chickens 101: Intercultural Ministry, “A Sign of the Cross,” chapel, 1347 N. Meridian, [email protected]. Cluck-A-Palooza!, learn 9 a.m., a day of prayer for SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, screening of the documentary Indianapolis. Lumen Dei the basics of keeping a flock the Church, especially for 1347 N. Meridian St., on the 165-year history of Catholic Business Group, Our Lady of Fatima Retreat of chickens, 1-4 p.m., $25, the African and African- Indianapolis. Archdiocese of the Sisters of St. Francis of 6:30 a.m. Mass, 7:15- House, 5353 E. 56th St., registration deadline Jan. 30. American communities, free- Indianapolis Vigil for Life, Oldenburg, 3-4:30 p.m., free. 8:30 a.m. breakfast at Lincoln Indianapolis. Movie Night, Information: 812-535-2931, will offering. Registration sponsored by the Secretariat Register: Square Pancake House, 2330 6:30-9 p.m., $5 includes [email protected], or events. and information: 317-236- for Pastoral Ministries, 6:30- sistersmovie. Information: N. Meridian, Indianapolis. movie, popcorn and 1474 or pspringer@ 9 p.m., for youth, young 317-352-3225 or rbranson@ Information: 317-435-3447 or refreshments. Information: adults and families. Ennie [email protected]. 317-545-7681 or www. St. Jude School, 5375 Hickman, president of Adore McFarland Road, Indianapolis. February 11-18 Ministries, presenting. No February 1 Most Holy Name of Jesus All-School Alumni charge, donations for Birthline Church, 89 N. 17th Ave., February 4 Celebration, after 5 p.m. Mass, Our Lady of Lourdes Church, accepted. Registration: www. Archbishop O’Meara Catholic Beech Grove. First Friday live music, refreshments, beer 5333 E. Washington St., Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., devotion, exposition of the St. Michael Church, 145 St. and wine, free. Information: Indianapolis. Eight-Day Information: 317-236-1569 or Indianapolis. Solo Seniors, Blessed Sacrament, 5:30 p.m.; Michael Blvd., Brookville. 317-784-6828, ext. 233 or Festival of Prayer, spiritual [email protected]. Catholic, educational, reconciliation, 5:45-6:45 p.m.; First Saturday Marian [email protected]. events and activities celebrating charitable and social singles, Mass, 7 p.m.; Litany of the Devotional Prayer Group, the feast days of Our Lady of January 26 50 and over, single, separated, Sacred Heart and prayers for Mass, prayers, rosary, February 7 Lourdes and St. Bernadette. widowed or divorced. New the Holy Father, 7:30 p.m. confession, meditation, 8 a.m. Information: 317-356-7291 or Pregnancy Care Center members welcome. 6 p.m. Information: 317-784-5454. Information: 765-647-5462. Mission 27 Resale, 132 Leota [email protected]. † Catholic Distance University three-week Movie about Medjugorje to be online seminars are available for $30 featured in Indianapolis on Jan. 26 Two three-week online seminars others. Jan. 23-Feb. 13. All are invited to view a movie about The event is sponsored by the through Catholic Distance University —Making the Case for Christ— Medjugorje called Apparition Hill at Carmel, Ind.-based Tekton Ministries, are now available for members of the Strengthen your faith and prepare Glendale Theater, 6102 N. Rural St., in which organizes pilgrimages around the Archdiocese of Indianapolis for just yourself to better perform spiritual Indianapolis, at 7 p.m. on Jan. 26. world and serves as the public relations $30: works of mercy. Develop objective and The movie features two atheists, and marketing arm of the Franciscan —Missionary Discipleship: persuasive reasons for belief that you one believer, a mother struggling Foundation for the Holy Land, which Encounter Jesus and Spread the Good can share with family and friends who with cancer, a man diagnosed with operates holy sites in the region. News—Explore the Holy Father’s call may doubt the historical reality, divinity amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Tickets are a suggested $10 donation and challenge to Catholics to live out or resurrection of Jesus. Feb. 6-27. a struggling addict and a woman each to cover theater rental and a our relationship with Jesus through the To register and see a full list of questioning her faith as they search licensing fee. lens of a missionary in our everyday continuing education courses and for answers to life’s big questions Ticket purchase in advance is lives. Learn how each baptized Catholic upcoming seminars, log onto cdu. on Apparition Hill in Medjugorje, in recommended. To do so, or for can answer the call in his or her home, Use Promo Bosnia-Herzogovina, where apparitions more information, log onto www. family, Church and ministry to better Code CDU16INDIANAPOL when of the Blessed Mother have been or know Christ and make him known to registering to qualify for the $30 rate. † reported to be seen by six visionaries call 317-574-4191. sporadically since 1981. Ann Vucic, an If the event sells out, another English interpreter for the visionaries, viewing of Apparition Hill will be will be in attendance to share her own scheduled—check back on the Tekton experiences with Medjugorje and the Ministries website or call them for visionaries. updates. †

Terre Haute Deanery will host Catholics Returning Home sessions starting Feb. 1 The Terre Haute Deanery invites sessions, which build on each other all inactive Catholics to participate in weekly, are led by Catholic who have a Catholics Returning Home program been away from the Church and have at the St. Patrick Parish rectory, 1807 returned. The informal format will Poplar St., in Terre Haute, on seven invite questions and discussions about consecutive Wednesdays from 6:30- some of the most common concerns 8:30 p.m. starting on Feb. 1. of those who have been away from the Catholics Returning Home is a Church. seven-week program that welcomes For more information or to register, inactive Catholics to become integrated contact Donna Wenstrup at 815-232- back into the Catholic community. The 8518 or [email protected]. †

Terre Haute’s seventh Roe v. Wade Continuing a tradition Observance set for noon on Jan. 27 In solemn observance of the Roe Signs will be provided. Parking may First-grade students at St. Louis School in Batesville place “straw” in a manger as part of a v. Wade Supreme Court decision be available behind the Vigo County project to prepare their hearts for Baby Jesus. The straw consists of yellow strips of paper legalizing abortion, all are invited to Court House. If you can only attend for on which students wrote a good deed they did for someone. The project was inspired by the join in a peaceful, prayerful, pro-life five minutes, you are still welcome. same tradition practiced by retired second-grade teacher Laura Jo Tebbe at St. Mary School in gathering in front of the Vigo County For more information, contact Tom Greensburg when St. Louis first-grade teacher Andi McKee attended school there as a child. Courthouse, 33 S. 3rd St., in Terre McBroom at 812-841-0060 or e-mail (Submitted photo) Haute, from noon to 1 p.m. on Jan. 27. [email protected]. † The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017 Page 7

The Face of Mercy (from Pope Francis’ papal bull “Misericordiae Vultus”)

By Daniel Conway Follow pope’s example, live the Gospel by words and actions Pope Francis is full of surprises. We have been in , not substance. gestures or surprise moves as our current Teaching #2: “What does it mean to experienced this firsthand when Archbishop Blessed Pope Paul VI could not bring Holy Father is. ignore the suffering of man? It means Joseph W. Tobin was elevated to the himself to reject the Church’s traditional Jorge Mario Bergoglio, when he to ignore God. If I do not approach that in a move that even he teaching on human life and sexuality. was the cardinal-archbishop of Buenos man, that woman, that child, that old found “shocking.” St. John Paul II was an ardent defender Aires, surprised people by riding the man, that old woman who suffers, I do The pope from Argentina has a of liberty who stood firm against the bus, cooking his own meals and doing not get close to God.” different way of doing things than his oppressive, totalitarian systems he grew his own laundry. That’s what first Teaching #3: “The Christian does predecessors. That doesn’t make him up in. Benedict XVI argued passionately attracted Marie Tobin, the mother of our not exclude anyone; he offers a place better or worse than recent popes, but against the danger of relativism in politics former archbishop, to the cardinal from for everyone; he has room for everyone. it does align him somewhat with and in Church governance. Pope Francis Argentina. She was surprised, but very Allow them to come to you.” St. John XXIII who surprised the whole stands with the poor and against all efforts pleased, to learn that he is a simple man I believe that the gestures, symbols world when he called for the Second to marginalize individuals and peoples. He not given to putting on airs. Years later, and surprises of Pope Francis are all Vatican Council, and famously “opened also exercises his ministry in a more open Mrs. Tobin was once again surprised— intended to underscore this teaching: God the Church’s windows” to the modern and personal way—sending handwritten and very pleased—that the Holy Father is close to us, but to touch him, we must world. notes, making late night phone calls and had recognized the same qualities in her walk with all our sisters and brothers— St. John XXIII was a traditionalist at making unscheduled visits to hospitals, son, now Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin! especially those who are on the margins heart who had great love and respect prisons and refugee camps. What are we to make of the surprises of society. All are loved. No sin cannot be for the Church’s fundamental teaching All of these papal stances represent of Pope Francis? What are they intended forgiven by God. All have a place in the and practice. But he was also a man of aspects of Church teaching that are to teach us? How can we learn from one family of God. the people who recognized that change critical to Christian discipleship in our them—and apply them to our daily lives? Let’s follow the example of Pope in how those teachings are expressed contemporary world. All reflect the words A recent issue of Rome Reports, a Francis. Let’s commit ourselves to living was needed—for the sake of the Gospel, and example of our Lord Jesus Christ newsletter that follows the daily activities of and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus and in the best interests of the Church’s who alone is the Way, the Truth and the pope, offered a summary of the teaching Christ in our words and our actions. evangelizing mission. the Life. All are authentic to the human of Pope Francis using his own words: Above all, let’s be willing to move The popes who followed John XXIII have beings who occupy the Chair of St. Peter Teaching #1: “God does not want beyond our own comfort zones to touch affirmed the need for radical change, a new at given moments in human history. the condemnation of anyone, nobody. I others, to encounter Christ! evangelization, but the way each pope has At least in retrospect, the popes once heard a very nice saying: ‘There gone about affecting this change has been who preceded Pope Francis were more is no saint without a past and no sinner (Daniel Conway is a member of different. I would argue that these differences predictable. They were not as prone to without a future.’ How beautiful is this!” The Criterion’s editorial committee.) †

El rostro de la misericordia/Daniel Conway Sigamos el ejemplo del papa: vivamos el Evangelio en palabras y obras El papa Francisco es una caja de de rechazar la doctrina tradicional de la tan dados a realizar gestos o movimientos futuro.’ ¡Qué hermoso es esto!” sorpresas. Esto lo vivimos de primera Iglesia en cuanto a la vida humana y la sorpresivos como nuestro actual Santo Enseñanza #2: “¿Qué significa ignorar mano cuando el arzobispo Joseph sexualidad. Juan Pablo II fue un ardiente Padre. el sufrimiento del hombre? Significa W. Tobin fue elevado al Colegio de defensor de la libertad quien se opuso Jorge Mario Bergoglio, cuando ignorar a Dios. Si no me acerco a ese Cardenales, un acontecimiento que tomó firmemente a los sistemas opresores y era cardenal obispo de Buenos Aires, hombre, a esa mujer, a ese niño, a ese por sorpresa incluso al propio arzobispo. totalitarista en los que creció. Benedicto sorprendía al pueblo al subirse al autobús, anciano o a esa anciana que sufre, no me El papa argentino tiene una forma XVI argumentó acaloradamente contra cocinar sus propios alimentos y lavarse acerco a Dios.” distinta de hacer las cosas con respecto a el peligro del “relativismo” en los su propia ropa. Eso fue lo primero Enseñanza #3: “El cristiano no excluye sus predecesores. Eso no lo hace ni mejor ámbitos político y eclesiástico. El papa que atrajo a Marie Tobin, la madre de a nadie; le ofrece un lugar a todos y ni peor que los sumos pontífices de años Francisco defiende a los pobres y se nuestro arzobispo anterior, hacia el tiene espacio para todos. Dejen que se recientes, pero de alguna forma se asemeja opone a todos los esfuerzos tendientes a cardenal argentino. La Sra. Tobin se acerquen a ustedes.” a las enseñanzas del papa San Juan XXIII marginalizar a las personas y los pueblos. sorprendió gratamente al descubrir que Considero que los gestos, los símbolos que sorprendió al mundo entero cuando También ejerce su ministerio de una era un hombre sencillo que no se daba y las sorpresas que nos da el papa convocó al Concilio Vaticano II y causó forma más abierta y personal, enviando ningún postín. Años más tarde, la Sra. Francisco están destinados a destacar sus conmoción al “abrir las ventanas de la notas manuscritas, realizando llamadas Tobin quedó nuevamente sorprendida—y enseñanzas: Dios está cerca de nosotros, Iglesia” al mundo moderno. telefónicas a altas horas de la noche y muy contenta—de que el Santo Padre pero para poder tocarlo, debemos caminar San Juan XXIII fue un tradicionalista visitando hospitales, cárceles y campos reconociera esas mismas cualidades en su junto a nuestros hermanos, especialmente de corazón que sentía un amor y un de refugiados sin previo aviso. hijo, ahora el cardenal Joseph W. Tobin. aquellos que se encuentran en los respeto profundos por las enseñanzas y las Todas estas posturas papales representan ¿Cómo debemos interpretar las márgenes de la sociedad. Todos somos prácticas fundamentales de la Iglesia. Pero aspectos de la doctrina de la Iglesia que sorpresas del papa Francisco? ¿Qué amados. No hay ningún pecado que Dios también era un hombre del pueblo que resultan esenciales para el discipulado enseñanzas encierran para nosotros? no pueda perdonar. Todos tienen un lugar reconocía que era necesario un cambio, cristiano en nuestro mundo contemporáneo. ¿Cómo podemos aprender de ellas y en la gran familia de Dios. por el bien del Evangelio y para beneficio Todas reflejan las palabras y el ejemplo de aplicarlas en nuestra vida cotidiana? Sigamos el ejemplo del papa Francisco. de la misión evangelizadora de la Iglesia. nuestro Señor Jesucristo que es la Verdad, Una edición reciente de Rome Reports, Comprometámonos a vivir y a proclamar Los papas que sucedieron a Juan XXIII el Camino y la Vida. Todas representan un boletín que sigue las actividades el Evangelio de Jesucristo a través de reafirmaron la necesidad de un cambio la autenticidad de los seres humanos que diarias del papa, presentó un resumen de nuestras palabras y obras. Por encima radical, una nueva evangelización, pero se sientan en la Silla de San Pedro en las enseñanzas del papa Francisco con sus de todo, debemos estar dispuestos a cada papa en lo sucesivo ha materializado momentos específicos a lo largo de la propias palabras: abandonar nuestra comodidad para llegar a estos cambios de manera diferente. Yo historia humana. Enseñanza #1: “Dios no desea la los demás, para encontrarnos con Cristo. sostengo que estas diferencias han sido en Los sumos pontífices que antecedieron condena de nadie, de nadie. Una vez cuanto a forma y no a fondo. al papa Francisco fueron, al menos en escuché un algo muy bello que decía: (Daniel Conway es integrante del comité El papa y beato Pablo VI no fue capaz retrospectiva, más predecibles. No fueron ‘No hay santo sin pasado ni pecador sin editorial de The Criterion.) † ‘Stagnant’ and selfish Christians are hopeless, unable to cope, pope says VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Christians in the Church a nice parking lot” for these things were to change.” Christians who are “parked” or stuck who forge ahead with hope in God have themselves where their lives are protected Such “stationary” Christians, he said, in one spot “are self-centered. They only the strength to endure life’s dark moments, “with all possible guarantees,” he said. remind him of an old saying back home look at themselves, they don’t know Pope Francis said in a morning homily. It’s like “living in a refrigerator” that warning that stagnant water is the first to how to lift their heads to look” at God, However, Christians who refuse to preserves things to stay just as they are, go bad. Pope Francis said. fight for positive changes that benefit he said. “Lazy Christians” have no hope, he A true Christian life, he said, is “a everyone are “stagnant” and selfish, he “Lazy Christians,” he said, are said. They are “in retirement,” which is courageous life” built on hope. said on Jan. 17 during Mass in the chapel “Christians that have no desire to move fine after decades of work, but “to spend This hope is like an anchor that has been of the Domus Sanctae Marthae. forward, Christians who do not fight for your whole life in retirement is awful” with thrown overboard, but “we are holding on Christians who are “lazy” or things that bring change, new things, never anything to look forward to on the the rope,” fighting, enduring the storm and “lukewarm” in the faith “have found things that would be good for everyone if horizon. looking ahead upon an open horizon. † Page 8 The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017 Ministry celebrates decade of helping women transition from prison SIOUX CITY, Iowa (CNS)—Franciscan In 2006, Clare Sister , director of Clare Guest House was Guest House, puts a different spin on the incorporated as “What would Jesus do?” slogan. an independent “I think what we provide is what Jesus organization, would do,” said Sister Gwen, who directs distinct from the the transitional home for women released neighborhood project from prison. and from the Sisters Clare Guest House began as an of St. Francis. initiative of the Sioux City Multicultural The home has Neighborhood Project, a ministry had 106 admissions approved by the Sisters of St. Francis since opening. Most of Dubuque, Iowa, in 1998. Its mission have been women was to respond to the needs of poor released from the women and children, collaborate in Iowa Women’s the development of neighborhood Correctional communities and serve as an outreach to Institution in Spanish-speaking immigrants. Mitchellville. Some “When we no longer had any have returned to the Spanish‑speaking sisters for the project, home more than it evolved into this project of providing once, Sister Gwen a safe, supportive environment for admitted. women coming out of prison,” explained “We’ve had some Franciscan Sister Grace Ann Witte, women who were who resides at Clare Guest House with not success stories,” Sister Gwen. she said, “but we’ve In 2005, Franciscan Sisters Shirley also had many who Waldschmitt, Mary Lee Cox and Grace have, who have Ann initiated planning for the halfway kept in touch with The Clare Guest House, a transitional home for women after serving jail time, is pictured in December 2016. The guest house in Sioux City, Iowa, recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. (CNS photo/Jerry L Mennenga, The Catholic Globe) house. They developed a philosophy for us, thanking us for the house, identified the type of women it getting their lives back.” There is no typical Clare House guest, would serve, and drafted rules and staffing Sister Gwen could point to herself as Sister Grace Ann said. plans before presenting their findings. a success story because she once “walked “We have had women as young as “A small group of women agreed to the walk.” 19 and as old as 64; however, the most continue to meet as an advisory group, Sister Gwen and her sister, Franciscan frequently occurring ages were 25, colloquially described as the ‘Wise Sister , were among 26,” she said. “We’ve had women who Women,’ to further finalize plans,” Sister 13 women arrested while participating completed an eighth-grade education and Grace Ann said. “It was at that time the in civil disobedience in 2000 during ones who earned master’s degrees.” name Clare Guest House developed, in a nonviolent protest at the former What may be a common connection honor of St. Clare of Assisi, who lived an U.S. Army School of the Americas among the women is substance abuse. active life among the poor, serving lepers, at Fort Benning, Ga. Both received a Almost 90 percent of the women on their before being forced into an enclosed six‑month sentence, serving it at a federal application forms indicated a problem contemplative life.” prison in Illinois. with substance abuse, and almost 80 In July 2005, the project received Clare Guest House is the only percent have been in treatment for a $20,000 grant from the Sisters of transitional home of its type in northwest chemical dependency. St. Francis Ministry Fund to begin Clare Iowa and the only one under the auspices “It’s certainly one of our greatest Guest House. of the Dubuque , who founded challenges, mental health issues, because They identified a two-story, five- Briar Cliff University in Sioux City. of the environment in which these women bedroom house in a residential area north Sister Grace Ann, a former Briar Cliff were raised with their addictions,” Sister of downtown to locate the ministry. It sociology and criminology professor, Gwen said. Franciscan Sister Gwen Hennessey talks in had been a residential treatment facility explained that guests, who all are on Funding for Clare Guest House comes December 2016 about the 10 years that the Clare for teenage girls, but it was vacant for parole, must commit to stay at least two primarily from private donations. Two Guest House in Sioux City, Iowa, has served as about five years. Sister Gwen moved in on months but no more than six months. significant contributions also have come a transitional home for women who served jail Sept. 27, 2005, to serve as live-in director. “During that time, women must look from the agency that holds the state time. (CNS photo/Jerry L Mennenga, The Catholic Globe) “The first guest arrived on Dec. 12, for work, meet with parole officers and gaming license for Sioux City’s casino. 2005, the Feast of Our Lady of help with chores, such as cooking and One of the needs Clare Guest House “We have no plan,” Sister Grace Ann Guadalupe,” she recalled. “I don’t think cleaning,” she said. “In some cases, may face in the future is leadership. said with a smile, while Sister Gwen it was a coincidence that first guest was especially for health reasons, we have Sister Grace Ann is 79 and Sister Gwen laughed aloud, adding, “We leave it all in half‑Hispanic.” allowed the stay to be longer.” is 84. God’s hands.” †

a stone from the Church of the Holy pope has taken a moral, legal and political past. It’s a last gasp of the past before the EMBASSY Sepulcher in Jerusalem, the site of Jesus’ stand through recognizing the state of future sets in,” Netanyahu said on Jan. 12 continued from page 1 crucifixion; documentation from the Palestine.” following a meeting with Norway’s foreign be taken that favor mutual trust and Presidential Committee for the Restoration In an interview on Jan. 12 with minister, Borge Bende. contribute to creating a climate that permits of the Church of the Nativity; a book Palestinian news agency, WAFA, Kassissieh President-elect Donald Trump’s courageous decisions to be made in favor documenting Palestine’s diplomatic said the new embassy “marks the outcome” proposal to move the U.S. embassy in of peace,” the Vatican said. relations with the Holy See; and a gold- of improved relations between Palestine Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is also The protection of holy sites “for plated icon of the Holy Family. and the Holy See after the signing in June a cause for concern for the Palestinian believers of all three of the Abrahamic The pope gave the president a gold 2015 of an agreement that supports a government as both states claim the city as religions” was also discussed, the commemorative medallion of the Holy Year two‑state solution to the ongoing conflict their rightful capital. statement said. of Mercy and Arabic translations of “Amoris in the Holy Land. The two-state solution would split the After the pope and president spent more Laetitia” (“The Joy of Love”) and “Laudato Abbas’ visit came on the eve of an city and allow for Palestine to claim East than 20 minutes speaking in private, Abbas Si’, on Care for Our Common Home.” international peace conference in Paris on Jerusalem as their capital. Israel, however, introduced Pope Francis to the Palestinian Taking his leave, Abbas warmly Jan. 15 aimed at restating the international claims the entire city as its capital. officials traveling with him. embraced the pope and went to meet with community’s support for the peace According to WAFA, Abbas wrote to One member of the delegation joked Cardinal , Vatican secretary process. Trump on Jan. 9 and said the move likely with the pope about the pope’s favorite of state, and Archbishop Paul R. Gallagher, However, Israeli Prime Minister would have a “disastrous impact on the soccer team, San Lorenzo, before giving Vatican secretary for relations with states. Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the peace process, on the two-state solution and Pope Francis a soccer jersey with the Issa Kassissieh, Palestinian ambassador gathering as a “rigged conference” that on the stability and security of the entire colors of the Palestinian flag. to the Holy See, said the new embassy seeks to adopt anti-Israeli policies. region.” Abbas presented the pope with five was “a significant achievement for the “This pushes peace backward. It’s not Following his meeting with Pope gifts: a Byzantine-style icon of Jesus; Palestinian people, considering that the going to obligate us. It’s a relic of the Francis, President Abbas told journalists he hoped President-elect Trump would not move forward with the proposal. Open Doors + Open Arms + Open Hearts “We are waiting to see if it happens. If it does it will not help peace, and we hope it The students in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis Catholic does not happen,” Abbas said. schools are doing great things! Please take the time to review Despite the looming threats to the peace a special publication from the Office of Catholic Schools at process, President Abbas said he hoped that the example set by the Palestinians index.html highlighting our Catholics Schools and those agreement with the Vatican will allow who help us make us what we are today! European countries to follow suit in order to achieve peace. “I met his Holiness and [thanked him that] the Holy See has completely The Office of Catholic Schools recognized Palestine as an independent Archdiocese of Indianapolis state, and I hope that other states will follow the Vatican’s example and recognize the state of Palestine,” Abbas said. † The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017 Page 9 Catholic panel seeks for common ground with Trump administration WASHINGTON (CNS)—Catholic was visceral. ... one thought that occupied panelists gathered to discuss “Faithful my mind was that homeland security Priorities in a Time of Trump” said knows exactly where I live. It was hard to it is difficult to get over some of the imagine myself having a future in 2017.” words the president-elect said during the Joan Rosenhauer, executive vice campaign—and even before he was a president of U.S. Operations for Catholic candidate. But as his presidency neared, Relief Services, said now is a good time many of them said it to review the principles of Catholicism was important to find and social justice, ways to work with explaining that they him for the common don’t divide people good. and don’t say refugees “When Donald or immigrants are Trump says things enemies or a burden about women ... I on society. have a hard time “What we have stomaching those to do is lift up Msgr. John Enzler comments,” said our principles,” Msgr. John Enzler, president and CEO Joan Rosenhauer Rosenhauer said. of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese “The problem is of Washington. “We can still find a way, deeper because our own Catholic people though, to listen and say, ‘How do we find do not know those principles.” common ground?’ ” Sister , executive Msgr. Enzler was one of five panelists director of Network, a Catholic social on Jan. 12 who addressed the role the justice lobbying Catholic faith can play as the country was organization, said U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks on Jan. 11 during a news conference in the lobby of Trump in the final days of preparation for the the country is Tower in New York City. (CNS photo/Lucas Jackson, Reuters) incoming Trump administration. Some showing a high level Catholics such as Rep. Francis Rooney, of ambiguity, fear, which sponsored the event, asked how the vulnerable, and strongly speak the R-Florida, expressed great optimism. dysfunction and Catholics can build bridges in “an angry Church’s message. “We can have a lot of hope that he chaos. country, a divided country.” There are a lot Moderator Carr asked Sister Simone will protect life the way we want him “I think that of people who feel under attack, he said. whether she could offer any lessons about to do ... defunding Planned Parenthood, challenges all of us “It’s important to see what role building bridges that she learned during protecting life,” Rooney said. “Things like as people of faith,” [Catholics] can play in divisions that the Nuns on the Bus tour last summer, the insurance mandate can be brought into Sr. Simone said Sister Simone, a have been created over the past year,” a 19-day trip that a group of women harmony of First Amendment rights.” Campbell, S.S.S. member of the Sisters Rosenhauer said. “I was really struck religious undertook from Wisconsin Yet others, such as panelist Jessica of Social Service. by Cardinal [Joseph W.] Tobin and his to the national political conventions in Chilin Hernandez, expressed uncertainty Now is the time to stand up for the homily at his installation where one of his Cleveland and Philadelphia. Its aim was and apprehension of the days ahead. stranger, the working poor, and anyone key points was that our kindness must be to learn what people around the country Chilin works at Georgetown University’s who needs of our kindness or help, and known to all.” were thinking about just before the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Catholic social teaching has a lot to say Cardinal Tobin, previously archbishop presidential election. Working Poor, thanks to a work permit about it, Sister Simone said. of Indianapolis, was installed on Jan. 6 as Sister Simone used the bus as a metaphor she has through the Deferred Action for Msgr. Enzler noted that it is also the new archbishop of Newark, N.J. for the country. Some said the bus had made Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA. important to understand that individuals can It’s important to stand up for beliefs them feel as if they were welcomed back President Barack Obama, through an do much by performing kind actions toward even when others disagree with them, she into a community, a feeling they had not executive action taken in 2012, created a others. People can start by asking: “What said, “but we have to find a way to do it had in a long time, because everyone was policy that allows certain undocumented did I do today? It’s not an agency that can with kindness.” welcomed on the bus. She said she heard young people who came to the U.S. as make things better but people,” he said. “We want to protect children in the stories about poverty, lack of jobs and lack children to have a work permit and be Chilin said it’s important to keep womb. That’s something we can work of access to health care that resulted in the exempt from deportation. in mind language that we use in daily with this [the Trump] administration and deaths of loved ones. Chilin is one of more than 750,000 conversation. Congress on. ... Senator [Jeff] Sessions “No one can be left out of our care,” people who signed up for DACA. During “Be conscientious of language,” she said there would be no Muslim ban. Sister Simone said. “We are a nation of the campaign, Trump said he would end the said. “ ‘Illegal’ is a racial slur. No human That’s something we would support and problem-solvers, but we have sunk into program and threatened mass deportations, being is illegal and yet, in many circles, work together on ... then let’s be clear extreme individualism.” sending those like Chilin into panic. they use it to describe us.” about the areas for disagreements.” As Pope Francis has said, it’s about the “I felt a fear unlike any other fear I have Panel moderator John Carr, director Msgr. Enzler said Catholics, people, and when people feel loved, they had before,” she said about the moment she of Georgetown University’s Initiative on particularly the Church’s leaders, must flourish and when they flourish so does learned Trump won the election. “The fear Catholic Social Thought and Public Life, also speak and raise their voices for the country, she said. † Europe’s Catholic, Orthodox leaders issue statement against terrorism OXFORD, England (CNS)—Catholic societies, forces are always at work to have been committed in the name of of Islam.” Noting that terrorists often and Orthodox leaders have pledged to marginalize or even erase religions and religion,” but believed their Churches were “socially disengaged young stand together against fundamentalism their message from the public space. We should not be blamed “for attitudes people,” it invited all youths to “commit and terrorism, as well as resisting forces believe Europe needs more than ever the of intolerance that are inadmissible themselves to building a fraternal world working to erode and destroy religious breath of faith in Christ and the hope it nowadays, but used to be shared by that excludes no one. We call on Muslim belief in Europe. provides.” societies in the past.” religious authorities to ensure there is no “Terrorist violence against people The 14-point message was published “Our Catholic and Orthodox Churches propagation of a systematically hostile considered unbelievers or infidels is the after a Jan. 9-12 meeting of the European proclaim the centrality of the human image of the non-Muslim world.” extreme degree of religious intolerance— Catholic-Orthodox Forum, co-chaired person and of its dignity created in the The forum message said that we unreservedly condemn it and deplore in Paris by Hungarian Cardinal Peter image of God. ... Human freedom is 80 percent of religious persecutions that such acts have developed in the soil Erdo, former president of the Council exercised to the utmost in the act of worldwide currently targeted Christians, of a misguided religious culture,” the of European Bishops’ Conferences, and religious faith, which must always remain adding that Catholic and Orthodox leaders church representatives said in a joint Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima free,” said the statement from the forum, shared solidarity with Christian targeted message on Jan. 13. of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of which was attended by Russian Orthodox in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. “The constitutions of our states Constantinople. Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk and However, it added that religious guarantee the fundamental rights of It said Catholic and Orthodox bishops, archbishops and cardinals from freedom also faced “restrictive the human person. Nevertheless, in our bishops deplored “crimes that may 20 countries. interpretation” and people of faith faced “Political power should not favor a “more subtle forms of discrimination” particular religion but respect the supreme in European countries, such as when divinity which each religion names Christians were “excluded from certain according to its convictions. ... The state roles or professions,” denied the right to guarantees religious freedom for all, but conscientious objection and subjected to is itself subject to a natural ethical order “the media’s denigration of what is most from which it cannot escape.” sacred to some.” The four-day meeting, co-hosted by The message said children should be Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois of Paris and “properly educated in their own religion Orthodox Metropolitan Emmanuel of and at the same time educated to respect France, was the first since East-West ties the religion of others,” adding that schools deteriorated over Russian involvement in not be places “for experimentation with Ukraine. anthropological theses without scientific The message said the meeting’s aim foundation, like gender theories or certain was “to demonstrate the convergence ecological ideologies that go as far as of Catholics and Orthodox on major transhumanism.” issues of social ethics” and the will A press statement from the Council of the Catholic and many Orthodox of European Bishops’ Conferences said Churches to stand together in the face of the forum had not tackled theological or “unprecedented challenges and threats doctrinal matters or replaced a separate People kneel during a 2015 Paris Mass for the 129 victims of coordinated terrorists attacks. Catholic against Christianity.” Catholic-Orthodox theological dialogue and Orthodox leaders have pledged to stand together against fundamentalism and terrorism, and to It added that the Churches had no commission, which is finalizing an agreed resist forces working to erode and destroy religious belief in Europe. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) intention of “stigmatizing the religion document on papal primacy. † Page 10 The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017 Why the pope wants the Church to be a loving mother VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Mother’s Day came early who fights to strengthen the this year at the Vatican. joy of the Gospel, give flesh A number of feast days over the Advent and Christmas to the Gospel” in the world. seasons gave Pope Francis a fresh opportunity to pay • To help people, you homage to the world’s mothers, and insist further on how must be in touch with a hard and why he wants the entire Church to become more reality. maternal. In a letter to the world’s But who is this archetypal mother figure the pope bishops marking the feast upholds? Pope Francis pointed to a few of his favorite of the Holy Innocents on biblical heroines, praising the seemingly contradictory Dec. 28, the pope said they qualities of each: must listen for the sobbing Like Mary, she is silently compliant to God’s will; like of today’s mothers because Rachel, she weeps inconsolably, drawing God’s and the there are so many new world’s attention to a reality people would rather ignore; Herods today, killing the and like the persistent widow, she doesn’t let being a young with their tyranny nobody stop her from speaking up against injustice, and “unbridled thirst for making a fuss and pestering the one who does have power power.” to make things right. Listen to where the cries So how and why does the Church need to be this are coming from, he said. loving, humble, hard-as-nails champion? Let’s count the They are not to be ignored ways: or silenced. It’s going • A cold, careless, selfish world thirsts for a tender to take courage to first warm home. acknowledge this difficult Speaking on the feast of Mary, Mother of God, on reality, and work to ensure Jan. 1, Pope Francis said it’s the maternal instinct to hold, “the bare minimum needed hope and help that make up the “strongest antidote” to so that their dignity as the selfishness, indifference and intolerance in the world God’s children will not only today. be respected but, above all, He went on to say that God chose to be “knit” inside defended.” and born of a woman, so that he could experience a • Sometimes the best mother’s tenderness, hear the cries of and joys of his answer is no answer. people, and make everyone his brother and sister in the Pope Francis again faith who belong to a family. advocated the importance • When times get tough, who are you going to call? of using the heart over the Everyone, especially the lost, forgotten and marginalized, head, and the Church’s need a strong-willed, faithful advocate on their side. need to be more sensitive The pope said on Jan. 1 that in his pastoral ministry, to another’s pain in order he has learned so much about the meaning of true to bring God’s hope and unconditional commitment from the mothers he met compassion. whose kids were in jail, addicted to drugs or victims of During his general war. Neither cold nor heat nor rain, he said, could stop audience on Jan. 4, he these women from fighting for something better. talked about Rachel’s tears Much like the persistent widow, the mothers he met being seeds of hope and the were the ones who were able to offer love and support to futility of trite or insensitive their suffering children “without wavering” through thick speeches. Rachel’s refusal and thin. to be consoled shows Mary shows that humility and tenderness aren’t virtues how delicately one must of the weak, he said, but of the strong, and that we don’t approach a person in pain, have to mistreat others in order to feel important and the pope said. A statue of Mary and the Christ child is seen in 2015 inside Jesus the Good Shepherd Church in make a difference. When people are hurting, Dunkirk, Md. (CNS photo/Bob Roller) • To change the world, it starts at home. “it is necessary to share Speaking on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on in their desperation. In order to dry the tears from the helped in daily life.” Dec. 12, he again highlighted “those fighting mothers” he face of those who suffer, we must join our weeping with Not only are they “rarely considered central to society knew back in . theirs. This is the only way our words may truly be able in her role,” he said, “the mother is not always held in the Often alone and with no help, they were able to raise to offer a bit of hope,” he said. right regard, she is barely heard” in the Church, too. their children right, he said. Mary is our “female fighter” Often it’s only tears that can open one’s eyes to the With his many reflections on motherhood, the pope is facing off a mistrustful, lazy, distracted world—“a woman realities of life that need attention, he said. trying to bring that maternal warmth back to the Church. When Pope Francis dedicated his audience talk to But he has also called for the courage “to knock at mothers on Jan. 7, 2015, the feast of the Nativity for the the door” like the persistent widow because “the Lord Orthodox Churches, he lamented how people had plenty himself says, ‘Everyone who asks receives, and he who of poems and “beautiful things” to say about moms, but seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened’ ” at the end of the day “the mother is rarely listened to or (Mt 7:8; Lk 11:10). † Global papal prayer network continues to evolve VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Last year, more than 13 prayer request is a way for Pope Francis “to confront million people around the world watched Pope Francis ‘the culture of indifference’ by focusing our prayerful explain one of his specific prayer intentions each month. attention on situations that are ‘more concrete, precise, The 90-second, personal explanations in “The Pope current, [and] related to actual circumstances.’ ” Video,” first launched in January 2016, encouraged Jesuit Father Luis Ramirez, assistant international people to join an estimated 50 million Catholics who director of the prayer network, told Catholic News already had a more formal relationship with The Pope’s Service (CNS) on Jan. 11 that the urgent prayer Worldwide Prayer Network—better known by its former request does two things. First, it strengthens the If you are a victim of title, the Apostleship of Prayer. spiritual experience of those who are joining in prayer, Report sexual misconduct by a person ministering on behalf of the The prayer network, which is more than 170 years old, letting them know they do not pray alone. And, more sexual Church, or if you know of anyone continues to evolve. importantly, it lets those suffering know that the pope who has been a victim of After the debut in 2016 of the monthly video on www. sees their pain and is trying to rally assistance. misconduct such misconduct, please contact, the new year began with Pope Francis Of course, Father Ramirez said, the pope hopes people the archdiocesan victim adding a second monthly intention—an urgent prayer are “not just watching the video and receiving the appeal, now assistance coordinator: appeal. For January, the appeal was for the homeless but taking action and offering help.” Carla Hill, Archdiocese of Indianapolis, struggling with cold temperatures and indifference. Justiniano Vila, a manager at La Machi, the Barcelona- P.O. Box 1410, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-1410 For decades, the Apostleship of Prayer distributed based company that produces “The Pope Video,” told two intentions for each month: one focused on needs in CNS more than 13 million people clicked on and watched 317-236-1548 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1548 mission territories and the other on a matter considered at least one of the videos in 2016. Those that garnered [email protected] more universal. the most views were January’s video on interreligious The lists were published a full year in advance after dialogue, February’s on care for creation and June’s on Online Lay Ministry Formation going through a long process of collecting suggestions, solidarity in cities. getting input from Vatican offices and being translated. The most popular platform for viewing the video The Archdiocese of Indianapolis has partnered with the Pope Francis has decided now that the prepared list is Facebook, he said. The Pope Video Facebook page University of Notre Dame and Catholic Distance University (CDU) of prayer intentions will alternate each month between has a reach of 25 million people. The video also can be to offer not-for-credit online theology classes: a missionary concern and a universal one. The second watched on the official website—www.thepopevideo. • Courses on the Catechism of the from CDU prayer for the month will be announced at the beginning org—and on YouTube. • All 12 classes for a Certificate in Lay Ministry available online of the month by the pope during his Sunday Angelus In the videos, which last less than 90 seconds, Pope • 20% discount for all employees, volunteers, and parishioners address. Francis speaks in Spanish. Subtitles are then added for • Employees also receive reimbursement upon course completion The urgent intention will then be shared with members English, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Arabic. For more information, please log on to of the prayer network through its websites, social media Of the more than 13 million views in 2016, Vila said, and e-mail. 45 percent were in the original Spanish, 29 percent were Jesuit Father James Kubicki, U.S. director of the with the Portuguese subtitles and 13 percent were with network, said the international director believes the urgent English subtitles. † A supplement to Catholic newspapers published by Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017-1100. All contents are copyrighted © 2016 by FaithAlive! Catholic News Service. Grandparents can help orient children to the future By David Gibson If no two grandchildren are alike, neither are any two grandparents. There “A plant without roots does not really is no grandparenthood rulebook or grow.” Pope Francis was thinking of checklist to follow. grandparents when he made that statement Upon first becoming grandparents, I recently in Tbilisi, capital of the country am certain that many follow the example of Georgia. set long ago by their own parents. In the pope’s lofty, inspiring view, Many, I also am certain, are astonished grandparents fulfill a necessary role to discover how much they love their in families by linking generations and grandchildren. Exactly where this love making grandchildren aware—through should lead is a grandparent’s dilemma. “their words, their affection or simply It is not uncommon in our highly their presence”—that “history did not mobile culture for grandparents to live far begin with them” (#192). He spoke of this away from grandchildren. I knew of one in “The Joy of Love,” his 2016 apostolic new grandmother who for months resolved exhortation on the family. this situation by driving several hundred Grandparents represent a family’s miles each way almost every weekend to memory, while helping orient the family spend time with her newborn grandchild. toward its future. That is the view of Pope Other grandparents are thankful in the Francis, who may be today’s leading Internet age for Skype, which allows them proponent on the world stage of the at least to “see” children and grandchildren virtues of grandparenthood. via long-distance video visits. I suspect most grandparents want to The fabric of grandparenthood is fulfill the role described to them by the woven of numerous diverse strands. Some pope. They willingly would serve their become grandparents at a quite young family as a font of memories that matter. age. Others, with children marrying Their question, though, is how and when at later ages nowadays, may not feel to do this. particularly young when their first I confess I am no grandparenthood grandchildren arrive. Palestinian Catholic Susan Abu Qubei, 46, lights a candle on Dec. 20, 2016, with her 3-year-old expert. But I am an experienced Some grandparents are employed full grandson, Luciano Barham, in the grotto of the Church of Nativity, where tradition holds Christ was grandfather, with grandchildren ranging in time. Others are limited in their activities born in Bethlehem, West Bank. Grandparents frequently collaborate with their sons and daughters age from 2 to nearly 15. by health or income issues. in economic matters, the upbringing of their children and the transmission of the faith to their That age range itself reveals one of Countless grandparents in grandchildren. (CNS photo/Debbie Hill) grandparenthood’s complexities. Many varying walks of life share in rearing grandparents find themselves called, in grandchildren by taking care of them one “of our time,” is Pope Francis’ paternal of adulthood and faith for a family’s virtually one and the same moment, to or two days a week, or even daily while grandmother, Rosa. He recalled her on newest generation. devote caring attention to children whose a parent goes to work. Could society get Pentecost eve in 2013 as “a woman who Grandparents, of course, are not delight it is to play in the age-old ways along without them? explained to us, who talked to us about their grandchildren’s parents. Usually of toddlers, and to teens who want little Yes, grandparents come in all sizes and Jesus, who taught us the catechism.” She this is good news, suggesting to more than to immerse themselves in iPods shapes, so to speak. “loved me so much,” he has said. grandparents that they have entered and electronic games. The untold story about grandparents The story of his family involved a rewarding, new and different stage Some grandchildren love school; involves their large role as sources of growing up in a setting where “faith was in life. It should be noted, though, others, not so much. Some might spend stability within their larger family, even lived in a simple, practical way,” Pope that because of various unfortunate every waking moment outdoors if they financial stability. As the final report of Francis said. circumstances more grandparents are could; others much prefer the indoors. the October 2015 assembly in Rome of Our era is “the time of grandparents,” being called upon to be the guardians What are grandparents to do? Planning the meeting of the Synod of Bishops on he believes. He said when addressing of their grandchildren. a family activity involving a number of the vocation and mission of the family participants in the Diocese of Rome’s One hears frequently that children grandchildren can tax the imagination. observed: 2016 pastoral conference, “Let our know on some inner and deep level But I am amazed, I confess, by how “Grandparents frequently collaborate grandparents share and tell us their whether they truly are loved by those many children’s movies I have seen over with their sons and daughters in economic dreams so that we can have prophecies for around them. I confess that I only hope the past decade! I should also confess that matters, the upbringing of their children the future.” and pray, like other grandparents, that this like millions of 21st-century grandparents, and the transmission of the faith to their Raising children always is a work in is true. I am grateful when an older grandchild grandchildren” (#18). progress. So grandparents, like parents, comes to my rescue after my smartphone Among the best-known grandparents sometimes struggle along when it comes (David Gibson served on Catholic News or laptop misbehaves. of our time, though she was not actually to knowing how to serve as good models Service’s editorial staff for 37 years.) † Church teaching on respect for elders flows from the Scriptures By Paul Senz As we age and mature, a funny thing happens: Not only do we grow in wisdom, but we suddenly realize It is widely recognized that the Ten Commandments that our elders may have been wiser than us all along. are organized into two groups. Mark Twain is credited (perhaps apocryphally) with The first through the third commandments can be the following sardonic insight: “When I was a boy of broadly summarized as “You shall love the Lord, your 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to God, with your whole heart” and the fourth through 10th have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I commandments are reflected in “You shall love your was astonished at how much the old man had learned in neighbor as yourself.” seven years.” While it would be somewhat inaccurate to think of While this is certainly rife with sarcasm, the point is the commandments as “ranked” by importance, it is well-made. The wisdom of our elders is something we certainly noteworthy that the first of those that deal with too often disregard or deny in our younger days, but as love of neighbor is “Honor your father and your mother.” we age, we come to recognize their wisdom, and realize First, love God—then, honor your father and your the honor that is their due. mother. The first three deal with our relationship with In Scripture, we encounter many examples of the God, and the first of the rest is this. elderly being lifted up, venerated and respected. Just The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes think of Noah, patriarch of his family, spawning the this in its section on the fourth commandment—and rejuvenation of human civilization following the flood. the fact that it applies not only to parents. In #2199, We are reminded of Abraham, father of God’s people; it points out that the commandment concerns kinship Jacob; Methuselah; Simeon; Naomi, mother-in-law to between not just children and parents, but also members Ruth; and countless other examples come to mind. of the extended family. “It requires honor, affection, and Each of these examples brings us back to the fourth gratitude toward elders and ancestors.” commandment. The honor due to our elders is of such We can take a cue from the Book of Sirach: “Do not importance that God included it among “You shall not dismiss what the old people have to say; … from them kill,” and “You shall not have other gods beside me.” As you will learn how to think, and the art of the timely Scripture shows us, we would do well to acknowledge Al Bolt of Burke, Va., and his grandson, Marek Ferko, 6, look answer” (Sir 8:9). Another translation renders this as, and fully live up to this ideal. over a booklet during a Feb. 24, 2013, Mass at the Basilica of the “Do not reject the tradition of the elders which they have National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. heard from their ancestors; for from it you will learn (Paul Senz is a freelance writer living in Oregon with his In Scripture, we encounter many examples of the elderly being how to answer when the need arises.” family.) † lifted up, venerated and respected. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec) Page 12 The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017 Perspectives From the Editor Emeritus/John F. Fink Worship and Evangelization Outreach/Ken Ogorek A couple more of my press visits with Pope John Paul II Want to be a The 1980 World Congress of the room but, when we got there, we found Social Communication, who had been Catholic Press was held in Rome. My it full of Italians. The Romans who my close friend for decades], although better disciple? wife Marie and I and another couple organized the congress simply printed John didn’t tell us that; the speech just from the United enough tickets for all their friends. The seemed to be in John’s style. He praised This workshop States found a audience turned out to be not as private the Catholic press for the way it informs, hotel called the as we had expected. forms and instructs the faithful and said is for you! Valadier between In 1985, as I was finishing my time as that lives can be changed by the printed Most Catholics know that evangelization the Spanish Steps president of the International Federation word (the same thing Archbishop Foley is something we’re supposed to do. But and the Piazza del of Catholic Press Associations and after said in his Catholic Press Month message what in the heck is it? Popolo. We stayed I became editor of The Criterion, my that year). He said we should search for The word there mainly because federation had a symposium in Rome. At ways to tell the story of God’s servants evangelization has it was cheaper than its end, we had a private audience with serving God’s people—the poor, the sick, negative connotations the congress hotel. Pope John Paul II that turned out better the hungry. for some; it calls to We found the hotel than the one we had had in 1980. “After his talk, he greeted each of us mind a confrontational charming, but quite small. It was Here’s part of what I wrote in my personally and then posed for a group approach—yelling decorated with a lot of red, and the diary about this audience: “The pope picture. I happened to be standing right on street corners, location of the rooms seemed unusual. arrived right on the dot at 12:45. He where he came for the group photo, so maybe. So how can It finally dawned on us that we were appeared thinner than he was last year I ended up right behind him. The whole a modern Catholic staying at a former brothel. when I last saw him [when he came audience went very well and was not fulfill the command of At the end of the Rome congress, we to the United States in 1984]. Others the mob scene that there was five years Jesus to go and make had what was supposed to be a private remarked that he looked older, but I ago when we had an audience during disciples? (Mt 28:19) audience with Pope John Paul II. didn’t notice that. He seemed his usual the World Congress—but there were Those who attended the congress self, just thinner.” many more people then, and the Italians A non-confrontational approach were given tickets and told to report I continued in my diary: “His talk to had all their friends and relatives in the An apostolate called St Paul Street to the bronze doors that lead to the us was in English, probably written by front seats. There was none of that this Evangelization was featured in the Apostolic Palace. We walked up all John Foley [that’s Archbishop John P. Foley, time. We were with the pope for a half Aug. 19, 2016, issue of The Criterion. This the wide marble stairs to the audience president of the Pontifical Council for hour.” † ministry, in collaboration with a grass-roots group of local Catholics, is offering a Basic Cornucopia/Cynthia Dewes Evangelization Training workshop from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 11, at Life goes on … and so should we, as hard as that may be Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, 520 Stevens St., in Indianapolis. The cost is January is the time when we look After all, this is our problem, not Are there alternatives to confrontation or approximately $20 and includes lunch. You backward and forward, assessing our theirs, and we shouldn’t make it theirs. major conflict? must be at least 18 to attend the workshop, hopes, strengths and dreams for a better And that’s the hard part, not being able Are we being parents to our kids, and plenty of free parking is available for it future. That’s why to share our burden without whining or just caretakers? Do we really listen at the parish. we make New Year’s or depriving others. In this case, being when they talk to us, or just wait A lot of Catholics just don’t know resolutions to improve sensitive to others’ feelings is a large part impatiently for them to finish? Do we where to start when it comes to our physical and of the effort. offer helpful suggestions or advice, or evangelization. What do you say? How behavioral habits in Next, we should examine our motives insist they get results our way, without can I talk about my faith without sounding order to resolve our in resolving to do certain things. Or not. question? Do we demand impossible judgmental or holier-than-thou? cravings with the Is it health or just plain vanity that’s things of them in order to show what If you have butterflies in your stomach reality of health and driving our desire to lose weight? When great parents we are, how smart and when you think of yourself evangelizing, happiness. we confide in someone, are we passing on clever our kids are? you’ll be very glad that you attended this Unfortunately, information, or just trying to improve our At work, do we seek out ways to workshop. With simple, practical tips and few of us continue image in another’s eyes? Is it us or them compromise or demand our own way? advice—plus an opportunity to role-play working through our resolution although at the center of the universe? Do we spend time helping out the new and practice a bit—a non-confrontational we may lose a few pounds or make up Relationships need evaluation, too. Is guy, or flattering the boss? Do we do approach to evangelization is laid out for with someone we’ve angered. So life our marriage at a standstill, or toxic for us the best work we can without adding you to learn and use going forward in your goes on much as it did before. Maybe we or our children? Is it possible to salvage up the costs of the effort? Do we seek family, neighborhood and community. should work on that. the loving feelings we had in our courting praise from others, or from our own First, we must be honest about what we days? Or is it even desirable? Can we conscience? Are you sure Catholics are supposed to can and will do. Is it really possible for forgive infidelity or stop our own bad Wow. If we actually do all this evangelize? us to lose 40 pounds within a few months behavior for a greater good? Are we being assessing, it might take until next January! Easy. Engaging. Fun. These are words without alienating our entire family? selfish or blind? But if we just think about the parts that that St. Paul Street Evangelization uses to Can we or will we keep still about our And our dealings with friends should really need fixing, we can give up making describe its approach to disciple-making. hunger pains and not irritate the others by stand the scrutiny. Are we going along New Year’s resolutions. Instead, we can A peaceful presence. A friendly withholding gravy, whipped cream and with behaviors we don’t approve of lives for a satisfying day and a genuinely greeting. A response to the question cookies from their diets? If not, I say we in order to please someone, or are we Happy New Year ahead. Let’s drink to “Why are you Catholic?” Your toolbox for should give up that resolution. standing up for what we know is right? that. † evangelization will include these and more when you attend this workshop. Once we set negative stereotypes about Coming of Age/Maria-Pia Negro Chin evangelization aside, we’re relieved to learn proven techniques for fulfilling the great Accept help, let others become instruments of mercy commission of Jesus. As mentioned above, Jesus had some specific instructions for his Last year, I saw a youth group doing the good Samaritan story, we happen to He added that the rise of the modern followers as he ascended to our heavenly an interesting exercise in trust. A few find across our particular path,” she said. “self-made” human being makes it harder Father. In the Gospel of Matthew, we hear, teenagers were using their jackets as “You really do find yourself when you for many people to open up themselves to “All power in heaven and on Earth has blindfolds as their lose yourself in the love of other people, others, including God. This is because of been given to me. Go, therefore, and make group partner guided beginning with family and moving out the idea that “if you allow others to help disciples of all nations, baptizing them in their walk around into the world.” you, to guide you, you do not qualify as the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the church’s garden She also emphasized that human successful,” he said. of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe back to their meeting beings need to first be receivers of love to In trying to be self-reliant or all that I have commanded you. And room. be givers of love. This made me realize self‑made to an extreme, a person can behold, I am with you always, until the end The idea was that we learn to support others because we confuse accepting others’ help with of the age” (Mt 28:18-20). for some of the have first received help. losing dignity. But, he continued, “that teenagers to learn Yet, as we grow older, accepting person will not allow anyone—even Jesus is with you as you fulfill his to guide others, others’ help is scary because it requires God—to touch his heart or her heart for command while the other party showing our vulnerabilities to other it is an insult.” Yes, as Blessed Pope Paul VI observed learned to trust and accept help from people. Many of us have been raised to The teenagers in the youth group in his exhortation “On Evangelization in their peers. It ultimately showed how believe that we need to solve our own received a valuable lesson about their the Modern World,” the Church “exists accepting God’s loving help, even when problems; otherwise, we appear weak. We spiritual journey through that exercise: in order to evangelize” (#14). Whenever we can’t see the path we are supposed are happy to help others, but have a hard their dependence on others and on you strengthen your own discipleship by to follow, will lead us to where we are time asking for or accepting help. God. reaching out to others with evangelizing supposed to be. But this can prevent us from growing By accepting help, we recognize that efforts, Jesus is there to strengthen and This reminded me of what Helen or, in some cases, from getting the help we cannot do it alone, that we need God support you. Alvaré, law professor at George Mason we truly need. to guide us, to help us when we most Please attend the Basic Evangelization University in Fairfax, Va., had said during In a catechesis during the 2016 World need it. We open ourselves to receiving Training workshop on Feb. 11. For more her keynote speech at the September Youth Day in Poland, Manila Cardinal mercy. information, call 317-224-6820, e-mail 2015 World Meeting of Families in talked about how Divine help comes through human [email protected] or simply visit Philadelphia. She said that even when a in modern culture, one’s self worth is hands and hearts. Accepting others’ help and look under “gospel of me” seems to be encouraged measured by success, and that it seems is a way to gracefully accept God’s help upcoming workshops. in today’s world, “the way of happiness, like “the greatest sin of our time is to say, and to let others become instruments of of freedom is the way of interdependent ‘I have failed.’ ” his mercy. (Ken Ogorek is catechetical director love.” The cardinal told a crowd of 15,000 within the Secretariat for Worship and “We are made to open ourselves to young pilgrims about the importance of (Maria-Pia Negro Chin is bilingual Evangelization in the Archdiocese of God first and then to every single other opening ourselves to mercy, which means associate editor at Maryknoll Indianapolis. He can be reached at neighbor, who like the injured traveler in accepting when we need help. Magazine.) † [email protected].) † The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017 Page 13

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time/Msgr. Owen F. Campion Daily Readings The Sunday Readings Monday, January 23 Thursday, January 26 Sunday, January 22, 2017 Day of Prayer for the Legal St. Timothy, bishop Protection of Unborn Children St. Titus, bishop • Isaiah 8:23-9:3 St. Vincent, deacon and martyr 2 Timothy 1:1-8 • 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17 St. Marianne Cope, virgin or Titus 1:1-5 • Matthew 4:12-23 Hebrews 9:15, 24-28 Psalm 96:1-3, 7-8, 10 Psalm 98:1-6 Mark 4:21-25 The Book of Isaiah supplies this which comes to life only in those who Mark 3:22-30 weekend’s first reading. It offers us a earnestly follow the Lord. Friday, January 27 powerful lesson. St. Matthew’s Gospel supplies the last Isaiah lived in time reading. It is situated in Capernaum, the Tuesday, January 24 St. Angela Merici, virgin when God’s people fishing village located at the northern tip St. Francis de Sales, bishop Hebrews 10:32-39 were skating on thin of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was there after and doctor of the Church Psalm 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40 ice. They still had leaving Nazareth. His public ministry had Hebrews 10:1-10 Mark 4:26-34 their independence, begun. Psalm 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10-11 at least after a As a center of commerce, albeit fashion. Hebrew very modest commerce, Capernaum Mark 3:31-35 Saturday, January 28 kings still reigned saw many people come and go. Jesus St. Thomas Aquinas, priest and in the kingdoms of used this coincidence as an opportunity Wednesday, January 25 doctor of the Church Judah and Israel. The to encounter many people. He called The Conversion of St. Paul Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 religious, social and them to fidelity to God. He repeated for the Apostle (Response) Luke 1:69-75 political structures all still gave lip service them the admonitions of the Hebrew Acts 22:3-16 Mark 4:35-41 to the ancient religion and to the holy prophets. covenant between God and his chosen It was here where Jesus met Andrew, or Acts 9:1-22 people. and later his brother Simon, whom Jesus Psalm 117:1-2 Sunday, January 29 Everything, however, was at risk renamed Peter. These brothers became the Mark 16:15-18 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary because devotion to the covenant and first of the Apostles in the sequence of Time obedience to God’s law were at a low ebb, calling. In time, Christianity was to grow Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13 and covetous neighbors were nearby. from and build upon the Apostles. Isaiah loudly warned that disaster It is interesting that the Gospels, such Psalm 146:6-10 was just around the corner. He said that as the case in this reading, refer to these 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 the people could rescue themselves by Apostles so specifically by giving their Matthew 5:1-12a returning to religious faithfulness and by names. The Gospel leaves no doubt obeying God, as the prophets had taught. whatsoever about their identity. It was He thereby implied a certain potential vital in the early Church that the teachings Question Corner/Fr. Kenneth Doyle within the people. of the genuine Apostles be known and be They were weak because they ignored kept intact. The Church allows for burial of cremated God. If they were determined, they could be virtuous and resist all enemies. Reflection remains under certain circumstances For its second reading, the Church has These readings remind us of how selected a section from St. Paul’s First blind we humans can be, and also of how I am a lifelong Catholic and served 28 for burial over cremation because the Epistle to the Corinthians. powerful humans can be. Qyears in the Navy. As a junior officer, burial of human remains, in the Church’s Paul obviously loved the Corinthian In the first reading, Isaiah criticized I saw the ashes or bodies of deceased mind, reflects a greater esteem for the Christians. He yearned to see them holy the people for their religious listlessness, sailors buried at sea; deceased, and more clearly expresses and eternally with the Lord, but just as but he also presumed that, if they wished, I decided at the time the Christian belief in an eventual obviously they troubled him because they could reverse their wayward hearts that this is what I want resurrection, when the person’s body and they seemed so attracted to the many and turn again to God. done with my body soul will be reunited. vices of their great, worldly and wealthy In essence, the same message was after I die, and I have As the Vatican’s 2016 instruction city, and they seemed so vulnerable in the second reading, from Paul’s First not changed my mind. says, “Burial is above all the most fitting to the feelings of competitiveness and Epistle to the Corinthians. He boldly I have heard that the way to express faith and hope in the insecurity that vex all humans if not denounced the Corinthians’ sins and Church may not allow resurrection of the body,” and shows “the checked. quarrels. By calling them to conversion, such a practice, but great dignity of the human body as an Never willing to be passive or he insisted that they had God’s grace am not sure about integral part of the human person, whose indifferent, Paul loudly called the within themselves to be holy. this. Could you please body forms part of their identity.” Christians in this community to be true to We are sinners, but we need not be clarify this for me? And if the Church That same instruction does note, though, their identity with Christ. sinners. Sin binds us. We truly can be prefers for bodily burial, why would this that “cremation of the deceased’s body does He taught a basic message. Earthly free by seizing the power of our wills, be the case? (Virginia) not affect his or her soul, nor does it prevent reward will pass, more quickly than many allowing divine grace to empower us even God in his omnipotence from raising up the might realize. Earthly wisdom is only more, and disdaining sin to be one with Many Catholics and people in deceased body to new life.” folly, disproven so often. True wisdom is Christ. Asociety in general have a continuing The new Vatican guidelines do not to understand the meaning of the cross, The teachings of the Apostles guide us fascination with the disposition of bodily prohibit burial at sea, so long as the and this understanding requires grace, and draw us to the Lord. † remains. That interest was heightened in body or cremated remains are placed in October 2016 when the Vatican issued an a dignified and well-protected container. instruction regarding burial practices for (Catholics should consult with their Catholics. diocese for further instructions, since My Journey to God That document was issued at the standards can vary from diocese to request of bishops in several nations diocese.) in response to the growing practice of The Church’s Order of Christian cremation, and the lack of specific Church Funerals has a specific prayer for such a He Reigns guidelines on the disposition of cremated burial, asking that the Lord who calmed remains. The instruction reiterates that the the sea in Galilee may grant peace and By C. S. Likins Church, while not opposed to the practice tranquility to the person deceased (#406). of cremation, continues to recommend a traditional burial. (Questions may be sent to Father Kenneth Water coming down in winter The document specifies that either the Doyle at [email protected] and pounding, flowing, dripping body or the ashes of the deceased should 30 Columbia Circle Dr. Albany, New York blowing cold. be buried in sacred ground, and that 12203.) † cremains should not be kept in private Wet sheets of rain homes or scattered on land or at sea, reminding us that nor “preserved in mementoes, pieces of Readers may submit prose God is in charge. jewelry or other objects.” Burial in sacred ground, said the or poetry for faith column Vatican, prevents the deceased from being The Criterion invites readers to forgotten and encourages family members submit original prose or poetry relating and the wider Christian community to to faith or experiences of prayer remember the deceased and to pray for for possible publication in the “My them. Journey to God” column. Historically, cremation was linked to the Seasonal reflections also are burial practices of various non‑Christian appreciated. Please include name, religions, whose beliefs did not include the address, parish and telephone number expectation of eventual resurrection and with submissions. viewed death as the definitive obliteration (C. S. Likins is a member Send material for consideration to of the human person. The Catholic Church of St. Malachy Parish in “My Journey to God,” The Criterion, began to allow cremation only in 1963, Brownsburg. Christ the Savior 1400 N. Meri­dian St., Indianapolis, IN as it became more commonplace for both Orthodox Cathedral in Moscow is 46202-2367or e-mail to economic and sanitary reasons. seen covered in snow on Dec. 8, [email protected]. † 2016.) (CNS photo/Maxim Shipenkov, EPA) But the Church’s Code of Canon Law has continued to express the preference Page 14 The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017

Rest in peace Please submit in writing to our Dec. 25. Mother of Carolyn, office by 10 a.m. Thursday Jan and Bob Craig. before the week of publication; Grandmother of four. be sure to state date of death. Great‑grandmother of 13. Obituaries of archdiocesan Great-great-grandmother of priests serving our archdiocese three. are listed elsewhere in DENNY, George R., 86, The Criterion. Order priests St. Monica, Indianapolis, and religious sisters and Dec. 29. Father of Shannon brothers are included here, Thompson, Christopher, Sean unless they are natives of the and Timothy Denny. Brother archdiocese or have other of William Denny. Grandfather connec­tions to it; those are of 10. separate obituaries on this page. DEVILLEZ, Viola E., 91, St. Paul, Tell City, Dec. 27. Mother of Becky Cronin. ABBOTT, Dolores A. Sister of Grace Talbert and (Jacobi), 83, Holy Family, Ray Schaefer. Grandmother New Albany, Jan. 7. Mother of of one. Great-grandmother of Diana Huber and John Lozon. two. Sister of Maureen Rue and FIXMER, John R., 87, Kenneth Jacobi. Grandmother Holy Family, Oldenburg, of five. Great-grandmother of Dec. 25. Father of Dorothy five. Lynam, Karen Mathes, Mary BARNHORST, Irene M., Jane Nunlist, John, Mark 99, St. Maurice, Napoleon, and Robert Fixmer. Brother Jan. 3. Mother of Gerald, of Margie Duke and Betty Paul, Raymond and Robert Hines. Grandfather of 17. Barnhorst. Grandmother of Great‑grandfather of 34. 12. Great-grandmother of Great-great-grandfather of 15. Great-great-grandmother one. of 5. FORTMAN, Raymond E., Praying in BAYT, Santa, 94, St. Roch, 68, St. Mary, Greensburg, Indianapolis, Jan. 11. Mother Jan. 9. Husband of Sue Cardinal John Tong Hon of Hong Kong, left, participates in a Jan. 9 ecumenical prayer service alongside Anglican Archbishop Paul of Gina Battiston, Concetta Fortman. Father of Michael Kwong at St. John’s Anglican Cathedral in Hong Kong. (CNS photo/Francis Wong) DeFabis, Mary Anne Hawkins, Fortman. Brother of Richard Hazel Lorah, Theresa Mascari, Fortman. Grandfather of one. Betty McColgan, Toni Short, FREY, Alma, 88, St. Michael, Antonia Zunarelli, Jack Brookville, Jan. 7. Mother of Husband of Barbara Kunkler. Meyer. Mother of Kendall and Tom Ratz. Grandfather Spence and Tricia Stuart. Hawkins, Mary, Demetrio, Jane Robertson, Dave, Dick Father of Christine Hull, and Nathan Meyer. Sister of six. Great-grandfather of Grandmother of 15. Hank, Jack, Mike, Phillip and Jim Frey. Grandmother Lisa McClure, Carolyn, of Lisa Nordhoff, Karen five. TOSCHLOG, Rhea, 93, and Tony Bayt. Grandmother of 11. Great-grandmother of Arnold, Jr., Dr. Kevin and Riley, Mary Schmidt, Kathy RAY, Brian E., 50, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, of 22. Great-grandmother of 15. Great-great-grandmother Dr. Phillip Kunkler. Brother Uebelhor, Brian, Jay and St. Bartholomew, Columbus, Jan. 4. Mother of Jane three. of two. of Mary Elizabeth Gross, Mike Hopf. Dec. 22. Husband of Sara Ann Laughlin, Edward and Thompson, Jeff Carpenter, BOZYMSKI, Valentine GIESTING, Gordon J., 73, NICODEMUS, Charles F., Ray. Father of Nicole and Kenneth Kunkler. Grandfather Mark and Robert Toschlog. W., 86, Holy Spirit, Holy Family, Oldenburg, 82, St. Simon the Apostle, Christopher Smith. Brother of 13. Great-grandfather of Grandmother of 12. Indianapolis, Jan. 4. Husband Jan. 1. Husband of Nina Indianapolis, Jan. 6. Husband of Dennis, Jeffrey and three. Great‑grandmother of 13. of Barbara Bozymski. Giesting. Father of Dena of Laura Nicodemus. Father Joseph Ray. Grandfather of Father of Carolyn Kelly, Waller, Chad and Todd LAKE, Alice J., 76, St. Louis, of Susan Brown, Marlene two. VOLZ, Rosie C., 105, Lisa, Michele and Michael Giesting. Brother of Mary Batesville, Jan. 9. Wife of Wilson, Carl, David and St. Charles Borromeo, Milan, ROBERTS, Robert L., 86, Bozymski. Step-father of Kay Hacker and Gary Jerry Lake. Sister of Sylvia Wayne Nicodemus. Brother of Jan. 1. Mother of George and Orrin and Ronald Bowman. Giesting. Grandfather of Lunsford, Floyd and Robert Deloris, Judy, Murial, Don and SS. Francis and Clare of Henry Volz. Grandmother of Brother of Genevieve Wala, three. Gesell. Aunt of several. Paul Nicodemus. Grandfather Assisi, Greenwood, Jan. 5. one. Great-grandmother of Eileen, Edward and Eugene Father of Regina Sublette two. HASKAMP, Virgil M., LAUDICK, John H., 80, of 10. Great-grandfather of Bozymski. Grandfather of 11. two. and Bill Roberts. Brother of 85, St. Catherine of Seina, St. Mary, Greensburg, Jan. 5. James Roberts. Grandfather WALTER, Mary, 90, Great-grandfather of three. Decatur County, Dec. 21. Father of Jane Eckert, Julie OBERTING, Kenneth W., of three. Great-grandfather St. Mary, Lanesville, Husband of Bertha Haskamp. CAMPBELL, Jacob D., 20, Himes, Linda Humpert and 98, St. Mark the Evangelist, of four. Jan. 4. Wife of Vincent Good Shepherd, Indianapolis, Father of Theresa Dury, Denny Laudick. Brother of Indianapolis, Jan. 7. Father of Walter. Mother of Sandy SEARING, Garry E., Dec. 17. Father of Hunter Karen Poplawksi, Doug Joann Lecher and James Mary Ellen Nelson, Kenneth Hess, Theresa Kissel, 78, Sacred Heart, Clinton, Campbell. Son of Joseph and Edward Haskamp. Laudick. Grandfather of 11. and Thomas Oberting. Barbara Schindler, Judy Dec. 24. Father of Marla Campbell and Amy Davis. Grandfather of 11. Great-grandfather of nine. Grandfather of eight. Zipp, Gary Walter, Elmer, Kay Searing. Brother of HILLMAN, Saundra P., Great‑grandfather of four. Steven and Terry Gurtz. CISSELL, Charles, 61, LYONS, Howard R., 86, Billie Jo Anderson, Margaret Our Lady of Perpetual 75, St. Mark the Evangelist, Good Shepherd, Indianapolis, O’CONNOR, Eleanor, 86, Sister of Marjorie Garmon Jan 7. Mother of Anjanette Benefield and Janice Help, New Albany, Jan 10. Dec. 19. Husband of Marie St. Jude, Indianapolis, Dec. Uselman. and Christine Saunders. Husband of Mary Cissell. Richhart and Jim Hillman. Lyons. Father of Kelly 28. Mother of Charlie and Grandmother of 10. Father of Leah Kelly and Sister of Alice Bunte and Schoettle, Mitzi, Bo and John O’Connor. Grandmother SIEFERT, Clara, 79, Great‑grandmother of 13. David Cissell. Step-son of Jack Cortner. Grandmother St. Mary, Rushville, Jan. 6. Mitchell Lyons. Brother of and great-grandmother of WEINMANN, Kathleen, Lola Cissell. Brother of of five. Mother of Cindy Amos, George Lyons. Grandfather several. 99, St. Mary, New Albany, Janice Isaacs, Janet James, of eight. Great-grandfather of Jennifer Ripberger and KEMPER, James R., 82, PFLUM, Dale E., 75, Dec. 20. Sister of Everett Day. Kipp and Kevin Downing and Christ the King, Indianapolis, one. Joseph Siefert. Sister of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, David Morgan. Grandmother Aunt of several. Mike Hagan. Grandfather of Dec. 30. Husband of Pam MEINERS, Margaret Cambridge City, Dec. 8. of six. WEINTRAUT, Mary Lee, two. Kemper. Father of John and C., 89, Most Sacred Heart Father of Mary Peterson COCKRELL, Robert, 70, William Kemper. Brother of Jesus, Jeffersonville, and Anthony Pflum. Brother STOLLE, Anna, 91, 80, St. Lawrence, Indianapolis, St. Lawrence, Indianapolis, of Anne Bickel and Marnie Dec. 22. Wife of Joseph of Sue Ann Pflum-Walker, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Dec. 29. Wife of Mark Dec. 30. Husband of Brenda Inman. Meiners. Mother of Catherine June and Mary Jo Pflum. Richmond, Dec. 28. Mother Weintraut. Mother of Julie Cockrell. Father of Laura KENNEL, Lillian V., 77, Bremmer, Teresa Weber, Grandfather of eight. of Ron Stolle. Sister of Burroughs. Grandmother of Patricia Panzer. Grandmother one. Hubbard, Christopher St. Louis, Batesville, Jan. 4. Charles and William RATZ, William D., 87, of two. and Kenneth Henry and Sister of Rosemary Ball, Jean Meiners. Sister of Helen St. Michael, Brookville, WILLS, Larry L., 83, Jason Cockrell. Brother of Kruthaupt, Marianne Scheper, Cleary. Grandmother of Jan. 7. Husband of Anita STUCKWISCH, Jane F., St. Simon the Apostle, Glenn and Neal Cockrell. Elton and George Kennel. 10. Great‑grandmother of Ratz. Father of Pam DeVille, 72, St. Ambrose, Seymour, Indianapolis, Jan. 7. Father Grandfather of eight. Great- Aunt of several. several. Karen Hountz, Janie Phillips Dec. 25. Wife of Max of Karen Kinder, Mary grandfather of one. KUNKLER, Dr. Arnold W., MEYER, Angela J., 51, and Rick Ratz. Brother Stuckwisch. Mother of Schaler, Patricia and Larry CRAIG, Helen, 103, Christ 95, St. Luke the Evangelist, St. Christopher, Indianapolis, of Alice Gesell, Bonnie Stephanie Mazzon, Shannon Wills II. Grandfather of two. the King, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Dec. 25. Jan. 1. Wife of Kenneth Hornbach, Patricia Moody McGahren, Michelle Great‑grandfather of five. † McDonald’s restaurant near Vatican to give free meals to the poor VATICAN CITY (CNS)—While the meals to poor men and women who often dialogue” with McDonald’s to expand in Noting her organization’s longtime controversial opening of a McDonald’s find shelter in and around St. Peter’s the future. collaboration with the papal almoner in near the Vatican may not have all local Basilica. “It is truly a small drop in an ocean providing medical care for the homeless, residents singing, “I’m lovin’ it,” the Starting on Jan. 16, volunteers from the of things being done by so many other Ercoli said the new agreement will ensure popular fast food chain is trying to do its charitable organization were to distribute associations, by so many people who that the poor also are provided with some part in the neighborhood by helping the a specially prepared menu for the poor. It spend their time helping others,” Ercoli much-needed nutrition. poor and the hungry. includes a double cheeseburger, fresh apple said on Jan. 12 in an interview with “With these meals, we’ll make a “Medicina Solidale” (“Solidarity slices and a bottle of water. Vatican Radio. significant leap in providing so many Medicine”) announced on Jan. 12 that it Lucia Ercoli, director of “Medicina In a statement announcing the deal, women and men who live on the street is joining forces with McDonald’s and Solidale,” said that the organization Ercoli noted that the fast food chain in this neighborhood the possibility of a the papal almoner’s office, which gives plans to distribute 100 meals a week for “quickly responded” to the proposal “to meal that will guarantee a suitable intake the pope’s charitable aid to the homeless 10 consecutive Mondays. The program, donate meals to those who live on the of proteins and vitamins for them,” she around the Vatican, to distribute 1,000 she added, is “the beginning of a streets in the area of St. Peter’s.” said. † The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017 Page 15

Investing with Faith/Joanna Feltz Planned Giving 101: Planning for the New Year

Welcome to 2017! The end of the year opportunity to both the donor and the charitable IRA rollover, charitable gift future of the Church. is always a good time to take stock. Now ministry receiving the support. Donors annuities, life insurance, retirement Interested? Have questions? The that we’re officially in the New Year, I are offered a variety of ways to give, accounts, bequest through a will or Catholic Community Foundation is here know I am thinking of and are able to designate where and revocable trust, charitable gift annuities, to help! Reach me by e-mail at how to put my 2016 how their gift is to be used. Ministries gifts of stock, and gifts of real estate. [email protected] or by phone at reflections into action. receive the financial support they need for I will explore these strategies more in 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1482, or As stewards of their mission today, while securing their upcoming columns. 317-236-1482. our Catholic faith, future, thanks to the faith of donors. With The best part of planned giving is that Consider investing in your faith we celebrate the planned giving, the Church will continue a contribution of any amount, over any through planned giving. sacraments, share to be able to guide and meet the spiritual length of time, will make a difference. the word of God and needs of humanity for generations. Through the archdiocesan Catholic (Joanna Feltz is director of planning fulfill the ministry As part of my job, I get a lot of Community Foundation (CCF), you can giving for the Catholic Community of charity by helping questions about planned giving, discover gifting options and find Catholic Foundation in the Archdiocese of Joanna Feltz the Church through especially, “What is it?” ministries to support. Indianapolis. For more information its parishes, schools and agencies. Planned giving lays the groundwork The ministry of charity takes many about planned giving, log on to We can act out our faith regularly for a donor’s personal legacy of faith forms, and we encourage you to consider through these channels or volunteering, by enabling them to support a Catholic planned giving as part of your 2017 Tax information or legal information but sometimes, financial support is the parish, school or ministry they are charitable goals. From supporting an provided herein is not intended as tax best way to provide for the present and passionate about. endowment that provides scholarships to or legal advice and cannot be relied advocate for the future. As we kick off A planned gift can be made over the Catholic schools, to giving much-needed on to avoid statutory penalties. Always 2017, consider where planned giving may course of a donor’s lifetime, or at time financial aid to local or international check with your legal, tax and financial fit into your plans. of death by utilizing some or all of the missionary groups, your gift will advisors before implementing any gift Planned giving provides a unique following strategies: the permanent positively impact a person’s life and the plan.) † Paralyzed NYPD officer who spoke of forgiveness dies at 59 NEW YORK (CNS)—Detective Steven reconciliation. They corresponded while McDonald, the New York City police Jones served a 10-year sentence for officer who was paralyzed after being attempted murder, but the correspondence shot in the line of duty 30 years ago, ended when McDonald declined a request famously forgave his teenage assailant from Jones’ family for help in seeking and went on to became a prophetic voice parole, saying he was not knowledgeable for forgiveness and reconciliation, died on enough or capable to intervene. Jones Jan. 10. He was 59. died in a 1995 motorcycle accident A New York police spokesman shortly after being released from prison confirmed that McDonald, who was on parole. Catholic, had died at a Long Island For years after the shooting, McDonald hospital four days after suffering a heart drew widespread attention and media attack. coverage. He met with St. John Paul II in Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New 1995 and with South African anti-apartheid York called McDonald “a prophet, leader Nelson Mandela. Although he was without speaking, of the pro-life cause. able to breathe only with the help of a “He showed us,” the cardinal said, respirator, McDonald crossed the country “that the value of life doesn’t depend on speaking at schools and other venues about physical ability, but on one’s heart and Detective Steven McDonald of the New York Police Department, who was shot and paralyzed in the the importance of forgiveness and peace. soul, both of which he had in abundance.” line of duty in 1986, smiles as he addresses the audience during a Catholic men’s conference at Holy He also became an advocate for peace in The cardinal told Catholic New York, Trinity Diocesan High School in Hicksville, N.Y., in 2009. McDonald died on Jan. 10 at a Long Island troubled lands, visiting Northern Ireland, newspaper of the New York Archdiocese, hospital at age 59. (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz, Long Island Catholic) Israel and Bosnia to take his message to that he had visited McDonald in the communities in conflict. hospital’s intensive care unit and said that While on patrol on July 12, 1986, with the couple’s son, that the officer Conor McDonald eventually joined the the many rosaries and religious statues there McDonald came upon three teenagers in would not survive. However, McDonald NYPD and became a sergeant in 2016. He is represented outward signs of a Catholic Central Park and stopped to frisk them pulled through. At the baptism of their the fourth generation of the family to serve faith the detective dearly practiced. because he thought one of them had a son, Conor, on March 1, 1987, McDonald in the department. “You could see that he was such a weapon in his sock. One of the youths, asked his wife to read a statement about Steven McDonald was born on fervent Catholic,” Cardinal Dolan said. then-15-year-old Shavod Jones, pulled out his feeling toward the shooter, saying “I March 1, 1957, in Queens Village, N.Y., McDonald often discussed his Catholic a weapon of his own and shot McDonald, forgive him and hope he can find a purpose and grew up in Rockville Centre on Long faith and the reason he forgave the teenage leaving him for dead as the trio fled. in his life.” Island. He was one of eight children of shooter, explaining that he believed what Three bullets struck McDonald, McDonald remained on the police David and Anita McDonald. happened to him was God’s will and that including one that pierced his spinal cord, department payroll after being shot and A funeral Mass was celebrated on he was meant to become a messenger for leaving him paralyzed. later was named a detective. Jan. 13 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in God’s message of peace, forgiveness and Doctors initially told McDonald’s wife, McDonald long hoped that he and New York City with Cardinal Dolan reconciliation in the world. Patti, who was three months pregnant Jones could team up to speak about presiding. † Success, well-being at any cost will deceive, disappoint, Pope Francis says VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Watch out for the tempting because the pregnancy would have ruined her figure. “Even we, people of the Church, run this risk” of promises and easy rewards of false gods and idols because “These are idols and they take you down the wrong becoming worldly, he said. “We need to be in the world, but they always lead to confusion, disappointment and even path. They do not give you happiness,” he said. defend ourselves from the illusions” and idols of the world. death, Pope Francis said. The pope marveled at the huge number of fortunetellers But those who persevere and courageously trust and “We are tempted to seek even he used to see sitting in a city park in Buenos Aires, hope in the Lord, they become more and more like him, fleeting comfort, which seems to fill Argentina, and the lines of people waiting their turn to sharing in his life and blessings, “transforming us into his the emptiness of solitude and ease the consult them. children.” exertion of believing” in God, especially The shtick “is always the same, ‘There is a woman “In this God, we have hope. This is the God that is not in times of trouble, he said on Jan. 11 in your life,’ ‘Something dark is coming,’ ” he said an idol, that never disappoints,” and always remembers his during his weekly general audience. ominously. But the people would pay to hear such people even during their most difficult trials, he said. † But the hope and security that come things, and this was supposed to make them feel better from God “never ever disappoint,” he said. even though they were putting their trust in a bunch of “Idols always let you down” because they nonsense, he said. are figments of the imagination and not “We buy false hope,” which shows how much people Pope Francis “alive and real” like God. cling to it, he said. True hope, the kind Jesus brought Classified Directory The pope continued his series of freely by “giving his life for us, that kind we don’t trust in For information about rates for classified advertising, call (317) 236-1454. talks on Christian hope by reflecting on Psalm 115, which so much sometimes.” Vacation Rental HEALTH CARE warns of the false hopes and securities offered by Faith in God takes strength and perseverance, and BEACHFRONT CONDO, man-made idols. when bad things happen in life, he said, sometimes that Maderia Beach, Fl., 2BR/2BA, While the psalmist speaks of statues made of “silver faith wavers and people feel they need a different kind of pool & 25ft balcony overlooking and gold,” the pope said idols also include anything people certainty, something easier or more “tangible and concrete.” the Gulf of Mexico. Meet Indpls. Trusted and Compassionate Care hold up as the ultimate answer to their happiness and “Sometimes we seek a god that can bend to our wishes owner. 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Page 16 The Criterion Friday, January 20, 2017 SEEK 2017 inspires college students to evangelize

SAN ANTONIO (CNS)—In need of to the Romans, reminded his listeners to reigniting the fire for his Catholic faith, “not be conformed by this age. But be Jeremy Martins found the flame he needed transformed by the renewal of your mind. during SEEK 2017. Our call is to live like Jesus.” “SEEK is the log I was waiting for,” said Austin Palen, a junior at Kansas State Martins, a junior at Benedictine College in University, came away with “pages and Atchison, Kan. “It has been two years since pages of notes” from the talk. a real encounter with Christ.” Kylee Mernagh, a freshman at the He told Catholic News Service (CNS) school, also appreciated how Father that the conference, sponsored on Jan. 3-7 Schmitz urged participants to “strap our by the Fellowship of Catholic University boots on” in order to live their faith in the Students, known as FOCUS, generated a new world. She attended the conference with excitement even though he previously had several of her sorority sisters from Pi Beta committed two years of his life to mission Phi. work that involved evangelizing young “It was helpful knowing we’d see people, and helping them overcome “the these people at everyday events,” she said poverty of spirit” in their lives. afterward. “Knowing when it seems that Martins was not alone. About 13,000 everyone is thinking differently, you’re people, almost exclusively young adults, not the only person with morality. You attended the biennial SEEK conference know others have similar values.” at San Antonio’s Henry B. Gonzalez Mernagh said her sorority sister Convention Center. The five-day event brainstormed about encouraging Catholic focused on the theme “What Moves You.” members from other fraternities and Young adults from the Archdiocese sororities to not be afraid of living their of Indianapolis attended the conference, faith. “If each house took one hour of Young adults pray during a Mass during the Jan. 3-7 biennial SEEK conference at San Antonio’s including students from DePauw University adoration, how cool would it be?” she Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. The event was designed to bring evangelization efforts to in Greencastle, Indiana University in said. college campuses. (CNS photo/courtesy FOCUS) Bloomington, Indiana University Purdue It’s such reactions that conference University Indianapolis and the University of organizers hoped would resonate in the campuses because the organization The lines were long for reconciliation the Indianapolis. future among the college-age participants. “counteracts the things that distract us in evening of Jan. 5 as thousands of students “I know that if they are from my Craig Miller, FOCUS president, a way that really allows Jesus to enter into took advantage of the opportunity to grow a university and attended SEEK, we can now told CNS that he hoped that the most this culture of death and change it.” bit closer to God. The experience impressed bring this experience that we have had important thing participants take from the Martins said he was struck by Sri’s Tracie Thibault, a junior from Kansas State together back to campus with us. We can conference is “the knowledge that Jesus comments about the importance of people University. talk about it and show what we learned on Christ loves them, and that they all have changing their actions to reflect their beliefs “I think the moment I knew it was worth our university campus,” Martins told CNS. a Father who loves them and will be with in an effort to overcome relativism in the all the planning and fundraising was seeing Speakers at SEEK included Father Mike them through everything. world. more than 12,000 people on their knees Schmitz, director of youth and young adult “Knowing what you are made for gives “This stuck with me because I realized at adoration,” said Thibault, who helped ministry for the Diocese of Duluth, Minn.; you purpose and knowing that you are born that although I was surrounded by coordinate the school’s three charter buses. theologian Edward Sri; Sister Bethany as son or daughter of God brings you in Catholics in Benedictine College, I found “Sitting in the back watching student after Madonna, a member of the Sisters of Life; relationship with your Creator,” he added. myself going to Mass less and less,” he student go to confession, seeing 200-plus and Sarah Swafford, founder of Emotional As a team director for FOCUS at Ave explained. “I now realize I was changing priests and knowing God’s mercy was Virtue Ministries. Maria University in Florida, Nick Smith my actions and justifying them by other present, that’s when I knew it was all Father Schmitz, echoing St. Paul’s letter described FOCUS as important to university Catholic’s actions. This conference has worth it.” † helped me realize that I really need to act the faith taking it upon myself to change, so my actions reflect my beliefs.” In another presentation, John H. Carmichael, author of Drunks and Monks, discussed the freedom of drunkenness and worldliness. “If you build your house on sand, it will wash away,” he said. “Young Marriage people, you should build it on rock. Go deep nnouncements into the heart of the Catholic Church.” A With such encouragement, SEEK Be a part of our Spring Marriage Edition participants could head back to their homes or colleges with what Miller described Feb. 24, 2017, issue of The Criterion as a strong relationship with God so that “this relationship allows us to live life at its If you are planning your wedding between Jan. 30 and July 1, or if you were fullest.” married between July 1, 2016 and Jan. 30, 2017 and did not have your Among those in attendance were more engagement announced in The Criterion, we invite you to submit the information than 200 college students from the Diocese for an announcement using the form below or electronically at of Salina, Kan. Adam Urban, a senior at Fort Hays State University in Kansas, coordinated a bus from the school. E-mailed photos “[Adoration and reconciliation] were very Photos should be saved in jpg format and be at least 500 kb. Color photos are well done,” he said. “They have great music Featured speaker Mark Hart, vice president of preferred. We recommend to have a photo where the couple’s faces are close to each to draw you into prayer and incense—they Life Team, tries to inspire an audience of young other. Please send your photo as an attachment to the following e-mail: engage all of the senses. For our group and adults on Jan. 3 during the biennial SEEK [email protected]. Subject line: Spring Marriage (Last name). In the e-mail, please myself, the adoration experience is really conference at San Antonio’s Henry B. Gonzalez include the information in the form located below. powerful.” Convention Center. (CNS photo/courtesy FOCUS) If you are unable to e-mail a photo, you may mail us a photo to scan with the bottom form. Please, no photocopied photos. If you want the photo returned, please include a return addressed envelope with a postage stamp on it. Deadline saint mary-of-the-woods, indiana All announcements and photos must be received by 10 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 10, 2017. (No announcements or photos will be accepted after this date.) Retreat for Busy Catholic Moms. — Use this form to furnish information — Clip and mail to: BRIDES, The Criterion, ATTN: Cindy Clark, 1400 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202-2367 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17 to Deadline with photos: Friday, February 10, 2017, at 10 a.m. Please print or type: 1:30 Sunday Feb. 19

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