Facilities 112 + Bleed Nov 12
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2011/12 THE NHS ESTATE IN WALES Facilities Performance Report THE NHS ESTATE IN WALES Facilities Performance Report 2011/12 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 5 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6-8 2.1 Context of the report 2.2 Facilities performance 3 THE 2011/12 FACILITIES PERFORMANCE REPORT 9-10 3.1 Health Board/Trust-wide services 3.2 Hospital-specific information 3.3 General observations on data returns 4 ANALYSIS OF HEALTH BOARD/TRUST-WIDE SERVICES DATA 11-23 4.1 Expenditure on NHS facilities services 4.2 Telecommunications 4.3 Car parking 4.4 Cleaning services 4.5 Catering services 4.6 Laundry and linen services 4.7 Security services 4.8 Portering services 4.9 Postal services 5 ANALYSIS OF MAJOR ACUTE HOSPITAL DATA 24-31 5.1 Overall analysis 5.2 Car parking 5.3 Cleaning services 5.4 Catering services 5.5 Laundry and linen services 5.6 Security services 5.7 Portering services 6 APPENDICES 33-109 Appendices I – VIII Observations on FM-related operating costs for each Health Board/Trust 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The 2011/12 Facilities Performance Report is based on annual estate data returns for the 2011/12 financial year, submitted to the on-line Estates and Facilities Performance Management System (EFPMS) by seven Health Boards and Velindre NHS Trust with respect to their healthcare premises. Due to the uniqueness of the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust estate, the system, by and large, does not include FM data relating to this Trust. The system was introduced by the Welsh Government in April 2002 and is managed by NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership - Facilities Services (NWSSP-FS). 1.2 Over a number of years the EFPMS has been evolving to enable the production of FM reports that are more useful to Health Boards/Trusts for the purpose of comparison and improvement in performance. This process of refinement has also embraced the need to provide the Welsh Government with high level data on Health Board/Trust FM performance, to inform the strategic planning process and to assist in the prioritisation and allocation of resources. The restructuring of the NHS in Wales in 2009, along with the previous merger of some Trusts in April 2008, has now allowed Health Boards/Trusts to use FM data for more coherent comparison with previous years. 1.3 This report is complemented by the Estate Condition and Performance Report 2011/12. This focuses on the five estate national performance indicators, addressing ‘Physical condition’, ‘Statutory and safety compliance’, ‘Functional suitability’, ‘Space utilisation’ and ‘Energy performance’. The report also includes a section on Environmental issues, dealing with Waste, Transport and Water usage. It should be noted that, in the main, this report is based on an analysis of the costs of carrying out the FM functions and, therefore, the performance indicators (PIs) do not take into account the quality aspects of these services and, in particular, the way they impact on the patient experience. 1.4 The format of the report is broadly the same as previous years except for catering. Following the Wales Audit Office National Report – Hospital Catering and Patient Nutrition, March 2011, the Welsh Government identified a need for a new catering cost model to be monitored through revised EFPMS catering data fields and definitions. Consultation meetings were held with representatives of each Health Board/Trust to reach agreement on the changes during the first quarter of 2012. Those meetings proved fruitful and it was jointly agreed that a new catering costed model would be implemented as part of the EFPMS, and that Health Boards and Trusts would also resubmit their 2010/11 EFPMS catering data in order that this could be benchmarked against the 2011/12 catering data. The revised EFPMS catering data definitions, in support of the new costed model, now provide for reporting on the levels of catering waste, subsidisation of non-patient catering and capturing the cost of a patient meal in place of the cost of feeding one patient per day. To allow for benchmarking, the Welsh Government collected retrospective data for 2010/11 against the revised data definitions. The Welsh Government and NWSSP-FS are currently taking forward proposals for a Catering Computerised Information System for Wales, in order to provide more accurate information in relation to standard costed recipes, menu planning, and the separation of costs between patient and non-patient catering and any contribution made to non-patient catering. Facilities Performance Report 2011/12 5 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 Context of the report This report has been compiled by NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership – Facilities Services (NWSSP-FS) and is based on the Facilities Management data returns submitted to the Estates and Facilities Performance Management System (EFPMS) by Health Boards/Trusts in Wales for 2011/12. Detailed analysis has been completed at both Health Board/Trust-wide and hospital-specific levels with specific comments on variances and anomalies. A further breakdown of individual Health Board/Trust performance is contained in Appendices I – VIII. As with previous annual reports, there are concerns regarding the accuracy, consistency and reliability of some data. Effective analysis is largely dependant on the quality of the data and NWSSP-FS is of the view that there has been an improvement again this year by some Health Boards/Trusts. NWSSP-FS have endeavoured to validate the 2011/12 data wherever anomalies have been evident. However, responsibility for the accuracy of the data submitted to the EFPMS rests ultimately with the Health Boards/Trusts that inputted the data. 2.2 Facilities performance 2.2.1 Overall Expenditure An analysis of expenditure reported for 2011/12 shows that facilities management (hotel services) costs totalled just under £168.59 million across Wales. This is a decrease of over £6.48 million on the costs reported for 2010/11 and represents almost 2.98% of the Health Boards’ income. 2.2.2 Hotel services • Telecommunications The overall expenditure on telecommunications services in 2011/12, excluding Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust costs, decreased by 2.55% from just over £12 million in 2010/11 to about £11.7 million in 2011/12. From the FM service cost perspective, there remains no clear indication of performance available for telecommunication services. • Car parking The total number of car parking spaces across all Health Boards/Trusts in 2011/12 was 35,878, an increase of 476 spaces on the figure reported for 2010/11. Of these, the total number of spaces allocated to disabled users was 2,005, an increase from 2010/11 of 99 spaces and a further increase on the figures reported since 2008/09, resulting in an improvement in the allocation in the majority of Health Boards/Trusts. The number of car parking spaces provided/100m2 of occupied floor area ranged between approximately 1.4 and 2.4 spaces for individual hospitals. Compared with the 2010/11 data, the overall average number of spaces/occupied bed available for patients/visitors increased from about 1.7 to just over 2. 6 Facilities Performance Report 2011/12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Cleaning Cleaning audit scores submitted for 103 hospitals and aggregate sites for 2011/12 ranged from as low as 70% up to 99%. Overall, Health Boards/Trusts’ average score was just under 90%, slightly less than for 2010/11. It is noted, however, that a significant number of individual sites still reported comparatively low scores that warrant urgent attention. Scores for the major acute hospitals ranged between 83% and 95%, with an average score of 91%. This is a approximately 1% less than the previous reporting period and reaffirms there has been a slight deterioration of cleaning service performance at some hospital sites. The total cost for cleaning services reported for 2011/12 was just under £56 million, an increase of almost £665,000 (1.2%) compared with 2010/11. The cost equates to almost 1% of the Health Boards/Trusts’ income and about one third of the overall facilities budget. The service was provided by approximately 2,318 whole time equivalent (WTE) staff, a decrease of about 84 WTE (-3.5%) compared with 2010/11, spending almost 4.23 million hours on cleaning activities. The cleaning cost/m2 of occupied floor area, used for comparison purposes, indicates that the all- Wales average for 2011/12 was £31.24, which is a reduction of 76p (-2.4%) on 2010/11. At Health Board/Trust level, the average costs ranged between £23.50 and £50.51. • Catering As mentioned in 1.4, following the decision to implement a new catering costed model, the EFPMS data definitions were changed 2011/12. To allow comparisons to be made with the previous reporting period the Welsh Government collated retrospective data provided by Health Boards and Trusts for 2010/11 against the revised definitions. However, it should be noted that for comparisons with cost data submitted against the previous EFPMS catering data definitions, account may need to be taken of a reduction due to the omission of ward staff costs. A total of just over £54 million was spent on catering operations (including non-patient activity) in 2011/12, a reduction of almost £0.94 million on the figure reported for 2010/11. The expenditure represents 32% of the total spent on FM services by Health Boards/Trusts and approximately 1% of their income for 2011/12. The all-Wales average ‘patient meal’ cost for 2011/12 was £3.34, which is a £0.61p (22%) increase on the figure reported for 2010/11. It should be noted that the data submitted includes some implausibly wide variations in patient meal costs, particularly between specific hospitals but also with the headline costs for each Health Board.