Job Description and Information Pack Month 2011

Job Description and Information Pack

January 2021

DIVISION OF Family and Therapies

Appointment of Full Time International Training Fellow in Neonatology Based at the Grange University Hospital, South East Wales

Job Reference: 040-MTI-Neonates-2021

Anticipated Start Date: Required for an immediate start for a period of 24 months


Dr Sue Papworth, Consultant Neonatologist and Clinical Director Tel  01633-234615 Dr Gautam Bagga, Consultant Neonatologist, Tel  01633-234615 Dr Tanoj Kollamparambil, Consultant Neonatologist, Tel  01633-234615

Links to Additional Information Aneurin Bevan Homepage Aneurin Bevan Values and Behaviours Framework Aneurin Bevan Demography Profile Medical Training/Careers in Wales Visit Wales Train Work Live

Medical Resourcing Department, Ground Floor Portacabins, Llanfrechfa Grange, Cwmbran, NP44 8YN Email  [email protected] Tel  01633623935 JOB DESCRIPTION

The Job Itself

Title: International Training Fellow in Neonatology (MTI)

Professionally accountable to: Medical Director via Clinical and Divisional Directors

Managerially accountable to: Supervising Consultant

Base: Grange University Hospital, Cwmbran, South East Wales

Other hospitals at which duties are performed: In view of the fact that the organisation is currently undertaking a review of its services and the locations at which they are undertaken, it is important to be aware that work patterns may change and the place(s) of duties modified.

The Clinical Strategy of the Health Board is under constant development and the job holder may be required to undertake different duties agreed at the time of appointment.

Purpose of the Post and General Responsibilities

The Grange University Hospital has developed the MTI (P) scheme to enable non-UK/EEA paediatricians, with MRCPCH or other postgraduate qualifications, to under-take high-quality postgraduate training in neonatology for a maximum of 24 months, before returning to work in their home countries.

Posts will be offered at a 'middle grade' level, equivalent in standard to Level 2 of the UK ST training curricula. After a period of three to six months induction at a more junior level it is expected that candidates will progress sufficiently to spend the remaining 18-21 months working at a more senior level.

MTI (P) will also provide the International Fellow with the opportunity to enhance and develop skills across a range of areas including leadership and management, developing guidelines, conducting audit and research and understanding of clinical governance whilst working in an environment where a patient-centred approach is the main focus. A number of positions for International MTI Clinical Fellows in Neonatology are available at the Grange University Hospital Cwmbran UK. Grange University Hospital is one of the three neonatal training units in Wales. The Neonatal Unit of the Grange University Hospital is a Level III NICU with 7 designated Intensive Care cots, 10 High Dependency cots and 14 Special Care Cots. The Grange University Hospital has 6500 inborn deliveries per annum. Babies of all gestation are looked after here and all levels of service including therapeutic hypothermia, HFOV and NO therapy is provided. For Neonatal Cardiology and Neonatal Surgery, we have close links with the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff where our babies are referred. We are part of the neonatal transport service for South Wales, and contribute 1/3 towards the 12 hour daily service. The unit produces annual reports regularly.

There is a dedicated 24 hour consultant cover provided by the 11 neonatal consultants and a dedicated Middle-Grade cover of 8 doctors and 8 doctors in the Tier 1 rota. We have a total strength of 105 nurses of appropriate skill mix. Ancillary services of dietician, pharmacist, physiotherapist, SALT, audiologist, chaplaincy etc. are available in-house.

Specific Responsibilities of the Post

The Fellow will participate fully in all middle grade activities and duties, including a full shift which is EWT compliant. There will be full mentorship and guidance from his/her educational supervisor and clinical supervisors. Progress during this will be monitored by workplace based assessments including multisource feedback plus a letter writing instrument. There will be monitoring of progress and development in line with the agreed learning plan. The doctor will be encouraged to develop their portfolio in line with Royal College guidelines.

Further details of the application process and the selection method, please go the RCPCH website http://www.r


Provisional Weekly Work Timetable

Weekday Morning Lunchtime Afternoon Monday NICU W/Round (Cons) U/S Meeting NICU FU clinic Tuesday NICU W/Round (Cons) Teaching NICU FU Clinic/Murmur Clinic Wednesday Grand Rounds X Ray Meeting Audit/Admin* Thursday NICU W/Round (Cons) Protocol Discussion/Journal Club Audit/Admin* Friday NICU W/Round (Cons) Postnatal ward meeting NICU FU Clinic

*Audit and Administration time will be taken flexibly but will be available

The daily routine of the unit

1. The intensive care ward rounds start at 9:00 am 2. The Middle grade-Junior tier form 2 teams – the intensive care team and the HD/SC team. The intensive care team attend the ITU round and the HD/SC split and do the preparatory round for Nursery 1 and Nursery 2. They join the ITU round when the preparatory round is over. 3. The ITU rounds are presented by the night shift team – 2 of the most complicated cases are presented by the Middle grade and the rest by the junior tier doctor. The Night Shift team leaves at 10:00 am. 4. The ITU team leave the rounds after the ITU rounds and carry on with the jobs in the ITU. 5. The HDU/SC team then present the Nursery 1 and 2 babies

Rota Template:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Week 1 Long day Long day Ward work Off Night Night Night Week 2 Off Off Off Long day Long day Long day Long day Week 3 Off Ward work Ward work Ward work Ward work Off Off Week 4 Off Ward work Ward work Ward work Ward work Off Off Week 5 Ward work Night Night Night Off Off Off Week 6 Ward work Ward work Ward work Ward work Off Off Off

Teaching and Training Facilities

The training and teaching available to the doctor is detailed below, but the individual can choose specific areas of interest or need and develop them further.

Neonatal Resuscitation:

We will be able to provide the full range of opportunities for training in Neonatal Resuscitation and this will include:

In house training:

1. Experience will be available to develop leadership skills in resuscitation situations 2. Simulation scenarios are regularly conducted by experienced simulator trainers 3. Experience will be available for attending technically difficult resuscitation situations 4. Support will be provided to take decisions in ethically difficult resuscitation conditions

All difficult and ethically challenging resuscitation situations that the doctor has attended will be critically appraised and feedback given for learning purposes.

Outside Training:

The doctor will be expected to be Neonatal Life Support (NLS) (Resuscitation Council of UK) accredited.


Respiratory care and mechanical ventilation:

In house training:

We use the Drager Babylog VN500/800 as the standard ventilator both for conventional and high frequency ventilation. We also use the Infant Flow System (EME) for Nasal CPAP and the Infant Flow Advance System (EME) for nasal Bi Level Synchronised CPAP (BiPAP).

We would be able to provide extensive experience and a high quality training in the use of various modes of ventilation including, Assist Control (AC), Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV) with Volume Guarantee (VG) and High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) on the Drager VN500/800 and nasal CPAP, nasal BiPAP, HHFNC and the use of nitric oxide (NO).

The doctor would be able to learn and appreciate complex lung physiology and mechanics and we would be able to provide training to develop an understanding into ventilation under different clinical conditions, example severe RDS, air-leak syndromes, pulmonary hypertension, BPD etc.

Outside training

The doctor would be encouraged to attend the highly popular Wales Neonatal Ventilation course that is conducted annually.

Neonatal Neurology

In house Training We would be able to teach and train to perform a structured neurological assessment on newborn babies, and train in the initial and ongoing management of babies with seizures and encephalopathies.

Training in detailed neurological and developmental assessment can be obtained in regular Neonatal Follow up Clinics in Outpatients.

Cranial Ultrasound We would be able to provide in-depth training on all aspects of neonatal cranial US examinations. We organise weekly reviews of cranial U/S where the recordings are played and critically appraised. A consultant radiologist with special interest in paediatric radiology is available to discuss difficult scans.

Whole body cooling We have the latest servo-controlled cooling equipment (Inspiration, Tecotherm Neo) that we use to provide whole body hypothermia to babies with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). We cool approximately 25 babies annually.

Cerebral function monitor We have cerebral function monitors for recording and displaying amplitude integrated EEG and training in this will be provided and the opportunity will be available to use this modality in selected cases. The doctor will have the opportunity to see the use of and discuss and interpret conventional EEG and cranial CT scanning as and when they happen.

Neurodevelopmental assessment We run regular clinics for follow up for all at risk babies, and offer a Bayley’s Neurodevelopment Assessment to a select group. Approximately 70 babies are assessed by this tool. The interested doctor could be formally trained and supervised and finally gain expertise in this assessment.

Outside Training The doctor will be encouraged to attend a structured cranial ultrasound course. The interested candidate would be encouraged to learn the Bayley’s Neurodevelopmental Assessment.

Neonatal Cardiology

In House Training During the course of employment, the doctor will be able to develop an insight into neonatal cardiovascular physiology, particularly on the change over from foetal to neonatal circulation, blood pressure homeostasis, the arterial duct and the pharmacological means of its closure.


Echocardiography The doctor will be given opportunities to develop echocardiography skills in second year if interested. By the end of the training, it is anticipated that the doctor will be able to perform a competent basic neonatal echo and be able to image and interpret common congenital heart conditions.

The doctor will have the opportunity to attend a Neonatal Murmur Clinic fortnightly and also be able to attend (with arrangement) Paediatric Cardiology Clinics led by visiting consultant paediatric cardiologists. These clinics are held at least 3 times a month.

Outside Training The doctor would be encouraged to attend a structured Neonatal Echocardiography course if interested.

Fluid Balance, thermoregulation and renal failure

The doctor will have the opportunity to develop skills to be able to initiate and manage the thermal environment of sick preterm new-borns and manage fluid balance in such babies.

Infection and Immunity

By the end of 6 months, the doctor will have a clear idea about perinatal risk factors for infection and the preventative measures needed.

He/she will also develop capabilities to independently assess, instigate investigations and manage trans-placental infections, early onset sepsis, late onset sepsis and fungal sepsis. He/she will develop a clear understanding of the organisms involved in specific circumstances and the empirical treatment to be instituted.

Gastroenterology and Infant Feeding

The doctor would be expected to develop a thorough understanding of the importance of breast-feeding and able to discuss this with parents. He/she would also be able to develop an understanding of the various other types of infant formulas and feed additives. We have an established total parenteral nutrition (TPN) policy and programme and an understanding into this can be gained by discussion with the consultants and the Pharmacist. Opportunities will be available to diagnose and medically manage babies with necrotising enterocolitis and other acute gut conditions.

Haematology and Transfusion

During the course of appointment, the doctor can expect to be involved in the diagnosis and management of a range of haematological conditions including polycythemia, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia and disordered coagulation including DIC.

He/she would be able to develop a full understanding of blood products available, the indications and contraindications, and be able to use them effectively. He/she will develop the skill to liaise appropriately with the haematology team when indicated.

Metabolic and Endocrine disorders

Opportunity to manage and treat common metabolic disorders like hypoglycaemia, electrolyte disturbances and jaundice will be freely available.

More complex conditions like inborn errors of metabolism and disturbance in adrenal function, ambiguous genitalia etc. is dealt with in consultation with a Consultant Paediatrician with special interest in Paediatric Endocrinology. Opportunities may arise to deal with such cases.


Congenital Abnormalities and Dysmorphology

During the course of the contract, the doctor would be able to recognise common syndromes, will be able to obtain a genetic history and undertake appropriate investigations and be able to plan diagnostic and clinical management of such babies with a multidisciplinary team. He/she will be able to query web based genetic databases for uncommon conditions.

Opportunities for observing counselling of parents of babies with genetic abnormalities (and later conducting under supervision) will be available.


In House Training We will be able to provide full training and support in all aspects of newborn transport if the doctor is interested. We are a part of the neonatal network that provided newborn transport across Wales and the interested candidate will be given extensive training and may gain experience in this during the course of his/her stay here.

Outside Training Regular courses and study days are held on transport related matters and the doctor will be encouraged to attend these.

Family care and care of the well newborn baby

The doctor will be made to develop a wide knowledge of common minor problems and morphological variations in normal newborn babies. He/she will be able to manage common neonatal problems like hip dysplasia and jaundice and be able to discuss the role of neonatal screening (PKU, thyroid, hearing) with parents.

He/she will learn about legal procedures in child protection, social services, fostering and adoption.

Counselling and Communication

In House Training

During the course of his/her placement the doctor will develop increasing skills in communication with parents and staff, both individually and as part of a team.

Ample opportunities will arise where the doctor observes consultants counsel parents on a range of issues. Within a 6 months period it is anticipated that the doctor will be confident in "breaking bad news", discussing perinatal death and poor prognosis with parents

We have a special programme of teaching counselling in a simulated environment which most trainees find very useful.

Outside Training

Attendance to a structured counselling course will be encouraged.

Neonatal Radiology

A Consultant Radiologist with special interest in Paediatric Radiology is available to discuss all x-rays and ultrasound examinations and the doctor will be encouraged to make the best use of this facility. A weekly multidisciplinary radiology meeting is held where all x rays are discussed.

Neonatal Pharmacology

The doctor will learn about drug pharmacokinetics in term and preterm infants, drug toxicity and interactions, influence of maternal medication on fetal outcome, antibiotic use, use of analgesia and sedation, maternal drug abuse and the effect on the infant and the influence of maternal medication on breast-feeding.

We have a team of dedicated neonatal pharmacologists in attendance and the doctor will be expected to liaise with them for discussion, clarification and advice.


Technological Skills

In house training will be provided in the handling of mechanical and electric functions of complex medical equipment like incubators (Drager Caleo, Air-Shields Hill-Rom Isolette C2000), transport incubators (Drager Transport Incubator (Isolette TI500) and Acutronic Fabian transport ventilator), ventilators (Drager Babylog VN500/800, Infant Flow System (EME) and the Infant Flow Advance System (EME)), pulse oximeters, humidifiers, monitoring systems (Hewlett Packard – Viridia CMS2000 multi-channel monitor, Philips M3046A M3), Nitric Oxide system (Inovent), Mindray monitors, infusion pumps (IVAC, Alaris/Asena, Grasby syringe drivers) and blood gas analyser (Rapidpoint 405, Bayer).

Facilities are available for improving IT skills by attending dedicated IT courses on MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint, MS Access run by the IT Department of the Trust.

All newborn clinical details are entered on the BadgerNet neonatal system which is used nation-wide and data from this can be extensively queried. The annual report of the unit is prepared from this.

The unit has been a member of the Vermont Oxford Network, which is a nonprofit voluntary collaboration of health care professionals working together as an interdisciplinary community to change the landscape of neonatal care. Founded in 1988, VON is now comprised of teams of health professionals representing neonatal intensive care units and level I and II care centers around the world, in support of the mission to improve the quality and safety of medical care for newborn infants and their families through a coordinated program of research, education, and quality improvement projects.

Management Skills

The doctor will gain experience in Ward management skills including bed management, liaising with other departments, hospitals and organisations (e.g. Social Services) and the organisation of junior tier and middle-tier rotas, annual and study leave.

Experience will also be gained in data collection and capture of regional and local statistics for the purposes of Annual Reports.

The doctor will be expected to attend the monthly business meeting and will gain experience in the conduct and outcome of meetings in a formal setting.

Experience in Risk Management (including Critical Incident Reporting) and Clinical Governance will be gained through monthly risk management meetings.

Academic Skills


There will be ample opportunities for improving and refining teaching skills during this period. Teaching of Medical Students, junior-tier doctors and Nurses and regular case presentations, Journal Club discussions are a prominent feature in this unit. Feedback will be provided on these activities.

The NICU has a very active teaching and training programme, in which the doctor will be expected to participate in: The weekly teaching schedule is as follows:

Monday 12:30-14:00 Cranial Ultrasound and cardiac echo meeting Tuesday 12:30-14:00 SHO Teaching Wednesday 11:00-12:30 Neonatal Grand Rounds 12:30-13:00 Neonatal X ray Meeting 13:00-14:00 Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality meeting (every 3rd Wednesday) Thursday 12:30-14:00 Neonatal Protocol discussion/Journal Club/Audit Friday 12:30-13:30 Post Natal Ward/Transitional Care ward Meeting



The post holder will be encouraged to actively join in any ongoing research projects and support will be available for independent research projects that the doctor wishes to undertake.

They will also be encouraged to undertake structured courses on research methodology and medical statistics.

Audit and Quality Improvement

Ongoing Clinical Audit plays a very important role in this unit. Every the doctor will be encouraged and supported to take part in a major audit which will be presentable at a Regional or National level. The has been on the forefront of making quality presentations and studies to regional and national meetings and participation in this activity would be considered an integral part of the tenure.


The post holder will have a named consultant as his/her educational supervisor and will be expected to participate in a formal annual professional appraisal.

The post holder has a general duty of care for their own health, safety and wellbeing and that of work colleagues, visitors and patients within the hospital. This statutory duty is in addition to any specific risk management or clinical governance accountabilities associated with the post.

Finally, the post holder is expected to: Observe the rules, policies, procedures and standards of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board together with all relevant statutory and professional obligations Observe and maintain strict confidentiality of personal information relating to patients and staff Be responsible, with management support, for their own personal development and to actively contribute to the development of colleagues


This job description will be regularly reviewed. It is intended as a guide to the general scope of duties and is not intended to be definitive or restrictive. It is expected that some of the duties will change over time and this description will be subject to review in consultation with the post holder.


Person Specification (Alternative)

Key: A ....Application form International Training Fellow in Neonatology HS .Pre employment check and health screening I .....Interview P ....Portfolio Job Reference: 040-MTI-Neonates-2021 C ....Other documented evidence e.g. certificate, exam R ....References

Entry Criteria Essential Desirable Assess Score by 0 not met 1 part met 2 average 3 good 4 excellent Qualifications MBBS or equivalent primary medical qualification recognised by A the General Medical Council. Full MRCPCH (by examination) OR a suitable postgraduate (MD Paediatrics) qualification deemed equivalent in standing Eligibility Eligible for full registration with the GMC and holding a licence to A, HS practice at time of appointment.

Evidence of achievement of Foundation competencies by time of appointment in line with GMC standards in Good Medical Practice including:  good clinical care  maintaining good medical practice  good relationships and communication with patients  good working relationships with colleagues  good teaching and training  professional behaviour and probity  delivery of good acute clinical care

Achievement of competences commensurate with those outlined in the Paediatric Curriculum for Level 1 training by the time of application4

Eligibility to apply for UK entry clearance under Tier 5 of UK Immigration Regulations

An employment history showing engagement in medical practice for at least 365 out of the last 60 months including the most recent 12 months (at time of appointment).

Fitness To Applicant’s knowledge is up to date and fit to practise safely. A, R, HS Practise

Entry Criteria Essential Desirable Assess Score by 0 not met 1 part met 2 average 3 good 4 excellent Language Skills All applicants to have demonstrable skills in written and spoken A English that are adequate to enable effective communication about medical topics with patients and colleagues, which could be demonstrated by one of the following:  Achievement of the Academic international English Language Testing System (IELTS) o Overall 7.5 o Speaking 7 o Listening 7 o Reading 7 o Writing 7

 Alternatively OET o Pass the Occupational English Test (OET) Medicine test with a minimum grade of ‘B’ in each testing area

The minimum scores must be attained in one sitting, and they must be obtained in your most recent sitting. The test is valid for 2 years only from the date it was taken. Candidates must hold a valid IELTS/OET certificate at the point of application and any subsequent registration with the GMC

Health Meets professional health requirements (in line with GMC A, P, HS standards in Good Medical Practice)

Application ALL sections of application form FULLY completed A Completion Clinical skills Clinical Knowledge & Shows aptitude for A, P, C, I, Expertise: practical skills, e.g. R • Capacity to apply sound clinical knowledge & judgement. hand-eye Potential to develop excellent diagnostic skills coordination, • Successful completion of an advanced paediatric life support dexterity course ALS instructors Acute care safe, including out of hours experience relevant to the certificate job.

Relevant specialty clinical knowledge: capacity to apply sound Specialty exam clinical knowledge relevant to the job.

Clinical judgement: experience in making clinical decisions and managing risk. Knows when to seek help, able to prioritise clinical need.

Practical skills: shows aptitude for practical skills, required in the job.

Proven ability to work effectively in different clinical settings required in the job.


Entry Criteria Essential Desirable Assess Score by 0 not met 1 part met 2 average 3 good 4 excellent Career Ability to provide a complete employment history A, R, I Progression Evidence of career progression

Evidence that present achievement and performance is commensurate with totality of period of training: At least 36 months’ clinical training in paediatrics (including general paediatrics, neonatology, paediatric sub-specialties and no more than 6 months of a non-paediatric speciality during this 36 month period)

Clinical Skills Capacity to apply sound clinical knowledge & judgement. Shows aptitude for A, R, I Potential to develop excellent diagnostic skills practical skills, e.g. hand-eye Successful completion of an advanced paediatric life support coordination, Course dexterity

Academic / Demonstrates understanding of importance of audit, risk Evidence of relevant A, I Research Skills management & research. academic & research achievements, e.g. Potential to contribute to development in paediatrics degrees, prizes, awards, distinctions, publications, presentations, other achievements

Evidence of active participation in audit and/or risk management

Evidence of interest and experience in teaching

Commitment to Clinical governance: Capacity to be alert to dangers or problems. A, I clinical Demonstrates awareness of good decision making. Aware of own governance/ limitations. Track record of engaging in clinical governance: improving reporting errors, learning from errors. quality of patient care Audit: evidence of active participation in audit.


Entry Criteria Essential Desirable Assess Score by 0 not met 1 part met 2 average 3 good 4 excellent Communi- Effective communication skills: demonstrates clarity in 360 feedback A,I, P cation skills written/spoken communication and capacity to adapt language as appropriate to the situation. Patient survey feedback and Empathy and sensitivity: capacity to listen and take in others’ reflections perspectives. Ability to speak Welsh Works in partnership with patients: always considers patients or willingness to learn preferences when discussing treatment options.

Always considers the full impact of clinical decisions on the patients, Practice shared decision making.

Directs and supports patients to access the information they need to support decision making.

Personal skills Team working: demonstrated experience working in a team, Leadership skills: A, I, R values the input of other professionals in the team. experience in leadership Managing others & team involvement: capacity to work co- operatively with others and demonstrate leadership when Demonstrates skills appropriate. Capacity to work effectively in multi-professional needed for effective teams. delegation within the team: 360 feedback Coping with pressure: capacity to operate under pressure. Demonstrates initiative and resilience to cope with setbacks & Valid driving adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. license/ability to travel between sites Problem solving & decision making: capacity to use logical/lateral thinking to solve problems & make decisions.

Organisation & planning: capacity to organise oneself and prioritise own work. Demonstrates punctuality, preparation and self-discipline. Understands importance of information technology.

Flexible approach to work: able to adapt and work with employers to deliver improved patient care.

Equality and diversity: promotes equality and values diversity.

Understands, respects and demonstrates the organisation’s Core Values and Behaviours (e.g. Patient first; Personal responsibility; Passion for improvement; Pride in what we do).

Probity Professional integrity and respect for others: capacity to take A, I ,R responsibility for own actions and demonstrate a non-judgmental approach towards others. Displays honesty, integrity, awareness of confidentiality and ethical issues.

Understands importance of advocacy, children’s rights, safety, confidentiality & consent


Entry Criteria Essential Desirable Assess Score by 0 not met 1 part met 2 average 3 good 4 excellent Commitment to Learning and personal development: demonstrates interest in A, I, P ongoing the specialty required for the job. Demonstrates a commitment professional to maintaining professional skills and knowledge relevant to the development job.

Demonstrates a willingness to fully engage in appraisal. Self- awareness and ability to accept and learn from feedback.

Understanding & awareness of particular requirements & demands of working with children & their parents. Demonstrates reflective approach to practice & commitment to personal development

Extracurricular activities / achievements relevant to paediatrics

Ability to provide a complete employment history

Evidence of career progression

Evidence that present achievement and performance is commensurate with totality of period of training: At least 36 months’ clinical training in paediatrics (including general paediatrics, neonatology, paediatric sub-specialties and no more than 6 months of a non-paediatric speciality during this 36 month period)


The Specialty

Senior and Consultant Staff Members

Dr Sue Papworth ...... Consultant Neonatologist and Clinical Director with special interest in foetal medicine and acute resuscitation Dr Anneli Allman ...... Consultant Neonatologist with special interest in neurodevelopmental follow-up Dr Sunil Reddy ...... Consultant Neonatologist, with special interest in cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, Neonatal transport lead for South Wales Dr Gautam Bagga ...... Consultant Neonatologist with special interest in Nutrition and chronic respiratory disorders Dr Anitha James ...... Consultant Neonatologist, with special interest in acute neurology and cranial ultrasound Dr Vaishali Patel ...... Consultant Neonatologist, with special interest in low dependency care

Dr Rajarajan Kannapiran ...... Consultant Neonatologist, with special interest in nutrition and growth

Dr Cheun Poon ...... Consultant Neonatologist, with special interest in cardiology

Dr Murali Natti ...... Consultant Neonatologist, with special interest in neonatal infections

Dr Tanoj Kollamparambil ...... Consultant Neonatologist with special interest in cardiovascular disorders, MTI champion for South Wales Dr Sarmistha Maity ...... Consultant Neonatologist with special interest in neurodevelopmental disorders Dr Aftab Murtaza...... Associate Specialist, with a special interest in antenatally diagnosed renal problems

Senior Nurse Manager Clare Payne

Neonatal Pharmacist Jayne Eller

Neonatal Physiotherapist Debbie Paris

Neonatal Dietician Nicky Marmont

The consultants provide continuous on site cover of the NICU during office hours during a “service week”. They provide 24 hours off-site cover and are available at short notice. In addition, 4 consultants provide on the site night cover in addition to their day-time duties.

In non-service weeks the neonatal consultants between them provide Neonatal follow-up Clinics and specialty clinics including Murmur clinics and Bayley’s Developmental Clinics on Monday, Tuesday and Friday afternoons at the Serennau Hospital and on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Nevill Hall Hospital and on Tuesday mornings at and afternoons at . They also provide cover for the labour wards, post-natal wards and transport during the non-service weeks.

In addition all the above Consultants attend the weekly Grand Round each Wednesday at 11:00am after the Registrar Ward Round

Consultants also attend and lead the teaching programmes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.