Bishop Bryant Holloway

As traced through his Chief Robert E. Wilson

Table of Contents

The Most Reverend Michael Rivers Milner, Jr...... 3 Anglican Succession ...... 4 Table One ...... 4 Table Two ...... 6 Metropolitan - of Albania ...... 7 Armenian Catholicate-Patriarchate of Cilicia ...... 8 Patriarchate of Moscow ...... 9 Greek Melkite Fatriarchate of Antioch ...... 10 Catholicate/Patriarchate of Assyria...... 11 Chaldean Patriarchate of Babylon at Baghdad ...... 12 Syrian “Jacobite” Patriarchate of ...... 13 Order for Corporate Reunion ...... 14 Old Succession ...... 15 The Most Reverend Owen J. Augustine ...... 17 Antioch Orthodox Succession...... 18 Western Development of the Antioch Orthodox Succession ...... 20 The Most Reverend George Theckedath ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Metropolitan - Archbishops of Albania ...... 22 The Most Reverend Stephen Pfleiderer ...... 24 Archbishops of ...... 25 Additional Lines...... 26 ADDITIONAL LINES ...... 27 The Most Reverend R. Augustine Sicard ...... 28 Roman Petrine Succession ...... 29 Line #1: The Church of Brazil ...... 29 Line #2 (part 1): Syrian Malabar (Jacobite) - Orthodox Church of Antioch ...... 30 Line #3 (part 1): Holy Russian Orthodox Synod ...... 31 Line #3 (part 2): Holy Russian Orthodox Synod ...... 32 Line #4: Uniate Orthodox Catholic Lines ...... 33 Line #5 (part 1): Roman Petrine Succession...... 34 Line #5 (part 2): Roman Petrine Succession...... 35 Line #6: The Anglican-Catholic Succession...... 36 The Most Reverend Herron Sam...... 37 The Most Reverend Phillip F. Lisuzzo ...... 40 The Antiochian Orthodox Western Rite ...... 41 The Most Reverend Ivo Verbeek ...... 42 ADDITIONAL LINES ...... 43 APOSTOLISCHE SUCCESSIE ...... 45 Hebt gij een Apostolische Successie? ...... 46

Page 2 of 50

The Bryant Holloway as traced through his Chief Consecrator Archbishop Robert E. Wilson

The Bishop Robert E. Wilson’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator Archbishop Russell McClanahan’s Line of Succession

Archbishop Michael D. Owens’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator Archbishop Michael D. Owen

Archbishop Michael D. Owen’s Apostolic Succession as traced through The Most Reverend Michael Rivers Milner, Jr.

Page 3 of 50 Anglican Succession Table One Marco-Antonio Dominis Roman Catholic Archbishop of Spaiato and of Dalmatia, on the 14th of December, 1617, consecrated George Monteigne who on the 18th of November, 1621, consecrated Church of , , who on the 16th of June, 1658, consecrated who on the 18th of October, 1660, consecrated who on the 6th of December, 1674, consecrated who on the 27th of January, 1677, consecrated William Sancraft , Archbishop of Canterbury, who on the 25th of October, 1685, consecrated Thomas White who on the 24th of February 1712, consecrated George Hickes who on the 24th February 1712, consecrated James Gadderar who on the 4th of June 1727, consecrated Thomas Rattray who on the 10th of September 1753, consecrated William Falconar who on the 21st of September 1768, consecrated Rober Kilgour nonjuring Bishop of . who on the 14th of November 1784, consecrated Protestant Episcopal Church, Bishop of Connecticut, who on the 17th of September 1792, consecrated Protestant Episcopal Church, Bishop of Maryland, who on the 7th of May 1797, consecrated Protestant Episcopal Church, Bishop of , who on the lath of October 1797, consecrated Protestant Episcopal Church, Bishop of Connecticut, who on the 29th of May 1811, consecrated A.V. Criswold Protestant Episcopal Church, Bishop of the Eastern who on the 31st of October 1852, consecrated John Denny Hopkins Protestant Episcopal Church, Bishop of Vermont who on November 1866 consecrated C.D. Cummins Protestant Episcopal Church, Assistant Bishop of Kentucky, who on the 14th of December 1875, consecrated Charles Edward Cherry Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church, who on the 24th of February 1875 consecrated

Page 4 of 50 William Rufus Nicholson who on the 22nd of June. 1879, consecrated Alfred Spencer Richardson who on the 4th of May 1890 consecrated Leon Chechemain who on the 2nd of November 1897, consecrated Andrew Charles Albeit McLaglen who on the 4th of June 1922 consecrated Herbert James Monzani-Herd who on the 13th of June 1945, consecrated William Bernard Crow who on the 10th of April 1944, consecrated Hugh George de Willmott Newman who on the 2nd, of January 1927, consecrated Wallace Davis de Ortega Maxey Bishop in The Apostolic Episcopal Church, who on the 7th of April 1957, consecrated Lowell P. Wadle Bishop in the Apostolic who on the 22nd of June 1957, consecrated Adrian Spruit Archbishop of the Church of Antioch, who on the 23rd of April 1989, consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of The International Free Catholic who on the 28th of July 1991, consecrated Michael Rivers Milner Jr. Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 26th of February 1995, consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

Page 5 of 50 Table Two J. Moore The 86th Archbishop of Canterbury who on the 4th of February 1787 consecrated William White The 2nd Bishop of The Protestant Episcopal Church who on the 25th of October 1827 consecrated Herny Ustick Onderdonk The 21st Bishop of The Protestant Episcopal Church who on the 7th of July 1836 consecrated Allan Earl McCroskey The 32nd Bishop of The Protestant Episcopal Church who on the 8th of September 1875 consecrated William Eart McClaren The Bishop of Chicago of The Protestant Episcopal Church who on the 24th of June 1898 consecrated William Montgomery Brown the 186th Bishop of The Protestant Episcopal Church was consecrated as the of Arkansas and later became a bishop in The in America who on the 2nd of January 1927 consecrated William Davis de Ortega Maxey Bishop in The Apostolic Episcopal Church who on the 23rd of August 1945 consecrated Lowell P. Wadle Bishop in the Apostolic Catholic Church who on the 22nd of June 1957 consecrated Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of April 1989 consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of July 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner Jr. Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 26th of February 1995 consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

Page 6 of 50 Metropolitan - Archbishops of Albania

Theofanies Fan Stylanian Noli Archbishop of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese in America who on the 10th of February 1954 consecrated Christopher Contogeorge who in 1954 consecrated John S. Kedrovsky who consecrated Joseph Klimovicz who on the 15th of October 1950 consecrated Peter A. Zurawetsky who on the 1st of July 1961 consecrated Robert Schulyer Zeiger who on the 10th of February consecrated Francis It. Roebke who on the 15th of June 1971 consecrated Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of April 1989 consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of July 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner Jr. Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 26th of February 1995 consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October, 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrate Bryant Holloway

Page 7 of 50 Armenian Catholicate-Patriarchate of Cilicia ~Catholic Uniate~

Anton Petros IX of the and Archbishop of Malatia who on the 7th of April 1861 consecrated Leon Chorchorunian who on the 23rd of Apri1 1879 consecrated Leon Chechemain who on the 2nd of November 1897 consecrated Andrew Charles Albeit McLaglen who on the 4th of June 1922 consecrated Herbert James Monzani-Herd who on the 15th of June 1943 consecrated William Bernard Crow who on the 10th of April 1944 consecrated Hugh George de Willmott Newman who on the 2nd of January 1927 consecrated William David de Ortega Maxey Bishop in The Apostolic Episcopal Church who on the 7th of April 1957 consecrated Lowell P. Wadle Bishop in the Apostolic Catholic Church who on the 22nd of June 1957 consecrated Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of Apr11 1989 consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of July 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner, Jr. Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 26th of February 1995 consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October, 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

Page 8 of 50 Patriarchate of Moscow

Archbishop Nikon who in 1884 consecrated Michael Neveskij Makarij of Moscow who on the 4th of January 1904 consecrated Abdullah (Aftimios) Ofiesh Archbishop of Brooklyn for the Syrian Vicariate who an the 27th of September 1932 consecrated Ignatius William Albert Nichols of the American Orthodox Church who on the 10th of April, 1940, consecrated Frank Dyer who on the 16th of March 1947 consecrated Matthew Nicholas Nelson Mar Matthew of Hawaii who on the 21st of July 1947 consecrated Lowell Wadle who on the 22nd of June 1957 consecrated Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop-Patriarch of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of April 1989 consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of July 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner, Jr. Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion who on the 26th of February 1995, consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

Page 9 of 50 Greek Melkite Fatriarchate of Antioch ~Melkite Uniate~

Krillus VII (Cyrille VIII) Greek Nelkite who on the 5th of February 1905 consecrated Athanasios Sawoya Metropolitan Archbishop of Beirut who on the 9th of October 1911 consecrated Antoine Joseph Aneed Melkite for the who on the 10th of September 1944 consecrated Lowell Paul Wadle who on the 22nd of June 1957 consecrated Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop - Patriarch of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of April 1989 consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of duly 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner, Jr. Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion on the 26th of February 1995 consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October 1995 consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

Page 10 of 50 Catholicate/Patriarchate of Assyria (The East)

Moran Mar Rowel Shimun XVIII who on the 17th of December 1862 consecrated Anthony Thondatta - Mar Abed Ishu Metropolitan of India who on the 24th of July 1899 consecrated Luis Mariano Soares - Mar Basilius who on the 30th of November 1902 consecrated Uric Vernon Hereford - Mar Jacobus Bishop of Nercia who on the 28th of February 1925 consecrated McBean-Knight Bishop of Kent who on the lath of October 1951 consecrated Hedley Coward Bartlett Bishop of Siluria who on the 20th of Nay 1945 consecrated Hugh George de Willmott Newman who on the 2nd of January 1927 consecrated William David de Ortega Maxey who on the 7th of April 1957 consecrated Lowell Paul Wadle who on the 22nd of June 1957 consecrated Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop - Patriarch of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of April 1989, consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of July 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner, Jr. Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October, 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

Page 11 of 50 Chaldean Patriarchate of Babylon at Baghdad ~Chaldean Uniate~

Yusip ‘Ummanu’il II (Maran Yosef Emanuel II) Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Babylon who on the 27th of May 1917 consecrated Antoine Lefberne who on the 4th of May 1925 consecrated Arthur Wolfort Brooks who on the 16th of August 1934 consecrated Charles William Keller who on the 29th of April 1947 consecrated Hugh George de Willmott Newman, who on the 2nd of January 1927 consecrated William David de Ortega Maxey who on the 7th of April 1957 consecrated Lowell F. Wadle Bishop in the Apostolic Catholic Church who on the 22nd of June 1957 consecrated Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of April 1989 consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of July 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner Jr. Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 26th of February 1995 consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

Page 12 of 50 Syrian “Jacobite” Patriarchate of Antioch

Boutros Ibn Salmo Mesko-Mar Ignatius Peter III (IV) future Syrian Jacobite Patriarch of Antioch and the East who on the 4th of December 1876 consecrated Kadril Kooran-Mar Paul Athanasius Bishop of Kattayan and Metropolitan of Malabar who on the 28th of July 1879 consecrated Antonio Alvarez - (Mar Julius I) Archbishop of the Catholic Church of Ceylon, Goa and India who on the 29th of May 1892 consecrated Joseph Rene Vilatte Archbishop of North America who on the 29th of December 1915 consecrated Frederick Ebeneezer John Lloyd Bishop of the American Catholic Church who on the 1st of July 1923 consecrated Samuel Lines American Catholic Bishop of the Pacific who on the 21st of December 1927 consecrated Justin A. Boyce (Robert Raleigh) who on the 27th of June 1965 consecrated Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop-Patriarch of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of April 1989 consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of July 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner, Jr. Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion who on the 26th of February 1995 consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

Page 13 of 50 Order for Corporate Reunion

Frederick George Lee who on the 6th of March 1879 consecrated Charles Isaac Stevens who on the 2nd of November 1897 consecrated Leon Chechemain who on the 2nd of November 1897 consecrated Andrew Charles Albeit McLaglen who on the 4th of June 1922 consecrated Herbert James Monzani-Herd who on the 15th of June 1945 consecrated William Bernard Crow who on the 10th of April 1944 consecrated Hugh George de Willmott Newman who on the 2nd. of January 1927, consecrated Wallace Davis de Ortega Maxey Bishop in The Apostolic Episcopal Church who on the 7th of April 1957 consecrated Lowell P. Wadle Bishop in the Apostolic Catholic Church who on the 22nd of June 1957 consecrated Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of April 1989 consecrated Timothy Michael Batter Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of July 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner, Jr. Bishop of The International Free Catholic Communion who on the 26th of February 1995 consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010, consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

Page 14 of 50 Old Catholic Succession

Antonio Cardinal Barberini future Roman Catholic Archbishop of Rheims who on the 12th of November 1668 consecrated Michael Letellier Roman Catholic Bishop of Mieux who on the 21st of September 1670 consecrated Jaques Goyon De Matigon who on the 18th of February 1719 consecrated Dominicus Marie Varlet former Roman Catholic Bishop of Babylon who on the 17th of October 1765 consecrated Petrus Johannes Miandaerts Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht who on the 11th of July 1745 consecrated Johannes Van Stiphout Old Catholic Bishop of Haaren who on the 7th of February 1768 consecrated Gualterus Michael Van Neiuwenhuizen Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht who on the 21st of June 1778 consecrated Adrianus Johannes Broekmen Old Catholic Bishop of Haaren who on the 5th of July 1797 consecrated Johannes Jacobus Van Rhijn Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht who on the 7th of November 1805 consecrated Gilbert Vornelius De Jong Old Catholic Bishop of Deventer who on the 24th of April 1814 consecrated Willibord Van Os Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht who on the 17th of July 1854 consecrated Johannes Bon Old Catholic Bishop of who on the 15th of November 1824 consecrated Johannes Van Santen Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht who on the 17th of July 1854 consecrated Hermanus Heykamp Old Catholic Bishop of Deventer who on the 11th of August 1875 consecrated Casparus Johannes Rinkel Old Catholic Bishop of Haarlem who on the 11th of May 1892 consecrated Gerard Gul Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht who on the 28th of April 1908 consecrated Arnold Harris Mathew Old Catholic Bishop for Great Britain who on the 28th of October 1914 consecrated Frederick Samuel Willoughby Bishop of Panca who on the 13th of February 1916 consecrated James Ingall Wedgwood Liberal Catholic Presiding Bishop who on the 15th of September 1919 consecrated Irving Steiger Cooper Liberal Catholic Regionary Bishop for the United States who on the 22nd of June 1957 consecrated Charles H. Hampton Liberal Catholic Regionary Bishop for the United States who on the 2nd of December 2007 consecrated

Page 15 of 50 Herman Adrian Spruit Archbishop-Patriarch of the Church of Antioch who on the 23rd of April 1989 consecrated Timothy Michael Barker Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion who on the 28th of July 1991 consecrated Michael Rivers Milner, Jr. Bishop of the International Free Catholic Communion who on the 26th of February 1995 consecrated Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October 1995, consecrated Russell McClanahan Archbishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010 consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 9th of August 2017, consecrated Bryant Holloway

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Bishop Bryant Holloway’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Robert E. Wilson’s Line of Succession

Bishop Robert E. Wilson’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Russell McClanahan’s Line of Succession

The Archbishop Michael D. Owen’s Apostolic Succession as traced through The Most Reverend Owen J. Augustine

Page 17 of 50 Antioch Orthodox Succession

Table of succession of the Patriachate of Antioch showing its western development. This patriarchate has never ceased to elect and consecrate her own Patriarch and has preserved the Apostolic Succession unbroken. It was the first Gentile Church founded by St. Peter in 35 A.D. according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and it was here that the followers of Jesus Christ were first called Christians.

Name of the Patriarch From 40 Anastasius 560 1 Peter the Apostle 35 41 Gregoiy I 564 2 Evodius 44 42 Paul II 567 3 Ignatius (Martyr) 68 43 Patm 571 4 Earon 107 44 Domnus IV 586 5 Cornelius 137 45 Julianus 591 6 Eados 142 46 Athanasius I 595 7 Theophilus 157 47 John II 656 8 Maximus 171 48 Theodorus 1 649 9 Seraphim 179 49 Severus 668 10 Asclepiades (Martyr) 189 50 Athanasius II 684 11 Philip 210 51 Julianus II 687 12 Zebinus 219 52 Elias I 709 13 Babylos (Martyr) 237 53 Athanasius III 724 14 Fabius 250 54 Evanius I 740 15 Demeirius 251 55 Gervasius I 759 16 Paul I 259 56 Joseph 790 17 Domnus I 270 57 Cyriacus 793 18 Timotheus 281 58 Dionsius I 818 19 Cyrilus 291 59 John III 847 20 Tyrantus 296 60 Ignatius II 877 21 Vitalius 301 61 Theodosius 887 22 Philogonius 318 62 Dinousius II 897 23 Eustachius 323 63 John IV 910 24 Paulinus 338 64 Evanius 922 25 Philabianus 383 65 John V 936 26 Evagrius 386 66 Evanius II 954 27 Phosporius 416 67 Dionysius 958 28 Alexander 418 68 Abraham I 962 29 John I 428 69 John VI 965 30 Theodotus 451 70 Athanasius IV 987 31 Domnus II 442 71 John VII 1004 32 Maximus 450 72 Dionysius III 1032 33 Accacius 454 73 Theodorus II 1042 34 Martyrius 457 74 Athanasius V 1058 35 Peter II 464 75 John VII 1064 36 Phiadius 500 76 Basilius II 1074 37 Serverius the Great 509 77 Abdoone 1076 38 544 78 Dionysius V 1077 39 Domnus III 547 79 Evanius III 1080

Page 18 of 50 80 Dionysius VI 1088 104 Ignatius David I 1519 81 Athanasias VI 1091 105 Ignatius Abdullah 1520 82 John IX 1131 106 Ignatius Naamathalak 1557 83 Athanasius VI 1159 107 Ignatius David II 1576 84 Michael I (the Great) 1167 108 Ignatius Philathus 1591 85 Athanasius VIII 1200 109 Ignatius Abdullah II 1597 86 Michael II 1207 110 Ignatius Cadhai 1598 87 John X 1208 111 Ignatius Simeon 1640 88 Ignatius III 1225 112 Ignatius Jesus II 1655 89 Dionysius VII 1255 113 Ignatius A. Massiah I 1661 90 John XI 1255 114 Ignatius Cabeed 1686 91 Ignatius IV 1264 115 Ignatius Gervasius III 1687 92 Philanus 1285 116 Ignatius Gervasius IV 1708 93 Ignatius Baruhid 1293 117 Ignatius Siccarablak 1722 94 Ignatius Ishmael 1553 118 Ignatius Gervasius III 1746 95 Ignatius Basilus III 1566 119 Ignatius Gervasius IV 1768 96 Ignatius Abraham II 1382 120 Ignatius Mathias 1781 97 Ignathis Basilius IV 1412 121 Ignatius Bahanam II 1810 98 Ignatius Bahanam I 1415 122 Ignatius Jonas 1817 99 Ignatius Kalejih 1455 123 Ignatius Gervasius V 1818 100 Ignatius John XII1 483 124 Ignatius Elias II 1859 101 Ignatius Noah 1492 125 Ignatius Jacob II 1847 102 Ignatius Jesus I 1509 126 Ignatius Peter III 1872 103 Ignatius Jacob I 1510

Page 19 of 50 Western Development of the Antioch Orthodox Succession

Boutros IBN Salmo Mesko-Mar Ignatius Peter III (IV) Syrian Jacobite Patriarch of Antioch and the East on 4 December 1876 consecrated

Kadril Kooran-Mar Paul Athanasius Bishop of Kottayan, and appointed as the representative of the Patriarch of Antioch, who, in accordance with the Patriarchal Bull of Ignatius Peter Ill, of January 1877 on the 28th of duly 1879 assisted by the Metropolitan Archbishops George Gregorius and Paul Evanius consecrated

Antonio Francis Xavier Alvarez (Mar Julius I) Archbishop of Ceylon, who in accordance with the Patriarchal of Ignatius Peter III, of 29 December 1891, did on the 29th of May 1892 at the Church of Notre Dame de Bonne-Mort in Columbo, Brazil assisted by the Syrian Metropolitan Archbishops Gregorius and Athanasius consecrate

Joseph Rene Vilatte Archbishop Metropolitan of all the Orthodox Catholics of the Americas. Archbishop Vilatte, Archbishop Alvarez (Julius I), assisted by Mar Athanasius, of Kottayan and Mar Georgius. Bishop of Niranam did on the 28th of September 1921 consecrated

George Alexander McGuire M.D. First Bishop of the Archbishop McGuire on the 12th of February 1928 consecrate

William P. Tyarks Bishop Tyarks, did on the 2nd of October. 1952, consecrated

James F.A. Lashley Archbishop James Lashley, did on the 17th of January 1976 in Saint Leonard’s Church Brooklyn New York consecrate with the assistance of Bishop Ernest Pants,

Samuel T. Garner Bishop Samuel T. Gamer was elected. Sunday the 15th of January 1989 as Primate of the American Catholic Orthodox Church. Petrine Antiochian Succession Primate Gamer did on the 5th of January 1989 in St. Augustine’s American Catholic Church, Brooklyn, New York consecrate

Owen J. Augustine Bishop Augustine did on the 26th of February 1995 in Church of the Holy Spirit, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, consecrate

Michael D. Owen Bishop of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 3rd of October 1995 consecrated

Russell McClanahan Bishop of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on the 14th of May 2010 consecrated Robert E. Wilson Bishop of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches who on 9th of August 2017 consecrated Bryant Holloway

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The Bishop Bryant Holloway’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Robert E. Wilson’s Line of Succession

The Bishop Robert E Wilson’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Russell McClanahan’s Line of Succession

The Archbishop Michael D. Owen’s Apostolic Succession as traced through

The Most Reverend George Theckedath

Page 21 of 50 Metropolitan - Archbishops of Albania

(Bishop Theckedath was one of the Co-Consecrator’s of Bishop Michael D. Owen)

Theofanies Fan Stylian Noli Archbishop of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese in America, who, on February 10, 1934, consecrated

Christopher Contogeorge who was ordained in the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church in 1918 and came to the United States in 1926, becoming of St. Nicholas Greek Church on Cedar Street, Philadelpia, Pennsylvania. He was consecrated at St. Church in New York City on February 10, 1934 by Theofanies Fan Stylian Noli. In 1947 he was under the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church who placed him under the Patriarchate of Alexandria, Egypt. He was then appointed Exarch for the . In 1934 (1935) Contogeorge consecrated

John S. Kedrovsky who consecrated

Joeseph Klimovicz who on October 15, 1950 consecrated

Peter A. Zurawetsky who was ordained priest at the Greek cathedral in New York City on March 20, 1932 by Athanagoras Spyrou of the Greek Orthodox Church (who became Patriarch of in 1948). In 1940 hejoined the Alexandrian under Christopher Contogeorge. He was consecrated in Springfield, Massachusetts on October 15, 1950 by Joseph Klimovicz of the American Holy Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church, assisted by Konstantin Jacosevich, Nicholas Bohatyretz, Joseph Zielonka, and Peter Williamovicz. At some point he became a Suffragan Bishop in the Polish Old Catholic Church of America and Europe. In 1967 he consecrated

Karl Pruter Born (Karl) Hugo Pruter in Poughbkeepsie, New York on July 3, 1920. He became a Congregationalist minister who participated in the Free Catholic Movement of the 1940’s. After the merger of the Congregational Christian Churches with the Evangelical and Reformed Church in 1965 and the subsequent splintering of many congregations, Pruter found himself despairing of the Movements future. In 1965 he met with many Old Catholic leaders in Europe and upon his return home to , began looking for a Free Catholic Church with which to affiliate. Not finding any, Pruter turned to Peter A. Zurawetsky, and was ordained by him on November 7, 1965. On the authority of Zurawetsky, Pruter began Christ’s Catholic Church in Boston’s Back Bay area. He was consecrated in Wren Oak, New York on November 7, 1967 by Peter A. Zurawetsky who was assisted by Vladyslav-Ryzy-Ryzy. Upon Pruter’s he took the name KarI. The church released him to become independent in 1968. On April 17, 1988 Bishop Pruter consecrated

Frederick Dunleavy He was ordained as a priest in Toronto, on November 17, 1985 by Nelson Dudley Hillyer of the Old Roman Catholic Church. He was consecrated in Toronto, Canada on April 17, 1988 by liar! Fritter of Christ Catholic Church to succeed Nelson Dudley Hillyer as head of the Ontario Old Roman Catholic Church. In June of 1989, the Ontario Old Roman Catholic Church merged with Christ Catholic Church. Dunleavy is Bishop of York in Canada, New England, and New York. He is General Secretary of the Student Christian Movement of Canada and has also been appointed as Executive Committee Representative to the World Student Christian Federation. Bishop Dunleavy consecrated

Page 22 of 50 George Theckedath Theckedath was ordained a priest in 1951 by the Nazrani Orthodox Church. He was consecrated as a Missionary Bishop for the Nazrani Orthodox Church in 1990. On February 26, 1995 Bishop Theckedath was a co- consecrator for

Michael D. Owen On 3rd of October, 1995 Bishop Owen was the Chief Consecrator for

Russell McClanahan Bishop of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches On 14th of May 2010 Archbishop Russell McClanahan was Chief Consecrator for Robert E. Wilson Bishop of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches On 9th of August 2017 Archbishop Robert E.Wilson was the Chief Consecrator for Bryant Holloway

Page 23 of 50

The Bishop Bryant Holloway’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Robert E. Wilson’s Line of Succession

The Bishop Robert E. Wilson’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Russell McClanahan’s Line of Succession

The Archbishop Michael D. Owen’s Apostolic Succession as traced through

The Most Reverend Stephen Pfleiderer

Page 24 of 50 Archbishops of Utrecht

(Bishop Pfleiderer was one of the Co-Consecrator’s of Bishop Michael D. Owen)

Simplified Succession of the Most Reverend Stephen Michael Pfleiderer There were sixty of Utrecht before Archbishop Schenck. The Catholicity and validity of the Archbishops of Utrecht have been recognized by both the Anglican and Roman Communions.

1. FrederIck Schenck 2. Sasbold Vismeer 3. Philip Rovenius

4. Jacobus de Ia Torre

5. Johannes van Neercassel 6. Petrus Codde 7. Cornelius van Steenoven Succession of Bishop Pfleiderer 8. Cornelius Johannes Barchmna Wuytiers 9. Theodorus van der Croon 1. Geraldus Gul 10. Petrus Johannes Meindaerts 2. Arnold H. Mathew 11. Walter van fiejuwen huisen 3. Delandas Berghes 12. Johannes Jacobus van Rhijn 13. Willibrord van Os 4. Carmel Carfora 14. Johannes van Santen 5. Hubert A. Rogers

15. Henrius Loos 6. Robert S. Zieger

7. Francis Roebke 16. Johannes Heykamp 17. Geraldus Gul 8. Forest E. Barber 18. Franciscus Kenninck 9. George W.S. Brister 19. Andreas Rinkel 10. J. Ronald Loving 20. Marinus Kok 11. Stephen M. Pfleiderer 12. Michael D. Owen 13. Russell McClanahan

Geraldus Gul Old Catholic Church Genddas Gul was born on October 26, 1847. He was consecrated on May 11th, 1892 by Casparus Johannes Rinkel of the Netherlands Old Catholic Church, assisted by Edward 14. Robert E Wilson Herzog, Cornelius Diependaal. and Joseph Hubert Reinkens. Gul 15. Bryant Holloway became Archbishop of Utrecht. Gul consecrated Ainold H. flathew.

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Additional Lines

Page 26 of 50 ADDITIONAL LINES On Sunday, the seventeenth day of September nineteen hundred and ninety-five, in inter-communion shared each of their lines of Apostolic Succession by mutual subconditione consecration through the communal proclamation of the , the Invocation of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands and anointing with Holy Chrism, with the intent to impart, subconditione the grace of Episcopal Consecration.

In this service the Archbishop Michael D. Owen received two lines of Apostolic Succession not previously held, one of those being a direct Roman Catholic line through the Catholic and Apostolic Church of Brazil, which was passed on through the Most Reverend R. Augustin Sicard. The other being a direct Anglican line being traced through the Continuing Anglican Church (Anglican Church U.S.A.), the Protestant Episcopal Church, to the See of Canterbury. This line was passed on through Herron Sam.

In addition to the above, The Archbishop Michael D. Owen’s Orthodox lines of Apostolic Succession were strengthened by the laying on of hands by the Most Reverend Phillip F. Lisuzzo.

On 3rd of October 1995 The Archbishop Michael D. Owen was the Chief Consecrator for Russell McClanahan.

On 14th of May 2010 The Archbishop Russell McClanahan was the Chief Consecrator for Robert E. Wilson

On 9th of August 2017 The Archbishop Robert E. Wilson was the Chief Consecrator for Bryant Holloway.

Page 27 of 50

The Bishop Bryant Holloway’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Robert E. Wilson’s Line of Succession

The Bishop Robert E. Wilson’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Russell McClanahan’s Line of Succession

The Archbishop Michael D. Owen’s Apostolic Succession as traced through The Most Reverend R. Augustine Sicard

Page 28 of 50 Roman Petrine Succession

Line #1: The Roman Catholic Church of Brazil BRAZIL Card. N. Rampola del Tindero Cardinal Rabiha c. 10-26-1890 c. 1566 Card. Joaquin Arcoverde Card. Santorio d’Albaquerque Cavalcanti c. 1586 c. 6-4-19ll Card. Bernerio Card. Sebastiano Leme c. 1604 da Silveira Cintara Card. Sanvitale +A.J. Goncalves c. 1621 +B.P.A de Sousa Card. Ludovesi +B. de Paulo Alveiro c. 1622 (de Ribeirano Preto) Card. Gaetani c. 12-8-1924 c. 1630 Arch. Carlos Duarte-Costa Card. Carpegua c. 1666 (b. 7-21-18; b8; d. 3-26-1961) Card. Altieri c. 8-15-1945 ( Clement X in1670) Salomon B. Ferraz c. 1675 c. 6-29-195l Card. Orsini Manuel C. Laranjeira (Pope Benedict XIII in 1724) c. 8-15-65 c. 1723 Bendito P. Card. Lambertini c. 8-1-1966 (Pope Benedict XIV in 1740) Jose H. Machado c. 1743 c. 12-2-1967 Card. Rezzonico Oscar C. y Fernandez (Pope Clement XIII in 1758) 4-29-1973 c. 1767 Michael Staffiero Card. Giraud c. 11-1976 c. 1777 Rainer Laufers Card. Mattei c. 7-30-77 c. 1812 Leonard J. Curreri Card. Galeffli c. 10-4- 79 c. 1822 Peter Paul Brennan Card. Fransoni c. 3-3-85 c. 1851 R. Augustin Sicard Card. Sacconi c. 1872 c. 9-17-95 Card. Howard Michael D. Owen (Secretary to Pope Leo XIII) c. 10-5-1995 c. 1882 for Brazil Russell McClanahan c. 5-14-2010 Robert E. Wilson c. 8-9-2017 Bryant Holloway

Page 29 of 50 Line #2 (part 1): Syrian Malabar (Jacobite) - Orthodox Church of Antioch

Peter Ignatius III c.12-4-1876


c. 7-29-1889

George Greqorius Paulos Evanius Julius I (Alvarez) c. 5-29-1892

G. Greqorius Athanasius Joseph Rene Vilatte

c. 5-6-1900 African Orthodox

Syrian Galiccan c. 2-12-28 c. 9-28-21 P.M. Guloiti W.F. Tryarks Africanc. Orthodox 12-4-04 c. 5-18-32 J.E. Houssaye G.A.Mcguire c.5-21-11 (+McGiuire) c.11-18-23 L.M.F. Giraud Clement J. Sherwood W.E.J. Robertson c. 12-28-21 (+Zielonka) c. 11-7-37 P.G. Vigue c. 6-2-51 (Rogers-if Carfora) c.6-3-24 (Souris-rf Ofiesh) also c.8-6-50 A. Stumpfl W.R. Miller also: c.4-17-49 c. 5-1977 ORTHODOX CATHOLIC CHURCH JM. Thiesen McFarland OF AMERICA c.8-19-76 C. 6-10-78 (+F. Parkin and J. Robertson) A.L.Z. Barbeau PP. Brennan c. 5-7-57 c. 7-30-77 +PJ Callahan George Augustine Hyde L. Curreri c. 3-3-85 C. 6-80 c. 10-4-79 R Augustin Sicard Alfred Louis Lankenau P.P. Brennan c. 9-17-95 (consecrated for the Order of the +PJ Callahan Michael D. Owen Samaritan Missionaries) c.3-3-85 c 10-5-1995 6-15-90 R.A. Sicard Russell McClanahan RA. Sicard c. 9-17-95 C 5-14-2010 c. 9-17-95 Michael D. Owen Robert E. Wilson Michael D. Owen c 10-5-1995 c 10-5-1995 Russell McClanahan Russell McClanahan c 5 -14-2010 c. 5-14-2010 Robert E. Wilson Robert E. Wilson c. 8-9-2017 c. 8-9-2017 Bryant Holloway Bryant Holloway

(J.R. Vilatte’s lines for the American CathoIic Church and the Mexican Orthodox Catholic Church continues as Part Two) Addenda: 844 of the 1983 Code of of the Roman Catholic Church recognizes the validity of orders of the Orthodox Churches (rf Rev. James A. Coriden et al ... Code of Canon Law, Text and Commentary, Paulist, N.Y. 1985).

Page 30 of 50 Line #3 (part 1): Holy Russian Orthodox Synod

Albanian Orthodox Church

Patriarchate of Pec (1346) Metropolitans in America (Serbian Patriarchate) Nestor Ecumenical Patriarchate of (1879-1882) Constantinople (1776) c. Nikon, 1881 c. 1902 (Vladimir; Nickolai) Albanian Independence (1914) Metro Platon Tikhon (1899-1907) (ordained 3-8-08) Patriarch of St. George’s Cathedral, (1917-1925) Kortisa, Albania Platon (1907-1914) Eparch Kristof Kissi Evdokim (1914-1917) Eparchs + (+Hierotheos Yahd) ++++++++ of Tyre and Sidon c. 12-4-23 Emmanuel Abo-Hata Eparch Nikon Theophanoes Fac Stylian NOLI And Elias c.1884 c. 2-10-34 Makari J C. Contogeorge (Michael Neveskij) Alo c. 8-25-34 c.1-4-04 J. Kedroffsky Orthodox Catholic Evdokim Meschersky Also c. 1935 Concord of 1946 (Metro. 1914-17) J. Klimovicz +Alex. Nemolovsky +Stephen Dzubay c.5-11-17 Archbishops Noli, Aftimios Ofiesh Saltas and Contogeorge (Archb. By Platon in 1923) C.1949 +H.H Rogers c.5-26-28 Konstantin Jarosevich C.7-1-61 Sophronios Bishara +P.M. Gulotti Barbeau +Ofiesh, +Noli +J. Klimovich c.7-30-77 c.2-10-34 c.11-16-1913 Curreri C.Contogeorge Josef Zielonka (OOCA) c.10-4-79 +Arsenios Saltas +Klimovicz, +Jeroshewich, P.P. Brennan +F.S. Noli +Noli, +Nicolas Bohatyretz (+Callahan) +Ambrosis of Aman c.10-15-50 c.3-385 c.8-25-34 Peter A. Zurawetsky R.S. Sicardc. Joseph Kedroffsky c.1982 c. 9-17-95 +Saltas C.F. Quinn Micheal D. Owen +Fedehenkoff c.10-51995 c.1935 Russell McClanahan c. 6-2-51 J. Klimovicz c. 5-14-2010 J. Souris c.10-14-50 Robert E. Wilson c.8-9-2017 Bryant Holloway

Page 31 of 50 Line #3 (part 2): Holy Russian Orthodox Synod

Patriarch Tikhon TFS Noli Eparch Nikon (1917-1925) c.2-10-34 (1880-1936) (priesthood 1904) Contogeorge c.1884 c.1923 c.8-25-34 Makari Neveskij (+Saltas, Noli, Ambrosis) c.1-4-04 Evdokim c.5-11-17 A. Ofiesh c.9-27-32 Josef Kedroffsky W.A. Nichols (+Kurillo, Saltas, Fedehenkoff) c.11-29-36 c.10-14-30 S. DeWitow Josef Klimovicz +Soris (+Jeroshewitz, Bohatyretz, +Karitaris Sielonka, Williamowitz, Noli) c.10-14-50 Peter A. Zurawetzky (+Klimovicz, Zielonka, Williamowitz and Sherwood) c.6-2-51 Joachim Souris (+DeWitow and Theoklitus Karitaris) c.10-3-64

Walter M. Propheta (+Ryzi-Ryski) c.12-7-69) F.J. Ryan (+Barbeau) c.4-23-77 L.Curred c.10-4-79 P.P Brennan (+Callahan) c.3-3-85 R.A. Sicard c.9-17-95 Michael D. Owen c.10-5-1995 Russell McClanahan c. 5-14-2010 Robert E. Wilson c. 8-9-2017 Bryant Holloway

Page 32 of 50 Line #4: Uniate Orthodox Catholic Lines


Patriach Thomas Emmanuel II Patriarch Anon Petros IX C.1917 c.4-18-1861 Antoine Lefberne Archbishop Chorchorunian c.5-4-25 c.4-23-1879 Arthur Brooks L. Chekhemian c.11-16-34 (first c.5-4-1890 by A.S Richardson and C.I. Charles W. Keller Stevens) c.4-29-45 c.1-2-1897 (+J. Martin, F. Boucher and G.W. Maaers) A.A. McLaglen c.1930 H.J. Monzani-Heard Other multiple : c.6-13-43 Needham, c.1-4-45 W.B. Crow Barlett, c.4-29-45 (a.k.a.: Mar Basilius Abdullah; again c.1-4-45 Ward, c.8-25-45 by S.E.P. Needham Maxey, c.6-6-46 c.4-10-44 Saul, c.7-14-47 Arthur, c.2-9-51 Marchese, c.9-18-54 Barry, c.7-17-55

H.G. de Willmott Newman c.5-37-50 H.P. Nicholson c.4-14-52 P.C.S. Singer c.11-14-54 C. Brearley c.5-14-68 A.L. Barbeau c.7-30-77 L. Curreri c.10-4-79 P.P. Brennan (+Callahan) c.3-3-85 R.A. Sicard c.9-17-95 Michael D. Owen c.10-5-1995 Russell McClanahan c. 5-14-2010 Robert E. Wilson c. 8-9-2017 Bryant Holloway

Page 33 of 50 Line #5 (part 1): Roman Petrine Succession



POPE ALEXANDER VII (Favio Chigi) Heman Heykamp c.1655 (Bishop of Deventer) Cardinal c.8-11-1873 c.11-2-1668 Gaspart J. Rinkel c.5-11-1892 Charles M. Letellier c.9-21-1670 Gerardus Cul

James C. de Matignon c.4-28-1908 c.2-12-1719 A.H. Mathew Domonic M. Varlet c.10-5-1909 c.10-17-1739 J.M. Kowalski Peter J. Meindaerts c.7-11-1745 POLISH MARIAVITES John Van Stiphout c.2-1-1768 ALSO Mater Michael C.6-29-1913 Van Nieuwenheizen DeLandas Berghes

c.6-21-1778 Adrian Brockman OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC c.7-5-1797

John James Rhijn c.10-3-1916

c.11-7-1805 WHF Brothers

Gisbert deJong (his line, next page)


Willibrord Van os ALSO

c.4-22-1819 c.12-15-1929

John Bohn C.H. Carfora

c.6-15-1825 (see lines next page)

John Van Santen


Roman apostolic succession through Utrecht, then trough the Old roman catholic Church and the Polish Mariavites is recognized by Rome as valid, (1983). lifted by Pope Paul VI in 1967. Consecrations are still considered as illicit.

Page 34 of 50 Line #5 (part 2): Roman Petrine Succession

UTRECHT, OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC SEE OF UTRECHT Herman Heykamp (Bishop of Deventer) c.8-11-1873 Gaspart John Rinkel c.5-11-1892 Gerardus Gul c.4-28-1908 Arnold Harris Mathew c.10-5-1909 J.M. Kowalski (Polish Mariavites)

Also: c.10-3-1916 c.10-4-1913 c.6-29-1913 Henry Carmel Carfora De Landas Berghes

W.H.F. Brothers c.7-30-42 c.1925 c.12-9-29 c.10-17-26 H.H. Rogers W.M. Brown Van Trump Perez y Budar c.7-1-61 ( c.3-9-31 +Lopez y Sierra R.S. Zeiger c.6-24-1989 by Sherwood +Lopez-Valdes c.8-7-76 PECUSA +Robertson c.3-27-30 A.L. Barbeau McLauren) c.8-6-50 Rodríguez-Duran c.7-30-77 c.1-2-27 W.R. Miller c.3-12-55 L. Curreri O. Maxey c.5-1977 Rod. Y Fairfield c.10-4-79 c.6-6-46 McFarland c.4-82 P.P. Brennan H.G. Newman c.8-10-78 P.J. Callahan c.3-3-85 c.6-22-47 P.P. Brennan c.3-3-85 R.A. Sicard A. Stumpfl c.3-3-85 R.A.. Sicard c.4-17-49 R.A. Sicard J.M. Thiesen c.9-17-95 c.8-19-77 Michael D. Owen A.L. Barbeau c.10-5-1995 c.7-30-77 Russell McClanahan L. Curreri c.5-14-2010 c.10-4-79 Robert E. Wilson P.P. Brennan c.8-9-2017 c.3-3-85 Bryant Holloway R.A. Sicard

Page 35 of 50

Line #6: The Anglican-Catholic Succession

In Communion with the Utrecht Old Catholic Church CHURCH OF ENGLAND CANTERBURY Archbishop John Moore for the Protestant Episcopal Church of the U.S.A. c.2-4-1787 William White c.10-25-1827 Bishop Onderdonk c.7-7-1836 Samuel Allen McCorsky c.8-12-1875 William Ed. McLaren +G.F. Seymour +C. Whitehead c.6-24-1898 William M. Brown c.1-2-1927 Will. David De Ortega Maxey c.6-6-46 H.G. de Williamott Newmann c.6-22-47 Aloysius Stumpfl c.4-17-49 Joseph Maria Thiesen c.8-19-76 L. Curreri c.10-4-79 P.P. Brennan c.3-3-85 Michael D. Owens c.10-5-1995 Russell McClanahan c.5-14-2010 Robert E. Wilson c.8-9-2017 Bryant Holloway

Page 36 of 50

The Bishop Bryant Holloway’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Robert E. Wilson’s Line of Succession

The Bishop Robert E. Wilson’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Russell McClanahan’s Line of Succession

The Archbishop Michael D. Owen’s Apostolic Succession as traced through The Most Reverend Herron Sam

Page 37 of 50

Page 38 of 50 1. St John 3. Pothinus 15. Irestus 27. Lucherius II Bishop of In 97 AD consecrated 4. Irenacus 16. Albinus 28. Lupus His pupil as 5. Zaccarius 17. Martin 29. Licontiius Samuel Seabury, Bishop of Smyrna 6. Elias 18. Antiochus 30. Sacentos Bishops of Canterbury first Bishop in the 7. Faustimos 19. Eipidius 31. Nicetus United States, was Bishops of Lyons 2. Polycarp 8. Verus 20. Licarius 32. Nicetus consecrated by AD 97 to AD 589 In 136 AD consecrated 9. Julius 21. Eucherius 33. Aetherius 1. Augustine 44. Wetherfield three Scotish “non- His pupil Pothines, 10. Piolemy 22.. Patieus 2. Lawrence 45. Edmund juras” Bishops, Sending him to Moul, 11. Vacius 23. Lupicinius Aetherius consecrated 3. Melisus 46. Boniface Kilgner, Petrie and , where he was 12. Maximus 24. Rusticus Augustine as Bishop of Arles; 4. 47. Kilwarby Skinner, in 1784 at Bishopof Lyons. 13. Tetradus 25. Stephanus he became Archbishop of 5. Honorius 48. Peckham Aberdeen. Later 14. Verissimus 26. Viventiolus Canterbury. 6. Adeodares 49. Winchesley William Wise and 7. Theodore 50. Reynold Samuel Prevest, 8. Berthwold 51. Mepham first Bishops of 1. Lisvus 20. Cornelius 39. Innocent I 58. Vigilius 9. Totwine 52. Stratford Pennsylvania and 2. Anscletus 21. Lucius I 40. Zosenieus 59. Pelegius I 10. Nothelm 53. Bredwarden New York were St Peter & St Paul 3. Clement 22. Stephanus I 41. Boniface I 60. John III founded the Church in 11. Cuthhert 54. Islip consecrated in 4. Evarestus 23. Sextan II 42. Celestine I 61. Benedict I 12. Bregwin 55. Langham 1787. Rome, commissioning 5. Alexander 24. Leo I 43. Sixtus III 62. Pelagius II their Episcopate in Linus. 13. Lamhert 56. Whittlesey 6. Seatus I 25. Felix I 44. Leo I 63. Gregory I 14. Aetheired I 57. Sudbury 7. Tespharus 26. Eutichianus 45. Hilarus 64. Sabinianus 15. 58. Courtney William White 8. Hygimus 27. Caius 46. Simplicius 65. Boniface III 16. Theogild 59. Arundel 1st Bishop of 9. Pius I 28. Marcelinus 47. Felix III 66. Boniface IV 17. Ceilnoth 60. H. Chichely Pennsylvania Bishops of Rome 10. Anicetus 29. Eusibius 48. Gelasius I 67. Adeddatos 18. Aetheired II 61. J. Stafford 11. Soter 30. Melchiads 49. Anastasias II 68. Boniface V John AD 67 to AD 668 19. 62. J. Kemp 12. 31. Sylvester I 50. Symunachus 69. Honorius Matthew 20. 63. T. Bourchier 13. Victor I 32. Mark 51. Hormisdas 70. Severinus James 21. Walfelm 64. J. Morton | 14. Lephirinus 33. Julius I 52. John I 71. John IV Andrew 22. Odo Severus 65. H. Henry Whitehouse 15. Calistus I 34. Liberius 53. Felix IV 72. Theodore I Peter 23. Dunatan 66. W. Warcham | 16. Urban I 35. Damascus I 54. Boniface II 73. Martin I James the Less 24. Aethegur 67. T. Cranmer George Senyour 17. Pontianus 36. Siricus 55. John II 74. Eugenius I Simon 25. Sinicus 68. R. Pole | 18. Anteros 37. Marcellus I 56. Agapetus I 75. Vitalian Philip 26. Alfric 69. M. Parker Edward Osborne 19. Fabisvus 38. Anastasius 57. Sylverius Bartholomew 27. Elphage 70. E. Grindall | Thomas 28. Lifing 71. J. Whitgift Granville 1. St James 14. Joseph 27. Capim 40. Maximus III Judas Thaddeus Apostle James was 29. Aetheinoth 72. R. Bancroft Sherwood 2. Simeon 15. Judas 28. Valius 41. Cyril Judas Iscariot recognized by the other 11 30. Edisus 73. O. Abboll | 3. Justus I 16. Marcus 29. Deleastus 42. Herenius as the Bishop of 31. Robert 74. W. Laud 4. Zaccheus 17. Cassienus 30. Narcissus 43. Hilary Jerusalem. (Acts 14 vv 12 32. 75. W. Jason | 5. Tobias 18. Publius 31. Dius 44. John II & 19) 33. 76. G. Sheldon Richard Loring 6. Benjamin 19. Maximus I 32. Germansio 45. Praglius 34. Anselm 77. W. Sancroft | Judas Iscariot 7. John I 20. Julian 33. Gordius 46. Jhvenal 35. Rodulfus 78. J. Titlotson Charles Clough was Replaced by 8. Matthias 21. Caius 34. Alexandri 47. Anastasius 36. Corhe II 79. T. Tennison | Matthias Bishops of Jerusalem 9. Philip 22. Symmachus 35. Nazabones 48. Martyrius 37. Theobold 80. W. Wake Albert Chambers AD 35 to AD 513 10. Seneca 23. Caius II 36. Hymenscus 49. Salutis 38. a’Recken 81. J. Potter | 11. Justus II 24. Julian II 37. Zamboas 50. Elias 39. Richard 82. T. Herring Dale Doren 12. Levi 25. Maximus II 38. Herman 51. John III 40. Baldwin 83. M. Hutton | 13. Ephraim 26. Antonias. 39. Macerius 41. Fitzjocelyn 84. T. Secker Albion Knight 42. Walter 85. F. Cornwallis | 43. Langton 86. J. Moore John Gramely 1. David 16. Elane 31.Llunwerth 46. Rhydchmarch | 2. Cynog 17. Magelsgwyd 32.Hubert 47. Wilfred Robert H. Hawn 3. Teilo 18. Made 33. Enerios 48. Bernard | John III consecrated David, 4. Ceven 19. Cadell 34. Ivor 49. D. Fitzgerald Henery Chicheley Herron Sam first Bishop of Minevs St. 5. Morfatt 20. Sadwenfen 35. Morgeneu I 50. P. deLeis Was made Archbishop | Davids, Wales. Succession Bishops of St David – Wales 6. Haerwneu 21. Novis 36. Nathan 51. GT. Camb of Canterbury Michael D Owen now used through Bishop of AD 519 to AD 1408 7. Elwaed 22. Sulhaithasy 37. Jenan 52. G. deHenelawe 61.F. Fastolfe St. Davids, Wales 8. Gurnwen 23. Idwatt 38. Arwysd 53. Jowerth 62. H. Houghton 9. Llumverth 24. Asner 39. Morgeneu II 54. Gross 63. J. Githen 10. Gurtgwyst 25. Arthwael 40. Ervin 55. deCarew 64. G. de Mone Russell McClanahan 11. Gwgen 26. Sornana 41. Trahaearm 56. T. Bech 65. H. Chicheley | 12. Eineon 27. Reubin 42. Joseph 57. D. Martin Robert E Wilson 13. Clydawg 28. Rhydderch 43. Bleirklud 58. H. deGower 14. Elfod 29. Elwin 44. Salien 59. J. Thoreshy Bryant Holloway 15. Ethelmon 30. Morbiv 45. Abraham 60. R. Brian

The Bishop Bryant Holloway’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Robert E. Wilson’s Line of Succession

The Bishop Robert E. Wilson’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Russell McClanahan’s Line of Succession

The Archbishop Michael D. Owen’s Apostolic Succession as traced through

The Most Reverend Phillip F. Lisuzzo

Page 40 of 50 The Antiochian Orthodox Western Rite

Peter Ignatius III c.7-29-1876 Athanasius c.12-4-1889 George Gregorious Paulus Evanlus Ecum. Patriach, Const. Julius I. Alvarez 1766 / St. Geo. Cath. Korcha c.5-25-1892 Athanasius Eparch Kissi / Yand Joseph Renee Vilatte Syrian Orthodox Church c.12-24-23 c.5-29-1892 c.5-6-1900 Theophan S. Noli P.M. Gulotti c.10-2-24 c.12-4-1904 C. Contogeorge J. Houssaye Also c.8-25-24 c.5-25-11 J. Kedroffsky L.M.F. Giraud Also c.1935 c.12-28-21 J. Limovicz P.G. Vigue c.3-3-24 A. Sumppel c.4-17-49 J.M. Thiesen The Orthodox Concord of 1946 c.8-19-76

Archbishop F. S. Noli / Salates / Contogeorge c.1946 Konstantin Jarosevicn +++P.M. Gulotti +++J. Klimovich +++Jose F. Zielonka (OOCA) c.11-1613

Klimovicz + Jeroshewich Klimovicz + Jeroshewich

Gulotti c.1904 Carfora c.1912 James c.1950

Billet c.1979 Parr c.1979 Rodriguez + Sokolowski + Parr c.12-6-1989 S.R Thomas c.6-18-1989 Bien and Souros c.6-19-1992 Anthony J Peluca c.6-18-1993 Phillip F. Lisuzzo c.9-27-1995 Michael D Owen c.10-5-1995 Russell McClanahan c.5-14-2010 Robert E. Wilson c.8-9-2017 Bryant Holloway

Page 41 of 50

The Bishop Bryant Holloway’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Robert E. Wilson’s Line of Succession

The Bishop Robert E. Wilson’s Apostolic Succession as traced through his Chief Consecrator The Archbishop Russell McClanahan Line of Succession

The Archbishop Michael D. Owen’s Apostolic Succession as traced through The Most Reverend Ivo Verbeeck


On Sunday, the sixth day of October, nineteen hundred and ninety-six, four bishops in inter-communion shared each of their lines of Apostolic Succession by mutual subconditione consecration through the communal proclamation of the Nicene Creed, the Invocation of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands and anointing with Holy Chrism, with the intent to impart, subconditione, the grace of Episcopal Consecration.

In this service, The Right Reverend Michael D. Owen received lines of Apostolic Succession not previously held from The Most Reverend Ivo Verbeeck of Europe who, at that time had been ministering to the war victims in Croatia.

On September 26, 2004 Archbishop Michael Owen in a service of Holy Communion for the purpose of Sub Conditione consecration through the communal proclamation of the Nicene Creed, the Invocation of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands and anointing with Holy Chrism, with the intent to impart, subconditione, the grace of Episcopal Consecration did impart these lines to Archbishop Russ McClanahan and three other Bishops.

On May 14, 2010 Archbishop Russell McClanahan in a service of Holy Communion for the purpose of Sub Conditione consecration through the communal proclamation of the Nicene Creed, the Invocation of the Holy Spirit through the laying on hands and anointing with Holy Chrism, with the intent to impart, Sub Conditione, the grace of Episcopal Consecration did impart these lines to Archbishop Robert E. Wilson and two other Bishops.

On August 9, 2017 Archbishop Robert E. Wilson in a service of Holy Communion for the purpose of Sub Conditione consecration through the communal proclamation of the Nicene Creed, the Invocation of the Holy Spirit through the laying on hands and anointing with Holy Chrism, with the intent to impart, Sub Conditione, the grace of Episcopal Consecration did impart these lines to Bishop Bryant Holloway.

Page 43 of 50



Antonio Kardinaal Barbailni CONS. 1655 R.K.K.FR. Michael Letellier CONS.12-11-1668 R.K.K.FR. Jaques Bossuet CONS.21-9-1670 R.K.K.FR. Jaques Goyon De Mattignon CONS.24-10-1695 R.K.K.FR. Dominicus Marie Varlet CONS.18-2-1719 R.K.K.FR./NED Petrus Johannes Meindaerts CONS.17-10-1739 OUD K.K.NED. Johannes Van Stiphout CONS.11-07-1745 OUD K.K.NED. Gualterus Michael V.Nieuwenhiusen CONS.07-02-1768 OUD K.K.NED. Adrianus Johannes. Broeckman CONS.21-06-1778 OUD K.K.NED. Johannes Jacobus Van Rhijn CONS.05-07-1797 OUD.K.K.NED. Gisbertus DC Jong CONS.07-11-1805 OUD K.K.NED. Willebrord Van Os CONS.24-04-1814 OUD K.K.NED. Johannes Bon CONS.25-04-1819 OUD K.K.NED. Johannes Van Santen CONS.13-11-1825 OUD K.K.NED. Hermanus Heykamp CONS.17-07-1854 OUD K.K.NED. Casparus Johannes Rinkel CONS.11-08-1873 OUD K.K.NED. Gerardus Gul CONS.11-05-1892 OUD K.K.NED. Arnold Harris Matthew CONS.28-04- 1908 OUD K.K.ENG. Frederick Samuel Willoughby CONS.28-10-1914 OUD K.K.ENG. James Ingall Wedgewood CONS.13-02-1916 OUD K.K.ENG. Charles Leadbeater CONS.22-07-1916 OUD K.K.ENG. Johannes Dubbink CONS.17-10-1916 I.C.C.I.HOL. William Henry Dew CONS.02-10-1955 I.C.C.I. Peter Wayne Goodrich CONS.27-04-1978 I.C.C.I. Johannes Vandenbosch CONS.18-07-1982 I.C.C.I.HOL. Hieronynius Greveling CONS.22-05-1988 OUD EPISC.K.K.NED. Ivo A. P.Verbeeck CONS.31-03-1991 OUD EPISC.K.K.NED. Michael D. Owen CONS.06-10-1996 USA Russell McClanahan CONS.09-26-2004 USA Robert E. Wilson CONS.5 -14-2010 USA Bryant Holloway CONS.8 -9-2017 USA

Page 45 of 50 Hebt gij een Apostolische Successie?

Openbaer de lijn van Uw bisschoppen* (Tertullianus 3e eeuw)

DE OUD KATHOLIEKE KERK (Keltische Traditie) en de APOSTOLISCHE SUCCESSIE via het Patriarchaat van ANTIOCHIE Mar Michael Kelt.bissschop

Lijst no een ANTIOCHEENSE SUCCESSIE. 01. H.Petrus de Apostel jaar 35 02. Evodius 44 03. Ignatius martelanr 68 04. Earon 107 05. Cornelius 137 06. Eados 142 07. Theophilus 157 08. Maximinus 171 09. Seraphim 179 10. Asclepiades Martelaar 189 11. Philip 210 12. Zebinus 219 13. Babylos Martelaar 237 14. Fabious 250 15. Demetrius 251 16. Paulus I 259 17. Domnus I 270 18. Timotheus 281 19. Cylilus 291 20. Tyrantus 296 21. Vitalius 301 22. Philogonius 318 23. Eustachius 323 24. Paulinus 338 25. Meletius 325 26. Philabianus 383 27. Evagrius 386 28. Phosphorius 416 29. Alexander 418 30. Johannes I 428 31. Theodotus 431 32. Domnus II 442 33. Maxhnus 450 34. Accacius 454 35. Martyrius 457 Page 46 of 50 36. Petrus II 464 37. Philadius 500 38. Serverius de Grote 509 39. Sergius 544 40. Domnus III 547 41. Anastasius 560 42. Gregorius I 564 43. Paulus II 567 44. Patra 571 45. Domnus IV 586 46. JuIianus 591 47. Athanasius I 595 48. Johannes II 636 49. Theodorus I 649 50. Severus 668 51. Athanasius II 684 52. Julianus II 687 53. Elias I 709 54. Athanasius III 724 55. Evanius I 740 56. Gervasius I 759 57. Joseph 790 58. Cyriacua 793 59. Dionysius I 818 60. Johannes III 847 61. Ignatius II 877 62. Theodosius 887 63. Dioriysius II 897 64. Johannes IV 910 65. Basilius 922 66. Johannes V 936 67. Evanius II 954 68. Dionysius III 958 69. Abraham I 962 70. Johannes VI 965 71. Athanasius IV 987 72. Johannes VII 1004 73. Dionysius IV 1032 74. Theodorus II 1042 75. Athanasius V 1058 76. Johannes VIII 1064 77. Basilius II 1074 78. Abdon 1076 79. Dionysius V 1077 80. Evanius III 1080 81. Dionysius VI 1088 82. Athanasius VI 1091 Page 47 of 50 83. Johannes IX 1131 84. AthanasiusVII 1139 85. Michael I de Grote 1167 86. Athanasius VIII 1200 87. Michael II 1207 88. Johannes X 1208 89. Ignatius III 1223 90. Dionysius III 1253 91. Jahannes Xl 1253 92. Ignatius IV 1264 93. Philanus 1283 94. Ignatius Baruhid 1293 95. Ignat. Ishmael 1333 96. Ignat. Basilis III 1366 97. Ignat. Abraham II 1382 98. Ignat. Basilius IV 1412 99. Ignat. Bahanam I 1415 100. Ignat. Kalejih 1455 101. Ignat. Johannes XII 1483 102. Ignat. Noah 1492 103. Ignat. Jezus I 1509 104. Ignat. Jacobus I 1510 105. Ignat. David I 1519 106. Ignat. Abdullah I 1520 107. Ignat. Nilrhat Alla 1557 108. Ignat. Petrus III David II 1576 109. Ignat. Pilatus 1591 110. lgnat. Abdullah II 1597 111. Ignat. Hidajat Allah 1598 112. Ignat. Simeon 1640 115. Ignat. Jezus II 1655 114. Ignat. Abd al-Masih I 1662 115. Ignat. Cabeed 1686 116. Ignat. Gervasius II 1687 117. Ignat. Isagk 1708 118. Ignat. Schukr Allah 1723 119. Ignat. Gervasius III 1746 120. Ignat. Gervasius IV 1768 121. Ignat. Mathias 1781 122. Ignat. Bahanam II (Matteus) 1810 123. Ignat. Jonas 1817 124. Ignat. Gervasius V 1818 125. Ignat. Elis II 1839 126. Ignat. Jacobus II 1847

Page 48 of 50 Ignat. Petrus IV 1872 De hierna volgenden zijn geen Patriach van Antiochie Ignatius Petrus IV, in de 127. meeste lijsten vermeld als Ignat.Petr. III had het idee voor een oecumenische beweging en consacreert in 1877 128. Paulus Athanasius, bisschop van Kodayam, die op 29 juli 1889 consacreert: Julius Francois Xavier Alvarez, Aarts-bisschop van Ceylon, Goa en Indie. die op 129. 29 mei 1892 consacreert: Joseph Ren’e Vilatte (Mar Timotheos) Aarts-bisschop van Noord-Amiezika (Oud- 130. Katholiek), die op 6 mei 1900 consacreert: Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, bisschop vab Plaisance, die met autorisatie van Bisschop 131. Vilatte op 4 december 1904 consacreert: Julius Houssay (oud R.K. priester) als gallicaans bisschop, diz orz 26 juni 1911 132. consacreert: Louis Marie Francois Giraud (priester gewijd door Bisschop Vilatte), die als Aarts- 133. bisschop van Almyre en Patriarch op de Gallicaannse zetel op 28 december 1921 consacreert: Pierre Gaston Vigue, bisschop van de Gallicaanse kerk, die op 9 juni 1924 134. consacreert: Aloysius Stumpfl (Mar Timotheus II) Metropoliet vah 135. Aquilea., die op 17 april 1949 consacreert: Joseph Marl a Thiesen (Mar Justinus) voor de orthodoxe eparchie van Aquilea. die 136. op 25 januari 1954 consacreert: en Lycie voor de (Eglise Ancienne Catholique te Parijs), die na lid herstel van het 137. oecumenisch Patriarchaat (Syro-Pntiocheens) in Europa werd gekozen als de eerste Patriarch, dit ambt in 1973 overgaf aan Boris I ( le Mage) en In 1974 overging naar de Koptische 138. Kerk en benoemd werd tot KoDtisch bisschop voor Frankrijk, die op 1 december 1957 consacreert: Giovanni Taddei (oud priester der R.K.Kerk) als Adrts’-bisschop Primaat voor 139. Italie (zijn wijdingen werdern erkend door de R.K. Kerk) die op 15 october 1961 consacreert: Gioffeede Angelo Ballostro, bisschop vikaris voor de primaat-zetel in Italie, die op 140. 25 juli 1972, met twee co-consecratoren, consacreert: Boris .Timotchenko (Maurice Ie flat-e) 2e geko-zen oecurnenisch patriarch, na het 141. aftreden van Johannes Maria van Assendelft, die als Patriarch Boris I op 24 februari 1980 consacreert: Mar Michael van Schravendijk, Bisschop-Primaat van de Oud-Katholieke Keltische Kerk, consacreert Mgr. Dr. Ivo P. Verbeeck, op 29 juni 1992, Hoogfeest van de Apostelen Petrus en Paulus, tot Hoogfeest van de Apostelen Petrus en 143. Paulus, tot mar Ivo van Oud-Katholieke Keltische Kerk, met bevoegdheid voor het Nederlands- Duits-Kroatisch taalgebied binnen en buiten Europa. Tevens wordt Mar Ivo benoemd tot kanselier-Generaal van de OudKatholieke Keltische Kerk en Titulair Bisschop van SKRADIN in KROATIA. on the sixth day of October, 1996 Michael D. Owen, in Oklahoma City, 144. Oklahoma. USA 145. Michael D. Owen did consecrate Russell McClanahan on 9-26-2004 146. Russell McClanahan did consecrate Robert E Wilson on 5-14-2010 Memphis, Tennessee USA 147. Robert E. Wilson did consecrate Bryant Holloway on 8-9-2017

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