EXPLORE NORTHERN IRON COUNTY BACKYARD ADVENTURE MONTH SEPTEMBER, 2020 15 NATURAL AND HISTORICAL LOCATIONS—COOL PRIZES—FAMILY FRIENDLY FUN Download and print your booklet at: www.nicer715.com or www.iron.extension.wisc.edu Or call 715-561-2695 to request one. EXPLORE NORTHERN IRON COUNTY BACKYARD ADVENTURE MONTH Northern Iron County is filled with many unique natural and historical locations that you can visit, right in our own back yards! Whether you are a local or someone visiting our area, we invite you to check out the 15 locations listed in this booklet throughout the whole month of September for your chance to win some really cool prizes! Each location, listed in full detail on the following pages, is ranked by a point system. This point system is based on the travel and trail difficulty of each location. • Travel difficulty: determined by considering miles to destination, condition of road, parking. • Trail difficulty: determined by considering the length and condition of trail. Use the check list on the back page to keep track of your adventures throughout the month of September. We’ve added an extra adventure points section, just for fun! In order to qualify for prizes, participants are required to submit completed checklists and photos from each destination, online at https://tinyurl.com/ironcountybackyardadventure or via email at
[email protected]. Deadline to submit: SEPTEMBER 30th! Before participating, please read the disclaimer and photo release on the back page. PRIZES 1st and 2nd prize payouts are awarded to participants who submit checklists with the most points and one photo from each destination (15 total).