Mostly sunny High: 29 | Low: 21 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE Tuesday, January 5, 2016 75 cents 2015 in Ironwood SUPERIOR FALLS Bessemer Council above average appoints Whitburn to for precipitation, sign CDBG documents By TOM STANKARD city needed someone to sign the temperatures
[email protected] documents as they come for By RALPH ANSAMI BESSEMER — In front of a approval over the course of the
[email protected] large crowd, the Bessemer City next “few days.” IRONWOOD — A December Council approved on Monday to With that, Frello made a that produced more rain than have Mayor Kathy Whitburn motion to have Whitbrun, who snow pushed the 2015 precipi- sign documents concerning the was not at the meeting, sign the tation total above average for Community Development Block CDBG documents. The other Ironwood. Grant. council members unanimously In December, Ironwood Council member John Frello approved. received 4.68 inches of precipi- said the city should have some- Given the current city manag- tation, compared to the long- body to handle things as they er situation, City Attorney term average of 2.11 inches. come up that are “out of the ordi- Michael Korpela said, in the The record was 5.39 inches in nary or beyond the authority of future, Whitburn would only be 1927. staff, council members or the appointed for very specific pur- That boosted Ironwood’s pre- Bessemer Department of Public poses on a “case-by-case” basis. cipitation total for the year to Works.” “It’s not telling anyone that 38.96 inches, compared to the City Clerk Jim Trudgeon said we resolved the city manager long-term average of 34.93 the city is making final pay- issues by this type of arrange- inches.