heatre- Arts Club tn• ''C'-. -•.tl·ver I . t A war . d. '' VAUXHALL PRESENTS and s2095 SCHMITT avalhble at and to Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 64. · No. 78 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY~ APRIL 6, 1957 · (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton &Sona efence Confident As • • case arns riSIS • ' dams' Trial Concludes 1 By WATSON SIMS . LONDON (AP) - The trial of Dr. John Bodkin Adams neared IPS anne rom uez Friday with opposing lawyer 1 sharply denouncing testimony by of th• world's leading medica I specialists I j..' "Absurd, ridiculous", defence counsel GtoHrty Lawrenct iaid of Dulles ·VisitiJig ·· nee given for the Crown by Dr. Arthur Douthwalte, a foremost on . The Canal Area:!:'·: I "Evasive ..• an ab11nce of frankness I • • Incredible", Attorney· I ral Reginald Mannlngham·Byller said of testimony glvtn by the d .. WASHINGTON (AP) - Israel was reported I own medical authority, Dr. John Bishop Harman. Friday to have told the that Middle East fighting may flare up again if any Sue1 pids "Where his evld.nce conflict 1 with that of other doctors It would .. nt. (CP) _ right to accept the other evldenct In preference to his". Mannlngha~· Canal settlement fails to lift the Egyptian ban on t rapld 1 01 Israeli shipping. I r were r said. I '!t'ES!l.\ \' I Diplomatic sources disclosed this as bad ·r .;ound up lor the de· r------""""------, weather foiled an attempt by State Secretary­ 1 ~ \)! th;'!'r·wrrk·long trlal du:nat;c appeal for acquit-~ Dulles to fly to New York for a Middle East con­ ij, till l1kely 11 ill go ~ the Six· Die .·In sultation with UN Secretary-General Dag Ham­ !I!~ \here ls no proof I tla! thr ~·)·ear-olrl Ad·! marskjold. There'' were reports he would go to . I mad! •ralthy ~Irs. Edith · New York by automobile from Albank, N.Y. )ior:t:J an addict and then Bar Brawl I.I ~!r • :th he ary rlrJg ln~c­ Dulles has been directing U.S., . . ~ b¢pe ol brnclitlng from '1'\n ANGELES (AP) - Pollee' lri the c'tub """"1, I qulet neigh. negotiations with Egypt on future pranciples and ,the 1888 Constan- .I.IV;:J m • ._ operations of tbe canal. It is about ~nople Com·ention internatlonallz- lOUth I, Frlday staged a mauive hunt for ~rllood coektilll bar in the to be opened to regular traffic af· 1ng the wat~rway. i 1.:J mt the la~t houra two men who, full of hate and central district. ter a shutdown resulting from last 2. Tryln~ to keep Israel out of wo:nan an~ promolinll booze, made human torches of five 'BELL ON EARTH'' PORT SAID, Egypt-Egyptian crowd on a Jetty watches the Ru3slan freighter Krasnodar arrive fall's Sinai fighting when a num- the Suez will cause another Middle i~ a rioclor's duty," men and a woman quleUy enjoy. "0~ moment I bad a cafe lull 1 1 1 hi f'-t t 1 ·t ber of sha'p were s~uttled m· ·~- East blowup comparable to last !lid. "It . has been lng themaelvea in a nelllhborhood of happy p,op!e bavlnll a good at Port Said after transit of the Suez Cana. It ed a en·s p convoy, u.. convoy o ransi channel s • .. .., fall's Israeli attack on Egypt. li lr.l tw',te~ nnd lmv.!rted I bar, ume. Then 1 audden !Iaah and the the waterway since It was blocked ltJSI November. No British, French or American shlps were NO AGREEME:IIT . 3. Israel believes the West~rn I ac:mlinn of ml.lrder.'' Detectives ny four men were bar turned In~ a bell on earth~' In the convor.-(IN Photo). So far Dulles has failed to get; powers .threw away their bargaln- I II :n:~rd~r tria:, which opened thrown out of the bar Thursday That wu the way b~rtendur Egyptian p roe 51 d c n t Nasser's mg positions with Egypt, Now the I II, is one ol \he most un- night for forclnr tbelr attentions Larry Fenton, :U, 10bbl~y de· PARIS·.· agreement on three main U.S. pro- West stands before Nasser with Illness u ltll as the lon11est, In on 1 woman patron. Two of them 1crlbed the tracedy to "'porters. posals. These are that Nasser out any means of pressure, : n both she hilton·. returned In 1 ra11e 1nd touched He laid there waa 1 Jay erowd ,. change his tentative plans so as 4. ~ the canal be~mes Egyp.. loyal smlce. l!.\.'i KSOWS ott a flub fire that kllled six 1nd Of nearly 1 s~re Ill tbe bar when ----- to make the canal an international tian, 1nstead of international, p~ . I associated :rial ltsllmony hu lndl- sent three others to hoapltlll, four men came ill, bid a !ew p . w I F commitment, recogniZe a grooping ert:t •. Nasser will have an eco- ~hurch and 1!.1\JI'l!libly no one, lnc!ud· Arreated and booked on IUPl· been, 1nd bepn annoylnJa N!IIU• of canal·users, and encompass six nomic strangle-hold on aU o( West. :ions for repares e come or 26l-polund doctor who 1ltJ elon ol murder are Clyde Bate1, lar p1t.ron, :Mn, Harminla Mor- principles approved by the tJN se ern EorOII!! because he would con · dock, may know 38, and OtCir S, Brenhaug, 44, ale1. curity council Oct. 13 . trol the vatal oil and trade route ~rs. ~lorrell. She died member• of 1 al(llboard WJ'IclrmJ Three Of t11e foor were ejected. ·. . Implementation of the six prln- from the east. . 1 1:~~~~~~~:~e~\~~d ~ c~~pector Tom .Red~ri'"iafd ·~tt~ I~~t r:om::u::dl~ :£~ Th·· e· -" ·R'. o· ... ··'. ~y·' :"·a· ·-I ·' 0 up· Ie ~~i~snt~.ou;~bif~;:c~i~~i~;:s i~~:l~ de~t Is~:~n~~~v~sr·~ea.:~~rtfotr~~t ear al1() chest ol Ill- neue. "put them 1t tlle location door burst open One man llosbed , c . nt·~ the canal from politics of any t~.e U.S. does not assume Egypt h!r .estate. at the time of tbe blast." a paD ol ruollne on the floor nation, Pre v c n t discrimination 11111 try to keep Israel !rom using alln~ul·~d the death to Bates, wl!l) Reddin 11)'1 has. a Another threw 1 ll1hted mateb on · t 11 the canal. Lirombos\1. But he also ,long criminal record and Brenhau1 lt. agamst any user, agree to 0 5 6 Israel will •"nd an Israeli admlni1\erin~: heroln and denied knowledge of the fire. PARIS (Reulers)-Planes, trains i be here, led ~Y the Queen's body- i Philip, wlth Pmident Coty a~d I and set. up a d;vclopmcnt fund. , ship through the ;;nal a~ soon 15 Injection, lo which Dr. The fJre occurred at 11:40 p.m. There was a ''woosh:' sound and; and trucks unloaded tons of flow·: guard, Superintendent Albert Ed· 200 guests, .wlli )'lla.ke a round tnp. Israeli am bas ad or Ab~a Eban t the u.s. and other pow~rs estab· i ·a\lribulrd her death. a sheet ci flame, Screams, Panic. ers ·Frlday as Paris primped for ward Perkins. with a flotilla. ot nve!' craft al~ng; 11 as reported ID haY~ mformed llish the principle of. free and inno- mrdical authority for No Shortage Of Said Fenton, who escaped by a the four·day state visit of Queen A. gala ballete at the opera Is the floodlit Seme throogh the heart 1 the u.s. state dcpartm•.nt Ill at his- cent passage Dr. ~llchael Geor~ rear door: Elizabeth beginning Monday, . the climax of the .first day, but of Paris. . I r~el dastrus.ts ;ny agrce_mcnt I .at 7. Israel is. not in {a\'or of any nii lht dru~.~ would have In sparkling spring sunshine probably the crownang pageant of Performers on the banks w1ll 111 ould allOI\ Ebypt to rcampose Its litigation such a Dulles' idea of ~· bel !omo nntural cause SaJk Vaccine "Most ot the dead were trapped workmen were busy preening the the vislt wlll be Tuesday, . form histo~lca! tableaux and the Suez blockade agamst Israel. ~etting ;n adl·is~rv opinion from h: ' inlerrtned. He Is con. where they were seated. Their stately palaces of former French Then the Queen and Pnncc (Conhnued on page 9) OUTLINES TIIOUGHTS : the world court, on th~ !nterna- ' l·l 1i1 !An~on hospltall, O'M'AWA (CP) - There now l.! clothes were on flre and the kln1s, piBJlUng flagpoles along the Eban was quoted by diplllmatic tional character of the Guii of r,, d!ICn!•'. Dr. Harman enough Sallr anti-polio vaccine In flamu licked at their flesh. I IIW Champs Elysees where the chest· g' sources as telling U.S. uniler sec- IAqaba or iL~ narrow entrance. This dllf1 no~ hcliere the dru11s Canada to enable physicians any. ~~r woo::l~.~nnlnll •bout with her nut trees are green with leav-es Charged WI'fh KI'IIJ'n retary Christian Herter: is because Israel feels It has the · lo 'ln. ~!orr e It's where In the country to obtain it and Installing thousands of flood- 1. Israel believes no Suez agree· I rlght to use these areas freely, h an ;!l:lhor ol medical[ for their patient!, Health Minister "l'U never forget f!lt faces of llghts around public buildings and h' s ment is legally or morally sound and any ~~gal action would have to tonsuHant at London's Martln IBid Friday. thet!e fiendish men." along the banks of the Seine. T K,· if it does no\ conform to the six ilnsfituted by those who disagree. Ho!p:tnl. The Canadian Pharmaceutical Palm fronds and exotic blooms w,·fe,· en 11 s e11 --- illfre can be no po!t•mor- Xuoc!aUon, the Canadian Medl· from the Riviera Yt'ill be the last . \ Safety Councl·l· Prore theories, Adams c1! Anoclatlon 1nd the provlnclal B d p of the floral tributes to be put in MONTREAL (CP) - Edward 's jury held him criminally ..---.c:;.______• I mmalion certificate the health departrnenh were noU!Ied rea n·ces place. Alexander Vengroff, I man who responsible for hi! wife's death. l!r1. '!orrell died and her Much 22 that va~lne could be From noon (7 a.m. AST) llfon- vowed he would commit !Ulclde Later he was charged with murder l I R t t • 'tt!f! !tattered over the l(]pplled ~ medical practitioners To' Increase' day when the Queen's wrbo-prop after telling hi! mother he had and Ofdered to appear for prelim- oca epresen a IVIS. C!iancel in 19.'10. throuah normal channels. airliner land! at Orly airport, shot his wife, was found hanged inary hearing Apiiil 11. CITED "This will be done ~Jthout any France will put her best foot for- Friday ln a lonely cell at Mon- His mother, Mrs. Molly Rosen- eoun!el Lawrence, ln • modification In the delivery sched- Walah'a Bakery 1nnounce In an ward In a burst of pageantry !real's Bordeaux Jall. thall VengroU, told newspaper- and 2D·minute c)oslnll ulu, •.to provincial health de- advertflement th!J ·mornlnll that rarely equalled for I visiting SOV· The 41-year·old man, charged men following the shooting that At Qu . bee Mee.t mmered htav!!y on dis- partmenll, In 1ecordance with the price of bread will be In· erelgn. wlth the murder of hls estranged her son had come home and "told between lhe 1uthor- their respectlve requlre~ntJ," creaaed,' e!fectlve April lith. As' !lie 'Queen and Prince Philip wife, used a bed sheet to make a me he had shot Aida because she Mr. Martin told the Commons. The bakery ownen stJted: · step on the ~d carpet at the alr. noose and hanged himself !rom wouldn~ speak to him.'' The Safety council of New· ~ newly appointed council UPfrt!-at the top Of the All priVate orden thus far re- "Owing to the Increase In cost port, they wJU be greeted by the ban of his cell during the She added he then said he was f()undland wlll be represented sten()grapher. to s~ak - have apoken ce!vecl h1d been fll!ed and aome we Ire !orc!'ed to lnereue the aell- French President Rene Coty, night. , also going to kill himself. at th f th oml"g hi""way A program •- being drawn up lleut two 1eparate voice• " 6 . . !10 000 d0181 'o! the In h1 d lng price of b ead 11 0fA IIIIth" 10,000 TROOPS READY A guard making an Inspection "I told him to leave it up to the e or c " " "' ' vacc e r pr ' Twenty thouaand French troop' tour found his body at 3 a.m. in Lord a"d to justice - call the safety meeting at Quebec on for use by tbe service clubs and I been stnt up to April 2 to all parts . The amount of the lnereue was ' " April 23rd. Taking part will be Legion and other organlzaUoza of Canada. not atated. will line the streets of Parts ln the detention wing cell, which Is pollee." Superintendent A. w. Parsons outside St. Jo'lln's wblch are in· double1rowa along the routes ~ be separated from the section where The mother •said that wltb her of the R.C.M.P.; Chl'.!f of Pollee tereo+ed In · !ormin" Ccunclla. • taken by tire Que~n. convicted prisoners are serving son's permission she had tele- or "' GOvernment • Cavalry ol the Re.Publlcan Guard sentences. phoned a relative and asked that Edgar Pittman; Wllllam J. Yabs- Primary att-Scotland Yard detectives also will After Vengro!f was arrested, a January. time tha,t all ten provinces will to the work in the schools, aU' Ha~sp~.~~-~~~ees~ateall~~------~------~~~~----~------~hlingpartinthisannualor~niutiomwlll~~~~- ' \lidded $94,750,000 to Friday, would run II follows for s I ·' w· meeting of the Canadian High· Iassist the admirable programm~ ·I propospdmates, tototal brlnll $.5tbe • the current !!seal year: & . ·. . way Safetyi tCouncil, t and t tit ls lla ofh' Water Safetyb •"-beingRed promoted: C ~~ to n· In y ..,.., lor months tha't Flmlly allowances, $2 , ,000; o·h ''s rou·p·. . most mpor an even o a t 1s summer roll. 4 J 12 t. G Canada. The Council views with alarm 1. old lie penalons for those 10 ana At the ~ewfoundland IndU!!- 1 tlle frightening gi-owth of hJili- ~Up bl' IUpplementary ea. o~er, f'S,OOO,OOO; old lie aulat· trial Safety Council conference way and other accidents. It wu ~~c~ Friday be!ore the ~nee to the needy between 85 and ' ' all far authorization the 89, lnd S3,000,000; hlllher dlublJ. d F · t• · I T h JJere at St. John's Vlc2-Presldent reported that In the first quart- tops thp prevlou's •II· lty penalana !or Wlr vetemil,· c t IVa . Walter Davis was delegated to er of this year compared to lut of ~,322,000,000 in t e flUCO~OOO: Jncreued .now1nce 1 ove e . es rop y represent the council, and to year, deaths throlllb acc1dent I~. 1o "b'lmtd out" vetenn1 and de· address the confereneoa on Tuea· have doubled, and the rate of ac- res With the former pendll\tJ, $4,8!10,000; fnmaaea In day afternoon. · cldentl tlleimelves have incre .. hl11h Of ~ 157""" penllona !or dlubled lv!Ua IDd Through the courtesy Of the ed by sixty percent. ES; 11 • ,Wil,OOO, · c n, Th1 coveted Calvert Trophy, ~cher for tbe bert actor In the rection In "The H&ony Heart." Forest ProtEction authorities the the 1ovenunent ::r.:cd- tilt blind, · re~vely, •1•100•000 "Charity" wu awanied to the r61e of Moaes In "The Fintbarn". Lady Wal!b preaented tl!e tro- Safety Council hu be-en grant- Year that ended •reb (eorrtcl} and ,000. . Theatre Arta 'Club, St. Jobn'a, Jut It was most dl1flcult to do, and phlee to the winners Is they came ed perm!sslo!l to use the bill· ll57.ss total 1 PAID BY O'l'I'AWA · nllht for the belt performed pl1y It didn't qu'lta com• oU, Mr. Bel· on stage, and when Mr. Holmea board at the junction of Mount "Newfoundland" ~ernm • aure to 10 • in tbe 18D7 He!llollll Drama !amy Ald. reeelved "Charity" for the bert Pearl Road and the Highroad In 'llliPI entJ euatoml!'!ly FamJly. allowance•, the over-70 Fettival. Hr. John 'Ho!mea, the Honourabli mention for the best play, he gently bent over and during off-seuon, and a diapl.Ay Frl3~P~tll'y eaUmate1 tbe federal treasury. The coat ot d!r~to: · of "The Huty . Heart" supportlng role Will gtven to A. Ids sed the atatue. -Not Canada ~YI-from time to old· 11e au!Jtane., bliad aDd dlJo performed by tbla JI'Ollp, a!Jo re- Davis 11 Aaron in "The First· The fifth play which closed the w!U ahortly be erected as 8 ceu· During the Iut night o! the thl elld of I tlaeal abJ.d · elvlliiD pena!on, It . apllt ceived the a11'1!'d' for the belt born": Mary Honoaban 11 Mlaa Festival for t1lb year was "Au•· tlon · to all motorists to uae Regional Drama Festival, Adjadi- 1 Year II ju•t ~ ltl ·wltb tbe provlnett, IDere1111 ill, dl:eetor, and far the beat aup. C11eweU 1n "Tbe Mousetrap"; stula", presented by the Play. prudence on the roads. cater Cecil Bellilmy received~ .. PAnt! · the mllimiJDI paymenta 1n the1e portlq role 11 Tommy, C~rmel Marlrley 11 Margaret Mun· makm ot Corner Brook. A large attendance of direc- 1onged applause when he aald ~"' 11.1 1 NT8 i11t three e&!elorlea are eont!JI; . Hrl . .Ma17 Dunpby of' Corner .On In "Kind llr", John Hobnes · Mr Bellamy adjudicated the tors took place at the weekly have found in Newfoundland, u Ia· ~nue~ntarlu eon- aent on .Pnwinclal IPJI!'OTal, . Brook'· Am1teW' Player• won the recevied the award for ·the part play before glvina the flnalawardl. meeting on Friday 'in the tern· Cai!Jida the seta have been w~ · d. r~ Of fundi to 'l'be11 maXJmam1 wool!\ be belt 1CtreN.aWard for her Plri u of "Tommy" in "The Harty Heart", "I Will allghtly puzzled by , a porary officoas at the King done." For a minute there wu .a.~ locla! welflre boolted ~ ~ • month lrfnJl·lhe llollle JWJ!on .in "The Kou• J4alr1n Wahh 11 the Dowager too large difference in accentt- GEorge V, Institute. Present pause, then the audience brob '.' In and "•r Tit- present ~. Family 1Dowan.ce1 tn~"· Pta a! O'Neill, tbe btJt actor Empreu in. "Analtallla" received two actors with two foreign ae- were President Arthur Johnson, Into loud' applause. After the a)t~ 14 budiet fa M1!;., Harr!J' would be IDel'lllld bf t1 I ,month awird for th(role 11 Lachlan ·in honourable' mention 1n the beat cents, one, or two auumlng a Vice-Presidents Harvey C. Dawe plause Mr. Bellamy aa!d, ''I lllf'l exeeptJour "''~· bl twoJchlld • Ill, lfOIIPI, Ttlt:f "Tbt Haaty Btal't", and st. John'• aetrea award, and Hfl, Danphy allgbtly foreign accent, and one &nd Walter H. Davis, Horrorary learning," and when he lttllt ~ , eoverln wbl••~.~ IMm would be 1 •traiJbt ••·monfb t. ffven ."were awarded the troph7 wu pretented with the trophy for or two strallht Engl.IJh or can- .Secretary Donald A. Mercer, anjl ferred til lila traveliiCfOII.Canadll1 Und I ''"'' ralt1 creaq -111 tht ~ wblch the ewer foe .the belt v11ua1 preM11t.tlon. her role · a dian 1 ttink the accent. were Directors Raymond t. Manning, earefally differentiated NeWfoana::t', A~ the M'ar!Ume TO pertonl rteelve. Vetuilla',.ID' Paddy Broa•n tbe dll)!lller, H- Mrs. Nula GrlffJn, Mr. Bellamy too· .ironr." . Lloyd Bishop, c. Doog!ae Eaton. land ·from ur. reat o! the, ~-. es' to help e&l'f7 Cl'tiHI V&l'7.. · ceived til troPbY.for th ... Piaym.' 111d, desenred mention for her . Tin! central figure o! tbe play ·Not!. Goodridge Me.rvln Green, Ylnce~. Thil •eelned· to meet·witll·; Tilt :roduct. to Ia. ''.n.. incrta1e1 ln f1m!Jy ~allow: . .AnnoWI'cinJ .the wlnnera Hr. coungi in tdirecUnl " The J'irat. "Anaataala" Ia Bounlne, wbo fa a Inspector Eric s.porter, Ronald the ~eat approval from tbe •IJ.dl'~: boos~ ~~-.: fliot14,, Uet1 . ar. lfftcUn Sept. , ~( ~ .CeeU,, · Beltuiy, ~ .Us. adjil~tor, bo'?"1 and :robn Holmes was pre- ldnd of slinky and, amoothe chal' 'l'urta, w; ~rdon Warren, Her-. ~nee u t,hey op:ct, f!lOH ~ ft. · per Nit otht:tr ..Jal)U. 'l'lll'laltr·dJte ~ pve hoa-.blt .IIIC1tiaD .to l&t Illite<~ with tht aw~ ~~~ di· '" ·.. ·(Continued .on pa11e 9) . bert K. Wyatt and Mrt. S. Segal, ap~laud. .::~_\ .... , \ I \ ~ ,. •\ ~ c II ., \I lr 'I . THE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, CARBOMEAR NEWS 1::: I Annual Meeting New~y Briefs , 01 1::.·I ·'I Of r-: c.t.RBOJii'EAR.- Mr. Hudson, o! teJubbll\l and palnUna has been I 'Fire Brigade · Davil, Vice President of the Unl~ given I'Diuntary by members of the -:;><1;.-s.l II e,, L.oiU. en Academy for the put O.Y.B., and It II now a credit Lo ilJ I CARBONEAR, March SO-Tile Meura ,William H. Burden, few yeara has accepted the post of the Orange Order and to the town. arbonear Volunteer Fire Brlude St.oJY Harris, George McCarthy, principal for the coming achool leld Ita annual meetln1 on March Robert Osmon't!, William B. B.)1l'~ year, replacing Mr. H. French, --, v. Mr. Ernest Pike, a member of !51., with the 111. director, Mr. den and Geor'e McGrath were : ru1Jnel1. the teaclllni ataff of the United oh n T. Pike, In the chair. Re- placed on, the Uat of honorary Church Academy, waa hlihliner in e·-J ~ b1l~ showed the Brliade had bad ,.membm, alter llavin11 urved the Mr-: William Bumy, a member tile men's bowling dlvhlon at the 1 '•ucces!lul year. 1Brlude faithfully and well !or ,1f the Inching ata!f of the Grand Oran1e Recreation Centre up until ;· 1 The I rca surer qave hla rep on 1many year a. El~ht new members Falla Amal1amated School, 1111 ac- 8 p.m. on April ht., whee he was ::•, nrl made spccl~l reference to a ~ere added to tile brigade's roster, ccpted the position of Vice Prln· edged out~ by Mr. John Hiscock, 'II. onat1pn made by ~lr. William and It Ia r:

1 ~he year was the lnablllt.y to cerry Lana:; secretary, Russell Howell: can henr very little was done apart The "Sun!hlce" Mission Band :~ ~ul tht ·annual Santa Claua Par· pumper superintendent, Cecil from leaving the matter In the will be staging an Easter concert

...,.,..,,. .... 1• ade on Chrlatmas Eve, thla had Reid; aulatant pumper superin· hands of the combined boards. It in the School Hall, South Side, on 1 ·I! 1 ,be~n a cuatom,.for many ynra and tendant, Auguatua .Forward. The \IIOUid appear that this Is a maHer Monday next, April 8th, and the 1 1. hhe firemen very reluctantly .ill'e, foregoing were all re·elected anrl the congn!gatlon will have to ~olve Superintendent Mrs. James Tay­ ' i •UP the Idea !or 19~8. circumstance~ IGeorge Chubb!, 'Jobn Kavanagh 'and solve· quickly !or we under· lor as well u 'the membera would :~ ; ~l'er which they had no control and Gt'Drlle W. Janes wrre e!crted ·stand the present' organist will be I lik~ to see a· large attendanCf. •: mRde this necmary. 1 u Srd. 4th. and ~Lh. director. re· reslgnlns at the end of June. I __ ... ..,_-.. - ' . : fire Chi~f rlkt in hi~ addrm. Jpcctivel)'. Auditors, Fred G. Earle - I . ' J" 'k f th s th' : '.!thanked the membt'rs for the fine' and Uuncan Cameron. . A!the ·Orange Recreation centre, . Ml!! ~June PI e 0 e ?U '1: · (:O·opmlion throu~:hout the year I In concluding this report we on ~londay evening, April lsi, cups 1 S1de celebrate.d her tenth bl~tb· '~nd paid tribut~ to the Town Coun· Iwnuld like to thank the member~ rru· the highest scores In bawllnlll day on ~ucda),dM~ch 2 ~ 1 ~ c~n· ril for . a portdble :of the Volunteer Flrr for · ro the month of Mnrch were pre· ons 11 11 1 1 es or purcha.~ing Bri~aJe 1 aratul~t ~ 1 1 pljmp !or the use of the Briaade. Ill their iOOd )l·ork In the past and acnted to Mrs. John T. Plke and many more, ur e · HOLLYWOOD, Cal.-Dean Stockwell (left), juvenile mode star who has grown up into his first adult wQu)d be a \'aluahle addition to to a•s~·p them that there is s Hnce :~Jr. John Hiscock. The winners\ tl'\e present equipment which Is. ol sccurily in the knowledie t)Jat i were announced bv Charles Bur· Recent winners in bin11o games . the star ofKirk Douglas' '''I'he Careless Yea11s", Is frequently the target of incredulous stares \){?cause h. e .IIU happy to sa)·, kept In first .\hey nl'e 110 the job for ~ur bene·: gm, Wors.hlpful .. ~laster of "Vic-~at St. Patrick's Hall Include Mr. resemblance to the late James Dean !right). Stockwell is often stopped on the street by fans of the late 1 1 i 1 elm cnndilion. fit. · ~or~· Lodge" No. 42~. o.Y.B., who and Mrs. Harold Carpenter, Miss believe that their eyes are "deC€iving them''.-(I.N. Photo) . , , - ~ ; called upon D. D. G.M. Bro. G. F. Mary Carroll, Edward Furey, II, N Books For .Saunders, to present the cups. IThomaa Hogan, Mesdames McCaL·' I . l ew I Tile Recreation Centre hu•had thy and Fahey, and abo Shirley i Bnde-To-Be '' lh face lifted, eur11ery In the !ornl Emeraon. 1 Stork Shower Conference Electric Blower S t.h S h } p G' . Sh . CARBONEAR, March 30-Quite CARBONEAR. April !st.-Rev For Church ': M' • I·L· b vmpa y c 00 resents Iven ower • number of ladies attending the w. B. Johnson, B.A., B.D., and ·emorla I rary E. d d I . -- stork shower that was held at the Mr. E. L. Powell go to St. John's . -- . ' xten e ' Variety Concert CARBONEAR, March 30th-~lfss ~~d~~ ~~ ~~s~sra~~~sr,owg; s~~;: tomorrol'{ to. attend a two . day I CARBONEAR, ~!artb.

CARBONEAR, April 111.-Re- readln11 and thlrty·three for juven· CARBONEAR, March 27th-We ~ Millicent Tayl,or; an employee o£ I Lloyd Laing. Judging by the many 1 conference of .laymen and mlnlst-: Jr.me~ Branch of the . ": . ee11tly there mlved at the Me- Ilea. would like to extend the sympathy I CARBONEAR, March 27th-Tht 1 Simpson-Sears Order O!flce, 15 lovely gifts Mrs. Laing's friends i ers o£ the United ~h~lrch of Cand n~nced the 1nstallat1on ol moria! 'Library a shipment of new Special mention should al.!o be of our cltluns to Mrs. Solomon I pupils o! Grade! III and IV of the . shortly to be married to the man 1must be hoping !or a twin. The ada .. ~!rs. ~lla~ Wllkmson. of 01 i tm blower for the or~t~ booka, lncludln1 aome for adult made of the volume donated by a Abbott on the death o! her mol· i United Chureh Academ'y held a 01. her choice. For ';everal years 'gifts varied in colour and desi!lfl Perhcan wLII, like )!r. Poll ell,. re~: James Church and only ·and juvenile readil\l. One due"· friend of the late Miu Dorothea her, Mrs, Lucy Sceviour. Decea6ed t Variety Concert on Wednesday, 'lllli.cent has been B.rthday and I but no doubt they will be found resent the Carbon~ar P~esb)ter~·1was It .Installed h)' tr.~ 1 Inc of specie! note II the first of O'Brien. Tile donor wishea to re- lady was eighty years of age and . :\larch 27th. It proved to be a big ~.radle Roll Secretary of the South 1 useful !or either a little ~!iss or Th~ cunfere~~e ':" 111 ~ale as 1ts: L. ~oth~ a~d Sn:-. Wit~ 1 four volumn adapted for mem- main anonymoua .but she was a passed away at the Botwood Col· I succes!, The chairman !or the 1 ~Ide United Church Sunday School a young son. After thanking her m;un them~ ,chn~llamty and he · Collls as lnstathng 1 1 •brra of the teachlni proleulon, en· 1100d friend of Dorothea, Ita en· !age Hoapltal a few days a11o. Ieveninll was Mr. H. V. French, 1~~~rc~n o::t~~e torsker In other !friends for the lovely gi!\s, ~!rs. N:\\ontl Llf~ g ~ \:f r~:uftireoc~ Up until now the org11 10 :titled "Know Your Children," the titled "Life h Worth Living" and -- Principal. ~!uslc wa5 supplied by ' a za " · Laing joined with the others in e 1a ~uc 00 R11 v Dr W G by a t.and pump, the rcmainin1 three are due to arrlv1 the author h Blahop Fulton Sheen. Sympathy Is also extended to 1Mines Florence Penney and Dor- I On Thursday evening last she ~alfles, etc. A buffet supper was ~he ~unNe~encei D' e ·tor ·of · th~ h:;ndied by senior boy! 10 2 :ahortly, Tile autboreu il Lucy A real friend of the library and, ~!rs. E. L. Powell on the death of ! een Reid. Home made candy wu :was given a miscellaneous shower 1 sen·ed around midnight ~rr~, : ~ N~t~~n for the gregation. Perhaps the Spraeue Mitchell, a well·known a youthful one Is Miss Peggy Cam· I her father, ~r. Gilbert L~·nch, who • on sale at the door and the pro. · 1n the School Hall, South Side·. II ~! 1 s.slon ° 1 e f c nada Will be ing it for the ~reat~r writer. eron, daugh. ter 91 Mr. and Mrs. Dun· p~ssed awav at Paradise, St. John'~ i ceeds from same. added consider· I was engineered by the Sunday Ch h R . United Ch~rch e0 ke/ and' Rei'. B. year~ being Fred Chubb!, Another one Ia !or the Guide can Cameron. \\est, on Tuesday Jut. She and , ably to the adm1sslon fees. The School Board of ~lanagement but UrC llpalfS the spem. sp ~ Ch . m be rrliP.d upon more t!'.l.l cojlect!on, "A Complete of An· Pegi)' Yrecently donated fourteen h;r hulband went to St. John's on printed programme was a 'l'o'ork of. in addition to them there were }.1 B. Snow will ac as m an. · else. nuala" by Brockwell and Gra)·sona of her c()llectlon of books; they are \\ ednesday and attended the fun· art and a copy wu supplied to all many of her other friends. Mlu and, aa Ita name Implies, Ia abouL In exeellent condition and llirla era! which took place to the An· the patrons. Beatrice Churchill read an approp- CARBD~EAR, Aprll !st.-Em· new floor, new seals, window alter· With an electric b:otll ·gardening, ln addition to these the and boys would do well to read gllcan Cemetery/ Forest l\oad. . . , riale address before the gifts were ployees of Saunders, Howell and allons and a complete paint job. It safe to say that th~ orpt .• , Re1ional Library Board aecured them. Thank you Pegay and "keep -.-.- The group slngmg WB! just won- opened, eulogizing llliss Taylor for Company Ltd. began the work of will take some little time but when has proved its worth fr 1 twenty-nine voluJDn for adult up the 11ood work." Symp11,thy 1s also extended to , ~erful but a~art from .~he· play i her good work. . remodelling ~nd renovating the the job is completed the church "ears, will give belter 1 1 • • the fa~ily and .fFiends oiihe late Tom Th~~b Wed,ding ,, 'We be- Referring to the many gifts. re-I South Side United Church. We will he such as to do credit to its ~ow on. The C.E.W.A. ·Dis .R 1 aJ Jecn!tary of the meeting were Rev. ~lr. Richard l'owell, who paased · Hl!Ve the Butterfly Dr!ll proved ceived one of .the assembly aald i understand the job will include, parishioners and to the Carbonear plimen ted upon CUSS. e~00 T. P. :Moulton and Mr. ~lax Vaters, ~way at hi! home In S)·.dney, C.B., the most popular of any alnsle "they were marvellous." among other things new ceiling, United Church Charge. ''rOllS >!irt .to the · u ~tho!VIctor~.Thechal~anD atthe~ofnlnet~neyura.Ha~ event . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ • h Sh J plalned the ur ose of the meet· ing left Carbonear when quite 'I The !ollow1ng Is the programme 1 H1g C 00 . inll which w~ .. f0 dl!cU~! the poJ-I youne man there are !~w, if any and we can uy without fear of slblllt of Re lonal Hi h h " ol our citizens, who Will remcm· hesitation, It wu well pn!!ented 1 5 0 1 1 . CARBONEAR..:..A joint meelln1 . Quit Ya bl ~! di 11 1 c ~ ·k Iber the deceased. We venture tb :and showed the results of 11ood . nf all t:nlled Church Boards of I pla : b l ~ . f sl~uss 0 ~ i ~ 0 uy lhowe1•er, that he waa at one 'tralnins ·and the ability to learn. Eu,ucation in the Carbonur area c u 1 1188 e no ec SIO~ 1 timP a member of til local s.A. in~ludin& Perry's Cove, Salmon cq_ul.d be. made until more info1·. Corps. PROGR.~MME SEE US Col't, Freshwater, VIctoria, Hr. matwn lias had resardln11 !h1 set· ·Grace and Car~near, wu held in up, elc., of auch school!. It _was 0 Canada. t~e U: c. Hall at Carbonur dur· therefore, decided, that Mr. Char· Dies At Fo~.O Openini Chorus - 'll.'eleome . . inJ tbe pa~t week. Chairman and lea Rober\!,. Superintendent of the l E1·eryone. Education Council, Dept. of E'!!u- CARBO!\'EAR, March 30th -tt Recitation-Welcome. 1 cation, anrl ·~r. Case, the Asst. wa.l with regret we learned o! the ~ Group Sinllni-SMIL!: . 1 Before You Buy!! . Superintendent, be contacted and pmlni of ~!r!. Richard Wahh of 1 Rec~tation-Mr. No.body; . j :asked to attend a meetln1 of the ~·ogo, on ~arch 13th. Deceased was , Pla~-T~m Thumb .1 V. cddlnJ. FURNESS :Joint Boards at their earlle~t con-1' the former Miss Rita Jones of this Duet-Little Sir Echo. LATE MODEL CARS REDUCED PRICES ' l'enlence, the date of April l&t, , 1o" ,n, I 11 s t er o.f Re\. , Dr. J one!, o f b . Action Song-L1ttle Peter Rab 11 • • 1 Brlgu!, and M1s1 May Jones of · · . . . . be1ng au1table to the boards. Until I thi! town. To the beeral•ed re- Recltatl~n-WhLcll, h Belter? • e DEPENDABILITY• GUARANTEED I.'. p. • after thl! meet1n11 there !a little /Ia lives tht writer extends deepest Song-! se The By. ' more to report. · sympathy. Drill-Butterfly Drill. Song-Some Folka Do. ,, Play+The Sleepln11 Beauty. Duet .... Reuben and Rachael. Not only drive in style but shop ~ Red Cross Line Pla>-ette-Ten Little Ninen. INDOOR '· Sonii'-MacOonald'a Farm. Cloalnl Chorus-Good Nliht Lad. USED CAR BAIUNGS- lea. in style I 0 I Be in style at our just right 1 Chalrman'a Remarka - H. V. TO French, principal. LOT God Save the Queen. ST. JOHN'S Caat of eharectera for the play , were:-Jimmle Davis, Mlnllter; Graham Reuben Horwood, ·Groom; · Farl HamiltDII ..... April 4111 Lorn• XIng, Beat Man: Peul ·rart Avalon, ...... April lUll Barnes and Stanley Paraona, Uahers: Elsie Skinner, •ride: flltOM IT, ~OHN. N.IJ fort Avalon ...... April 18tll Dlantle Dean, Maid of Honour; Kathy Burke and Linda Butt, ~ : ROM lLUJJ'A.Ir Brldeamalda; Allilon Cara111n and Cheryl Pike, Flower GJ.rl.J; Peter rert Hamilton ..... April lib Moore, Father of Bride; !Uubetb fort Avalon ...... Apr!! 18th Ruuell, Mother of Bride: Jean­ rart Hamilton .... April 18th ette Parson!, Mother of Groom: James Forward Jr., Father of SAILING I Groom; David Nicholl, Guest. All ·~· performers were Grade Three FIOM pupil! and other Grade 'Three &T.IOHN'II pupil& taldnl part In· the concert were: Beverly Davia, Ruth Her• · TO BALWAir berg, Mildred Horwood, Roy H!a­ : Fort Hamilton ..... April 18th cock, Arthur Reid, D.ennla Sutton, ; .;fort Uaml.l loll ..... APril ~~ Billy Moores, Da\'ld Bourne, Frank :·TO NIW YOitK1 Penney, Jimmie Penney, 'Ciydt ' ~tart Avalon ...... Mucb IOtb Forward, Charlea Moore, Mu ' 'lor\ Hamilton ...... April ~th Kirby, Gwennie Jerrell, Sylvia Noel, Donna Pike, Joy Penney, '·TO PIIILAD!LPIIIAr Maxine Howell, Mary Hlacock, · Fort Avaloa ...... lltn:ll IOtlt Nellie Penney and Donca'Pilte• . .. Fort Avalon ...... April IOtb ~- . .' Grade Four performel'l were:­ ;; WW accept W'IO for C«- . Llnda Gllleaple, Phyllis Forward, ; · ner Bruok aubj '!tt 10 lc~ eut1 rn•cl• by Elilabeth Taylor, Carol Oalea, El· :; ~ dltlona uiltlq at that po1fl ale Forw~rd, Shirley Panont, ~ 'eaela .W aU NntfiM. . Ethel Forward, Lydia Penney, ·: lud Outporia u IHacemea& Eleanor Maorea, RouUnd Moor•a. . ;.,.,., Eleanor Horwood, Yvonne Penner, .•! Repate Stoterau, Sandra 'Stenia­ ; · -tCalla l!.lntr Brtok IU'bo JOHN WHITE ford, Sandri Penney, Brenda How· n,ect Ice ( CollditiCIIII. ell, Robin Taylor, G1r1ld Pino111o ~·1Mceptl l't!Nvatioa Richard Panaca, Clarence Penne:r, :: IUIO. Keith Buri••a. Walter Burden, Hay:ward Oamond, Ha)'Ward Nlch· ·.. ..:. - oll, Helll')' P1nne1 and Erneat .·:w. o. MIIJ'I DtaJ liM 10'11 Soper. Made ia Northimptonahire, Bqlancl, The teacbera of the two clauea, nJBNESS WITB1 ·· by mftstnen. who arc: mute.rs of weir trade...,... and Mlsaea Jennifer Rooney and Fern atodted by lcadin1 stores thtougbout Newfoundland. Reid an to be congraLuided upon the ilne performance because to e . . . them must 10 the credit !or the HAMILTON STREET LIMITED I.MN WHiTI 'OOTWUA.LI"ITID,,HIGMIAM PIUlf.l, ·way the linea were uld, the action! NO.UHAIHTO"!iHI~I. INGL~ND perlormed and Lhe 11eneral deport· 'I menl or the elllldren. It wa1 a 1 . eplrndld effort and one that pro· I · "Your Dodge,· Desoto Dealer" :. ~uced 1 !plendid performance, 1------..;.------""'"::------,,.. ..I ,· ,,. 1. ... I ;;a··-.... ' . ' ~"'"'' ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND j 9 ... I . SATURDAY APRIL 6, 1957, --. Ddily ' . \ News

,. ommittee ouse '. uestio ill Advise· KEOUGH: .~ e-Legislation Says Local Mining the House of Assembly Friday Premier Small­ In oke on his notice of motion which was "To ~h·t a select cmmlttee be appointed to . consider Laws U111equalled ·"ani' ~mendments are desirable in the Legisla­ lating to we~kly closing day in shops and such In tabling .the Revised Regula· I age way! where more than one· , re ts and to report to the House." llons for the Safety of Workers; in I I train Is In operation. : ' the Mmes of Newfoundland, it wu 1 ~- The new regula! ion~ set forth Prcmirr ~~irt this w~a one ChiJd------1 rel'caled by Mines and Resource! 'the conditions under which . nwt con_trntious topics and I nJ· ured ! · Minister Keough yesterday that :powered locomotives may ~ 1111· lht situat1on from a few 1 Newfoundland now has the finest 1 plo)'ed underground. Positive ve~'- J I whrn the luhlat!on A S L such Regulations on the North tilation must be supplied, and tlui_,_\;' lor I 1\etkl)' holiday and t L awrence American Continent. ' oxygen content of the air ~inl ;U pNmiltrd. Saturda)' Mr. Keough referred In parti~u- breathed by the miners must not __ 1.-, Fll·e yur old Alexander Fltz· :i . : . \. . nolid!) nuring the summer lar to the Electrical Code, wh~, fall below 20 per cent, and the en~ ~ 1 r ,d ltonrl~)- the re~t ol aerald of St. Lawrence sustained . ' :: 1 .. . 'A[" . ; he said, is unequalled in Nolth; gine exhausts must be filtered. , _. :• r inr 1\'~tcr Street bul the a nasty 111h on his head yeatetday ' ' I .. ', 1 '-"·•~··-·· ••. ·~ ...... ,, __...... ,; ..... y., .... _ ...... America. He also referred to New·' 6. Meticulous and detailed pre-·:! ·' maintains Saturda)' when 11ale-force winds alammed I foundland's record of declining ac· cautions are outllned to prevellt. i' Premier said he himself the edge Of a door into his body 1 cident frequency and said that the fires, or unhygenic eondltioDJ. · 1 he waa about to enter a local MH, FRANK STIRLING, GRndcr Lions, over a very Interesting dinne-r meet· accident rate In this .e_rovince has 7. All moving machinery m~ . , a~ !'rc3ld~nl; preside~ 1 store. been ·cut by 48 percent in the be guarded In such a fashion thal_ · Prtmirr thm1~h\ the most The little lad waa taken tQ the lng held at 'the Gtmder Mrl!ne~' Hotel on March 28th, 1~~7, when the international aspect of 1 ~)- to settle the issue Memorial Hospital at St. Law- Llon!sm was featured as Qeing exempl!fled within the Gander organization itself. Pictured above past two years. workmen cannot come Into eon•., 1 11 Following is a summary of the I tact with lt accidentally. t 1, ar?<'lnl tht• committee renee where he had to have aev· are ten members of the Club ~·Gander, who, while retaining their individual nationalities have Regulations: 8. Men must be properly dreJt. •:II cnr,;i>\ of three Oppoa!· era! stitchea inserted to close the entered into the friendly ilnd progres.;lve spirit of teamwork which spr-rks their Club. Fi-rst row: Revised regulations for the Sal· ed in safe clothes, hats, boo!J 111~ ~ ~ mtmbm. the member !or I wound In his head. Lions Goss!aux (BelgJum), Ball ((Canada), Moil (South Africa), O'Brien (U --A-l, Hesser (Swed· ety of Workmen in Mines have gloves wherever necessary to pro- ; . cir \'er~e and ;he ' en). Second row: Lions Mardeli (England), Maguire (Ireland) Haumr-nn (Germany) Klassen been approved by the Lieutenant· teet them from acciden!J. Ill aolliti ; Governor in Council and publish· cases the wearing of rtn1s I! fDr·: r~r' llint;ter ~~~~-Myf~ I Browne Leaves (Holland), Watson (New Zealtd). Each o£ the Lions gave' a greeting In hi;; nati~e tongue 1 All!tt.e· thr chairmAn. The I and sani a. folksong of his co ntry, Guest of tiM! evening was schr ;!boy George Baker, who ed In the Newfoundland Gazette bidden. ,.' 1 to lake effect from 1st July, 19~7. BON. j, KEOUGH 9. Standard good precaution• ·. ~ 11 :11 ; 11 in the morn· wltl ,repre~ent Central Newfoun and at the provincial Boys' Public 'Speaking Contest in St. w. F 0 The previous regulations were pro· must be taken to guard agaiN~; 1, ar.d htar pel ilion; ~nd pJm I or ttawa JohnS this Week. 1 claimed in the Newfoundland j ries ·alike, rather than having aep· accidental dynamite exploalo~~~; 1·1 10urce;-mcrchants. em· 1 • , • • - ·------,·ad ur.i~r.;. All witt be· Mr. "· J. Bro11 nc, Q.C .. mem- Gazette in 19~1, but the continu· arate sections for each, u pre·· These· are." in any case, very rul ous and rapid increase in mech· viously. Inowadays. 10 p•c their opininns. . ber of t~e House of Anembly for, R d k ani1.ation in the last fil'e years has 2. Modern precautions for the 10. The code for the use of eltc· · . ~id he did not, St. Johns South leaves by T.C.A., c w 1 e ross or er made lt necessary to up-date them protection of workmen in shaft ( tricity in Newfoundland mine1 ~ r;:: :rn;hl 10 impos~ his i thla afternoon !or Ottawa where I ,; .and 11ould like the House he 11111 a_ttend meet~ngs ol tn~ · .. r.ow. sinking have been adopted. I been thorot~ghly overhauled, an!S Some o! the more important 3. Greater care has no~ to be this Province now has one of thl ' h tcommcndalions or I Progress II e Conser\ ative Part) I 1 , ·,\:;:miller. :'i'atlonal Committee over the next A .highlights of the revised regula- taken for_ the safe oper~tion of Ifinest codes in North America in Sl.«- few da~·s. 'lions are: mine hoists, which are 1 gettine this respect. H~l:cn thou~hl II might be Mr. Browne will act as repre· rrives T 0 d : 1. The regulations hRve been re-~· more elaborat_e each year.~. · I 11. A copy of lhe regulatlol!J,·. Here- a . grouped and reworded so that 4. Traffic control has had to be along with an index, will be aup-, 1 ~ 1 On£ .\cl anrt 'aid it may .1ental!ve ol the Newfoundland thev now apply to mines and quar-! introduced in undergrouiiii haul·' (Continued on page 9) 1·.:tl ti:nr for the committee P.C. Party In the discussions that Y ' . 11 a nrci!ion tecause of will take place. The meeting~ are 1 Mrs. Huntley Christie, National .! rbi)ltld intcn'sl nnt only, beine held in anticipation of the: Chairman, Women'~ Work Com­ cl;::al bul out;•de. H~ hop·_ federal general ele_ctlon expected' mlttee, Canadian Red Cr.oss So· Bus Diesel ramJtr's pwonal choice ; to take place either June 10th or ciety, arrives in St. John'~ today Address -In~ Reply: ' 101 ir.!lurn" I he House. ; 17th. for a two day visit with !led Cross officials In Newfoundlnnd. Is Successful I _¥rs. Christie ~ currently on a I Higgiris Resents· Officials of the Capitol Coach lature: vlsita lion to all Eastern Canadian . ~ . Red Cross Divisions to co-ordinate Lines Limited announced last night that the flrst new diesel en· th~ actlvlth~! and production of the respective Women's Work Com­ gine to be installed in one of blower their local buses has proven very bbott Discusses mittee8 in each Province as it Lane'• Remarks: I 1 t th~ orra11, • pertains to International relief Eatisfactory and !t now appearA ' worth for that when all 2~ of the bum now Mr. J. D. Higgins, P.C.::it. .John's districts. t work. Wh!!e In St. John's ahe b~tter aeT\'let t p bl In operation have been dieselized East, was. the final rpeaker Fri· Mr. Higgins said he also had -a will dhcuss Women's Work proD- 1 · I the solution to the pment trans- day on the Addtess in Reply. He complaint about tne United Town•· :.W.A. ls tD be trlc ro ems !ems with Mrs. George Burling, 1 makinr mil the Chairman of Woman's Work portation problema 11'ill be great- congrat\llatcd the Speaker and the or A11llon Telephone Co. A ~ection I)' reached. mover and seconder oNhe motion of the Logy Bay Road not 11\ra~ ~ churtb i\ lht drbate on the !or Newfoundland. in R1pl!' FridAy al the Mrs. Christie, a \'Oiuntecr work· At the present time 1 second on the Address in R~ply. He also • miles from the House of Assell_l~h',' ' diesel engine has been installed welcomed the new members, many where the_re were twenty famJ!ie~ •• ol A.•!cmhl! w•~ Hnn. B. J. er for the Canadian Red Cross at I and as soon ice conditions are! of whom lie knew personally, and 1were l~oking for telephones. A_pn·i .llini•l!r nf Wellar8 and Headquarters, re'cclvfs All re­ 15 cased and transpor1llion by water 1he thoughl" they were a great asset vale !me had be_en mst~lled an 11 !IIIII! lor the district o! quests from the .League of Red Cross Societies for emergency is lm roved the remaining 23 en· I to_ th~ House ~nd Go1•ernme~t. ~~r. house at Vl!'glnta \\ aters list H1 ro~~r•tulated the · p ·u b 1 t 11 d IH1ggms who ts noted for hts w1t, _year but the company could not. '" h1• ~~pointment and, supplies. It is ·her responsibility ilnes "'1 e ns a e · intcrsp~rscd his · remarks with: find, a line for thc!e people who, to co-ordinate the work of the 10 ' ett,!r "'"' mrmhera deovted It Is hoped to ha1·e the 2~ new: some humour and said he was glad 1had a long distance to. wa_lk when e! his addrm to hh own Red Cross Divisions Women's Work diesel buses 1\'hich are now on ito be back in the House and i they needed med1eal 11d tn order IThm to produce the required supplies. hctual reports on . order to be in . operation by late , thanked his district for electing to summon that aid by telephone. lrt prorirline 1 JeOirl· / The material and ·patterns are , I September m thts year. h1m. Here Mr. Higgins resumed hiJ 1nd 1conomic survey of th1 purchased a~ low cost from manu· 1 l!!Oll'!d. facturers and it is shipped to the He resented the remarks of the remarlu about the Government's member for White Bay North in , efforts in the past and c:oulrl no~ roamed around hl1 10 Divisional ChAirmen of Wom· ~IRS. HUSTLE'¥ CHRISTIE , , , his speech last week when he re·l reconcile his thinking wlth Gov.: 11111inr with Gander en~s Work. The Divisional Chair·' . Lemon Auxiliary !erred to St. John's as "parasitic· ernment members about "the iood · men receive the patterns and ma· houses of the League of Red thousands of dollar~ worth ol re· I - ~~ said i! a !l!t·lrowlnl 0 and a gossipy city." Mr. Higgins times" when there were 18,000 out: terial have it pre-cut and 8ent it Cross Societies in Geneva w)lere lief supplies. This process is very / He praised the men R EJ Mr said St. John's has changed great· of work now, which was far from: hm to br'anches where the ladies do It Is available for dlstributl~ as flexlb!e and ca~ be placed _on an I ~on8 Into lh8 e- ect s. ly in the pa~t fifty years and !& being a good omen. It does not: the aewlng. Flnlabed articles are need occurs, emergency loohng at any hme to 1 council lor their plan· now three tlmes as large. The jibe he said with Government· ad lorul1ht. The airport RON. B. l. ABB01T sent In .to divillona to be crated I The ladies o! ReeL Cross with meet any world emergency that 1 G d -W growth in population was due to thinking of "tbe best' eight yem: liU and ahlpped to overseas ware- very {ew dollars can produce could occur. mate a areat contr!bu­ or on arren an l_nflu~ of _people from otiler 'yet" to find· unemployment at Ill; latha ~ro1ince'a economy, h1 needed. The town hn 1\J own elecl.r:lcltr, water and sewa11e sya­ ' Ml'!!. Gordon Warren wu re- dlstnc!J mclud1ng the Great :'olorth· highest peak aince Confederation tem. One denomination there hu BOARD OF TRADE o! Canada aimed at curblnll 'I L J b} ~lected President of the Ladles' t!rn Peninsula. Mr. Higgins said came Into being · ' on to C: IPnwooll which built a new church and, added Mr. trend towards Inflation. ess 0 ess Auxiliary of the Canadian I.e- the member in question would Everyone, said Mr. HlllglnJ, II_. ctntre. There hn been Abblltl, "Lewiaporte hn taken on However lt was pointed out that glon held last nl!lh1. Following probably receive a little more talking about roads. Road! were ol people there and al· new llle." lmprovemeni wlth regard to one particular Is the full lhrt of the new ExeCU· criticism fDZ' the niistake he ha,d very Important to the life of every; sphere of the construction trade, Are Reported · onl.r In it' infancy, the At Norrla Arm, said the Welfare made. ~he member for St. Johns community, he argued, and men-; an erroneous assumption appears · live: President, Mrs. G. Warren; East saad he himself had made a · (Continued on page 9) - and eour.dl are mall:lng Minister, most of the malea are Loan Scheme to have been formed In the minds There was a slight drop !n !he Vice-President, Ml'!!. G. Ash; mistake by referring In the past 1\ndu. i-f~l!por1e, Aaid Mr. loners. He mentioned looli:lng over 'I of the general public. The view number of jobless reported at the Secretary, Mrs. L. Crane; Treas· to Brinco as Bunco and hld taken. _____D_i_A_T_H ____ _ ha! lr.ma~~rt it! popula· the relief statistics recently and was expressd that many home own· of!Jces of the Unemployment Jn. urer, Ml'!!. W. Robbin~. Executive a long time lo Jive It down. 1\e pa.t tiKht ynra and flnd!nr that then were only feur Still Effective ers are under the ilr.o1ression that surance Commission this week. Committee: Mrs. H. Alderdice, He took exception to remarks llso lt.m arr men of vlalon !amllles on relief In Norris Arm. by the Minister of Education that· WISEMAN - Pused peacefully . th1 to\Oin·~ problema. Bll· Tllt outlook Is rood 1nd lhe pee- Howe owne!'l who would l!ke the Home Improvement Loam are Figures reported la!t night reveal- Ml~s ~:. Alderdice, M~. C. Bal· a.! freely o~\a!nahle now as they ed that the number of jobless now lam, Mrs. M. Cham~rs. Mr!i. ~- the Opposlllon !1~<1 created anoth~r away at 1.30 thl" mornlnr, April; and churchea were (Continued on pau II) . to .alter, repair or add to their '' c 1 1111 G r'd at'd~ Ml'!! hoems, but who do not have ready were a year or two ago. Indeed registered . Is 17,900, approximate- i ~oyer, ss · · w · . J · • "walling wall." In this case, 1Jr · !1, IM7, Franc it J. Wlaeman, 104: l the actual amount of the loon has J•· 1~0 Jess than the number regis- II. Garrett, Mrs. ·F. Harnett, added the rhirken were coming I New Gower Street, In h!J '18th:. euh ·to do·ao, are sli I able to ' • K H ~! R :11 home 'to roost hera use members on leaving to mourn wife ..nd . nail of 1 Home Improvement Loan been considerably Increased; It tered at the end of last week. alB. · arnum, " rs. · · ar· ye~r. · h gon to $4 000 from $2 •oo re- tin, Mrs. N. Noel, Mn. F. Will· the Government side were wailing one sister (Mra. lrlaud.BrewerJ of: authorized under Section 24 of the 1 as e ' •" ' Last week it was stated that the THE .EASTER National Hous!nll Act. This is the payable In monthly Instalments decrea;e then registered was lams, Mrs. C. Williams. about things not done In !heir St. John'a. Funeral notice later. '· gist of a number of enquiries I together with Interest, In not more h t IT i I I th t !t ,• -by the N~wroundland Board I than 10 years. somew a ar 1 tc a n a was 1 I mad • r • h " brought about by the fact that a ' ·of Trade In rec~nt days. I lt is felt that 001 eno~~ pu,. number ol persons had been re·j I I I 1 BUNNY SA v.s 1 The Council of the Bom! n! llcity is ~elng g l'cn to e con- moved from the list not because Trade it· one of ita recent mcet-/tl~uel exl5tence and ease .or se- they had obtained empio,l'ment, I ings received a report nf the ac- curing these Home Impro~ement but hec:wse the pel'iori during tlvltlcs of the Bulldlng Trades As· Loans, otherwise Ia~ more home which they were entitled to re- : soclatlon which Is now a dll'l!lon owners would he avatllng of them. ceive Unemployment 'Insuranee ! HOP TO of the Board. According to re- h d 'r d j ports· from the trade, ·prospects !or Mr8. Aie)( Manuel of Badger a expl e · construction of. new homes during who has been in St. John's as a It h understood that there "de- : 19~7 are not good and thla l! guest o£ Mrs. G. P. Halley, 90 listed" persons will ha1•e ·to aeek i IT- attributable lar11ely. to r!slnl! costs IAllandale Road, has returned recourse to public relief until f ' in the bulldlng business and re- home after attoendinll the Re1lon· such time as they obtain emp!oy- MAK! SURE '~'OUR WARD- atrlcUons on credit by the Bank al Drama Festival. ment. ROSE IS READY FOR THAT CLUTCH BAGS ~ASTER PARADE. Canadian Army: ~.....---..... - .HAN·DBAGS GARMENTS WILL LOOK- LIKE NEW WHEN CLEANED BY , •• • Seventh Training Course OF GlEAMING PLASTIC. I DIAL A~L TINY · PRICE_D. MEWS I -Con·cluded On .Friday ' ' 91115- 91116! Exclusively new Spring .styles. COR. ELIZABETH AND PORTUGAL CCVE ROAD The seventh of the Special/ J, Walsh of Humbermouth and five courses which have been con· ' Tralnln1 . Cotll'les offered by the presented by Sir Albert Walsh. dueled by the Ca~adian Army dur· 'N' assorted shadet. Canadian Army ~o the youni men His Honour congratulated the ing the winter months, and over WEATHER FORECAST ot Newfoundland ended Friday, student& on the splendid progress Zllll young men have taken this -April. 11. Pm-'but Parade was held they had made du~!ng the three training. A new series of cour,ses SEE OUR · DISPLAY !unn• 1 . · · c oudtn~: over Hlih: 38, OuUook !or In the Drill Hall, Buckmuter's weeks' course and their high 8\and· will commence next !all. These Milder with nlil. Field, wftb His, -Honour the. Ad· ard of efficiency In the graduation courses provide an opportunity !or mlniltrator, , Sll' Albert Wal.ah, exercise•. He noted that the youn11 men between the ages of 17 Chlet JUitice of Newfoundlind, re- course would, no doubt, be of and Z3 to j oln the Army !or three viewin11· the elm and laklnl the benem .to all the youni men, weeka as an Introduction to Army TlM~RAT'JRE .. march-pall. · whether they decided to continue life. Travelling expenses are paid ' In ·the Army as a career or re- from their homes to St. John's and IDL llu. IIIII. M'n. Flfty youn'1 men !rom all over tum 'to their communities.. The return. Wb!le on the course, they Van~ver Newfoundland-St. Anthony, Cor· brief experience of Army life and are members of the Royal Nftd. 4.2 f1 lleain1 ······ 'Mpncton ...... ' 14 37 ner Brook, Grand Bank, Claren- the ac.qualntances and friends they Reslment,--and are -provided with loro~IQ "·" ·" .. 31 47 Sydney ...... 15 ~ ville, and many other places-at· hadm&de during the course would uniform!, medical and dental care, ...... a2 II St. John' a ...... - 15 2? tended the courae. The prlte for be remembered aa a most valuable Army food and accommodation,. outatandlnl· achlevem~nt on the ex'perlence. and receive more than $3-~ 1 day I couru waa awarded to 'Ptl. Ronald . This is tb1. laat In a aerlea of In pay.· '· I . . THE DAILY NEWS. .f "' 1his ligTi~s Up When Y.ou.-Marcd Mr. terms, .we ~hould turn from the give-and­ many 'allusionR to local pcrs•m~ , '· e>l'iiiJon ha; conferred on 1'\ewfoundland. to aid in prol'id!ng the money for he fin take of union to our ~~tual position a.~ !he journey but this I rlouht. that do cau~e much mrrrimrnt. Nobod~· @\'Pr bothers to sCty muc.:h, if an;.·· So do I regret this final curtnin rs ago at tl I• a Canadi::m province and the promotion Thi! night, bclnR: the first nlght Toronto l 1 thing, about the that Canada deri\'- on the· professional theatre in St. g~ins of the drama festival!. to see the as "o: ' of R national policy that will assure every John's that so many dirt tak~ •· ed ·from Union. But we ho,·e no intention St. John's Players in a goode In Cana citizen of certain minimum rights which play of its kind but I thought great pleasure in and will mis! ' of reopening an old argument or trying in another )'earP. who dld have not yet been established. -and the adjudicator dld so con· party. .once more to set up a balance sheet for flrme-played at too slow a pace. April 4. a transaction that incorporates many Indeed, I do !lnde that it h Where yesterday morning h~cld figures and some abstractions that cannot ~omethlng that 11 wrong with been like a spring day, there the play when I am con!Cious of came on a great blow from the be accurately measured. Our point Is being on a verry harde seat for north last night and this morning News From that the time has come for a new Suicide Or Murder when a play Is perfect, then ls to waken to a ground covered ·perspective on Confederation. The witch-hunting sub-committee of one's attention concentrated be· wlth snow and a most blusterous yond the feeling of a harde seat. wind and cold to try Lhc patience The Library •Edson In Washin The simple fact is that we are irrevoc- the United States Senate which had the In the lntervalls to meet with or a saint: So to the of!ice albeit FOR ARTISTS AND WRITERS ·, • ably, lmmutabl~· and permanently a consummate gall to read into its records !l)J!nY I knew and to have some reluctant to leave the com£ort of goode discourse with them, among Report on the Arts and Letters Limousine Phones Little :. province of Canada.. The issue of union allegations of former Communist associa- home for this return of winter them Mr. Mews, \he mayor of when the optimistick had thought competition Is a reminder that ' .. Is as dead as a doornail. People may tlons against Herbert Norman, Canada's the c!tty, that bldds me be less we were well done of it. So do there are crealiv~ minds among 1 Used By Top Sercetaries : argue about it on an emotional or ambassador to Egypt, can hardly escape In my doing lor my health's sake. I wor.der lf I may r.ot do well us producing painting, stories, radio scripts and poetry. academic basis for generations to come indictment before the court of decent for another yeare to supply my· BY PETER EDSO~ April 2 self once more with the · long There are three publications, but this will not alter the position one world opinion for moral responsibility for Thls morning comes Wlll Co!· woolen undergarments that 1 among others, coming into the ~EA Washington Correspon with held, got sore :he I~ be ~aid about benefits, the fact is that we sounded as if he were a convert to Com- and wu not sorry that I must I llke well. So to bedd: century 'academic' art has pro­ he tried to use it b~cause he couldn't ~et his caii thro'i! g@t only those services from Ottawa that munism. It was a passing phase. There vided a handicap. hasn·t touched it since. are given in relative measure to all prov- were numbered among those few to whom Th~ ten artists Deane Andel'· son choses to talk about all But, on occasion, the limousine phones ha1·e her~ uorbt inces. All Canadians get family allow- Britain owed so much in 1940 many of aecopt an !ndl.genous African White House has caught a few officials on thr \',JY to tre ances. All get the universal old age the young men who had declared a year What. Others Are Saying tarditlon, and lllustrations serve and drr.gged them back to handle ;,ome cmcrgcnc.''· pension. All workers are eligible for un- or so earlier in a university debate that M. ; . to show their Individual and tal· The system. was Installed for the Operation Alert r.n! ented reactions to the "rhythmic test last year. There was no publicity at the time_. nu: employment insurance on the same basis, they would not fight for King and coun- would glve $20 a day or $140 a I'ICAZET'l'E sasurance of the Arlcan Idea". stallatlonB were made at the suggestion of the Office of All get their slic~ of the cake cut by the try. -· (Christian Science Monitor) week. Even at $2 a day a five­ FIDDLEHEAD strong refugee family is doing Mobil.izo.ton, which ran the exerci;e, to keep in touch wilh Departme!lt of Public Works each year. Guilt by past association is contrary "Every genius has his apes." So Tht Flddlehead ls a Canadian lJorace Walpole observed in "An· uncfimmonly well with a. $70 officers as they were speeding to their emergency hi~eo't Absolute equality in dominion-provincial to both law and reason. · But publicity- :\!agazine of poetry which is pulr ecdotes of Painting in England." a week income. While thes~:_ lished by the Bliss Carmen quarters. figures are maximum amounts 0 ~elations is the abiding prindple t~nd the seeking members of the American Con- But surely not every ape hns it! Society of Frrdericton, :\'ova When there is no such simulntrd a!t:Jck hy 1,000 Ru> iJl and mar never lle rearhed, ·so-called equRlit:ation grants in the new gress Rre high on the Jist of those who genius, as doe~ Brl~ey, who!e !Jomhers, the phones can he u,t•d loy l'ahitw! mrmbrr> !11 rl~ neverthe!eos atl\ho·rily to give a~· S<·DtiJ. studio ls thr llollimore Zoo, Til~ FebrUal'y ls•u~ ront~ins ofllc~•. Tlwy can lle CUIHWcl~d tluuu~h lhelr dep;;rllll•'''l'l tax rental agrrements flr~ virtuallv mean- think other\\'ise. On the flimsiest of sl~\PO:l'f Up to !liP lig11res lllPH· '!'his L'ilimpanz~e qualifies, at some Lwenty-t'igllt poems by ran· lloards Lo an,v suborcluwle wliu may llt·(·d a uawlin~ ""' 101 · Ingle;;~. · e\'idem•e, on the word of unrf'liable wit- lrast L·onmwrcla!ly, nol only u an tionr11 lla> been gil'en h}' Lhe adiun>, Ameri~ans, an Eoo~llslt· Rt'Lisl IHit as a prodigy. At >el'en tiu,·ernmenl. dereliction that tlte stc•rdary mny ha\e ""l•·d 11l11k '' ' Except 'for somr ancicint' ;~nd unas- JH',se.s, ('harat'lers OA\'e been assassinated, nwn. An :\ulrsnlian ani! an Afrl moruiu~ pr..per, oeaiL'Ii Cl•lulur!aul)' i11 tl11• car. years or a~e shP ha~ had her fir~t The people of Cnrmda han , : . sailable rights al'quired by some of the people ha\'e been indicted without cRuse, "show", sold 17 paintings, ami ran ,antl they rang~ frum Lhe W!ia\'~ worse, a ;L'coetary's ultin· IIU)' ""'" call !o.' el'tl)' ~ympalh)' tul' L11e WP!i~re tr~Jiliun~l rliyme-lllaki11g I'Prse 11 : \\"eslel'l1 pro\'illl'CII, there• are no spet:ial and li\·es. ha1'e been ruined. eurned l\145. on hi~ way home bfkr ~ hard day. lie r:i~n Ln more ol>sL'tH··~ b11L nut tou • 1 She pa.inls strictly In tile mod· and sign lois mail, or tl1al l'U11gre,sm:u1 Zild1 j, 011 !!,r i'h;~ : pri\·ileges. Disabilities exist that grow Seeurit~· in\'estigations and mut·k- dominu\ion and arconlingly the ohsUI'l'ej. free rhythms. ern st)'lc. ~o far a> we can Gather won'Liian~ up Lill he g~ts a;surauce II•• c:1u h~l'e lh~l 11.'"' to! 1 out of the essen! ial nature of the Can- raking by the press may have their uses nation's door hns hren opened to For !nslnnce, a ballad hy Jet!· from the reports. But she has them. Here in Sl, 'l'homas an nr that airport. 1 adian econom~· wh;ch is intimRtel\' relat- but they are subject also to grave abuses. made what some people will feel nir M. Palen begins: efficient committee ha..~ been "Threading ~he danre was one A s~cn•lary's wife, ~nowing the rx\t'n~iun !Himtll'r ,,; th, ,ed to C;~nadi;m geog1·aphy. The1:e is no There is always a. tendency for people to Is an advance !rnm il Some of set up to receil'e the rP!ugcrs her paintings ha1·e-or seem to who trod the polish~d floor ~inc, could even ca!i him and tell him not to forgrt hi> ru~ : evident disposition at tlie moment to believe the worst they hear of others and and help them to settle down In as If on sod; whose eye~ to pick· up a. pound of hamburger on Lhe way home. have-ldenll!iable ot>jects in thi5 new homeland. ' ~?dif;.· them with the result that a prov~ the consequences that flow from whisper- them. would ever have the look of It's a vicious installation, in a way. lt ne1·er leis o lr lnce ,,·hich is fat· frnm the centre of sup- ed suspicions can often be tragic: The She haA aL1.n set R new pace While we ha1·e cl'er)· ronlid· ~yes that know the mountain get completely away from R telrphonr to remind him ·•f t for "a1·anl garde'' artists in the ence in the way in which tbe of. brook ...." trouble5. He can't completely relax ~.nd enjoy the grnl'n, · pi~ .. must meet its federal obligations in death of Herbert Norman should weigh de1·e!opment of technique. They ficials of the Department of On the other hand, Pet-~r Miller there·~ a phone hanrly that mr·Y ri~g, Fortunatrly, 1 ~t'l dollars that are depreciated by high trans- heavily upon the consciences of those may use putty knives l!. 'J'ri~l which Let!~ us how twelve Limou.;ine 'to ship or aircr;;[t phones co;! more, as do :nl! ' 'defi,nitely to think of all provinces as. rrspon~ible l'busel'; of the Queen'a Enilish draw What with the housework nnri vearA of unsuece~sful writinJ.: LONDON ine and a~k 'em hnll' IIi' '' y~ar, British Tiailways' cha! tllriil of rerril'in;: a cheque for certai~ minimum standards of life and · ~LLEIGIC TO COIN! ~omewherc. But Junior, now, he was over therr. 'I rloes show re~l talen\. Maybe lenge to Air and road rivals. S!O.OOO for hrr novel "!.lui!~". , Opportunity which should be the· lnalien- tcape Breton Post) someday ... Who can tell? . Th~ dle!~l·electrlc trains will :Ilona William~ has an article able right of every Canarlian citizen. A u.S; Air Force •eraeant for elaht yean run between London and ~Ian· r~iled Is It a Stnry cnntalnlns.: Award offered by Doubleday ure Compo•ition by and Company. . Handbook of Prruprcllll Theae standards must be enjo~ed .with· suffered from c1ry ·and e>ra.eked flnKertiPII, to the . HELPING T~E REFUGEES , Birmingham, WTJ!ver· pointers on ilnw to recol(nlze a (St. Thomu Tlmes.Journal) ham~on and Bristot. ~norl story before tt 1~ written. BOOKS Ci. Warren. , ~t regard to the ability of each province puclement of til!' 19 doctori he consulted with. BOOKLETS Tha Federal Government Is be. She talk~ about what makrs Besid~s these magazines there ~ to afiord them. They should he the out flndln1 •· remedy for hla ailment. Finally, 1 t i It l ~tory material and w)1al doesn't. are of course books in the Lilr Local writers w1ll ~b~ : r!khts of Canadian rather than provincral a apeclallst waa called In by the air force. ng. mos generous n ! au st· '- FORMER MINISTER DIES Rut sh~ ~a.vs ~he is ~peak!n;: of raryo n how to write short &Lor· lerrsted in a srric• of Bnce to Hunguian.. re!ugeea com- ' comin11 regularly tlliO lei i , eltizenahip. , . Today, the aer1eant. knowa what he muat quit dGo lnl to aettle 111 Canada. The VIENNA (Reuters) _ Fonner 'slick flctlon'-"if you are 11 born ie.s, juvenile fiction, detective rary ·on the gen

. '

·_,.~·~\ o~ILV NEWS, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 19.5.1 APrayer On iculture Minister' PAGE FOR FA. RMER·s· *~~~i~~~~:!~~t~~i:~!:~:}~~~~cnaure a win that the two end 1. E l • · Ch h cepts Challenge . · . . . ::·~~~:.::::.~·~!ft~~:~:il 0 ~.. ~~~. ,..::~ _ supporte:s full va!ue for their plaoe of worahip. Let Tb ll'PI _ Agriculture As a result, the minister nld, money, m satisfactiOn and enjoy. of Peace have power o~r 1 ''~\nlnrr Tue!d~)' accept· he haa never discuued politics ment, otherwll;e they will not troubled thoulhtl. Cleanu llll 't rill" I challenae to with Mr. Rock. He had only met ''The Con.su.mer o·aes" Not Ne .d Fres· h''. come back. And team work must ev!ry Wl'ODI detire, and eau .. th a:~~r~cs of "akul!~ug· Mr. Rock at Toronto falra and the be going on In the fruit and vege- to turn back &gain to the d ·'mi!approprla!lon of Calgary Stampede, except for one " table industry today-working to mon dutle• of ille willl 1n ris in connection with a occa1ion about 20 yean ago when A talk liven by Min. uura Pep. divided \Into five &roupa- mllk, But What you are naturally Inter· a food shop, the place for them Improve the vegetables them- cour g ·and hope Blel rupnJ,mrnt last year to 1n he had apoken at a llveatock abow per llefore the l!nd Alulual fruit, vegetables, cereala and ested In Ia whether fresh frilitl II In llke company with the fresh selves, the tr~nsportation of them, are ~ 1 f11 me in thll Pla:.. •h;~P breeder. on Mr. Rock's farm. Convention, C,F,W.A., To111nto, bread, meat and filh. Camlni the and vegetable• will &•t their ahare fruita and vegetables, u long as their packagtng and so on, but fort any who have eCI!ne lld ' ht and oblnln~d unanl· Mr. Gardiner, who waa abaent Februur 10·11, 1857: headln1 "Thue Foods are Good to of this lncreue. UnqueaUonably, they too are freah. Ia there any· you know much better than 1 do spirit Strength n a wh . ~cu~ ,ns agreement to have from the Common• when Mr. Me- Eat-Eat Them Every Day for thlJ will bo the ease with certain thing that has leu appeal than a whether the team Is strong or If h · f .!tin ny . 0 Lo:nm~orirullure commltlee Cullough made hia statement Mon· What a negative title for a talk, Health," here !1 what II aald about products, that are· alwaya uaed wilted· flower? Oh, yea there is-a It needs replacement In the line. ave eome lau I lOme • h g s r day, proposed the committee In· ·"The ~onaumer Does Not Need fruit...... (lne ser\rlng of cltrua fruit, freah, but 11 far u those which wilted vegetable or an old, wrlnk· Well, from the spectators view, battle In lonellooaa. Drive 'm•sti~ating the c ar e e- tlg ti th H d Fresh." What doea It mean any· or tomatoes or their juice• and are cooked before they are used I led fruit. will get just as disdain· the team work h improving, as all lonellneaalwlth a true friltd;~; 1 ulde way? Well, am going to be like one aervlng of other fruit. And hardly need to tell you that fruita ful!ooklng wilted flower. Even evidenced by that winning diaplay llness .. ':l'o 0 d and youl!g, t"t·cllr~\ ~~·,eb~ !'nt~inl~c- ;~ead~/nH:s heo~:i o:bs~~t I as a 0 . ;L'u\lou&h said1 there are from the House ieelng a delega· Mary, Mary, quite contrary, and then we turn and flnd that our and vegetables processed In a boat i! put on the bargain counter the on the fresh for health counter. ~ed ~~~~~~~g0j ~ ~.,re•Qlii~H. \1• pen.a tion when Mr. McCullough apoke. analyze It backwarda·atartlnll with nutrltionilta have thia to uy about of various waya are eating Into the poor things will not attract at· But why isn't everyone rushing · :rumors" abou 1 com • th l t d "F h ' I hi th I f l d t t f h k t d 11 light and the prayers brlnl pe ' to P. J. Rock of Drum· The minister proposed that the e 11 wor , rea :' n t a e c trus ru ta an oll'la on, rea mar e an you may u we tention. In fact, eyes will turn to over to examine it more cloaely. F 'Th N ,1 1 ak A p.1 I~~ ,. after his B74·head committee be empowered to aub- cue "Fresh" cannot refer to air that they may be fruh, canned or face it, method1 In the experiment· the ahelvea of colourfully labelled The way to find out h to learn a or Y ~~ •· meiL ,,; 11 rrdrrcd dc~troyed be· poena wltneases and documents. because we all do need that, fresh juice, and they add the equlva· al atage .today mean more com· cans of fruita and vegetables, or little about these folks who are VIENNA (Reuterl) _ ror!MI:.~ 1 hctame infected with No !Imitations would .he made on and pure every minute of our lenta-vit.amlniaed apple juice, and petltlve Items on the shelves a to the long freezer coun~er with shopping. Mrs. "A", for lnatance, R n~ disease "scrapie." persons who could be called to Hvea. It refers, of eouue, to the cantaloupe ap d strawberries In year from nbw which will squeele Its tantalizing assortment of at· with he"r little toddler by the hand T omanian prlm~miniater r madr no attempt give evidence before It and of· products you· aell, fre!lj fruit. and season. As for the one sei'vln11 of your fresh father Into the corner. tracUveJ.y packed frozen items- or smilingly perched in the front B~~~raersecs~ h~!dlo ed 1l~dBIH~areli~·~. ""h ~!r. ~!rCnllough'a flcials ln\'olvcd would produce ..all vegetablea. Now, "Nead" !I a very other fruit they say that this may Let'a take one or two examples, both keen competitors to ·your of the pushcart. Mrs. "A" likes to i 11Mo:adlti . ·that these "rumors" the Information available lmmedl· atron11 word, particularly when It be freah, canned, dried or frozen. a fruit and a vegetable, say apples fresh. shop early in the week, because n ght. The radio did not ve · ,r •hrcp were not . a!ch·. Is used with the negative, "Doe• So you see the consumer docs not and potatoes, and see what Is hap- I k th t thi 1 t t she can browse around without be· time nor the cauaoe of hla 1 11 0 · !;rt~:.t ,uh.;titutions were i ~ir. Garrl!ner ~aid such charges Not'' and ~~ese three words, "Doea need fresh. penlng to them. Only a few years you. ~ 0~ k~ow !h:t n~ap~~~: i~ ing pushed-but she a!WB)'S comes Tatarescu, 1965, was prime ' ; th't ·rrc mol'cd . against Mr. Rock as Mr. McCul· I Not Need become a Now what 1bout vegetables? ago almost all of our apples, ex· shpppers do not like the wares back after she notices that that is ter from M to 1137 and ~"mr 11 st~;tlinglr, 1940 9 ' . , ,r crr rh~rllc~. Iough raised would have been -disturbing 1tatcment when Fresh Here Ia the rule- at least one eluding exports, of course, were you sell to the retailer to sell to when most of her neighbours do In · From 1 '~ to 11147 he 11 1 11 .I ; ;. nor~. ~lr. Gardiner i ··.more proper'• oul!lde the protec· Is put, alter them ~nd "The Con· servlni of potatoes (Important sold to the consumer fr~sh, but them. Vou are disturbed about their shopping. too. She stops and foreign minister. Rumors clr.culllt 1 19 • 1 hon of the Commons Statements aumer In front a! them. The enough to be Hated by Itself is now a fifth or even a quarter of this because the leas the consum· picks 11p a head ol crispy gre~n ing in 50 nid he had betn "'cr. hP dt•:l;rrrrl 11 ith ~!r.: marie in lhe Common~·are pril·llrg· "Consumer'' by the w~y we will the pcltatol, and at least two 8erv· the crop goes Into these processed er buys the less you sell. You can't celery, then off she ~oes to the rested in an extensive pUrllt. ·.-.::h'• rlr• ., , o( Mr. I rd and cannot be uwl In the take ·IO mean the food shopper, inga .or other vt~~etables, prefer- Items-apple juice, apple sauce, keep in business that way. And 50 junior food .•helf, pi~k~. out can nv~ol!Jn 1 11 11011 ... hi; t.!lwol

, In (,noel., .. hut al~o as 1 to establish R special Hnuse com· not wonder If you did. In !Act, I wlll they be tomorrow? More about tlonlng that our nutntlonlsta did you do with restaurants, lnstitu- Then there are the two good selecting Ill . the canned ani. ,, , nut ,upport the I mlttec to in\'estlgate the charges. think you &hould, because every· that later, As for the two other not refer to any type 8 of process· tiona and others who buy and use friends who are standing In front frozen ones they want for the Jlai 1 010 . , .ru:'. .. . It would be empowered to call one in. buaincn muat be sold on vegetables, our nutritionists say ed potatoes as they did with other your fresh In large quantities. If of the fruits and \'egetables talk· week. Like the more than hiU (' wha; he ~as to sell, otherwise he they may be any fresh, canned or vegetables, but ~alee, no mistake, they hlive a complaint to make ing away about the daQs when milllon other married women If wont do a good job of sellini frozen. So you aee, the consumer they are comlnfl, 81 • matter of they come right to you with it, I they bought apples in hampers, this country who are worklnC , and would soon go out of business. does not need fresh, but the rule fact some of them are here. Frozen but If the family food 8hoppers and pntatoes and turnips In 7~ and Mrs. "B" revel& in buylnl fD04J. But I hope In thl1 time of great does lilY. that vegetables, excopt French frleds may be small pota· have complaints, how often are 100 pound bags and stored them that are going to help her 111. change In the food picture you are potatoes should be frequently toea frbm the standpoint of volllme they passed back to you. Probably in their nice cold room in the tie meah on the table quickly. !' not ovenold on your own fresh _eaten raw. today, but both they and chlpa not very often because the reason basement. But now, Jlvlng in an And here are two Saturd13 wares to the point where you can· But the bright aide ol the pic· seem to be .growing In popularity for the complaints Is llkely not apartment they haven't a cool morning shopper5-l man and

not aee the mounting number of ture Is that we do need fruita and all the time, there are some can· yours, but rather that of the per· place to keep anything except In 1 woman, not ahoppinll competitive procened Items. Now vegetables In one form or another ne~ pota~oea fn thfe market, ~ 0~: !on handling your fresh perishable the refrigerator and It 'ia 10 amaH I Little wonder the l•dy ltopl 1 let ua see whether your would·bhe. because they provide amounts of and m~y : ew ~~ze~l mk aa e d' products improperly. On the other you can buy only a few apples or 1 "fresh" co!mter, everythilll customers do or do not need !rea mineral• and vitamins and add an w 0 nowa, po 0 a ea an hand the fault may lie~ with you oranges at- a time. But what a Iso fresh-and her eyea pOp •••IUV IBULTS fruita and vegetables- fresh for variety, . colour and bulk to the P~:det may be here In volume and that Is why you need" to keep comfort to be able to buy the admires the rows of anowy health, fresh for eye appeal, fresh diet. We need cltrua fruits and fl ;· I not{~ed Jbla reference I~ looking backward- back to your small amounts, you can use up green bordered cauliflower, 1 d 0 5 for eating pleasure. tomatoes or vitamlnhed apple .. ; e~ 1n C e a,~uary ssue source of s11pply to make sure quickly-imagine even a pound ly encased in transparent Let us look at "fresh for health" juice because they are the best 0? h n ana a. you are paying your good money bag of potatoes, or a piece of hub- pings. Finally, after first. In our National Food Rules year round sources of vitamin c, u~: b~afn a great den! ahout im· for consistently good products. bard squash. After all, there are two or more and comparing which should be our guide to "ood although potatoes are also an lm· P_ ld Y gtl thesethdays and v.ho Nothing but the best is good about a million other Canadian weights and prices, abe made eating, fruits and \'egetables have portnnt contrlbutDr ol vitamin c 11 °u q_uesr and h e fact that enough in fresh fruits and vege· families 1i1·ing in apartments choice and walked away nai~PU>lll . t F d g1 amour 1n oo as much to do t bl Th t · h . . t d h b 1 d h If a vcr) prom 1ncn p1 ac~. oo s are and iron. We need leaf)', green or lvilh sales-face to face sii!Ps For I ba .es. ~"this 11 !' )·ohu want do o I~vtthout . storage spacr, and Hen v.f·1t· a out ~vfol 1n a a 1 1 1 ------yellow vegelables becaus~ they ~re I II 11 •h t ·, · . usmess 11 t . men II use pro ucts tn many of the new homes there o fresh cau 1 ower, or witnesses and documents and also I especially nluable for their carD·) a r t~ 'td ab man orh.v.oman tS 'hale, a quahly accent, no matter is no cold stor~ge in the basement palct 30c. The man bou&ht lo examine lhc place where the Itrne (\'itamln A) In ~pl\e of the, ~ 0 a kra~ eb Y.;o m.ct tnt': pretty who !hey are and where the~ op- ---sometimes there is no basement. !lower, too. He walked away 100 1 1 DAIRY FI.DI sh~cp were buried. disparaging remarks about lettuce I ~ a.·[h eau\\ u 111 / 0 our and erate, provided, of course, Ihat yo11 Perhaps that is why so many of a 12 ounce package of frozen, But ~lr. Gardiner said the agrl· pubhclscd recently Looking Into s ape,A 11 1 ha ~tow 0 )OuthfuJ. can meet lheir price .and make the voung home-makers aren't can· 29c. Why their choices? Well, · nrs' nc 1 w en 1 comes to foods n y t ff · · · 1 th th of culture comm!ltee would be able I lo expect that sales of fruits and 1 1 th thl th t ' ~our pro 1 , ou canna a ord to nlng frutt and makmg jams and probab y was e rna er Full stock always on hand to do all these things, , I the future there Is sound reason ' s 1 ierethany ng t t a can com- let down on qua lily, The dealers jellies as they used to. True they average Canadian family of Mr. lllcCuliough called Monda)' Ivegetlbles will Increase appreci· r~ul\5 "a dts rcsp~c bl 0 fresh, fresh to whom you sell should be hop· usually had some help in' the He was prol!ably living Write for frte literature. [or a committee Investigation of ably In this rapidly growing can· arrange; tov~~elt a t~s, •ri~tlc:lly ping mad at you, if )'au do. And as house, but even at that it was (and liking It, we hope), and the charges and . challenged Mr. ada of ours, particularly sales of of would-bE!" cus~o~er eta t~tra :on for the custome~. she _may not extra work, and nowadays there thousands of other Canadian Gardiner lo table In the House vegetables to make up those two of makln th s 0 e pomt !how .that she IS _hopptng mad; are so many canned and Irozen and women who prepare their certificates of alaughter of ali 874. daily servings each of us needs ers? Wit~ d~: r:e~ ~o~d ~ustom· what IS worse, she Just won't buy ones, and jams and jellies in the meals, the simplest wa•;-!for. sheep. for health, that· l! in addition to which are beasut~~ul 0 ow~rj your fresh vegetables and fruits shops-and they are pretty good, ter all, why go to a of RVEY ·& CO. LTD. 10 1 "I don't believe he ean do il," 1potatoes. The amount we are now fruita and v e ' co our u again. too. anti work for just younelf. Mr. McCullough said. eating falls far short of the mark. their own wit~gt~ables h caf hold I ha\'e heard it said time and Now we will skip along to an had another pac~aKe, tOO,_.IIIDI ~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~ to ee; ea emw enJcomea time ap!n thd ~oducen, wh~e· euly Friday morning. Here is a ~omthes~peofrtiwoul !deB 'l If h~w 1· That bglves me an salera, a~d retailers. must work a~ handsome couple, hath business surprised that it wu a TV ~-·- era are eing sold In R team 1f fresh frulls and vcge· people, no riouht, iookinl:. rather Ever heard of them? ENTER THE PURINA STARTENA • • SW-EEPSTAKES! Ul 1n ateria s AT AYRE~S STORE DEPT.

LUMBER ROOFING ASBESTOS SHINGLES YOU may win Blue, Red, Green DRESSED·· "JUMBO", 36 in., 108 squore feet, ;, "RUBEROID", 18 ln., 36 in., ~5 and 55 lb1 •. THIS· REYNOLDS ALU MINUM HOUSE PLOUGHED and TONGUED TARRED fELT, 36in., 15 lb1. SLATE SURFACE, 18 in., Red and Green 2 X 3 :z X 4 PLASTIC CEMENT erected and fully equipped with ENGLISH TAR, 5s, .~Oi 2 X 5 2 X 6 ROOF COATING, 1-5 gallon tins 1,000 POCKMAN .LAYER CAGES and the ready· to -Ia~ pu lle.ts. to fill them ! MOULDINGS .WALLBOARDS This year som~one In Eastern Canada. is going to be tha · WATERPROOF HARDBOARD ial m~rel)' lil!J proud owner of a l,OOO.bird Reyri'ohu Aluminum Cage h" ·" X I' Then he cal Layer House, fully equipped wlth Packman Cages and the CORNICE UTILITY HOARDBOARO :1hone system. 1 ready-to-lay pullets t[) fill them , •• and it won't cO!t him a %' 4' X 8' cent! 'lhat aomeone mJght be you I . FELT MOULDING TEMPERED HARDBOARD Take a shat at it. Drop in and ask for an ent'ry fonn, Enter W' Q X 8' the Purina Super Chick S,tartena Sweepstakes-no "atrjngs", DOOR CASING MASONITE, BLACK nn frr, nothing to bu)', nothing to write except your name W' ~I X 8' and address. WINDOW STOOL PLYWOOD ~ ln., %in., "h ln., % ln., ~ ln., 4' X 8' ":ome lln In and get an entry form. It won't take' more than a minute to get the ?artlculan and fill' out the form I NAILS PAINT PUTTY LINSEED OIL CEMENT, SHEET LEAD LIME · BRICK TAR BRUSHES

67: JOliN '1 . .... "...... 1 STORE DEPARTMENT 'PHONE 3.412 •••••••• , '· .• 1r~· •• •.r.•.~ • '· .. ~ ' THE DAILY NEWS~ SATURDAY, APRIL

FOR L-.bVELIER PERSONAL-CHIT CH LEFT FOR ENGLAND I FASHION SHOW Mr. and Mrs. Ronald _Fraser of Flnal plans for an April the London Theatre Company left show and afternoon tea 'W .·cuR.TAINS '' here yesterday wltb the director, at the last meeting of 1~ I . Mr. Oliver Gordon for Gander. nesday Fellowship dub f; They will spend a short while rane Street United Chu ot I . : .. , S£E. ·oUR! with Mr. and Mrs: Charles Mardel was held at Emmanu~~ I I at Gander and w1h then leave by Members are asked lo · r, air to return to England. Ronnie tile date has been ,: I • .t; Fraser plans to work wit~ the Old afternoon tea and fashion I I ', 1, I Vic Theatre Company thiS coming w!l! now be held on I NYLON summ~r. ~is wife, whose stllge April 2.9111 in tile League name 1s Elizabeth Howe, also plans the Church. Fashions :·.I to work In England. agers, the young set aM '1:·I 'I I ji, -- will be shown. I( I' 1 IN HOSJ'ITAL 1 1 ··MARQUISEfiES il. Mrs. W. J. Keough, 1\endelll' COFFEE PARTY I : · • rr llA.8 GIB.\TER RESJ.ST. Place, underwent an OJM!ratlon at Mr~. James Herder I' St. Clare's Mercy Hospital on Road, entertllined ' NEW FOUl ANCB TO 8VNIJGBT I CATHEDl Tblr nylon mll'qulsette curtain Thursday. ing at a coffee party -- . of the lODE chapters in , (PIWion s~ fabrle hll been treated with the Holy C1 · new A. V. R. CLEARIGHT FIN· LEFI' FOR BOSTON ln honour of the visit Mrs. F. C.. Whelan, Lel\larchant Lawrence Smart, comp! ISH wbleb sharply reduce• the (said); dama1ln1 effects ol sunlliht. Road, !eft here yesterday by air to dent who left here spen a holiday wlth relatives at a four day visit, lo Eucbar: • rr WILL LOOK LOVEIJEB Boston. home at Toronlo. R. R. B1 LONGER I parlsh; : Thla curtain fabric with the ENGAGEMENT Blble ( A. V. R. CLEARIGHT FINISH The engagemrnt was Holy . 6.30 ·I will retain II.! "llke·new" apPear. Memorized announced n[ ~!iss Hilj1 ance and lustre after many daughter of the late R!r Prell I '1\illhlnll. Brinton of St. John's t; Douglas Alexander e, P.E.I. 1 .IT IS TJE.\TED TO REDUCE !!RRINKAGE ! Quickly Beaverton, Ontario. · senncts: Ca~ o11HrvaU011 of the waahlnll lnatrucllons will minimize is well known in St. Monday, ahrink~te. her work with the Saturda)', u~ a.m.; 1 IT IS !MY TO WASH AND IRON. I she was games mistres.s It Spencer College, She . Needs no starch ! For beat results, follow washln1 in.ltructlons. about three years ilgo f~r and was teaching at the Oliphant school of All "".5" width, was also a member of the Reg. 1.00 yard. • of the summer school lor SPECIAL. INTRODUCTORY OFFER ...... yd. Ilona! Ballet of Canada. 8sc: · son is a minister of Church at Beaverton, Reg. l.TO yard • SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFE~ ...... yd. GRAND PARTY sse: Bowring Brothers Ltd. .. ' grand party on We NEW RAYON MARQUISETTES ing alter the play at Drama Festival. for all With charming patterns. Reg. 85c. yd. taking part in the fe~livaL Mrs. Fred Ayre, and ~!r. SPECJAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER...... 70c· yd. Sidney Butler receil'ed and everybody h~d a NEW COTTON, NYLON ancl DACRON CURTAIN time. MATERIALS FAREWELL P:\RH . In· great variety . The final part" fnr th! Regional Drama Feltll'il · 45c to per yard This year Sal~ vaccine has been allotted for the first time in Newfoundland to a very Important group. All expect­ I 1.20 1 last nigllt at the ant moth~rs m Newfoundland may now receive Salk vaccine at Salk inoculation centres, at pre-natal clinics or , Hotel when the Ercning from the1r own doctors. Public Health Nurse, Theresa Kirby ·here gives a first inoculation of Salk vaccine. It is I and the Western Slar we:e 1 to all the people tak1n1 felt that expectant moihers will welcome this valuable prbtection. · __ __;1__ _ i the festival. I Wardrobe ENGAGEMENT New American Cretonnes_ ·In Hous"" .... n.u c:tttractlve Floral and Paisley Magid, designs. 'Colours white, blue, Hint

aqua, glley, fawn, green and Before using a new pal:. wash well ·and rin;e. r. yellow. W,ldths 36, -'2, 4.5 ·. moves lint and ani' surfltl lnthes. Four-Way Wardrobe! Keep her making for a smoother w~ll~essed all sum~er, Mother! I ELVIS AND THE rN!t Midriff-top, shorts, skirt - and ~ '""~ $1.1.5 ·s (3.5 $1 ..50 per yard shirt that doubles as a jackel! 1. TORONTO

pletc illustrated instructions. 1 ~loore, dircrlor nf th! A special purcha&e of famous Send FORTY CE:\'TS ( 40 cents) , health departmcn:'1 lndlll ma.ke first quality Nylons. in rolns (stamps cannot be ac· . northern h~allh mrice1 . cepted) for this pa tl·~rn. Please · head the Canarli~n ' New"t shades. Sizes 8V2·ll. print plainly SIZE, NA:I'IE, AD .. w the lOth World Healu DRESS, SITLE NUMBER, I sembly In Genel' 1 Limited quantity only, so get Send order to A~NE ADA~!S.j t~rnate delegat·~~ inclurl! care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY :'me -just for bit of gladness.·. a tear Is sparkled with jewels, it's smart to sweep of the .hair Is .lost. .CANVAS you, cur readers! DMens of other sure to fall .. the pri~ 15 high wear earrings of mal<:hlng jewels deahlns to ord!!r ·- all nay, for little things .. that count This means lhN!e beauty rou. fascinating band-work! Send 25 the most of . all ... I've founcl Some of the new shoes are so ti!M!s Include exercise, lubrication, 1 SQUARES to ~nts .for your copy of this won­ how much true love meana ... , polnt~d they are called the Stllle· tightening. The trick ls slightly los. ~fore and more .the low and elongate (to lessen jaws, the derful book right away! lor this the world does yearn 1 Extra ~ectal Values ... and lf we are to gain lt. .. flat heeled pumps are beeoming make-up so that It blends under 1 As prevtourly advertised we must love In return ... I've the daytime fashion. the chin. 1 Sill I learned to value friendship ..• ' on thh so much depends .. . 6, X 9.~. sa. 75 ·Thinking 1 · and that by belnl( truthful .. . 1 we reap great dividends.:. : time melloWi!d me to sml!lng 7~ X 9,;:.$4.65 .... and never to despair great Eli. w. Rogers ··11 Over o'o!tacles are overcome ....

•• .. : •••••••••••••• lfl·...... ~.t5.5 wlth faith and with a prayer SAYS- I Slzl• 9 x 1o~ 6.at5 . , . experience has shown me ...... ·...... ;..... We miu so many thlnls be· - . , . the way . to detour woe ... .Sizes ~ x 1~...... 7.35 ' cause we. do not pay. atl•:mtlon to I hope you learn much soon· One of the. dlstlngul.shlng characteristics the thlnla which we ~auld aee or e~, .. the things I've come to of our Company Is its unflagging hlgh hear. ·We do not trahl ouraeM~s know, regard !or other.folkB' welfare. to look at the view, before ua. Speaking of your welfare, let's talk about People have become satisfied with the things you can do at Retitement Wllh aucll momentary lla'ncea that they When a faithful follo\\'er In the a guaranteed Income. ~erlook' important detaUa~ crowd sought to touch Jesus' gar- Durlnll Jeaua' min!Jtry He wu meet Jesus co'mmended hlm for aware of each Important small ~s faith. , human ued, When the crowds , · Let us make Lent meaningful by !Jnored ehUdron He 1ave them noUclng the needs of our fellow­ ~lal attention. When 11 man men, by answering their requests ... ,_~~~~·-···.lUll. fill. . .,.,.,. MeMflt· cllmbet \liP· a tree \c see Je~ua, for understanding and lor love. --~ . Ul •.eowasr. II· lOIIIf'l lha.· ni£n. wa1 rewarded with •I We must not miss the way God ap.'l,, pen011al ·word·. from tbe Muter. wants us to to. ' ,.,. . ... (, .... • / . . ' I .._ I . I'JI=W~. ~;.TURDAY. APRIL 6. 19S7

. If We Knew BEST· LOVED HYMNsrStepsToTheCross SYMBOLS i! SE·R\7ICES 1 :::::====~=:::;:~;-;-;t:-;;::.~;;;:,, Could tatnswe bu~ draw back the cur- ' Remember ·the Last Suwer spread, BY REV. DR. t'RErl SASS • blessed Ephriam and .Manute11.~'• ' • Isler: Dr. D. K. Peter•, L.T.C.L., That surround eacl! otben llvea, 0 Jesus, Thou are standing A prauer.' A h"mn' •-"' .:ftJi,•u• NIAGARA FALLS asJ a prophecyThl ofh the bedeath: •1 0 ,/lj! "d Chol•mnt... tl "' " kod hurt "d oplrit, Th" follow ,, "' foot•'••• modo I ""'· ' m>Y '" .... an ''"I ,, S~ 0 ~ ~ ( E I d 0o.m., >!Mol" Wonhlp, Broodmt '"'" whot "" 0""" tho f"tdlo oll d"d' by mol· To k"' Him """"' th m! ' ""' '" t "'"''' .. modo ol !hom, with tho gmt mbo I of tho Ch,; •· i B"' the ,ky '' b"lht ,rut "'''!'] c::ml Eucharist. ~ reac ~erf: beauty of HollnPu.,. Co"" ives,., I To Watch wlth Hl'm awhile, tian Faith - •I the Cross All: Since the fulness of His love CIIPJ · . Bnbb, Rectors C> '" tb• IOod iodbod wlthlo, 0 Jesu·•• Thou • rt k""" ·kl : Thoytotl .,,.,,.,., did' oot "'· mo"mooto d"l'"d I ~ "'"'"'· · m.· ' ".'' · . R.puioh: R '" p.m.. ,.. GEORGE STREET Oftoo .. ohowld '"'' tho '''"" Aod, lo! !hot .... ,, ...... d. If .. hod "'" • ""' tho '"'lty " moo h.. e h•d "'''I1 YET AGAIN THE CROSS so~H ""'· ·~'','. c~:~~~;~I.B;~j >!I I AU lbo whllo wo lootho lho olo. Aod thoOQo Thy b"w oooi~IO; . . ' .,mOOt.. B"ddbi'· ~ou 1~ll ~d r 0 i ' " •· m. • ·""""I 1B.A. 0 ''"'ot ood Chol •m '"", : In 1 0 10 ., th,1 ''"oth ''""''",, Not my wrn .•, ThiM bo "'". i tho .w •; llko,. , < " wh•1 tho "ol ~·~". o '""'· w '"''"0 « "•! .. 1I! ' m.. "" '' · • """'d f" t hom. 2. 30 p.m., S,. iK"'wlog oo t lifo'' hldd"' fmo: 1o ""0 ti miok ood low, Thoy fOtiOWod ; HI• tn 11. ' • t i,, o"o if we loko '" tho dlffmot ·.of life. t ''" do •II '""" "· " '" T'"'' .,. ""' • "to m "'" '"d "". v1•1· Oh, _.' d ;,. ,., h "" """ \\' • opoo "'" tho do oi; ' <'0.,., ""' to t,., ""''"' wo dd, i thro,gh Ch who '""' : · " d ·: ~ ·: tor~ are corrllally Invited to wor· 1I lf we only undeutood.0 0 Dear Sr.vlour, enter, eniH, As theydo~. nailed Him to th tree Ieach of them is strikingly sugges·l me. Phlllpptansn~t chapter 4""~ ftJ:I. · Satur0 a) . · p.m .. I ship with ua. New famlllu In the I And leave us neyermore. Amen. ~ e · . tive of Jesus, his message and: 13. The Lord stood witl_l me, ~r.·· . B p.m.. Fnday30 7.SO I city are extended spe c1 I 1 we. J, Even J I neu_ oPened Wid e • fountain there; I, hi•THE minis!"'' SIMPLEsT KIND OF eRa~~ .i strengthened17 !lien and me.women ll Timothy.feelin~ .._I ·· .. ,. 1 . F ld t come, and Invited to1 join In our1 Count not the Cost-it free, I · • = th. · bu d ' "' ..,. . DPdiO!Inn;: rCBayN ' ""''""· 8.10 p.m., Yowol Po• Yo"' g•nnoo> W"b "'' "" USED WAS A SINGLE STAKE "' ' '"' wen too but "'"' "" "'" · pi" Foil ow oh Ip How, !o tho to• , go m, ' th m "'m ptolloo, too ''"''· '" !tJ!:.IfORIAL SCHOOL lure Hall. !, even I, am He that blotleth out He ' J looked to that Cron and have bell· - 2.4S p.m., Sunday A.CTIVISIES OF THE WEE"-" thyand tran!Jireuionawill not remember for Mine thy sakealn•'· BISI hop Sh' . een ~~~~~a I ·~ ' ro:u ~·T er, C>psa n. Wouldmightily you stren£thened be free from to yourvieotr.. bll. _ 1 p.m ... E-.o~" ahlpMoodo" of the W.A.B >m Tuesday: .. c,.u, 8.15 Follow· p.m., 1,., ""' J Am Thankful mediatelySw.h • c.,.,the woWdperpendicular '"""1 nat-;lm·, There'sdoo power of ''"· In the blood, ~' i • - W.M.S.; 7.30 p.m., Scout Troop; T s ill" w ure of the Faith, lt! upward reach.! In I~ blood. : : ST. THOMAS' 8.15 p.m., Y.P.U.; 8.45 p,m., !nvl· ry m ng. r1'tes In lfu death, Jesus real:hed up. Would you o'er evil the victory:oti " ·H•Ir Comm,.loo, Co> toll" lo W"ohlp, C.B.C. Wodo,. -. wud f"m "rtb to ""'"· " ll Thm'o woodorl"l pow" m 0 ). " y"'"' P"' lo: 11 •. m., doy: 7·3D p.m.. Y.P. U. Th"" d'" l om ~ .,l)M, trnlp ~nk!W '"' "'', dow ow "d from R, "'" blood. J. <•"""''"· '""h", R... 7.30 p.m., C"b p,.k. F•ldo" 7.30 Wh" th< "Ito "" oot, F" "'d ood "'''' frioodo, • mth. Alw•Y• too thm "" IT 1S TRUE! . · I "'"· L""'"' ood T"t" p, m,. Gld G"""' I pm., Ch ol• T'Y om illo I:""~" • Who ~It wl ~ wltllol hurt ood wod to • io. Th"' ho <1 "' tho "'"nd ""h ! """" . : CHRIST CHliRCII, ~llnl~ter: Rev, Allan MacArlhUI 1 00CXJurse, . the thing1, of I' foreuw the risk of making man fer death rather than I{] be a child Into the heart of man. · i llU'T' THE MOST CO~!MON Fq~~ ''"'' Vidl , ?"· M.A. P"ob~o'Y Dooooom: , Jwot omlllol, .... ood plooood mdomptioo ogolo." • 1 811! th" I m"'t bo ""thf,l, 1o •hop!" !3, Lwko ""' how . OF CROSS WAS- ; i ,. ('omm•lnlon· • •o •••M !lu El·e])·n B. Walker. But It cannot make th , from the 1lavery of sin, Parents often p«'rmih in'dls·l So I frankll' here confess,- , Jesus laid His on an infirm 1 ·. . ' • o.o r Rob 'I L d OrJan~t: em worse- too nm 1 risk when they give clpltne,Lll>~rty but it does nC>t cause it.\' There is another, stron~er !o~. · ll'oman, and lmmedia\.el)•h:md~ ~he wa~. 1 1 + lm. HOI . ' p;,I'Pr,IOOI. cu.'PEL I. • .. m.. 1Divine ol IC Worship, Church And It SHima to help your ca••, . their children liberty. Liberty Is merely 1 condition, and Impels me toward D . .i made straight. In His. rleath nn . n" ~~clhl a1 er 7 eoDl ,' 1 I JustBrl h smillnJ, ..,. In the course ofo~hlstory, there out of It may come !lavery or II A doubting few havesllc~ss., sa1d I d fail, . the Cross, Jesus made 11 pombic i · • , '·. Sood"Sc) SohooL ivonhi ,.m., •" Woohlp. I wp ' '"""" >'"" "' two "tnmo "mn, '" Llborto a Aod " 1 ••t I mwol,- f" yow ood me to "" ""!. i lo lho """ '' OndltlC>n of obedience and of aJs.~. I To make them IWallow their re ANOTHER FORM of CROSS WAS. science this is the plus siga,: lll .: to Frlda1· Mornln• 1 • ueGsday-3. n p.m., Kirk Lad· Ju•t smWn1. much. One would dam up the obedience, marks, add sign, the positive slgn. : 1 int 1 ~n ·' " 4.15u p:m.,ulld; c.o.c.;Guild uoKindergarten· p.m. E~ ri"'• U. oth" wowld d"Uoy IU Llhorty "'"'"' l!"]f ,,,.; C""''"'d Thom,-wio " bt<•l. X th • cro" i< •ll thl•. 1t '""'l and Thurada,, plorerl. • p · banks and make 1 swamp. Umea In sheer negation on the Ufe and always It Is positive. ' 1 g a new paint ~.30 p.m." Wednelday-7 p.m., Sr, C.G.I.T:, rayer ''"" "o oloo ~o 1Wo "'""" port oi tho ohlld ood ,_llm" Sold!"' of lho C'"" "'"'·: •, nd rinse. Th.i . ... Fdd.,, "''' 7.30 p.m., Commwo'"'"' c..... "' .. ,,.., ''" do It" ood tho "1 " bm To wll! to For The Holv Thl• ... " "" Crn• G"d ""' with '"" ""'"'" hMh . 10 a.m., Lenler Serv· p.m., St. Andrew'• Dramatic' ·- don't om" "'"mo. Lifo f" d"to'Y thlooftl•m•tl~. llborty ""d" ' Aodmoo -51.·~· Aod"w·, ,,.,,._ Tho ''"''' ;i '''" o"' ' nd any surface Q.m. 8.1~Soelety. 'Lo aome eh!ldren 1 one perpetual Df prder It tc deatroy theP"~" ehUd. B'b} bec~ule on this form of Cross Sl. RWa)·, '"~. i ·. smoother p&~t 1 \'idi - Wedneld&y, 7.30 Thurlday-8 p.m., Kirk Seulon. .. .,,.,... • ehlfd "' ...... "" Notblnlloforiori• ..... '"" mO>< • I e 1Aod ..w "'""'' ,, ''"" "' " hold.• th. '''"""' ''''" "'' ' . I ,.,!doy...3 p.m., E"'" IIIlo , rid my~or~' """"" Je;.~~~taco~~. ,. """ -· ~~:;: ~ , In, '" ri" • oW nn : hto · moth· !boo b"'''' lmp,.l\1" " .,,. •II •" m •d• f' mil i" wil h 1h i• H oh"" wIth h" "' 1h, ''.,[,I • •· "" TH£ VIRGIN Aflomoo• T"; UO p.m., '"''" '" """"'' "d Pl•luworth, b·1 " • ., ,owl•l " ,bo ohoHod with '""" whloh P"'"" "'fold·. ',;,. '' "hool - th• ••"'''"'. d.w. . ' I Lm.. Roly Communion; t1 C.G.I.T.: p.m., Jr. Choir,· rp.m., Tby alJht, . In ,Ohrlat'• namt. friend: "Don't do that, Freddy," ing til per!onallty, ~. I Our P'Rth!r, Wt thank fllr ttnn siAn. of Je>us in· Anri · crrrr hillrr :Ciln 1 ~e T~e. de~lh swrrtrn~ It ,., , of Bolo looh "' ol ; Op.m., Chi!· sr Ch I 7 8 Amoo, . , oho "" " tho 0 h!!db" t , tot 00 Tho od wu II oo of llbo•t, lo , i tho Hoi y Blblo, IN'"' 'Y ~ "". d"'" d m"'tip!"' """. th;, 1"' m th• '''"' "'''" 2 4! P· m., Blblo ' '· " "'"t with hto f "I. H, . • hlld m"'' po"" two qwo >ll • i: · "I troth ''"" f" o"' '"" •"" ' Th • B' b\o '"'"I • "." d " II" 1h" lh • , ult· h•ll ""' ,,. "Nl , 0 0 't 0>. Holy BoptUo>: UO QU~EN'S ROAD , oto,.. hto f,.t, ~'" ho boi" t-It m"'t bo '"'"'!. : Holp "' to nod Th, Wo.d. with ,,. .,, m"lt'P'"'· .'"· "" lrdlnl of aervices held tm for moment and then, with suggestion which prompts the child this world10 10 upon.wa_ve. of· woven Into tho:- very hrarl nf ..• ~~~ ~velyn 1 1 w £ Li£ , l~to ~ave l.m, Holy Communion; 1l 15urc School: 7 p.m. Divine in the church at PoltYille, Libra; • long, drawn-out llgh, he said: to act ~nlaneously: or II If he ay 0 e hfe. (John · ) He multiplied I Hal'e you come to this pla~: "'' '"'huiot: UD p.m., ww~·· W"ohlp wllh oi. . '"· "'o'YbodY Wol.,mo.. "Mom, U th"o ooythlol ~•1 I d1d "" ... tl"1 ooy onl" wn , . • t~o "'mb" of' moo ood womoo Dl•l" T,;,mph? Thl< Crnu >hoo!; 7 , m.. '""""'· ' ""doy-4.30 p.m. c.M '" do?.. "'"' g!m, 'ho n•lly """ God. lo A<" 12 '''"'" of yoo ood 11 "" "' April 10 - 7.30 S l · 1 Jehov h' · Tho pook UI of bOunds," God for yqu". The child In his Chrlal, Give us open •mind~ and •.n merry anu pe3ce ll"!rr mu · P ~o emn s a ow o . y TEMPLE coBBs ------th t d I d 1 Th I h d f th •..1111'1• H:1 o . the_. · '""' '"'""''''' 2.30 p.m., ~m,. S~o,~oy S.h~l, 7.00 p.m., st"dy. S!•y Awoko, st"d Fl•m A folh" who w" ll;too!og to homo. Whm thm ;, 1o" thm ll!o oomo we P"Y· Amoo. · - · !l(·hool: 2.4~ p.m., Cate- f Ylllie • c Service. The meet!np Grow Millhty"-1 Cor. 16.13, 14: the mother read a psychology book h )O'Ve, there !s Dbedioence; 'where 3 30 p.m., Holy Bapti•m; or the day will be conducted by N.W. . · which allC>wed unrestrained free- there Is obedience, there 1s the , EHn;un2 and Sermon Major S. Prhce of Provincial Tuesday - 7.30 p,m., Public dom, said tc her: "Where dnl and Ministry Development Clan: "Pre- Too often freedom is regarded of their secrei.IJ, D. D. realism. The heart of the Thursday: a a.m., Holy CITADEL CORPS aent 'Yoll'r1elf Approved to God" "NIYW brothers, let your mind lng of Jesus consists til memoltr-it<·~ . Fr:day: 10 a.m. Holy ( Ada1111 A.venu•) -2, Tim. 2.1S, N.W.; 9 p.m., Spto Life. Immortal dwell Oil what ls true, what ls MAN AND HIS .FELLOWMEN able· statement~ about . : 8 p.m .. EvPnsong and Sr. Captain A: S. and Mra. Prll· cia! Talk by travelllng reprmnta· Following From worthy, what !8 right, what is And he called to him the• mul-l· an d th e '.1·or ld · I£ you '--!l!i~li"' ThP pnrl!h annual meet· chetl. Corpa Officers. live. ' pure, what 1~ amiable, what is Utude with hi~ di~riples, and ~aid them to In fact, yOJ.i will n~ ill~ pllrP nn ~londAy the 10.30 a.m., Prayer Service: 11.00 Friday, April 12 - 8 p.m., Pub- There is 1 1'?1, 1 quiet sea, kindly-. Fr>r whO(ver would sal'e hi m?~~" .~lcmd In gi\:~ than·~· I l(l of 1 I citadel Corpa. • CllriJtian Science' be followed close!~, or not at, And all my dream! yesterday, chapel 1 minister took those ·won· llfe 111!1 Io~r t; and whoever lnsrs ce.1 e. Th1s 1~ e1ther ,-trud8 Ill, ~or ile seeks our cC>mpiete id· I And a~ tk things that were Ill be, derful words u his text and wro~ 1 !tis life for my ~ake and the go~- i f~l!e. .Tesus ~aid .that ' entifJcatlon with Hlrn, that all the· Are mtnel . 1 them upon the hearts of his pel's will sal'e it." R:34·35, hfe does not. In the · GOI\'F.R STREET DucKwoRTH STREET coRPs 1 Society ~lark con~l~t tm" Dil·lnr Worshin. Preach· world may know that we belons to I There is a land, .a qmet Iantr, hearers. Take them now durlng RSV. dance. of . thtn~s he pos'""'"'"•' Sr. C~rptain ,E. Duifett, Captain • ·--:o~~=~~~-- 1 ~· E. VIpond, B.A .. B.D. R. Bowerin1, Corpa O!Ilcers. P4 .GOWER STREET Him .and walk by His side ln the Beyond the setbng sun, Lent 15 the dally j!nctice ol your That Is e1ther true or fal!:e. ;' Spiritual Checkup": 11.00 a.m., Holiness SerYict; 2.30 Sunday Service 11.00 a.m. Sub- U11ht of His countenance. When Where every task In .which life. Too many people think of Chris- , the end of t~ Sermon on N.unery Department In p.m., Sunday Sl:hool: 7.00 p.m., j we follow Christ at a distance, quailed, , In his Roman prisC>n Paul cor tianity as i! it were essentially a Mount, Jesus dld not exhort Great Salvation Meeting. Come, let ect of Lellon Sermon: "Unreal· we lose the_glory of His presence And all wherein my c<>urage fail- centrated not upon his difficulties set of do's and don't, tho~ do's follow his "Ideals." He '""I B••lldin~: 2.30 ·p.m., Ul worship together. lty". Wedneaday Meet!nl 8.00 p.m. and the exhUaraUng warmth ed, but upon his delights; not upon being things th~t are idealistic but "Everyone .then whC> hears Sthool, Senior Study Clm Free Readlni Room Tbul'Jday 8.00 ol Hls frloendship, When we fol· 1 the lower but ut10n the' loftier impractical and the don't words of mme and does them PPople'a Bible Clall' p.m. to 9.30 p.m. 8unday School !a bein~ low "afar of!" we are prone to aU the IOOd my spirit lecel! of his ex,>erlence , Amlrl the things that make U!e fun. be like a Wi!>2 mac who 1-,uUt P.!lt., Church Membtrship MUNDY POND CORPS held for pupUa up to 20 yeara of ~re 7 p.m., Divine Worahip, a1e at 'I Harvey, Road at 11.00 a.m. deny Him. We cannot experience• Is do~!~nned, perlla and pressure, be fo~d them This Is about as great a misunder· house upon a ro~k." The~~ ht. Lieutenant C. and Mra. Plk1 the spiritual vitality which He lat way Ill peace a siJnboard standing oof Christianity as tt I•, really nC> about . e Rev., F. E. VIpond, .B.A .. 1 u~r ~rj!umg Corpa Offleera. to la I I !(, If 'The Christian and gives to thC>se who are. united There hope, quiet ho.pe, tc serenity . ' ponihle fall Into. :teaching. life docs not b 11.00 a.m., Hollne11 Meetlnlii tea Him as tho:! vlne nd the' branche!. Within my IM!art Instilled, · ln the first place, Christianity Is . trulh hrlmc to us, we are truly 2.30 p.m., Sunday School; '7.00 i'.m., No At an hour ]Ike1 this, the disciple That If ~ndaunted on I sail, · Here 18 a distinct arlvanta~ of ~ot • set or rules at all. At heart; This is. also ture of the . Salvation Meet1n1. The meetings WF:S!.EV- , GOWER STREET. of Christ ~hould dare folio 'n 1The gulrli~g ~tar shall ncv~r pole. , Lent: to take time I{] let your 1t Is gnsr-~1. which ~prearls ~ us • drasttc th1n~ he cHr ~alrl:: wlll be conducted by the Corpa Ol· of Worship w!ll.be eon- clns near.ness for nl 10 s aw I But shine within my labour's dwell in the observation from God. Christi:mity I any man \l'oulri come after \· · A. !i. Hull:· Servl~e• 1 ~ mind~· h~~in; 1 . n~ v. ~lin· fleer,, 1 welcome awalls you, · ·' 1111 1 on R•v F G W I due ted at 11 a.m. anrl 7 p.m., undei facee the chaotic da; ~et o_nc s~nrcc . sc()jlc, , towers of what is morally and and enrl• with God, and 11 hat hr let him rlrny hims~l( anrl I 0 · r- • • r. e r: ·:~ni~l. ~lls.1 Aurlrev the dlre~tlon of the Minister, Rei'. At time ol crisis snly thlose wh~·' Fulhllcri~ - ~spiritually pure and worthy, anrl 1has done. what he is ]il.:e, wh"t his rro~s anrl loiloll' me. For . .\.!,('.!., . MOu."IT PEARL-GLENDALE F', E. Vlpond with the music un- I fC>llow3 Him closei/ can b con i A n th , t'rl . fd lo1·able and kindly. In his trans· he h clomg and what he wjll rio.' cl'cr wo11ld sa1·e his l1fe shall CORPS . 1 •.m, Puhlir Wnr~hlp• 2 ~0 rler the, direction of the Or!n of this passage Dr. Moffatt (· it." ' CHptnln William lvany, Corp• 1 . ,.~u~nav ' · sc h no! and. ' Bihle.. ~lr. DOUilll Olmond, L.R.A.M. A! s e~ rei 1 ISC pies. C r si Is en· Flmll,ni towards a ~oal, us~s the word "high LC>nerl," in the . As God and man:s rela 1?n ·to the morning aervlce Mr. Vipond treating you to walk with Hlm That sweeps by every humble I' of being above the nnise of is then the renter of Chn,slian In this clay, when men a.re 7 Olflc~r. ' 1 ~nse hi~ Ju~i~ p.m., Puhllc Wonhip. 11.00 a.m., Hollnm Meet!nz; 2.30 wlll take u hia lubject "A Spirit· shoulder to shoulder, as ~ou pro- i •ho_re, , . I the world Make thaf a test o! fallh, It follows that no man can IM: security above everythtnlt 4.75 th r .chonKrraatlon w\11 meet p.m., Sunday School; 7.00 p.m., Sal· ual Ch,ekup." la the evenlnli Mr claim the l rle~ls ,of the Kingdom. • And at lis luUest ~bhs no more,! · u thinking Rnd mak Lent 1 know or love .God unle.1s he learns whether it be throuah ~ nur nf reRular morn­ to · va~on MeeUnl. A cordial welcome Vipond will begin the fint in If He [requ N!'\ thiR In time of And on that rmal swell shall ride, [01' quiet mcdilatione and the to ]OI'C his fellowmen. plans, miltlary armaments or •nd immediately fol­ ~ 1 r~c:n~ await& ,oa at the Mount Pml· aerie• of quesUona aubmltted. by race .. ;uch ;ore dleh i lily soul! I peace of God will be you; reward. The social undcrstandinR nl rcli· Insurance (all rn which are ~tory lime. The Sae­ !be congregation, the ubjecl be- d :n~~~~~ ays angu duty is· based squarely on or th1n;:s\ we need 7 ..95 Glendale Corpa. 8 11 8 ~ious no~ccssary Lord'a Supper wlll CbrloUOD oml1 Amuo• " d''"''!· "'"'d ,., ""'o-oOd God'• owo fuo Old !rom whl•h' "m'm"'' th•t '""'' woy I• ~.'nlnlsot,ferPd Immediately after btl "!ho. T"''"'~· menu." Church Membmh!p Son came walkl!l( in the beauty Jeaus so often quoted, and was I one of secunty • but of The y reaular evening wor­ Pentecostal Prayer cuu will!< hoW ,, '·" p.m .. lo The- First 'Dawn "' tho Do.,, "'d"""" by tho Now T.. tomooL '"'· Ho "Y·• to '" of "' . Churchou~~~ People's and iiEffiEsBX• TEMPLE the Chureh, On :Monday eteninl Every !lttie.ebird poured out Its especially in the' Epistle .of· John we would foUow him we meet foll~w~~belrablp Ciaues at 8 o'cloek 1 Lenten Sl11'vice Will rapture C>n the air: every blonom • who wrote flatly: "He who does ourseiYe5-accept freely Service VI i he Commun­ 209 Nno Go·w,. Strut. 1 A. Chesley Snow, 'putor; Elall be held In the Lecture Hall for The 1arden' of the Sepulchre trembled In an e~staay of prayer. Our Fatbet, · arlnt that my lC>y- not love his brother whom he has and ruks and burdo!ns for ht wa'rrnlss ~~~ and friends Prayer.· Bible Study and Medlta- , hushed• beneath the light-of I Spring leaf danced for alty to Christ may be so Rten love GC>d he has I for is the only way to o~ Sun~~~e corned at all II. Snow, Aqt, Putor. · Day'~ ~Every slron~ cann~t wht;~m t~ls 10.30 a.m., Prayer Service: 11 t!on. Everybody welcome. \first allmmer-ll't:!t and 1le~mln~ 'joy .on every startlrrl tree-in thar, and m~ spirit:1al !He !o real tbat not sern.". . . . , our hk. All. other waya • All department! of the Sunda)' wlth the dews· of 1 I fint 1lad gloripus Dawa of Chrll ! I may never wander "afar off". I Hut tcachtnll Is. not a 1 end. In fatlure. rnriHI;v;- a.m., !llornlng Worahll'l and the nl2ht-Wh~n Chmtla~ ~ . \\' · '• S1'RE!:T Lo'td'a Supper; 3 p.m. Sunday S.bool will ""' ot 2.30 p.m. , "'"'oty """~ tbo wlod ' ll!Uo I ""'ty. I lo HI< oomo.- A"''"· ·, '""' of """"" "h"" •~• to ""I. M" "d '" fom U!"­ ~ . . L. Lanallle, B.A. , Min· l!chool; 8.30 p.m., tlrayer SerVlee; , ,..._. .\,' ,. ' . '


LaLus 'IM3t:ll O'Bn'" 60 11/1 ID H Vlco 17:1:24 25 23 2.1 · Jupltor 5l0 :teO til 2.15 -I • Lancoun ~ ·.II 1!' 11 -1 01ama 3500 11 1 10 · Vla1am' 100 175 17 173 Kroy ott 1M0 t II t · IA>Undln 144500 11 IJ J4 7 Oka Ro"' 4011 tl 33 ~ Wallo Am lll 1111'1 llll 1'1 L1b Peto liD :Ill 'II 74 -1 Children's LL Lao 2110 MO m M -1 O'Loory ~ J4 M 3. Wem"lr 2')0 2l 2.l 11 Ll Pete IIIlO IS II IS -1 Market Lom•n 4G " 1 1 -1 Opom ~Ill m 131'1 131'a +'I W Malar 2Jl00 I I I - I> M•ttcon• 300 7 7 7 Stock O"noda f7!10 J41'. 3~ 33 ·WII!roy 47 31 3 3 -3 M•dol 17797 4.1 Ill 443 -5 Lorado !!It 11 15 m 5 Lororlq ..U l'j)tl .120 11 1 _J Ormoby m.a '~ In 411 -5 Will w!J -. o 11n !lC llC M•r Pete ICM 1!51'1 151> !.~\', • ~~ LouvO 7630 51 5 54 2 "'oodml 2.1"l lOft 11 I! N R Do- m ~10 222 \.l I • M'OII'<\d 400 111 ID 'A '"'k Crow 1\M no 128 12n +2 w... Hart 37 13 1~ 12• n N Chamb . m 4l • 4 -1 ' 'f•" '15" ,,. stn 8'11 ,.,, 75 52 52 S2 -1 N Gao Exp1 Rl Hill 11'.4 \M -7 Ill\ Zt•'"'" ,,. ""'1"t'r1'\ 1~ 1')11 1nt.; ,,.,.... Pnlnlo 2'0'1 !ln I' +S C:Urh N su..-..tor %187 21'5 %35 ~ -4 " u,,.+j..,o •110 111 ·"5 IR ""'"tn ...-~. :w ~- '140. l5 -1 l'1tl" !BOO !, !I" ~11 .._,n Nr. nno 18811 533 55 -~D 13 ,•r.q P.•~~ ,-r 1'~ lf•wh"\1'1'\ :rrn .., ·~ .~~ -2 rhlb 7"1 1'11 -3 Pend ore H\ " 21 2:8 +S nil ~•loot 1.111 11 15 16 11''11 w.. , ... V":"' '• u~ 7• ,., .... +:tl.il . O.it Cnv 21M 17 1 M rrr OILB n-oll.< 3310 11'1 21" :zo1 -2 ·10 1"11111 J,,.., 1 ~ 1 1'.11l Ht U 1 "~1".1 - 1.tt '""''... ]!'"". 11. 1'1 1'1 -2 A,.m, Gu ,., "1 'Z •t PIC p,.tp 1f)~1 ~~~ 11. ~ ·"' ~. ""'"""t ..,..,. "'> ... " '"'S - D-1• T,lf~ H~O lfJ'11 1'110 P"'" -10 At.x ,_..., ~! 8 -~ P11" W••t ,~ u n n -1 ( u .. ,., , .... , •~"~ ~ • ., -1 l'l l,f .. hl .., .. ,, ""'I 'l 2 - ., ~.., T.•due '7 ,, ' ,.., -1 P•.,ro• Jl'··~r '"~'~~"~ il:":t'. ,.,,l. ''"'1i + ~'4 b' "•-Ill 111 I 175 171 1n "''"'."'" ~ , ~ , """loot" :! ,Ill 111 1" n,._,, ,... 144.~ 'tH 31Ct TT n.l·...,~~t ,, 1U~ ~ ...... TlrPn • "~"" ,9 11 ~ pot"' IU:I'4 1C ... Jhtt .. v! A ,31~ 111,c;~J lillfl 'ie1'i - t,..i p,. .... ,v on. . •n 101 1111 ~ -8 •} • ,,.4_...., 111M II)· 1•111 1·0 + ~ ... !1!11- •""0,. ~,., 1'1) . 1"5 + 'R•~•t !'1"' 23<1 :!!'.! 1!1 'P•I...,l 1$011 103 10 1 .3 "''1111\r ... ., 2902"1 ,.~ ' 3'" 3~ 1tlllfilll ll'! 3"~ · CWI• Bf'1 ~- "'~•t• 13000 10 l l Phl11101 U:\~ 1!" .17~ 17~ -~ ,, .... .r .. .., """'..,...,.'< ...... , ,.,.~ ...... , -! " '7 1~1 II '~ 'RI"•1fll'lll 4 R S II J. Pn"rt'U' Jl~ ~q " '"lh + '.7 _( "''"' ..,.,..,d 17'~ "11 ., . "" QII'{IJ'!'IU" -"'"" ,IIQ I" fl{'1 ,., a ..... ,.,. m ~ 'tq 2 ~ -7 'DI"1"t"" r.=11.., IP~ ,,~ :!21"1 ~1~ -~ ., ..... Jll'l"' .1•'1 , .... , .. ,, ,u Tl•., "'''!'I 2~ 1,1 1:\ , r11 "Ftt II'" 131 ,os'. 3~4 ·~ .. •• , W:•pl 111'0 l.l 14 . ll 1 ',., ...... IU"' 11n · , , ,.L\. n,.., >\th11b ""01..1 .•IJ ~~ ~~ l· r. nu T.d• 2&., 37" + ,.,.~ "1'l + 10 lltr ,..,,_.. 40'1 ~~~ 17~ 17' 'tofq!U,'tof """ rMI ~~~ "8 "...... '"'~ "'3 '1 ": r:tt· "" wtl 571 ,oil .,.~ ,.,., Pl'lVIIIIf,. 4~ '"71:'4 1 1 '7 ..... __ ,... 1~01 I jl/'1 ~~~ lllr\ ~ .. ,...... r"""'t'l""" t .._ • ~-t 1" "'2 · r,; p .. tl! " 72.5 71" 7l" -B !;:'"".,,_ ~ 171\ 1"1'1 1" oj ,, •• ~-·nt 1~"" •fl ~., ~n t'• ~ '' "'" 11111 1""""" '-" .,~ 'lT • 4 r.tYI trf) A~ .~ Farro 11!1 m 4l · 47l 1~ JNn!J~·nn.uR ,,.,..,.,.,.. ,P""~'~ HI\ 1'Mt ,,II. _.,. '., A•t,••tc' 7 5' S'T~ ~ r.en P~te 00 57 ~~o !7n +10 Alumll'l'''""l AAl It"~ pau, 11(\'!. ..t.l..~ Join all the num~red ,, , .... 11: l'U"" ,~ J ..,,,li:.,.,•w u, ,, •.,ll, 7' 70 '14 ! Oen Pet A 76 R R AnJ!1n Nnd toO I!V. 8~~ 1'.4 er, starting 1\'ith dot f\ ., ..... ~, .... t.ol ...... "...... ,~~~ .. B"' 'IM •s 700 5~" 171 5I nr !'lolno 41! Sll •m ., .. u, C Rrtow Ul'l 2:$3''- %3U. 3~-1 ~'4 f19t\ ,, "'' • and ending with dot ,.,,.,.., ..." wh 4~M ~'"' '' E••·,,~ ~ "~'~' 1!1' ~~~ ,,; Or Bw G <11\0 137 13 1~1 -2 n 'ttr:I'Tlu r.l 1'.1 15 IS .. ., 'Jl'll'\0 10 571 571 57! 10 0 St,.,.ll "''"""" l"'an 1~M 1" 17~ 1'" HIJ(b Crrol 1MO 31 3'l J3 + 1 M, S"'1"-i 211/r 1'1 - " seven, a,nd .l:ou 11 ill 511 "'"-"liflll 1rv,rl ,, Ill • HIJ(bwood !0 J3 32 32 -1 1 111M 11 14 ' N'or Stu 591 113 m l ••• ,..4 .. 1 ...... , ... ~, ""'" ,...... 0 ;: ....~:t 81'1 1'1 HI ,'I' 1 of Kate s l1ttle frien< Homo Oil A l 4l II~V.. 19\ol 1.~!1 ~ Simpson• :\IY.5 171'111 ,.,.. ~- ,...... I Venture~ Homo on II %283 Sl9l'o 19 1111\ + •1 Walkeri ~ S70!!. 7Dll 701\ -llo your paint; or rra1· ~ " mv. :Mii Jl" " ' 0 5 .


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• • . YOU GET THEM ALL AT NO EXTRA COSTI . .~ .. 'Aooket T ·400 Engine • 8.60 1 1•· Tires • Custom Trim • 011 Filter. • Turn Signals

'• Dual Horns • Foot-Operated Brake • Four-Barrel Carbui'etorl Bis-ur pleaBUl'e ia a atandard feature with Oldsmobile Poiee Front Suspension and the wider, more durable ; ; , enn on the lowest-priced Rocket. For proof, take a frame-standard on every model-leave no doubt good look at.the fine detaUe of any Oldsmobile yqu like. about the emoothneaa and safety of Oldsmobile'• new We're talking about the extra featurea that add 110 wide ride; much to the nlue ol your: car, yet don't add to the Yon, don't. par extra for Oldsmobile's big-car styling; price of your Olds, · The. higher, wider Span-A-Ramie Windshield, the bd'lhtl ·....,., llrand-MWirom Oldii!IOblle-nle oeo:81entor btJOOMIIM K 101111. T1rrw doublt ..,. For esample, yon don't pay extra for th. blg.ear per· diatinetive, colorful Accent Stripe, and the comfort dartng two-lllaat Jt eftQint. A olngfe two-barrel bmtcn tou tmt lito tuallna-tor lnctecllbly quid, wburetorfutlt tile J2through ~of the power ronge p"'mlllmi!-..1 mponMI Htn'o onUrli1 nN formanc:e of Oldemobile'a Rocket En~e. The pace· and luxury of new Tech-Style Interiors, are llt~ndard .. , doub!Hirrtlod oconomy, famouo Roekttactlonl command rl'f"llf performanc:.-. etna!Hctlon, trlpl,. aettiq action of iti higb-compreuion power gives yon features on ·every new 1957 Oldsmobile/ llut wilt• JOII nHd utra oaltly-J)Owe:, nudge tht octlan Rode! Ill In OM I . . il more economy when you want It, big-ear powedvhen Compare Oldsmobile'• extra·value features with any OptJonatn-.-.a.-..,...-..... n-1 I~.., you need it. 11tan~ard-priced car. Yon'll1100n find out that yon ~et ~ .•. Yoa don't pay eXtra for the 1n,ug-comfort .of Olde. more when you go Oldsmobile. And the Rocket fits mobile'll big-car ride. New Wide.Stance Cha~eie, Pivot. your pocket, Be our gueat,,, take a Rocket Teat, 1100n • . ·~· - I \. _..._.__ ___. __._...._ __ YO~'RE AL~A·YS WELCOME. AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER'S! THE· HICKMAN·- M.OTORS~ LIMITED ~ATER STREET,-~EST


,.\ ' P------·· SECTION II The · Daily News ~SECTION II / • ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNr:)LAND·. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1957 Announces Newspaper History Survey. Disabled Persons In C.B.

- Of Bell Island _,_ It is announced by the- Honour- I able' Dr. James McGrath, MlnWer . of HeRlth, that beginning on Hoi­ tltc 1'ilc3 of Tltc Dail~ would.have the chance before the day, April 8, the Department .ot ~· 1 u·s) company would look elsewhere. Health will undertake a aurvey of • d I "The company wu fully cognizant unemployed disabled penorua from ' B.' ADDlSOl\' BOWN '' . Thlr n of the scarcity of employment and Mount Pearl to Carbonear. The ; . BEGISS J active operation• once commenced survey wlll he carried out by two . fint report of the openlnlll A Sen'es would prove I bleulng Indeed." rehab!l!tat!on of_f!cera, and tll81 . at Bell Island came In The statement that' there were 11 would like to see every dlobl.ed !Ill· of "home news from 2000 miners In Newfoundland at person who has any lnterut In 111o The DAILY l\'EWS ur- that time had reference to the ceiving training, or finding o ·· following item from the Iron pyrites mine at P!Uey'a Is- ployment. The purpose of thl! SUJio , • S~ar datelined St. John'a, ed wl\b the prospect and ~lnln land and· the, copper mine at Tilt vey Is to help the handleapped ~ ~ .. ; ~ IS~: there h enouih ore there to lut Cove which were then in active help themselves. t 1ccmpan)' of .~merican pro• for fifty years. It Ia a very high operation, It was from those Diubled pe!110ill who w01114 r rtcentl)' opened an Iron Rrade ore, too. What the a'inual aburcea that the mining companies like U> see the Rehabilitation Of·· ,., Bell l!le, conception Bay, output will be cannot yet be an·· on Bell llle were later to draw a fims may aend their name~ ·~ ;I mert\ng most en· ticipated but the company have aupply of experienced miners the .Rehab!Utation D!vi.s!on, PCIIt • mulu. The quaf!ty of ~tirulated for a minimum o! at when they closed down. The Little Office Box E!52!10, St. John'a, ud ,;;lilti~·l\ \t~ \'afuable,. containing leaat alxty thouund tona per Bay mine was not working then they w!ll be visited 11 10011 M : eent iron. It 11 reported annum. The output above that owing to a fall In the price of cop­ possible. < m working ln the Inter- flgu~ wlll largely depend on the per and Belli Cove had been The Rehabilitation OU!een will .,,., Whitney syndic lie Untied· States !ron tarllf during worked out. be !n the Mount Pearl area n, o~rating the Cape Breton the next few yean. . The ea~t mine at Tilt Cove was Monday, April 8, and furthu ... ; the !l'r.dicate hopinl "Owlni to the absence of eoal producing 6000 tons monthly al nouncements wl!l be made COlt-· ihe rm' admission of on Bell Iale, the ore wlll not al' that time and the· we at mine was cernlng the dates when . othlr · '. :.to the Vnitcrl State1. It !a first be manufactured on the apot due to reopen In the spring of places will be visited. All !Dt. · r~por1ed that they ha1•e pre- but will be shipped to New Glas- 1895. By November of that year estcd pe111ons should aend their_ 10 ~ush operations on a gow for that purpo1e, The iron, IL wu reported that 40,()(){) tona names as soon as possible to the' ~eale, the cheap water ear- It appears, 11 altuated prlnc1pally had been shipped from Tilt Cove Rehab!Iitation Dlvi!ion, Dept, tf of ore gfl•lni great advan·' on tbe north aide of the Island, and the monthly payroll was $13,­ Health. orrr railway trans~tatlon. land the !!rat work the eompany 000. The western mine bad re­ ort 1s l'hiblc to allow the wUI begin 11 the con1truct!on o! opened as a freah aupply of copper of ~ tona daily lor the a railway from the north to the had been found. fire yms." aouth side, The railway will come A traveller to Pllley'a Island In Legislature report us In error In 1tat. out on the aolfth side near . the Jn 11194 has le!t us the following (Continued from page !) that tht Whltnry Syndicate beach. Near the terminus an fm. dmrlptlon of that buay mlnin11 ple are looking forward with In tOll~! tactually they did menae chute wlll be placed, by cent~:.- THE WINNERS in the Regional Drama Festival were onnounced at the end of the adjudication of the final to!D! en the scene until five which the ore will be ahot over the "The fortunes of Pllle)''s Island - fidence. \atrrl. Ho11·e,·er, three gen- cliff to the waiting vessels below. are bullt on Iron Pyrites, the play last night. They are, left to right:-John Holmes. with three awards ("Charity", the Regional Drama Across the Exploits at Blshop'l i~ID NO\'I S:otla arrived The railway aero!! the Island value of which Ia something over Festival award):. Pa.ul O'Neill, winner of the best actor award; Mary Dunphy, best actress award, and Falls it was a d!Iferent ~hll's on Sept. 4, 1894, on wlll be about two mllea and a half $4 a ton. Nliht and day the cage a· main rail depot. since cliezellu-1 rttallltl Portia and were long, and ln the construction of deacenda to the aubterranean Paddy Brogan, wmner of the best visual presentation. -(Daily News Photo). t!on o! CNR services here, at the Cf\y Hotel, from thl11, and aheda and pler, the time depth to reappear wlth !I! load of railway men have lost their ' they proceeded to Bell Iale. will be occupied this autumn pl'e- ore pr ·Ita more valuable human T!1e closing of the llturl. G. Fraser, R. E. para tory to mlnlng proper In the BOWN-TWO . . . • • . . • . . • • • • !oundland Development and H. Swlnehanneur. Sprlng, Aa It Js presumed that freight. In these cages the min· making operation has al10 •oc>rnltot 12 the DAILY NEWS local men will have the prefer· ers, clad in roUihe&t clothes and ed employment there. The m""'""'" The Week's News In Review ter hoped It would be possible to on their l'islt to Bell 1eace, thll will mean work' 'for with candles 1ft, go up to'daylfght follows:- 1nearly all the men on the I• land and home, or down to unloose the By JOSEPH MacSWEEN "It must be frankly recog-~ Holland said· the views and opin 1 Before dying she gasped out a start a small Industry there to reprelentath·e• of the\ for yeara to come." riches of the earth. The methods Canadian Preu starr Writer nlzed, '' a govcrnm·~nt white paper ions of Slr Anlhony, whose health 1 telephone number which led po. help out the situation. &rril'td a few daya Iince t The quea'tlon of employing local of mining are somewhat primitive The extra burden that k!lls was said, "that there 1s at present no broke during the Middle East lice to tb~ husband she had left At Botwood, he continued, Ill 101 on the island !ocatinJ labour came up. ln January 189~ and the first thlni that &trikes placed on the shoolders of E. Her- means of providing adequate pro cr!sls, are "proving every day to two months ago, employment comes from A... _,,, ,, ,. wet Iandini place of a line when a rumour waa clrculat~d that the cuual observer l! the appar- bert Norman, gUt~d Canadian am- tectlon for the people of thl! coun- be more and more cMootreal;··openm~: ·the be'll~lt1>een ·in llnbllc service !a!Jnd now, Is h!ahly pint- IBell Isle who wanted the work • ·NEXT ISSUE-Mainly P1!rsonal. the Wash,ington chal>seil against handsome figure fra!l and tired, Haiti in a str!lllge poll tical mu'tl· 1957 navigation season at the 34 yeari: He mentioned some -----~..;_;;,__:._ __.:_ ___ _:_:._:_:_ _ _:_....:.... ___-_:...:_ __~-.,-. __ Norman 'beneath contempt." . set out on a long journey in tho:: dle as nine candidates jockoeyed 1 world's largest inland port. times and the price fishermen ' T e · · Norman, son of a missionary hoPe of regaining his lost health. for position In forthcoming elec 1\!ontreal's harbcr lights were received for their catcbes. A Q th~ · t and reared In Japan, showed The former British prime min· Uons in the Negro republic, · ablaze for the night arrival, ma.lot chant told him of h!s lnves o ues IOns oriental influence of his youth m. fster, accompanied by Lady Eden, In Chile, soldiers wllb machine ~nnual event on the St. Lawrence In ships that had salled for .. a pathetic farewell to h·is wife,' left New Zealand, where he had jobs cowed mobs -demonstrating River. An Labrador but Mr. Abbott 11a!d Swers , Irene: · . ' lnen resting, for Boston via Van· I a~ainst high living costs. Presi- The historic L

' ,.. I ' I "j /' ..

"- ': ______....;._.. ______TH E _o_AI":"LY_N_EW::-S-,_s.... R_DA_Y_, -:-A-PR-Il....::.6• ~:,:o ~-,.-· --~--.....;,~_...;;...,..,;__;._;.;... ~..;..~-~---....:------~-----..;.... 7 ~>_TU;...· - _- j· . -·-·s;r--~- Cinch To Sew! 1-p~~~~~-- - •• 1 .--.. · Today •• Cot:nwall PRINTED PA TIERN 1 •••. • I . 10.31-Bympholl)'----··'· of Str!n1a. Mond~y Monday ~ -~N~;~ -i·~~~ )~i~; . CBN 11.00-Wor1d NeWI summat7. 11.1~Golden Sanctuary. BATUIDAY, April Ida, 11.30-Howeparty, News. "MY SISTl:R EILEES" I ~·FOOTSTEPS IN THE FOG" nJC!I.\F.D EGA~ CJON-TV .Tonight 1.00-QIHIII alld Sip OH. ELVIS PU~~Y.EY l;.i "1'.30-81&11 O~t CBC NIWI. "My Sister Eileen," Columbia, 'Jlwo of filmdom'• most ~opular i : "LOVE ~IE TE:;u:,il" T.4~Top of U11 MCll'nlq. . ·I.~Newt•alld W•tlw. Pictures' new Technicolor comedy .. s.tars, ·Stewart Granger and Jean I 1 The bi~ mcl'ie nc· ... s VOCM starrlnll Janet Leiglr, Jack Lem· Simmons bring to the Star The· . that the ~;ng ol r:e~ ·n· U~MIIIIcal Clocl. SA TVID.n' I April lUI. l.S..... Fiptlq Worda. 1 mon and Betty Garrett, at the atre screen, in Columbia· Pic· · Pre~lcy, 1s oiS•J a lin• 11.00-Marnlna Dl'tOUOJII. 1.00-Mn&l CriiW. 1.01-Th!lll the Ufe. Cornwall Tbeatre. Based upon the lures' "Footsteps in the Fog,': . acting discol'ery. Th,~ ' ll.l~ProlYim Prriiew. 5.30-WII&ml. UG-Penpeetbt. 11.30-Breufut Club. 1 .,11.20-Soutb of the Bordu. 8.00-Lite Ia WDI'tlt Llflq, • I.M-Citbea'a Fol'UIIIIo hilariously triumphant Broadway magnificent performances in su· . bomc out at t'Je ·.1.3G-Topa Thll Weak. • 7.110-Newl. hit play of the same name, "My per-charged emotional r o I e·s. · ;llrc wh~rc Tl:cnti,lh. 10.00-!llLI1lnl Marehptll 1.30-011 Buauall. U ..... Biolldle. , ·'7.11&-Newa. uo-Yoa .,. There. Sister Eileen" has been called the. Granger and Miss Simmons turn 'Fo:-.'s Cincm<:Sco::e !11.3G-CBC !'1 ..1. 1.0e-Jit1llatoa. I!.~Brealtfaat Club. freshest funniest and most joy·: an absorbing story of ambition, : "Lol'c :>!e Ttcriricr.'' .,,, '7 .31-B.UU, luck. 4,11-Lallle. 111. -.:;....11\llle oil 1 lkllow Nett. 11.30--Hlt of the Da1. ful lov~·and·laughter hit ever to '.blackmail and murder into an exclt· Richard EGan and lM, 11.00-hrtrOdlltti• to the Pelr1 5.16-Newl MlllliDi. 11.01 Colllt. 11.30-'l'b. Bla SIJ PraP'alll. ' 1wlrig Its way across the Cinema· I ing new experience In romantic ;nd S2l'I'Cs to inlriJdu:c (ftblitn. 5.D-MJ Bert. IO.OO.:...N ewa. 1i 1.00-iMIMJIDL . Scope acreen. I suspense. Filmed in . color ' by m~n l'.'llh the guit•r lo 1 U.IIIJ-...IIIIIler l'lna. 10.00-TI. M IUOWieecl, 8.00-Baru II Alle11. 10.05-KeybOU't! Clpm. "My Sister Eileen" Is the story Technlcolor which augments the dieaces. 11.~ 1.3J-Fathei I.JioWI leid. . 10.SD-Kiddlea ProP"am. Bnrt ProcriDL lUO-T.B.A. of two girls from Columbus, Ohio, i breathless aetion of the new dra· Let it b~ said al lh 12.00-AmlolliiCIC'I Cbolee 1.00-Deetmber Bride. 11.00-Children'a. Proarara. 10.45-Gru&M llpana ThrillJ. who eo me to New York seeking ma, "Footsteps in the Fog" Is a that thL· ro:e nl l'linl ! 12.1&--0iford Clmbrldl• Boat 11.00-Nnra.. ,,30-IUidlle Theatre If llul. 11.3()-Rtdd)''a Varlet,y. 1 careers 11 actress and writer, re- ·. completely pleasurable example I the notor 0 u,h' . ' Jlace. 11.1e...l~f&tt. 1.01-Ed saw... Bllew. 12.00-.-News. 1 12.0~Ramblin with Record•. spectively. Eileen Is a cute. cur· of screen entertainment' at Its riJr<,thers. ~its Prc.ro~nmme. I Is, In fact, one of the 5everal the desperation of their separate 1 a! the f.:mily. 4.05-Ralnbow Raneb. · UO-World Clmrth Nen AOiOII I MOlt lelllltivl 4.5~Newa. happy hit tunes from the joyous drives for power over each other. As Lt. Vance Rcn~ 1, '1,15-Speakm Cholet. 4 Panel m1111ber new productlou. It is a joyfully Handsome, gentlemanly Granger Reno torGther. Hie hard ll'lmeyf~ ll.oo-Melod~ Man. 'E-: ' a.1o-Mualca1 Matlnn. ,-J'oke I Wicked 11.00-New• aDd Weather. doleful ditty sung by Miss Gar·. has just murdered his wife; love· in the most \'rr;atile ~'~ ' 6.00-Hl111lbt.r BDDr. I J'ew.IJ.b · 1!.05-Me1ody Man. rett as Ruth, in the Greenwich ly Miss Simmons, as the lowest his film career. Rug~ed. • Late bumorilt, etrtmolllu UO-CBC Nen -AIIID 11.16--Sporucast. Vill~ge basement apartment which. of his household's ~ervants, Is hard-muscled !rom. four · ' U~rand Falla P~aenU. · TOriental 1 IIHIIIIIOrilt, 11.20-Melody Man. contrlbutea much to the hilarity of blackmailing him in an effort to li::hting, he lead; 1110 . 1 · 1.00-Mullcal Prorram. poray Gtcqe- I Applt, fol' U~Newa. the picture. Jule Slyne and Leo climb out of her hated, humble ~ 1_ZE S brothers, Brett 1ll'illia~ .Ji · 1.10-Chlldrl!l'l Savinp Pro- 1117• pan .!nata ll Ct 7.00-Rainbow Rlddlea. Robin also penned such popular circumstances. 4840 2 1 bell), an.d Ray 1Jame; , 1~· Jrlm. 1' Be borne i Irritate 7.15-Hank Snow. song and dance numbers as 1 That ls the basic situation of L. /} ./) 1 a group ol Randall', ' 1.00-lntermerzo. 11 N11111ber 10 Brltllh. 25 Be an aaent . 4DBN hOmtl 8.00-Top TJnu of llle Week. "There'5 Nothln' Like Love," "Give Ithe film, and from it evolves "7~'16 -tfl/llwA$ Confederate cavalry, i~ '· 1.2&-ProiP'III Preview. 11 run male/If ltatuman (2 wordl) 41 ~tllbtr 1.45-Newa. Me a Band and My Blby,'' "H's 1a masterful play of attack and ; ul a Cnion Arm; 1.3G-Supper Gaut. 11 YOIIIII frol 11Gmnan 27 Mean 42 Look ovtr 10.00-Weatarll Rlt .Parade. Big11er Than You and Me," "I'm Idefense, of a girl uncertain as to SEW • EASIEST! This Printed they learn the war i' U~Mualcal Pro11ram. :o IA&al clalnu artlclea · dwet11n11 U Mullcal Great," "Got No Room ~!r. Gloom.:: whether the night will bring her Ia tern ma_kes a. darling play~set: return to their Teua came '7.00-CBC Newa and Wnth•. 21 (Jo 10.30-Hymna for Everyone. I .,tra,. 17Nearer 2S Solar dille quellty l0.4r-Newa. "Khat Happened to the Conga sudden bliss or _sudden vl~lence, for your litUe g1rl, With a m!m-1 where they find thai th! two mint 'f.l~Nfld. Sparta Roundup. 22 Stateamlll, 18Incllntd :s Impudent . 44 Soc:lalln•eell 11.00-Sportscast. and "Atmosphere.'' . I of a man determmed that has will, ~um of patt-:>rn pa_rts, sewmg er b:other Cli~e fPmitll score thel ,, 7.30-Hymna af Praise. Elihu,.;__ 23 Vlaual 3\ Chant 48 In lhla place cause. J4 OambllnJ 11.115-' Western Roundup. Robert Fosse ap}ll!ars .as E1· •shall prevail. Granger attempts I t1me! Versa hie top 1s a smock, marned Vance s chiidbooc U~Doy1e BuUetln. :aolacharu 33 Varnllh 47 Space 1 aamt 12.00-New•. !eens shy ~·oung soda wuntain a second murder ,.hen Jean's ro- apron, or terry beachcoat: with: heart Cathy, charactenw the first , • 8.l~Thla !a my Stor}'. 2S \V ar &ex! af lnmdient 4! Greek porch 1 seires f1 ' 11.30-Hallfn Theatre. 21 Vlpera • Grttce 3! Inferior ~0 Grtek litter 12.0~lub 590. I suitor; Tommy Rall, as the wolf· mantle demands upon him grow shor~s or pedal pushers beneath. Igreat skill and tenderne1.1 27 Knock ll1hlly 2.00-Ciosedown. Ish llewspaperman who ultimately too great; the fog-eovered streetS I Pnn~d Pattern 484D: Child- I Paget. She· had · for 19: I ·' 11.4~Rovlnl Reporter. 3D Peace lul got into ~ ~ SUNDAY, April 7th. involves Ruth, Eileen and all ~f of London bring him, instead, a~ ren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8,. Size 6 top: when false word a:rilet • 11.00-Pralrle Schooner. I( ~ ~ ~ 17 I' _, 32Cylindrtc 1 1 two- game ! Y 1.30-BBC Tranxriptloa. 8.00-Ratllo Bible Clan. Greenwich Village in a frenzied appalling new victim, a stranger. and shorts take 11,1, yards 35-inch. Vance had been killed ..\ 16Talct ol!tnn jl. 8.30-0rdl Roberts. conga line led by the Brazilian He Is acquitted of murder only on I Printed directions on each pat- situation develops bet m Telephone ' J.M-CBC Newa. U Launtl r'J II' 1 9.00-The Peoples Goa pel Hour. No\')', Both Fosse and Rall are the testimony of 1 the woman he I em part. Easier, fasU!r, accur· two brothers who hare do the san: 1MO-lmperial Eua BockiJ. maehln II 1111 r7 1 Oil. 18 Super • 11.30-Frank &. Ernest. remarkable dancers as are the hates, the girl who has become his 1 ate. fection for each other, ll.JO-()rpn Mualc. latlvt ,., " I second gam '. 11.00-CBC National Nen •umx ~ Ill 8.4~Shower• of Blenlns•. Mi~sea Leigh and Garrett. housekeeper, and he must devise I Send FORTY CESTS (40 cents) Cathy. Now labeled 11 IT Softmln era I ~ 111.00-Newl. a new strategem for ridding him· I in C(lins (stamps cannot b~ accept· the brothers ~land played at, I : lUNDA. T, April 1Ua. I night 1ta1 19 D!Jpatc htd [II lZ n 10.05-The Old, Old Story. self of her. I ed) lor this pattern. Print pia in- • the action pick' up , .: I.~Mtlodlu for MtdltaUO& . ~ Sign On. 1 •o Stocld np 10.30- Laymen's Hour. Granger and Miss Simmons, : I)' S I Z E, N AM E, ADDRESS : rea~~ one. ol the scrHn:s ll.oo-Bqlonal Weather. 41 K111'1 ~ ~ ~~- p.9 6.M-Sundial. , penaltiea , . G.~P'&m 8wnmal'J. 11.00-Revlval Echon, 6.3D-News and Weather. real-life husband and wife, com· ; STYLE NUMBER. . •exc1tmg chmaxes 10 rec!lll . lll.ckn&m 11.30-This is My Storr . plement each other brilliantly as : Send order to A.''iNE AD AM S sons. with Pe '· ' . , 11.1&-JUalc Mu&ic !ox. 42 D)'e • liP 8.00-Robert Q. Lewis. for four of 1 12.00-Bible Talks. the co-stan of the drama. Sup- . care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY :sEw'i i Another asset to \.\1 11.30-Cl!C NeWJ. 45Black .,... 8.30-Teresa Lee. penalties pr 12.30.:...~ewa. 1'1 porting players Include blonde 1 PatU!rn Dept, 60 FRONT STREET (there are quite a few) i U~Po1t Mull U.IL 48 Taiin with 8.4~ln The Mood. to R)'an o 11 NeaaU 12.3~Canada at Work. and beautiful Belinda Lee, as t~e WEST, TOROSTO, 0:\'T, ·.• new songs, per!ormed ~ . • 10.3G-Nelahbour}J Newa. ;~~:rcpt [39 9.00-No School Today. I went of ·· ' 1U5--Marltimt Gardener. 12 Poktr ~ 1.00-Sporta Review . 9 55-Fort Laramie. girl from whom Granger comm1ts - · ; ·--·- ·-· -- 'le)', which are import.ltt N 01)-mp 1.15-Your Sunday Serenade. for trlpplr ' 1L()().I...Twa Minute Silence. ian IO.O~Teen Time. two and plot a desper- ol the star)' and are mo~ aoclclw ~ 1.30-Newa. ate third; Bill · Trave_rs, as t~e interpolated. or thm. ~ Mammy's 11.00-Gower Street United ¥j RADIO THREE ...... CaptetOJ · two MAllo ~ ra ~ fit 1.4~How Christian Science young lawyer who IS Grangers song, "Love :>le Tendtr' at e ChW'Ch. 55 Cape Heal&. 10.5~VOUS Musical Workshop. fint goal of 12.15-Prol!'am HJahllabtJ. HSovlt& 12 00-Hlllb!lly Matinee. rival for Miss Lee; Roland Squire. . lad currently high on 1~ ell)' ~ Z.OO-Rotm. as Miss Lee's ultr,a-respectable - ·--•·•• •• · · ·-- seller lists, is partic'WV !.17 mark ol 1.15-Recltal by Peter Brant. 17 Small (Scot. I "' 2.00-The Richard. 1 /11. 2.30-Muslc Unllmlttd. father: and Finlay Currie, as a ing to the ear. Tht 1.30-BBC Newa. DOWN = 4.0G-Lutheran Hour. 2.3!l-Eddie Fisher. To-day . U~Sunday M.lacellaJ11. 2.45-World News. sagacious police inspector. 1 "We're Genna l !:lectrl c IIlii' Ill .~ " 4.30-Gueat Artirt. 17 A Frankovi~h production, the Boy" and "Let Me' 1.00-The Conctrto. INoUaa ' tl &.00--The Eternal Light. 3.00-Boxing, '· .1.00-Harmon,y Harbaur. 3.3!l-Sleep No More. film was written for the screen light the million' of &.30-Ecboes at Eventide. byDoro thy Reid and Lenore · AUDIE. Mt'RPHY IS . as well as the older Pat' '::1.29-Domlnlon Time Sllftl). II OO-New1. 4.0!l-World News. 6.10-Rotary Spotlisht. 4.0~What's Mv Line. Coffee. Arthur Lubin ~irected for "WALK THE PROL'D. L.-\SD'' ·the family who like folk 2.80-Folk Sonp for Youn1 U~Morn!na Merry-Go-Rou11d, 10.30--Barn Dance, Newa. !!.!~Ave Marla Hour. 4.3!l-N.W. Unii·ersity Rel'!ew- produced ~!axwell Setton; M. J. i Roanng across the CmemaScope . · 2.4~Meet Your Weathermaa. 11.00-Provinelal Newa. 12,00-Newa. HousepartJ. · 3.00-ln HI• Service. 6.4.5--Newa. 1 ing Stand. Frankovic_ h was executive pro· screen with the power and fury of notorious Apache nmr 11.05-.luke Box Review. Z:OO,....Queen and Sign Off. I ducer 1 onf:of the Early West's most · Geronimo. How he 8.30-{;BC New•. 7.00-Ghurch Ser\'lee. · 5.0CI--News. -41 8.3G-News !11 a Minute. SUNDAY, April 7th. 1, 8.00-The Great Escape. 5.0oS-Jack Benny. ' · I colorful pages of histor) Uni· . this feat makes m«ii · 1.33-Capltul Rcporr. 11.31-Juke Box Rnlew. 11.30-Breakfut Varieties, Nawa I versal-International has come up :drama o[ the highrll air. 8.30-Muslc. ~.30-So They Suy·. I 4.Cl0-Rellgiou• Perlod. 8.00--Ch!ldrea'a ~tocy Hour. 1 11.45-Daclor Mac. 11.00-Moments of Perl! COLORED TRIM ! with a smash Technicolor hit in Audie Murphy, dil)b!IC UO-To1:,0nto Symphony Pap1. 10.00-New• In A Minute. 11.30-New•. 6.00-Parade of Hils. I L0::\00\' lReutersl - The. "Walk the Proud Land," which . acting finesse anri &.30-Canadiall Scenea. 11.36--Breakfnt Time Variett• 9.30-Thla Ia th1 Stor• 6.3!l-Sporll Tod~y. :-:-. 10.00--New•, Martin'• corner. 11.4~News. · hlark bowler hat, typical of the :is at the Capitol Theatre. ; surpassing hi~ former . f!. 00-C r Itlcally Speak! nI· U~Salvatlon Armr .. 8.45-Final Edition. I0.1r-The Hometownm. 10.00-Theatre Ro~01l. British 8tockbrolrer, has bios- With Audie Murphy gi\·ing a :forts-and thai anclu~u ,'• · i! 3~ Toronto Symphony Popa. 7.1~Strange. ,. 10.30-News, Western Hit Parada 11.00--Newa. · 10.30-Bob Hope. somed into co!or.A well-known magnificent performance in the nificent self porlra)'al ia '7.30-~1elodie• 9.01-Voice of Pr~pbee,.. 7.3~Saturday Night Country ' and Memoriea. 11.30-Newa in a Minute .. firm or London hatters put starring role, ably abetted by his' and Bac~"-;-lend! gre~ 8.00-CBC New1. 9.30-Sunday School of tbe Air 10.45-Newa. Club. 11.31-Top ~nty Tunu. 10.00-NeWI. lUKl-Sportscast. . green. yellow, purple Bnd red capable co-stars, Anne Bancroft! and cre~ib!llty to !he d B.O~Reaional Wulller. 1.0( -Lacli and National HealS­ 8.00-Treasury Bar.dstanrl. 1.15-ln Reply. 10.01-Famll,. Blbla HDUr. 11.1.5--Club ~90, and Nelfa 8.30-Music For Saturda)'. bowlers iri· it~ windows on the and Pat Crowley, "Walk the' of the t1tle role. . '. line News. Strand. ' 1 Proud Land'' presents the true- I His co-stars, Annt . .. 8.30-UN Oll the Recor4. 10.30-Party Une. 1.00-Ciosedown. 9.00-Grand Ole Opry. '. 1.06-Weather Forec11t. 10.4~Muslcal Show. ~life story ol Johq Philip Clum, a~ and Pal Crowley, both . '8.3~Aelllonal Weathn. 9.30-Jimmy Wake!)•. 1.35--Ed!torial Comment. 11.00-Newa. f hero of the Southwest whose ex· ; finest work of thm f1lm 10.00-Worid News. 2.45-~ew!. ' U~Notea and Comment. 1.40-Sporll Review. VOWR plaits are so fabulous that it's As the Apache wldow llbl . ' 11.00-LltUe Sympboniu. 11.01-Chapel far Shut-Ina. 10.30-Night Train. 3.00--Studio Sixty. U~Art Baker'• Notebook. 12.0()..:..Newa. l!t'NDAY, April 7tb. 'downright amazing Hollywood's . Club in his undmtand~_ 12.0!l-World New~. 4.00-World News. UO-CBC Stast. 2.00-Newa, Bob Lewla Show. 12.01-Melodloua}J Youn. motion picture producers hal'en't I Indian, Miss Bancroft Story. 12,0~Fiynr. 'Til Two. 4.05-American Ad1·enture. 1U~-Nfid. Proll'lmmt from La f.OO-Provlnclal New1. 12.30-World New1 SummUJ, iO:Oo:=T~a- discovered him for the screen be· compelling portrayal. 10.l~tory Time. 1.00-World News. . 4.30-Com·crsation. 1 don. • U~uino. 1U6-Spotllaht on a Star. fore. i ley, as Cium's Wlfe, 10.• ~MUiiUI PrOJI'Im. 4.30-Newa In A Minute. 1.00-NeWJ, 10.3G-Organ Music. 2.00-World News and Sign Off.· .5.00-World New!. this film Clum is shown as added warmth and 4.31-IUncle Bill _Show . 10.,.5--Mar!an Anderson Sing8. SU:'IID.-\ Y, .-\prl! 7th. · 5.05-Sunday Sports. In .11.00--Callctrt of Favouriln 1.01-Longlne'• Sympbonettt. i the fearless 'young man of 23 a role rich in these were ceJ 11.00-Newa, Record Shop. 1.30-Newa Roundup. 11.00-St. Andrews Presbyterian 8.~8-National Anthem a~d Sign 5.15-Serentde in Blue. years who undertook the rspon·/ Among the talented ~.30-Facl! the Nation. b


20t~ ·ct·r'I~Ury•fo• MONDAY ,,••• ~t• MONDAY f RICHARD


\ ' , I~ ·• I ) DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 19.57

:-; I~ ll:C.H ·•


' ' I I

i l ',,' !'' :

• a10n Two" Legs0 In Now 3 Gillette new sha ving .. comfort for every type of skin and beard! Semi-Finals • • • liGHT REGULAR HEAVY ••• fM ,.,,,. wifft tiMiti•• ••ln ... hr '"'"with • .,..,... Cifm• • , . lor """ w~o lib tho ~oft Curling Notes •ncl fer I'Mityeunltf '"'"· ~i ..tl•• ... ~i" ..d ~ ..rd. and fool of • hoovlor ,.,.,, RESULTS FRIDAY NIGHT lienlon 12 4 11


e Now you can have a razor WN9'!f!j!!!!!! • , &E7 -'NAil£& 7NA7' matched to your face to give you {!!!5 ~~ UltEA shaves so clttSn, so refrtshillg, 110 34 Mf/JJON/ NOW A UZt1* /lmTI good-loo/ti,g, that you'll say, "ThiJ ' (!)lwmt«GMtu Jnnlon P.M. is it!" Ye.t, one of these Gillette

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' . . . . . ·.·;~ • . <•"'•' . ' . IQUIIZI llUI,.I PAilTNIIl'l HAND

NOiftl CD), 11 .A.KU ¥JlDU .....tJ u WilT UIT • NDIIt .J lGIU2 ¥K171U tKlDU2 ••tQU 10 .QU •x IOtl'l'H .QU ¥AQ tAIU •an lalt alii! Wilt 1/ulntrablt 1\'trUI· 1111 ltlllll W11l 1• .Pan l t Pan 1 • Pus 3 N.T, Pan Pl,ll Puf tlpt!I!IIJ Ita~-· I

T ' .,. Jy OSWALD J!o.COBY "!uuU!ul aque~z• play; part· ner," IJ'ItWled Eut. "The only thl.nl wran1 wu that l wu lilt victim, not oor opponenta." South waa pleased with tht openlnl heart lead and decld~L 6UY eENNETi, AO:E h11 beat p!Jy for 1ame would bt vou our o• vo~ ~ to eltabllah hla three hear. MIND GOING OJ'!" I >.I CONVERTIBLE THE ~IPD"E' C~ THE ~rlcka. He won the openlnl !tall N 15HT TO SEE THIS with the queen and Nthed thr 'DOCTO~' CKI\:Z"E'5 1\FTER. WHto.T HE'S Jet at trick two. t:'ON!!.? Eut dlacarded the eight ul !padea and South knew tilat CARRIAGES ~padu were not IOinl to break Acce! :'\evet·UaleSI he ente1·ed dumm.' with a spade and played tlh· STEP OUT WITH BABY IN STYLE. jack ~ hurtl. East dlscardr.rl a second apad2 and South let a · cluh go. . A CGIIIPletl Every .mother ~II opp1eciate the won· Shining chrome West played a loul'th heal'l ami AUTO A.CCI eallbllshed Ute lu\ two In h1' alWIJI ID clerlul ecae of handling, tne eHol'lhm, • finish. oW'II hand. East dlacarded lite ·;ix of diamonds and South the DIAL I floating rids of the~• fins carriage!, Plastic hand grip • \hree of the ume suit. The a~" and another club ware playeu Completely wa~noblt plastic fabrl~ • Full width br1ke and West wu in with two lODe! lumtl. make them so eaiy to keep clee~n. You • bar Ht eilhed quickly and poor Pam 'alt had to make two discards con toke tht carr'lagtt along In your Tr1n1parent wind He couldn't un11uard hi a jack of •• apadu very well and l(l'UdinlliY car, too, it's easily collapsible or can screen. aave up hll queen and nina of dlamonda. bt converted in an in~tant to Cl &troller ONLY" Now Weat waa down to dla· mondJ and led the kin1. Thia wnen the littlest bles~ing grows bigger, I play completed the auiclc!e Available In o chllice of e~ttractive ! aqueue. Ent had to let some· I lhlnl aa. He chose t.o discard • apadl whereuplln declarer won pastel snades ' ' . a beauty at 0 bar· $39.95 bhe lut ~hree tricka with apade!. gain price. Eut ahould have restrained ON HIRE PU#t.CHASE hls enthua!um a\!out the good lnsu hurts and !eli a dlamand befon euhlnl the last ene. He had nbt.hinl ~ lMe by that !!lay 1 1!llct if decllll'er held tht ac, 1 • 1 and queen Wett was 1 dead \ duck anyway. The Favourite· In ' I I ' ! Q-Tht biddina hu bun: Seutll Wn Nerth lnt 1 elub 1 heart 1 spade Pua T You, Iouth, hold: Furniture S,.dea: A II 7; Hurta: K 10 4; El''D JIAJ Clubl: A K J 6 3, THE FINE CHOOSE FROM THE FINEST AT PRICES What do :you do? CAKES ant A-!ld two IP&du. There !J Hade h1 N no eenvenient ttronger bid. You TO PLEASE. hope that your partner will be IIIIl ( able to go forward. DIAJ TOCAY'S QUIITION Th~ blddinl 11 the ume u In tht question juet anrwered. You, Soutll, hold: S\llde A B 7; Hurt II; Dla· mond K J II 4; Club A K J 8 3. What do you do? Anawtr Temtrrew

RANDY DRIVING AID 'TORONTO, (CP) r:- Tht Ford Motor Company of Canada uid Tuuday It hu developed a 1adget , for automobile duhboarda lhat . lluhea an amber light when an· :other car approachinl from be· : bind blows JtJ horn. The light i1 1 actlvoted by lmpulua picked up 1 by a microphan• loei~ld near the rear bumper • • ICOT ITUDINTI Your living r~om Is probably the INT'UISTID COME IN MON!IEAL

ON HIRJ PUR.CHASI fhl Neighbors anc; Your Weltome W"l'" H11ttu Will Knock on Your Door The Great Eastern Oil with Gifts and Greetings from Folindly· Buslneu CMc e~nd Social .J We!fare Leaders The. Birth of a Baby, any Limited fht On OGcasion ol: ~rrlvals of ·Newcomers 111 City. 'Phone 3031 ·'

y;, .;.: ~· -, ( -· • I ,,, . I .. '... -'-L

ne Welding Building Materials Electricians Gift 'Shops Meat Markets · Radio-TV .Repairs Service Stations Upholstering

STANDARD IIEDD~C H. V.I\ANDELL, LTD. LAJ\ACY'S -.---­ ------PMSHmLDS------~ ESGINEERlNG MARIN!, DIU!L llli. GREAT EASTERN on. GALWAY'S ffiVING ------l COMPANY, LTD. ANY, LTD· BUILDING ELECTRICAL ENG, IIIODIBIANCI IHOP Cer, RESBWATEil u• COMPANY, LTD. SERVICE STATION I!QUIREMENTI Glfll, 0111111, TOJI, PENNYWELL KOAD IPZCIALIITI .. IJ IPIIINGDALE liT. DIAL 11M M IIGUJ' lervlee far Repaln Novelt111. Coute'a DIAL lUI UPAl!l TO JlADIO!I, T.V. Cer. lllnlltth & Ceve R4. UPBOLITDINI to Moton, Geaeraton alld Com~lete up·t~t-date AND ALL ELECTRICAL • GREASING, WASHING, fiJI, !!llelent 5UVIM Ooml)lete up-to-da ~ nrvlct. CardJ far all oecuiou !allor-mlll.t lllJ en.. DIAL 1031 Mtn"JIIItetilll Roa4 Bouaehold Appllancu. )hat Warktt APPLIANCES. SIMONIZING our BIJ.L MU DIAL ma DLU. 11H DIAL &JII DIAL 1111 te 1011 Spee!alli;J. DIAL HIM .UDIO TIL'IV15JOM Used Cars Mill Supplies~ SIIVICI (Hrl.D,) L'nl, Church Supplies Electrical Appliances· Grocers Shoe Repairing ADILAIDI MOTOIJI WM. NOSEWORmY ----, LIMn'm ~~T SHOP MODERN IHOI ' 1!4 I!O!'MP Auto Aceeaiorlu. PO!Ut U4 1W •PIIQDU OPEN 111 HOURS D.A.n.Y 1 'PB&OI m1 • I Ml WAJ'IJ:I If, Page Materials Dry Cleaning Furniture Movers Radio· TV Repairs DIAL 110101 Tires

OOWNS.DRY----~ HOUSEHOLD MOVERS H. C. IPA!tDS ELECTRONiq CEJ~j"l'BE SHEPPARD S ------. MARSHALL McrfOl\S --, 11'. U4 TOPUIL 1D CLEANING LTD. k SHIPPERS LTD. T.V. 6 IADIO IECEIVEU I!RVICE STATION . FI!IK Tlll.ll Wholmle Pre-Pat Kula, BEP AIRED B'i EXPEITS DIAL Covuilll lit. Jolul'l with TOBBAY BO!D Guuanteed agaiJut C\IU, lor aU Jour llilldlq J!.D1al Hlllll and Baeo111 TIRE REPAIRING taat, !WciiDt lerviee, Pack!D1, Cntilll, Sk1ppi111 Pori: Cula 111d Carcua All work GuAranteed fill' WASHING Blowouts, Bru!Ju, ltquJremuta uU .lftatl for Allled Van LIDu Sauucea and Puddinll Fast Servlce, Under Iaflatlon. Call 81111- Hlll · 16 HAMILTON AVI, · !ATIE:II.Y CHARGING T. C. BDII1• Kull• I DIAL &TO CALL 1313 '" 8(011 GREASIN~ MARSHALL MOTORS DW.IIII BeL IW; Ofnce -~·1 H CA.Ml'Bv.L 4 VI. DW. 1101 Water h. Dial 11011 2177·8· Desicned For· Our Readers' ·convenie'tl~

. ' \ .. lliE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, APRil 6, 1 I

l I Bant.ani Hockey Ask Dunton Fo·r Fast Taxi STADIU.M We will 1ell ~ , Kelligrews K Service I IWanJS I ·w·· I ··An.. d Leaf w· IRelease.Letters .· SCHEDULE Public I . mgs ' 5 .In Re CBC . HOTEL TAXI . 1 ' EW! • OTIAWA (CP)-A CCF requesL 1 Saturday, I · that CBC chairman A. D. Dunton Dial 2424 - 24H) ·A··*· belated "Top of the Mornln'News II throuahout the province, a* Paddy's emi-'· Fmal Games · ·I release . all correspon.dence be- i tq. ctne and all. . Day celebration II It used to. be S tween htmseif and Pnme Minis-. QUEEN'S ROAD at SER Monday. of .UU. week wu cele- .In the older da)'S In the Capital . · h k Dutch l!al \-:!r st Laurent on CBC programs I brated by the lriah amon1 us (and City-with all its colour, Paientry, Playoff action in th! Elks Ban-\ holding t e puc · It !or hold·. is to be pmed on to the head 0~ 1 Open B a.m. to 2 a.m. even tht hoMrlry·lrlsh·lor-a·day fun and frolic. . tam Hockey LeaKUe continued at 1 the lone Barnns pen a Y , \he publicly-owned corporation. :••••••••••.. ailton1. us) 11 Paddy'• Day~a·l•· In conclusion Joe dellahted the Forum yesterday evening ing the puck. : In the Commons Friday Stanley The freehold land, ineomparable. · everyone with a few samples of and saw the Wings and the I In llhe second game Maple , Knowle~. Winnipeg North C~ntre, The thirty one members who hll prlcelen wit and humour. Our Maple ,l.eals emarge winners of I Leafs s.truck for 1our goals in , asked Revenue Minirter McCann, ------. small dwelling turned up for our. weekly meeUni hurty applause eaKerly bespoke their aeries u the Wings dump·. the first IXJriod added three ,more : as "th,~ minister of the Crown 1 1 I at·Henne11ey'1, were u1hered ·Into our deep II!'Pr~latlon. Kiw.anian ed t'he Barons 9 to 2 and the I in the second and came up with; through whom the CBC reports to PLUM! lNG HIAT NG I on Waterford

an· atmoaphere ao Irl•h .that you I Wally ably sum. med up the feel· Maple Leafs clobbered th-e 1 sing~ In the third as they 1 Parliament," to ask Mr. Dunton SATURDAY, April 6th: P.M. Donnelly 1 Road (immediately eould eut it' with a knife a!!d serve inlll ol everyone In the vote of Rangers 8 to 1. dumped "the Rangers B to 1. Eas· I to release the corresponde~ce 8.00 a.m~PEE·WEE HOCKEY · It for dtnrt. · · thanks, which he proposed to the In the first game between the ton got the Leafs off to an early 1 since the CBC chairman has ai· ! Bishop Feild VI. Pee·Wu , of dwelling No. 1 ... The .eentral motllf of the slnl· speaker. Come back again Joe. WinKs and the Barons saw .cen- start as he banged In a pass from ready made public letters on the PLUMBING and HEATING · All Stm. lnl period Wll U Irlah II sham· SPECIAL GUEST tr.e 1\fike Murphy lead the \'i!ngs Nixon lmd Haynes at 2.39, Mike sam.~ subjed he excha.nged Wlth COI'HRACTOR 10.00 a.m.-cHILDREN'S Land has a rocks and Blarney atones. Dlahea • attack with three goals they D navan counted unassisted at Prem1er Frost of Ontano. , · - • SKATING. as 1 1 :rattled at Umea u Kenny Smith Our club waa also very pr!vi· swamped the Barona 9 to 2 to 5.ga to make It 2 to o, Donavan "! shall, convey the honorable i lnstaliRtlnn and Repa n z.oo p.m.-GENERAL SKATING This series :and h!J areue spota tore Into the !edged to have sbare with ua at become the winners of series A 1 at 8 47 unassisted and gentleman s request to ~tr. Dun-~ to all typ~~ systems. 7.3B-PEE-WEE ALL STAR 'l80 feet. first 20 n muale ·of ''The Ron of Tralee", our weekly luncheon, .one ol the and earn t~ right to meet the ~~~klehurst from Holihan at ton," Dr .. ~\cCann .r.e~lied. ·· 'Phone SS78f 9.~t:ii:c vs. BELL ISLAND: - Here is a rare Some rapi '."My Wild Iri1h Rose", etc., with pioneer resldenta of the commun- winners of series c. Baob Dowden 11 . 4 ~ round out the scoring in The matter ~rose last week, . IUSto l!ld uninhibited rellah, lty, Mr. William J, Haines who opened the. scorlni for the lod with the Leafs when Prime Minister St, Laurent, I 48 FOREST ROAD . SUNDAY, April 7th: !unity to secure a Prize for t , , 1 :. Th• whole· pr~eedlilil were re- wa1 present as iUest of Kiwanlan ,Vin~a at 2.e9 wltb an unassisted thet 4flrtst 0perin the ~·cond period replying to questioners, dlsclosedd , FIGURE SKATING CLUB 1 . Rules prin1 I d I t 1 ed 11 i • ou 0 "" h t h h d t t tan 24 ly : 3•3B- · · able freehold lot · i : -~~ :~tdtob~h:~:t am~ae:~~n~Y of ~~~m~;{;~a~~o~~cit~ ~ill ~; ~: 1: ~~~~/~~~e ~v~xft~o ~~~~: the Leafs. add~d thre~sm~~x~~· ~~eth'~p~~~i~a~/ tonee" \/:Cl~t~ceal ~ ~:- .. ·--.------i 9.00-GENERAL SKATING. i For inforrr 1.' e.veryone. enjllyinw his elahty odd birthday. 11 b th "i te d surance mar ers ' commentanes broadcast aver CBC :MONDAY, April 8th: \of the best . 1 d hi ! d men as t ey o re. s re . Moores and HoUhan each count· radio Oct ll add 12 by a Winni-~ . f h Card• 50 ' :• ~:i SAFETY PATROLS ~~~~ ~oe ~:~\av~ ?t~s~~cka'~ag:l~~; Car~el!c~~~~IIMI~~~! ~~~~~~~:. ed singles to make the dscore 1a~. P'2g pro!e.ssor recenUy arrived in ::~t:~~~·~~T~O~OClo~kY: ! areas o t e city. 0 ·:~ Our sofety patroi prosram, un·, to sing o1oe of his favourite .~ongs ou e · t d t 112.3 the end of the secon per I Canada Quebec n. St. John'•· l.i Joseph Fa'tz · dir the able illldance of the boys: "When Father Rode the Goat. PO&· iod as Campbell coun e a 1 :t Leafs 7 and the RangersO. In I This ~eek, the Liberal majority 1 llld iirls work eommlttee, is reall)' slbly or.c of our fellow Klwanlans and Murphy counting m nu e the third period the Rang~rs 1 backed ~he prime minister's re· 1 1 pro1ressinll The whole Idea hu may be able to provide a sadclle. later· . counted their lane marker. and i fusal to table the ccrrespondence i~en eaaeriy accepted b)' teachers 1\IWANIAN AIMS In the second the Barons tall· started to press a~d ~aw D11lon! in the Commons. AND Do You Have A · 1 • :iild lnteresf 'ha.s already spread In order to familiarize. iel'er)·one dng by. the ~too score broke the I poke in. George ~'>.cals pass .ali :J),r beyond the boun·ds ol our club with the alms, objectives and goose· eil as Baird broke away 3.9. With Just flfiY·nlne s.c- 1 Sl4 Mi}}i HEATING GARBAGE DISPOSAL I epl4,6 : ~ru. The chairman of this com· Ideals of our Or£anlz,atlon, we hal'e after accepting a pass !rom Rae!·, onds gone In the period, the I .. 1 . on PROBLEM? l"'littee Is to be eoniratulated on Id~clded to print one aim each week ford ,with just one minuta, and Rangers made several more,.good J I at SIMPSON'S SEARS hia lnlt!atil'r. in our bull£tln. This will sem to forty-five second 11one In the • efforts to score but were h-2ld: ncreaSe 0 If you have call FINES AND MORE FINES f~us the attention o~ our mem· pel'lod and went In to beat off by the Leafs defence. Gra· 1 • 179 Watr:r Street 3386F Thi1 club will soon hll'e to pay bers uch week on some worthy Goalie Peter Robert! to make 11am Holihan rounded out the· w p 1 \ 1 F.L 2282 · :I'J'/7 WATCH I :Income tax: thank• to le\'eral of upecl ol Kiwanianism and help us the SCDI'~ WinKS and the Barons scoring in the period at 12.10 i and your worries are over ·ar ensions GOOD SER\1CE ·1iulr co.operat1n11 members who In· to btller undehland Its functions. 1. The remainder Co! the period assisted by Clouston, with the '. , ,_ . s k! of ------· __ 1 HIGH QUALITY 1 1 EXCELLENT RATE!! , . 'llst on 1ettln1 eauaht every week Here b our aim for this week: went scoreless wltb the ·next final score r.laple Leafs 8 and .. OTIA\\A (C~' N~w ·~~ ~l d 1;,;.:;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;:::;;:.:::.:.;:::~::.:.;;;;,;:;;;1 2 Trucks available fnr Inslde LOW PRICES , by l'ery eaaer fine throwers. Thla "To ill'e primacy to the human scoring comlnll at 4.33 of the the Rangers I. Leafs being the lmcrcascd penston! or d ISa b~ NO DOWIII PAYMENT or Outside City Limlts Work. I I week's l'lctlma wbose llreen stu!f. and spiritual rather than !he rna· third period as the Barons ap- winners of Series B have earn·. war l'eterans were rna e tu c I EASY TERMS m26,1m FAST SERVICI , .lielptd to swell the coffm, were\ terial values of ll!e." pll~d the pressure in an effort I ed the right to met the winners \ Friday i.n gover~me~~5;~P te:i:~e~! .Sow !J t.t.~ time for your I I :Dlvie (fined leveral llmea), Fred, THOUGHTS FOR TODAY t . get back In the game u Wll· Co! Series D which get under ~ary esl!males or . new 0 ERNST B, l!resldent 'Ed (who paid a cOitl)' By the way Kiwanlans your bul- 1 k d d ·id d th m ti'.-:! Commons. TIL! or LINOLIUM :":ttl le fine), Alex Holden, and nv· letln editors have noticed durlnll fred Wicks P c e up a pass way, on Mon ay prol e ere The pension inc~eases were .•n FLOORS. I Statu_t_ory Notice ':·llr:l othen On behalf ol our club the put ll'eek one of the pioneer from Mercer and .went arou~d are no third games in either nouncert generally m Finance Min- Also MINOR REPAIRS BECKER ' :.I"J'hankl l"~llows". Hr, he, ha. ' radio atatlon.s VOCM, have been the Wings Goalie to bang It . n series C or Series D. If every- i9ter Harris' March 14 budget. CALL 1 : carrylni 15 1 public service tran· and narrow the gap to a e to 2 thing goes according to plan the They will cost an estimated $14,- . . GUEST SPEAKER scribed thouihU for the day apon- Kame. From there on It was the Wings will meet the winners of oao.ooo in the current fiscal y-ear. Cabot Construction In tht matter of tM E1tate of 1 : : ;. . sored by Klwanll Intunatlonal. Winil all the way II Murphy Series C, at 6.30 on Monday, For rankers and. officers up to d. S J' Ltd Andrew !lundon late af Shg . ~: Kiwanian Doul ably Introduced Th short transcribed prollrama counted from Gover at 10.20. evening wbl!e the Maple Leafs namv commanders, army lleuten· an upp tel ' Hubour in th• Province of i , AJie IUUt apnker thla week; Cou,n· 11 ~~eard dally at 8 1e each morn- Pat Densmore unassisted at 11:m take on the winners of ant-colonels and air force wing Dial 5651 Duckworth It, N1wfoundland, G4nertl Mer·· elilor Joe Fitqlbbon ol St. John 1· lni and prove to b~ very Interest· 12.~2. Murphy from Campbell Series D at 7.30 also on Monday ' com manden, the lOO·per.cent dis After hcurs eall chtnt, deuuecl, t Councillor Joe II an Irishman from lni so let's lend an ear. and Crltch at 13.42 and Camp- evening.· Referees for yester- ability pension wlll be $1,800 a MR. JAMES ADAMS, 7931H All persons claiming to be w_ay back. He hal had a lonK and ' . bell from· Critch and Murphy day's game were Wilson Butler vear. Previously, it was $l,500 for ~~~~~~~~~~~ WANTED TO dutlniuiahed career In politics, OTTAWA . (CP}-Dr. P. E, at 14,54 to round out the game and Danny Puddesler. tho!'IE! up to lieutenant-commander, -I creditors of 01' who have any and virlous other actlv!Uel, and I d I with the Wlnis 9 nd the Brons 2. major and squadron leader. WALLS E I claims or d-2mands upon or af· hu bean a Ufetim emember of The Moore, director of the e era Five penltles were hnded out BANTAM AL.L STARS Commanders, lieutenant - rolo· FUNERAL HOM Ifeeling the E!late of Andrew BIRCH Benevolent Irish Society. In h!J hejillh department's Indian and 1 'th ghme with the Wings I nels and wing commanders harl • Blundon late of Stag Harl>our, addreu he uve ua an account af. northern malth services will n e . The game between th Bantam . . d !l 560 I 1 f hed aforesaid, Gene'!'al :I>Ierc'hant, de· LUMBft 0 15 1 the hlatory of the B.I.S. In New· bead the Canadian. delegation drwlng four l~s Gover ,r the All Stars and the St. Bon's Ban·: re~ewe ' 1 · er. cent enslon: urn \ ceased, are heNbY requested to 1 1 foundland an!! an account of i!J to the lOth World Health As· Wings went orr for lnlerf.rence. tams scheduled for this even· 1 r The bJ~lc. ~t;l~s colonJ!s and , Chapel send particulars thereof in 1 widespread activities, especially In 1 sembly in Geneva, May 7. Al· Densmore got the gale for ' ! ar nava tac;s rem~ins unchanged writing, duly attested, to the 11 11 ·30 1 the field of education. ternate delegat

·. SCHOOL .CHILDREN In Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2 and 3. These ch!ldrer. should be brought to the Centres I Weapons aa there will be no separate programme for school children In the schools. BONN (Reuters) - Chancellor • at the Konrad Adenauer ~al.d Friday - EXPECTANT MOTHERS. Expectant mothers may receive vaccine at these Centres, at Pre·natal Clinics I West Germany's new army must or from private doctors. , • be equipped with tactical atomic weapons. . STADIUM CHlLOREN WHO HAD ht or 2nd INOCULATIONS IN :1956. For maximum protection ·three Inoculations His statement, 'In reply to ques­ 1hould be received. No cases of paralytic polio were reported In Canada last year among those who tions at a press conference, mark! the first time the Bl - ye ~ - old ·had thi. full course of three Inoculations. · chancellor has definitely ~ailed EXHIBITION for wch a step, It drew an Im­ mediate protest from the Social Ce~tres .for 2nd Week~April 8 to· April 13 . Democrats, chief opposition party. HOCKEY 1 West Germil!ly promised, upon ' DATE . K.C.M.P.GYNA!!IUM, I SALVATtON ARMY CITADEL, IGOWER ST. UNITED CHURCD I gaining her Independence three QUEBEC SENIOR ALL STARS. KENNA'S BILL . ADA.'IIS AVENUE BALL, QUEEN'S ROAD years ago, not to manufacture I nuclen,r weapons. This did not ex­ VI, clude possession of them. Queen's Road BELL ISLAND SENIOR 8 ALL STARS !..,,..,run Po,.,W

( .. Empire Avenue from Empire Ave, ·from . Carter's Bal sam St. :· 1 Hill WM. l. CHAFE, Tailor ' -: '• Cart ulan to Kina' 1 .Bridle Freshwater· to Bona1-enture Allan Sq. Ba tes Hill Circular Road from Graves st., Murray St.· Die ka Sq, CUPS' ' FIIDAY· ... ,-. · AprilU :M.onbloWll to Xllli' 1 Bridli Little St. Young St. Bulley St. AT YOUR l"ruer' 1 La.n1 Hayles Ava. Bouan St. .. . I ' Gower st. NEIGH&OllRHOOD · -~.·. AT. ''·I Cbii'I'Y.· Hill ·Ro. ad ·~ Meryl}leetl!!i Road ILlvlnistone St. . , - ::~prlhU _ ~an Cres. Blatch Ave. , Long'i Hill DEALER'S · · , '· ''· :· :~ ' ;'. . ~~ Place. · Mayor Av~.. . Tessler Place -----·- ' · .. · , .·/ $Au(. vAcciNE 1s sAFE AND EFFECTIVE. ·_IT cosTs YoU NOfHING BUT A FEW MINUil'es. · JP.oUQ,,~y. STAlK! ANY. TIME., DON'T· NEGLECT .THIS OPPORTUNtTV TO SAFEGUARD· YOUR CHILDREN • • <~~ .... ~·: , • ••••. •• . •• • WATCH ·THIS-sPACE EACH S"TURD).Y· POR ·YOUR;STREET. . . : ' ···CUT OUT' THE· LIST IN WHICH YOUR ST~EET APPEARS. · •• : ,l · • : · .. • • .~ : • .~ IF IN DOUBT TELEPHo'Ne '.4o6s. · ~ ' . ·, • 1 ~ - • . • ' '

'· • 1957 15

.,.~.· I • :r1o I ·ill ••II by KINSMEN TICKETS ON Au aHE MODEL SWEEP on CLUB OPEN NEWSPAP~R BINGO P.M. TO-DAY ($12;000.00 IN CASH PRIZES) . . ' .5 TO-NIGHT are on sale at all your Chrissie Andrews' neighbourhood stores. SERIES• 2 and 3 Orchestro. lOCk AUCTION DIAL 90069 e UNCLAIMED e BINGO HAS BEEN CLAIMED M~nday, April Sh I ~cmes of winners will appear Monday as presi 1.30 p.m. 2nd PRIZE-No. 229632 .. $1,000 ~~todlint does not give time to publish all winners !0-(lay. 24 Head Choice 3rd PRIZE-No. 88019 ...... $1,000 i Butchers' CaHie 1st PRIZE-No. 431 9 . . .. $1 ,000 $750.00 SERIES 4 (Subject to arrival) This series will begin immediately. ". TICKETS SOc each First 20 numbers will appear on Monday. ·~ {'Phone 5782, 9 • 12.30 Daily. Some rapid publishing of numbers. ·"'' IIU~[i;' Prize lor each series. .... ap6,8 Rules printed on each card. DANCING AHO DINM. MlllmV IN ...... , UNIQUI AHD INTIMAn AT~ ,...... 4·14 for information Dial 7269. "W. ht. U.t. l'lt. OW. telt llmiT.-111'10HN I P.lA. 11001CN1D -·· WID,ID. I'lLIlL leOij IAT PICKLED DRESS~D · Cords 50 cents each. CIIU? '' lfU "" ~•. he. HERR I·N G he city. ---:·---· ..Come quick! Our teacher Ia parked nut to a hydrant!'' PARADE ...___ .. PlEASE NOTE ------' 225 "'lb. BARRELS ' i Crystal Palace --- Fitzg For Sale \ Beautician $17.00 I Cords were published Jor $500.00 prize but an OF EASTER FASHIONS I tctioneer t1o $250.00 wil! be, added to the prize money. 10 Lll5. QU.ILT-PATCHI~ MONA RYAN Beant:r Salon, T.A. 11 I EASTER DANCE BIDGOOD'S WITH 30 MODELS ~L 2006 $2.00. Cotton or rayon crepe, Building, Duckworth Street, Cords now available at the following. Storest MONDAY, 22ncl April 4 yards $1.00. .B~autlful, s~clallzlng In all methods Sponsored by AYRE &'SONS, LTD. I Music by "Biuenotes" plain or printed, 44" wid~ permanent waving, tinting and WHOLESALE MllE\"S SE\\SSTASD THEATRE PHARMACY yard 4:k Free cuting, Open Tuesday and for Dreu optional. taff~tas, Limited IE.'~ED\"S DRUG !!TORE tall Bnacbe1) t'lothing, and toy list, Thursday nights, 1lx operator1. PRINCE OF WALES COLLEGE EDlURDS' DRl:G STORE COCHRANE HOTEL I Tickets $.5.00 double S•~haefer, 264, Drummond· Dial 11477 for appointment. GOULDS HOLLOWAY AND HARRINGTON SCHOOLS . BOLULL PHARMACY ELIZABETH DRUGS 1 Reservation · ' ville, P.Q. , I J[!D'S STORE T. McMURDO aad CO, Miscellaneous HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Jl.'illO~'S PH-'RMACY FRADSHAM'S SUPER· I JOSEPH RICCLE-Cianlfl1d . PITTS' MEMORIAL H ALL , J'L[~L\G'S PHARMACY MARKET Dial 2782 Painter available. Phone WEST ENC CO"'L. SERVICI Jt1.GERS STORE PARKDALE DRUGS 1!917·A. aplB,B (W. Snow) Cua~ !1.00 bag; 3 AP~IL JOth at 2.30 and 8.15 p.m. j, ED'iHRDS' PH.\RMACl' MURPHY'S DRUG STORE bags fc·I $2 7~. 4 bags for (1()(1iER'S DRt'G STORE MacTAGGART'S HI C~ A. A. WANTIC-A four badroom $3.50; P bags toz $6.75. For Tickets ($1 .00 each) available at: ~.~RA'S DRl'G STORE QUIDI VIDI STATIONERY house, unfurnlsh. Willing quick dellve:y dial 929~9-A. AYRE & SONS, liMITED G(l\'ERS Th I STEERS GROCERY PETER O'MARA e regu ar meeting of to pay up to $100 a month 29 Pearce Av,.m:e.' janll.lm. \: Dl~~·s PR.\R~I.\CY P. J, VICKER~ STOR'E . ) INSURANCE . fAMES SHIELDS, PENNYWELL ROAD I: I the above Alloclation · rental. Will take a tong time I P.IJ,SOSS DRt:G STORE LeMARCRAm DRUG I : bue, family of seven grown· CASH PAID FOR: ComlCI, AOENCIES PRINCE OF WALES, HOLLOWAY, HARRINGTON magazines, pocket bo·oks, ac­ Ltllllll• roR,1ULL DRUG STORE STORE [will be held To-morrow, i upfi, Appl. Box 6, c/o Dally J SCHOOLS !110lBS RICKETI"S CAUL'S GROCERY cordions, guitars, violins, =- -- DRl'G HORE , FEILDIAN BOWLING I Sunday, at 10.45 a.m. in I _Ne_w_·s._____ a_p_l2_,1m guns, typewriters, men'• or from MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE IOGt,·s DRt'G STORE ALLEYS clothes and footwear. John Holy Cross audltorJ'u J WANTED-D11l•n to 1111 IJII'8 Dl\l'G STORE CLARK'S SUPERMARKET I ,.m. NSU-Bli!W :\~otorcycles. g D. Snow, 9 New Gower St. JOS B WADDEN :\fodeh, Parts and accessor· mar20,1m ' • , ies. For {,urther Information HELP KIN HELP OTHERS oil1150~ ~UtTARS - Hor,,., . Secretary • write to: 'Hum Mai:!hlne Shop, I 1 . Button !Stop Accord eons and TYPIST •• 1 99 Pearl· St., Moncton, N.B. Harmonicas, Richmond Saxb. _ I api4,U11,12,13 phones. Boc15e1 ClartnetJ.­ SOMI NUMIIllll Charlee Hutton & Sona. P.Q, are better than re ::,3./'0CI •• NEEDED AT ONCE tlhlrl! Removal Notice Insurance Newfoundland t ~or flntr llry clunln• . PIANO, ORGAN TUNING and FOR GENERAL INSURANCE': OFFICE LAW OFFICES of. Repairing. Sinile Tuning Sis DIAl 5155 NSURANCI_.Dwrlnl lrotho Services Experience preferred but not essential. I tr Limited lnluranee Depan· Dollm. Wm. HOPLEY, 10 I COUSINS F. J.. Aylward, LI.B ment-Fire, Automobile, Mill' Cornatloa St. 'Phona 21!19-L. Excellent working conditions. I lne and all Cuualt• linea. acU.lm. PASSENGER NOTICES Applications strictly confidential. (NFLD. LIMITED BARRISTER one/ NOTARY Telephone ~ltl& or &167. "INVEST IN REST." Sl11p BAY RUN PL.AC&NTIA BAY Apply BOX 12, care this Office PUBLIC bEPENDABL.I . FIRI! INSUlt• ·comfortably. We specialize Regular 9 a.m. train ~~avin~; Removed to Second Floor ANCI-Don't l'ilk JOUr valu­ In repairing and recondition­ ----·------· ablea to "saw'' ·• few dollal'l. Ing all types Springs and St. John'•' Monday, April Btl1, 1 FOR THE BEST . BUYS IN TOWN T. A. BUILDING Our fak·rate, reliable polieJ will make connection at .1\r~en·l Jlfattres~t25. G u a t e e d .... live• lmmedlat" ~:~rotecllon. ran. tia with M.V. Burin for the Bay 1f>hone 8921 Of! Write .i. J. work. Mattresses for back Run Placentia Bay. 'Phone 7642 Lue:v. P.O Box &oil. reo1.tf ailment! a specialty. 'Phone MUNN MOTORS, LTD. 6449 or 3361, S~ndard CONt-l!CTION !:ST RUN eantact STAN !IOWL.IR, R• Bedding Company, Ltd., nouf bulldlnll, for Fire Auto­ PL.ACENTIA BAY NOTICE Flower Hill. feb20,tf RegUlar 9 a.m. train 1-.?avin~ FOR SALE mobile and J>late Glan lnsul' ------ance. Claim• promptly aettl· KIPPS HERB T/>BLETS- a · St. John's Wednesday, April large quantity ed. Thane Wl-P.O. Bo1. lOth, will make connection at ORDER NOW I BS. . natural LalMt!ve. Quick safe Argentia with M.V. Burin for LIONEL ELECTRIC relief from discomfort of To Our Customers.\ FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER IIOBIRT D~W.I! I SON, PIN constipation, b:Housness. 35c., the West Run Placentia Bay. TRAIN EQUIPMENT. ani! Autllmoblle lnmrance. $1.00. At all drugglsl.!l. · CONNiiCTION SOUTH COAST NUFAply Be life, be lllll'l, 1n1U1"1. Tel~ ONE FURNACE SERVICE Owing to increase cost we art~ rour bulldlna requlrem-~nts of phone 28112. P.O. Bol 81 Roral Bant Chambera. St. Train "The Caribou" leaving ~ j Thl Trade ~larlr. • VINIIItiD !IIIRPL. Y for average hom• John'• WANTED St. John's ~ p.m. Tu~day, Ap!'ll to Remember • 'L. YWOOD . • IILOORINCI by radiation only, 9th, will meke coonection at Port I FURNIHSED forced to increase the selling ll'btn Bulldlnl DOORS Wall Washing aux Ba!qu-ea with S.S. Bacralleu pric~ Apartment for reguler ports South Coast 'Phone 3749L WALL WASHt~O-Wtlll cl,ar. Newfoundlan·d Hardwoods ed by new m&rblne. Resulta Newfoundland couple. No Service. of BREAD as of April 9th. LIMITED perfect; nve, palnt.-New· children. Separate entrance CONNECTION SOUTH COAST IT. JOHN'P Method RUI and Wall Clean- prefrered. Accupancy May 1st M.V. Bonlvlst.a for regular .· For . Sale b",1 Tender- ,. ers, Fre1hwater Reali, 'Phone ports South Cout Service wlli or J une 1st. sail rrom the Dock Coastal Twenty-three ACRES OF LAND. 91038· _ag2~.lm Wharf Noon T~day, April Dth . I MIT Dial 6770 . Ideal for Bulldlnl Loll; altuated on NIW HOD RUG CLEAN· WALSH'S BAKERY ·I . ' ! the Gould• Road, three mile• west ERS. Rug• and Carpet 1 FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES i of town, Tenden will be received, made to lnna Ulrr new. Von MR. FRANK ARMSTRONG HUGO LIMITED FR'EIGHT SOUTH COAST up to Noon, April ~th. knterested Schrader oror.e~• add1 yean "apl4,SI 1 , SERVICE ROO!IINCI and CHIMNIY SIRVICI Ipartlea 1pply to to life of rua• Cleaned In ~~ ltiSIDINTIAL, INDUSTRIAL, · home or at our plant. Phont Ftelght Is accepted at the "WE STOP THE DRIP-WITH ROY GREELEY 81033. Nrw M"thad Rua Electrical Dock Coastal Shed for all ports ONE TRIP'' , i Cleaners, Frestlwater Road. South ~st Serv(ce but In or· Wanted Bookkeeper ··: 460 WATER ST. . DIAL 7840 der to guarantee movement by GREELEYTOWN, ULIJGREW!I Barber this trip or .the 1\f.V. Bonavista Experienced Bookkeeper to take complete charge of ·· m27,30,ap1,6,8,18 Service j freight must be at the Dock accounts of small business. Five day working week > ·- fHI CINTRAL BARB!R SHOP Coastal .shed not later lhan 5 · We are now oppratlnl 1!1 Max Hawkins 1' p.m. today Saturday. wjth Saturday closing. Group Ho)pitalizotion plan. : chairs. You ~an be· auured Attractive salary offered to successful applicant. •· of the best pou1ble 1ervlce Electrical Contractor Reply in own handwriting to plu1 the leut !l(lU!ble walt· lnJ. 2• New Gower Street, BOX 8, Daily News · opp. Aolelalue M(ltora. If you 'Phone 90446 prefer app 'l11tment 1erv!ce fri,sat,mon,tue: wed Phon• ~23t·A Sales Representative~: CORNER BR·OOK If_ you are . ~rese,ntly employed and economical~~ , Community Concerts disturbed, lOr 1n the process of changing your occupa-:,: ~H~RCH OF. ENGLAND BOARD'OF £DUCATION tion, we have an opening for you. Other detoils: Ag.; 25 • 42, thorough training, salary plus commission, olE: SVETLOVA. welfare benefits cind no travelling. :~ ' .. Prima Ballerina TEACHERS REQUIRED Write tQ P.O·. BOX 809 giving compiete deta.il~ of pas~ ST. PATRICK'S AUDITORIUM business experience. ;.:-· ' for fifteen room. unit, teaching fram ap4,6R,IO ::•' MONDAY, Aprii 8th KINDERGARTEN to GRADE 8. TUESDAY, April 9tl1 r P s 2 Also one.· TEACJiER for Grade ·s in Country ~abo · AUSTIN I BIDGOOD'S . nu, for new b · Road, Corner Brook • of gut1t ~eke f mtm •rs a very limited number 00 O\lollablt ot sts or tht 'Svetlova Concert will bi $550· Restaurant - Closed 200 One 'MUSIC TEACHER .. Model She p. · frotn Mr. M. · Wllan,Jcv ·of the. NOW CATERING EXCLUSIVELY TO WEDDINGS, · ·Baird Motors Ltd ~~uties .to .commence in Stptem~e~i . DINNERS, PRIVATE PARTIES, ETC • Perfo~mances 8.45 p.~ . . •,U,! •· D~a open 7.45 p.m. '· .' .. - o-,~Laova.P Apply im~ediately to the CHAIRMAN Phone H a"'Ut ,.r 1""""----~-...;_;~:..;_--~J .. ::MERIYMIITINO lOAD ~ ' ..•- '·. . . '

f . ' • ' THE DAILY ME:~S, SATURDAY, APRil 6, .Bay Robem Services Waterfront

ANGLICAN Directory Rev; Isaac Butler B.A. Matth~wl-8.30 a.m., H Communion; 11 ·a.m., Matins; ON DRY DOCK p.m., Evensong, . The following three are still St. Mark'a-3 p.m., Fjvensong. on dry doclt until th-e end of the week, S.S. Cabot Strait and the ROMAN CATHOLIC )ttors in tfle Air M.V. Codroy. After the ·cabot 1 Brighten Up Your Rev. Fr. Hogan, P.P. 9 a.m. Strait comes ofi the steamer I Morning Mass. , "I Wing Commander will sal! to take up the GulJ Robert Mayco~k :...... 3.25 service. . SALVATION ARMY AT DOCK No~ Capt. and Mrs .. Pond. 11 a.m., The Last Kings of Thule Th~ S.S. Kyle will undergo her Holiness Meeting; 2 p.m., Sunday Jean Me/curie ...... 4.75 annual dockage· and overhaul, I School; 6.lol5 p.m., Young People's the S.S. Nania will have tninor Service; 7 p.m., Evangellstlc Ser· The World of1 Opera r~palrs, and the S.S. Glencoe vice. Robert Lawrence . . . 3.50 will also have minor repall'l! to Tuesday evening Young Soldiers eventually go freighting. The meeting at 8 p.m. Conspiracy Among Thunday evening Home League M.V. Pay Off Is waiting to go on for meeting at B p.m. Generals dry dock, tha Henry w. Stone Is moored up Indefinitely as is.aiso •W'}h1 fm Van Schramm 3.50 1 e . · 1 the Americ-an tug C50,1222. Birthdays The Guns of Navaro.ne AT H~lc DOCKYARD . Alistair MccLean ...... 2.50 The M.V. Seabeacon In charge of, Captain Hounsell Is on har· BAY ROBERTS-He ppy birth· The ,Big Thaw bour service doinll some repairs day to Ronald Batten who,celebrat· C. L. SuJzberg'Jr ..... 5.00 to til-.: buoys. KODAK 5~ 40 CA ed his first birthday on Aprll 2nd. M.V. Marlnus and Investiga. EASTER Special greetings come from Olympio tor 2nd, are having minor re· Mommy and Jeanette. · · Andre Mcuroi~ ...... 5.95 pairs, the M.V. Bamereng Is waiting to go on dry dock and N~west In Kodak's superb line of Signet coior·slide Birthday gre~tings to Marilyn 14 Irish Short Stories the tug Otterville is moored up , .• and a really ouhlonding buy in precision miniature Mercer, who is prescn1ly residin' lnde.flnltely. at Battle Harbour and celebrate Edited by men!. Has flne f/3.5 lens, 1/400 shutter, range Devin A Garrity ..... 5.50 AT STEERS LTD. loading and other easy-operation features, .. comes her birthday on April 3rd. SpeciP The M.V. Maxwell Corkum is greetings are from her grandpar with Aasholder and dual reflectors. See it soan! ENGtiSH ·~ience For the Citizen still moored up. ents Snow, Aunties Audrey an• Cold, g Lance}ot Hogben ...... 5.75 T. HALLETTS LTD. Jean, Uncle Gerald and her tw '!;he Dosco tug Captain Bullen cousins Linda and Clarence Iller has chill 'he Spoken Word is from Bell Island waiting to gn $7$.50 cer, ' E.dited by on dry dock when dockage is to bo' available. Stork Shower RiChard Church ...... 3.00 GREAT EASTERN OIL CO., ing ' CURTAIN LACE V.y Aunt's Rhinoceros M.V. M. and S. Johnson of TOOTON'S L It will Peter Fleming ...... 2.50 which CapUlin Jos2ph Rogers Is French BAY ROBERTS - On Tuesdar the Master Is still finishing thr Distributors loi Kodak in March 28th. Mrs. Roy Batten pla) annual overhaul and getting after pa ed hostess at a stork shower hel•. • k & ( Ltd ready Ul take freight for the at her home In honor of Mrs. Ar 0I[ S 0,, • usual porh In Trinity Bay. diplomat thur Price. The evening was spen' the British PER YARD AT CROSBIE & CO. LTD. In playing cards and other game~ The . Booksellers The M.V. Walter Sweeney in ;orne repairs to the engine and foe Beaumont, \ew in suel stl SOc .. prizes for the cards were won b: :th~r minor repairs. Mobile at sev1n &.m . surface, F charge of Captain Banfield frorr Mrs. WilHam Smith and Mrs. Vlc The :\t.V. Colin 2nd, is hav· morning. of the <; Batten. A dellcious cup of let PHONES '2008 .- 3191 - 4425 Loulsberg with a cargo of coa: to demon for New P2rlican Is still lc1 ·1g some minor repairs and the The M.V. Daphne and was then enjoyed following which ,·haler Olaf Olsen Is moored up In charge of Captain between th bound and will sail· for Carbon Mrs. Price thanked all those pres· :or the season. from Louisburg with a as ev S. MILLEY LTD. en! for their lovely and. useful ear when ice conditions permit. of haU CANADA PACKERS L TO. flour for Cupidl and 1 The Norma Conrad Is having 1------~~~~~~------~------gifts. A very enjoyable evening land and which was it~ practlei!d ' report that all their contracts for Iout logs which had to be left in was had by all. Steamship ------~--- ~LV. Femore is in charge of and ac 1 Bedford II leaving Halifax Apr. Captain Blackwood having a for several days at t!riJ iSe vere WInter pulpwood have been filled and In the woods last year. In this respect !or d 3dc!ltlon to t~ese ,contracts rna. ny /it Is expected that much employ· 9, due St. John's Apr. 11, sailing general overhaul and the 1\I.V. sailed yesterday ro~ ~~= of . I ed ports. hundreds of cords of pulpwood ment will bt available In numer· Apr. 13. Trepassey In ~harge of Captain .. :Helps Loggers Belle Isle II leaving Halifax Winsor Is wa!tln gto go on dry which had to be left In the woods us settlementa where aawmllls Movements A. HARVEY & CO, lost year because of mild weather, sre located, Receives Apr. 13, due St. John's Apr. 16, dock wh~n dockage is available , It was unofficially stated lut wlll be brought to the coastline Nova Scotia leaving Hall!asx Ailr. sailing Apr. 18. A. H. MURRAY co., LTD. There Is 1 coal i>oat ':1i11ht that the ae1·ere winter wea· this aprln11. The. number of persona In re· Long Distance 9, due St. John's Apr, 11. a ng I Bedford II leaving Halifax Apr. ss. Teal Is from Halifax dls 'lg a cargo of cia\ an.l 1 '.her wu a great boon to the real· The aame altuatlon 1! reported celpt of ·public help is said to be again· same day for Liverpool. 17, due St. John's Apr. 19, iailing charging a g~neral cargo anr' llscharged will 1ai\ !or~ ·,lent. of the northern areas of the ·by sawmlll ownera who have been greatly reduced because of the Newfoundland leaving Liver· I Apr. 20. after discharged will loac: a car 'ned port. pool April 5, due St. John's Apr. Belle Isle II leaving Halllax 1 .>rovince. Iable to' cut and haul amounts con·· favourable conditions in the north Telephone Calls 12. Leaving for Halifax and Bas- April 23, due St. John's April 25, go of cask and boxed fish for :~ .. The two big paper companies tracted for th!J year and to brin& Ithis year. . I ton Apr. 13, due Halifax Apr. 15 salllng April 27. southern port. BAY ROBERTS - Mrs. Maud and Boston Apr. lB. Leaving Bas· B!flle Isle II leaving Halifax Apr. S.S. Blue Cloud fron. Gloucr Dawe was greatly surprised re· ton Apr. 19 and Halifax Apr. 23, 30, due St. John's May 2, sall!ng ter discharging a general carr cently when on answering her due St. John's Apr. :}5. Sailing for May 4. and aft.~r discharged will s;- phone, found It to be a call from Liverpool April. 26. · for Gloucester on Friday. · her daughter Edna, Mrs. Leon Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO, AT AYRE & SONS LTD. Sawyer residing at Savannah,· Gear· Apr. 24, due St.· John's Apr. 30. •North Pioneer sa!llng today. , The G. S. Cutl· 28, sailing wood which loJded six thousar

through the medium and progress June 1, due Halifax June 3 and May 30 (via Bay Roberts). ~ 1 tons of Grand Falls paper sail~ In the telephone, so near yet ao Boston June 6. Leaving Boston · ------·--- far away. June 7 and Halifax June 11, due St. oJhn'a June 13. Salling again r ~.·.. ·· ... ·~· same day for Liverpool. I'~· • .-.. . Personals FURNESS RED CROSS I ~~· ~·' Fort Hamilton leaving Halifax ·~,;o,·. April 9, due St. John's Aprll 11, 4Q· ,- BAY ROBERTS - Mrs. Ursula SEE US FOR ALL 1 )6:- • leaving April 13 for Halifax only. ~ .'::'4,; ••. Ash who had been visiting her Leaving Halifax April 18, due St. ~· .. " daughter and son·ln·law, returned I I~. John's April 20, aall!ng April 24 ~ to her home at Harbour Grace on J for Hallfax and New York. , r Tuesday. , r Fort Avalon leaving New York April, St. John, N.B., April 13, Lumber Needs Mrs. Fred Bennett visited St. Halifax April 16, due St. John's I ' John's on Thursday, April .18, leaving April 20 for HERE'S WHY . from a plank ••' Philadelphia and New York. John Dawe visited here on Sat· NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHIPS to a carload we ~an deliver stand· urday to attend the funeral of his Bellse Isle II due St. John's Apr. ard widths, lengths. or · aff-5lze father the late Mr. John Dawe, 8, sal!ing Apr, 9. ·----- measurements to meet your par· ' Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam T. Smith ~NGAGEMENT visited St. John's on Saturday, tlcnlar speclflclatlons We carry Mr. and Mrs. Jamell P. Adams, . lumber In every grade whether Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam Nose· 16 Falkland Street, announei! the 1 worthy visited. Mn. Noseworthy'i engagement of their only daugh· you're builnlnR a cabinet, adding iiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;.iiiiiiiii;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;;iiiiiiiii;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;; j father, Mr. John Sharpe and fam· ter, Joan VIctoria, to 2nd Lt. lly at New Harbour T.B. on Sun· James Robertson Arkl!e, R.C.A. a new room or plannlnl! that dream day. S.C., youngest son of Mr. and house. The ril{ht lumber for the Ml'l!. James Arklle, 9 Emerson Victor Dawe of St. John's visit· Str~et, st. John's, !onnerly of lob costs less, mr.ans a better ln ed here on Saturday to attend the Botwood. .vestment for t!:Je tuture. See us · of hls uncle, the late Mr. liSTER·; DIESEL'. ' . ENGINES DEATHS John Dawe. I ------·---·-----,. THIS WILl ANNOUNCE THAT THE UNDERSIGNED Mr. and ·Mrs. VIctor Mercer of CARTER-Passed away at the St. John's spent the week·end as General HD~Piial after a short HAVE NOW BEEN APPOINTED SOLE DISTRIBUTORS the guests of Mra. Roy Batten, lllne!s at 2 p.m. April Mh, 1957, Cross Roads. George Robert Carter CYf ToP!Iail; leoav!ng to mourn his. wife, Mabel LA~RADOR IN NEWFOUNDLAND AND FOR · Mr. O'Hannaly. emPloyee of T, (ne