Southold Presbyterian Church Fourth Sunday In Advent December 22, 2019 10:00 AM WE GATHER IN GOD’S NAME Prelude The Lighting of the Advent Candles Stewart Ross Family *The Call To Worship One: Are we ready? This question, put to us on this fourth Sunday in Advent, is a very personal one. Christ comes again in glory to judge the living and the dead, are we ready? All: Revive us, O Lord, God of heaven’s countless hosts, let your face shine, that we may be saved. One: Are we ready? Ready for the coming of the Christ Jesus with the mercy which is judgement and the judgement which is mercy? Are we ready? All: Revive us, O Lord, God of heaven’s countless hosts, let your face shine, that we may be saved. Let us worship God. *Hymn “The Snow Lay on the Ground” No. 57 Prayer of Adoration & Invocation (In Unison) God, you have a surprising preference for people who are small and humble, unexpected and expansive. You chose Mary, the unassuming woman from Nazareth, to become the mother of your Son Jesus. You chose the Magi, distant philosophers enfolded into your incarnation. Through your Holy Spirit make us aware of the poverty of our hearts, that we may be open to you and welcome you, be ready, like Mary, and the Magi, to serve you and your plans, and expect everything from you. Come to us and give yourself to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings Offertory *Doxology (#592) and Prayer of Dedication Amahl and the Night Visitors Mr. George Moravek, Director Minister: The Rev. Dr. Peter Kelley Music Team: George Moravek and Mary Mraz Ushers: Charles Barkley and Faith Finne Greeters: Sarah and Ralph Edwards

The Rose in the Sanctuary is to celebrate the birth of Celia Ann Bridgen born to Brittany and Devin Bridgen on December 15th. Grandparents are Mark and Margot Bridgen.

Christmas at First Presbyterian Church Christmas Eve 4:00 PM – Family Service 8:00 PM - Candlelight Service

Christmas Day 4:00 PM Christmas Day Dinner All are welcome but please RSVP before Dec.23rd: 765-2597

A Meditation in Words and Silence By Rebecca Parker

You have to know your body as the home of God And this is the purpose of Christmas.

The rose blossoming in the wilderness is the unfolding of your pleasure as the fingers peel an orange and sweetness buds in the mouth.

The bright star in the night sky is the sudden clarity of your instinct for joy. The birth cry in the night is your child, falling into the dark, and your arms holding her.

The terror of Herod’s murderous intent is your rage that would prefer death to change. The singing angel is your voice, and sure of the tune but certain, for a moment, that there is glory.

The animals, breathing their warm breath In the fragile stable are your emotions kneeling into the body of earth at ease in the presence of God.

Mary is you God in your body. Joseph is you sheltering God in the world. This is the key to the mystery, the Word became flesh. We are the dwelling place.

Amahl and the Night Visitors

The above is the painting by Hieronymus Bosch entitled The Adoration of the Magi

This presentation is a sincere Christmas gift to our community from the First Presbyterian Church of Southold, Rev. Dr. Peter Kelley.

Amahl and the Night Visitors is an in one act by with an original English libretto by the composer. It was commissioned by NBC and first performed by the NBC Opera Theatre on December 24, 1951, in New York City at NBC studio 8H in Rockefeller Center, where it was broadcast live on television from that venue as the debut production of the . It was the first opera specifically composed for television in America. Menotti was commissioned by , director of NBC’s new opera programming, to write the first opera for television. The composer had trouble settling on a subject for the opera, but took inspiration from Hieronymus Bosch’s The Adoration of the Magi hanging in the Metropolitan Museum New York City As the airdate neared, Menotti had yet to finish the score. The singers had little time to rehearse, and received the final passages of the score just days before the broadcast. The composer’s partner Samuel Barber was brought in to complete the orchestrations. After dress rehearsal, NBC Symphony conductor Arturo Toscanini told Menotti, “This is the best you’ve ever done.” Menotti distinctly wanted Amahl to be performed by a boy. In the “Production Notes” contained in the Piano-Vocal score he wrote: “It is the express wish of the composer that the role of Amahl should always be performed by a boy. Neither the musical nor the dramatic concept of the opera permits the substitution of a woman costumed as a child.”

Amal and the Night Visitors is produced with the express permission of G. Schirmer.

Cast Orchestra Amahl...... Brendan Barkley Mary Mraz…………..Piano Mother...... Sara Austin Daniel Gladstone……Violin King Kasper...... Jay Batterman Will Dunlop…………Oboe King Melchior...... Mike Bonti Jonathan Hart………..Bassoon King Balthazar...... Simon Mraz Jack Scheifer…..…….Flute Page...... Dick Romeo Lauren Enos…………Clarinet Dancer...... Madison Ross Adult Shepherds...... Caryll Batterman, Bill Batcher, Heather Cusack, Janet Dickerson, Joyce Fischer, Kaitlyn Heath, Ora Heath, Bonnie Hoffner, Heather Lee, Ann Romeo, Lois Ross Youth Shepherds……Alex Barkley, Tyler Burner, Emerson Doroski, Jane Doroski, Madison Ross, Sailor Ross

Production Team Director...... George Moravek Additional Music Direction...... Mary Mraz Costumes...... Janet Dickerson Choreographer...... Jillian Adams Program...... Jim Baker

The (Names of the Songs) in the Opera are in Parentheses The story is set near the city of Bethlehem in the first century just after the birth of Christ. Amahl, a disabled boy who can walk only with a crutch, has a problem with telling tall tales. He is sitting outside playing his shepherd's pipe when his mother calls for him ("Amahl! Amahl!"). After much persuasion, he enters the house but his mother does not believe him when he tells her there is an amazing star "as big as a window" outside over their roof ("O Mother You Should Go Out and See"; "Stop Bothering Me!").Later that night, Amahl's mother weeps, praying that Amahl not become a beggar ("Don't Cry Mother Dear"). After bedtime ("From Far Away We Come"), there is a knock at the door and the mother tells Amahl to go see who it is ("Amahl ... Yes Mother!"). He is amazed when he sees three splendidly dressed kings (the Magi). At first the mother does not believe Amahl, but when she goes to the door to see for herself, she is stunned. The Three Kings tell the mother and Amahl they are on a long journey to give gifts to a wondrous Child and they would like to rest at their house, to which the mother agrees ("Good Evening!"; "Come In!"), saying that all she can offer is "a cold fireplace and a bed of straw". The mother goes to fetch firewood, and Amahl seizes the opportunity to speak with the kings. King Balthazar answers Amahl's questions about his life as a king and asks what Amahl does. Amahl responds that he was once a shepherd, but his mother had to sell his sheep. Now, he and his mother will have to go begging. Amahl then talks with King Kaspar, who is childlike, eccentric, and a bit deaf. Kaspar shows Amahl his box of magic stones, beads, and licorice, and offers Amahl some of the candy ("Are You A Real King?"; "This is My Box"). The mother returns ("Amahl, I Told You Not To Be A Nuisance!"). He defends himself, saying "They kept asking me questions," when of course it has in fact been Amahl asking the kings questions. Amahl is told to go fetch the neighbors ("All These Beautiful Things"; "Have You Seen a Child?") so the kings may be fed and entertained properly ("Shepherds! Shepherds!"; "Emily! Emily"; "Olives and Quinces"; "Dance of the Shepherds"). After the neighbors have left and the kings are resting, the mother attempts to steal for her son some of the kings' gold that was meant for the Christ Child ("All That Gold"). She is thwarted by the kings' page ("Thief! Thief!"). When Amahl wakes to find the page grabbing his mother, he attacks him ("Don't You Dare!"). Seeing Amahl's defense of his mother and understanding the motives for the attempted theft, King Melchior says she may keep the gold as the Holy Child will not need earthly wealth to build his kingdom ("Oh, Woman, You Can Keep That Gold"). The mother says she has waited all her life for such a king and asks the kings to take back the gold. She wishes to send a gift but has nothing to send. Amahl, too, has nothing to give the Child except his crutch ("Oh, No, Wait"). When he offers it to the kings, his leg is miraculously healed ("I Walk, Mother"). With permission from his mother, he leaves with the kings to see the Child and give his crutch in thanks for being healed.

2019 CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Given By In Loving Memory Of Peter Aebisher Millie Herb Adler, Jr. His Parents, Herbert and Rita Adler Erik, Janet & Zac Auer Their Daughter & His Sister, Ericka Rose Auer Carol Brewer & Family Roy D. Brewer Liz, Bob, Rachel & Billy Burns Family and Loved Ones The Clark’s Colleen’s Mom, Dad and Brother Terry Gonzales Fran, Jean & Jeff Bubb All Her Children Elizabeth Tuthill Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandchild Lloyd Ray Their Daughter, Linda & Grandson, Michael Douglas G. and Pearl Conklin Susan Dingle Her Husband, David Howard Dingle Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren John & Edith Harvey Alice & Hal Culver & Families Evelyn Culver & Charles Bennett Carol DeLong & Family Her Husband, George, Their Parents, Siblings & Loved Ones Todd & Sandy DeLong & Family George “Pappy” DeLong, Anne “Maw” Leverich & Grandparents Richard and Linda Fasbach Their Parents Friends Penny Coyle, Lorna Tuthill, Denise Rathbun, Val Kremer Reeve Don Henn, Rosemarie Earl, Shirley Darling, Joan Ahlsen, Carol Albertson Jane and Peanuts Rusty Walter & Linell Gaipa Walter Gaipa Sr. & Mildred Gaipa; Margeret & Edward Pohlig Val & Peter Gatz Her Mom, Phyllis Mokus, His Dad, Walter Gatz & Brother, Thomas Mokus Carolyn George Her Parents, Ruby and Gus Guastini Wilma Gilkey Alma Mihalik Allan Goldsmith and Family Mr. & Mrs. Alvah Goldsmith Sr., & Linda Goldsmith Stephen & Donna Grzesik His Parents, Norma & Stefan Grzesik; Her Brother, Glen Logan & Relatives Dr. & Mrs. Rick Hall Mr. & Mrs. A. Masciangelo Robert and Paula Harvey Their Parents Gabriel & Sarah Carroza; John & Edith Harvey & Family Ora Heath Her Brother, John Renesse’ & Dad, Jean Renesse’, Jr. Roberta L. Hering Her Parents, Ruth & Herman Hering, Uncle Henry & Aunt Betty Cousin, Nancy Ruth Bangert Their Family Lyle and Libby Meredith Jean Jacobs & Family Doug Jacobs and Mark Zinn Rev. & Mrs. Peter Kelley & Family Their Parents, Walter & Beverly Kelley & James & Dorothy Morris The Kiernan Family Their Parents – Eleanor & Francis Kiernan; Norma & Bob Soper Marion & Terry Latham Their Grandchildren Paul H. Ten Eyck & Grace Latham Freudenberg Charles Lauer & Family Dorothy Lauer Ed, Edward, Marla & Glen Koster & Bonnie Laura Koster Bill Leverich and Family Anne D. Leverich Joan Mathie Her Husband, Ray Mathie and Their Parents Bill & Pat Milford Their Parents, Bill & Catherine Milford & Fred & Alice Dart Emma-Jean Miller & Family Hilda Davis and Walter Harris Jacqueline Monsell & Family James Monsell Gordon Moore & Family His Wife, Corinne Moore Karen Murray & David Dickerson Barbara Dickerson, Joan Carrick, Annesley C. Swicker Annette Ray Husband, Lloyd & Parents, John & Edith Harvey Julien & Claudia Ramone Their Grandparents Hal & Louise Reebel & Family Their Parents; Loved Ones; Nephew, Edward C. Veprovsky III & Friends Ann & Dick Romeo Their Parents, Mary & James Olstad & Michael Romeo Susan, Eric, Steven & Katie Russell Lee Ellen Young & Carson “Mickey” Russell Nan and Palmer Schade Their Son, Jamie and Parents The Schill Family Grandmothers’ & Great Grandmothers’ Jean Woodhull & Ann Kwasneski & Irene Wilsberg Ed & Doris Skrezec Her Parents, John & Celina Smith Mark Smith and Family His Parents, Lillian and Donald Smith Arline & Ron Smith & Family Their Parents, Relatives and Friends Bill Thompson His Brother, Father James Thompson, S.J. & Aunt, Bonnie Kowall Penny Winters & Family Richard A. Winters, Marion & Fred Regent, Reg, Helen & Timmy Hudson, & Richie Staron Laurie & Kathryn Karel Zmrzlik

In Honor Of Ora Heath Her Mom, Ora Renesse’ and Grandchildren Kaitlyn & Robert

IN MEMORY OF LOVED ONES Mrs. John C. W. Campbell Joan and Harold Haupt Helen and Bob Keith Fred and Helen Koke Bob and Debbie Koebele Marion and Terry Latham