5. SECURITY STUDIES PREVENTION AS AN INTERNAL SECURITY FACTOR AT ZAWIERCIE POVIAT MICHAł łASKI Abstract DOI: 10.26410/SF_2/18/12 The aim of the article is to show how the preventive ac- tions of the Police forces affect the results of its work at the micro scale. The research was carried out in Zaw- iercie poviat. In the theoretical part, the article presents the.considerations.on.the.definition.of.internal.security.of. the country and the role of preventive actions in ensur- MICHAŁ ŁASKI1 ing public order. The article consists of an introduction,
[email protected] three subchapters and a summary. 1 Student at full-time doctoral KEy words studies, WSB University, Community, order, police, prevention, security. Dąbrowa Górnicza Introduction Internal security, as part of national se- security.According to StanisławSulkowski, curity, is an extremely important factor, internal security can be defined on the influencing. the. needs. of. security. in. civil. basis of a dichotomous division resulting society.Police as a uniformed and armed from the external and internal structure of formation, provided with legal regulations, the state’s activity [Sulkowski, 2009, p. 14]. such as the Police Act of April 6, 1990 in It follows that the structures of the state are an effective and sufficient manner have the obliged to guarantee, with the use of legal possibilities to ensure the security for the tools and institutions set up for that purpose, citizens of the country.The aim of the study the.order.and.security.on.the.territory.of.the. is to examine how the preventive actions of country.In.this.sense,.internal.security.cov- the Police convert into its results at a mi- ers the entire sphere related to the stability cro.