
35 SN15 2PP

16 April 2019

Development Services County Hall Bythesea Road Trowbridge, BA14 8JN

Dear Charmian Eyre-Walker

OBJECTION TO APPLICATION NO: 19/02826/OUT – Location: The Griffin Estate, Bowden Hill, Lacock SN15 2PP

We write in connection with the above planning application. We have viewed the plans and know the site well. We wish to strongly object to the erection of up to 10 dwellings including affordable housing provision, associated infrastructure including means of access, for the following reasons:

The development would be out of character: The properties in Bowden Hill are all older character properties, with some having historic significance – such as Bowden Park, St Anne’s Church, Conduit House, Bowden Hill House. The proposed development would not be in keeping with the other properties. Estate development would ruin the character and overwhelm the area.

Density level of the proposed development is high relative to the area: Bowden Hill is sparsely populated with around 50 properties in all. A development of 10 houses on one site

 is inconsistent with the density level in the area;  would impact noise levels in a very quiet area;  would significantly increase traffic flow on an already busy stretch of road

Bowden Hill is a conservation area: The Griffin Estate is adjacent to (owned by the ), which lies within the conservation area. Bewley Common is an elevated area with outstanding views across Wiltshire. A housing development on the edge of the Bewley Common would impact the views and surrounding environment, and would threaten the diverse wildlife on the common. The attached Wiltshire Council Wildlife Survey highlights that upper Bewley Common is a species-rich area containing many examples of flora and fauna including Song Thrush, Meadow Brome and French Oat-grass which are rare or threatened in Wiltshire, nationally or globally. The construction of the proposed housing development would be in complete contradiction to the recommended management plan for the protection of this species-rich area, including the recommendation to maintain existing drainage conditions and not dig new drainage (which would likely be required to meet the needs of the proposed housing development). The importance of protecting local wildlife sites such as this was further highlighted in the Wildlife Trust’s national campaign in 2016.

Overlooking & loss of privacy: The existing commercial storage buildings on Griffins Farm are low level, presumably single storey. None are visible, being hidden behind a stone wall and trees. Any development of buildings higher than the existing commercial buildings is expected to overlook 35 Bowden Hill, which is a secluded property downhill from the proposed development. This would result in being overlooked and a loss of privacy.

Loss of the Wiltshire Scrapstore: The Wiltshire Scrapstore is an environmental charity situated on the Griffin estate. The charity collects, repurposes and distributes resources that would otherwise be destined for landfill. These resources reach out to over 289,000 children and 55,000 adults throughout Wiltshire and the surrounding area, including families, schools and community groups. The proposed housing development would result in the loss of this valuable community resource.

We understand that the Parish Council and the National Trust share these concerns.

If this application is to be decided by councillors, please take this as notice that we would like to attend the meeting of the committee at which this application is expected to be decided. Please let us know as soon as possible the date of the meeting.

Yours sincerely

Leighton and Catherine Dunkley