New Spider Records from the Middle Reaches of the River Volga (Arachnida: Aranei)

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New Spider Records from the Middle Reaches of the River Volga (Arachnida: Aranei) Arthropoda Selecta 11 (3): 239246 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2002 New spider records from the middle reaches of the River Volga (Arachnida: Aranei) Íîâûå íàõîäêè ïàóêîâ èç Ñðåäíåãî Ïîâîëæüÿ (Arachnida: Aranei) Yu.P. Krasnobaev Þ.Ï. Êðàñíîáàåâ The Zhiguli State Reserve, Bakhilova Polyana, Zhigulevsk, Samara Area 445362 Russia. Æèãóëåâñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé çàïîâåäíèê, Áàõèëîâà Ïîëÿíà, Æèãóë¸âñê, Ñàìàðñêàÿ îáëàñòü 445362 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: spiders, fauna, Middle Volga region. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: ïàóêè, ôàóíà, Ñðåäíåå Ïîâîëæüå. ABSTRACT. New faunistic records for 158 spider species list, collection localities are indicated by numbers in species from the middle reaches of the River Volga are square brackets ([ ]) and are as shown in Map. The specimens provided. Xysticus mongolicus Schenkel, 1963, Entele- upon which this paper is based are kept in the collection of the cara omissa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1902) and Lessertia Zhiguli State Reserve (Bakhilova Polyana, Samara Area). dentichelis (Simon, 1884) are new records for Russia. Misidentifications Twenty-two species are new records for the Middle Volga region. Some earlier misidentifications are corrected. The following misidentifications were recognized during the course of this study. ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Ïðèâåäåíû äàííûå î ôàóíèñòè÷åñêèõ 1. The identification of Glyphesis cottonae (La Touche, íàõîäêàõ 158 âèäîâ ïàóêîâ èç Ñðåäíåãî Ïîâîëæüÿ. 1946) by Krasnobaev & Matveyev [1993] and Krasnobaev Xysticus mongolicus Schenkel, 1963, Entelecara omissa [1996] was incorrect, and refers to Glyphesis nemoralis (O.Pickard-Cambridge, 1902) è Lessertia dentichelis Esyunin & Efimik, 1994. (Simon, 1884) óêàçûâàþòñÿ äëÿ ôàóíû Ðîññèè âïåð- 2. The records of Gnaphosa lapponum (L. Koch, 1866) âûå. Äëÿ ôàóíû Ñðåäíåãî Ïîâîëæüÿ âïåðâûå îòìå- [Krasnobaev & Matveyev, 1993; Krasnobaev, 1996] belong to Gnaphosa taurica Thorell, 1875. ÷àåòñÿ 22 âèäà. Èñïðàâëåíî íåñêîëüêî îøèáî÷íûõ 3. The identification of Gnaphosa lugubris (C.L. Koch, îïðåäåëåíèé. 1839) by Krasnobaev [1983] and Krasnobaev & Ovtsharenko [1986] was incorrect, and refers to Gnaphosa taurica Thorell, Introduction 1875. 4. The identification of Gnaphosa opaca (Herman, 1879) The Middle Volga region is a large physiographical by Aleynikova & Tyshchenko [1969], Krasnobaev & Ovt- province occupying the eastern part of geographic Eu- sharenko [1986], Krasnobaev & Matveyev [1993], and Kras- rope and includes the range of habitat types from taiga to nobaev [1996] was incorrect and refers to either Gnaphosa steppe. Arachnological investigations of the fauna for steppica Ovtsharenko, Platnick & Song, 1992, or Gnaphosa this region commenced more than two centuries ago, taurica Thorell, 1875. with more than 70 publications to date. Data from the 5. The records of Philodromus aureolus (Clerck, 1758) aforementioned studies were recently catalogued by [Krasnobaev, 1983, 1986; Krasnobaev & Ovtsharenko, 1986; Krasnobaev & Matveyev, 1993] are incorrect and refer to Krasnobaev & Matveyev [1993]. Subsequently, the spi- Philodromus cespitum (Walckenaer, 1802). ders of the Mari El Republic (376 species) [Matveyev et al., 1994], Samara (414 species) [Dunin, 1999; Kras- Faunistic list nobaev & Matveyev, 1999] and Ulyanovsk (184 spe- cies) [Krasnobaev, 1999] regions were inventoried. The SCYTODIDAE spider fauna of the whole Middle Volga region numbers nearly 600 species. Additional records for 158 species Scytodes thoracica (Latreille, 1802) are provided here, with three species representing new MATERIAL: Samara: 1 $, [29] Lopatino, 28.VIII.1999 leg. EB. records for Russia, 22 for the Middle Volga region, one REMARKS: New for the Middle Volga region. for the Mari El Republic, and 26 and 12 for Ulyanovsk DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Ukraine, The Caucasus and the southern part of European Russia [Heimer & Nentwig, and Samara Areas respectively. 1991; Mikhailov, 1997]. Spiders were collected by the following people from the regions indicated: V.A. Matveyev (VM) in the Mari El Re- PHOLCIDAE public; V.V. Zolotukhin (VZ) and A.Yu. Isaev (AI) in Uly- anovsk Area; E.A. Belosludtsev (EB), I.N. Goreslavets (IG), Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775) Yu.P. Krasnobaev (YUK), I.V. Lyubvina (IL), I.V. Panteleev MATERIAL: Ulyanovsk: 1 $, [9] Ulyanovsk, in house, (IP) and T. Sazonova (TS) in Samara Area. In the following 8.IV.1996, leg. AI. 240 Yu.P. Krasnobaev Map. Collection localities of the Middle Volga region. Mari El Republic: 1 Mari Chodra National Park, 2 Starozhilsk; Ulyanovsk Area: 3 Akulovka, 4 Baryshskaya Sloboda, 5 Bolshoy Kuvay, Maly Baryshok, 6 Vyasovka, Ryabina, 7 Lomy, 8 Srednikovo, 9 Ulyanovsk City, Samara Area: 10 Baytugan River, 11 Bakhilovo, Zhigulevsk, Zhiguli State Reserve, 12 Bolshaya Ryasan, Brusyany, 13 Vostochniy, 14 zakaznik Grysly, 15 Duboviy Umet, 16 Ermakovo, Shelekhmet, 17 Karmalo-Adelyakovo, 18 Krasnosamarskoe forestry, 19 Malaya Tsarevshchina, Novosemeykino, 20 Nizhnepecherskoe, 21 Novokuibyshevsk, environs of Pokrovka, 22 Pokhvistnevo, 23 Samara City, 24 Sergievsk, 25 Smolkino, 26 Sosnovka, 27 Togliatti City, Chapaevsk, 29 Lopatino. Êàðòà. Ìåñòà ñáîðà â Ñðåäíåì Ïîâîëæüå. Ðåñïóáëèêà Ìàðè Ýë: 1 íàöèîíàëüíûé ïàðê Ìàðè ×îäðà, 2 Ñòàðîæèëüñê, Óëüÿíîâñêàÿ îáëàñòü: 3 Àêóëîâêà, 4 Áàðûøñêàÿ Ñëîáîäà, 5 Áîëüøîé Êóâàé, Ìàëûé Áàðûøîê, 6 Âÿçîâêà, Ðÿáèíà, 7 Ëîìû, 8 Ñðåäíèêîâî, 9 Óëüÿíîâñê, Ñàìàðñêàÿ îáëàñòü: 10 ïîéìà ð. Áàéòóãàí, 11 Áàõèëîâî, Æèãóëåâñê, Æèãóëåâñêèé çàïîâåäíèê, 12 Áîëüøàÿ Ðÿçàíü, Áðóñÿíû, 13 Âîñòî÷íûé, 14 çàêàçíèê Ãðûçëû, 15 Äóáîâûé Óìåò, 16 Åðìàêîâî, Øåëåõìåòü, 17 Êàðìàëî-Àäåëÿêîâî, 18 Êðàñíî-Ñàìàðñêîå ëåñíè÷åñòâî, 19 Ìàëàÿ Öàðåâùèíà, 19 Íîâîñåìåéêèíî, 20 Íèæíåïå÷åðñêîå, 21 Íîâîêóéáûøåâñê, îêðåñòíîñòè Ïîêðîâêè, 22 Ïîõâèñòíåâî, 23 Ñàìàðà, 24 Ñåðãèåâñê, 25 Ñìîëüêèíî, 26 Ñîñíîâêà, 27 Òîëüÿòòè, 28 ×àïàåâñê, 29 Ëîïàòèíî. REMARKS: New for Ulyanovsk Area. REMARKS: New for the Middle Volga region. DISTRIBUTION: Central Europe, Byelorussia, Estonia, MIMETIDAE Japan and Russia: Karelia, Urals [Esyunin & Efimik, 1996]. Ero aphana (Walckenaer, 1802) MATERIAL: Samara: 1 #, [16] Ermakovo, steppe, 13.VI.1990, Ero furcata (Villers, 1789) leg. YUK. MATERIAL: Samara: 1 #, [18] Krasnosamarskoe forestry, REMARKS: New for the Middle Volga region. 3.IX.1995, leg. IG. DISTRIBUTION: North Africa, South and Central Eu- rope, Ukraine, The Caucasus and Russia: Rostov Area, Urals ULOBORIDAE [Esyunin & Efimik, 1996]. Ero cambridgei Kulczyñski, 1911 Uloborus plumipes Lucas, 1846 MATERIAL: Samara: 1 #, [16] Ermakovo, steppe, 13.VI.1990, MATERIAL: Ulyanovsk: 2 $$, [3] Akulovka, 25.V.1996, leg. AI. leg. YUK. REMARKS: New for the Middle Volga region. New spider records from the middle reaches of the River Volga (Arachnida: Aranei) 241 DISTRIBUTION: Africa, South and Central Europe, The Steatoda phalerata (Panzer, 1801) Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, China, India, Java [Esyu- MATERIAL: Samara: 2 ##, [20] Nizhnepecherskoe, meadow, nin & Efimik, 1996]. 917.VI.1995, leg. IG. THERIDIIDAE Steatoda triangulosa (Walckenaer, 1802) MATERIAL: Ulyanovsk: 1 #, 2 $$, [9] Ulyanovsk, in house, 8.IV.1996, leg. VZ. Achaearanea lunata (Clerck, 1758) REMARKS: New for Ulyanovsk Area. MATERIAL: Ulyanovsk: 1 #, [4] Baryshskaya Sloboda, 8 10.V.1996, leg. AI. Theridion melanurum Hahn, 1831 REMARKS: New for Ulyanovsk Area. MATERIAL: Samara: 1 $, [18] Krasnosamarskoe forestry, meadow, 1.VI11.VII.1993, leg. IG. Achaearanea riparia (Blackwall, 1834) MATERIAL: Samara: 1 $, [28] Chapaevsk, 8.X.1999, leg. EB. Theridion mystaceum Simon, 1873 REMARKS: New for Samara Area. MATERIAL: Ulyanovsk: 1 $, [3] Akulovka, 911.V.1996, leg. AI. REMARKS: New for the Middle Volga region. Dipoena tristis (Hahn, 1833) DISTRIBUTION: Central Europe, Moldova, Ukraine, MATERIAL: Samara: 1 $, [20] Nizhnepecherskoe, 917.VI.1995, Byelorussia, Estonia and Russia: Voronezh, Tula and Kursk leg. IG. areas, Altais, Urals [Esyunin & Efimik, 1996]. Enoplognatha mordax (Thorell, 1875) LINYPHIIDAE MATERIAL: Samara: 1 #, 1 $, [20] Nizhnepecherskoe, 15.VI.1995, leg. IG. Agyneta (Agyneta) ramosa Jackson, 1912 REMARKS: New for the Middle Volga region. MATERIAL: Samara: 4 ##, [27] Togliatti, pine forest, 1992, DISTRIBUTION: Europe [Heimer & Nentwig, 1991], leg. IP. The Caucasus, Middle Asia, Kazakhstan [Mikhailov, 1997]. Agyneta (Agyneta) subtilis (O.Pickard-Cambridge, Enoplognatha thoracica (Hahn, 1833) 1863) MATERIAL: Samara: 1 #, [12] Bolshaya Ryasan, oak forest MATERIAL: Samara: 1 $, [25] Smolkino, pine plantings, 9- stepped, 25.VI.1998, leg. YUK. 11.VII.1997, leg. IL. REMARKS: New for the Middle Volga region. REMARKS: New for Samara Area. DISTRIBUTION: Europe [Heimer & Nentwig, 1991], The Caucasus, Middle Asia [Mikhailov, 1997]. Allomengea scopigera (Grube, 1859) MATERIAL: Samara: 1 #, [18] Krasnosamarskoe forestry, Euryopis flavomaculata (C.L. Koch, 1836) 17.VII17.IX.1994, leg. IG. MATERIAL: Samara: 1 $, [24] Sergievsk, deciduous forest, 20.VII.1987, leg. IL; 1 #, [25] Smolkino, pine-deciduous forest, 9 Bolyphantes alticeps (Sundevall, 1832) 11.VII.1997, leg. IL. MATERIAL: Samara: 1 #, [22] Pokhvistnevo, meadow, 18.VIII.1995, leg. IG. Euryopis saukea Levi, 1951 MATERIAL: Mari El: 1 $, [2] Starozhilsk, pine forest, Dactylopisthes mirifica (Georgesco, 1976) 8.VII.1980, leg. VM. MATERIAL: Samara: 1 #, 1 $, [21] Novokuibyshevsk, garden, REMARKS: New for the Middle Volga region. 7.V.1995, leg. IG. DISTRIBUTION: North Africa, Middle and East Europe, South and East Siberia [Esyunin & Efimik, 1996]. Entelecara omissa (O.Pickard-Cambridge, 1902) MATERIAL: Samara: 1 #, [12] Brusyany, edge of broad-leaved Neottiuria
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