Annual Conference “Unity of the Church” 26th - 28th May 2017 Hayes, Swanwick, Derbyshire June - July 2017 List of Contents

In this issue: Apostolic Guidance for Orthodox ANNUAL CONFERENCE “UNITY OF online users ...... 22 THE CHURCH” ...... 3 BRITISH AND IRISH SAINTS DIOCESan CONFERENCE: Reflec- Venerable of tions by participants from ..6 Commemorated: 3rd/16th June .....24 DIOCESAN NEWS ...... 7 JOURNEY TO CATHEDRAL NEWS ...... 11 From the Irish Air Force to the Orthodox Church ...... 27 LEGACY OF METROPOLITAN IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE ANTHONY OF SOUROZH Calling of the Apostles ...... 16 PILGRIMS: Impressions of a pil- grimage to the Holy Land ...... 30 Travels in Holy Russia with The Temple Gallery ...... 18 FOR and about CHILDREN Explanation of the - OF THE CHURCH Part 2 ...... 34 Annointing with Oil ...... 19

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Dear Readers, We are happy to inform you that the Media and Publishing Department of the Diocese of Sourozh now has an online store, Sourozh Publications, where you can obtain the publications of the diocese. You can subscribe to the English or Russian editions of Cathedral Newsletter, and purchase the diocesan journal ‘Sourozh’ and the Diocesan Calendar and Lectionary. For prices and full information please visit the store at

Cathedral Newsletter was prepared by: Archpriest Joseph Skinner, Archpriest Dimitri Karpenko, John and Stella Newbery, Galina Chuykova, Elena Creswell, Elena Kuzina, Yana Reznik, Maria Rumyantseva, Victoria Aleshina, Anna Rynda, Svetlana Yegorova-Johnston, Karina Vaikule, Maria Afitsinskaya-Lvova, Julia Pliauksta

2 Annual Conference ”Unity of The Church” June - July 2017

Annual Conference “Unity of the Church”

ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOUROZH DIOCESE “UNITY OF THE CHURCH” The Annual Conference of the Diocese of Sourozh took place from 26th to 28th May at the Hayes Conference Centre in Derbyshire. The theme this year was ‘The Unity of the Church’. The old mansion with its surrounding new buildings was the setting for a weekend around the diocese, so there was real of prayer, serious work and a good break joy in the meeting. Jonathan in the company of like-minded people. Goodall of the Anglican Church, who is responsible for relations with the The participants of the Conference Orthodox Churches, was an honoured included Elisey of Sourozh, guest at the Conference. A special Bishop Antony of Bogorodsk, Head feature ofthis year’s conference was the of the Department for Institutions presence of two sacred objects from the Abroad of the Moscow , Vysha monastery – the wonderworking Bishop Flavian of Cherepovorets and Vysha of the Mother of God Belozersk, Bishop Matthew of Skopin of Kazan and a reliquary containing and Shatsk, of the Sourozh and a relic of St Theophan the Recluse Skopin dioceses, sisters of the Holy of Vysha. For this I would like to Dormition-Vysha convent, together express deep gratitude to Archbishop with lay people from the United Elisey of Sourozh and to all those who Kingdom and Russia. For many people organised the bringing of these holy the Annual Conference is the once a objects from Russia. The work of the year opportunity to meet friends from Conference began with a moleben celebrated before the icon and the relic, and there was further opportunity to venerate and pray before them during the Divine Liturgy and at other times. On the evening of Friday 26th May the film producer Dmitry Loktionov presented his films about the Diocese of Sourozh and the history of Orthodoxy in the British Isles as well as some short 3 June - July 2017 Annual Conference ”Unity of The Church”

union of all, let us pray to the Lord’. Peace is not just the absence of war; it is not an external state. It is peace in our souls, peace in our thoughts, which we bring to the outer world, thereby enriching the outer world with inner peace, with grace.Thus the well-known phrase, ‘the peace of the whole world’ gains a completely new connotation. The second talk, which was given by videos of a missionary character. These Hieromonk Nikolai (Sakharov), was can be found on the new diocesan entitled ‘Inter-Orthodox Unity’. The media portal main idea of Fr Nikolai’s talk was that On the next day, after common our unity in the Church is something morning prayer and breakfast, Father completely achievable, it is not an Stephen Platt, who was chairing the abstraction. One feels this especially sessions, invited the first speaker, here, far from one’s homeland. For Father Andrew Louth, to present his the majority of those who come paper. Fr Andrew shared with us his from countries with a predominantly thoughts on the theme of unity. ‘The Orthodox population, the Orthodox glorification of the Name of the Lord sphere seems very homogeneous, is union with Him, the bringing of something pertaining to a single people. oneself as an offering to God, just as Here we can rejoice in every fellow- Christ offered Himself to the Father’. believer, be he Serbian , Georgian or The text of the Liturgy itself speaks Bulgarian. A very striking event was the to us about unity. Fr Andrew drew visit of pilgrims of different nationalities our attention to what is said at the to the birthplace of St Silouan the beginning of the Liturgy: ‘for the Athonite in the Lipetsk region. For

4 Annual Conference ”Unity of The Church” June - July 2017 the first time prayers were offered emerge. It was interesting to hear that there in the Georgian and Romanian the common English word ‘parish’ languages. For the local inhabitants this has somewhat negative connotations was the first preaching of the unity of – arrogance, provinciality, coldness; Orthodoxy – we are one, we are not such are the associations that arise some fragment, we are many and we in those who grew up with classical are different. For Fr Nikolai this was English literature. However, common the most authentic , work and prayer in the context of the understanding that it is not only a parishcan transform the place to my own people who are the bearers which we go into the place where we of Orthodox tradition, but different becomea community – one in Christ, people, different nations. We are not in the and in the Spirit. Where are the boundaries of the one Church? This question was at the heart of the reflections of Father Antony Ilyin who, based on his medical education, explained to the audience in some detail how boundaries are not simply obstacles but life-saving barriers. Our skin, for example defends us from the external world. The expression, ‘Our fences do not reach to heaven’ is just an ‘appendage’ of some culture attributed to various theologians, but or other, but the bearers of Truth. we remain in the world for now and we The next speaker was Doctor Paula have to think about those who are our Nicholson – a scholar, Churchwarden neighbours and about what is going and one of the founding members of on in the world around us. Certain the Parish of St Silouan of Mt Athos in things beyond our fences are matters the South of England, a mother and, of common concern, for example, above all, a Christian. The experience attitudes to marriage and family life of community presented by Paula was among Orthodox and heterodox. a very good example of the drawing Questions about safeguarding human together of different people. In her paper dignity are an area where Christians she emphasised that in a community see things in similar terms to Jews the faithful must both pray for and Muslims. Such themes can be one another and take care of their points of contact with those who are neighbours. This is difficult in so far as far from Orthodoxy. Another fertile we are very different, particularly in a area for seeking points of contact multinational parish, but without such for us in Britain is the ancient saints care what we call community will not of Britain and Ireland. They are 5 June - July 2017 Annual Conference ”Unity of The Church” venerated by Catholics and are Diocese conference: generally considered to be key figures reflections by in the history and culture of antiquity. participants from Russia In such a way we can seek unity with The Annual Conference of the Diocese the representatives of various faiths of Sourozh took place from May 26th- without infringing canonical rules. 28th, 2017. During the Conference the At the plenary session on Sunday participants from Russia were provided morning Fr Stephen summarised with the opportunity of significantly the talks and gave an opportunity to broadening their horizons, since in anyone who wished to put questions Russia Russian Orthodoxy is an habitual to the speakers. The main event of cultural milieu, while in Great Britain Sunday, however, was of course the it is oases of faith, uniting people who Divine Liturgy, at which many people live in a completely different culture. were able to receive Holy Communion. That is why the contrast between After lunch, those who wished set off on prayer in the church and the rest of a pilgrimage to Saint Bertram, whose the world is quite substantial: the joy relics lie less than an hour’s journey of communal prayer is very intense away. This Conference was something and concentrated, and the feeling of a really special, a multinational long-awaited meeting is extraordinarily gathering, talks in two languages, the sharp. In here, the choice is made more singing of a combined choir, sacred deliberately than in Russia, it is more objects brought from Russia as well of an existential choice since it also has as the local British holy places – all to do with preserving one’s identity. this witnessed to the unity of the It is important to mention that Church and of Orthodox believers. there are many Christian relics Julia Pliauksta in the British Isles, which could be quite surprising for many. In following issues we plan to The informal atmosphere was very present the Conference talks in more detail.

6 Diocesan News June - July 2017

took the role of the choir director during the services and who led the Conference meetings with great love and a sophisticated sense of humour. If a Russian person who lives abroad finds in the a return to their roots, the path to Christ from and through their homeland, and Fr Stephen leading the choir greatly values that, then for a British person to find their way to Christ striking, the harmony of unity and free- through Russian Orthodoxy is a real dom, the absence of pomposity; the ses- miracle and spiritual accomplishment. sions had a warm, domestic feel to them. For those who live in Russia, it is One of the most striking impressions very important to see and feel all was the presence of Orthodox British this, in order to appreciate all that people such as who came to they have and be grateful to God. Russian Orthodoxy while searching for spiritual depth in their homeland. The Sophia Kudrina sincerity of their faith and the depth of their prayer were amazing; to take Diocesan News

THE FESTIVAL “FROM HEART classes for the production of TO HEART” WAS HELD in which all wishing could take part, IN LONDON AND DUBLIN performances of the monastery choir, The spiritual and educational festival children's theatres and, of course, ‘From Heart to Heart’ was held at the conversations about Orthodoxy and Dormition Cathedral in London life in the monastery. One of the icons from 4th to 7th of May, and at the which was written during the festival Church of Saints Peter and Paul in by iconographers of the monastery Dublin from 11th to 14th of May. and blessed in the Dormition The festival was held with the blessing Cathedral - the image of St George of Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh the Victory-Bearer –took part on the andMetropolitan Pavel of Minsk 9th of May in the March of the and Zaslavl, Patriarchal of Immortal Regiment (an annual event All Belarus. The programme of the in Russia and Russian communities four-day festival included exhibitions abroad honouring the veterans of monastery workshops, master- of the Second World War – ed.). 7 June - July 2017 Diocesan News

The festival turned out to be very good. Consequently, all the proceeds colourful and homely - in London from the sale of souvenirs, icons the Cathedral chapel became for and food products were directed a few days an island of Eastern- to the charitable purposes of those Slavonic culture, with a miniature hut, in need in the Republic of Belarus. embroidered tablecloths, traditional crafts and even scented honey and Julia Pliauksta herbal teas. Those who visited the festival spoke about the fact that it left the warmest impression of them, told them about Russian Orthodoxy, Belarus and its folk art, and for some itwas the first encounter with St Elizabeth the Grand Duchess. Sisters ofthe monastery hold similar festivals in different cities of Europe in order to tell about their faith, folk traditions and to present the life of a monastic community, not hidden from society, but labouring for its

8 Diocesan News June - July 2017

Divine Liturgy at the patron of Glasgow. St Kentigern’s church in On May 20th, the Dean of North Cumbria England and Wales, Dimitry The church of Saint Kentigern Nedostupenko, assisted by is situated in the small village of Anatoli Vihrov, celebrated the Divine Caldbeck in the County of Cumbria. Liturgy in St Kentigern’s Church. The church has been refurbished and Lay people from several parishes extended many times but the main from Northern England and London part of it was built in the 12th-13th participated in the Liturgy. After the centuries. But this church was not the service Father Dimitry led a procession first there – it was built on the site of and Moleben near St Kentigern’s holy a previous one, which had been there spring, which also dates to the 6th since the 6th century. According to century. After the services the clergy tradition that was the time when St and parishioners gathered for a lunch Kentigern, Abbot, Bishop and founder and talks. St Kentigern, pray to God of Glasgow (also known as St Mungo) for us! prayed in this church during his well- known missionary work. For many Holy relics from Russia centuries St Mungo has been venerated visit Manchester as one of the apostles of Scotland and On Monday May 29th, 2017, the miracle-working Vysha Copy of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God and a fragment of the relics of St Theophan the Recluse of Vysha visited the Patriarchal Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God in Manchester. The Divine Liturgy was headed by Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, Bishop Matthew of Skopin and Shatsk and other distinguished guests.

9 June - July 2017 Diocesan News

departed. That’s why we came here, to the coast’, Evgeniya Vladimirovna Akshenceva, a literature teacher, told everyone. Together we observed a minute of silence in the memory of those who fought and suffered. After that the children read poems dedicated to the heroism of Russian seamen, which they had learnt by heart. Then all who came sang songs about Varyag. “These are the songs we especially prepared for this event. The children learnt them during singing lessons’’, said Evgeniya Vladimirovna. “This memorial is a symbol of cour- age’’, she added. Marina Sergeevna Shumickaya, the TO THE SEA BY “VARYAG’’ FOR acting director of the school, thanked VICTORY DAY CELEBRATIONS the guests – the Veterans of the school On 13th May, the Feast of St Ignatius (“War children’’) – for coming to visit Brianchaninov, Glasgow Russian Varyag. They were given flowers and Orthodox School visited the Varyag cards. At the end the children laid memorial in Lendalfoot, Scotland, wreathes to the memorial. Both chil- on the North Channel coastline. The dren and adults set paper ships into the children celebrated Victory Day there. water in the memory of the seamen. Fr Georgy Zavershinsky, Rector of Interestingly, St Andrew is the patron the Russian Orthodox Parish of St. saint of both Scotland and the Russian Kentigern in Glasgow of the Diocese Navy. The diagonal cross, on which he of Sourozh, served Litiya for the de- was crucified, is used on the Scottish parted seamen by the memorial, near flag – the Saltire. The same cross is the place where the legendary Russian on the St Andrew’s flag – the Russian cruiser sank in 1920. She was famous Navy Ensign. for her crew’s stoicism at the beginning Glasgow Russian Orthodox School of the Russo-Japanese War at the Bat- has been operating at the Parish of St. tle of Chemulpo Bay (1904). Kentigern since 2005. It is the only Or- “As it is said in many poems, if you are thodox children’s school in Scotland. a seaman and died at sea, you have Tatiana Salmon neither a cross nor a grave. There’s nowhere to come and mourn for the 10 Cathedral News June - July 2017

Cathedral News

MYRHH-STREAMING HAWAII blindness, diseases of the kidneys ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD and liver, chronic illnesses and other OF IVERON IN THE CATHEDRAL infirmities. The icon is presently in the The wonderworking Hawaii myrhh- care of the Russian Orthodox Church streaming icon of the Mother of God in Honolulu, but it frequently travels of Iveron came to the Dormition around the world and grants healings. Cathedral in Knightsbridge in the 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF FR evening of Saturday 20th May. JOSEPH’S PRIESTHOOD Orthodox believers came to venerate On June 3rd, after the Divine Liturgy the clergy and laity of the Dormition Cathedral congratulated Archpriest Joseph Skinner on the 10th anniversary of his to the priesthood. Many people had brought flowers and wanted to thank Fr Joseph in person, expressing their gratitude to him and Matushka Sarah for their service to God and people, their kindly attitude to our needs and a willingness to help the myrhh-streaming icon and to pray anyone who seeks God. Many years, during the Vigil. The icon stayed in the Father Joseph! Cathedral until the end of the service. The wonderworking Hawaii myrhh- streaming icon of the Mother of God of Iveron inexplicably began to stream myrrh in the home of a pious Orthodox couple in Honolulu, Hawaii, on September 23rd / October 6th, 2007. This phenomenon was recognised as authentic and miraculous by the ’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. This image is famous for the healings of many pious people from cancer,

11 June - July 2017 Cathedral News

CHILDREN’S FESTIVE EVENT TO MARK THE 220th ANNIVERSARY OF SAINT INNOKENTY VENIAMINOV On the 20th May 2017, with the blessing of Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture took place at the Parish School of the Dormition Cathedral were reminiscent of the works of of the Diocese of Sourozh. The St Cyril and Methodius. The brother festivities wereheld to mark the 220th saints composed the Cyrillic alphabet anniversary of the birth of Saint and taught the Slavic people Innocent Veniaminov, Metropolitan reading and writing skills, while of Moscow and Kolomna. St Innocent created an alphabet for the native people of the North in The atmosphere during the event was his turn. What is most important, very amicable. The cartoon ‘Saint is that he brought the Gospel to Innocent, the Apostle of America the remote populations of the North. and Siberia’ was screened. A special surprise during the festivities Archbishop Elisey expressed his was the performance by Svetlana gratitude to Svetlana Yegorova-Johnson Yegorova-Johnson, who brought and for her considerable contribution played a Yakut musical instrument towards the organisation of the called the ‘homus’. At the close of festivities and presented her with the event, Archbishop Elisey of flowers. The principal of the Sourozh addressed all the children Parish School – Elena Poplavskaya, that were present, their parents, presented souvenirs to the guests teachers, and guests, with his –handmade figurines of little message on the importance of the angels made of pearly beads by missionary and educational activities the Parish School pupils. Saint of Saint Innocent. His Eminence Innocent, pray to the Lord for us! mentioned that works of the saint Elena Poplavskaya

12 Cathedral News June - July 2017

until he became Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna in 1867. St Innokenty was a great missionary who led thousands of people to the Lord and thanks to his incessant work and prayer the independent Yakut diocese was established. He was a talented translator of Orthodox literature into the languages of the ethnic minorities to whom he preached the Gospel; a man of devout prayer, he blessed Archpriest Dimitry Khitrov, CELEBRATIONS OF THE 220TH the future bishop Dionysius, to compile ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH the alphabet and grammar of the OF SAINT INNOKENTY Yakut language. He himself composed (VENIAMINOV) the alphabet and the grammar of the With the blessing of Patriarch Kirill of Aleut language however his works Moscow and All Russia, the year 2017 were not limited to the Aleut language, is marked by the celebration of the he also studied Tlingit and Alutik. 220th anniversary of the birth of Saint The scale of his personality and the Innokenty (Veniaminov), Metropolitan scope of his works in the regions of Moscow and Kolomna, Apostle of Siberia, the Far East and North of Siberia and America, an honorary America, puts him on a par with member of the Imperial Russian the outstanding educators of the Geographical Society and Moscow Russian state. His life is worthy Imperial University, outstanding in of thoughtful and careful study. his work in linguistics, ethnography In 1997, as tribute to his immortal and geography, a craftsman who heritage, there was a series of built temples with his own hands, international events dedicated a man of heroic endurance. to the 200th anniversary of his For his love of God and of the Church birth, initiated by the laity and the and of people, the Lord raised him leadership of the Republic of Sakha to great spiritual heights and to the (Yakutia) and with the blessing of Bishop highest position in the Russian Church Herman. The 210th anniversary of the at that time. Born in a village in the birth of St Innokenty was celebrated Irkutsk Oblast in the year 1797, he during the Days of Yakutia festival spent his whole life in the eastern in Moscow in 2007, where a liturgy parts of the Russian Empire: Eastern in the Yakut language was celebrated Siberia, Russian America (Alaska), by Patriarch Alexy in the Cathedral and the Russian Far East including of Christ the Saviour. The Republic Yakutia, the Amur and Kamchatka, 13 June - July 2017 Cathedral News

languages in the liturgical life of these peoples, similar to Saints Cyril and Methodius among the Slavs in the 9th century. In this respect, St Innokenty followed thecontinuous apostolic tradition in the Orthodox Church. Here in the UK we also make our contribution to the celebration of the 220th anniversary of the birth of Sakha (Yakutia) acted as a sponsor of the saint. Events began in the of theabove-mentioned events. Diocese of Sourozh with a cycle of lectures about the life and activities Twenty years ago, in 1997, a blessing of the saint in the Cathedral of the to celebrate the 200th anniversary in Dormition of the Mother of God England was given to us by the ever- in Ennismore Gardens, London. memorable Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. There was a lecture by Egor In May 2016, during the annual Spiridonovich Shishigin who travelled Diocesan Conference, a presentation from Yakutia, along with Claudia of Irina Dmitrieva's book "To the Ivanovna Fedorova, as an interpreter North through the Ages, Part 1” and students from the city of Mirny. took place, which was devoted to the Today, the initiative to organize the missionary activity of St Innokenty. celebration of the 220th anniversary of On May 20th this year, a concert for St Innokenty and the 40th anniversary the children of the Church Parish of his comes from his School took place, organized by the native Irkutsk. A national project, ‘ The efforts of a small creative group of Way of Saint Innokenty’ is underway teachers who prepared an excellent in 10 regions of the Russian Federation: script for the celebration of the 220th the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), anniversary as part of the Days Irkutsk, Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin of Slavonic Writing and Culture regions, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka and dedicated to the memory of the Equals- Zabaikalsk Territories, Chukotsky to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. Autonomous District and Moscow. This The UK jubilee events will end reflects the relevance of the project and in October 2017, when there will the status of Metropolitan Innokenty be a presentation of the life of St (Veniaminov) on an international level. Innokenty, a Divine Liturgy and a St Innokenty had a special approach concert at the London Cathedral of to the indigenous peoples of different the Dormition of the Mother of God. nations in the vast regions where Svetlana Yegorova-Johnston he served in the nineteenth century, seeking to study and include native 14 Cathedral News June - July 2017

Western Saints Added to the Calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church St. Patrick, the great enlightener of Ireland, will be officially celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church for the first time this year on March 17/30. At its March 9 session, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox, under the chairmanship of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, officially adopted St. Patrick and more than fifteen other pre- Icon of St Patrick of Ireland schism Western saints into its calendar, Churches. according to the report published on Also considered were the “Complete the Patriarchate’s official site. of the East” by Archbishop The decision was taken after Sergius (Spassky), the report of St. John hearing a report from His Eminence Maximovitch to the Holy Synod of the Metropolitan Clement of Kaluga and Russian Church Abroad in 1952, the Borovsk, chairman of the commission articles of the Orthodox Encyclopedia for the compilation of the Russian and the Synaxarion compiled by Orthodox Church’s Menaion, or Hiermonk Macarius of the Athonite calendar of saints, with the proposal monastery of Simonopetra. to include several ancient saints who The Western saints added into the laboured in Western lands before the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Great Schism of 1054. Church are: The commission, created on Hieromartyr Pothinus, Bishop of September 18, 2014 by the blessing Lyons, and those with him (June of His Holiness, had been working 2/15; c. 177) on compiling a list of Western saints Martyrs Blandina and Ponticus of guided by the following criteria: Lyons (June 2/15; c. 177) their unblemished confession of the Orthodox faith; the circumstances in Martyr Epipodius of Lyons (April which their glorification took place; the 22/May 5; c. 177) absence of their names from polemical Martyr Alexander of Lyons (April works against the Eastern Church 24/May 7; c. 177) and rite; and their present veneration Hieromartyr Saturninus, first in foreign dioceses of the Russian Bishop of Toulouse (November 29/ Orthodox Church and other Local December 12; c. 257) 15 June - July 2017 Legacy of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

Martyr Victor of Marseilles (July St. Germanus, Bishop of 21/August 3; c. 290) (May 28/June 10; 576) St. Alban, Protomartyr of Britain St. Procopius, abbot of Sazava in (June 22/July 5; c. 304) Bohemia (September 16/29; 1053) St. Honoratus, Archbishop of Arles and founder of Lerins Monastery (January 16/29; 429) St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre (July 31/August 13; 448) St. Vincent of Lerins (May 24/June 6; c. 450) St. Patrick, Bishop of Armagh and Enlightener of Ireland (March 17/30; 451) St. Lupus the Confessor, Bishop of Troyes (Gaul) (July 29/August 11; 479) St. Genevieve of Paris (January 3/16; 512) Icon of St Genevieve of Paris

Legacy of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

CALLING OF THE APOSTLES It is essential for us to realise the link there is between Christ and the apostles. <...> If you read the Gospels you will see that the apostles and the Lord Christ were born and lived in the same area. Christ came to live in Nazareth as a child; the apostles lived all about the place of His abode. We know nothing about the early years of St Peter and St Paul these men, but if we think that Cana of lived were around the same place, we Galilee was less than 4 miles away from can imagine that they had met and Nazareth, if we think that all the cities seen and heard the Lord Jesus Christ and all the villages in which Peter and as a child, as a youth. Andrew, John and James and others 16 Legacy of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh June - July 2017

We know nothing about the impact of His personality growing harmoniously into the fullness of His human stature, but links of personal knowledge and fa- miliarity existed. The disciples of John the Baptist, Andrew and John, were the disciples of a cousin of the Lord. James was the brother of John, Peter was the brother of Andrew. When they first met Christ, they sought out their friends Nathanael and Phillip. Even the words of Nathanael ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ is not a mysterious saying. What would any one of us say if he was told that God Himself had become man in a village Metropolitan Anthony four miles away from his own village? And then there is a whole process and complete that they cannot leave which we can trace in the Gospels Him even if terror comes upon them. in which one can see how, gradually, When Christ tells His disciples that He the disciples discover the Lord Jesus is going to Bethany because Lazarus has Christ, how He becomes gradually died, His disciples say: ‘Are you going more and more to them. And one back into Judaea? Were not the Jews day their relatedness to Him is such about to kill you?’ And one of them that they could not leave Him even if says, ‘Let us go with Him and die with they wanted to. When most of Christ’s Him’. And that one is Thomas, the one disciples abandoned Him the Lord said who so often is thought as a doubter. to the Twelve: ‘Are you also going to No, he is not a doubter. He is ready to go?’ And Peter answers: ‘Where should live and to die with his Master, but he is we go? Thou hast the word of eternal not prepared credulously to receive the life’. This relatedness between the news of Christ’s Resurrection with all disciples and Christ that began perhaps its resurrecting impact and life-giving in friendship, then in admiration grew power without being sure — because to the relationship of disciples and when Christ died on the cross His Master, on the way to Caesarea Philippi disciples scattered, afraid, in hiding, becomes a recognition, proclaimed by and yet, attached to Him with all the one of them as a gift of God, of what fibres of their heart and mind and soul, He truly is: ‘Thou art the Christ, the they felt that life had gone out of the Son of the Living God’. world, life had gone out of their lives. It is a relationship so deep, so perfect That happens to us when someone 17 June - July 2017 Legacy of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh who is infinitely dear dies. Then we defeated. This is what we sing at , discover that because this person this is what we proclaim as the Gospel. has died everything which is shallow, Life has triumphed, death has no trivial, small, too small to be as great as power over us. Our body has no power life and death, becomes irrelevant. We to kill us when it dies. This is one of the turn away from it, we become as great essential witnesses of the apostles: not as our perception of life and death can simply that they are so faithful in their make us. love for Christ that they are prepared That is what happened to them, but to die, but that they are so certain from then there was no life, there was only inner certainty, from the welling up of crushing, destructive death. They eternity within them, from the victory could no longer live because life had within them of the life of Christ, that gone out of their lives, but they could death is no more. One can peacefully continue to exist. And all of a sudden let go of temporariness, as St Paul says. they discovered that Christ was alive For him death does not mean divesting and that they could live and, more than himself of temporary life, it means to this, that in a mysterious way because be clad with eternity, eternity fulfilled, they had died so deeply and completely what it was incipiently, germinally, through love and oneness with Him, fighting for the fulfilment in what he they could, through love and oneness calls his body of corruption. — both His and theirs — be alive, but alive with an unshaking certainty that no death can deprive them of life any more, no kind of death; death was

‘TRAVELS IN HOLY RUSSIA The exhibition is comprised of fif- WITH THE TEMPLE GALLERY’ ty photographs taken by two trave- lers - Alain de Lotbiniere and Hans Sir Richard Temple, a well-known Matschukat, who tried to capture their expert on icons, took a group of responses to the corners of Russia they visitors on a two week trip to Russia to visited. The Temple Gallery also pre- see the museums and churches in and sented the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother around Moscow and St Petersburg. of God (late XV century) as part of the The exhibition ‘Travels in Holy exhibition. Russia with the Temple Gallery’ – the In his opening remarks Ambassador beautiful outcome of the trip – was of the Russian Federation to the UK opened at the representative office of Alexander Yakovenko noted his great Rossotrudnichestvo in London on May appreciation of Sir Richard’s contri- 19, 2017. bution to the development of human- 18 Sacraments of the Church June - July 2017 itarian cooperation and strengthening Great Britain) and has been active in of Russian-British relations. He also in the acquisition of icons by several presented Sir Richard with a personal major museums, including the British letter of appreciation. Museum, the Musée du Louvre in During the opening of the exhibition Paris, the Timken Art Gallery in San Sir Richard presented a pearl Diego, California and the Museum of embroidered icon of the Smolensk the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour Mother of God (XIX century) to the in Moscow. He has published many Russian Orthodox Church in the catalogues and scientific articles, as person of His Eminence Archbishop well as two books on icons. Elisey of Sourozh. Richard Temple is a British citizen who dedicated his life to the study and collection of Russian icons. In 1959, he founded the Temple Gallery as a centre for the study, restoration and exhibition of ancient icons and sacred art. He is a member of the Advisory Panel of the Art Fund (formerly the National Art Collections Fund of

Sacraments of the Church

We are printing a series of short texts about the Sacraments of the Church. They are copied from ‘An Orthodox Online Catechism’, which is based on the book ‘The Mystery of Faith’ by Metropolitan (Alfeyev). They are presented here by the kind permission and blessing of the author. Part 6. annointing with oil

The human person was created with an a body-bearer’. Illness and disease incorruptible and immortal body. After became a part of human life. The the Fall it lost these qualities and became root of all infirmity, according to the corruptible and mortal. According to Church’s teaching, is human sinfulness: St the Theologian, the human sin entered the human person in such person ‘put on the garment of skin, a way that it polluted not only his which is our coarse flesh, and became 19 June - July 2017 Sacraments of the Church

Healing of the blind man. Fresco at the Optina Pustyn Monastery (Foto A. Pospelov,

soul and intellect, but also his body. lief. He also pointed to the Devil as the If death is a consequence of sin (cf. origin of all illness: of the bent woman James 1:15), an illness may be seen He said that she was ‘bound by Satan’ as a situation between sin and death: (see Luke 13:16). it follows sin and precedes death. It is The Church has always considered not, of course, that every particular sin its own mission as the continuation in results in a particular illness. The real all aspects of Jesus Christ’s ministry, issue concerns the root of all illness, including healing. Thus, from apostolic namely, human corruptibility. As St times, a sacramental action existed Symeon the New Theologian remarks, which would later receive the name ‘doctors cure human bodies... but they of with oil. It is found in can never cure the basic illness of the New Testament: ‘Is any among human nature, its corruptibility. For you sick? Let him call for the elders this reason, when they try different (literally, presbyters) of the Church, means to cure one particular illness, and let them pray over him, anointing the body then falls prey to another him with oil in the name of the Lord; disease’. Human nature, according to and the prayer of faith will save the St Symeon, needs a physician who can sick man, and the Lord will raise him heal it from its corruptibility, and this up; and if he has committed sins, he physician is Jesus Christ Himself. will be forgiven’ (James 4:15-16). It is During His earthly life Christ healed clear that the question here is not of many people. Before healing someone, a normal anointing with oil, which He often asked him about his faith: in ancient time was used for medical ‘Do you believe that I am able to do purposes, but of a special sacramental this?’ (Matt. 9:28) As well as healing action. Healing qualities are ascribed the body, Christ also healed the human here not to the oil, but to the ‘prayer of soul from its most severe disease, unbe- faith’; and physician is not a presbyter, 20 Sacraments of the Church June - July 2017 but ‘the Lord’. Rather, one can say that Holy Unction makes the one who receives it partici- In the modern-day practice of the pate in Christ’s sufferings, renders his Orthodox Church, the of bodily illness salvific and healing, lib- Anointing has preserved all the original erating him from spiritual illness and elements described by St James: it is death. conducted by seven priests (in practice, often, by three or two), prayers and New According to the Church’s teaching, Testament passages are read, and the God is able to transform everything evil sick person is anointed seven times with into something good. In this particular blessed oil. The prayer of absolution is case illness, which by itself is evil and read by one of the presbyters at the end a consequence of corruption, becomes of the sacrament. The Church believes for the human person a source of that, in accordance with St James’s spiritual benefits. By means of it he words, the sins of the one who receives participates in Christ’s sufferings and is Anointing are forgiven. This, however, risen with Christ to a new life. There in no way implies that Anointing can be are many cases when illness brings regarded as a substitute for confession. people to death, compels them to Unfounded also is the opinion of change their life and to embark upon some Orthodox believers that in Holy the path of repentance that leads to Unction all forgotten sins, that is, God. those not mentioned at Confession, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) are forgiven. The sacrament of Confession, as we said above, results in the forgiveness of all sins. The intention behind the sacrament of Anointing with oil Unction is not to supplement Confession, but rather to give new strength to the sick with prayers for the healing of body and soul. Even more misleading is the inter- pretation of Anointing as the ‘last anointing’ before death. This was the understanding of the sacrament in the Roman before Vati- can II, and it still finds its place among Orthodox believers. This is a misin- terpretation simply because Anointing does not guarantee that a person who received it will necessarily be healed.

21 June - July 2017 Apostolic guidance for Orthodox online users

Unfortunately, sometimes it seems that some Christians demonstrate degrading demeanour online, or perhaps they reveal their true faces. It is all a big disgrace, since such dialogues always remain accessible. “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye ApostOLIC guidance for have love one to another”(John Orthodox online users 13:35). If a secular user joins and reads through many dialogues of Have nothing to do with foolish, Christians on the social network ignorant controversies; you know sites, not only will he not be able that they breed quarrels. And to detect whose followers we really the Lord's servant must not be are, but for him the only sign of our quarrelsome but kind to everyone, belonging to the Orthodox faith will able to teach, patiently enduring be the presence of quotes from the evil, correcting his opponents Bible and from patristic literature that with gentleness. God may do not say much to him. However, it perhaps grant them repentance is not about the quotes, it is about leading to a knowledge of our demeanour and spirit. If our the truth (2 Timothy 2:23-25). behaviour is far from what St Paul These apostolic lines are a great the Apostle writes to Saint Timothy lesson for Orthodox online users and from patristic instructions, then who enjoy a bit of an online quarrel what is the point of these quotes? with other Christians. If two brothers It is better not to know something, in Christ were to meet in a real life, but behave like a decent Christian. their conversations would most likely To summarise, there is only one word start with a greeting. Ideally, there that can describe all this: disgrace. would be a fraternal kiss following Have nothing to do with foolish, the Apostle’s commandment. The ignorant controversies. According meeting would definitely not start to the Oxford Dictionary, ignorance with a reproach. If the brothers is not just the lack of knowledge were unacquainted with each other, or awareness in general, their communication would begin but also being ‘uneducated, with a brief introduction. How come unsophisticated’. If somebody begins things are so dramatically different his dialogue not with the greeting, when it comes to communication on web forums and comments but with writing something on social networking websites? offensive (unconstructive criticism), 22 Apostolic guidance for Orthodox online users June - July 2017 begins‘trolling’ other users, it is another one did not like. Here, the best to avoid such conversations, person who wrote this comment since they lead to conflict. If should ask themselves: what am I a person begins his comment aiming to achieve with my comments, with ill-disposed undertones, it which instead of addressing someone is usually a very indicative sign. by greeting or getting acquainted You know that they breed quarrels. with them, contain unconstructive By the way, the fact that usually criticism? If an accuser wants to Christians (and not only Christians), correct their brother, then he prefer not to argue in public, is should be “kind to everyone, able interesting. However, for some reason to teach, patiently enduring evil, the people who argue online are not correcting his opponents with ashamed to do so in public Web gentleness,” (even our opponents space (forums, social networks). The should be taught with humility, not sense of shame gets lost. This means to mention our brothers in Christ). that for some Christians, the online Blessed Theophylact states: ‘Therefore sphere creates an illusion of being a strong accusation has power when it transported to some different reality. is made with humility. It is more likely In this parallel reality, they can allow to touch someone’s heart when made themselves to do certain things that with humility, than when shaming they would not normally do in real them with strictness’. It seems that life. When it comes to behaviour online if there is no humility, it is probable and in reality: it would be amusing if that the goal of the accuser is not one Christian came to visit another to correct his brother; therefore, he one, and started to blame and is either trying to satisfy his passion shame him through the door, without in verbal argument, or he does it revealing his face. For some reason, because of jealousy, or other reasons certain Christians do follow different that don’t come as a result of fraternal rules when online and in reality. As love. If someone decides to accuse, long as your face is hidden behind it should be done in a Biblical way. an avatar, you can type whatever Looking at these ugly discussions, and how much you want. Nobody one can feel sad and ashamed. Can can see your face, and many people you find this kind of communication have no idea of who you are at all. among the Saints? No. Therefore, The Lord's servant must not be it means that instead of trying to quarrelsome but kind to everyone. follow their example, we are just If there is no affability, the motives throwing their quotes around, of writing all sorts of comments just in order to satisfy our vanity. are in question. A typical example: Not only do we not feel piety; one brother posted something that sometimes there is a lack of basic 23 June - July 2017 British and Irish Saints respect and the rules of etiquette. In You cannot hide behind quotes this context, all these high-flown words from holy people. To copy and paste on the spiritual bond of Christians sayings from the holy fathers is really become empty chat. Not to mention easy, but to fulfil the instructionsof St rudeness, when instead of answering Paul is more difficult. Is it really the a direct question, your opponent case that the rules given to us by the brother might take it on a personal Apostle are only applicable in case level and, moreover, jump to certain of face to face communication, and conclusions that are typical of they somehow do not apply when it those who consider themselves to be comes to online interactions? I am clairvoyant readers of people’s souls. pretty sure that the answer to this If there were love, there would be a question is evident for a Christian. greeting, and something along the Antony Dulevich, Director of the following lines: ‘Brother, may I ask, Missionary Department of the what did you mean when you wrote Diocese of Kizil this or that? What did you feel in your Source: heart? Did you not have at that point thoughts of judging or vainglory?’ Whatever is done without love is sinful.

British and Irish Saints

VENERABLE KEVIN OF GLENDALOUGH Commemorated: 3rd/16th June Venerable Kevin of Glendalough Commemorated: 3rd/16th June St Kevin is one of the greatest saints of Ireland. He lived in the sixth and early seventh centuries. The saint was born in the province of Leinster to a noble family. His name means “of blessed An icon of St Kevin birth” . An angel appeared to Kevin’s young man already lived with monks. parents shortly before his and Upon his ordination to the priesthood, told them to give him this name. As Kevin, accompanied by an angel, a boy Kevin was raised by St Petroc crossed the mountains of Wicklow and of Cornwall, who at that time was settled at the upper lake in the place living in Ireland. At age twelve the called Glendalough, which means“ the

24 British and Irish Saints June - July 2017

undamaged. One monk was overcome by greed: he decided to kill the otter and to use its skin to make gloves for himself. But the clever mammal felt his evil intention and left that site forever. The story of the foundation of Glendalough is interesting. While St Kevin’s Church at Glendalough, Kevin was praying in his cave, a cow Wicklow came to him every day and licked glen of two lakes” , since it has two his clothes. Whenever it returned lakes, upper and lower, situated close to its master it gave as much milk as to each other. Here the saint lived for fifty cows could provide. The farmer seven years in isolation and prayer in a resolved to follow the cow. Thus he cave. He walked barefoot, wore rough saw Kevin, who converted the farmer clothes and ate herbs and roots, only to Christ. The latter was baptised with sometimes allowing himself fruit and all his family. So the saint decided to fish. Disciples gathered around him leave his hermitage and undertake a and the saint founded Glendalough mission across the district and to build Monastery, which became one of a monastery. At that time Glendalough the largest and most influential ones was ruled by an old pagan, King in Ireland. Kevin became its abbot. O’Tool. He had a goose which was Kevin lived in harmony with nature, also frail and could not fly. The ruler especially with wild animals. Even asked Kevin to make his goose young. branches and leaves of trees sang The saint promised, but on condition sweet songs to Kevin! Once when that the king would grant him the Kevin was standing concentrated in land over which the goose would fly. prayer with his arms outstretched, a Kevin touched the bird and it instantly blackbird landed on his palms, built became young. The goose flew over the a nest on them, hatched eggs, cared valley of Glendalough and it belonged for its nestlings and flew away. Artists to the monastery from that time. liked to depict this scene from the No skylarks sing above Glendalough. saint’s life. In one of the two lakes When they began building the there lived an otter that helped the monastery the workers decided to rise hermit. When he lived alone it brought as early as skylarks and go to sleep as him fish, and when Kevin was abbot late as lambs. But soon the masons it delivered salmon to the brethren. were so exhausted that the quality of One time Kevin accidentally dropped their work deteriorated. The saint his prayer-book in the water. The otter prayed for a solution. In an instant, emerged holding the prayer-book in all the larks vanished; the building its mouth—the book was absolutely was completed successfully. Another 25 June - July 2017 British and Irish Saints time a boar ran up to Kevin seeking Numerous people from various protection—because hunters with regions flocked to Kevin for advice, hounds were chasing it. The hounds, consolation and healing. Kevin had a seeing the saint with the boar, gently custom of praying zealously in the cold lay on the ground. The hunters water of Glendalough lakes every day. wanted to kill the animal, but a flock Throughout his life angels were frequent of birds landed on the tree. The men companions and helpers of the holy saw a sign from above and retired. man. This wonderful saint reposed Once a man who suffered from fits in 618; he lived until the age of 120. was told in a vision to come to Kevin Glendalough continued to grow and and eat an apple. But there were no develop, producing many saints. With apple trees at the monastery. Then time it was transferred closer to the Kevin ordered a row of willows to lower lake. Glendalough became produce apples (against the laws of one of the most famous pilgrimage nature) and the trees obeyed. The centres in Ireland. Its students sick man was cured and those willows and monks founded many other communities in Ireland and abroad. In 1398 this splendid monastery was destroyed by the English Army but the church continued to function afterwards. Kevin is venerated as patron-saint of Glendalough in Wicklow, as “wonderworker of all Upper Lake in Glendalough Ireland” and protector of animals. Glendalough is a very quiet and produced apples a very long time. A idyllic site. Closer to the upper lake worker was struck by a stone and one there are surviving buildings of the of his eyes was blinded. Kevin blessed monastery. Previously Glendalough the eye, and his sight was restored. was like a “monastic city”. Apart Kevin loved the reclusive life, and from the main church, the monastery after some years as abbot retired to included living quarters for monks, his beloved solitude. Four years later scriptoria, workshops, an infirmary, the monks persuaded him to return to farm buildings, and a hostel. The the monastery and resume his abbacy. surviving buildings date back to the The saint gladly returned, presiding tenth-twelth centuries. Among the over the brethren for sixty years. The monuments that can still be seen are monastery had seven churches, more the following: the gates to the monastic and more monks joined the community city; a “round tower” thirty metres and many men flocked to the seminary high; a magnificent ruined cathedral; to receive training and instruction. 26 Journey to Orthodoxy June - July 2017

St Kevin’s cross, made from a single There is a holy well of St Kevin there. piece of granite (pilgrims believe “Kevin” is a popular birth that he who manages to embrace the name in France, Norway, the cross with both hands can expect the Netherlands, Ireland, UK, Sweden, fulfilment of his prayer requests soon); Hungary, Slovenia and Chile. the priests’ house (Kevin’s relics may Dmitry Lapa have been preserved there); Kevin’s fine church; the churches of the Mother Source: of God, the Holy , Christ english/80048.html the Saviour and “ Reefert church” .

Journey to Orthodoxy

FROM THE IRISH AIR FORCE path that led him to a narrow brick- TO THE ORTHODOX CHURCH built church in the centre of Dublin. A church which stands out from others in the city because of the richly gilded Father Thomas Carroll is a 70-year-old decorated screen which separates the priest in Dublin, Ireland. altar from the nave, but also because it He grew up rural county Tipperary, in is Orthodox. a family with strong military ties. His To prevent its servicemen being grandfather fought in Gallipoli, while influenced in anyway, the UN did his great uncle was at the battle of not permit any interaction between Thessalonica during the First World them and either of the communities. War. However, Father Thomas could not Growing up in a Catholic secondary entirely follow the discipline that both school, he felt called to take holy the peace keeping forces and his family orders but was told he was not ready, had imposed on him. so he followed the family tradition and “I had a few acquaintances with joined the military. Cypriots, but the only person that I “We seem to be a family that was had a lot of communication with was a always involved militarily. There was Greek Orthodox priest in a village,” he discipline among us, but the rules recounts. Father Thomas would meet were not too strict. Yet, I could never up with him on a regular basis, to talk consider myself a free spirit,” he recalls. about theology and argue regarding It was while serving in Cyprus with the everything around it. UN in the 1960s that Father Carroll’s “We often could not agree on anything, life, vocation and future were set on a but he left a lasting impression on me,” 27 June - July 2017 Journey of Orthodoxy

hurry as you see,” he jokes. “But after that, I was committed. I took early retirement from my job in 1996 and went to study theology for 5 years.” After the conclusion of his studies, he initially served as a deacon for four years in his new parish, before eventually becoming a priest. And to Father Thomas Carroll him it is a vocation, not his profession. he continues. Ultimately, it was the outward That prompted him to explore the portrayal and the beautiful liturgies Orthodox religion further, but when he of the Orthodox dogma that attracted returned to Ireland there were only a him to it. “I came from the tradition handful of Greeks and Cypriots living that initially the Catholic Church came in the country. They did not have an from, with many similarities in liturgy established community, so nobody and rituals. But after the Second could help him. Vatican Council in the ‘60s, everything changed and became more simplified,” It was only when the Archbishop of the priest explains. Great Britain, Methodios, established the first parish in Ireland in 1981, that For Father Thomas, the traditional it became possible for him to talk to poignant ceremonies had been people with the same interest. stripped from the Catholic faith. Services had become to some extend Prior to this he had contacted the Greek “protestantized” in the method of Orthodox archdiocese in London, but worship, minimalised. So, he realised nobody responded to his letters. “They that it was not for him. This inevitably probably thought that I was some guy left a big hole in his spiritual life, in that seeking only information,” Father he couldn’t relate to this new situation Thomas says. in the Catholic Church. “This is where When the parish had been established Orthodoxy entered my life and gave by Methodios, a friend happened to me something tangible to hold on to. mention it to him by chance. He then Something about the church itself, got around there straightaway, but it its layout, the rituals, even the smell took him another 5 years before he of incense, would grab you straight decided to make the “big jump” and away,” he describes. convert. At the time, among the Orthodox “I eventually became an Orthodox community in Ireland, there were in 1986, so I do not do anything in a about 20 nationalities. The original hurry as you see,” he jokes. parish was founded for all Orthodox

28 Journey to Orthodoxy June - July 2017

Christians within the island of Ireland, happy with my choices,” he says. regardless of any jurisdictions. “If you asked me how Ireland is As immigration increased into Ireland, responding to a Church of different many of these new arrivals established dogma about 50 years ago, there would their own communities and Father be quite hostile reaction to it. Now Thomas’ parish eventually became nobody cares. At the last count, there primarily Greek. The community were about 130 different religions in has grown in recent years due to the the country, most of them established increasing emigration from Greece, during the past 15 years,” Father thus the future of his parish looks Thomas explains. secure. About 50% of those are ethnic African For Father Thomas, a church is a living churches. “But the people of Ireland thing and must adapt to society, rather are accepting all religions in their than society adapting to it. Another country now. Maybe the reason is that reason why he admires the Greek most of them do not go to the church Orthodox Church is because it reaches themselves,” he continues. “Young out to every nationality. “All Greek people particularly, who are carrying Orthodox archdioceses in the UK on the Catholic faith in Ireland, have have up to 30% clergy that are non- absolutely no animosity to anybody Greek, thus the liturgies are commonly outside this tradition,” he concludes. English speaking. Other jurisdictions, Father Thomas is one example of a like the Romanian or Russian, are man who did not just follow a religion operating in their language solely for due to family, community or national their own people,” he says. traditions. He researched, reached out The priest believes that breaking down and when the time was right, he found language and nationality barriers is what was best for him. very important for a modern religion, By Christos Mouzeviri especially when attracting young Source: individuals. Otherwise they could the-irish-soldier-who-became-an-orthodox-priest be at the mercy of fundamentalist evangelical churches, while others may become attracted to radical Islam. “They are giving them something to live for, when often they have nothing,” claims Father Thomas. He is the only one who converted to Greek Orthodoxy in his family. “It did not make any difference to most of them, but I think today they would be , Dublin 29 June - July 2017 In the Footsteps of the Pilgrims

In the Footsteps of the Pilgrims

Second Day: Saturday, 12th the Stone of the Centre of the World. November 2016 (continued). Following Communion we all met in After dinner in the hotel in Bethlehem the Courtyard and after a careful head we returned to Jerusalem for the Night count made our way back to the Jaffa Liturgy in the Church of the Holy Gate. Sr Mariam took us back by a Sepulchre. We left Bethlehem at about different route that seemed like our 23.00. Our group had increased in size own particular reserved space. She set and now comprised all the Sourozh a cracking pace and like a good Middle pilgrims plus about eight other people East shepherd led her mixed flock back staying at the centre. We disembarked to the coach! We fell into bed just after at the Jaffa Gate and made our way 04.00. through the winding passages of the Third Day: Sunday, 13th November souk to the courtyard in front of the 2016. church. It was now just after 23.40 Breakfast was a little later today and it and time to venerate relics located was just after 10.30 when we set off on in a small room. It was quite quiet our morning trip to Nablus (Shechem), when we entered but as we went to about 60km north from Bethlehem. In leave found it difficult to do so. We the Old Testament this is mentioned made our way to a suitable vantage as a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim point and waited for the start of the (Joshua 20 v7). The road meanders and Service at about 00.30. This was it was almost 12.30 when we arrived made evident from a large procession at the Greek Convent of Jacob’s of clergy and completed by three Well. Sr Mariam first came here in bishops with Archbishop Theodosius 1991, but I don’t think that any of us of Sebastia as principal. It was a very expected such an exceptional building. atmospheric service, mainly in Greek but with, for example, the Ectenia of Fervent Supplication sung by a young Russian deacon with a powerful voice. It must have been difficult to conduct the Liturgy in the area of the Tomb since much of the floor space has been covered by scaffolding and sheeting while renovation and archaeological work is still in progress. Communion was given in the large hall that contains

30 In the Footsteps of the Pilgrims June - July 2017

It is strongly associated with the new The water was quickly transferred to martyr Achimandrite Philoumenos bottles held by the pilgrims. “The water (Hasapis), keeper of the Greek that I shall give him shall be in him a well of Orthodox monastery of Jacob’s Well in water springing up into everlasting life” (John Samaria. The life of Fr Philoumenos is 4 v14). an example that martyrdom for Christ We then returned to Jerusalem for is not of the past from the Roman some sight-seeing in the afternoon, Empire or Communist times, but is a first stopping at a coffee shop fora reality in our own day. typical piece of baklava and a cup (Tone 4) At Jacob’s Well you of dark arabian coffee. Between the were proved well named, loving Christ, con- walls of the Old City and the Mount fessing Him, pouring out your sacred blood. of Olives is the Valley of Jehoshaphat Being faithful in small things you were set over which at its southern end has the site great. Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth, you of the 3,000 year old settlement that are now Guardian of the Holy Places for ever. was to become Jerusalem, the City We were able to venerate his tomb and of David. The land rises again to to receive anointing from Fr Nikolay. the west to Mount Zion, an area of In the crypt we came across the present the city traditionally linked with the rector, Fr Ioustinos. He enthusiastically Last Supper and the Dormition of sprinkled everyone with water from the the Mother of God. According to well before retiring to manage his shop. Christian tradition she went to live on This included a number of icons that Mount Zion after Christ’s death. The he had made personally. Fr Nikolay Church of the Dormition stands on had first turn at the well. This is the site the site where she fell into an “eternal of Christ’s meeting with the woman sleep”. In the crypt is a wood and ivory from Samaria (John 4 v6). sculpture of the “sleeping” Mother of God, while the walls are adorned 31 June - July 2017 In the footsteps of the Pilgrims

was still time for some of us to explore the shops en route to a cash machine in Manger Square. Fourth Day, Monday November 14th 2016. After breakfast I watched in amazement as three coaches manoeuvred in the parking lot of the residence. We set off for Hebron 40km south of Jerusalem and one of the most densely populated Oak of Mamre towns. Its fame rests on coloured with images of women from the Old glassware which began in the Middle Testament, including Eve, Judith, Ages and has always been managed by Ruth, and Esther. In the rooms on the a single family. Hebron was the burial mezzanine are some remains from the place for Abraham’s wife Sarah and site’s previous churches. then became his own tomb and later On the first floor of a Gothic building that of his descendants Isaac and Jacob. in all that remains of a large Crusader In the Greek Orthodox monastery at church built to commemorate the Dor- Mamre there are some spectacular mition, there is situated the Hall of the frescos and many icons on the theme Last Supper or Coenaculum. This is of Abraham and the sacred grove of believed to be over the site of an ear- Oaks of Mamre. In Genesis 18 v1,2 it lier building that was the location of says of Abraham that “the Lord appeared the Last Supper. Some scholars how- unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat ever, believe that the true site is a small in the tent door in the heat of the day; and room beneath St Mark’s Church in he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three Ararat Street. Back at Bethlehem there men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground”. This is the scene depicted in Andrei Rublev’s icon of the Old Testament Trinity. The remaining Oak itself has new shoots at the base, although it is not flourishing. A man was selling a postcard and 2 acorns for $1. Obviously the acorns haven’t come from the last remaining Oak, but they’ve been there! We stopped at a greengrocer in Hebron Icon of the Old Testament Trinity and many people bought bunches of sage, so we had a sweet-smelling bus 32 In the footsteps of the Pilgrims June - July 2017 for the rest of the day. and is currently undergoing extensive We were now on the desolate Judaean restoration. Fragments of high-quality Plain, home of the Desert Fathers, mosaics decorate the walls. Sections of and next stop was the monastery of the mosaic floor survive from the 4th St Theodosius. He withdrew to a cave century basilica ordered to be built here but more and more people joined by Emperor Constantine. There was so that he started the first communal much food for thought at the evening living in what became the monastery. meal in the residence in Bethlehem. He died in Rome, but his remains were brought back to the desert. We then downsized to a minibus to travel to the monastery of St Sabbas located in the wilds of the Judaean Desert. It is one of dozens of retreats built in this area from the fifth century onwards by hermits seeking an austere life of solitude and prayer. His particular monastery was founded in 482 AD. This is a totally different world and the Greek community there follow Mount Athos rules so only males are allowed to visit the monastery. We were able to venerate St Sabbas’ remains. We missed the scheduled stop at the Shepherds’ Field outside of Bethlehem as the Greek monastery was not open. On our return to Bethlehem we were able to walk to the Church of the Nativity before our evening meal hoping to return there next morning for the Liturgy. The first evidence of a cave here being venerated as Christ’s birthplace is in the writings of St Justin Martyr around 160 AD. The grotto is the church’s focal point where a silver star is set in the floor over the spot where Christ was born. The wide nave survives intact from Justinian’s time (c 530 AD) although the roof is 15th St Sabbas Monastery century with 19th century additions 33 June - July 2017 For and about Children

For and about Children

the key to the entire celebration: explanation of the divine liturgy - part 2 Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, The first part of this series, on the now and ever and unto ages of ages. Proskomidia, appeared in the April 2017 With these words the priest announces issue of Cathedral Newsletter. Although the goal of the divine serviceabout not written specifically for children, we hope to begin: the strengthening and these articles will help parents to explain the expansion of the Kingdom of main elements of the Divine Liturgy to their God brought to the world by Jesus children in a way appropriate to their age. Christ, to the Glory of the only one The second part of the Liturgy is called true God, worshipped in the Holy the Liturgy of the Catechumens Trinity. The choir responds, “Amen”. because the catechumens, those Amen means “so be it” in Hebrew. preparing to receive Holy Baptism, The deacon, standing on the ambo, are allowed to participate in its the raised area in front of the altar,and celebration. By making the sign of the facing the Holy Doors, symbolizes the Cross with the Gospel over the Holy angel who encourages us to pray. He Table, the priest begins the Liturgy raises his stole, the symbol of the angel’s with a solemn exclamation that reveals wing, and in the Great calls the whole assembly to pray the same prayers that have been assembled by the Church since Apostolic times. He begins with the petition for peace, without which prayer is impossible. In this litany the various petitions made of the Lord are made in the order of their relative importance to the Church. The worshippers 34 For and about Children June - July 2017

pray “for this holy temple,” which is the principal sacred object of the parish and should be the object of special care on the part of each parishioner. We pray that the Lord will preserve it from fire, theft, and other misfortunes and so that those who enter it will do so with sincere faith, reverence, and the fear of God. “For travellers by land, by sea, and by air; for the sick and the suffering” is for all people who are away Deacon leading the Litany for good cause who especially need Andrei Ryabushkin 1888 our prayers. The deacon concludes make the , and the litany by asking the faithful to entrust themselves and their whole while harmonizing their hearts to the life to Christ, to which we all respond: deacon’s petitions, they cry mentally “To Thee, O Lord.” During the litany with the choir: “Lord, have mercy.” the priest prays that the Lord will look The Great Litany reminds us that, in down upon the church, and those order to pray successfully, we have to at prayer in it, and fulfil their needs. be at peace, that is, reconciled with all, having no resentment, anger, or After the Great Litany, Psalms hostility toward anyone. According 102/103 and 145/6, which are called to the teaching of the Saviour, we antiphons, are chanted. In the may not offer God any gifts if we ancient Church these psalms were remember that our “brother hath aught chanted “antiphonally” — that is, against” us (Matt. 5:23-24). “For the with the verses alternating between peace of the whole world” asks that there two choirs. These Psalms describe be no disputes or hostility among the blessings bestowed on us by nations or races in the entire world. God for which we should bless the “For the good estate of the holy churches Lord. Originally the Old Testament of God” is a prayer in which the composer of these beautiful songs had Orthodox Churches in every country in mind mostly the earthly blessings of firmly and unwaveringly confess the Lord. But in the light of the New the Orthodox Church as the true, Testament, considering all that Jesus apostolic Faith, on the basis of the Christ did for us, these Psalms acquire Word of God and the canons of the a special meaning. The antiphons Church; and “for the union of all” asks are separated by small . that all may be drawn into the one The following hymn, Only-Begotten flock of Christ (cf. John 10:16). We Son, attached to the second antiphon,

35 June - July 2017 For and about Children

He with His death conquered death, “trampling down death by death,” as one of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity, and is glorified equally with the Father and Holy Spirit. While the choir sings, the priest silently prays in the altar: “O Lord our God, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance; preserve the fullness of Thy is dedicated to the Son of God: This Church; sanctify those who love the beauty hymn composed by the Emperor of Thy house; glorify them in return by Justinian sets forth the Orthodox Thy divine power; and forsake us not who teaching on the Second Person of hope in Thee... O Thou who hast bestowed the Trinity, the Son of God, Jesus on us these common and united prayers, Christ. He is the Only-begotten (one and dost promise that when two or three in essence) Son and Word of God, are gathered together in Thy name, Thou Christ God, Who, being immortal, wilt grant their requests, fulfil even now the became man, without ceasing to be requests of Thy servants as is expedient for God, and accepted a human body them, and in the world to come, life eternal.” from the Holy Mother of God and Adapted from ever-Virgin Mary. By His crucifixion, english/liturgy_e.htm

Sourozh Messenger is published with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh

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