

Tlzree uiewpoirtts DR. RIFA'I TT,IR.ITARMAN T 'fells "tatttls rvhy can't, otr Trittl" lvas flIl itttercsl.ittg sct'ies of tl'tt'ee lordan progrilllts recettl ly' televi scd by' \V b'ltil l''llV of Indian;r1tolis. sotnc lhc probtcrrts atttl oltllorlttnilics {ncctl Arab it of fears civelctl unfounded, by the peoples u'ho inlrtrbit thc r\liddld-tilst itrtd Not'tlt u,on'[ absorb refugees r\frien. 'l'lrc scL,orxl visilinll lacturor nt:lny worc Cttltolitt. lIe obsert'ed set'ics originated rvillt .lirttlcs (il'Httt, The idcir of thc l)r. ltifa'i, n()\\' I)er. (='ht'istian rt'hiclt rvas Altdttl tlrat Aralrs antl lltuslim executive producer ol tltt: Tllcvision Wnr-Sslrop nranent I)elcgatr {o the (Jrritcrl lrctlet'trtion of Arabs rverc intlistinguishable in Israeli fitnctiotts tritrler tlte fltlsl)ices of tlre Church envoy Nulions fronr ihc Ifashcmite declares rlay.lo.day exis{rnce as, except Gretrler Inelianapolis. tttitir lhc activc cileotlttlgellrettt of Kingdonr of Jr)l'(l:ul, Bt fore ltis for thc single faci, of their 'J'ltc Scct'etitry oll lltt'' Ircd- ptcst'trl npprrintntottt, l)r. llitu'i reli- Re\'. l,aut'ertce 1l].Ilosic, Ilxt'cutivc tlrir.tl nnrl lirral visiiing has ('autltbttll, gious adltclt uco, thcy were in rlways been dono by too cralion, and tltc activc colltrbot'atiott o[ ILldon hns lrtrcn irurbassarlor to, itr tttrtr, Itcturer in tlris sct'ics rvas his e\'{,,ry $ily plul, of a c()rrmlrn much lalk, leading lo lha loo lt'Ianlgcr of Wlrll['I, thrett (irertt Itlitirirr, Lclrnnott. l.lgy1ll, Excollen(!v, Avraltanr IIfinililn, Vice PresidL-nt and Gettet'al eulture, oarly adoption of preconcelved lraq. \\hst (ierntntr llt'lttrhlic, :rntl Arnbnssnrlor tlistingttisherl rcltrcsetttal.ivc tliplotttitts \t'crtr ittvitetl lo Ii)xtr:aot'dinaly Rnrl rtlitudes. Nlini.stcr Iurlinnnpoli-sou diffcrcnl dltcs, tltc flnitetl Statcs. ARABS AND J EWS, too, ln I'lcnipoicnlilrr.r' florn Isracl Isracl 'l'lte Nol. l'er.\' llll, lrtr ir- tltticl" that pnrt of ilnr rvolkl, hc atldcd, to lha Unit.crl Stirtcs o{ srrpprtltrrl adur:ll.ion from I(cnral Selirn, l,ilrcc- grarle' rliplonrats $'ere Dt'. Ilttssaitt spolicrt. rvitlr rr llirlulr,t tltrrt. is lookerl ver.v nnrch alikc, ospc- Anrclic:r. Stltc funtls up to lhc entl of (-'enter, i\lthouglr lor of lltc- Arab Infortua{iott \Vasltittgtott. D.(i.' nlrrrosl rlilfirlcrtt in lrttlttcssirttr. r:illly rvhen they rvere not. \'rtlr- rlrrict-spokt'n. likc school, sairl ill r'. llnrnran. l{e ttvctl' goorl adtkrrl tlral.. plcscllt, I}'. Abdul Ilil'r'i, Pe t'ttutttt'nI Dclt'gate of llttl Ilaslte' Itul, llrorc is no{hinlI letrll{ivrr itt ittg \Ycstortr'stylt clothas, Arlhs rliplornat. Mr, llar, s{: the State atltl NIt'. rutlrr slrorverl urru:h of lhtrt leticcnt krll- it c(rul(l trol aflirtrl any nlore, nritc l(iugdom of Jortlart ut tlte Llnittttl Natiotts his thorrghts on \nntters of in- nnd .lcrvs cunlL\ of I he silllle 'l'ltc is tltcre huI rlclclnrincrl self.nssurilncr! so Stnl.e, hrrrvcver, supportetl rll Avrirltatrt Ilarttratt, Isrrtcl's Atrtbnssarlor llxtrnot'dittar'.1' Itlcst tn his rnission. nor sonri{ic sloek, ilcltrctv untl Arabir.. 'l'1u.1' l\tl.cntllnce at State r;clrools h'r,qrrcnlly sclrools. public antl tr'linistcr I'ltrttipotcnliitly to lltc U.S.A. lrtl, lacli of pt't-t'isiutr itt ltis er. both rvlitltu florn krfl to right, chalat:tt'r.istir: of .1,)ng- lrarl sclrools l\'ils nol. ollligutor'.r', providcrl lisltnren. ll wls ru'rtlr a non-r'cligious lu'r'ssi()n ol' l lrcsr. l ltottgltts". \!(!f(! \t0l'lr sitltilitr. trrr strt'1rr.isttto r{r'nct'nl. type apltonritllccs olt WFBilI-'l'\r. lltcrc lls an Itnrn llrirt lrc of crrmiculrrrr'r. antl pulllie lJcsitlcs tlrt'ir srrhetlttletl Ile leccircrl lh(. I)firlripill l)rlt{: trltct'rr:rtir.r.. r\{lcnrl- lr:rrl lrr:crr lror.l in schools l)r. Itifa'i rrrerrtirrrrerl orrc tr.ilte, tlhere they tr';tt'rt al:ly and cxltattstivcl.f itrtcn'iervcrl bv of his crlrtcl{iott ;rl llte r\tuericnu ancc rrt, plivate' sehools rvas al- tintilnrxl anrl hnrl rc-cciverl tlul rvith n ri'ligiorrs r:urlictrlrrrn. ho\r'r:r'ur, rvlticlt tvns rtot scnritic 'l'ht'sc 'I'hcsc I)r. .Ian'tcs Artn.strong. thc scholarl.l, pastor' cl' Ilrotrtlrt'a.v IInir-ct'silv irr Jleir.ul. [,rrllnnan. lorr't tl. pt'ivltc st hools 1l'int'i1ial lrlrrt of lris crfircl{ion at rvelc sugrpor{r:rl in frrll, itt ot'igirt. Norv thought of ns ('ollogr, 'l'ltet'c llelhodist Clrrrrt-'h in Indiannpolis, tltrr clistingttisltctl vis- llc spcalis exccllr.ttI I']nrllislt n'illt \\'(,t'c trtlirt{lincti frorrr slutlcnt Wlttlhlrrr irr ox[or.rl. tvas a [ot't1 6f slpport irr r\r'abic in r,rrltrrrt', rnlny rnenrbers fces atrd othol plivaltr 'rics; I lt. has bccn a rvor.kcl itr tlur It,ssor rlr'gtcr' pt.ivatr. iiors tttirdt-.other ttplreil'iulces. Ilitclt ottr.' gi,\'c a Icc{ttt'e l slirllrt tnu'r' of acclttl iltal is (]ltrisiiurt, {irl sclrools, of lhis It'ih1r 1v1'11' :r1tl Zionist to llte sludettts :rttclfacttlly nt l\[nrian Collegc. l]r. 'Sclirtr loil he l i:lnr:lish nol r\rncricln. t ltr'1' t'cr:civt'rl no srrppolt flrrnr rnovcrrrcnt sincc tltc hrr. ryhclhct t)allrolic. i\lrrskrrn, ot. nrosl wcrc

- Blrlarge clrllrlaim-s' - Itroposc ttrition - ;',',r1"- fisg,rllitls aitl Urges urore lr,,rrsing n,llore \'iii:lj;i lxrblic ! ?lringr Ate V roaght by THE VATICAN lerests" in consitlering public thc foraigncr's eountry does not of both rcligious botlies callctl Than Thh Vqld Dreanu ol-? housing. llc s:ritl the community sanction divorce,'l-he amcndment upon statc artthor.ities to iucrcase "lrrovida lras a rlnty fo for tha was over tlre veto presi- Dasscrl of lheir protccti0n of the ftmily by ncods t)f intli"'itltt:tls rvlto havc tlent- victor Paz Estcnssoro, giving it nrore nrntcrial cconomic ploblcms, insufficient and spir- ctlucation ol fcrvcr natuiii atrili- I REell'E, Brazil .- Passengers itttel sttplxrrl' 1l'lrey partieularly {.ies lhan tlrc'il ftllorv nrcn," antl crotv alxrard the hijaikcd ulged bctter housing, just wagcs, ABRoAD Liillll-ilii:,,iff","fill",",,ltX:l l:-,i:*',:,1:1ff,,;-l\','"'lli;:,,;:{l;:l rrntcr, but they still hatl the t\Iass. '.|'lrc airl to Jaruilies rviilr nr;rny' clril- ?1,000.ton ship has g per. dr.an. tnatrcnl chapcl, and Friher Xav. ier lrigoyen, of Oyarz.in, Sp-ain, AT HOME tu'ns altroatl as chaplain for tlre A Ototc: of pilsscngcrs antl cLr:rv. 1'lrc .Span- ?txt UND|NCS ish pliesl. had signcrl on thc Santa 13.50.$4.7s-$6.s0 i\lat'iir fo bcconte atlcpt" in spcak. !10.00rnd $12.50

ltlg ltortuguesc. a Holrloorn rrVhlte lrldd tdlrlon nf iIS.OO

The EDWARD OTOOIE CO., INc. 19 Pork Plocr Qo -To - Estin' | 1,li:0l,cjl,l)\'ll,t,l,l -- t,'rrotl uiltl lrcrlic:rl supplics florn thc rvolkl- l itlc t't,licl' ag(lttcy of r\rrrt'r'icln (latlrolics lr:lve hr.en rrrsherl Io Ilrrr (]rrnAo, rvlrelc lurn


tradition, fhe AFL.CIO hae at leasf lhis advanlage .s it movei into this fiold."

hlhi* i. a vcr,J' irlrportant c()n- sirlcration tront lhe point of vierv and l.$5t1, r'e- noI ottly of thc Anrerican lalxrr versirrg a Ir'enrl Why union membershipis declining nrovemenl but of thc nation as a tltat hud cxisletl ryhole. ll. rvoultl bc t'cry unfor- lbr alntost lrytr 'l'ltis rlt'ttlrpr'd nltttost Iir c l)cr cent antl olhlr changcs in thc diffcrc'rrccs tunalo for all of us i[ Anrcrican dccades. lrctu'ccn rrrhitc and (flrrnr ?i).? per ccltt 1o ti7.8) nn(l (), unl(rns \t'el'e to ilttculpt to or- lly l1/itfr. George tliggitts socirl anrl ccononric stattrs oi blrre (:ollirl One of llttr tt'otkcrs tlo eris[ irt gauizc llurt rvltilc collal ernplol'ces in ctclicitl anrl trchnical tyolkers eitlrcl nranual antl rvhitc principrrl i'e :r- 'l'ltis thc t!nilerl Stltcs . , ccrtilirlly lilct()fi0s Lttse ftrrtn l!).tl l)ot' cent tltltt leittls r\lr. lilssakxv to conclutlc-- colllrl u,orkt,r's on thc basis of sons this; rlr- 'l'ltc trniorts, llc x1l1ls, ltrtrvcvrtt'. rrls lxrssibh,Imc ear.licr, for ittct't'itst' ilursc tlifli'r'onccs ar.cn't'class class tlislinction- Io it l.l) 1tt't' ct'ltt. usc of ttetv tvhen wlritc atirl I arn inclirrtxl [o agrcc*-llrat e line ltlts hr:t n Mr. Kossalow's lcnfalivc con. tlris rvill r'erluirc llrtr collirr rvor,k n'ls of arr tluling ihis satttt'Irt:t'i0tl itt lttrr "ottctr tJ pa"' It ll,rrultl lrt: eqrralll' unfoftrulat{r. artrl iuraginfltive rlrg{tltizilrg tttuh- ittrlivirlrral clrll'ilctcr. but, as l\lr. llte tttnin lt0tl1' of thc labor arrrl Io tlrc lultlrol fact tlte lailurr' of rlusionr will bring rmall "unlikt' hon,c\ r-.t', nunrbct oI Irt'oftssionitl, Ict:ltrricitl ;r gt'cltl, Klssolorr' points ,'r\luclr tno\'cnl('nt blinl.ls icsulf to f acc gloll_ il cnrlrlo]'cls in this t h e Atrr:r'icirtt nirlrres, ilrc experrrlitulc rrf orrt, ol thn[ tltc lirllrl fctt. ltits ltt't'tl romforf lo thoss who would colilltr)' tve|r: lrrttl kirtth't'd rvot'kers rleirl of en(.fll1', arrrl sorrrr, ftf lhis pt eulirr. llris prnlrkrru of orgtnizing rvhitc kr rlisc0ttt'age or inbot' rnot ctttenl trl rlt';qiutizt srt like lo think that thc American inrlivitlrrllit.y lrirs ol ittrons ol l,lrrlopr', llrr r\1,'f,,Cl() grroprrltirrnitlt'll' gt't'iltt!r tltnrt llte "stluctulnl iltt0iltlll lu {lrc t_rrganiza. rcuching flt:c-lillirr[" lrecn tlisirplloalirrg i1r lrr iltlxrr'tau[ t:ollirr rvorkcls. it l'on't be as .wolkirrg 1r|uIrIrt cllled rvhitt collirr \(orli(,i's, ${to lrbor movcmenl is pernrenenlly h:rs Itcvrrl htrrl a ltrrt'ely irrrrteast in tltt nutnltct'ol clct'ical past tlifficull. :rs s()ulo peoplc lravc tion ol rllritr: collar.antt tcchnical on the decline end also lo lhose on lltc of tbe r\[,'1,.(]lO. l)ilf[ of r\trrcrican ilrlustry." At class' stirtnp trllott it," noty otttrrtttttlrel lrlttt eolltr' lot'k- lnrt kiitrlt'trtl *'ltiie collar wolkci's' , itnagittctl ol' fc;lle(1." thc lln,srut tirrrc. lrc nrul irrucs, $'()t'k{}rs, ll.v appe aling to tleir lobor leaders who wqold llke lo a "olltr... rlrs alld arc rlpitlll incrtlsintl. at o "hvslnosr lintls lnll,lo "To put think thol ll vsual" \\'lry slulrltl rvltilc t'ullat'tttttli- ll:tttct'ir's of a it anolher wayr,, says spit'i1- ol' cllss rronsciousncss. tf "exlttrltl'e" 'l'ho lot' tlte hrture 'l'ltele "the tltr: ol ntitttil:tl \\'t)l l'ol's. srllnit'icattt:e ct.s lic orgltttizt'tl? I'ct'ltitps tlul elt'r'lrs, Pttttclt citt'tl oporillrtl's, is no need herc [o slloll Mr, Kossolow, lreditional will cvrnlurlly reverlc flrc cur. ernlrlrrlr:r's $'{}rc to tr'1' l.o tl.ive n of llrc lmde uttiuu tttot.t:tttt'tt{ ol ollt lurtt' (-rIrrll in lltc nlirrtrrlilctrrrtrtil scctot' renl decline in membership. ltcst lrrstvcr is to ask tvhl'thc.r' (:rtnrptunrclttl rrJx'r.ttrl's, tnrl tlrc llte Anrclican trtriorts rocialists, and in a fcw cases '.1'lttt.ttrittitl rvt:tlgc ltctrlcur hlue collar l lrcst iin(l rclalcd occttpittionitl ouglrt kt go :ibout facirrg this Marxist or neo.Mrrxisl wot'k" e(j()noull., slruttltln't lrtr 0r'grittizcrl. likr_', rrnplol,t,rl hv ilrarN, firrnq. tradi- oi lhc slrills irr tltt ;\tttt'tit'tttl tcolloll4' ers arul ,llt'. l(lrssaklv belicvcs tltnt; ilns\\'(,1' l0 tlrc lal{ar' (lu(.sli(rll,i.s pttlllt'nr. Srrfiie c il. to sity thitt tions and history whirh clinss u'lrite collar rvolkels lhel' llt't'lintiturt'y ('slnltlt('s ittt{itlltr \\'irs pitirtstuliitt;111' rtnall'rctl lt1' 'rvrrkr't'.: llt,r.c 1111,sDccial iltlivirhrll eorr- (,llc rt'hilc collitl rvrrt'ktrt's-irtclttrlitrt{ lltitt tt'lrilc ('olllt' iu r' lttll-v lhol' hnlc l)ig atlt,nrtl,ir11t:or.cr. lo some of lhe greal European u'ottltl ltc rnaliing tlrc sirrtrc kiltd ol' llrat rlttIittg llrr' pil\l r't3ltt l{\ orclt liass;tkrn-. l)it't'ctot' tttl stl(}llitle\{ or cllllrl(:t{}l'isiies of rnln;' of llrr: unions lultt's plo[r'ssiounl nrtrl tt'clurictl rvolk- c;rpallle of qrlotcc{irr1.1 tlteir rru'ir ol. Wcstclrr lradc union cenlers. giver lftem nristlrli,: llritl. Ir)ll{}pean llalxists tltc nttntller of rttrrrrrritl11qrt(t't's ltt lk\srrart'h tbr tlre .'\t"1,"(.lf O lft]G- cls-=-shoukl be. anrl cventttally intcrests h.l' nrenns rrf inrlivitlrral Ilte white cttllirr wot'kcl itre rlis- l'.rtlopc. nlr. Kassulorv proletarirt errilrhlr- on induslrial idenli. Llvc lrcgll nrlking for. rtt:rtty gel- lll t' ll t lli;rl liniott IJcpaLtntcnt, in i rvill bc organizutl into llonn litle halglirrirtg. ltl4tlulilg,', "wlrile rtrnrtttfactttt'ittg r. tn 1l I o ) sizcs thul. sonl$ olticial licalion. Lacking this part and efalt0ns, I FAiIIILI' CUATK: lUlass(alendar . nooKs p[' rHE*ilO(,rR By iEV. ROB€RT U HOVDA riurorv,rrt.rrq'rin,r$. rlll_ , t I . A dilemrna ,,,r:tlt!,.iiliillq,ti,r,td1i;I ne Stofy --J ()[ a Slave- pr)r'plexitg :1T:',l1\"itt;1Tilxiu'lli.,il DftnCeSSI:- 8y JOHN L. THoMAS. S.J. lrou is thut llrt'r't. iu'c no allsolute cvrll slrallorve r viarv thrl, trly r:r'ilt,ri;r fol jutlginil liqltt altl tttti{ltllor's rtrot'll r:rrtttlttr't is ttonc ot' My problenr ir llre rigltl rvrrrrr{- l,h't'tl ortt, is ft'ct to follon' ol' trt}' (:()rlr'(lnr su lrtlrg as ltrl vcry ",'111151'j1rv11r1" wronE of rllorYing r close Iris rtrr'tt ;itttl h:nrl h'itvt's lnt itlorttr. relltive to live under our roof i{ his rrrvn l1fr.'. plor irk'tl he rlocs ttot Yott uray bu tuuttltl'irrg wh1" llll'il'1,.,':',ll.iL';l:""'ll,t'il.: :ho ir keeping conrparrY with nnd i';ihi:,:,lliill;::i16l li:.li lrtt r'lrltr *ith olhcls, I'r'e iurlulsctl itt tltis rlisctrssiotr oI enlerlrining itt ouf hotttc ir nlarF z\lllrtrrrgh flrIisli:rtts l)oss0ss i trtlrr'ant:c. I think it strts.r'our ried mrn who is slill living with it;rlti"lti[mlUt"tiirlriili*liTnj#;il i,'*r::l,xrIi:ir*,t'iirt rlt,littr'rl s0{ of ll()t'nts ii!.,'fiiliitixiriil*i;liii::ii:i,,i,riilrtrr,:,:"Xi* th'ittl.r' ll()\'- In'erblcrn in contt'.tt. \ orrl hus- his wife, I linrlly followed nty ct'rrirlg ltrllll cottrlttct. hon' 0t.i;lli(|il \\'f. lia\.e I JackMathews & Sonll iit;T"i1fitll?*:i anr:c, prrblic sintrcr.s tyho nrakc PLETE Daily Miosal lor gooct pt'rrplr.ulro hrllt to irrriltl trrrtl rrrtirr, frlcrrd rr SaEond Clt$ r mrlltf rtrl I a nrockcr.\' of malital lt FRIDAY, Fe'o, lI .-- l litlrr.r' "Pray fidclitl. alt: I naOlo & TV Po3t otfic.. Indirnroolls, Ind. tain scrrrirrirlit's .rtr{l llo\ iriiil('rj tllrougll olls, Every Catholic to fhe opcn15' accclrtetl anrl cstccnrcrl as 't'"',1,,'l''1.'X,il'";iili'i,,,( 't'. I (lues 0l ()nr' {i1)llilt :l Dt()l}til seDt tr) snrrs rynrond 'r. fVlass" wiih greater ease 6nd il. ilrt'il nroral violatiolls \\'cl'c il .r lii:':: ill-v1g'- ,ro,*no,Berr. -Rav-mond I I t | | IlDlTOtlS: underslanding. rvlrulll plilirle lfllir, of no (:()tr. r,aL,.c'.r' riurtirur'i.t,s, rho I I cAR tney, Rev. I cet'n to a Cht,istinn eolllluurril\-. rttitttlsorr-ir.islia'sitttltt'sc.'1:::,i:l l._;,.,;,,-ll | ffii,r:"t*;].:r:%:hl3.it9$t,: No. 810'I3-Deluxe. blach plctc tr:iinii!:l or'a sctninltt.itttl,Sti0tlr oI (S:i00!. RADto l)oherrv. [IichaelIlichnelf goltl ...... t8.50 a uovice \l'llflt_ \\'lral it is itl 0l'rlct' to stil' li Itr't='^ llli"nt.r k'lther. edgcs... ntorlels rvc lru.kl rrp tor. orrr. l EDlTutl: I rr-t't'ltclp J(ru riM {itr itt tirtr grt::it $ilr'h of ltr.epar.irrgpr-iestr ,y.1i$-ig$rg?i$Kii Olher Bindinss,13.79. fJ,00 . 17.00 chilth'cnl .\nrl as hl chalitl., ror.\,c. uis rrris,,,,-,,ii,i',"lliil REnATR ill'ro-Jlll,tnl"* tERl'lslN(i I Inrl loliriorrs rlill Irlirrrr you nruoh molit. StS,l'lilR ClllrlNE and I u'ill the siuner tc<:civc auy cn- scllloss, sact'ificial, lhal. lrll ottt' I Mororolo oncl Zenith sales ond servico I I .ttrtNrfC'Dnl iimes T. Brady. SiSl'i.lli \'.\l,l.l\ l'l\lil ir|e rrorit'es oI tha SILVATOIIIi\\ I r\IISL courilgclllclI \r,ar.rl pcuanccs itntl p|itr:ticcs, ut-o portoblc to ill)iln(lon his cr il 1 Rodior 3 I SION.\ llY Sl S'llllis irr' Lli tlA\ ON ; (.i!tr)lt(i ll N{ftA.t'tIIp:\- | Pricc 14,00i tcrr,..., rvn.vs i[ his lictions tllatv no dis. 'lilfil It,\IIlltt. srrtl ,l()ll\ liUZIllll.\N\tL ar.e stutlents for.tire p,[rili'.c*i]J"l"F"'ii.' apploval flonr thc goorl? ciso-r.r0-rh s-rreef ptiesthoerl iili'il'l ll1',i';,*i;)"'i,,;;l':l I | | :rt S.\ll;'l .JOSIil'lt'S StllllN.\R1'ln INDI.\. Couid ft'rL' 6'5555o'Jccl d'Lr';-!islr"f*"fti""' ( Father Thomas is unable to IurrnirrrIttttttittt rlcsiucs,tlcsitcs, is llrellte lcssorrlcssott tr[trl I| | [ yoll }ral'ftil llrc rrltrt:ltioll of on{'or'thesc bo)'-rot'girls? t# --'-l give personal replies.l todirl's .\lass, bul thc lore ul- cttcntics,oItItcotttcast,trftlte\3i'f]''.:g'.e:',*.',,8.' oLrur,; r.irri"* puor'. THE ST. JOSEPH Could -rou rerrtl .r donatlon-. t 'l'o l, llelt, brrild or nraintalu n Chrrrch, School, Hospltal? Invocation change '1, 'fo SUNDAY MISSAL etlttt'attr i senlinilrif,lt or I noviee? New Sunday Missal complele for 'fu ptotitltr jllisslon il. a S;rcrcrl .lrticla Ior a Churelr..) Sundays and Feast f)ays, ,1, 'l'0 lrt lp us ('ilre for ||alestirre Rclugees:l Gloriously illustraled, 480 pages. gratt I tlissioulrics n'ill be I UsHrR rl:l--ltlack ful for any sncrifice that you ;{dkfl*$qfu"r1ilortcllctl Uirtr, lccrrltling to tlto gttltl mighl N(). ti2(l lt'atltct', th.tlt (lospcl, 'tiic (-'hlr"- mak6 lor rnd for lhrlr l'ork during thc lcnten Serson. wclc sar ctl. ! ,' t'rlgos. gol

lN INDIANAPOLIS, Thousandia, let's call it**there no deancry "faithftrl" rvottld bc tit) ,\urncrn lt'sitlcnts l,ikc the irr chalge ol winners wcre known at this writ- (lirtholirr high schools, Nolth antl and 9.10 non-r\nl{}ri{.ilns. Il:tlf ol ing. St. Catherine met St. Joan of plal' the l1onty of lhLr Lllltirtr colllutl- Soutlr, lhat it coy on taking "A" Arc lor the championship at nity rvoukl [rr: [rattkqd l)y tho ti() Nt'fit'o ttPPlieants' "[nitlrful" Sceeina Tucstlay ovening, rvith St, Anrericans; thc C'lt) olltels u'otthl I-ilic llre (of J'ottt' Rita and Little figlrt for llrc lcst. Itru'n:') rt'lur rnywhere, any lime, l'lower matchinr: Asstrming a daily inconrrr of irr any nranner, cottvcnicntl)' iA- ()l' ilrt'o' MARIAN CAGER - Sophomore $1000 for tltc rvlroL' crrr)lruilllil), noro, flrrtl,v cottlt'ittlict. Miko Noone will be in rire Marian each .{rttr:t'icutt rvottltl gtockr.t gililll.v (k'[]' tltt' efernal tt'ae ltittg College starting lineup when Cage charnps all the dotcr:mined $8.llil; thc tron-;\rroricals u'oulrl ol.{lrc utrir.r't'sitl Clrttl'clr tltat tit, Lcon, L)carlroln CountS', L) (iurl's meet Hunlinglorr Collcso each t'ceeive 5:l ccrrls por ql;r1'. {}f men ilro crlrra! itt sigltt, lltat Lan'rcncchurg rleancry Junitrr Knishtr 'I'elr.e on lhe Mrriari floor lomorrow thc J000 citizcns, lii0 u'ottkl ttot lrc nll men ltavc a tiglrl lo Iifc, lib' kings, nrcct St. I'ah'ick of 'l'he Feb. ll, irr a traditional Cltt'isliittts, itnrl nrotc thiln 5(|t) r'ftJ. iltlrl l)tlt'sllll tlf lt;tppttttlss, Il:rutc at :l:30. last girnrc of evenins, in cage rivalry. Inclianapolis leagucs rvortld ncvcl hlvc hcltri of Jcsus regardless ttl'titt'c ttt cttlor. thc nftclnoon fcalulcs St, [Iary of Christ, u'hilc lhcl' rvoultl bc ht'ar'- ll iclr nrunrl. a lriglt{y toutcd club ,I,he St. Ilhilip's hald-r'unning clerv not availalllc for. ilris issuc rrf ing plcntl' about Conrnrunism rnd ott tltc basis of trvo 80.point pcr- \lon HOLY TRlNlTy,S the l{}60-01 Indiannpolis Crilcrion. At,ciderrl,, , . fottttilttt:os itt rlenncry lt60 .{r.clulio_ Kurl trlar'.r. conlpcti- ,lunior.Scnior Leagrre tiilc at con[cst ccsart Scttiot' clritrtrllions lr,;reatrrl ifltc r\ tttt't'icit tr f l rrril ios rlottlrl hr: tion, nntl thc other. Intlilrnapolis Quiz Scccina Jantrary 31, ST, CHRISTOPHER 'l'1rc llto Nerv Albarry bcatins St. tvon thc lttrng nran in tltc convt'rt- winner ( ngain, not. knoln 'lLrcy..wt'r'clj] rft,4qpl.y, spcnding SEir0 1t 5'cnl' ott str:ak lirt' ). cathcrino, 5l-4g. in the charriilion. ilr)rlrsl)ilt(,rl tiuc irr [)ivision ()ne illlc nrarlt (lrntc r pictul'c at tltc 'I'ltc .ioincr,l lty St. Antlroriy 'l'he rvatch-dogs, their' {ilst linc setni.final nntl final rorrnds ship gatrte. ncw artrl autornltically nrovcrl lheir lrof...Cla.r'ksvrllc, Jurrior,vinneli, clrampiorrs into thc slol)ligllt ls ltt' $':titt'tl fot' ltts nt Scccina Sundny, li'cb. lg. rvill oI rlcft'nsc', llrrtlct'r'r', tlre.r' rvottltl rvith tttatlo accrrlacy at tlre lrca thlol charrrpronship glrnc, rvlrit'h rvas grecn liglrt. l,ifc loohctl to 'l'cll rlas I'cco|(l the Catlct scnri-finals anri ltcip $ootl llralch thc rvinncfs frorn Citv Iinc off in pltl'etl spcnd ltss than S.l a lerr to linals to bc playerl lray thc titlc conlest. this Wcdncsday at Scccina. Irirn, lorr, irl. Iltis lttrittt, atttl itll rvns lrttrl lntlilnirpolis (lroth Sunday. ln tcll ihc othr.r's o[ thr (iood Nc*'s rlivisionsj IIol,v I)ivision'l'\\'() was tttr:rtllocketl llc' Lnrvlcnccbulg, St, I,orris of Nantc, unrler-ratcrl all lt'rl' rvell. llc stuiltd as ltc tc- ONLY SENIOR in lrflolrroorr serni.finul ilatcs_ about .lt'sus Chlist. THE contost r{:llnosr scason, ovcrcanrc twe-ctt l,atin St'ltool ltnd Otlf La(ly nrentbelctl ltorv Itis lathcr lrttl ltitl villc lrlokc a lorrg stlilltj of Liitv- tougS opposi. ()llviotrsll', 1ilil{elr0s St, l)rttl atttl ltrtnutt'ttlatc wilh tlrc Juniol finalists pllying oI Lrrttl'dt's..tvith tlttr l.rvo pla5'ing tltt'tinros urc out of cn try field lcrrcchulg triurnphs antl cnrclgcrl liott to coyr thc In

Never Cold Agoln" St. Philip Ncli Junior CYO will sponsor a trIartli Glas lccolrl lrop IITZEtMAil on'lucsrlll', Ireb. l,l, in thc palish Wq*^Sffi gl'nl,530 N. Eastcrn A','c., flom Coal& Oil Corp, 8 to 11 p.ln. r\ll .Iunior CYO'ers ,,OUR in the cit:. arc inlitcd. School OIL HEAI . . . CAN'TBE BEAT" clothes ale applopliate. Kathy Cirifiin and Xathl'Kcllv ar.r c0- M"" " rlrltN. Holmcr ME, 7.13l 8 chairnten. i\rlurission is 5{) ccnts o,,^I';;-" pcr pcrs()n. l;,Y-i,]?;, THE CRITER|ON, FEBRUARY t0, lg6l PAGE SEVEN

Tha eerlilll workr of God'r endowments. The dcvils possess That is what makes it go hard crealion which arc known lo ur I keenness of intellect and a for us really to understand the power 'liiie (Ha hasn't neccssarily lold ur over nature sriuir as is trn. natul'e of devils. The fallen known to mere ntan. everylhing) rrr fhc engelq. An angcls irre pure spirits without borlies. They are completety lm- ansal is r splril-that'ir, e beingt All fheir cloverness and pow- matclial, When they set their wifh en Intelligoncr end r wlll, Gr .re dirocled now toward rvills against God by their .et of bul withoul e body, wilhouf any kccping from heaven lhe rcbellion, they embraced evil dcpendencc rl all uPon millar. whlch era deatlned for , lhat (which is rcjection of God) iGod alone can place. Thc cffortc of lhc dovils with create- their cntire nature. A devil is 100 err ccerclsssly direcled loward pcr ccnt cvil, 100 per cent hatred, locding humans inlo their own without cvcn the faintest pinpoint palh of rrbollion againrl God. Actually, of course, ws know of good anywhere in his being. In ofhcr wordr, we ray lhal the rboul "creale" "m!ka liltlc ebout thc angek, davilr lompt uc lo commil rin. Noi fho least To merns io of lha horrorr of their inner nrlurc or lhc degrac will be lhe soul.t conrfrnt out of nolhing." Only God, We do not know exacily the ol dlsline tion bqlween fham. and inoscapable artoclollon Whose power in infiniie, crn do Iimit of their power. We do not Wo do nol cven know how mrnY wilh lhese spirih whoro unro. lhal, Accuralely speaking, only know hoq much eontrol'they have of fhem lhore lro, rlthough rha lieved malice it e llvlng rnd rn God can creote, over natufe, how mrrch they ntay Biblc indlcales fheir numbor ir aclive force. 'l'ltt'r'e "Thousandg be able to steer the course of alc scientists torlty wlto very greall of lhou- natural events so es to bring us In this lifc we are uncomfort laltor paticntlf in lalroralories, lo hlim, end scnds minislered up against a temptation-the "crcala" ablc anrl unhappy if we find our- hoping to ncrv lilc in a ten lhoL,sartd limes a hundred point at whieh we mrlst nlakc a sclves even bricfly in tesl {ttlrt. ()\'01' ;ln(l r)\'r.r Aglriil, lhousrnd slood beforo Hlm," the com- decision between God's will antl pany of a manifcsily evil person. lhrottglt l'rrprrl{L\(l frilttt't s, thcy :ryr lho Book of Danlol (lll0). our own rfill. We harrtly can bcar nrix thcit' thr'rrrir'als antl t'c- to tbinl what it rvoukl bc like itt'lnrtgo tlteil rrrnloctrlcs. We do know that lhe rlcvil can to be linked for all e{clni{y rvith Whelthcl or not thcy nray sonlt\. never force us to cornmit sin. lle a living deprav. rty wltosc conrpletencss tll1, bc successfttl in s1'rrtltosizittg cannot get lnside the human sotrl and driv. folt:e are n livinq ct'll. I rlo turt kturrv. Ilut and manipulatc it to suit hirnself. !r,g immeasurably bcyond those clcn if theit' pitticnet' shottld hc I{e cannot destroy our fraotlorn of of the most corrupt NOWADAYS there is tnutrlt fnn- God mado lha rngelr wiih hunran. choice. lle cannot, so to speak, so tcwnttlt'rl. lhey still rvill not. "nten lrec willr ro lhey might bc "crtulcrl" 'l'ltey eiful lalk Rbout fronr "Yes" .,ve hale rtcrv life. make tts say rvhe n r.Ve rrn lrarrlly bear l\luls."'lhosc supposed inhalri" copcblo ol mcklng lhelr rct ol "No." to think ot l'ill havc hct tt u'ot'kinrt, all along, really want to say Brrt lrc it-l-rrrt u'e slrould do tarrts of our ncigltboring plnttet love, lhoir cholcs ol God. Only so, at lesst rrith rn:rltrials s,lticlt (lorl ltits is an atlvcrsary hcalthily to bc 0ccasionally. Our great present t rusu;rlly nlc reprcscntcd ns lroing lfter lhoy had donc ro would provirlctl. fcared and respected. tlangr-rr from thc devil is rrrrrch nrole intolligcnt anrl porvcr- lhey see God frce lo face; only THEIR HATRED is cven nlore that we lhen would lhey cnlcr inlo lhri rna.v lcl. orrr.srlvcs forget that he WHEN GOD clrntt s llc ltlts no ful thatr rvt-' eat'tlt-llotttttl ntortals. runtlclstanrlablc irr thc light of the is I living antl active Ilrrt cvrltt thc ntost ingt'ttitltts everlasiing union with God lxrlicf thaf (iotl cruatod the hunran force in tha ncod of ntnte lirtls ot' torrls to n'ot'k 'heaven." which we clll plccisuly rvollcl. u'itlr. IIe sinrpll' wills th:rt n thing * r'iter of sc'icnce liction r'ould racc to rcplace ths "l,ot justice slttrttkl lrc'-nrtd tltt'rc it is. ntvcr rlo to tlre blcnth- anllcls rvho sinnt:rl--to fill the gap AN . EVEN GREATER dangeT tlod in the ttliirr( l)ciltrt), lhc surl)assing in hcavcrr krfl. hy thcir dcfccticn. therc be liclrt." saitl ls that rve llray let ourselves be "attd intelliAence, and the lrenrt:nrlous Wlttltt tltcl' sinnr:rl, i[c bcginning. tltet'o rvns lillltt. iallcn influcnecrl hy ilre intcllectual lre fittttittttcrtt in po*'er oI an nngel, If this is tnre angcls lost nonc of thcir natural (Continued , , . Let lltt't'e a on fiage g) lho nrirlst o( tltt'n'lters," srtid of thc lorvcst ortlor of the angelic "antl (iotl, so it u'as" ((iett, host - the propclly s0- ,I:TIE Theirr wrr whal we would . .l::t. {i). cnlletl-rvhat shall rve say of lhe LIFE OF OUR LORD call o eold.blooded sin. By nsccnrling ordtrs ol prrre s|ilits Nrrt trnlf i.c it Gtttl's ct'eatilc their deliberafe and fully eware rvho arc above the f,ngcls? u'ill thrl lras lrt'ortgltt all tltinAs reiecf ion of God, fheir wills 'l'he1' iilto esistottca, il ls (;()(l's tvill ttlso x16 idcntified for us irr thc werc fixed rgrinsl God, fixed \' f lhnt kcepr thcnr in esistencc. If Ilible ns arclrangcls, prirtcipali- forever. Fer lhem fhere war A --: _l ,]') Gtrd \rfrc ttr u'itlttlt'atv llis stls- tics, polcrs, virtucs, donrinnlions, no lurning brck; lhey did:rof tlirtitttl rr'ill fi',trrr arrv ol llis crclt' lltlotttts. cltr,t'ttbittt nntl scrrpltitn. wrnl lo lurn Lrck. Their choico /\rrse and lear nOtl Irrlr.s, llr:rt lt'11' tttslant lhe cft'a' It is quitc possillle llrat nn nrclr- wal mnde for elernity. Therc ccrtst' lo cxisl: it lngel is rs tnuch abovc an burnr in lhem everlasiing Bv F.J' SHEED Iur'e rrrurld rn faith... hearts blindcrl... eyos [n otherrvords, it isnotaques. bur'k tttlo tlre notlrinA- in perfcr:tions as hn angel is halred rvorrltl flll for God and ell Hir not seeing (trlark pe{cr',,Iarnas antl ,lohn . . . eilrs doaf" lion of Orrr Lorrl's power but of ncss flonr ultttlt it cantr. above man, workr. hatl bcen 'l'ransfig- VIII.!.7'18). nfrlid ott tltr: Nlourrt of Ilis qucstioncr"s, not ean IIs heal ttratiott (Itlattltrlrv XVII, ilIark lltrt lrrry, lrut can IX) !'aith, for Our Lorrl, is l5c tc,st, the father be. --;tfraid llt]\'e rvhcn tltcy sarv Our Lorrl faith is the kcv. I\liracl.s u,r, u.t tllat Ile can. Flverything de. atrtl Mo,scs:rttd pr:tuls "If Illias rll rvhite,anrl nrrrrely acts of *,,t,.r_i,un,,,n upon 1hat. yorr can be, Ittmitrous, afraid rvlrcn tlrc. clorrd licvc, cll. thing,s po*or, but or lroru"i ;";;i;;; ,are ,possible." rt't'lllpcrl ()ur Lord's tltcrrr rorrnrl, aflaid wlren iaigr. iha faitlr of't5e,,,fi.".." "? rvorrlg li{tcd the man thc ft'ottt llte vcry Voit:e sounrkrrl {ronr the cloud. of liose who love tl,; ;l;if-..;. erlge of incredulity ()ne \Vitlt a totrch of fiis hantl and thc it is fronr to of tlre tjrcatest crieg of ".r\r'isc t5c l'n.ti',. fl,,,f'riin u.oi'

--,,'-.---- -\ Yct ltius XII states that accorrr. At thc foot oI thc nrountain tt" "shoukl lnorlation bc rrsctl rvitlr lltt'trr *as a gleat crorvrl gathercd, modelation and lcstlaint" and :rtt

!11ililIilililfi ilil1ilfi ililililil[fl tililil1ililililmmililg rililil1ililil1ilililililililililililuilililil1ililmililiililtr = ITbaio.t altd. = CALENDAR Lourdes ,Dumen =aDa.r= ffi ,flilmuilililtililil[ililililtUilmilil||il1utililililililt1 = Jeteau&tl = selrcdule 'i$ frttiltrrrrrlurrrrilililililililtilillilnililllilltrtrrtttrtnrrii F€BRUARY IO retreat Firh, Shrlmp and piur at Erodus . , tkrrrls rvilh llrt: Sa- i,r forrnrlui.ion cred Heaft Cafeteria, :t"f00 S. ) l "'."t of tltc rnorlet'n state fiJeridian of l.sr:rtl, rvhiclr St,, from i to ? p.nr, is not; only an Carry outs. iutt nscly th'rrrrr':rtic, ncnrly con, tertrporar.v historie ll ct orit but i,i :tlso oltc lhlt lrls n(!\,ot lJc()n sil[. St, Rite,r Soil t egins at ti:U0 isfactoly exploitcrl on the sct,rrcn. ;r.rrr.in thc hall, .t9th and 'l'ltc r\r'senal. llrrrlk's essrrltial tlpllitl,, irr othcl u'rrltls, is 1 scrrsc of hi.sirrrv in tlrt rrrlrkirrg rr.hit.lr ilrc filrir A Fish Fry *iTruO Socicl at ? lirnr. ploprlrly rrstrl, c:ul (,aplilf(l at lloly Nanre in Iloech Gr.ove. nu)ra! xlllllr' arrrl cxcitingll, t1.rr iul!' o{lt{rt' rncrlirttrt r)r rr)il)t,r,r.si()n. FEBRUARYII Thc Sclurday On tlrc olltcr lrirrrrl. piutllrcttrr -. . Social al. Ilrrly Closs llr,girrsat p.ru. rl;r'cr:ttlt' [,t'etttilger tttrt:I ltitt,rr ti::10 irr thc pru'ishhlll, illl lJ, Clirltirl lnroln t lrirt. tlre projcct \r1s s[, Itenvily krn<1x,1 *,'lttr brrrrhy Ira1rs. 'l'ltr':ittlr.ier'1, FEBR.UANYI? is lorr lri.1 to lre SPEAKER crrtu. Two Cerd Parficr, p,ru. t'd atlc11uittt,11,.scr,rr ilt at ? irnd t filur llurl 7:ii0 p.rn. in St. Anthony'spar,islr ttll'tts ()ttt lo lrc 1s lo1l.l tts ti{tnr! hall, ll7!)N. \yaruran Ave. Wi{h lhtr \\tirrrl. ll is ulso in- t'st:;t1labl.1- ttrtri itrsrrlttlr[, c{)1t!.(r, rt'rsill. llolcor.cf, Ilro lrurrli. {lrurrqlr it soltl :r lrtt nf r,rrpicr:i11111 MAP FESTIVAL PLANS-Liltle Flower parish, Indianapolis, will llrrrrclirrc coultl ltc rtorrrrt,.rrl "Fun orr to lpoltsor c Ferfival" in the school rudilorium on February 10, plt'sell u lot rtl rnor,ir_.ticliels, con. ll and 12. Proceedr will benefit lhe church ronslruclion {und. Dis. lains :r gorrtl tlcll oll inclrl, fictiun FEERUARY cussing plans, rbove, are, lefl lo right: Rev, Robert Borclrertnreyer, I{ tl'itilrg uhiclr rro anl{}ull[ ol'tloe- Ted Kolbers, general chairman. Mrs. Mary Tierncy ancl Tirnolhy Thl Socirl at lloly Angals Iot'ing liu' sct'r'cu pul.posts (:illl BRUTON stlr'ls at {i;30 p.rn, in r:trl Walsh. the school ilcll' trlirninltt'. hlll, 2ttth and Northrvesteln. TAX 'l'hc SERVICE filrrr ctrrhotlies botlr iltr 427 East l6ih Street tiltrres irrrrl thc fnrrlts th;rl \itl.c tr| Littlc Floweficiat l,regrusar (lururorriznl l6tl, ftd Crntrrt llrr lxpt't'tcrl tttttft'r tlr. r,irt.rrnt. Finance clinic iorr scl. $:3{, p.ur, iu thc auditru'iunr,t4ilr slilllces. lts our trnl'ailirrg

THE NAME'5 TH€ SAl|lE-Mrr. Arthur Miller rnd her deughter, Mirr Winifrcd Ann Millcr, both grrduafet ol $f. John Acricmy, Indienapolir, rrc rcrving on lhe planning commllfec lor lhc rccond rnnual Sl. John Accdemy Alumnrr Communion Braekfarl. Tho brerklarl will ba held in fho Sheraton"Llncoln Holol at II:lI r,m, Sunday. Fsb. 12, following thc l0 a.m. Mrrs in Sl. John,r Church. Mrgr, Bernard P. Sheridrn will celebrrlo thc Marr. Memborr of lhr resorvrlionr commlffec lnclude : Mrr. Drvid Erdr, ST 7-tgll; ALU'AYSPLENTY OF ... Mrr. Russoll Moore, FL 6.42?8; rnd Mirr Millar, ME 6.g4ll. (Strff photo) HOT- SOFT SUT THE DEVIL cnnnol nr;rlic WATER FOR BE?TER WASHINC tus sin. ll'he fc is no po\trcr 0rr FESTIVAL SET calth or iu hcll llrat cln ntnkc Iloly Spirit parish S{. rus sin. \\'c still have our, h'ctr I'hilifi Ncr,i parish, Inrliln. npolis, annorrnccrl will, lt still rernnins rvith us to s{lts sntorg:rsbtrril tlti; woek thtt tnnkc the choice--.itnd no onc (:iln lhcir annurrl Spr.ingli'estival rvill be heltl Iorcc that choice upon us. Jotr ou June.lI, l6 and 1?. "Nol" cll[ sa]' to tlrc fcllorv I\lr', Kcnny Ilortlers wlll direct rvolkcl rvho rvnlrts to llairrt llrc an'allgclnonts as gcner.al "Nol" THE OFFICE QF cxoltist be- ehnir- trxvrl rcrl; 1\laly cnn say tcr lort:ls to oveli' plicst. lrut it rnay rnan. assistetl by r\lr. Alfrerl the neighbol rvho Lcconrrncntls ttol lle officiallJ' lxcl'ciscrl t,xce,llt IL:ctlc. A NIOII'I'UATIY lhc contlaccptive, rvillr spocial ylcrnrissiorr ft'onr tha :\nd lhc tt'mplatitins that lhrt hisltop, an

( iltll(' s;lillls lt.f llrt,tt r ir.lrrIi|,s. lro:rtt,tt. r,lrlrrlt'rl rrr llrc t'tr.r'rtal To Place Orders . CALL Ll 7-5227 \\ c slrirll il()t, ol (,ottt'sr,.\1 ut out' lorr' :rttrl irrlolitlrorrlf (lotl rvhii'lt baltk,s lrv r;r.rlselrcs. \Vc itrtrst {)n(, {l;t\' ' 111r l)t itl ) rr ill llc 0ttt' 'l'lteir havr: (iud's lrclP to rcinlurr,t: otrL krl ;tl:o. rlill nrrrv is (lrrl's "Wlthorrt rucakt'ncrl rlills. Ile rlill. I.ilit' r'rrrr' llk'sslrl llothtl )'ou (.an ,/ RECORDS -- out' tlcvotion lo IIis flientls lrnrl Jl|trD,furvARn STEREO. TV&RADIO holoos, thc sairrls, rvc slrnll nrakc BAND INSTRUMENTS a gt'oat nristalie if rve fail to horror MUSTC SCIjOOL irnrl lo invokc IIis car'licr. lllastor'- 'till }lours: 0pcn Thuls. 8:iiO;othcr. 'till picccs, tlrc angels tvho pcoplc da].s 5:00 Ilours: 9-t' (I\'Ion.-l'ri,) hoavt'n antl plotect ealth. 9-5 Saturday Sonretitues it is said of a 1tr.r'- sott tr'ltosc ltlc ot' il('lt{)ns irfc "llc i\lnryrlnlcGuilrI TAKINGlG A>---->TRIP? llat'ttculat'ly cril, nrrtst be posscssetl by thc dcvill" ln most "posscssctl eascs ilrc u'olrls lly thc [o urccl Feb. [5 rlcvil" alc not nreatrt litclall5'; ffi tlrey sinrply indicate an abnolrrral ;;ilil;-.{\r\rrsa\r\$.$rgsr$s,*tir'*ar*..? MOTELS;{n. rJcgt'cc o{ nraliec. ltlaa We Suggcs! . .. 11 Ncre Atluenture ln Dittittg! placcs JiuI there is suclr n thirtg as Suburban Dodge, Inc.'f to stay to entoy bciug possosscrl by thc rlcvil, Vouf vacatlon all lhe wty I I'call1, an

Qurllty Courb motelr cen toll tlu tlrn€ of magrer & n.ar.it GhurcfL today tor FREI l96t , 6rnd Difrctory ot .ll Qurlity Court motclr, f r"" a"*"r *. ^* " yr"* "r*ri""ffi; INCONI PAIIAI]I,\I'f ]i]R11ITIC "ars in ihe lndianapolis area, Qurllty Coudr Unlt.d, Inc, | I Erecutivr Otficer D!ytonr 80rch, Florldt utLtlliErllr{ 'l'i1',li'li: 2lst and Arlinglon ,,,tJ"o,;),'"9,,1"'l1l :i:lil I nz n"in srreer rv, t'258t,i I';rtrl'llelrnit;,i1,,,itl x. l;tii'si., i GREENWOOD I FL 7-1184 Bcech Crrrve, sr;rl;lslil\tt$rt\rlr\t\\tl\tsls*\tls\f$Sllr( PAGE TEN THE CRITERION, FEBRUARY IO, 196I

.GRAND AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE OLD LADY FARME R'S Vl EW nltilltIntlnilnmnltilililttinlilnE Proaidenee Snlllttlllllllllltllllltltllllltltlltinllltn Angliean reelor 'fewes Acrcs rrr ineorrre? t Anntral carnival slated authorof second Tell Citv's Kate = = visits Popc .lohn "We'd By DANA C. JENNINGS George Washington beforo: - Freneh te;rtboolt rr in rvesrcrnKansas ilrcy 'lf"'J'T;* VATTCAN CITY Thu ltcv. , *"19;,9 i:tt*il:f John Cclin Stephenson, was re- farmed it ar Schulte I'Iigh School dies at agc of 102 better," Washington ceived in private autlienee (Feb, was a slave orvner and didn't have 2) hy IIis Ilolincss Popc John ll'Enlrll IlAtJTFi, Ind. - The Thcre rr,ill bc taltle and door the high eash costs that plague XXIII. galg carnival, prcstrntcd anntt:rlly prizos, also rcfleshntents. Ad- us. But it all points to my main :rt Sehrrlte IIigh School, s'ill bc nrission is lry rcscrvation only. point: that, when wa feel we've "gat hold frtrnr 10 a.m. tt'r 10 p.m. Rcscrvnlions can hc nrarle by got to higger" we should Sunda5', Irob, 1?. at the school. calling lltJ ?-5601 or IJU 3-8263. look [or more land nol on the 'lhe evont is undcr the diroction trlls.'I'honras Ilrillcttc nnd l\Irs. neighbor's place bul. right here ol the Student Council, headed it5' Josr'Ph ll1'tttall ntt' co-gltlirrtton. insidc our oln {cnces. The Anreri- Irathef Joscph lJLl0chonl, nnd can farmcr is so obscssctl wiih faculty co-cltairnten Etttanut'l thc idca of aueage that all he "covering I-usco, John Scifcrt, Sistcr i\larie crn think of is the grottnd." Crrmel end Sislcr St. Vinccnt, If hc can spike.harrow There rvill be boollrs and rnttr- ll0 icres trefore hreakfasl, he rit#:ffii#ffffiffi tninment for adulls, tconcl's and tltinks he's one devil of a larmer, the snrall fry, T'he procrrerls lvill No matter if he wcnt over it so fast bc uscd lo ltelp dolrny e-\pt'rlscs that hc did nrore darnage good-.thc oI the high sehool. than thing that satis. 0smonFurnilure fics hirn is l,icking off thosc nany "Homa "Qttecn acrcs. furnishingr A ";1I..1^t" tlitrtcc rvill Il, costs lcss of Dislinction" be hcld by llte Nervtrtatr (llrrlt of nroncy to raise a Intliana Statt Tcncher.s CollcAe biggcr crop orr a sRr:rller fann. Try it, givc antl Rose Polylcchntc Ins{ittttc ott and somclrody else a 'l'lrt' chance a[ picce of lantl. l'rii!ai, Ifeb. 10. nffair rvrll a be helrl in thc Enst ll:rllloont of the Student Unirrn llttiltling. Dttr. irrA the inlt't'tttission Ncrvntan Club prcsidcrrl, IialciUlt \\t. Ilolnt' stedt. rvill cro*n tlte git'l c'lt'ctcd qlrcrn, Aslis suitttltootl r\ntong {lre co-rtltait'ttren itl rhn'ge &re .Ioe lthonr and l\liss trlargarct Gibson, for f)octor flrolcy


srNcETHE DEATH of hcl hus- ."1*[,r11"',llL'j]T,".'j:,,'iJ;lni.lj".,i,lli;lll band, IIcnly, altottt ilS ]'eill's itA(), who irie rcporlrdne'7r5 lor lh. cxrrnt isrui. rheJollowihrlp0r!0ils tubnillcd tor i\It's, llclns this A "r, r-rhersi t^-t-" shc lt:ts ttutrlc lttr ltomc rvitlt Iltu![Dl- I .[]islroplo STAN'ARDsERv';: I nnv cLEAilERS 'fiioriiiii+ffi Atlds lirrs-Eotteri$ | ph. Ilth & Mrin St. ph. l5l I I I I r. 7t 3re nl. ()sfonl i1,i|''lr,';r;i1;i1r,',1+i,,niit ONI.'Olll). liltrt{lan

Goodwill Sunday Weslern Hqrdwqre MAC'SFEED MILL '{wo l.ocolionr For Your eonvonbncr"

625 rllrin 5t., llnech Crora li'l',67400 2:10W, lllnin, (ircoreoorl 'l'U. l.20go

BUTTZ-HIGGIN!; MUSIC CENTER W PhelpsDrug $lore DENNIS F. HARTTEY WilEro ShoppinE Cenler A chor.H. | 'Tii'Ili" (Junclion toadr .t3l I 3l) 'Your lYlonumenls & Msrkan PrescriplionSlore' Phone TU l-2975 Al oliqer(ffi- l.lo" Side ol Sguore hf nat,rttrri rurt DccomunF Wsllpapcr*Pelntr Dt. 2.332t -'AllD - hil lha Ph'!-r.er FUNERAL SNYDEREIN/VOOD, \['ilhitc r"t Son BaileyDrug Slore 30? N. Frrnklin 'oFtrnernl "Refioble I NC. Ilorrrett Prescrlplions,, Roberl C. Sloggs, Ownrr 765 CLEANERS R[AI, ISTAII tI6 L Plkr tr. Dl l.S!4t North tlldc ol lquorr INSURANCI H. Connol ?12 N. fronklln Ph. l-160l "Fine Dry Cleoning" Ihe EgerSludio l7?0 F. Avr, JA.9.4804 ail t. lrrh 5r. ,A,9.2000 ,Parlroi!s -Weddingt' 739 Moln 5t. lonk Numbrr thrcr MAH ER Phonr Kl, 7.,{88I Orgonlrd In 1873 HOOSIER PTUMBING BUICK. PONilAC CO. Huesmqn't Gdroge THE CITIZENS JA 9-5690 #tsrvlcr & HEATING CO. on r\nfihlnX [lectronld Joc Mohrr, Own:r Weslern Aulo OINIRAI AulO STATE BANK Wolcr Sysfems Joo Hcrold, Solar Mgr. Bill'r 7l/ RIPAININO Associote Storc Plurnbinglnsf ollof Ntw cASttr ions ' Soles snd Service lor illN't tnd loYl' "tvorfihing lor Thr Aula* lSt t, Jarkron Ph,tX,1.2616 lluc Ridgr td, Ph. IX, 6-42t2 -, clorHtNo lylvrnh TV I Hl.B Itol c.nrral Dn,6.7550 Quolify DUFFY- WARBLE ln COtUfilBUt .. " trr c0At INSURANCE,INC. c"*lTiiiffi ond Since.l893 Conplete INSIJRANCI'I Ser.r'ice Delicnlessen Hilligoss €r Son, Inc. tt Ycorror 3rrvrccl Jprciol Colar & Pottti"a aU GAUSE I f2l lVorhlngron lt. * BD SISLNY _ 15 Fublir Jq. lhetbyvilb o&tu,lll6 Wcrhlngton :Ei Horringron-Hoch Inc. Jtr.ct, DR. 6{82e 639 llain ril 7.4,l?6 Horist Shop I Downlow[ Columbu t762 2trh tf. Dl, 2.t3ll Anderson Tronsfer ad Greenhouger Inrrron..-Gcnoral ond tlfo I & StorogeCo, Patronize Rd, Wort Ph, t,llTll ll00 Horlonol mca.ertr Ph.2-{056 HomeFedoralSavings andLoan Associalion WERNER DRUG CO, ALVEY CLEANERS Hourchold l{ovinX Agcnt Our (Walgreen Agerrcyi; tsr Amoricsn Vqn lincr & FURRIERS lnsuredSovingr Accountr Morlgoge Loonr (, f. lYrrnrr, Jr, I L V, lchneidrr Adaertisers Phonc Kl 7'5586 l{eystoneBeverage Co., Inc. 544 Worhingfon Strae? 617 Mrin St, TELL CITY, lND. wxol!tllt DNrRllutonr or Schlitr - C.V, -. Corlingr Black Lobel CARPEilTER'SREI[tt DRUGSTIINES Home APOTHECARY Red Top - Old Dutch - Folstqfr Zoercher-GillickFunerol ilh I WA3HIHG'OHtl, - t7t9 Ctt{rnAt AW. ond Corlingr Red Cop Ala - -- Prescriplions Excfusively Phonr AmbulonccServies tostnl HoSKtNJ lhonr PholoSunplitr'-Sundrl*-Gifir OP,.(',11?.7 Pratcrinlionr--Druor-Co'mrlitr DR.2'7851 I2O WESI JACKSON Oan.iql ilonogcr .THE CRITERION,FEBRUARY IO,196I PAGE ELEVEN

t Altr. John Hlrd, of 0rlroit, Mich,r brolhorr, - FTEURED \ Jorcph and thomar O'Rqurke, bolh'of Prfcrr: THE WAY I, bufg, ritt$, Josnphim--O-adcn, ot Drlrolt. TOOI< Rentember Them In rT LIL' OAV|O...IF HE HE'D BE TOOBUNDLSD OFF HI6 COAT HEb BE TOO t .lAMll f. CARIY, 86, St. Prtrick Church, HEY AUGIEf UP TO SWING, Ieb. 3. (alvary WERENT YOU KINDA, 1"11:y.

IAKING A CI{ANCE t lltfA CAllltt, 72, lornerly of flrfi Hrutc, dhd in N€w Crslle. Sl. Jor.gh Churrh, TALKING BACK TO Jrn,30, 51. Joseph Cerclery. THAT 816,IOU6H KIDI

ffi '^^'.+ f*'

"r?initv t AMIUI L tAr?lilrll, 75, t{oty (hureh, frb. 6. Survlvonr rqn, Alfrrd, floyd Xnobrr dluEhtan, ftlrr, tvrllh Andrci rnd Mil. oorolht Schlddl.r, both ot Itoyd Knobt, rhrl Mn. lhelma Prynt rnd fr\ir. friilcrr Wlrcmcnr bolh o{ llrw Albtnyr List brolhrr, Hcrman 5chlagclrr. J.lfrrr0nvillc,'' IndianapolisParish Shopping Hrw AttACl . r^rr.u I r,,lOlAMol{O ,r",',1 _(r*rrr..; oltil, i,,, xolrrux.--ir.- I.ff Ii' [r,.,,'""' F""ll:.r"fr chyl!. I Ltl,:"rlJi lril,f?hli.lrlt'rf-il"fl"iil: vill.r l,{r3. tsth$ Gulrwlll!r, .nd - * r ffi illh,,iUit.f]1$"l1[t", 8.uni lnd t ,AMII ,, OUllltAXf 6J. St. Jotrph Church, Nrw Aliic!r Sirl!r I fr T ':. feb, 8, liolv {rots tenrrlrrv- Survivorrr St. PhilipNeri wlfr, Erssirl foslrr-ronr, glevrn llovd Aecumption * * lmmacuhlcHeart Nativity *l* ., Si. Jude *l* * rnd * -l- Richrrd. Brownsllurg I t rnuAn u. orniiirfir, rt, !r. Joinof "lrll (lrurch, (alv{.y (rmrl1y, rri toc floil Chrrt U! tlda- .l - Atc t.b. 8. S tatlol Srrrvivrrrr: I'u\bnn,,, Gtqiqar dcuqhlrr, Mri, Brorvato Scrvlcc $ISTERS STATIONERY uro * tr/tBtuNo [!l Wolfc Sholl Ssnico StatioD Mdrey Clarnnl0nir rirtrr, Mrl. Ihonrlr H. Crrr" rnd NOVELTY SHOP ^rr?\ ltc| IL iUCUIOAX Arurroncr- Gll It0t !. to.ti.li llvrL ilArolo

P.O. Suh-Station I Prescription Specialirtr I

St" Patrick * t"$1'[h1l*:fi',li:t -'An 'r,JJr=;';;elnaxpensiveWqqt "-Ad tffi i ',1f"ifJ'",$"nT""'"'tr"l*;f;"to* * HolyCross 30uTH5lDI'S llftltST i L;' ,,,1,11J'.'1,11'.'&l"p-irAnixoo-_w011 *'""0 ll $or ll l0lI.^.. N..1':' '"::l'"]t"Brrrt ,n*-!i!glrL gloltt TASTY.GO CHICKEN i Jfficeltr fo:ttr"l3ir14g. $4rnr illl +,'^lm$:ffiiLl"' lis:Ii r. I r,ttr,ainq Tlle Fdtrrotr! fhitlcn dtrd lDtdlolt Ad-'rokor Wodo'ellr Standard Hcnny Penny Ai;kAsk lortor ari,n na-'iitor i#l;';;,tl;l-l"l5;iltll#l'?';il#,flj#Li:',11T'i il,l##flHil,Xfffi:T New Manrgemenl Hunqarirn Viontrr Srcid portlble prlcer' C ' I | ?rt fanalc T\rrh€t ilE i . '- -:': - Darro tr{ BEr I t.5658 A,u,,, rl"ln",',".,,**LINWOOD CLEANERS | ,"tufn"I$rtTol?nt^"t lt'56t8 *-- V {i.rrrr r,.r}r.. Lrl $iuh \il)l'{rf, I \JN!,.U1 * St. PhilipNeri * --1ruffi; R Uarl'r llphotsrerinstJpholstertnf i i carl'r Il:.-:_-**::--.------l::::-:j:"y.::---r**+i*+''"*------:1i:]l i W I rAa8r(is' G'urtom'Bulttnrrn I "iiiaiiiHc.niftn-irintttttnton. ' vrerf yilltruq^,::d''l|l|f;:ii:t * Holy Narne * *--Lt$r"fb'[ ! "41'*tr.r^,\.l'aqt'.!.Aatrcs, Fr,,6i:'L.<,r*tsq!!'.rit,q.1q re."i"-ir'i"irrii iI ;eiui'no-r'etr*',i.,:1; , i 'iill:'i,i*ili'::rJiiio'i'9'#.ll*t;,,1;'"1"lllli1,,Il"riio'i.9'# | LI..Erq"sr,,*. ''rti?e' ;l;t*X;ilii*:nli:Ltliiiid;*oavior- Chesler B, Ellis, D,C, liil'"""""1t';r"l';"'ir""".,11'"'J'Jl'5{!irttg,- oai-iuoi*.- n",.i,,,;,:l;; 2501frst l0th I I -- i s ',!A l*-*--.-,-*_ l- cir. (dra ,l.3l.ri'. CHIROPRACTOR I 39 lri. oD Etsl SirJa M0tt.,\YtD LfRl. - l1[r,i"ri_-::::n:o:-n:'::: 1.5 6'8 o.ttt. m iiWl"*'''drg;$i!{frt'*in "*'" ''''"'- ' ' *:,iiil1:-1i,1:"rrr'$'":1"': ll FL e.5518_llilii;;r'i,lln'llru*ifiiill3i:-.*: ; :;T:;:r T il I Ltr.ttol r'RUGS * Horv lut:uNtElt I'BUl, Iryl_ i D1:t,t v a.)ltt 2801 t. $ilchlReD - 2-5506 - FAENZI'S Mr. - Maintenance @ a Prescrlptlont a r Church School Home RADIO& TV. gAl,DS -Clrp€nt€rt rnd $Ell.!lCI eontractors - Suppliere - Electricians c9?a G. lorh il, DETBO D DRUGS JACOB XONzEL - ' Plumbers -Flasterers Painters Fencing l52l N. Emerson Inrporlcr of Gcrmotr I\ Grtrn(l(athcf-Cuckm rt othet flna clocks Ft. 9-8265 whtcher - Jtwelrt - (llamondr A. i. toker ond Sort l:lnfdf{l JULIAN DAVIS !tp€rt rcpslrlng l,lrlis(illl I' l t(]\ s Etl.tlor P.lnllra Aecttrately l'-lllrd I5T5 DAST I'IINTII I{TREET Dccorrllll eity't Finesl Genllcmon LCDC'K lalorlor EAST SIDE BIKE STORE I' lnd' 'h Plt..r!t Brn Pltt'-N. Dt. . .-- Fhon. ll., 6-9061 lndlenrgolb ts ttl GLISS stHwlNli& lrul"flBteyLtEs.-F.1sy Ierms tldir tr' o'9c5t CIPITOL Stylisl" rE' tisri 0pen ,lr30 a.nr..6n.il1,-(losc(l \'/c{'tiodv ,17 EX rttuitlxout 1232 l. Michisrn$1. fL AS( ABOUI OUR SPTCIAI" I 6{212 PAvtNo .-4- Er C0]tlPffiY,lilC. t'l:Ri\t^l.lfitllsl -tt rc Cookte Glau & Minor Co H;ly spl'lt JULIAN HAIR FASHIONS * * Grrl rxcAv^ilOt{t Olarr ToP>All l(lndr a Sloro Fronll ' ult"ort-New' 8fld Rellnlrbad L g!!!d loPr Ae-r C!e!! !eP!s.sd : Furnilure t E RoAootllxo OlltSS o .J, E- AU1U o Window Glsss Uuf f i.,'" (UtS} Service * 51.Joan of Arc * r-ls. cRnDY& SoNs 19j.ilt""* 9".1." DOESYOUR DRIVEWAY o Mlrron lulomtalc Irrnsmltrton Ecprlt lNc. ..F'RESA Alrynite tibro Glorr Brr!c! and [l()tor fun]UD CUT MEAIS- CH' ''st{t NEED FIXING? r gh.d.lsnd . 915 J' 3omsruor tllt & N. AYo. IL 9{t1r) HASSE'S BAKERY W.l. Stotlonl (sr. Rd N tP,O' Box 2looa, Crurhrd tlnrrtonr, OtrY.l.r 0ld o Boiley Slidlng 100) PAT DOLLEN'S t3l6 t( lolD 8t MB $5861 Call FL 9-2002 Wc buy our osD fmlt! aDd vegetablos Doorr T . aIaTEDAI CAKEg from Growem, hls irorure5 you {re!b" rtess good qusUhr, o WEDDING CAKE9 o fhermoPono -:'j:: PLAZA nnd SINCLAIR & SON 648 E" 49th AT. 3-6371 ll(yt DOENUTS t:30 fS. Advertising EI'EBI DATI Eff Beauryshop GARAGE 6030 t lolh 5t tt.9.9249 trL, l€06a .!0 GLASS \lc}' LEADED v- O,VlltR-fti. D. Eldnck ,Ssrvice Station Pays GLASS OP[RAT0RST Loir !ahr, Tdnir Ditmdn ilnd STAINED tta f{rol frinre! l,1unn coB. tr. l0lb .ad SMf,asoN Hond.PointedSlatiol D:;lgnr,[{odr Compl6t Autonobu. BcpdrtDt Our 28th Ycer Ior Church Wlndowr rA ScrYtc. Ncrr To Sorrr Iorf wA. s-8988 ffi funeralllome f hurch Wlndowr RePolrcd ilirrou'l fitl' 5'1301 rExAco ruEt otl 'Bomr ot P.rrond lcltd wil. t. srEcKco. {32 $. IndlonoPolk DAVTS GROCERYCO. Try Our fiPcnonrllrcd Scrvlcct ta Eour A.db!l|!c. S.ttloa .OtI COLLEGE AV8. Orocerlar Ueat|' F?ultr A Ve8etabt., PATRONIZETHE cL l'ta$ ' Ertary Coodt lwington lce & Fuel Co. or lhnblnl rrd Erldrt l90l col,|,aoa aYB, Gt- D&t0l 400 s Rrrt.r tL t.lru ADVERTISERS Cdtnti WorL end trePdrlat PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION, FEBRUARY IO, 196I

Opinions Arehbishop's Sehedute

(Continrr0(l (Hotr-: l'r.orn gragc ,l) . u.nl.rr.indlcrlcd oth!rwit?,-"''" ,al.r!n(. ir ro coniii;;rr;n,t'-'-- ,iBRli.liy ?7 t1il?,,,nlur",ll[" leccivctl strch a gifl of Artrelicart rerc.ce,lo ..,,,., %?]iJIy[:i: r'rcrrc'.r p.ril. Iootl rvoultl bc infornrcd tlrat the oI C.l,r,"Tyl*tr,ll-lrc0ri0l cir(iinatt{lr?r, food ryus frtrn thc U.S,A,. are ',i,li,'il'rJ,?;l:,i:',,,.,t:l,i;.rr"ila 5'otr'i l{ rvorrltl ltrelc}y llc an. . :',1*i;'fgi";i{r{iili:l,Tiii:ii'',1 fiJJi: rxxrncctl to tltc Chinesc as anoilrcr ;li.,,, "sor:intist tliunrph," ,,,?;.0,,!#li$::t.;,,'T;:,,.Til::: I,,ii:;;, Yott nltpntcntly clronsc [o ovcr. i.fi8i,ii: #l[i:,;,,.1iTi,i,,';;,"1,01i,::,""si:', kxrk the lact that cven in thc nrirlst ol'llrc [artrinc, Il.ctl Clrina H;r,nui?rB::::,;r:,rr;:*:: rontinucs lrer ;'iiifr er-porls trr ;\ft.icalr :i1{:,1ilt,#,;;;:; antl r\sian corrr.rtlics. Our. cift of srlr,^uii,,ulj'A,,i;1;1;, nn,., l:ll"ll:,.;,13 . Tl,ljrr,l'ojl,,,1j,tx.,ill;,lll;,,n,iiia gt'ain u,oulrl lravc thc cffcet ol' l:i;1: Itrlrrishinll llol'c sullpoft lor. Crtlla, l.,tr***-, ^r, 'ii;",11Sr. Mc,nrdrt Arelrabbsy, 06. MARGH25 r,r.'rdnA,rd,d. via conlilttcrl tlatlc ilgrcetllents, l'^I,:lii';'(;1,""i i:l[llkiiii:'i]fd ,J_,..* lirl exarnple. Strch cxpor.ts rlent. ",,jT].u.].,,'t,n,L.i,l.ifi,,,lil,,,jf,ll,; orslraIe that tlre firininc is al. ,torv0r,r, lcnst in par.l sell.inrposctl. .ii"t*^1;1,'';/niil;,Ilili,^',?;il1,lil,? ,,,"llfJi il;,'i:;r"i'ili:.,11.,he 'l'llrs ',,lllli;';i.,,i,:,1,,,^ds5, I'orrr, srrgl{cstions al'e un- . l'",1i1:1iilt, ijll;;,i"j[,l.ljJI;,Jj,i,#u;:],1: ,,1'f::, ss.pc,er cuuslitutiorrirl. slr.llefiiclrllJ, anrl ltolilir,irlll' lirolislr. Il .!orl. lrutnRni. laliirrtisrrr ul.qcs l()u lo olHattizc a Complimentr of "{l;rllrolies for' [Lrd (]hina" conr_ llltsrrttln. b),all trtearts Iccl ft.ce. llut lct rrrc lr,rrrirrrl 1ou tlrat tltc IIOTEL SHVI'T3TN phlasc "gir irrg aitl arrrl sucr:nr to ('l)crlrl L. O. DOTY, Manager tllc in Iirnc of trar." is onc lilillilitiiiliiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilillllllllllflllllllllllllllllllll tlarlitiorralll. u.scrl to rk:ljne thc :rcliorrs {)l thc trititol.l

!,('ltlt'll lr()l{('l' ,l:rrrrcs \\,. \\'iggs Termites. Roaches- Rats, Etc. Irrrliirna polis Free Inspeclions

PRISONERS' AID cALLST 4-3236 cor.lecr 6. LENTEN DEVOTIONS . HUB STATE \\t':rist, l'('iii,\\ r)llt itlrPt';tls ol lttr tltC 'l)oclsc llt'c\'itttts 1t':tt's Lt'ntctt PESTCONTROL SERVICE ilrol.r l)r()ils;11)(i llro ttto|o 1t|(}lilultlo sltttttlirtg ol tltc Liity *'ith jl0()t)s St,rrstlrr lrv llrt' lrrillrirrl nol tttclcll ltv itir-st'ttiius tltt'tl'lsc'lrtls 931 E. Trbor Indianapolis, lncl, l i'trrrl u ()i l(ll\ i uilust'nlr.rr ts lrrrt b]' irt tcttrl i tt.q'l lolr''\l irss alsct trrr ut't'li (lii.\ s: ril{}r'(' llt'iltttttlll' 1'p.'1rivi11rr lltllr' ('tttrtttttt- Rv FLOYO ANDERSON niurr; iiltolritn;: irllt't'trortir trt'r'\'t'rlitt{ tlt't'oliotrs illl(l scr- r)){}llsi tnrliirrx tlrt'filrrliotts oi lltc \\'ltt'ol tht,(lt'oss pt'i- Viltrl\' ()r' in ( 1)llilr0rt ii illr llro t'orrq|ctillioll: illl(l Visitittg tlrc Ilosl lltrll Srrclrrrtrcrrl l,cl llrolt' lrc flrstirtg. trlttls- girrrrg. iui(l:.(ili.tir-'rrirrl.lrrrt srrrrclilv tltt'ttl uitlt pt:lt'r'ct'.

lit'sll'rr iil:t ilt)r)ll \ ()U oul' or|rt lrtrtulrle bt'ttctliclirttr iiltrl lrt'!lirrrl (,rr.i lrr [rlc,r r orr nlrt.il l)(]unlil'trllr'. tr t' r't ttrttitl. itl 'l ltt' trtisstoltr't'.l,lrllt0t' ( ir,!1.!t. tirt' st'r'ritr' trt ,lt'srrs irrrtl llis lttttttirt:trlrtlrr llotltet'. li. l llnrr. l rrirlirt'ol ('lrt,lrrrsloltl. glrt l.'lrilhl ttllr' \'()ul's. ]llts. . (. tn(' sonl(' trl,';s1,1 ,,1,,,, rl " lil.r' l'r \\ rrtl\ I1 llt\5t11 tr.l't.l .--^) tol \. I ll;t{l iilt (rl)l}oftuilil1 l0 llrtli Ir) lrnl llct'f iu Lirrrir llr' s;rirl tlr,tI ('r'rt,/. 7 Siil)til rrltrt'lr lllrs ir l){)l)itl?l- E2U Itott ol .l().()(l{}, \;rs ;rlrrt0sl r.oilr, '\r't'ltbisltol-rot ltttliitttaprolis 1llo1r'l1 t'ttl ofl l'r'rrlrrtlte otti:rrlt: \\ (tfl(l l () \ (.iil's irll(). i\ftx'lSilH(, l'lrl ltr.r' l ll llllilllllllilillllilriillillliiillllllliillliilllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll trrr is :t tllr'ttll){.t-Ul' INSURED lltl Srrt'tt'lJ'rl' Sl.,l;tllr'\. uirir.ir Itoliu' {'\lr(.r'l lo llt' \\'tls s1:tt't('(l l)) ('ilt\iiilll Ilir.lrar,rl ( U\llillq. r\t'r'ltlrtsltoP()f Ii()sl1ln. Sllt'ilk('l'itl ;\ltu'iirrr lo lirl l-lrltrr r\nrt'tir'lul nilss:{[l B|.[ lrlli \\ [ll'l'[r] Slitl\tCH. lNC. ;rrt':rs. llr' is sttrtiotrt.rl rr itlt l;lllrlr. .\l;rllin Nt.ll.r' oi tlrt' \cuur.li :rrclr B LOCA'TIONSTO SERVEYOU rliocer0 itt Lltzltr.t'tti. tlrt, cir:lr.ttr ALWAYSOPEN! :t'r'lton ol Slrtrllr ('t'trz. wA 4-5381 -IflE i['hornils J. TWO FR IESTS, {r,r:r'llror rrrllr ollrt'r' lrrir'.ts ol tlrt' Srrt,ittv li Sl. ,lirrrrr's.lt'o ('st;tl)lislrinq ;r lrut'islrtictlit'ult,tl to Sl.,losr:grhllrc February ls Catholic Press Month! \\'ut'iit'r'.'l'ltcir' prrlislt iu'l'it (,()\'('fI l?li srltt;rr-t'nrilr,s. Termite l ;rllrr,r'I lr rrrr >lrirl tlrt, ilt.r,;ri\ ControfService l lrrt uttrl s;rrrril'. rr rl h rrurlir.slrilI l"rt'irlfitall. t Books-Books-Books ril irplrt';rr':rl Jltrrrlrr r.ltt,r,ls lttl, ol lttlts trntl lrig 'l'lrt. I'RliE ( *rllt'i:r' rrrr \\',..irrr,:rl;r1irrtri l'lrrrr': lllrrlrlt'rs. onll pnrt.tit.ul S'l';l'l'|j\Vl Dti rl;rr l't,lr, li ltii ilrr luo tllr.\r tttr,ltrs 0l' lfilllslxlt'ti{li([) ' 1 r,I ts l,]' t'[lt jllll'li t N s 11licT'l f_] l;tctllcs, s('illnllti\ lrrrri t'llr.: ,!rs- g1',,0 -lrrrtl tlrt,r'r ;rt't' flotrt ji{l{} to N ('llr5it)lls {)ll \ ;ll lri{l: ilsl)r,(l \ lrl I ll{} {i{}l) oi lhr,rtr. Eyes [xunrined r ft lifcfinre Guetrsnlee Plr:rr lxlilll' !l0ni, Iu lht' Lirztrt'oti .st.ctrorrol' S:nr1;l Glssses Mode ( r llt.r ;q1'111tl l(':. \,,rll rrrIrirrrr' ;irr rll/'. lt\ ill tllr' l'(,st ol' tlrt. r,rlr'. Convenienl Tcrnrs ()pl)0sil0 Itrltltt':. Io I lrr. .\lir r r;rtr sl llri, sr,irs('ns;rtr. llrr, 0l' urilltl r Ref erenccs: l'Jurucr'otr:, 'l \\ltirl Ctrlholir: lrotll' lrl l{i.:;t} ir nt. lrrrtsrilrr lrs \\('lr;l\1. ill tlrr.Sl:ttts. S0trtr'- l|(x)sllin -- a l)iu'l r)l tll(. ('oll\r)r'lllton Sr,r.it,s. Itlttr'. ll11'lf is it t'.ltl" spoll Clturclrr.:sTlrroughoul thc Slqtn 'l'lrrrr.srllv tir(' l('rlrp('flrtril'(' (lt'lrl)s;trr OPTICAL itttri it lt't'ttrte al I l).tn. il{} rlt'. CO. Io rt ltri'lr lltt' ll:rrrlrrr i;rr.rrllr.lrir. ill'r,(,s. Sril('(, lltc pooplI ilf('n{}1, ( Dr., Jcn+ f. Kerncl Itl tlt,rl lt,;rr.lrct\ llrttn lrll :t lt,rols ;t( u:lr)tilr'{l lo it. lltr'1' ltttt 0tt :tll We have lhe l.rrgosl selectiorr of Calholic books in the Dr, Donold iltcit't'lulltt's;rrrtl qo ltr:tl f,. Xistt nren. Hundleds of titles--Theology, Philosophy, Biog- rtt llrr, t,rlr'. to lor They Built Tlre.ir JJffif,l1|A. 3.3393 llll'('r' {)r l1}ru' tlu1s. rrntil tlrc OPIOMETRISIS raphy, flislor'1..,Livcs of llre 5ainfs, Art and Music, New Horne $oonct' trt';rtlrt,t',it,ls ulrt'trtr,r'. lii,llrt ttorl Novels, Liturgy, Molli.rgc, Scriplurcs*HarJ 'l'lrc TERIiltTEC0ilTnoL Cover and .lllrgliui ilg lll lt'rl tl s ;r tlrlft'r'r'nl slof\'. lcrrr- Wilh Cellic's A-t ,1? Pa1:er B.rck. "F|R5I p(,r'irlilt.(' ts ;rl)lrltl i lir

* 40.or. Rubberired Pad * l0'Year Wear Guaranlee Pro-Rated by the Mill. "ltrrl Irrtre. tirc slilt('ut('ltt :i,rti. b! a cultt|ut't cstltltlrshttl Bahama or Rio b1'tlrc * Parchment, '15' {atlllct.s' coopt,t;ttivc organizirIion Cocoa irr 12' and Widlhs rt'ith thc pro('(rsi()t'i, rrlrolr'saIt:r.s, ol c, LITTTEITOWER FU}I TESTIVAI * Aqua in l2' Width 'l'ht' stltr,rrrcnt r,allctl fur'"a l:n'- Friday - Saturday- Feb. I0 - II - I2 t All Perfect Quality t'cacltittg Lcolganization ol' thr. Sunday, rrrrllicting slslt'rn." :rntl srrggcster{ * lnstalled af This Low Price tltal llrLntrr'.s shuulrl rrnilc rn t'o. opclllive balg,riinirrq !r{)ul)s. i;: BENEFIT,fi NEWCH[IRC}I "u 1t s;rirl snctr ::t'orrps oulrl llirvc to tleal lcnlisticulll rrilh tlre ploL. lcnt ol' sttt'plus plrrrltrt'tiorr." brrt Fun For "tht' Everyone tlrlough tlrcnr costs arrrl dnngcls of llrr' plcsr.nI srrr'plus Liltle FlowerSchool problt nr coulrl bc glclrllv rc- Audilorium, clttcet[." I4th & Bosart *AllPayrrrenlsBasedonMonth|yPaymentP|anandWoodF|oorInsla||ation 'I'akiu,l pall iu 1lrc ext't,rttrvc O PRIZES FL 7-1161 and I Salesman Will Bring conlnlittco's nrocting $ c|c: ..\lt.lr- Nffi/1{ Call: bishop \\rillianr ti. Cousins of E 3 YEARSro PAY trlilrvaukcc: Bislrop Ilctcl W. R:rr'- GAMES Samples to your Home al Your Convenience tholourc of St. Cloud. -\liurr.l Bish. First Payment Nol Due op Leo A. Prrlslel' of ["ort lVa]lle. C AWARDS Until Mav 15 (Or 90 Days After Installalionl ln(|., NCRLC episcopal arlliser: lrathcl Edrrartl () llout'kc. NCllt-C Refreshments See One of Indiana's clicr'utlle tlircetor'; anrl l;ithcr Harry J. Feeney .larttcs L. \rizza|rl. S.,J.. N(llll,C Largesl Selectionsof obser",cl in \\'ashinlton. |).(i. and Mariin T. Feeney Vy'ool,Nylon & Acrilan

SPECIAL STAMP CARPETS! '?fonc You Conlrol fhe Cosl l{eanlMorc llith PARIS-*l"r'ance rvrll ls"trrc a when you Coll Carpeton h;oor postage OPEN spccial -\tanlp conlnlolll- 'til of atirl!l this ccnlcnar'.r' .r'cirI ol' Ihrr Mon.& Thurs. 9 rlcatlt ol l.'atlrcr' .lcan llripl i:lc 'tili Balance of week 5;30 Lar:olrlailr. lflth r:t'ntrrr'.r' wA.3-4504 ltorrrrni' r::ttt plcaclrr,r'.