With Statistics through 2019

With Statistics through Warsaw 2019

Statistical Office in Warszawa Content-related works Statistical Office in Warszawa, Mazovian Centre for Regional Surveys

Editorial team Małgorzata Bieńkowska, Joanna Podolska

Supervised by Tomasz Zegar

Typesetting and graphics Anna Cacko, Bożenna Kretkiewicz

Cover design Anna Cacko

Cover photo fotobaza _GUS

Icon design on pages: 13, 18 – publicdomainvectors.org

ISSN 2084–316X

Publication available on website https://warszawa.stat.gov.pl/en

When publishing Statistical Office data – please indicate the source.

Zakład Wydawnictw 00-925 WARSZAWA, AL. NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI 208 Statystycznych Zam. /2019/nakł. CONTENTS

Location and administrative division ...... 5

Geography. Environment ...... 6

Population ...... 8

Education...... 10 Labour market ...... 12

Wages and salaries ...... 14

Dwelling economy ...... 15

Transport ...... 16

Health care ...... 17

Social welfare ...... 18

Culture ...... 19

Tourism ...... 20

Entities of the national economy ...... 22

Local governement ...... 24

Public finances ...... 25

Warsaw compared to voivodship cities in 2018 ...... 26

Warsaw compared to Mazowieckie Voivodship in 2018 ...... 28


Symbol Description

Δ categories of applied classification are presented in abbreviated form

„Of which” indicates that not all elements of the sum are given


Abbreviation Full name Abbreviation Full name

km kilometre m3 cubic metre

km2 square kilometre dam3 cubic decametr e

°C centigrade kg kilogram

mm millimetre PL N Polish zlot y

h hour kW h kilow att hour

m2 square metre vol. volume


2 area of Warsaw Legionowski powiat 517.2 km

W district isła 15.4% Białołęka highest share in the area in total

Wołomiński powiat Żoliborz district Targówek 1.6% lowest share in the area in total Żoliborz - -Północ Warszawski zachodni Praga- powiat Wesoła -Południe Miński powiat Śródmieście Area (in km) by districts in 2018 As of 1st January Wawer Ursus Mokotów 25.0 Włochy Bemowo

Pruszkowski powiat Białołęka 73.0 Ursynów Wilanów 32.3 Otwocki powiat Bielany Mokotów 35.4

9.7 Piaseczyński powiat Ochota Praga-Południe 22.4 City borders District borders Praga-Północ 11.4 Furthest points Rembertów 19.3 Śródmieście 15.6 Targówek 24.2 Ursus 9.4 Ursynów 43.8 Geographical location of Warsaw Wawer 79.7 longitude east north latitude Wesoła 22.9 Wilanów 36.7 o o 20 51'06"west 52 22'05"north Włochy 28.6 Wola 19.3 o o 21 16'16"east 52 05'52"south Żoliborz 8.5 5 GEOGRAPHY. ENVIRONMENT

2017 2018 Geodesic area Area per 1 inhabitant in m 293 291 by directions of land use in 2018 As of 1st January Average air temperature in oC 9,4 10,4 maximum 19.7 21.4 minimum –3,7 –3,2 Total annual precipitation in mm 705 433 Average wind velocity in m/s 3.5 3.4 Insolation in h 1351 1750 Average cloudiness in octantsa 5.6 4.9 a Degree of cloudiness: 0 (no clouds) to 8 (total cloud cover).

Structure of built-up and urbanized areas in 2018 As of 1st January 4.0%

33.6% 8.2% 20.3% 5.4% 28.4%

In percent: Residential areas Urbanized non-built-up areas or during built-up arable land (23.5%) built-up and urbanized areas (56.4%) Industrial areas Recreational areas forest land (16.0%) lands under waters (3.4%) Other built-up areas Transport areas other land (0.7%)

96.8% Ochota district 24.3% Wilanów district highest share in built-up lowest share in built-up and urbanized areas and urbanized areas


Area of parks, lawns and green areas of housing estates 2017 2018 per capita and monuments of nature in 2018 Water withdrawal for needs of the national As of 1st January economy and population in m 3 145.4 146.5 Industrial and municipal wastewater requiring treatment in dam 3 103087 106338 41 Population connected to wastewater treatment plantsa in % of total population 98.3 98.7 28 Emission of pollutants in tonnes: 4 13 6 particulates 520 456 14 43 10 of which particulates from 42 503 432 15 19 the combustionof fuels gases (excluding CO 2 ) 18103 16244 13 72 46 24 Mixed municipal waste collected from households per 1 inhabitant in kg 51 320 301 46 Area a Population connected to wastewater treatment plants – estimated data; total population – based 2 per capita in m : on balances.

30.1—38.0 Monuments of nature 20.1—30.0 10.1—20.0 Magnitude zero 1.0—10.0 Warsaw = 487 Warsaw = 18.6

Outlays of fixed assets in 2018

For environmental protection For water management PLN 362.1 million total PLN 85.9 million 55.2 72,489.8 per capita per capita 34.3 PLN 204.60 10.2 PLN 48.53 7.7 0.5 In %: In %: 2.3 wastewater management and water protection water intakes and supply protection of atmospheric air and climate construction waste management and protection of land, ground and modernization of water and surface waters treatement stations reduction of noice and vibration other


a 2017 2018 Structure of population by economic age groups Population a in thousands 1,764.6 1,778.0 women 953.8 960.3 2017 17.6% 58.4% 24.0% men 810.8 817.7 Women per 100 men 118 117 Median age 41.3 41.5 2018 17.9% 57.8% 24.3% women 42.9 43.0 men 39.6 39.8 2030 17.8% 57.8% 24.4% Average life expectancy (projection)

women 82.7 82.9 Age: men 76.5 76.0 pre-working working post-working

Population density a in 2018 Non-working age populationa per 100 persons of working age in 2018

2 Population per 1 km : In persons: 7001—8516 75—80 5001—7000 70—74 3001—5000 65—69 969—3000 60—64 Warsaw = 3437 Warsaw = 73 a As of 31st December


a 2017 2018 Internal migration of population for permanent residence by age groups in 2018 Per 1000 population: marriages 5.11 5.18 10000 9000 divorces 1.99 2.03 8000 live births 12.12 12.02 7000 6000 + deaths 10.87 11.12 5000 Live births per 1000 women 4000 aged 15–49 49.85 49.46 3000 2000 Total fertility rate 1.485 1.528 1000 0 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 years and more Inflow Outflow Net migration

a Excluding migrations within Warsaw.

Natural increase of population in 2018 Net migrationa for permanent residence in 2018 Per 1000 population: 22.00 20 17.04 10 10 0 0 Warsaw births deaths

Natural increase per 1000 population: Per 1000 population 10.00— 17.17 25.00— 49.51 5.00— 9.99 10.00— 24.99 0.00— 4.99 0.00 — 9.99 –9.02— –0.01 -9.33— -0.01 Warsaw = 0.91 Warsaw = 6.16 a Including migrations within Warsaw.


2017/2018 2018/2019 Establishments Pupils/students Graduates Schoolsa : Pre-primary education establishments 1077 1104 primary 402 143068 of which nursery schools 751 780 Places in nursery schools in thous. 75.9 79.5 lower secondary 49 16239 14291 Children in pre-primary education a c stage I sectoral vocational 33 2247 525d establishments in thousands 78.1 80.9 of which at the age of: general secondary 194 46645 13118 5 years 20.1 19.6 technical secondary 54 17549 3281 6 years 17.3 18.7 for youth e of which in nursery schools 67.3 70.2 general art schools 6 796 114 post-secondary 97 16285 3593

a Establishements and pupils/students from the 2018/19 school year; graduates from the 2017/18 Pre-primary education in the school year 2017/2018 school year. b Including special job training schools. c Including 531 students of branches of basic vocational schools for youth. d Graduates of basic vocational schools. e Leading to professional Children aged 3–6 certification. per100 places Wisła in nurseries: 132 100 50 Structure of graduates of upper secondary schools 0 Warsaw from the 2017/18 school year

Basic vocational schoolsa (3.1%)

Technical secondaryb schools (19.9%)

General secondary schools (77.0%)

Percentage of children aged 3–6 in pre-primary education: 110.1—121.3 100.1—110.0 a Including special job-training schools. b Including general art schools leading to professional certification. 90.1—100.0 80.4—90.0 Warsaw = 102.6


Students by actual location of higher education institution/branch 2017/2018 2018/2019 in the 2018/2019 academic year Higher education institutions 70 71 Students a total 230268 219559 of which foreigners 21683 24177 study forms: Białołęka full-time programmes 140333 134024

part-time programmes 89935 85535 Bielany Praga- Targówek Żoliborz -Północ Graduatesab Bemowo Rembertów 60809 52286 Praga- Wola -Południe a By actual location of organizational units. b From the previous academic year. Śródmieście

Ochota N o t e. The number of higher education institutions in total was given in accordance with higher education register administered by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Information on Włochy Mokotów students and graduates concerns higher education institutions that submitted statistical reports.

100000 Ursynów 50000 25000 10000

Structure of students a of higher education institutions by Graduates of higher education institutionsa from the 2017/2018 type of institution in the 2018/2019 academic year academic year by selected fields of education in % of total graduates 1.7 2.9 1.3 of given sex 0.6 23.9 20.7 16.2 14.3 7.5 6.3 4.5 Education 4.5 12.6

Humanities and arts 5.7 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 9.4

Universities Medical universities Social science, journalism 12.4 17.6 Academies of economics Higher teacher education schools and information Technical universities Fine art academies Business, administration and law 23.3 Other higher education institutions Physical academies 27.0 Agricultural academies Theological academies 25.0 Academies of the Ministry of National Engineering trades, industry, 12.2 Defence and the Ministry of Interior construction and Administration Health and social services 3.7 a By actual location of organizational units. 7.9 Services 10.5 Men 6.8 Women a By headquarters of the institution. 11 LABOUR MARKET

2017 2018 Employed persons by section in 2018 Employed persons a total 934342 952983 As of 31st December Women Men of which women 494193 504305 w % From the total number: Sections: industry and construction 123452 129285 industry 8.9% trade; repair of motor vehicles, transpor tation and storage, construction 4.7% accommodation and catering,  trade; repair of motor information and communication 300528 306758 vehicles  16.1% financial and insurance activities, real estate activities 116704 125297 transportation and storage 6.4%

a As of 31st December.  accommodation and catering 2.4%

information and communication Employed persons per 1000 population in 2018 7.2% As of 31st December financial and insurance activities 10.3%

real estate activities 2.8%

professional, scientific and 10.1% technical activities

 administrative and support service activities 6.5%

public administration and defence; compulsory social security 8.3%

education 8.8%

human health and social work activities 5.1%

1001—2038 arts, entertainment and recreation 601—1000 1.7% 301— 600 175— 300 other sections 0.6% Warsaw = 536


2017 2018 Statistical unemployed resident of Warsawa in 2018 a Registered unemployed persons 26056 19382 of which women 13070 9707 Woman Womam Newly registered unemployed persons 40631 34592 Woman 35–44 years ears aged 35–44 Unemployed persons removed from tion 47787 41266 unemployed unemployment rolls for 24 with higher education educa months higher 35–44 y of which due to taking up work 23229 19777 omen unemployed a W for 24 months unemployed for over 24 months Registered unemployment rate in % 2.0 1.5 work higher seniority Unemployed persons a per 1 job offer 9 13 education with work seniority of 1 year and less

Registered unemployed persons a per 1000 population Share of selected categories of unemployed a in 2018 of working age in 2018

Long-term unemployed 46.7%

Aged 50 and more 36.1%

Without occupational 26.9% qualifications

Possessing benefits rights 15.7%

With at least 1 child 13.8% under 6 years of age

In persons: Previously not employed 8.0% 25.1—29.5 20.1—25.0 Disabled persons 7.1% 15.1—20.0 10.5—15.0 Warsaw = 18.9 Under 25 years of age 4.2% a As of 31st December.


Average monthly gross wages and salaries a in PLN Deviations of average monthly gross wages and salaries a from the average wages and salaries in the national economy Total 6,059.04 6,432.78

Industry (BCDE) 5,657.14 5,948.83 BCDE -6.6 -7.5 3.1 Construction (F) 6,245.49 6,737.57 F 4.7

 Trade; repair of motor vehicles (G) 6,073.66 6,406.44 0.2 G -0.4

Transportation and storage (H) 4,734.11 5,025.38 H -21.9 -21.9

Accommodation and catering  (I) 3,764.54 4,011.11 I -37.9 -37.6

Information and communication (J) 8,762.84 9,280.02 J 44.6 44.3 Financial and insurance activities (K) 8,872.07 9,396.10 K 46.4 46.1

Real estate activities (L) 6,894.63 7,245.93 13.8 L 12.6

Professional, scientific and technical activities (M) 7,822.64 8,223.02 M 29.1 27.8

Administrative and support service activities (N) 3,500.88 3,848.30 N -42.1 -40.2 Public administration and defence; 6,696.59 6,853.18 O 10.5 compulsory social security (O) 6.5

Education (P) 4,924.37 5,147.75 P -18.7 -20.0 Human health and social work activities (Q) 4,892.57 5,402.03 Q -19.3 -16.0 -14.7 Arts, entertainment and recreation (R) 5,169.45 5,480.01 R -14.8 -18.6 Other service activities (S) 4,934.92 5,333.78 S -17.1

2017 2018 %-60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0%

a Excluding economic entities employing up to 9 persons; excluding persons employed abroad.


2017 2018 Dwellings completed per 1000 population in 2018 Dwelling stocsk (as of 31 XII) dwellings in thousands 952.7 975.7 W useful floor area of dwellings in isła thousand m 2 56,166.6 57,531.7 average: number of rooms in a dwelling 3.16 3.15 useful floor area in m2 : per 1 dwelling 59.0 59.0 per capita 31.8 32.4 Dwellings completed 20331 23430 per1000 population 11.6 13.2 per 1000 contracted marriages 2265 2557

useful floor area of dwellings 20.1—33.2 2 in thousand m 1,282.0 1,398.1 10.1—20.0 average useful floor area 5.1—10.0 of 1 dwelling in m2 63.1 59.7 1.0— 5.0 Warsaw = 13.2

Average duration of construction of new residential buildings Consumption per capita in households in 2018 completed in 2018

Construction: months 3 3 private 45.5 water from water 47.5 m 1.2 m supply system company 33.0 cooperative 31.0 electricity 1040.9 kWh 130.0 kWh public building society 26.0

municipal 24.0 gas from gas 1836.6 kWh 50.7 kWh for sale or rent 22.0 supply system increase compared to the previous year

15 2017 2018 Metro in Warsaw in 2018 Public roads per a 100 km2 in km: hard surface district roads 111.1 111.1 hard surface communal roads 276.1 281.0 Passenger cars ab per 1000 population 706 739



URSYNÓW metro 224.8 234.6 STOKŁOSY IMIELIN a NATOLIN line I „Park&Ride” (P+R) carparks 14 16 KABATY line II central section d d STP Kabaty „Bike and Ride” parking areas 9433 10853 line II, 1st stage of extension Public Bike System line II, 2nd stage of extension bicycle rentals during the year Main causes of road traffic accidents in 2018 in thousands 5064 5334 Road traffic accidents 1072 1102 Caused by pedestrians Other (7.4%) per 10 thousand registered road vehicles (0.4%) a non-compliance and tractors 7.1 7.0 25.5% with vehicle right of way casualties 1271 1296 incorrect crossing a As of 31st December. b Including road vehicle having temporary permission 20.1% of pedestrian crossing issued at eht end of a given year. c Estimate data. d Number of bicycle stands. inappropriate speed 11.0% for road conditions 2.5% of road accidents were caused by drunk drivers 35.8% other

Caused by drivers (92.3%)


a 2017 2018 Medical personnel per 10 thousand population in 2018 Beds in general hospitalsab 12377 12350 per 10 thousand population 70 69 doctors 50.0 In-patients c per 1000 population in general 350.4 hospitals 353.0 dentists Out-patient consultations 4.7 per capita 12.9 12.8 doctors 11.2 11.1 nurses 80.8 stomatological 1.6 1.7 Population per 1 generally available pharmacya 2682 2804 midwivesb Blood donors per 10 thousand population 230 245 18.6

a As of 31st December. b Including beds and incubators for newborns on neonatology wards. a As of 31st December; data refer to persons working directly with patients. c Excluding inter-ward patient transfer. b Per 10 thousand women.

Out-patient health care in 2018 Children in nurseriesa and children’s clubs up to the age of 3 per 1000 children at the same age in 2018 Consultations in total per capita: 32.8 30 15 0 Warsaw

Population per 1 unit: 2601—3041 211—248 1801—2600 191—210 1001—1800 171—190 560—1000 147—170 a Including nursry wards. Warsaw = 1287 Warsaw = 184


2017 2018 Supporting the family in 2018 Foster familiesa 1260 1221 Average monthly number Children ab in foster families 1559 1498 of families receiving 98132 child-raising benefit a of which under 18 years of age 1175 1120 a Foster homes 11 12 Average number of children ab in families for which Children in foster homes 64 69 126360 a child-raising benefit a a As of 31st December. b Aged under 25. was granted Number of families 18652 with the Large Family Card

a As part of the „Family 500+” programme.

Stationary social welfare in 2018 Recipients of social welfare benefitsa in 2018 As of 31st December

31750 4.0% 1 Homes and facilities 5 total Warsaw = 54 1 of which: 2

2 4 16931 8.2% 6896 6.4% 6 2 approrpriated benefit attnendance services 6 6 3 2 4 3798 2.0% 9914 9.4% 2 7 Residents per 10 thousand temporary benefit meal population: 31—43 1 21—30 1 7515 464 2.4% 11—20 6.3% 3—10 permanent benefit burial magnitude zero increase/decrease compared to the previous year Warsaw = 21 a Under the item benefits, recipients may be shown several times.


2017 2018 Public libraries (with branches) in 2018 a As of 31st December Public libraries (with branches) 203 204 Collectiona per 1000 population in vol. 3758 3749 Borrowers per 1000 population: 384 Loans per 1 borrower in volumes 14.2 13.9 200 Theatres and music institutions ab 40 40 0 Warsaw of which with their own artistic ensemble 31 29 Audience: per 1 performance 257 279 per 1000 population 2065 2496 Fixed cinemasa 28 30 Audience: per 1 performance 32 28 per 1000 population 4464 4515 Population per 1 library: Museums (with branches)a 66 67 13001—17732 10001—13000 Visitors per 1000 population 5700 5978 7001—10000 3979— 7000 a As of 31st December. b By the seat. Warsaw = 8716

Subscribersa per 1000 population in 2018 Museums a by selected types in 2018

number of facilities share of visitors

Historical 21 21.9% radio 221 Art. 11 39.8%

Biographical 5 1.0%

Military 5 1.2% television 209 Technical and science 5 1.7%

Interdisciplinary 4 30.6% a As of 31st December. Geological 3 0.3%

a As of 31st December; including branches. 19 2017 2018 Bed places a and occupancy rate in selected accommodation facilities in 2018 Tourist accommodation facillitiesa 168 186 of which hotels 86 94 bed places occupancy rate Bed places a in thousands 31021 33402 26151 Tourist accommodated in thousands 3,559.3 3,647.7 Hotels 57.1% of which in hotels 3,135.2 3,205.4 2027 Overnight stays in thousands 6,160.2 6,383.6 Other hotel facilities 41.8% of which foreign tourists 2,553.2 2,633.9 2206 Average length of stay of tourists in tourist Hostels 57.1% accommodation facillities in days 1.7 1.8 615 of which foreign tourists 1.9 1.9 Training-recreational centres 31.6%

362 Rooms for guests 24.6%

Tourist accommodation establishmentsa in 2018 Hotels a by category in 2018

80.7% 5 10 1 Number of establishments Warsaw = 186 66.2% 4 1 71.7% 19 2 2 14 4 5 H 2 15 9 51 11 68.2% 76.5% 3 22 14 19 17 37 Places per 10 thousand 4 population: 8 500.1—1038.4 200.1— 500.0

100.1— 200.0 number of hotels 50.1— 100.0 occupancy rate of rooms 8.0— 50.0 a As of 31st July. during the year Warsaw = 188.8


Average length of stay of tourists in tourist accommodation Foreign tourists accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments in 2018 establishments in 2018 by continents in thousands nights total foreign tourists 4




0 z a y y o er ek w ola ów 925.2 ów w t W a ot esoła chota Ursus ółnoc gów ilanów olibor O W W Bielan Włoch emow ołudnie Ż arsza ar Ursynów B W Białołęka Mok T ódmieście W . Rember Śr

Praga-P 223.9 M.st Praga-P 144.5 14.3 12.8 6.9

Tourists accommodated in 2018

Warsaw: by selected countries in % domestic tourists = 62.6% foreign tourists = 37.4% 10.3% 8.6% 9.3% 6.7% 5.1%

United Kingdom Germany United States Israel Ukraine of America

4.9% 4.6% 4.5% 3.8% 3.6%

Tourists in %:

domestic Spain France Italy Russia China (excluding Taiwan) foreign


2017 2018 Entities of the national economy in 2018 As of 31st December a Natural persons per 100 persons Entities of the national economy in thousands 434.7 433.8 of working age: of which natural persons 231.5 242.0 31.3 Newly registered entities in thousands 35.6 37.3 20 10 per 1000 population 20.2 21.0 0 Warsaw Entities removed from the register in thous. 20.9 39.0 per 1000 population 11.9 22.0 a As of 31st December.

Entities of the national economy in 2018

Bemowo 18021800 12521490 Białołęka 21832040 12871277 Per 1000 population: Bielany 17971703 12302014 301—601 Mokotów 50254572 201—300 2591 5402 160—200 20122104 Ochota 912 2041 Warsaw= 244 Praga-Południe 30462751 3431 858 a Praga-Północ 1140 Structure of entities of the national economy 334 by legal status in 2018 Rembertów 308 5547 5833 Śródmieście 8407 Other Civil partnerships 1777 (4.2%) (7.6%) Targówek 1658 Ursus 844 joint stock 751 (0.8%) 2533 Ursynów 2230 Commercial ltd. (25.3%) Wawer 1293 companies 1376 (29.2%) unlimited 397 Wesoła 284 partnerships (0.8%) 1213 Wilanów 528 650 limited partnerships 1093985 (1.8%) Włochy 5581202 Cooperatives other 43583898 (0.4%) Wola (0.2%) 1894 3827 Natural persons 11131218 Foundations, associations Żoliborz 5731313 (55.8%) and social organizations (3.1%) Newly registered Removed from a As of 31st December the register 22 ENTITIES OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY

Entities of the national economy per 1 km2 in 2018 Commericial companies in 2018 As of 31st December As of 31st December

Number of commercial companies in thousands Warsaw = 126,5126.5 3.1

2.6 3.3 3.0 2.6 1.9 0.5 6.2 0.7 16.3 40.0

7.9 1.4 2.8 4.5 17.9 Companies with foreign capital participation 3.4 in % of total commercial companies: 2000—4453 5.9 1000—1999 19.0—23.0 500— 999 15.0—18.9 214— 499 11.5—14.9 Warsaw = 839 Warsaw = 20.1

Structure of entities of the national economy by sections in 2018 As of 31st December

19.6% 19.1% 16.9%

9.3% 7.2% 6.2% 6.1% 6.0% 5.0% 4.6%

Trade; repair Professional, Information Construction Industry Other Real estate Transportation Human health Other of motor scientific and communication service activities and storage and social work sections vehicles  and technical activity activities activities


Councillors of the council of the Capital City of Warsaw and district councils in 2018 As of 31st December

Men Women by sex District councils Council of the Capital City of Warsaw by occupational groups

60 24 Professionals 136 118 Managers 23 23 83 32 21 23 20 25 Clerical support workers 23 29 24 25 21 25 Technicians and associate 9 22 7 23 professionals 23 28 8 In %: 20 Service and sales workers 7 men 20 women 16 25 Other occupational groups 7 25 Number of councillors

by age by education

239 40 higher 18–29 years 19 163

82 30–39 57 post-secondary 5

68 32 40–49 46 general secondary 30

45 3 50–59 32 basic vocational 1

40 1 60 years lower secondary and primary and more 46 1


Budget of the Capital City of Warsaw Revenue and expenditure of the Capital City of Warsaw budget 2017 2018 by selected divisions in 2018 in million PLN in million PLN in percent Revenue from division 756a 9,127.0 Revenue 15,476.7 17,004.6 100.0 2,147.5 city part 10,829.5 12,109.5 71.2 Various settlements 941.5 1,857.1 powiat part 2,384.2 2,646.3 15.6 Transport; communication 4,513.9 district part 2,263.0 2,248.7 13.2 1,747.6 Dwelling economy 1,263.0 Expenditure 15,271.7 16,622.3 100.0 Family 1,144.9 city part 6,877.2 7,584.7 45.6 1,394.4 powiat part 1,353.0 1,417.8 8.5 Municipal economy and 362.2 environmental protection 713.0 district part 7,041.5 7,619.8 45.8 145,6 Education 3,675.5 Surplus 205.0 382.3 x Social assistance 134.2 552.9 Revenue Expenditure a Income taxes from legal persons, natural persons and other organizational units without legal personality and expenses associated with their intake.

Revenue of the district part of the Capital City of Warsaw Expenditure on the district part of the Capital City of Warsaw budget per capita in 2018 budget per capita in 2018

In PLN: In PLN: 2001—4211 5001—6158 1401—2000 4501—5000 801—1400 4001—4500 326— 800 3180—4000


places 1–18 place of the Capital City of Warsaw

4.2 0.9 –5.6 Natural increase per 1000 population Rzeszów 1 5 18 Łódź

6.7 6.2 –3.5 Total net migration for permanent residence per 1000 population Rzeszów 1 2 18 Poznań

64 73 75 Białystok ab 1 18 Łódź Non-working age population per 100 persons of working age Rzeszów 17 11.0 0.8 Percentage of foreign students studying at Polish universities c in % Warszawa 1 18 Zielona Góra

77 96 127 a Children aged 3–6 per 100 places in nursery schools Olsztyn 1 8 18 Szczecin

109.2 102.6 92.8 Percentage of children aged 3–6 in pre-primary education in % Białystok 1 4 18 Gdańsk

573 536 295 Employed persons b per 1000 population Katowice 1 2 18 Szczecin

1.2 1.5 6.2 Registered unemployment rate ab in % Poznań 1 2 18 Białystok

6433 4225 Average monthly gross wages and salaries in PLN Warszawa 1 18 Gorzów Wlkp. 549 426 Dwelling stocks b per 1000 population Warszawa 1 18 Rzeszów

2567 2557 576 Dwellings completed per 1000 contracted marriages Gdańsk 1 3 18 Katowice

739 453 b Registered passenger cars per 1000 population Warszawa 1 18 Białystok

a The lowest value was marked as 1 place, while the highest – as the last place. b As of 31st December. c By actual location of higher education institution/branch.


places 1–18 place of the Capital City of Warsaw

229 476 702 Children at nursery age (up to the age of 3) per 100 places in nurseries a Opole 1 18 Bydgoszcz (including wards) and children’s clubs 10 26 244 Persons who received health services in the place of occurrence 96 a Gorzów Wlkp. 1 Kielce by emergency rescue teams per 1000 population 5 18 4.24 2.09 1.58 Residents of stationary social welfare facilities (including branches) Kielce 1 17 18 Bydgoszcz per 1000 population 307 242 101 Borrowers in public libraries per 1000 population Opole 1 5 18 Toruń

6618 4515 2999 Audience in cinemas per 1000 population Poznań 1 7 18 Białystok

48.0 37.4 9.6 Share of foreign tourists accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments Kraków 1 3 18 Kielce

244 121 Entities of the national economy registered in the REGON register per 1000 populationb Warszawa 1 18 Bydgoszcz 18.4 5.6 4.6 Share on expenditure on public roads in total expenditure in % Białystok 1 15 17 Łódź Gorzów Wlkp. 21.0 6.2 2.5 EU funds of cities with powiat status for financing programmes Opole 1 14 18 Łódź and projects per capita in PLN 95.4 63.1 0.0 Gorzów Wlkp. Gas pollutants (excluding CO ) retained or neutralized 2 Kielce in pollutant reduction systems in % of pollutants produced Gdańsk 1 6 15 Toruń Zielona Góra

a The lowest value was marked as 1 place, while the highest – as the last place. b As of 31st December.


Mazowieckie the Capital City of Warsaw

Population per 1 km2 1750 Percentage of persons 11 aged 65 and more (in %) 17.7

152 3437 20.3 0 3500 0 22

25 Median age Natural increase 0.33 0.5 per 1000 population 40.5 41.5 0.91 0 50 0 1

Total net migration 5 1 6.16 Total fertility rate for permanent residence 3.10 per 1000 population 1.528 1.564

0 10 0 2

60 25 Percentage of children Share of students of 31.0 aged 3–6 included in 94.9 vocational schools pre-primary education in the number of 102.6 in % upper secondary 43.1 students (excluding 0 120 post-secondary) in % 0 50

50 2.5 Employed persons per 100 52.0 Registered unemployed 1.9 persons of working age personsper 100 persons of working age 4.2 92.7 0 100 0 5

5000 5889 10 7.6 13.2 Average monthly gross 6433 Dwellings completed wages and salaries per 1000 population in PLN

0 10000 0 20


Mazowieckie the Capital City of Warsaw

25 Consumption of water Electricity consumption 600 from water supply system in households 933 in households 39.6 in urban areas 3 per capita in m per capita in kWh 1041 47.5 0 50 0 1200

5 100 Road traffic accidents Children up to the age of 3 106 per 10 thousand road 7.0 in nurseries (including wards) vehicles and tractors and children’s clubs 8.3 registered per 1000 children at this 184 age group 0 10 0 200

7.5 Persons granted 179 200 Out-patient consultations 9.1 per capita social welfare benefits 291 12.8 per 10 thousand population

0 15 0 400

15 4000 Audience in fixed cinemas Own revenue of budgets per 1 screaning of cities with powiat status per capita in PLN 6421 28 7235 29 0 30 0 8000

1000 1170 150 151 Investment expenditure 1184 Entities of the national economy of budgets of cities with per 1000 population powiat status 244 per capita in PLN

0 2000 0 300

15 Natural persons 15 17 Share of area under conducting economic legal protection activity per 100 in % of total area 23.6 24 persons of working age 29.7 0 30 0 30

29 Data sources

Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography – geographical location and geodesic area Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – meteorological data Ministry of National Education – data on education (excluding higher education) Ministry of Science and Higher Education – data on higher education Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy – data on unemployemnt and supporting the family Ministry of Digital Affairs – data on registered vehicles Warsaw City Hall – data on bicycle parking areas Board of Municipal Transport – data on „Park&Ride” carparks National Police Headquarters – data on road traffic accidents Board of Warsaw Metro – diagram of metro lines Ministry of Health and Ministry of the Interior and Administration – data on medical personnel Office of Mazowieckie Voivodship – data on persons receiving social assistance benefits www.bip.warszawa.pl – data on the Capital City of Warsaw budget

Due to the nature of the publication, explanations, detailed comments and notes on methodology published in other publications of the Statistical Office in Warsaw, were omitted in the publication. Due to the electronic mode of data processing, in some cases sums of components may differ from the amount given in the „total” item. Some information for the last year was given on the basis of preliminary data and may change in subsequent publications.


ISSN 2084-316X