How to get there

Bad Schandau is located in the eastern part of next to the big city .

Bad Schandau

There are several possibilities to get there by public transport:

1. Airplane

a. Airport Dresden ( There are trains from the airport to Bad Schandau (travel time 1:30h)

b. Airport Leipzig ( From this airport to Bad Schandau you can take a train (travel time about 3h).

c. Airport

i. Airport Berlin-Tegel ( There is a airport bus bringing you to the main station in Berlin. From there you can take a train to Bad Schandau which takes about 3h.

ii. Airport Berlin-Schoenefeld ( There is a train from the airport to the main station in Berlin. From there you can take a train to Bad Schandau which takes about 3h.

d. Airport ( There is a bus from the airport to the main station in Prague. From the main station there are direct trains to Bad Schandau which takes about 2h.

Timetables for trains in Germany and : (There are special offers for train tickets if you book them online in time)

2. Trains

a. Night trains

Several Night trains (direct line) from all over Europe to Bad Schandau or Dresden

i. Budapest – Bratislava – Prague – Dresden

ii. Amsterdam – Utrecht – Arnheim – Cologne – Berlin – Bad Schandau

iii. Basel – Frankfurt – Leipzig – Bad Schandau

iv. Vienna – Bad Schandau

v. Others from Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne

b. For other trains please have a look at the website