www.stalbansmes.com Page 1 Gazette No. 428 August 2009 George Cusdin and his paddle steamer Ryde at the lake on 2nd August 2009. George used to live in St Albans about 20 years ago and now lives near Atlanta, USA. Before bringing her to the UK she had only seen bathwater because, he says, the model boat fraternity in the USA are all about speed! George has kindly written an account of how he built the model for this issue. Page 2 St Albans & District MES Gazette St Albans & District Model Engineering Society Club Website - www.stalbansmes.com Chairman Michael Dyer 01442 219024 Secretary Roy Verden 01923 220590 15 Juniper Grove, Watford, Herts, WD17 4RZ Treasurer Mike Grossmith 01923 222135 Committee Members Malcolm Beak 01923 672341 Den Blazdell 01923 661068 Jeff Carter 01923 770188 Alan Holt 01582 832446 E-Mail
[email protected] David Saunders 01727 762848 Membership Secretary: N.P. (Baz) Butcher 0208 9507068 17 Avenue Rise, Bushey, Watford, Herts, WD2 3AS E-Mail (to be advised) Model Boiler Testing: David Saunders 01727 762848 Exhibition Manager: Terry Wybrow 01582 841759 Gazette Editor Roger Stephen 01442 832213 2 Jubilee Cottages, Whelpley Hill, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 3RW E-Mail
[email protected] Gazette Deputy Editor Tony Mason 01727 830607 E-Mail
[email protected] From the Editor - Roger Stephen First of all an apology: The steam tug boat shown on page 5 of last month’s Gazette was in fact donated to club by Steve Churchill, not David Churchman! Sorry for the mix-up which was entirely my own fault.