THE LIFE-BOAT. the Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

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THE LIFE-BOAT. the Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution THE LIFE-BOAT. The Journal of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. VOL. XXXI. OCTOBER, 1939. No. 339. THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET Motor Life-boats, 144 :: Pulling & Sailing Life-boats, 16 LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Institution in 1824 to 31st October, 1939 ... - 66,604 The Life-boat Service and the War. By LIEUT.-CoL. C. R. SATTERTHWAITE, O.B.E., Secretary of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. THOSE who remember the last war will These services were carried out in remember that the life-boat service face of many difficulties. Long before was of inestimable value to the nation. the end of the war the last of the young Its brief record for those years is men of the life-boat crews had gone to that between the outbreak of war on serve in the mine-sweepers, trawlers the 4th August, 1914, and the signing and drifters. The life-boat service was of peace on the 28th June, 1919, life- manned by men over fifty. Even men boats were launched 1,808 times; 5,322 of over seventy took a place in the lives were rescued from shipwreck boats. round the shores of Great Britain and I have recalled that splendid record Ireland; 186 boats and vessels were of a quarter of a century ago, because saved from destruction. it is the best promise that the life-boat Many of these rescues were from the will carry on in the struggle in which ordinary perils of the sea, but life- our whole people are now engaged. boats were launched 552 times to the help of ships and aircraft of the navy, 213 Lives Rescued in Two Months. or to merchant vessels wrecked or in Already, in the first two months of distress on account of the war. In the the war, that promise has been splen- great majority of cases they had been didly fulfilled. Life-boats have been disabled by torpedoes or mines. launched on service 156 times. They have rescued 213 lives. In the same Thousands of Tons of Shipping Saved. two months last year, they were To estimate the full value of these launched 77 times, and rescued 69 services it must be remembered that lives. These figures give the measure nearly all the lives rescued were of of the difference which war has made men, and women, engaged in essential to the importance of the service. war services, and that the vessels saved When the Institution was founded represented thousands of tons of it was laid down "that the subjects of shipping for the transport of food and all nations be equally objects of the materials during the critical time when Institution as well in war as in peace." there was danger that the supplies of In that spirit the life-boat service has the. Allies might fail before the attack worked for 115 years. In that spirit of the Gcnnan submarines. it worked during the last war, earning 130 THE LIFE-BOAT. [OCTOBER, 1939. the gratitude of neutral nations for ized in 1940; and that branch subscrip- the lives of their seamen whom it tion lists may be maintained and even saved. In that spirit it is carrying on increased. now. War conditions will profoundly affect Life-boat News that may help the Enemy the work of the life-boat crews, as they There is one great difficulty with affect the lives of all of us. Rescues which we shall have to contend. We will be carried out in circumstances of may expect many more calls to be greater difficulty and of increased dan- made on the service, but the public ger. But the transition from peace to will hear much less about them. It is war will probably change the life-boat impossible for the full particulars, or service less than most other essential even for the names of the life-boat services. For the life-boats are never stations, to be published in the Press. at peace; however settled the inter- In our own Journal I shall hope to be national situation may be the life-boat able to give the names of the stations, crews are on active service; their since here the accounts will be appear- enemy, the gales and the rocks and ing some time after the event, but even sandbanks that surround our coasts; here it will not be possible to tell the and their object the rescue rather than full stories until the war is over. the destruction of lives, whether they The Institution, however, will con- be friend, neutral or foe. tinue to send to the Press, at the end of each month, the month's record of The Work of the Branches. launches and lives rescued. These In another respect war will not brief figures will, I hope, help to remind change the life-boat service. As in all life-boat workers, and the public, peace time it will be financed by the that, however little they may hear of free gifts of the people. There will be it, the life-boat service is at work. no government subsidy and no direct government control, though co-opera- Life-boat Officials in the Fighting Services. tion with the Royal Navy, the Coast- There is one, more personal, thing to guard and the Royal Air Force is add. Commander Vaux, the chief already complete and effective. More inspector of life-boats, Captain Hamer, than ever the service will depend on the deputy chief inspector, and some the work of its branches, on the coast of the district inspectors have been and inland. The large majority of its recalled to the Navy. Colonel Burnett honorary workers are carrying on; those Brown, the deputy secretary, and other who have had to resign on account of members of the staff are with the army. war duties have, in nearly every case, Yet others have left to take their places found others to take their place; many in civil defence. We are carrying on are continuing their life-boat work our work with a diminished staff; but together with other work of national I am very glad that—as I went off the importance. Some forms of appeal Army's reserve of officers early this may have to be discontinued, but I year under the age limit—I am free have great hopes that life-boat days to continue, for the present, my will continue and will be widely organ- work as the secretary of the Institution. 68 Years in the Life-boat Service. THE Institution has awarded a certifi- in charge of the dinghy which took the cate of service to Joseph Rourke, of crew out to the life-boat. He served Howth, co. Dublin, and has also made as dinghy man for two years. He was him a compassionate grant. He was then 84 years old, still keen and will- born in 1854 and became a member of ing, but his age compelled him to the Howth crew in 1870,-at the age of retire. sixteen. He served as a member of He had been 68 years in the life- the crew until 1936. He was then put boat service. OCTOBER, 1939.] THE LIFE-BOAT. 131 A Silver Medal Service at Cloughey. ON 9th May, 1939, the s.s. Arantzazu- thrown, and down this line the salvage Mendi, of Bilbao, went aground on men dropped, one or two at a time, Butter Paddy shoals, outside Kearney into the life-boat. Point, Co. Down. Efforts were made It took three-quarters of an hour to salve her, and there was a salvage for the eleven men to get aboard her. party on board on 17th June. A Each wave flung the life-boat ten or strong S.S.W. wind was blowing that twelve yards away from the steamer, day with a very heavy sea on the and the coxswain had to go full shoals, and at 9.30 in the evening the speed ahead to prevent her being salvage party sent up distress signals. caught broadside on by the waves. They were seen by the coastguard, and Then he had to work her back close at 10 P.M. the Cloughey motor life-boat, enough to the wreck for the men to William Maynard, was launched. She slide down the rope into her. Again and reached the wreck an hour later having again this manoeuvre was repeated. All had to drive into a head sea all the way. the time waves were breaking in the life- Seas fifteen feet high were breaking boat, and the mechanic, kneeling under over the steamer from abreast of the the canopy at his controls, was up to bridge and were sweeping clean over his chest in water. her after part, from which everything About 11.45 P.M. the last of the men movable had already been washed had been rescued, and half an hour later away. The eleven men were on the the life-boat landed them. fore-deck, knee deep in water. The coxswain handled the life-boat As the steamer was taking the seas with unerring skill. Any mistake on head on there was no lee for the life-boat his part might well have meant disaster. to get under; so the coxswain anchored AH his crew ably supported him in a 150 yards ahead of her and veered fine piece of seamanship and the down on his cable stern first. As he motor mechanic in particular managed did so a heavy sea broke right on top his engines very smartly in very trying of the life-boat.
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