Presidential Address by the of Bristol Rt Revd Vivienne Faull gave her first Presidential Address to Synod as the . She spoke of taking the opportunity, not to set out a new vision, but to reflect on the ways the diocesan vision of Creating connections – with God, each other and our communities – can be DIOCESAN SYNOD REPORT implemented. 17 November 2018 Looking back on the Remembrance services of the previous week, Bishop Viv noted that many saw large numbers of people in Diocesan vision and mission gets Synod backing attendance, communities “bound together in faith and hope and love”.

Members of Diocesan Synod have  expenditure on clergy Calling on the Church to venture outside of the church walls, Bishop overwhelmingly backed the plans housing, based on an Viv said: “I believe passionately that we need to get out more. That will and priorities for mission in the increase in ministers, up by require determination and courage, but it is God’s calling.” for 2019. 15% (and 8% over two years). She added that, with thousands of social projects being run around the The Synod voted in favour of the country, there was a revived confidence that the Church had budget for next year, giving their As a result, the Synod was asked something to offer. She warned there would be resistance to the support to its on-going ministry, to approve expenditure of £9.64m witness of the Kingdom of Christ – evidence that it was having an following a morning in which against an income of £9.17 with impact - and urged Christians to maintain their integrity. members heard more about an anticipated deficit of £133k. different aspects of the strategy, Bishop Viv said: “We are called to understand God’s ways in the world, including the growth in vocations Members voted in favour of the to get under the skin of what is going on. We are called to engage with and the ongoing work across expenditure of the 2019 budget. care, and to speak and act out of care. We are called to be people of Mission Areas. However, there was a recognition faith and hope and love.” that this was a stretched goal in Greater investment in front-line terms of Parish Share; Synod Downloads and Links ministry has resulted in an 8% discussed Parish Share at some increase in the budget over 2018. length and was committed to  Bishop’s Council, Board of Directors and Diocesan Mission maintain this goal while and Pastoral Committee report The increase can be found in three recognising the risks and  General Synod report (July 18) areas, all directly related to the challenges this presented.  Vocations: Diocesan Synod report Diocese’s strategic focus on growth The meeting at Freshbrook  Mission Areas: Diocesan Synod report through ministry and mission: Church was the first of the new  Diocesan Support Services report 2018  expenditure on parish clergy, up three year term of the Diocesan  Budget for 2019: Commentary for Diocesan Synod (Nov 18) by 4% (and 13% over two Synod.

 Presidential address by Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of years); Bristol During the session, Revd Canon  expenditure on curates and Graham Archer was licensed as ordinands, up by 25% (and 53% Acting Archdeacon of © Diocese of Bristol 2018 over two years); Reproduction and distribution rights include parish magazines/parish media. Malmesbury. Digital copy available from or [email protected] Update on Parish Share “We need to be ambitious, The number being selected for In Avonside: Diocesan Synod agreed optimistic and energetic, to help has more than doubled  Prayer and mission – a prayer overwhelmingly that Parish Share those within our parishes who may in the last three years and 52 and celebration event in must continue to be a priority for be less confident.” people are now actively looking into October saw 75 people gather, parishes if the Diocese of Bristol is ordained ministry. Despite an while six missional communities to achieve its ambitions for ongoing Many parishes have already increase in the number of young have also been launched. ministry across the Diocese. committed to increase their Parish women and BAME candidates to  Sharing resources – school Share for 2019, often in faith that explore ministry, more work still services are being planned Speaking to the Diocesan Synod, giving and income will increase as a needed to be done. together. Bruce Finnamore, newly elected as result of what is happening.  Serving those in need – Chair of the House of Laity, Chris said: “We are becoming more volunteers have been helping at stressed the importance of Parish However, there remains a small diverse in the age and in ethnic Foodbanks and with CAP. Share if as a diocese we are to number of parishes that have background of our candidates. But continue to make greater indicated they are not confident to we need to think more widely than In Yate and Fromeside: investments in front-line ministry maintain their current levels of finding the people who look just the  Prayer – 80 people from all and mission. giving and others that have yet to same as us.” churches attended a prayer

make their commitments. walk. He emphasised that the process Having heard from Andrew Lucas,  Collaboration – Messy Church was about more than just finding a Chair of the Diocesan Board of The Synod recognised the has started in Fromeside with Finance, that central support costs way of filling vacancies in parishes. challenge to meet the goal in the help from Yate. were being kept down and well- budget but agreed that we should “Discernment is not a recruitment  Mission – four missional managed, Bruce said: “Parish continue to work towards it as a process,” Chris added. “It is about communities have been Share contribution should be the diocese and as a result there will discerning God’s will in somebody’s established. first commitment parishes consider need to be further requests to life. It is about releasing people into  Young people – youth event when planning their budget for the review the level of giving during the service to which God is calling Acts for Eden took place in year. 2019. them.” September, with 36 young people and 16 helpers. “Parish Share is fundamentally important to the achievement of our Vocations Mission Areas Mat added: “As our churches work mission, our strategy, and our work Speaking about the work being Revd Mat Ineson and Revd together across boundaries, we are to help build the Kingdom of God. done around vocations, Revd Chris Malcolm Strange updated Synod on starting to see the social, cultural North, Acting Head of Ministry the work being done in the Mission and spiritual transformation of their “Each one of us needs to be an Development and Adviser for Areas. communities, through the power of advocate for Parish Share, not as Ministerial Vocation, said there the Holy Spirit.” an end in itself, but as a means to a were encouraging signs of growth They highlighted the numerous much more important and and diversity in the Diocese. examples from both Avonside and The Mission Area is also adding worthwhile end. Yate and Fromeside, resulting in a capacity for the training of CEMEs, deepening of church members’ faith ordinands and curates. and communities being served.