World’s oldest Curzon Street Station March 2020

Stephenson’s roundhouse revealed

Archaeological excavations for the new HS2 Curzon Street Station have unearthed the remains of the world’s oldest locomotive roundhouse, part of the station’s 19th century predecessor. Few 19th century roundhouses have survived in their original form, so the dig has provided a rare opportunity for archaeologists to investigate the full footprint of a major early railway terminus. Following on from the Iron Road blog, this post explores what has been uncovered…

When it opened in 1838, railway engineer ’s and Birmingham Railway (L&BR) made headlines as the first of its kind in the world. The Birmingham Curzon St terminus’ roundhouse engine shed – also a world first – began freight services from November 1837: its southern sister built ten years later is now better known as the world-renowned Roundhouse music venue in Camden. These impressive circular structures contained turntables allowing locomotives to be turned around and sent back down the line, as well as space for storing and servicing vehicles.

Historical illustration of the L&BR locomotive roundhouse, Birmingham, Credit: Historic Images/Alamy Stock Photo.

Curzon Street’s role as a passenger station was short-lived, and the roundhouse quickly become obsolete with locomotives rapidly became bigger and heavier, outgrowing its bays. By 1854, Curzon Street was superseded by the construction of New Street station, a better-connected mainline hub.

The roundhouse and various structures were demolished in 1860, and the crowds of commuters were replaced by pallets wagons and boxes, as the station made way for goods depot. This operated until its eventual closure in the 1960s, following the merger of the London & Birmingham Railway with the to form the London & Northwestern Railway in 1846.

Uncovering the Roundhouse

The roundhouse remains took a team of more than ten archaeologists nearly three months to excavate. By analysing sketch plans and maps of the site from the 1840s, the team were able to predict the location of the roundhouse remains within a few metres but were surprised to find them so well preserved. Given that the structure was demolished in 1860 to allow expansion of the station goods yard, and that the site had been covered by eight inches of reinforced concrete since the 1970s, it was unclear how much would remain.

Excavations uncovered the base of the roundhouse turntable, including its central pit and external wall (which survived to above knee height). Radiating from this were the remains of locomotive bays, as well as the foundations of inspection pits that would have allowed engineers to access the engines from below.

In the area around the roundhouse, several long culverts (a structure that allows water to flow) built from curved bricks were uncovered, which would have drained water away from the structure, essential for a structure built on low land near a canal.

Engine shed and roundhouse revealed (credit: Nodrog)

The future of Curzon Street

As the archaeological works conclude, the Curzon Street site is soon to once again become part of a functioning railway network as Birmingham Curzon Street Station. The arrival of HS2 will see the site become home to the first brand new intercity terminus station built in Britain since the 19th century. Birmingham Curzon Street station will be at the heart of the country’s new high-speed railway network, providing seven platforms, a new public space, and be integrated with an extended tram network. Click here to keep up to date with the development of Birmingham Curzon Street .

Birmingham Curzon Street station (credit: HS2 Ltd)

The archaeological programme at Curzon Station Yard is being carried out by experts from Headland Archaeology with DJV (WSP UK), on behalf of LM. To find out more about the programme, visit or for information on what is going in your local area, head to Birmingham’s Commonplace.