Digital R&D │ The Next Frontier for Biopharmaceuticals The Next Frontier Digital R&D The Next Frontier for Biopharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products Practice 2017 Designed by the US Design Center Copyright © McKinsey & Company, Inc. Digital R&D The Next Frontier for Biopharmaceuticals 2017 Editors Sastry Chilukuri Ann Westra For more info please contact
[email protected] Contents 1 Digital in R&D—the $100 billion opportunity Sastry Chilukuri, Edd Fleming, and Ann Westra R&D in the age of analytics 13 Real-world evidence: From activity to impact Olivia Cavlan, Sastry Chilukuri, Matthias Evers, and Ann Westra 31 Randomized pragmatic trials: Can they fulfill their promise? Arnaub Chatterjee, Sastry Chilukuri, Michael Pencina, Eric Peterson, Saif Rathore, and Vijay Vaidya 35 The next generation in clinical operations performance Sastry Chilukuri, Edd Fleming, Eoin Leydon, Fareed Melhem, and Michael Steinmann 47 Moving beyond serendipity in drug discovery Sastry Chilukuri, Leeland Ekstrom, Jonathan Usuka, and Ann Westra 61 Digital vigilance: Building the backbone for insight-driven safety Kate Chavez and Brandon Parry 69 How big data can revolutionize pharmaceutical R&D Jamie Cattell, Sastry Chilukuri, and Michael Levy Connecting with the individual customer 85 Medical affairs: Key imperatives for engaging and educating physicians in a digital world Matthias Evers, Ivan Ostojic, Brindan Suresh, Josh Weiner, and Ann Westra 101 Engaging patients during clinical trials Montana Cherney, Amit Paley, Leslie Ruckman,