Memorial of the 121St and of the 122Nd Anniversary of The
)12 89 f 1 -MmfarByitfh J&mkjMl^LJilLLJii, Jlimili -41H IJItl 4u-iii»- UtiU"! iHilM liiilM jB4jllbilltillllliMHlfjlli-iiittttjlB--lllLi-lllL UlllJll 4JH4Jifr[tti^iBrJltiitfhrM44ftV- 'ilVJUL -Mi 4-M-'tlE4ilti XJ ill JMLUtU ^^ I Memorial = - ()!•' THE iaist jlisto oi^ the: laancl IB MNIVKRSAfiY OF THE ' SEnLERIEUT OF TRUBO BY THE BRITISH BEI^G THE Fl^ST CELiEBRATIOH Op THE TOWN'S NATAL DAY, § SEPTEMBER 13th, 1882. % eiliillintft •] l*«li*««««««»it»««l • • » • » • •••. •• •• » ••• .. ••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••• • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION • •••• RICHARD CRAIG-, Esq., Chairman. ISRAEL LONGWORTH, Q. C. F. A. LAURENCE, Q. C. MEMORIAL One Hundred and Twenty-second, and of the One Hundred and Twenty-first, advertised as the One Hundred and Twenty-third OF T^E SEJTLE/I\EflJ Of 51^0, BY THE BRITISH, Being the F^st Celebration of THE TOWN'S MT4L MY, September 13th, 1882. TRURO, N. S. Printed by Doane Bros., 1894. PREFACE The committee in charge of the publication of this pamphlet, in per- forming their duty, exceedingly regret that the delay has rendered it im- possible to furnish the "Guardian's" account of Truro's eventful Natal Day, as well as to give the address delivered by F. A. Ljaurence, Esq., Q. C, on the memorable occasion, published in September or October, 1882, in that newspaper. After much diligent inquiry for the missing num- bers of the "Guardian," by advertisement and otherwise, they are not forthcoming. If not discovered in time for the present publication the committee hope that the matter of a supplementary nature in the form of an appendix, will be found of sufficient historical importance to, in some measure, compensate for that which has been lost.
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