
Patented Oct. 22, 1935 2,017,976

UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,017,976 COMPLEX COMPOUND OF A LRAL AND ALKALINE EARTH-METAL BALOES Walter Kropp, Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany, assignor to Winthrop Chemical Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York No Drawing. Application March 24, 1934, Serial No. 71,267. In Germany April 1, 1933 7 Claims. (C. 260-2) This invention relates to complex compounds By combination of this compound with diffi of alkali- and alkaline earth-metal halides with cultly soluble substances possessing acid proper amines. ties, for instance, with barbituric acids or 2 In accordance with the present invention Wa phenylquinoline-4-carbonic acid, Water-soluble, ter-soluble complex compounds of alkali- or al Well compatible preparations are obtained. . . kaline earth-metal halides are obtainable by Eacample 2-10 parts by weight of io combination of the said alkali- or alkaline earth. dide are dissolved in a Small quantity of alcohol metal-halides With Secondary or tertiary amines and 10 parts by Weight of triethanolamine are which are substituted by at least one hydroxy added. On rubbing the new compound crystal 10 alkyl group. The complex compounds thus ob lizes out. It is washed. With a little ice Cold alco tainable are well crystallized products in contra hol and . The compound consists of 1 mol. O distinction to their mostly oily or low melting of triethanolamine and mol. Of Sodium . basic components and are not hygroScopic as Instead of the ethylalcohol also other alcohols, for certain alkaline earth-metal halides. instance, methylalcohol may be used as solvents. s The manufacture of the new complex Com Eacample 3-20 parts by Weight of calcium pounds is advantageously performed by reacting (water-free) are dissolved in 65 parts by S a secondary or tertiary amine at least once sub Weight of alcohol and the solution is filtered. 20 stituted by a hydroxy-alkyl group in the pres parts by Weight of diethanolamine are added to ence of a Solvent or diluent, Such as alcohols or the Solution which is cooled with ice water. The 20 water, upon an alkali- or alkaline earth-metal compound Crystallizing out is washed with a little halide in general at normal temperature. Alter alcohol and dried. On concentrating the mother 20 natively the of the amines With a hydro lye further quantities of the are obtainable. halic acid may be caused to react upon an alkali When using in the above example instead of or alkaline earth-metal hydroxide or the amine Calcium bromide Water-free strontium bromide, may be reacted upon an alkali- or alkaline earth the corresponding strontium compound is ob metal hydroxide with the addition of an equiva tained. 25 lent quantity of a hydrohalic acid. Preferably When using Salts containing water, for in such secondary or tertiary amines are used as stance, 90% calcium bromide, the compound ob the basic components which contain at least two tained is dried in order to remove the last traces 30 hydroxyalkyl groups, Such as the hydroxyethyl, of moisture at about 20° C. in vacuo. hydroxypropyl, hydroxybutyl groups etc. Oth Eacample 4-11 parts by weight of calcium 30 er radicals, Such as alkyl and aralkyl groups may (water-free) are dissolved in 40 parts be present as substituents in the amine. by Weight of Water. 15 parts by weight of tri The complex compounds thus obtainable con ethanolamine are added. The liquid is concen tain in general one nol of the hydroxyalkyl ann trated to about dryness and is treated with a 35 ine upon one equivalent of the alkali- or alkaline Small quantity of alcohol. The compound ob earth-metal halide. They do not show a char tained contains 2 mols of triethanolamine and 1 acteristic melting temperature. In view of their mol. of . basic properties the new products are suitable In an analogous manner a complex compound 40 for the dissolution of acid products particularly of Sodium bromide with triethanolamine is ob 40 in the manufacture of therapeutic media. tained. The invention is further illustrated by the foll Eacample 5-23 parts by weight of triethanol lowing examples without being restricted there amine-hydrobromide are dissolved in 20 parts by to:- 45 Weight of Water and treated with a suspension Eacample 1.-10 parts by Weight of calcium of 2.8 parts by weight of calcium oxide in 20-30 45 bromide (Water-free) are dissolved in about 40 parts by weight of water. The mixture is boiled, parts by weight of ethylalcohol and treated with filtered and evaporated to dryness. The residue 15 parts by weight of triethanolamine while hot. is taken up in boiling hot alcohol and if neces On cooling and rubbing the new compound crys 50 Sary filtered again. After cooling, the new com tallizes out which is washed with a little ice cold pound crystallizes out. It is dried at 100° C. 50 alcohol and ether and dried. It contains 2 mols The compound is readily soluble in water with of the base and 1 mol. of calcium bromide and alkaline reaction. By concentrating the alco is readily soluble in water with an alkaline reac holic mother lye further quantities of the com tion. It does not show a characteristic melting plex compound may be obtained. s is temperature. Instead of the Salt of the base also the base 2 2,017,976 itself in an appropriate quantity (14.9 parts by anolamine. The mixture is concentrated on the Weight) may be employed. In this case the Water-bath. Crystallization occurs quickly. The equivalent quantity of hydrobromic acid, for mixture is cooled and washed with a little alco instance, 16.2 parts by weight of 50% hydro hol and dried. The substance thus obtained is bromic acid must be added. readily Soluble in water with alkaline reaction. s I claim:- The compound obtained in an analogous man 1. Complex compounds of a halide of a metal ner from 2 mols of triethanolamine and 1 mol. Selected from the group consisting of alkali- and of calcium iodide is a beautifully crystallized sub alkaline earth-metals with an amine at least stance which is readily soluble in Water. twice Substituted by a hydroxyalkyl group, which 0 O When using instead of the triethanolamine complex compounds form white crystalline tripropanolamine, likewise colorless crystallized Water-soluble products. Water-soluble compounds are obtained with cal 2. Complex compounds of a halide of a metal cium bromide or iodide. Eacample 6-10 parts by Weight of N-benzyl Selected from the group consisting of alkali- and alkaline earth-metals with an amine at least 5 15 diethanolamine are dissolved in 3 parts by weight twice Substituted by a hydroxyethyl group, which of alcohol. The solution is mixed with a solu complex compounds form white crystalline water tion of 5 parts by weight of calcium bronide Soluble products. in 5 parts by weight of alcohol. Thereby the 3. Complex compounds of a calcium halide mixture becomes hot. On cooling with ice water With a secondary or tertiary amine at least twice 20 20 the new compound crystallizes out. It is Washed Substituted by a hydroxyalkyl group, which con with ether and dried at 100° C. It is soluble in plex compounds form white crystalline water water with alkaline reaction. It is also Soluble Soluble products. in alcohol. 4. Complex compounds of a calcium halide In an analogous manner a colorless compound with a secondary or tertiary amine at least twice 25 25 is obtained from n-butyldiethanolamine and substituted by a hydroxyethyl group, which com strontium bromide. It is soluble in Water with plex compounds form white crystalline Water alkaline reaction and may likewise be dried at Soluble productS. 100° C. 5. A complex compound of calcium bromide Eacample 7-4.25 parts by weight of with diethanolamine, which complex compound 30 30 chloride are dissolved in a Small quantity of forms white, Water-Soluble crystals, Water and 14.9 parts by Weight of triethanol 6. A complex compound of calcium iodide with amine are added. The mixture is concentrated triethanolamine, which complex compound is a On the Water-bath and cooled after Some time. White, crystallized, water-soluble product. Then the new compound crystallizes out. It is 7. A complex compound of calcium bromide 35 35 Sucked off and dried, and is Soluble in water with alkaline reaction. With triethanolamine, which complex compound Eacample 8-16.6 parts by weight of potassium forms white, water-soluble crystals. iodide are dissolved in a Small quantity of water and treated with 14.9 parts by weight of trieth WALTER, KROPP.