Cadellia Pentastylis) (Brachychiton Australis), "Bimbadeen", Taroom (Site 61)
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and broad-leaved bottle-tree Plate 9. Vine thicket (type 5) with large emergent ooline (Cadellia pentastylis) (Brachychiton australis), "Bimbadeen", Taroom (site 61). (Acacia harpophylla), upper Zamia Creek, Palmgrove National Plate10. Vine thicket (type 8) with emergent brigalow Park, north-west of Taroom (site 52). 192 CHAPTER FIVE LOCAL (LARGE-SCALE) PATTERN IN VINE THICKET AND ASSOCIATED BRIGALOW (ACACIA HARPOPHYLLA) VEGETATION IN CENTRAL QUEENSLAND. Vine thickets and brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) communities are commonly associated over large areas of central inland Queensland. Vine thickets generally occupy more well-drained, elevated parts of the landscape, often merging with Acacia harpophylla communities on lower slopes, forming a layered open-forest in the transition zone (Johnson 1984). These transitions are relatively narrow in areas of more pronounced relief, but areas of Acacia harpophylla with a dense vine thicket understorey occurred extensively on gently undulating terrain prior to clearing. They are estimated (Gunn and Nix 1977) to have occupied at least 4000km2 in the central and southern Fitzroy catchment. Gunn (1974) provided a brief description of vine thicket/soil relationships in his account of a catenary sequence on lateritised basalt in the Central Highlands. He described a soil sequence from deep red massive clay soils on the crest and upper slopes through shallow to deep dark reddish- brown to brown light to heavy clay soils on the upper slopes to deep reddish brown cracking clay soils on lower slopes. The corresponding vegetation sequence is bendee (Acacia catenulata) low open-forest through Macropteranthes leichhardtii-dominated vine thicket, then Acacia harpophylla open-forest with Macropteranthes understorey to A. harpophylla with Terminalia oblongata, Lysiphyllum carronii and Geijera parviflora. Johnson (1980) studied vegetation patterns along a 3.7 km transect at Brigalow Research Station in central Queensland. Six plant communities were defined, including bonewood (Macropteranthes leichhardtii) semi-evergreen vine thicket and brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) semi-evergreen vine thicket. M leichhardtii vine thicket formed a major unit on the highest section of the transect on a mosaic of duplex, gradational and clay soils, while A. harpophylla vine thicket occurred in a few plots on loamy duplex soils. Johnsons (1980) analysis was based on a subset of 89 plots (i.e. every second plot), due to computational limitations. The present study seeks, using the full data set for the vine thicket 193 plots, to determine species patterns and abundance within these communities and to establish relationships with site attributes. The results also provide baseline data from which to assess the floristic changes which have occurred in a subset of 16 plots in the 25 years since the transect was established (see Chapter 6). 5.1 Description of the study area The study utilises data from a permanently marked belt transect established by Johnson (1980) on the Queensland Department of Primary Industries Brigalow Research Station (24°50S lat., 149°50E long.), c. 32 km NW of Theodore in central Queensland. The research station was established in 1963 during Stage 1 of the Fitzroy Basin (Brigalow) Land Development Scheme and comprises excisions from the properties "Thomby", "Highworth" and "The Rhyddings". The transect consists of 182 contiguous 20 m X 20 m plots (a total length of 3.7 km) from Roundstone Creek easterly along the northern boundary of Brigalow Research Station. The transect was laid out during 1968-1970 and is buffered within a 400 m wide belt of retained vegetation. The adjacent paddocks were cleared between 1964 and 1966, and stock have been excluded from the transect since then. The present study focuses on the vine thicket communities, which are confined to the western one-third of the transect (plots 11-66) (see Figure 5.1). 5.1.1 Climate The climatic averages for Brigalow Research Station are given in Table 5.1. Daily rainfall totals have been collected since early 1966 and temperature, humidity and evaporation data are also available (Clewett et al. 1994). Annual rainfall is slightly above 700 mm, with two-thirds of this occurring during the summer period (October - March). There is a small but significant mid- winter rainfall peak (June/July). Longer-term rainfall data are available for "Coorada" and Bauhinia Downs to the west and "Banana" and "Barfield" north of Brigalow Research Station (see Table 5.2 and Clewett et al. 1994). Vegetation Group 1 5 6 5 3 5 4 5 3 5 4 3 5 2 20 ' f Wr ■, p v _ . - 19 1 1 18 Relative He.ght depth above 17 of soil datum A (m) 16 horizon * 15 - _ . 14 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 4 3 4 5 5256443234345655555334223322222222 G. 04500000000000260141772242201230 82123405321000000000000 C. 13 1344112111111133553344434465533433545546^4333222222222222 E .G. 12 R RRRR R RRRR RRRR 11 10 _____ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 R1 64 65 66 (E.G.) Environmental Group (1-6) (C.) Clay Content 1 =< 10%, 2 = 10-20, 3 = 20-30, 4 = 30-40%, etc. R = indicates plots re-measured in 1990-92. (G.) Gilgai 0 = 0%, 1 = 1-10%, 2 = 10-20%, 3 = 20-30%, etc. FigureS.i Schematic diagram of Brigalow Research Station permanent transect, plots 1 1-36 showing vegetation groups and major site attributes. 195 5.1.2 Landform and soils The topography of the transect is gently undulating to almost level and changes are generally at right angles to the transect. The geology is described in the 1:250 000 geological series map for Baralaba (Olgers, Webb, Smit and Coxhead 1966) as mainly soil and alluvia overlying the Triassic Moolayember Formation (map units Cz/Rm). The area forms part of the Highworth Land System (land unit 7) of Speck et al. (1968). Soils were surveyed and described by Webb (1970) Table 5.1 Mean monthly rainfall and temperature data for Brigalow Research Station (1965-1990). Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. TOTAL Rainfall (mm) Mean 97 96 48 46 51 29 39 35 32 68 80 111 733 Median 75 79 39 19 41 23 32 26 20 57 75 86 708 Minimum 9 15 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 11 436 Maximum 227 297 134 227 280 89 172 177 166 233 181 361 1111 Temperature Mean Max. 33.4 32 31.2 28.6 25 21.6 21.3 23.3 26.5 29.6 31.4 33.1 28.1 Days >35°C 9 4 2 1 4 8 Mean Min. 20.8 20.4 18.8 15.1 11.8 7.5 6.3 7.3 10.4 14.6 17.7 19.8 14.2 Days <2.2°C 3 7 3 Table 5.2 . Mean and median monthly rainfall totals (mm) for the Bauhinia Downs-Moura district of central Queensland. (Source: Clewett et al. 1994) Centre Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot. Records 1. Bauhinia Downs mean 104 107 65 43 35 37 33 24 28 49 61 96 683 100 years median 82 74 49 19 26 23 22 13 16 43 58 83 688 2. "Coorada" mean 105 114 68 49 41 36 36 22 29 57 68 98 726 80 years median 93 88 56 31 25 24 21 15 20 47 62 80 702 3. "Banana" mean 99 96 70 36 38 40 33 22 29 53 67 93 677 123 years median 88 85 52 22 26 28 21 14 18 43 64 85 685 4. "Barfield" mean 84 84 52 29 38 30 28 16 20 48 64 76 570 74 years median 76 65 35 19 33 20 21 11 13 41 59 73 565 5.2 Data collection 5.2.1 Vegetation data From each 20 m X 20 m plot, 3 sets of data were collected (Johnson 1980). 196 (a) canopy and understorey trees. All plants with at least one stem greater than 2.5 cm diameter at 30 cm above the ground were regarded as trees for the purpose of data collection (Johnson 1980). Each plot was sampled in four quarters (10 m X 10 m) and recordings made of density, height, diameter breast height and canopy cover. Canopy cover was estimated by projecting the canopy onto a 20 m tape stretched along the centre line of the transect. Because of the high density of stems of Macropteranthes leichhardtii, counts of this species were generally made only along the central 4 m strip (see (b) below). (b) shrubs and lianas. This category included all woody plants over 30 cm high not recorded as trees. The sample area was defined as a 2 m belt each side of the centre tape. Data were recorded in four contiguous areas (each 5 m X 4 m) and pooled for the plot. Attributes recorded were density, height and canopy cover (which was estimated as for the trees). (c) ground flora. The ground flora was taken to include all grasses and forbs as well as seedlings of trees, shrubs and lianas less than 30 cm in height. The sampling unit was a 75 cm X 60 cm quadrat placed at approximately 1.5 m intervals along the centre line. Ten quadrats were used in each plot and the data pooled. Attributes recorded for each quadrat were density and canopy cover. The canopy was estimated in class intervals as described by Daubenmire (1959).