Uralica Helsingiensia 8

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Uralica Helsingiensia 8 Uralica Helsingiensia 8 Culture, Language and Globalization among the Moldavian Csángós Today EDITED BY MAGDOLNA KOVÁCS, PETTERI LAIHONEN & HANNA SNELLMAN This book examines an enigmatic group of people, the Moldavian Csángós, whose very existence as a group has been debated since the 19th century. The Csángós form a historical minority consisting of Roman Catholics that speak a Hungarian vernacular and live in an overwhelmingly Orthodox region of Moldavia in North-East Romania. Perceptions of and research on the Csángós often depict them as worthy of study due to their archaic culture and CULTURE, LANGUAGE AND GLOBALIZATION language or due to their socio-political and minority rights AMONG THE MOLDAVIAN CSÁNGÓS TODAY status as a contested group with perspective to their origins. This volume takes a new look at the Csángós, in the era of globalization, and examines perspectives on traditional culture and bilingualism in light of postmodern and transnational opportunities and challenges. The articles in this volume include new perspectives on qualitative research of minority groups through the presentation of in-depth research on Csángós based on extensive fieldwork and first- hand accounts of contemporary conditions. This text will be of interest to scholars in cultural studies, anthropology and applied linguistics with interests in minority communities. ISBN 978-952-5667-68-4 (print) ISBN 978-952-5667-81-3 (online) ISSN 1797-3945 Uralica Helsingiensia8 Culture, Language and Globalization among the Moldavian Csángós Today EDITED BY MAGDOLNA KOVÁCS, PETTERI LAIHONEN & HANNA SNELLMAN HELSINKI 2015 Magdolna Kovács, Petteri Laihonen & Hanna Snellman (eds): Contents Culture, Language and Globalization among the Moldavian Csángós Today. Uralica Helsingiensia 8. Petteri Laihonen, Magdolna Kovács & Hanna Snellman Layout, cover Katriina Ketola In Search of New Perspectives on the Moldavian Csángós 7 Original photo Lehel Peti Maps on pages 20 and 21 Katriina Ketola Tytti Isohookana-Asunmaa & Outi Tánczos Endeavors for a Living Csángó Language: Role of the ISBN 978-952-5667-68-4 (print) European Council Recommendation 1521 in Maintaining ISBN 978-952-5667-81-3 (online) Orders • Tilaukset ISSN 1797-3945 Csángó Language and Culture 25 Tiedekirja www.tiedekirja.fi Lehel Peti Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy Kirkkokatu 14 [email protected] Studies on Moldavian Csángós in Romania and Their Sastamala 2015 FI-00170 Helsinki fax +358 9 635 017 Impact on the Local Communities 45 Lehel Peti Uralica Helsingiensia Unwelcome Stranger in the Field: Fieldwork Experiences Uralica Helsingiensia is a series published jointly by the University of Helsinki Finno-Ugrian among the Csángós 69 Studies and the Finno-Ugrian Society. It features monographs and thematic collections of articles with a research focus on Uralic languages, and it also covers the linguistic and Veronika Lajos cultural aspects of Estonian, Hungarian and Saami studies at the University of Helsinki. Teaching and Participant Observation: Interconnections The series has a peer review system, i.e. the manuscripts of all articles and monographs of Culture and Language in an Eastern-European Local Society 85 submitted for publication will be refereed by two anonymous reviewers before binding decisions are made concerning the publication of the material. Veronika Lajos Uralica Helsingiensia on Helsingin yliopiston suomalais-ugrilaiset kielet ja kulttuurit -oppi- An Imaginary and an Alternative: A Critical Approach to aineryhmän yhdessä Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran kanssa julkaisema sarja, jossa ilmestyy monografioita ja temaattisia artikkelikokoelmia. Niiden aihepiiri liittyy uralilaisten kielten tut- Modernizing Moldavian Csángó Local Societies 111 kimukseen ja kattaa myös Helsingin yliopistossa tehtävän Viron kielen ja kulttuurin, Unkarin kielen ja kulttuurin sekä saamentutkimuksen. Laura iancu Sarjassa noudatetaan refereekäytäntöä, eli julkaistavaksi esitettävien tutkimusten Magyarfalu in the 1980s: Reflections on My Childhood käsikirjoitus annetaan kahden nimettömän asiantuntijan arvioitavaksi ennen kuin lopullinen in a Csángó Village 137 julkaisupäätös tehdään. Publishers • Julkaisijat Laura Iancu & Magdolna Kovács University of Helsinki: Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies • Considering Insiders, Outsiders and In-between: Helsingin yliopisto: Suomen kielen, suomalais-ugrilaisten ja pohjoismaisten kielten ja Reflections on Fieldwork in Magyarfalu 159 kirjallisuuksien laitos Finno-Ugrian Society • Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura István Kinda Editors • Päätoimittajat The Csángó Ethnographical Museum in Zabola 183 Ulla-Maija Forsberg, Riho Grünthal Editorial board • Toimitusneuvosto István kinda Márta Csepregi, Cornelius Hasselblatt, Magdolna Kovács, Johanna Laakso, Helle Mets- “Under Control”: Fieldwork among the Csángós 199 lang, Matti Miestamo, Irma Mullonen, Karl Paju salu, Janne Saari kivi, Anneli Sarhimaa, Elena Skribnik Juliet Langman www.sgr.fi/uh (Re)considering Reflexivity in the Research Process: The publications are indexed in ARTO data base with the index Urbis. Examining Multiple Stances to the Research Context 217 Julkaisut luetteloidaan ja indeksoidaan ARTO-tietokantaan tunnuksella Urbis. List of Contributors 231 PETTERI LAIHONEN, MAGDOLNA KOVÁCS & HANNA SNELLMAN In Search of New Perspectives on the Moldavian Csángós 1. Introduction Who are the Moldavian Csángós?1 Without dispute, they are a histori- cal minority consisting of Roman Catholics that live in an overwhelm- ingly Eastern Orthodox region in the eastern side of the Carpathians (see Map 1 and 2, pp. 20–21).2 These Roman Catholics migrated or fled to Moldavia mostly from Transylvania beginning in the middle ages. The Moldavian Csángós are the only historical Hungarian minor- ity group that has never lived inside the borders of the Hungarian King- dom.There are two small subgroups of Hungarians (Szeklers) living in the eastern part of Transylvania that are called Csángós, too. One group is the Catholic Csángós of the Ghimes area (gyimesi csángók 1. According to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), the pronounciation of the Csángó is [tʃa: ŋgo:]. Following English pronunciation, the first letter of the word Csángó is like ch in the word child, the second is a long a like in father, the ng is like in the word long but the g is pronounced clearly, and the last letter is a long o, like in go or flow. 2. Place names that have both Hungarian and Romanian equivalents are presented in both languages. Place names are given first in Hungarian, following the practice of authors in this volume. Only place names mentioned in the book are displayed in the map. Also other groups of Csángós have been placed in Map 1. and, other place names in Romania which have been mentioned by the authors but are not located in the living area of the Csángós (such like Zabola/Zăbala, Csíkszereda/Miercurea Ciuc) as well. Culture, Language and Globalization among the Moldavian Csángós Today. 7–24. Uralica Helsingiensia 8. Helsinki 2015. PETTERI LAIHONEN, MAGDOLNA KOVÁCS & HANNA SNELLMAN IN SEARCH OF NEW PERSPECTIVES ON THE MOLDAVIAN CSÁNGÓS in Hungarian, and ceangăii ghimeșeni in Romanian) in the Western emphasized (2012: 84), the loyalty of the Moldavian Csángós towards part of the Carpathians. The other group is the Csángós of Barcaság/ the Romanian state is strong. Țara Bârsei, which is often referred to with the term of their main The Moldavian Csángós have spoken a Hungarian vernacular group, the hétfalusi csángók ‘Seven village-Csángós’ in Hungarian. amongst themselves and used Romanian in contact with the state in- They live in the south-eastern part of Barcaság/Țara Bârsei County, stitutions and Orthodox majority population in the region. Due to the north-west and south-east from the formerly Saxon city of Brassó/ different settlement times, the Csángós have been linguistically di- Braşov/Kronstadt. (See Map 1, p. 20.) This book concentrates only vided into Northern Csángós, Southern Csángós and Szekler Csángós on the group of Moldavian Csángós and we use the term “Csángó” as (e.g. Sándor 2005). The Northern Csángós migrated to Moldavia in shorthand for Moldavian Csángós (see also Map 1, p. 20). The other the middle ages and have undergone almost complete language shift to groups should not be confused with the Moldavian Csángós, since the Romanian, whereas the Southern Csángós and especially the Szekler other groups reside in Transylvania and have a history of being part of Csángós still use the local Hungarian variety, alongside Romanian. a Hungarian state, for instance in the 19th century, during a period of The community of bilingual Catholics in Moldavia that still use a Hungarian language reform. Hungarian vernacular and Romanian have been estimated to consist of Due to different regions of origin and time of migration, the 48 000 persons by Tánczos (2011b) in 2010 which is a radical drop of Catholic minority in Moldavia has been heterogeneous, at times ca. 13 500 persons (22 %) compared to Tánczos’ estimation in 1996. communication even between neighboring Csángó villages has been In the Romanian census, the Csángós rarely claim Csángó or Hungar- minimal. The Moldavian Csángós have lived in relative isolation, ian ethnicity or mother tongue. According to the results of the most partly because the Catholic Church of Transylvania lost its influence recent Romanian census in 2011, circa 3500 inhabitants in Molda- in Moldavia following the reformation and the Turkish wars weak- via claimed Csángó (1500) or Hungarian (2000)
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